Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 25: Full show operation (2)

   Dong Beiguo changed his tone: "What are you doing on "Today's Statement"?"

   But after another thought, "It's okay....First, clarify the beating and restore the truth. It is not right for us to beating, but if there is a reason, we must let the audience know, right?"

   As a result, Qi Lei said again, Dong Beiguo almost ran away! !

   "If I don't restore the truth, I will hack myself."

   "You are yourself!!!"

   Dong Beiguo didn't choke to death! ! "Are you still committing suicide? What the **** are you doing?"

   Qi Lei, "What are you not doing? Go show your face."

   Dong Beiguo was about to cry again, and he really couldn't afford to be anxious, "When is it all! Are you still showing your face?"

   "Isn't it enough to show your face?"

   "You are almost exposed!"

   The more you talked, the more angry, the temper came up, "What more framework theory! You have a shit! I think there are a lot of reports about you at school every day!"

   "Take a picture in the classroom today, and show a face in the playground tomorrow! But there is no effect?"

   "Did the students set you up?"

   Qi Lei heard it inexplicably, "Who said I want to set up a student?"


   Qi Lei, "The student frame is too small...I want to set up a once and for all frame."

   I hung up after speaking.

   Dong Beiguo was stunned by the phone for a long time... still can't figure out what "Today's Statement" are you on?

   Still committing suicide? Suicide is almost the same!


   Qi Lei really is what I said today, and he really hacked himself.

   And what he asked for must be live broadcast! Recording can't work! !

   As for why it doesn’t work, maybe he knows from top to bottom...

   Talking to Old Dong on the phone, Qi Lei drove to CCTV. Li Chunyan picked him up at the door.

   told him that the other two guests had arrived, and led Qi Lei to the live broadcast room.

   This is the first time Qi Lei has entered the live broadcast of CCTV. In fact, it is also the first time to enter the CCTV building. I am quite curious.

   After a good visit, I saw the normal talk show layout, only the stage did not have the audience. In the middle of the stage was a sofa and a coffee table was very simple.

   There are several such halls in Beiguang, but there is no live broadcast equipment.

   Several people stood in a corner of the studio...

   There are today's host choreographer and field affairs, etc., everyone is busy...

   The host is checking the manuscript with two guests.

   Don’t look at the live broadcast, but the station book is also prepared in advance. After the show starts, what topics will be discussed, who will say what, and the outline must be correct in advance. There is not so much improvisation.

   Li Chunyan led Qi Lei over, and first greeted the producer of today's statement, "Sister Shen, I brought you the man."

   The producer surnamed Shen raised his eyes and immediately joked, "Is it bothering you, reporter Li to pick it up personally? What's the matter with fear that I will bully others?"

   Li Chunyan laughed, "Don't dare to say that, Sister Shen is scolding me."

   After introducing Qi Lei to the host, his expression became more casual. Obviously, he had a good personal relationship with the host, "Xiao Sa, I warn you, this is my brother! Take some!"

   The host's face turned black, this is for the producer, you say I can't answer it.

   did not respond at all, and said hello to Qi Lei, "Good for Mr. Qi, just follow the prompts during the live broadcast."

  Actually, the host is also curious about Qi Lei. He is 6 years younger than himself and has a net worth of billions, just like a joke...

   Qi Lei nodded in response, and added, "Go back and sign me, I really like your hosting style."

   The host was startled, "Good, good!"

   Okay, it seems to be a polite sentence, right? He has only been on CCTV for a year, so how can he like it? But Qi Lei's expression didn't look polite, he was quite sincere.

   was about to introduce two other guests to Qi Lei, but Qi Lei said, "No introduction, they are all acquaintances."

   pointed at Lin Wanxiao, "This is my Uncle Lin."

   pointed at Qi Yujin again, "This is my old aunt."




  A group of people are speechless, the co-authors belong to your family, right?

   Take the Japanese statement as a clarification press conference! ?

   Really good! !

  Actually, in the whole matter, today's column group does not have any dominant power.

   It said that today’s content should be given to the CEO of Three Stone Company, and that is to be given to others. Say you want to broadcast live.

   The guests are all set, and I still don't understand what's going on at first, because today's statement has a special cooperating lawyer. I don't understand why I changed two people suddenly.

   Now I understand, it's just to endorse Xiao Qi!

   The host and the producer glanced at each other, they were speechless, but there was no way, only the background is different!

   Xiaosa didn’t even think about it, and handed Qi Lei a copy of the notebook, “You’ll get familiar with it first, it’s basically the process at noon...”

   Qi Lei took it over and took a look...

   is quite interesting! !

   There is a long time for Qi Lei to clarify the content of the live broadcast... The whole matter is also about how to clarify. It is also difficult for the program group.

   What a pity... Qi Lei is not available.

   glanced roughly and threw it directly into the trash can.

   Because it's still early, the hall has to adjust the lights and so on, which is a bit messy.

   Qi Lei simply went outside the room with my old aunt and Lin Wanxiao to get some breath.

   Qi Yujin was still a little nervous. Seeing that there were no outsiders, she began to complain about Qi Lei, "Look at you for the troublesome things! Fortunately, the old man still doesn't know! You can't be angry about something?"

   Qi Lei was also aggrieved, "Blam me? Others **** me! What can I do!?"

   Qi Yujin became angry, "It's the Liu, right? If it's anxious, I'll go home and look for the old man! I can't kill him!"

   As a result, Qi Lei came to say, "Don’t’s right there!"

   is also a coincidence, just as Liu Jixiang and a few people passed by the door of the live broadcast hall.

   I saw Qi Lei at a glance, and immediately... "kindly" smiled.


   Qi Lei responded, "Mr. Liu, this is..."

   Liu Ji recommended to Dafang, "Record an issue of "Dialogue" with a few friends..."

   Dialogue is a financial talk show. I often find some well-known entrepreneurs and economists to visit.

   If you can record a show with Liu, they are all big business guys. It seems that everyone knows Qi Lei's identity, with a scrutiny gaze.

how to say? It can't be said that there are no good people around Liu. However, at least it is now hostile.

   It's just a decent person, and it's a good cover.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei is also very open, not feeling awkward at all. Say hello to everyone.

   Liu Jixiang looked at the studio behind Qi Lei, "You are...?"

   Qi Lei, "Record an issue of "Today's Statement"."

   Liu Yi was startled, "Is this to clarify?" Why did you choose today's statement to clarify?

   Qi Lei raised an eyebrow, "No! How can it be so easy to clarify? After all, you worked so hard."

   Liu Jixiang stopped again. To tell the truth, Qi Lei’s age was a little bit too much for him, so he went straight to no matter what occasion.

   However, there is enough time to raise the energy, and in turn ridiculed: "I also think that if it is easy, it does not fit your identity."

   smiled lightly, "I am looking forward to how you clarify."

   Qi Lei, "Really? Oh right!"

   "Tomorrow, I will also record "Dialogue". This is two issues next to me. You said...who has the higher ratings."

   Liu Jixiang is stuck again, he really did not expect that Qi Lei would also record "Dialogue"?

   The young man is clever, with two CCTV programs connected?

   smiled reluctantly, "I admire your concentration... When is it all, and still care about the ratings?"

   Qi Lei, "No way, your old tricks..."

   Liu sneered, "What happened to my tricks?"

   Qi Lei, "Water, flat, too, bad!"

   "It's boring to play, so I can only care about the ratings."

  柳, "..."

   After a long time, he said somberly: "This is the last time you and I have talked..."

   turned and left, swear! ! Never talk to Qi Lei again!

   totally unreasonable! Don't be decent at all!

   But after a few steps, he turned around, "When will it be broadcast?"

   Qi Lei, "Immediately! Live broadcast!"

   Liu Jixiang, "I will watch."

   After that, I really left this time.

   Looking at Liu Jixiang's back, Lin Wanxiao smiled coldly, "I used to think he was a human being. Now it seems...compared to those few."

   Qi Lei was curious, "Which ones?"

   Lin Wanxiao, "I have the opportunity to introduce you to you."

   Qi Lei, "Okay."

   was talking, Hou Haoran, the producer of the "Dialogue" column, came over and came to see Qi Lei, "The school director said that you are here, so I'll come and have a look."

   This is my own person, Beiguang has gone out, and is now a special lecturer in Beiguang, and occasionally goes back to school to attend classes.

   Qi Lei is much more enthusiastic, "I would trouble you to take a trip. The board of directors told me that I should visit you."

   Hou Haoran said heartily, don’t pretend! Visit me?

   If it's an old man with a **** pot, forget it.

   Chang Lanfang is calling! Let’s take care of it, and for tomorrow’s show, the old lady Chang will come out to the platform herself!

   Are you still visiting me?

   politely said, "My show is very relaxing. Tomorrow we will record it and check it out."

   "Just come over and have a look."

   Qi Lei is naturally grateful, he doesn't know that Mrs. Chang will be on the show tomorrow. After chatting with Hou Haoran for a while, it was already noon.

   It's almost time.

   Qi Lei left and returned to the studio.

   Producer Shen saw Qi Lei didn’t take the deskbook, and hurriedly asked, "Where’s the deskbook?"

   Qi Lei perfunctorily, "I've memorized it." In fact, he didn't even look at it.

   Shen Producer: "..."

   Memorized so soon? But now is not the time to ask so many questions.

   personally explain the process to Qi Lei, Lin Wanxiao and Qi Yujin for a while.

   "Stay for a meeting, just chat normally, try not to deviate too much from the desk, the host will guide you."

   "If you have any more, you just want to check the machine position."

   "Find which camera position, the camera has a hint."

   "Don't roll your eyes or squint. Be flexible and don't be too stiff, otherwise it will be obvious in the lens."

   "The other is..." looked at Qi Lei, "You still have plenty of time, but try not to delay when clarifying the facts."

   "The meeting will raise a sign to remind the time."

   Qi Lei smiled, knowing it.

   Producer Shen was irritated when he saw the nonchalant appearance!

   spit out, "In fact, live broadcast is not live broadcast, it really doesn't make much sense."

   "It's better to record and broadcast safely."

   is five minutes before the broadcast time!

   Guests and hosts are already in place.

   Lighting, sound, and field affairs are finally debugged.

   Shen Producer stared at the monitor in the directing room, also a little nervous.

   To put it bluntly, the experience of live broadcasting today is still insufficient, even though the station has transferred personnel over. But my heart is still not at ease.

   You know, don’t look at what it says today is a small section of CCTV, but the ratings are really not low at all. Among all the channels and columns of CCTV, it has been hovering at the position of nine to ten. This result is already pretty good.

   If it messed up today, it would be lively!

   The more he thought about the film, the more it became unpleasant, and he couldn't help but complain, "How can I dump this second generation ancestor!!"

   What column is not good, pick a version today?

   is simply sick! !

   At this time, Hou Haoran also entered the studio.

  He was here to take a look, mainly because the board of directors and the regular elders have spoken, and he can't ignore it.

   I want to see Qi Lei's performance on stage, and I will make targeted adjustments tomorrow.

   Hearing Shen Producer's complaints, he joked, "Why... are you afraid of losing ratings?"

   "Don't be afraid, if you fall, I will go up."

   Producer Shen didn't want to talk to him, staring at the time.


   Jin is the beginning of the film.

   It is said today that it will be broadcast live on CCTV at around 12:36 noon every day.

   7 am, 4 pm replay.

The purpose of the    column is: popularize the law, supervise law enforcement, promote legislation, and serve the people.

   Although it is a bit boring, it is still very popular among the people in this era.

   This is also the reason why Shen Producer can’t understand. I’m a French popularization program, so what clarification meeting do I do?

   At this time, the familiar titles and melody resounded through thousands of households.

  The cut-in picture is not the previous studio scene, but the live broadcast hall from high to down, from far to near, and finally fixed in the center of the stage with four figures sitting around.

   The host faces the camera, "Dear audience friends, welcome to watch today's special program."

  A national audience took a look...

  Special show? Is today's statement all special?

   One of the guests is the hotly discussed Reviver!

   are all coming! !

   To tell the truth, as soon as the news broke out, I knew that this guy had a lot of energy! I don't even think about it. I started such a big company at the age of 18. If there is no one on it, the ghost will believe it!

   There are so many scandals, it is definitely necessary to clarify the facts and restore the image, and there must be a lot of movement.

   But, I never dreamed that he was on CCTV! Or "Today's Statement"?

   The public’s attention was instantly focused, and the first judgment was, "What kind of background does this family have? The energy is so great! It's time to clarify on the French program!"

   "Look at how he makes up!"

   As a result... the three views are ruined.


   Qi Lei is known as the Terminator of Three Views!


   As long as you know him, there is no one who is not broken!

   It turned out to be good this time! ! He smashed the three views of the people of the whole country to pieces!

   To put it plainly, why does Qi Lei want to broadcast live?

  Because he is afraid of recording and broadcasting, some things have to be cut off for him, only live broadcast!

   I saw the host facing Qi Lei on the TV teasing, "Should you call you Mr. Qi or... Xiao Qi?"

   Qi Lei immediately stopped with a rich expression, "Don't don't don't, just call it a stone."

  Host, "Okay, little stone..."

   smiled humorously, "How do you respond to the beating incident that sounded on the 21st of this month?"

   This was designed on the desk. The host came up with an aggressive posture. After Qi Lei clarified the facts and publicly apologized, he changed his attitude.

   There is one last sentence, "Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great" to guide the audience to forgive thinking.

   Everyone is happy, Hi Piendin!

   Therefore, the host is still not salty or indifferent: "How do you plan to respond?"

   Seeing Qi Lei without even thinking about it, he jumped out with a look of embarrassment, "Can I not respond?"


   The host sighed, Khan came down...

   special, there is no such line!

   How do you let me pick it up! ? Not responding? Don’t respond to clarification! ? What about the table behind?

   really panicked! Suddenly it was cold.


   It doesn't matter if he is cold, someone is not cold!

   Qi Lei grinned over there, changed his solemn expression, faced the camera and snatched the host’s lines...

   "Good evening, dear audience friends, today I have invited two well-known lawyers and a ‘suspect person’. The parentheses, which is me, are in parentheses.”

   "Publish the law and order management regulations and the legal consequences of deliberately damaging the finances of others at the scene. Please watch carefully and take warning! Be a good citizen who knows, understands, and respects the law."

"thanks for your support."

  噗! ! !

   The main character almost got out of control! !

   In the director's studio, the film is sinking, original, ground, explosion, and explosion! !

   There is no paragraph in the lines either! !

   And...this has completely deviated from the script! !

   In front of the TV, the audience sprayed! !

  Yiu Jixiang was stunned! !

   Dong Beiguo is stupid! !

   Qi Guojun is crazy...

   How do you let the host answer this?

   In these years, apart from entertainment news, where have you seen this? Grab the host's lines? You are all upright in the entertainment news, not like that.

   Is this still a billionaire?

   is not serious at all! Like a bear kid!

   Producer Shen is completely crazy, but this is a live broadcast, there is no way to stop it! !

   can only be incompetent and furious in the headset! "Lei Qi! Don't mess around! What are you doing!?"

   "Xiao Sa! Say something! Bring the topic back!"

   The host couldn’t do it, his eyes changed constantly, thinking about countermeasures, so he had to follow Qi Lei’s words and said, “Okay, then! Please ask Xiao Shitou to the audience and friends to restore the incident that day.”

  He is really trying hard to go back...

   But Qi Lei still doesn't play cards according to the routine! "No need to restore, right? The reporters have taken all the pictures? Just use the one they took."


   I can't bear it anymore, "Don't you want to excuse yourself?" (Go on, Pirate Sun! Why don't you go on! I beg you!)

   As long as Qi Lei half-pushes it, and picks up the words, then he will come back.

   Producer Shen was also shouting at Qi Lei’s headset, "Take the conversation! Take the conversation! Say it, then explain it! Quickly take it!"


   Qi Lei grinned, raised his hand and picked the headset off, "No, must, want!"

   faced the camera again, and changed the job of the host: "Audience friends only need to remember the harm of beating and the consequences of deliberately harming others' finances. Don't follow me!!!"


   Go to him special, stop playing!

   How to play this special?

   Everyone in front of the TV is also stunned...

   no need... no need! ?

   You say he is arrogant, right? But his expression is obviously not! With a little confession and magnanimity!

   Tell me he is stupid? He is not stupid yet...

   Anyway, the host is going to make Qi Lei angry! Haven't seen this breed, God sent it to play with me?, right?

   was also a young man, Xiao Sa was only twenty-four!

it is good! I am a genius host, so good to break through the sky! The players who are the same at Shanghai Peking University are still afraid to play on the spot?

   simply picked off the headset, completely out of writing!

   I will play with you!

   So far, this live broadcast has completely deviated from the established trajectory.

   The host smelled like gunpowder, "Don't follow you..."

   "This is a good remark, and I really want to take it as a warning. Tell us about the stone, what consequences have you suffered?"

   Qi Lei, "The insurance company refused to pay, and was educated by the police uncle."

   grinned, "If you pay someone a Jetta, you have to repair your own car. I'm at a loss."

  Host, "You have a lot of personal wealth, don't you care about the money?"

   Qi Lei sternly said, "Comrade host, I remind you that your remarks will cause very bad social impact."

   faced the camera, "He is a bit out of shape today, audience friends don't care."

   jumped out, "Director! Don't broadcast this paragraph!"




   I don’t have this stem yet...

   I poof! !

   Xiaosa is crazy! Don't broadcast it? Almost laughed!

   The audience also looked silly, and then laughed.

   What is today's statement, let him and the host play into a happy camp!

   And the TV is not over yet, the host didn’t get confused by Qi Lei’s white robbery, and looked at him playfully, "I’m very curious..."

   "Normal people will defend themselves in this situation, right?"

   I saw Qi Lei thinking for a while, "The point is that there is nothing to excuse. I hit the man and the car was hit. Wrong is wrong. What's the excuse?"

   Host, "But now it seems that the society is not evaluating you well, don't you want to talk about why you beat people? Can you restore your reputation?"

   Qi Lei, "Why beating people shouldn't be said here, right?"

   I looked around, and started to make things strange again, "Director, didn't you say a good criticism meeting? How come it has been rehabilitated?"

   "Can you give me a draft?"

   The host was really amused by him this time, and the desk notebook was all let you throw it away. Do you want a draft?

   But don’t say anything, the atmosphere is pretty good, and I said, "You really don’t look like a normal person."

   Qi Lei didn't even want to ask, "Young people, should this be the case?"

   asked the host to get stuck! The audience in front of the TV who asked was speechless!

   suddenly realized a problem...

  What is the CEO of the company, what are billions...Speaking of Po Datian, he is also an 18-year-old child!


   The next show is really a large-scale self-hacking scene!

   Qi Lei is how to get black, there is no point for himself.

  Lin Wanxiao promoted law on beatings and car crashes. It explains in detail the possible consequences and legal penalties.

   Qi Yujin also gave professional opinions on the incident and suggested to young people the correct way to deal with similar situations.

   Qi Lei sat in between the two of them, and became responsible for the atmosphere again. Lin Wanxiao said that the circumstances were serious and he might be liable for criminal responsibility. He lamented that his fate was good.

   When Qi Yujin's remarks were somewhat defending Qi Lei, the host questioned.

   Qi Lei said, "Nonsense, this is my aunt! Can you not face me?"

   The audience who looked at it was stunned. To be honest, it was too direct, he didn't even conceal it! !

   From beginning to end, Qi Lei did not say a word to defend himself, nor did he respond to any questions other than legal issues.

   makes you have to believe that he really came to popularize the law and regard himself as a typical negative.

   However, there is a sense of sincerity, fearlessness, magnanimity, humor and self-confidence of young people everywhere.

  Of course, the most important thing is...

   poor! Froze! Keep your mouth open! The young man's problem was on him, and it really didn't get rid of it.

   The only sentence that seems to be clarified is, "Time will prove everything!"

   And the host, Xiao Sa, was indeed a little irritated by Qi Lei at the beginning. It was too trivial and too much.

   But with the passage of time, the host found that he really didn't want to clarify, and disdain to clarify!

   shows the fearlessness of young people! There are also expressions of young people!

   so that Xiao Sa also began to release herself, exposing her nature.

   And the audience in front of the TV...

in a hurry! Yes! Really anxious!

   Explain it! ? Do I really want to hear it?

   Why didn’t you explain?

   This bear boy just thought "Wrong is wrong" and "There is nothing to explain."

   Several times the host has guided him, why hit someone? Is there a reason for it? The audience can see it.

  He just didn't say it!

   asked anxiously at the end, "Just treat me like I'm crazy about drinking for no reason..."

   In the end, when there were 30 seconds left before the end of the show, the host intentionally left the last 30 seconds for Qi Lei. In fact, he wanted the young man to say a few words for himself.


   Qi Lei: "30 seconds?"

   Xiaosa, "For thirty seconds! Very precious!"

   directly in front of the national audience, "If you don't explain it, it will be too late!"

  The audience laughed, but they felt that they were too right! Explain it! !

   As a result, Qi Lei looked down at his watch and took a deep breath:

   ""Legend" is the most fun online game, welcome everyone to experience!"

   "R Shuxia Literature Network.....the height of Chinese online literature!"

   "Navigating the Internet is easier!"

   "Joining Sanshi Internet Cafe will give you the most complete and comfortable Internet cafe operation guarantee!"

"There's more! Please pay attention to the Pangu 2.0 launch conference held at the Beiguang Auditorium at 8pm on October 3rd. I personally hosted it. The large-scale Tucao scene is not to be missed. It is absolutely wonderful! Live broadcast by multiple TV stations, synchronized globally , Be sure to pay attention."

   He used the last thirty seconds to make a wave of commercials! !

   The director is hurt over there! ! The host is also stupid!

Cattle! !

  You are a real cow!

   In the end, the host surnamed, was finally completely inspired by Qi Lei! !

At the last moment,    suddenly shouted, "Director!"

   "Don't broadcast this paragraph! There is no advertising fee!"


   All the audience laughed!

   The extremely serious Today Opinion column has become a large-scale talk show on the rule of law.

   There is only Shen production, the whole process is heartbroken! ! "It's over! It's over!"

   She can imagine, Master Taiwan's roar like an angry lion...

   Hou Haoran was also dumbfounded by watching the excitement...

   What is this...what a thing!

   Do you dare to let him on the show? Isn't this crazy?

   I have the urge to call Dong Beiguo... or cancel the recording plan tomorrow!

   really can't bear it.

   As for the director...I got the news a long time ago, but I couldn't stop it. I sat in the office and looked dark all the time, and watched the live broadcast.

   Just after watching it, the director didn’t rush to find Shen Producer to settle the account, and sat there for a long time...

   called the statistics department and said, "Take a look at the packing rate at noon, I want to see it."

   Opposite, "Do you want to see the real-time ratings of today's statement?"

   "I don't know the exact number, shouldn't be lower."

   The director frowned, "How do you tell?"

   opposite, "Because the hotline has exploded!"

   "It's all the feedback from the audience today!"

   The director sat up straight, "What feedback? Is the scolding serious?"

   Opposite: "Cold? Who scolded? It's all boasting!"

   "Ask if the version of today's statement has been revised, the new version is very popular, so we should do this show!"

   Director: "???"

   The detailed ratings data was only available the next day...

   Seeing the report, the director was stunned for half an hour...

   Today, the ratings have blown up the news network...

Ranked second!

   is even more excessive...

  The first in line is the four o’clock replay! !

   was stunned for a long time, and called Shen Producer, "Come to my office and talk about the possibility of revision."

   Shen Producer was scared to death, "Here is here, finally here."

   Of course, these are all later stories, just today, after the broadcast.


   Yanagi frowned at her brow...

   In fact, since the beginning of the show, there has been no stretch! Until the end of the show, I couldn't stretch anymore.

   Logically speaking, Qi Lei did not reveal any details of that night on the show, nor did he point the finger at him....

   did not make a whole sentence, "This is all imaginary conspiracy..."

   He didn't even mention it!

   It is said that Liu Jixiang should be relieved, but...

   He always feels that something is not right.....He is not at ease in his heart!

where? Can't figure it out.

Ha ha....

   It doesn't feel right!

  Because the audience in front of the TV...

  As long as you watch "Today's Statement"...

   laughed out of anger!

   This kind of boring law popularization program, when the law was popularized, I still feel that I haven't watched enough!

   Better you come all day for me! ?

   And it must be for Xiao Sa to host with that surname!

   Suddenly look forward to the launch of Pangu 2.0...

   Didn’t he say that he hosted it himself? It should be interesting, right?

   then calmed down...

   is another thought, "This young man...oh fuck!"



   The teachers and students of Beiguang, after watching TV, they just had an idea!

   really handsome! ! What Qi Lei said is right, young people, shouldn't this be the way it should be?

   And Dong Beiguo stared at the TV in a daze...

   After a long time, he returned to his soul, slammed his head at the TV, and stared at Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu, "This, this, this...what theory is this?"

   Liao Fanyi's face is green!

   How do I know what the theory is?

   I have never seen such a game.

   is fresh! !

   Liao Fanyi thought for a long time...

   Does Qi Lei’s doing this make sense?

should have....

   What is the meaning?

   can't figure it out. He also couldn't figure it out.

   However, people will not think about these professional issues.

   The first thing that broke out was the Internet.

   The direction of the public opinion of netizens is dreadfully reversed in an instant!

   From verbal abuse, "Being rich and unkind" to "This grandson is really funny! Talk about cross talk, right?"


   "I don't care if he hits or not! It doesn't matter where his money comes from, I like this buddy!"


   "What he said is actually quite good, shouldn't young people be like this?"


   "I want to know urgently now, is there any other hidden facts about the beating incident?"


   "Hehe...if there would be interesting! I wonder if those who used to swear to death still have the face to live?"


   "Fuck! The idiot just went to joke, and some people changed. What about the principle?"


   "I also think that it is too sloppy to come to a conclusion now. Don't you just admit your father just because he said a few jokes?"


   "We are rich, handsome, and humorous. The only drawback is that it's a bit scum....Sigh."

   Everyone stopped scolding blindly, some people started to switch camps, more!


   At the same time as the wind direction of netizens reversed.

   News that was unlikely to be followed before has gradually surfaced.

   in Longjiang...

   Qian Xiaolong, who once interviewed Qi Lei as a camera reporter, posted an old news video link to the Tianya forum at his home.

   It was 1998, and it was a news video interviewing Shangbei Summer Camp.

   There is Qi Lei’s composition, an interview with all the members of the [Aspirational Youth] Summer Camp, and the sentence Qi Lei wrote to the PLA soldiers-How can there be quiet years?

   Qian Xiaolong wrote in his post:

   "I don't know what Qi Lei is like now, is it like everyone said, is rich and unkind."

   "But I saw him like him two years ago. At that time, he made it impossible for me to connect today with two years ago, and I don't want to speculate about such a good boy."

   "Things are not straightforward... judge for yourself."


   Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu are doing the same thing.

   They posted a link to the full video link of the concert a year ago on the forum of Beijing Guangxi University.

  Silly Dragon wrote like this:

   "Remember that autumn night?"

   "Remember that we used half an hour to create a miracle?"

   "Remember the man who led us to create miracles?"

   "Today he became the target of a group attack."

   "I can't do anything, but...As a member of Beijing Canton, I hope we still remember!!!"

   "The one in their mouth...not Qi Lei!"

   "Not the Qi Lei we saw with our own eyes!"

   In the video, Qi Lei stepped on the top of a truck, singing like a superstar!

and also.....

   pointed at those rich second-generation drivers who drove luxury cars and cursed: Fuck you!


   A graduate student from Beiguang University posted a video about the conscience of media people in front of the graduate school a few days ago by Qi Lei.

   In the video, Qi Lei is sonorous and powerful!

   "You must be patriotic! There is no discount at all..."

   "You are the voice of China!! Are the ears of the people..."


   "Otherwise, you are not worthy of being a Chinese media person!"

   He wrote at the end:

   "This is Qi Lei!"

   "Our hero!!!"

   "This is the conscience of the media people!!"


  R under the tree...

  Ning, the webmaster, sent a long post for all users...

  'S name is "Boss, friends, confidantes in my eyes, and...the crazy child"

   In the post, the stationmaster Ning recalled the process of getting to know Qi Lei and the things he had been with.

   At the end of the post, another big news broke:

   "Although I may be killed by the boss! But I still have to say..."

   "The [Shen Jing Bing Er] admired by the whole the boss’s vest!"

   "Mei Changsu in his works, Belgrade in his heart!"


   First floor: Annie jealous: "?????"

   Second floor: Li Fanfan: "???"

   Third floor: Cai Wuming: "???"

   Fourth floor: Netizen: "???"


   My little friend from No. 2 Middle School, sent an audio...

   That is the school song of No. 2 Middle School, "Chasing Dreams and Innocent Heart"!

run ahead! ! Facing cold eyes and ridicule!


   Don’t compromise until you get old! !

   Everyone leave a message under the post:

   Chen Peng, Grade Three and Eighth, "Brother Stone, hold on!"

  Fang Bing, 34th class of high school, "Fuck you! Who scolds my supervisor, I'll fight him hard!"

   Wang Xueliang from Class 35, "Grandson! How are you doing!?"

   Guo Zhiyong, 36th class of high school, "The strongest!!! Give me a shot!"

  Li Lin also posted an audio...

   "Days in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School"

   Netizens discovered that this nice ballad, like "Dream Pursuing My Heart", is the author of Qi Lei, both the lyrics and songwriter.

   Singer: All Shangbei No. 2 Middle School.

   Li Lin: "Stone... the news is fake, we didn't scold you... our original intention was to praise you, we miss you..."


   Netease... Sina... and Penguin... Chinaren... Yi Tang.

   also had the opportunity to publish a paragraph of the founder’s text on the front page at the same time.

   Wang Zhendong wrote, “No. 17, East Street, grilled wings, big green sticks... Some people gave me a copy, and after ten minutes, I got on the thief ship without hesitation.”


   "Waiting for you to sound the horn of charge."


got windy...

   Liu Jiacai... (tui!)

   The direction of public opinion has changed!

   But Qi Lei, or online, there is still no explanation or comment on the negative news that broke out before!

  He just...

   Behind the labels of billionaires, dudes, and unkindness, they have been affixed again.

   An internet writer...

   A songwriter who loves music...

   A student from Beijing and Guangzhou... Instructor...

   A proud soul who does not compromise until he grows old!



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   Thanks: [Yellow Kitten]’s leader for a reward.

   Thank you: [My Little Ingot]’s leader for rewards.

   Thanks: [Lori Fantasy]’s leader for rewards.

   Thanks: [AnJie安杰]'s leader for rewards.

  Thank you: [The smoke disappears before the cloud is scattered] The leader of the game is rewarded.

   Boss atmosphere! The bosses make a fortune!

  83 alliance!


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