Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 32: Pangu Kaitian (4)

The disadvantages of the system itself cannot be remedied.

It's not a question of how advanced the technology is. If it's just a technological gap, let's say it to my heart.

Whether it is a system or software, it's all building blocks based on basic programming language and logic.

Small program software, and perhaps the programmer's personal IQ, can be called a technological gap.

However, in the development of large software and even systems, it is the collaborative work of hundreds or even thousands of programmers. The collective power is greater than the individual, and the individual's creativity and inspiration flashed, and it was basically buried.

The rest, the details and experience, are purely multiple choice questions.

There are two schemes in one detail, which one is better, and make a choice.

Therefore, as far as the system is concerned, there is no technical gap. The real gap is the feedback of user experience and vulnerabilities.

This is the most terrifying.

Microsoft's windows system is a worldwide software. There are countless users as experiencers to improve the software itself.

Moreover, Microsoft's more than ten or nearly twenty years of system operation experience is even more incomparable.

For example, the release of Microsoft's first-generation system is basically all kinds of problems in the early stage, which is inevitable for any manufacturer.

However, the same new product problem is a minor problem at Microsoft, but it is bound to be a major problem at Three Stones, and it may affect survival.

Microsoft's huge user base means faster and greater chances of finding errors and user experience feedback.

And from the large number of error reports and user feedback to discover problems, and then organize forces to tackle key problems, Microsoft not only has an advantage in time, but also has an obvious advantage in space.

Long-term experience in handling similar incidents allows them to quickly organize manpower and material resources to tackle key problems.

And more than ten years of experience allows them to complete the update iteration as quickly as possible.

With the new system, it only takes about half a year to update and iterate an original system full of vulnerabilities and extremely poor experience into a mature and user-satisfied system.

Look back at Three Stone Company.

Pangu 2.0, if you encounter the same number of problems, the same number of vulnerabilities and error experience

Since the user base is there, hundreds of thousands of users and tens of millions of other people’s users will give feedback on their problems at the same time, and the judgment will be made at the same time.

Therefore, reporting errors and experience feedback alone must be slower than Microsoft.

This cycle may be one year or even several years.

In addition, the later problem solving experience is insufficient, the plan is even more immature, and the overall ability is not at an order of magnitude.

People tend to mature in half a year, Pangu 2.0

It may be a year or two, or even in an immature state for a long time.

The feeling in the user experience is that the technology of Pangu 2.0 is not good.

Word of mouth has also come down.

What's more terrible is that when you reach a mature system, almost perfect operation, not to mention windows2000, windowsXP are almost mature, others are several versions ahead of you.

How do you compete with others for the market?

And this is just the first step.

Even if Pangu 2.0 has reached the installed capacity of the test, it can barely achieve the speed of problem feedback, and it will still face the problem of software adaptation in the future.

Now, the companies that adapt to Pangu are all companies that have a close relationship with Sanshi Company.

In fact, it is because of Qi Lei's face that others make the adaptation.

For those foreign game companies, on the one hand, it is the cause of No. 17 East Street, on the other hand, it is the system of Sanshi Internet cafes. If they do not fit, their games will not be able to enter Sanshi Internet cafes, which means that a large number of players are lost. , So must keep up.

However, for other software, that may not be the case.

The public use of Internet cafes is still games and entertainment. The current adaptation software and functions are completely sufficient.

However, other professional software, etc., they have no survival needs in Internet cafes, how can you let them adapt?

To put it bluntly, the company wants to make money, you have to let people see the benefits, and he will take the initiative to find the door.

This is also what Qi Lei told Dong Beiguo that at least 40% to 50% of the domestic computer installations will be required for software vendors to follow their interests to enter Pangu 2.0 and establish an ecosystem.

In later generations, such a large proportion may not be used, but in this era, when the domestic Internet is booming, at least one has to fight against courtesy before it is possible to survive.

So, the launch of Pangu 2.0 is unconventional?

That's because Qi Lei is very clear that the conventional can't win, there is no chance of winning! !

It can only be "worked".

Fortunately, he is a communication learner. There is no way to do it, or it is a little difficult to do it.

This is not [Agenda Setting], the establishment of [Stereotypes], this kind of basic simple communication logic, but a whole set of deeper media operations.

It's complicated, and Qi Lei is not sure about it.

In addition, there was no other concept used in 2000, so the people around me followed in fear.

But there is no way this is the only way out!

Back in the background, Tang Chenggang and his fathers were still a bit at a loss.

Qi Guojun: "It's over, it's over?"

Qi Lei nodded, "It's over."

hiss! !

Qi Guojun has a toothache, he can see it as an honest person, is there something wrong with this press conference?

how to say? It's not just a question of upside-down, what puts the big selling point of free in the first place, this can only be regarded as a minor problem.



Do you use the funny in the front to attract attention and the golden sentences frequently to the back? To the last episode of the TV series, there must be a climax!

First of all, Pangu 2.0’s biggest selling point is "free". Did you take a few words that are not serious?

Then the front was so exciting, but the back became a pure introduction and endorsement, which seemed a bit dull and boring.

What kind of plane! ?

Guojun Qi was a little anxious for his son, "Is it too hasty?"

Qi Lei smiled, "This can only be done."

Guojun Qi stopped speaking, he was not blindly questioning and unhappy, and Qi Guojun knew very well that Qi Lei was much better than him in terms of "huyou people".

Well, in the eyes of Lao Qi, communication is just to fool people.

In this regard, Qi Lei feels that his father's summary is actually quite in place.

The essence of communication is to let others understand your words and receive your information.

Many people think that honesty is the foundation of communication between people. As long as everyone is telling the truth, the world is simple.

In fact, it is not. The word "honest" is used to describe nature and behavior, not language.

Human-to-human communication, human-to-society interaction, requires sincerity, not 100% truth.

This is why, those who tell the truth these days are often hurt.

The truth is not necessarily accepted by others, and the lies are not necessarily deceit.

Fundamentally speaking, it is flickering.

Tang Chenggang and Xu Wenliang didn't speak, they thought the same as Qi Guojun.

Although he didn't quite understand it, since Qi Lei said so, it must have his own reason.

At least in the aspect of "huyou people", Qi Lei is already much better than their elders.

At this moment, Qi Lei looked at Zhou Xiaohan and Silly Dragon, and saw that everyone had the same doubt in their eyes.

Basically all of the young eagle classes are here, and they have the privilege to watch the excitement up close in the background.

"You don't understand, do you?"

The silly long eyeball turned, "I don't understand!"

I really don't understand, but I'm really scared.

In case I understand it, if he asks me to write a thesis or something, it will be dead.

But Wen Qi Lei said: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, get people together and go back to the TV building."

The TV building has not yet begun to renovate. The Young Eagles has just come up with a renovation plan and reported to the Procurement and Approval Office for review.

The building is still rough, just a few light bulbs that are convenient for discussing the decoration plan here at night.

Plus, more than a dozen people went to the CCTV camera crew. Before Qi Lei said, let those people participate in the reconstruction of the veteran's video archives.

At this time, the TV building had only seven or eight members of the Young Eagle Class, plus five dads. Knowing that Qi Lei was going to teach the Young Eagle Class again, he was curious to follow.

"Why don't you understand? Ask now!"

As soon as the silly dragon hears, let me do it first!

"Guardian, why is the big boss in the front? When it comes to introducing browsers and blogs, is it too plain? Besides, there are fewer funny points for arresting people."

Zhou Xiaohan also agreed, "Yes, it just feels that something is missing, and there is a problem with the structure."

"Without "Today's Statement", and at the music festival, how enjoyable it?"

Qi Lei didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject, "Two reasons: First, remember that free is indeed a selling point! But, free! It is also your fault when spreading information."


Everyone was puzzled, Qi Lei asked, "How much is the current home computer?"

Zhou Xiaohan thought for a while, "Right from six to seven thousand to over ten thousand?"

Qi Lei, "Home computer is a high-consumer product, or is it a daily consumer product?"

This time Zhou Xiaohan didn't even think about it, "Of course it is a high-consumer product."

For example, if it weren't for the young eagle class to allocate computers, Zhou Xiaohan felt that she would never be able to buy a computer in her life, it was too expensive!

But I saw Qi Lei spread his hands, "Isn't that enough? I have spent 10,000 yuan on a computer, do I still care about the four or five hundred yuan of genuine system?"



Qi Lei, "Free of course is great, but free is not a selling point for everyone. It's like, I started National Taiwan University G, do you think I still care about a little gas?"

Everyone was speechless, "Doesn't seem to care too much?"

Qi Lei, "Wrong! I don't care, I don't care so much! If I were to run 10 kilometers more, line up for half an hour, and receive a 100 yuan free gas card, I would definitely not do it!"

"However, if a one hundred yuan free card is delivered to me, then I will happily take it."

"This is human consumer psychology!"

"If you take free as a selling point and emphasize it, you will certainly win a part of the market. However, it is tantamount to excluding part of the market."

"Moreover, according to the current market structure, most of the users who don't care about the money for the genuine article are mostly."

"If it is two or three years later, and home computers become popular, you can use free as a selling point. However, not now!"

"Free is just a feature of Pangu, not a selling point. Potential users only need to know that it is free, and cannot emphasize it."

Everyone seems to understand.

Just greedy! It is necessary to keep high-end users, but also to win over low-end users.

Qi Lei figured it all out!

Qi Lei, "Second!!"

With a serious face, "I am very disappointed that you can tell something wrong."

Everyone looked at each other, puzzled.

However, Qi Lei said to Ma Tuo who was leaning against the wall, "Master Tuo, tell them what's wrong!"

Ma Tuo returned to his soul, a little impatient, he didn't even think about it, and said, "Be the [first person]!"

Qi Lei slapped his face, "Understand people!!"

Qi Lei looked at Zhou Xiaohan and Shalong silently, "My father can't see that it's normal. People are laymen. If you can't see it, you shouldn't!"

Zhou Xiaohan: ""

Silly Dragon: ""

A little unconvinced, said my heart, we are not the dead pervert of Matuo.

Look at Qi Lei, waiting for him to explain.

Just smell: "Always remember, don't be the third person without absolute certainty or if there is interest involved! The third person is the most beautiful and the happiest, but it is also the fastest to die!"

"Applying to this conference, as the first person, I only need to introduce the product, I don't need to be funny, and I don't need a climax to be an opinion leader!"

"People subconsciously need an opinion leader, but people often regard the opinions of the opinion leader as a judgment of their own comprehension."

"Therefore, people will only agree with opinion leaders, but most people will not rely on and completely trust opinion leaders."

"Once an opinion is shaken, the first instinct is to find a step for oneself, that is, psychological comfort, then it is the opinion leader who is abandoned. This is human nature."

"So, the press conference is not a show, it needs a climax, it needs to reach the emotional peak!"

"What I want to do at the conference is the product. I am just an incentive to attract people to the conference, not the focus of the conference, and I don't want to be abandoned!!"

"The point is"


Qi Lei's explanation was very clear. Even Tang Chenggang and Qi Guojun understood them, but they couldn't overpower the guests.

how to say? In fact, everyone understands the truth, but not everyone can stay awake.

At that point in the press conference, following the inertia, I want to see the highest rise.

But now when I think about it, it is indeed the case.

Tang Chenggang was sweating a little bit, because just now on stage, if it was him, if he had the shining light of Qi Lei, then focus, then maybe Tang Chenggang would continue to be hilarious to the end.

This kid has a lot of control! !

However, Qi Lei saw the thoughts of Dad Tang and gave a wry smile, "To be honest, my initial plan for the press conference is to hey to the end!"

"I can't help it, this thing is black under the lights."

Tang Chenggang was stunned, "So what?"

Qi Lei, "Mr. Liao, Grandpa Chen, and Zhang Luchen, they deducted word by word according to my marketing direction last night."

Tang Chenggang: "..."

He grinned, "Professionals are different!"

Qi Lei nodded, but it's not professional or different!

He has advanced cognition, but the details are not in place.

And those old scholars

Some who study psychology, some who study sociology, some who study communication, and the art of life-long communication, each sentence contains a huge amount of information.

In just one press conference, several old guys made two [Agenda Settings] based on Qi Lei's needs, limited two [frames], and also shook a [stereotype].

If you review:

First of all, Qi Lei ridiculed the "blue screen" of the crash.

In fact, this is implicitly conveying a message: whether it is a domestic system or a Microsoft system, there will be a blue screen. This is after going online, in case of a loophole problem, a warning will be issued.

No way, you will definitely encounter this kind of problem.

Then, in the personalized UI, there is even an agenda "Tai Chi theme dressing you like or not".

Note, it’s not that you like or don’t like personalized UI, and it’s not that you think personalized UI is fashionable or unfashionable.

Do you like Tai Chi dressing? You have to dress before you have the right to speak.

Moreover, there is also a [framework] set here, that is: personalized UI is fashionable, young, and individual.

Then, in the blog and web2.0, there is another [Agenda Setting] and [Framework].

The agenda is: Is the web1.0 era dull? Is it bound to be eliminated?

The framework is: the web2.0 era is a charming, fashionable and cool era.

Okay, still...

It seems to have nothing to do with the system.


Qi Lei continued to explain to the young eagle class why there was no climax.

"My purpose is to introduce the product and convey the information of a new product. But I can't praise myself, I can't praise my product, just can't be a third person. I can't take away the product because of my pride. Attention."

In fact, many people think that Lei Qi's press conference is a bit similar to Lao Luo of later generations.

From the public's point of view, Lao Luo's humor undoubtedly satisfies the conditions of [use and satisfaction].

However, from a professional point of view, Luo Luo is actually a negative example.

From the perspective of terrifying advantages, Lao Luo was very successful. He successfully turned the image of a businessman into a man-friendly joke.

However, with just one sentence, everyone understood, "Lao Luo's press conference made people remember him, not his product."

What everyone can think of now is "make friends if you don't make money" and "the shortest joke in the IT industry, Luo YH".

Who cares about your hammer phone?

He didn't grasp the process of transforming public focus to value, and he was a bit too playful.

In fact, many big bosses are also playing off like this.

When people like Rebs’ are tempting OK, the main focus of Xiaomi’s press conference is price/performance, so Xiaomi succeeded.

Don't think that Xiaomi really depends on the price-performance ratio.

There is indeed a price-performance ratio, but it has not been enlarged to the only level of domestic brands, only the point where it has the most cost-effective. The focus is not on Rebs, but on the Xiaomi phone itself.

However, when Rebs started to "don't accept life or death, do it" and when he said "whether you can get the bonus, it all depends on whether you can kill your friends", he went off track.

All subsequent efforts by Xiaomi, such as improving photography, entering high-end, building cars, etc., are all ineffective.

Manufacturers can't do [the third person], they must die!

The public's attention is no longer on your product.

So why did HW's high-end transformation succeed? Is there such a high degree of attention for the integration of new energy vehicles?

Because Yu Dazui is the most successful one among the big bosses standing in front of the stage in China.

In other words, Yu Dazui has the highest level.

There is only one person: it is bragging, the words are not humorous, and the language has no charm.

Therefore, the attention is all on the product.

The media reports on Huawei's new product launch conferences are always centered on new products. It's not just what the big guys say, but how humorous it is.

Those are just subsidiary elements.

And the only person setting is for product service.

When Yu Dazui's fame began to explode, even a bit overwhelming the popularity of the product, HW changed its name.

Yu Da's mouth came out less, and the temperature was cooling down.

This is true corporate marketing.

At this point, nothing like Lao Ma, Rebs, Lao Luo and the like will work.

Success in Lirenjian, but also defeated by Lirenjian.

Going back to Qi Lei, the public and the media came in because of Qi Lei's high popularity, and if they went out because of Qi Lei's full-time performance, what was the product?

It's really a talk show scene.

Tomorrow's front page headline is: "Lei Reviver bursts into laughter, unparalleled. 》

Instead of

"Web2.0, Sanshi opens a new era of Internet! 》

"Do you understand everything?"

Everyone in the young eagle class looked down at Qi Lei, and looked at Ma Tuo, who was not a human being, and dragged a long voice, "I understand," and let Master Tuo pretend to be.

But Qi Lei grinned and said, "It's good to understand, and one paper is for one person."


Everyone was about to explode in an instant, all eyes widened.

Zhou Xiaohan, "Comrade Instructor! I just left a paper yesterday!"

Qi Lei, "Write slowly, don't worry."

I don't worry about your uncle! !

Didn't do that, when the paper is Chinese cabbage? Write as you speak?

The silly dragon's whole person is not good, "It will be dead!"

Qi Lei, "Where is this!"

"Get a shot, Pangu system promotes this thing, at least there will be another one"

Counting with his fingers, "Three or four articles!"

"Oh go!!!"

It really exploded this time, and Matuo stared.

so much?

How come you feel like leaving a composition in high school?

But there is no way, Qi Lei is a devil, he is the biggest!

Now everyone finally knows that this young eagle squad is a pit, a big pit!

After everyone left, Tang Chenggang suddenly came to Qi Lei.

"According to you, the focus of your product is not the Pangu system, but the blog and the browser?"

Qi Lei, "You can say that, or you can say it differently."

Tang Chenggang, "How do you tell?"

Qi Lei, "The system is of course the most important thing, but relying on the push system, I can't get in. I can only change to other breakthroughs."

Tang Chenggang nodded, and then had a new question, "But, in the 2.0 era, and browsers, can Microsoft do the same? If they follow up, wouldn't you not be able to break through?"

Qi Lei laughed, "I'm afraid it won't follow up! It will follow up, so I have a chance. If it doesn't follow, it will become a one-man show, with little effect."

Tang Chenggang: ""

Okay, why is this communication so circumscribed?

Shook the god, "then what"

He cleared his throat with a weird expression, "It's interesting to learn this stuff!"

The charm of communication is that people who don't understand, think this thing is useless. But only after understanding, it affects every detail in life. It's really all aspects!

Qi Lei grinned, "It's quite interesting."

Tang Chenggang pulled Qi Lei aside and lowered his voice, "Do you think I can learn, how can I start?"

Qi Lei was stunned, then he muttered, with a rich expression, "This stuff is boring if you learn it, and"

Tang Chenggang, "I'm not afraid of being boring, and what?"

"Be talented!"

I saw Tang Chenggang roll his eyes immediately, "Smelly boy, say I have no talent?"

Qi Lei chuckled, "How dare you? But, you really need to be savvy. Do you really want to learn?"

Tang Chenggang pretended not to care, "Learn to play."

Qi Lei thought for a while, "In this way, I will show you the book in a while. If you can read it, then I will recommend some professional reading materials for you."

Tang Chenggang was interested, "What book?"

Qi Lei, ""Country China"."

Tang Chenggang secretly noted, "Is this about communication?"

Qi Lei, "No."

Tang Chenggang was immediately speechless, "Why didn't you show me this stuff?"

Qi Lei's expression was tangled, "How do you say? Whether it's communication, economics, sociology, psychology, etc."

"It's not that it is not recommended, but it is not recommended. These social science majors are actually the foundation of the West."

"It is the theories and concepts that Western scholars have combined with the development history and social structure of the West in the past few hundred years."

"However, our cultural roots are different from the West after all, so some of their theories are not applicable in our eyes, and they are even anti-social."

Tang Chenggang stared, "For example?"

Qi Lei: "Just like yesterday's lagging allocation of advantageous resources, game theory believes that this is unsolvable. However, we know at a glance that there is no solution."

"For another example, in 1995, the American political and business elites gathered to analyze and plan the globalized world, and the result was a [milk TL theory]."

"This theory is not very conspicuous at present, but it will definitely influence the future direction of the world."

"And it is completely opposite to our social governance philosophy. If you finish studying, you still believe it"


Tang Chenggang, "Then what?"

Qi Lei, "Then you will be a profiteer!"

Tang Chenggang, "..."

Qi Lei: "So, just like that. If you look directly at Western communication books and don't have a deep understanding of China's own culture, you will easily be led astray."

Tang Chenggang frowned, "So serious?"

Qi Lei, "It's really so serious! In fact, many overseas returnees in China can't do it locally, and there are reasons for this. Some economic thinking is used, that's what it is. They are very advanced in the West, but they are a little bit Not acclimatized."

Tang Chenggang nodded, "What should I do?"

Qi Lei, "So, let's read "Country China" first! This is a book that learns about China's national conditions, social structure, and moral system from China's bottom culture."

"Not only communication studies, it can also be said to be a must-read for domestic social science majors."

"You understand it, understand it, and combine it with our historical outlook, values, and social patterns."

"If you look at the western communication books again, you will have some different understandings, and you won't be led astray."

Tang Chenggang understood, "That's OK, take it back and show it to your father, let me take a look!"

As a result, as soon as he finished saying this, Xu Wenliang didn't know where he came out, "I've seen "Country China"."

Tang Chenggang was taken aback, only to realize that several fathers were leaning over.

The old face blushed, and his heart said, you guys, you really don't have the eyes to see! I asked the juniors for some things, why are they all up?

But Xu Wenliang didn't care about him at all, and Qi Lei said: "The Rural China is a good book, I read it when I was in college."

Tang Chenggang is even more faceless, hasn't it been amazing?

As a result, Xu Wenliang jumped out again, "After reading it, what book should I read next?"

Well, as soon as this statement came out, Qi Guojun and Wu Bianshan also looked hopeful.

So Yang Chengjun has no desire to learn.

Tang Chenggang looked at a few dads in a daze, co-authoring you also want to ask the juniors?

Qi Lei responded to Xu Wenliang's words, "You can read "The Crowd", which is also a must-read."

"There is "Mad Biography". Others are unnecessary, and they are not professional studies."

(The Crazy Story was published in 2014, and certainly not at this time. It is for those book friends who have been clamoring for books for a long time.)

After talking about the book, Tang Chenggang still cared about Qi Lei, "The press conference has also started, so what do you do next?"

Qi Lei's face became serious.

"In fact, no matter which step, just look at the installation data."

"The installed capacity has gone up, and everything is easy to say."

"If you can't go up, you will do nothing!"

At the same time when Qi Lei tortured the young eagle class, Liu Jixiang fell into contemplation after watching the press conference.

free! ! Open source! ! Personalized UI! ! A new generation of browsers and web2.0!

This is all the information of the press conference.

Liu Jixiang also felt that Qi Lei had turned it around, and that free was the biggest selling point.

However, he is considering, what impact will this conference have on the system market?

After pondering for a long time, Liu Jixiang made a call.

"Mr. Hunter, did you watch the press conference?"

"I don't know, Three Stone Company did not send the test version of the system to the major hardware manufacturers."

"But, didn't Three Stone Company say that at 0:00 on October 5th, all Internet cafes under the Three Stones were installed with Pangu systems and announced the Pangu source code."

"At that time, you will know what the performance of this system is."

"You can rest assured that this call means that Imagination must be in the same camp as Microsoft, and we need stable and reliable system support."

Yes, Liu Jixiang finally chose to support the confrontation between Microsoft and Three Stones.

As for the previous PR crisis

Liu Jixiang is not a fool, he absolutely can't let Qi Lei get his wish.

The beating is hanging there? If he doesn't clarify, there will never be the truth?

Liu Jixiang absolutely didn't want to see such a situation.

He knew that if this matter was hanging, it would be the worst result. At any time, anywhere, the corpse may be turned out and whip the corpse, and there will be no peace.

Therefore, Liu Jixiang originally wanted to take the initiative to resolve this matter.

Sacrifice Wang Chen, make a righteous gesture, and transfer all the responsibilities to Wang Chen, thus taking the opportunity to lower himself and resume business relations with Three Stones.

Many things are naturally forgotten over time.

But now

Liu Jixiang changed his mind, it's free! !

He never dreamed that Qi Lei was so cruel? What is made for free?

This has only added a lot of No one can say whether Pangu will survive.

What if you survived?

As he thought before the press conference, Nan Guanghong

Can't succeed! !

That would be a huge blow to imagination.



More today, but I am uncertain about the next chapter.

It may be after twelve o'clock, and I haven't started writing yet.

You can see it again tomorrow morning.

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