Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Pangu Kaitian (5)

On the 4th, not surprisingly, the major media conducted a comprehensive report on the Pangu 2.0 press conference.

As Qi Lei wished, his personal topics were not overwhelming, and most of the media were just passing by.

For example, "Mr. Xiao Qi continues to play stable as always" and so on.

The focus is on the product itself.

Moreover, this product itself is not Pangu 2.0.

Many media really want to promote Sanshi, but there is nothing to promote!

Qi Lei himself didn't introduce the features of Pangu 2.0 in detail. The focus was on personality dressing, web2.0, and blog network, they couldn't make it up even if they wanted to write it.

It touches passively on the web2.0 era and blog networks, with big books and special books.

Of course, in addition to these "serious" media, there are also irregularities.

For example, those entertainment reporters, youth weekly magazines and the like.

They don't care about what products, their purpose is to report on Qi Lei, the boss of this company comparable to entertainment stars.

Therefore, you will see that the major entertainment news is basically looking for materials in the first half of the conference, and they are all intercepting funny phrases as selling points.


Then, the product was not popular, but the joke about how windows never blue screen was popular.

After watching the entertainment news, the audience thought it was fun and fresh, and by the way, they slightly changed their perceptions.

That is, neither Pangu nor Microsoft can escape the fate of the blue screen!

Here you can see the skill of a few old scholars.

Qi Lei appeared on "Today's Statement", it was all for the sake of being funny and funny. But after their hands polished, even if it is funny, there are hidden pits!

This is actually very important, at least users will not have too high expectations of Pangu system.

Otherwise, if you scold as soon as the blue screen, it will be over.

This is the same as writing a book, you can't write too well at the beginning. If you write too well, the readers' expectations will be high, but if you don't follow your wishes, you will be scolded to death.

The response of practitioners in related industries to the system launch conference of Three Stones Company was very unremarkable.

A reporter interviewed Imaginative Liu Jixiang.

President Liu was as steady as ever, "First of all, I have to apologize to Three Stone Company and President Xiao Qi!"

"I said before that Xiao Qi can always not pursue the assault incident, but as a company with a sense of social responsibility, I can't let this matter pass so confusedly."

"After the company's internal self-examination, it was caused by the eighth sales team of the Northern Sales Department. After the celebration party, the two students hosted dinner and alcohol."

In front of the reporter, Liu Jixiang restored what happened.

The final characterization was that the eight groups of sales manager Li Fangda and his subordinates were reckless after drinking, which caused the conflict.

Imagine the company does not promote or tolerate this bad ethos.

It was decided to dismiss all members of the eight groups collectively and return justice to society.

Liu Ji's apology was still sincere, and his attitude was firm.

However, Liu Jixiang's answer to the question about the release of the Pangu system is intriguing.

"Imagine Group, for the time being, there is no plan for system replacement of its products."

"Also, it's a bit premature to mention this now."

"The Pangu system may be a good system, but after all, it has just entered the second phase of testing, and its stability and security are still not comparable to windows."

"Of course we look forward to the rise of domestically produced systems, but we have to say that domestically produced systems are still not satisfactory in many respects. So"

"Come on!"

Although I didn't directly say that the Pangu system is not good, it is almost that way.

When the reporter was chasing after him and asked how Nan Guanghong led the research and development of Pangu System, I wondered what it was like to give up the cooperation with Nan Lao...

Liu Jixiang, "I can answer this question."

"Let’s talk about two points! First, every step of Imagine’s decision is carefully thought out. I personally regret Nangong’s departure. But for Imagine, I support this decision of the board of directors and Nangong. "

"Second, I am very pleased that Nangong has developed the Pangu system. However, Imagine still does not regret the previous decision!"

This re-control is very intriguing. It seems to be saying that Nan Guanghong's system has been made, but it is not a pity to think about it.

What's the meaning?

After all, Liu Jixiang is a public figure and a well-known entrepreneur, and his words are still influential.

This has led to the already difficult Pangu system, which is even less favored by the public.

"Damn it!" Tang Xiaoyi at the airport yelled at the news, "This old thing, sooner or later kill him!"

In this regard, Qi Lei is nothing, can only be said to be expected.

Imagine that if you don't step on a foot at this time, there will be ghosts.

I was too lazy to pay attention to Tang Xiaoyi, glanced at his father who was changing the boarding pass, and Xu Wenliang, and gently stabbed Xu Xiaoqian in the waist.

Then, "Dad, I'll go to the toilet!"

Guojun Qi didn't take it seriously, "Go chant."

Xu Xiaoqian heard, "I'll go there too."

After speaking, he must go with Qi Lei.

But Tang Xiaoyi's eyelids were shallow, "Or I will put some water!"

As a result, Qi Lei kicked him back when he was not paying attention.

Fucking? ! See the water thirsty, meet the hungry players.

Tang Xiaoyi rubbed his butt, full of grievances, and growled:

"What are you doing? You are so tired of you, I really came to pee!"

Simply speechless, "I won't go to the bathroom with you two, can't it?"

With that said, Tang Xiaoyi really went in another direction.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to feel sick, "Cut~ If anyone doesn't understand, we have it too!"

Well, his "We also have" means that he also has a girlfriend!

Moreover, it is the kind that my father nodded.

In the morning, he went to Beijing Institute of Technology, and Tang Chenggang went with him on the excuse of a stroll.

As a result, he took a long look and gave Tang Xiaoyi two feet when he came back.

"Damn it, lucked out of shit!"

Well, Dad Tang took a long look and decided that this girl was definitely not for money, she was a good girl.

Qi Lei who got it was all curious, that BIT sister only heard of her name, she hadn't seen her for a year, is it as exaggerated as you say?

At this time, Tang Xiaoyi walked away with a step that his six relatives did not recognize.

Xu Xiaoqian blushed, and pinched Qi Lei's waist, "It's all you, what a moth!"

Qi Lei took her hand, quickly got out of the sight of dad, and turned to no one's corner.

"How are you doing it? I don't want you to go!"

Qi Lei is like a fool.

Xu Xiaoqian looked funny, "Stop pretending! Are you so infatuated?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "No! How about pretending?"

Xu Xiaoqian glared, "Dare you! Give me the pretense!"

Qi Lei, "Then Beiguang will have a holiday on January 11, and I will arrive in Shangbei in the early morning of January 12."

Xu Xiaoqian, smirked, "Okay!"

The two were tired of staying there for a long time before meeting everyone at the security checkpoint.

Yang Xiao looked at Qi Lei's lips, "Why is your mouth so red?"

Qi Lei, "Get upset!"

At this time, Qi Guojun came over and finally instructed Qi Lei, "It's going to be winter, remember to add clothes."

It's not about the company's affairs, nor is it about studying or teaching in school. Parents are always concerned about trivial things, but they are full of love everywhere.

Qi Lei smiled slyly, "Dad, if you are too tired, don't toss about it, I can support you!"

"screw you!"

Qi Guojun glared, "I can do it, I can't move."

Sending away the little friends and five fathers, the sky is getting darker.

The October day in the north is getting shorter and shorter.

Qi Lei drove the car, without music, gliding silently on the road into the city.

The street lights spilled into the car, reflecting a dim patch, and also illuminating Qi Lei's expression.

With a slight seriousness.

To be honest, it’s enough now, billions of net worth, vast connections, beloved girls, and

The body and years of 2000.

Qi Lei has earned 20 years more than others, which is really enough.

There is really no need to have to beg for a system, so that you are going to lose your nerves.

Wouldn't it be good if there is no p system in future generations? Must he be reborn to change the timeline?

But..., suddenly remembered what *** said: "I will have no self, no, negative, people, people!"


This will be the spiritual food that inspires a generation to bravely rise.

Kissinger said, "China has always been well protected by their bravest people."

In fact, Qi Lei felt that his sentence was inaccurate.

No one is inherently brave, and ordinary people are shy and fearful.

However, because of this, most people understand a truth.

If I am not brave, maybe the ordinary people behind me don't even have the right to choose not to be brave.

Because we have experienced the danger of a mansion and the most dangerous moment when the river is hanging upside down, knowing how sad and tragic it is when a nation needs ordinary people to be brave and ordinary people to sacrifice.

"I will have no me. I will live up to the people."

How great!

The passing years are like water, and someone has to pay a price to protect it.

Otherwise, if no one is going to do it or being brave, where will it be like water flow?

Thinking of this, Qi Lei smiled amidst the dim flashes of the street lights.

Seeing that the highway exit of the Fifth Ring Road is ahead, Qi Lei did not get off the gate, and he pulled over to the exit of the Third Ring Road and stopped.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

On the opposite side, Old Qin had a black line in his forehead, "Just go home."

Qi Lei, "Oh, you're not busy! Am I looking for you?"

Old Qin, "Is something wrong?"

Qi Lei, "It's okay, let's talk!"

Old Qin, "..."

He pondered for a moment, "Where are you, I'll look for you!"

Qi Lei, "What's wrong, inconvenient? My sister-in-law is at home?"

Old Qin was speechless, "Are you okay after all?"


Qi Lei, "It's on the side of the third ring road, don't come, this thief is panicking."

Old Qin, "Don't move, wait!"

Half an hour later, on the roadside of the Third Ring Road, there was a big G and a broken 2020S parked.

Qi Lei looked at these two cars, "No wonder the janitor said that I look like a big 212!"

Old Qin leaned against the car door, "Say, what's the matter?"

Qi Lei grinned, "It's okay, a little lonely, I want to make do with you."

Old Qin, "..."

After watching Qi Lei for a long time, "The system will be online at 12 o'clock tonight?"

Qi Lei, "Hmm!"

Old Qin, "I don't have a bottom?"

Qi Lei, "Hmm!"

Old Qin smiled, "It's magnanimous."

Qi Lei, "Fuck! The first time I pulled Xu Xiaoqian, I didn't feel so nervous."

Old Qin smiled even more, "Why are you so awkward with this metaphor?"

Qi Lei, "Really! I took her with one hand and Po Erba with the other, and slipped a little bit more on Shangbei Street."

"My heart jumped out. At that time I thought, if you pass this, I will go back in this life."


Old Qin was playful, "How was the result?"

Qi Lei, "As a result, I was on the airport expressway just now, and my hands were numb!"

I saw Old Qin shook his head, "Why do you want to do so much? If you can't, you can't, and you will lose a little money at most."

"That little money, you can still afford it."

But Qi Lei shook his head and looked at the endless stream of Third Ring Road, "It's not that simple."

Old Qin, "How do you tell?"

As a result, Qi Lei came up with an irrelevant sentence, "I actually have a split personality!"

Old Qin stared at him in a daze, and saw Qi Lei grinning his teeth and said, "Is it something in my mind? At least forty years old, thinking about it every day."

"But my body has a subconscious mind, a serious eighteen."

Old Qin thought for a while, "It makes sense! Zhang Luchen said that you have a tendency to split personality."

"I'm poof!" Qi Lei stared, "Did Lao Zhang say this?"

Old Qin was impatient, "Don't be nonsense! Let's talk, what are you worried about?"

Qi Lei suddenly ceased to be perverted, "I'm worried, I lose my heart this time," he said.

Old Qin: "..."

Qi Lei, "Really! I haven't lost in the past two years, so I'm a little crazy."

It was the first time Lao Qin heard that he said he was crazy.

Qi Lei said to himself, he was really just looking for someone to chat.

In the past two years, he has changed too much and too quickly.

I remember two years ago, when Dad Tang was going to contract a pharmaceutical factory, he was still as excited as a little fan.

I said to myself that I have the ambition of Lingyun, but not the ability of Lingyun.

As a result, it was only two years old, and it was a bit invincible.

Qi Lei, "I'm a little panicked. If the system is completed this time, it will be even more crazy."

"If it doesn't, it's probably not a small blow."

Turning to Old Qin abruptly, "What do you think I am doing!?"

Old Qin looked at him blankly again, indeed a bit split in personality!

However, Lao Qin actually understood Qi Lei's psychology, and he saw a lot of such people.

There was a long silence, "First, if it's done, you won't be crazy about it. Just a little bit of money for you, just like what you did, is still far away!"

"Looking back, when you are free, let me introduce a few real entrepreneurs to you and see how they are not crazy about how much they have achieved."

He smiled softly, "Boy, your road is still long!"

"Don't panic, stay with you!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Old Qin said, "Secondly, if you don't succeed, don't be discouraged."

"It's normal to fail! If everything goes smoothly for us, then the opponent is the rice bucket."

Lao Qin was a little proud, "The great power rises by the wind, when the calamity breaks through the formations, and the hundred refining becomes strong! If there is no difficulty to win, how can the power of China be shown? It is easy to know the importance of it!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Looking at Old Qin blankly, for a long while, "Lao Bei"


He grinned, "You said you are quite earthy and quite level."

Old Qin almost kicked him, "Fuck you, you are the only one!"

Looking at Qi Lei, "Is it easier?"

Qi Lei, "It wasn't too heavy at first, I just panicked when I was idle, and I wanted to find someone to chat. If you don't come, I will go home and my roommate."

Old Qin, "..."

I want to kick him more!

Qi Lei opened the car door and prepared to leave, "Go! Thank you!"

Old Qin looked at the hapless boy, and finally exhorted, "Relax, it's okay if you fail."

But seeing Qi Lei swept away the haze, he smiled confidently, "I'll show you a big show in a while! It's done, let's make a currency for you!"

Old Qin was taken aback, "Money!??"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

"[Social Currency]!"

After that, I got into the car and drove away.

Old Qin returned to his soul for a long time, "Come back!"

It's a pity that Qi Lei is already on the main road and is gone.

currency? What currency?

Stop it! You made the currency foolishly?

Catch you!

It's already over ten o'clock when I returned to the North Campus of the Electric Power Construction, and Viagra is washing.

Qi Lei broke in, washed his face and was about to return to the house, Viagra stared, "Don't brush your teeth?"

Seeing Qi Lei squinted and smiled, "I don't want to brush my teeth."

The laughing Viagra's goose bumps are all up, and the grandson is becoming less and less like a good person?

Poke his head out of the bathroom, "The twelve o'clock system is online, don't you just stare at it?"

Qi Lei yelled, "Is there a fart to stare at? No one knows how to use it except our Internet cafes!"

Viagra: "???"

Frozen for a long time, "Then what do you do?"

Qi Lei, "Chill! Concentrate on blogging."

With that said, Qi Lei has turned on the computer, and the interface is the theme of Tai Chi displayed at the press conference.

Open the navigation blog, log in to the account, and edit his personal blog, which is also the first content of the blog network:

"Just on the edge of the third ring road, a rough man gave me a piece of ancient Chinese"

"The great power rises by the wind, and when the calamity breaks through the array, a hundred refining becomes a strong one! If there is no difficulty to win, how can the power of China be shown? It is easy to know the seriousness!"

"Oh fuck! My heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all cramping."

After twelve o'clock, Reviver clicked to publish. and Pangu 2.0 were launched at the same time.

It signifies that a war without gunsmoke has officially begun.

The installed CD-ROM of Pangu 2.0 is also sent free of charge, and the channels everywhere are already full.

One of the most convenient ways to obtain it is to find the nearest Sanshi Internet Cafe, and you can get it for free.

There is no online channel.

As a result, the system is inconvenient.

Secondly, the internet speed these years makes uploading and downloading unrealistic and can cause people to die in a hurry.

Three hundred and twenty thousand!

This is the basic installed capacity of Pangu 2.0.

The first red line is 1.5 million, and the second red line is 15 million!

Again, being able to cross the first line means that the test can be completed, at least retaining the possibility of the next stage of operation.

As for crossing the second line

Most people at Three Stone Company have never thought about this.


It's just that, just like the time chosen by Pangu to go online, the tranquility of midnight fills the darkness of autumn.

Pangu was also quiet.

In the eyes of many people, even the Three Stones company itself doesn't seem to pay much attention to it, and the public naturally doesn't care too much.

The next morning came, which was the morning of the 5th.

According to data from Three Stones, in addition to the 320,000 Internet cafes installed, users who have obtained the installation disk in advance and activated the system are not unavailable.

Personalized dress and next-generation browsers can still attract a bit of users.

It's just a little bit less, only 3654 activation messages.

Old Nan's heart is a bit cold, and Sanshi Company is also a little panicked.

You know, everyone expects that if Qi Lei is so foolish, he will have to deceive 100,000 users, right? There is no one hundred thousand, fifty thousand is fine!

No, 20,000 yuan is fine.

But this 3654 has nothing to do with it.

In fact, it can already be announced that the system release has failed, and there is no enthusiasm, and there is no word-of-mouth effect.

The media are more interested, and want to know the installation status of the new system from various channels early in the morning.

Unfortunately, Sanshi Company keeps this confidential and does not disclose it to the public.

On the Internet, there are some heated discussions.

Users who have installed the Pangu system have posted on the blog network and major forums.

It's just that the content...

"Personalized dressing is really cool, but it's a bit awkward to operate. It may be that the new system is different from windows, and it takes time to adapt."

Most of the arguments are similar to this. After all, the base is too small. How can it be so easy for them to run into bugs, crashes, or something?

Therefore, there is no scolding yet.

But I didn't boast to death, it really takes time to adapt to the new operating habits.

The points of exaggeration are also concentrated in two aspects:

First, personalized themes.

Second, "The first time I installed the system, I had such a sense of experience, I was moved to cry!"

Well, the entire Chinese operating system, installation prompts, etc. are all in Chinese. At this point, Windows is incomparable.

If Windows has no computer knowledge, it is really impossible to install the system.

As for Pangu 2.0, some people have tried it. Whether it is installing, entering safe mode, system background, etc., it is super experience.

In their words, dogs can be installed, as long as they are not illiterate dogs!

However, none of these help much. Again, 3654! If it spreads out, Three Stone Company will be a joke.

Nan Guanghong had been boiled for a night, his eyes were red.

Looking at the daybreak, I called Qi Lei, one was to report the data, and the other was to ask him what he was going to do?

Nan Guanghong really panicked, and if he kept on doing this, he really failed completely.

The phone called and rang for a long time before Qi Lei answered it.

I thought he hadn't gotten up yet, but found out that Qi Lei was quite energetic.

"Your press conference is simply nonsense, I might as well do it myself!"

Qi Lei was absent-minded, "Isn't it good?"

Old Nan shouted, "What's so good!? Look at the monkey, who cares about the product?"

Qi Lei heard the sound of keyboard typing, "It's okay, I think a lot of people are paying attention!"

Old Nan, "Follow me! The installation data is out."

With the crackling sound of the keyboard, Qi Lei said, "Oh."

Old Nan, "Not ideal."

Qi Lei still crackled, "Normal."

Nan Lao, "only more than 3,000 external installations."

Qi Lei, "Oh! A lot!"

Old Nan, "..."

It's going to smoke, "What are you doing?"

Qi Lei (cracking), "Blog blogging!"

"I'm poof!" Old Nan vomited blood, "Do you still have the heart to blog?"

When Qi Lei heard that the old man was anxious again, "Don't worry, don't worry! Relax, and I will post a blog in the next half a month!"

Hanging up the phone, Nan Guanghong was puzzled. Is this child too stressed and pretending to be calm on purpose?

I'm a little curious, log on to the blog network and want to see what Qi Lei has posted.

As a result, Nan Guanghong almost exploded.

As soon as you entered the homepage, you saw Qi Lei's blog account topping the hot search rankings.

Click in and take a look.

[Little Rock] Certification V (Tai Chi icon)

Blog level: Level 4

Blog visit: 1986578

Number of fans: 1042357

Concern: 4 people.

Old Nan is stupid, only half the night? His visits and fans broke one million again?

Look again, Qi Lei has posted a dozen blog posts, and the following hundreds of thousands of replies.

No wonder he is number one in the hot search list.

During the period, you can still see Qi Lei replying to netizens to leave a message from time to time.

With that, Qi Lei didn't do anything all night, just leave a message here.

Old Nan was stunned for a long time, trying to scold his mother, but held back again.

Quickly call Qi Guodong, "What data is on the blog network?"

Qi Guodong just got the data, "Hehe, the two heavens of ice and fire, Uncle Nan."

Old Nan was impatient, "Don't be nonsense, how much is it?"

Qi Guodong, "Accumulated hits exceeded 10 million, 800,000 real-time visits, 1.42 million registered bloggers, and 120,000 new content."

"How many!?"

Nan Lao tunes have all changed, and I finally know what Qi Guodong’s duality of ice and fire means.

This and Pangu 2.0 is simply the same as the sky and the other underground.

How could this be? It's only a few hours from midnight to dawn?

Old Nan was on the phone, unable to speak for a long time.

Recalling Qi Lei’s press conference again, he slammed, "This prodigal thing! Push the system or push your blog!?"

The concept of blog first appeared in 1993.

Transliteration of Blogger, the official name is Network Diary.

It was tepid before, and it didn't rise in mainstream Western countries until 2000.

In the original history, blogs entered China in 2002, but the initial period was tepid.

It wasn't until the "Muzimei" incident in 2004 that blogs became popular due to the popularity of Internet hotspots.

Before the rise of Weibo, blogs were arguably the largest collection of online opinions.

In this time and space, although Muzimei did not contribute to the flames, the popularity of the whole people created by Qi Lei is no less than the 2004 incident.

Almost all media coverage of the press conference, key introductions, key recommendations, is still very effective.

In addition, the Internet and traditional media's popularization of the concept of blogs introduces that this is the most popular online communication method for European and American networks this year.

It is the third epoch-making network experience besides bbs and instant messaging software.

That heat exploded!

Moreover, there is another key reason, that is, the navigation blog is not only exclusive to Pangu 2.0, it is just a website.

Any system, any browser can log in, without any threshold.

Therefore, while Pangu was cold, the blog was extremely hot.

Many people are not waiting for Pangu 2.0, but are waiting for blogs.

It's just that many people don't know how to play this thing, and they register as bloggers, and then they still follow the forum.

"The newbie just came, everyone give a thumbs up, leave a message!"


Then it was just online, and there was little content, so I went to the homepage in a daze.

Then, a bunch of them are also adorable, so I really like them.

After playing for a long time, I didn't play any tricks. As a result, I went to Qi Lei from the homepage and read various popular science articles of Qi Lei.

How to attract fans, how to follow, the usefulness of likes, the tendency of content, etc.

Anyway, with the exception of the first post about Lao Qin, Qi Lei is a big blog encyclopedia for the rest of the blog posts, teaching people how to play with all kinds of things.

The next pile of replies.

"Kneel to the boss"

"Who is going to give me a fan attention?"

"Hey! Wait for me! Millions of fans are not a dream!"

The biggest feature of blogs is that, in this savage era, for the first time, ordinary humans can experience the feeling of "famous".

The feeling of watching the increase in the number of fans, watching their own content being followed, viewed by others, commenting on them, and likes is something most people can't resist.

So addicted.

Of course, most ordinary people are just spectators and can become the focus of information, that is, well-known bloggers, but there are still a few.

However, some people can play.

As soon as Qi Lei's press conference came out, people like Chen Peng and Zhou Lei couldn't sit still.

Blog? what is this? Isn't this the "viewer" in the insight model?

I'm familiar with this stuff!

Zhou Lei was also stunned, almost crying.

The closure of the insight model made her lose for a long time, and finally became a celebrity in the school, and finally returned to the pre-liberation period.

But the blog

This blog set, I will!

Isn't it just "tea"? Best at it!

Therefore, on the night of the 4th, Chen Peng and Zhou Lei ran to the Internet cafe to book the night, just to become an Internet celebrity.

Zheng Hongjuan, editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine in a southern city.

As an authoritative person in the industry, in addition to her column in the magazine, she is also a frequent visitor to major forums and has accumulated a lot of fans and fans.

However, the forum model predestined that the status of netizens was relatively equal, and the public focus was not obvious, and it was also scattered.

Although she is already a star friend in many forums. He even served as the moderator of a fashion forum.

However, after all, it is not addictive.

After all, in traditional media, some things can be said and some things cannot be said. But the forum can speak freely, but the sense of accomplishment is a little bit worse.

As soon as the news of the blog went online, Zheng Hongjuan knew that her stage had appeared.

As a result, she became one of the first batch of bloggers to log in and register late on the fourth night.

The profile is also very accurate: fashion bloggers, take you to the forefront of fashion!

Moreover, Zheng Hongjuan, as a media player, is more professional than others.

The day before, she sent a message to fans in major forums:

Join the blog, please come and join us!

Therefore, Zheng Hongjuan is ahead of ordinary people in terms of content and accumulation of original fans.

Coupled with the name of the well-known beauty editor, the hot search list, the fan list, Qi Lei is the first, and Zheng Hong firmly ranks second.

Moreover, to what extent is this woman a chicken thief? It can be said to be self-taught without a teacher.

She even went to Qi Lei's homepage to leave a message, and she attracted a lot of fans.

Old Master Wang is actually quite aggrieved.

Participating in a music festival, I wanted to give the mother principal a face, but when I met a man with no humanity, this face was slapped.

But after I went back, I couldn't blame others. The Alto was really taken too seriously this time.

In addition, after all, he is a big boss and he is in the circle. It is best not to offend people.

After watching the Pangu 2.0 press conference, Master Wang remembered that he was at the music festival that day and had a few conversations with Qi Lei. Xiao Qi is a good person.

In the attitude of making friends and polite.

On the 4th, Master Wang specially found a Sanshi Internet cafe and received a Pangu installed CD-ROM.

After returning, I installed Pangu on my home computer. The company didn't dare to affect normal work.

It doesn't matter at home anyway.

In the wee hours of the morning, I activated the system and logged into the blog with the Fuxi browser.

Then, Master Wang discovered a very interesting function, that is:

Fuxi browser accounts can be directly associated with blog accounts.

Moreover, Pangu system users have a privilege, that is, they can dress up the blog space and associate system themes.

For example, Master Wang, the system he chooses is a fashionable theme, then the blog space can generate the same background dress as the system theme.

What's more special is that there will be a fashion theme icon attached to his blog name.

[Master Wang] Not certified (fashion icon)

This feature is actually very new in this era.

Imagine how popular the QQ show was and how many people paid for a virtual costume and background.

In this era when the Internet is just emerging, everyone is very public, pursuing individuality and being different.

Therefore, Master Wang spent half a night playing with this dress-up function, and it was almost dawn before he published his first blog:

"Come on, Mr. Qi, support me, and attach the new song. I hope everyone likes it."

Then, Master Wang uploaded the audio of "Hua Huo" with his browser.

And then

I was confused on the hot search, and I surpassed [Juanzi], who was second on the fan list, with more than 800,000 fans.

More than 800,000 fans!

Although Master Wang is already a singer, I have never seen such a fan!


Master Wang was sitting in front of the computer, and his whole body was not good. Someone who didn't know thought that Three Stone Company gave it to him.

Click the mouse and refresh the web page.

Then 810,000.

What's more, just such a blog, the following comments are more than Qi Lei's.

The few who listened to the song praised Master Wang for singing well.

Most of them are asking, "Why can you upload audio?"

"Why didn't the audio you upload get stuck?"

"Why is the audio you upload different from others?"

Master Wang who asked is also inexplicable, I just follow the blog post process, and fools can upload it!

It's just that it is indeed, why not get stuck?

Moreover, it is really different from the uploaded audio on other websites!

It is played directly on the main page of the blog, not like other websites, where only one link can be displayed. You must click on the link and jump to a secondary page to play.

Why is this so easy?

As everyone knows, at this moment, Microsoft staff are also studying.

Research the Pangu system, research the Fuxi browser.

They are also looking for reasons, how could they not get stuck? How can upload be so easy?


Thanks: [frogoon]’s leader for a reward.

Thanks: [Xiao Zuogui Dian]'s leader for rewards.

Thanks: The leader of [Called Xiaobai Yeah] for rewards.

Thanks: [Fan Qianqian]'s leader for rewards. UU reading

Thanks: [forever__Li]’s leader for rewards.

Thanks: [Dian]’s leader for rewards.

Thanks: [Ling Moyu]'s leader for rewards.

Thanks: [Xiaoyuqi Zihua]'s leader for rewards.

Split for the bosses! Perform a boulder in your chest!

Nothing to say, 38 leagues in half a month, thank you everyone.

"Floating Years" can have today's results, cannot do without your support and encouragement.

It's over by watching the old update volume.

Wait a few days for me to brew, let's play Boda, just like the alliance said!

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