Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 34: Pangu Kaitian (6)

This is a very confusing question.

In this era, the limitation of internet speed makes it very difficult for users to upload large-flow data such as pictures, audios, and videos.

What do you think? In this era when dial-up Internet access and ADSL broadband have just entered China for a year, and the price is very expensive, the downlink rate of most home networks is only tens of kilobytes, not to mention the uplink.

Taking a movie overnight for another half of the day is the basic operation.

Take audio as an example. The upload speed is a few megabytes for the small ones, tens to hundreds of megabytes for the large ones, and a few kilobytes of upload speed. If the server fluctuates, it just stops there.

Can drive people crazy.

It's just a joke to want to upload files on a home computer.

But why doesn’t Sanshi’s card get stuck? It's very puzzling!

Microsoft was a little stunned. How much server did Three Stones invest in this?

Yes, the only thing I can think of now is that Sanshi has invested a lot of servers for the blog network and Fuxi browser!

And the server is not a conventional architecture

Microsoft suddenly realized that they seemed to underestimate the enemy! Three Stone Company has something!

Soon, the problem was clarified.

After studying Pangu 2.0 and the browser, I finally got the answer.

The reason why there is such a good upload and browsing experience is because Three Stones has adopted a very smart optimization scheme.

Yes very smart!

To put it simply, users who use the Fuxi browser and Pangu system upload files to the blog network, and the browser will automatically optimize and integrate the files, that is, transcoding and compression.

For example, "Huahuo" uploaded by Master Wang.

Master Wang uploaded the APE lossless audio format, which is hundreds of megabytes! He didn't understand the computer, he followed the prompts and knew that he could upload, so he uploaded.

During the upload process, Pangu will use the built-in tool plug-in to automatically convert the APE format to the MP3 format first, and there will be a few megabytes left, which greatly reduces the difficulty of uploading.

Picture files and video files also have the same mechanism, which is automatically transcoded to minimize the use of uplink resources.

In other words, no matter what format or size of file you upload, Pangu system will automatically optimize it to a format that occupies the smallest resources.

The benefits of this are obvious, not only uploading is much easier, but also reducing cache barriers for other users to browse

The shortcomings are of course also obvious, that is, sacrificing the original quality of pictures, audio and video.

The resolution of the picture will decrease, and the quality of audio and video will decrease.

But then again

No one did this stuff before, really don't think.

But if someone does it, you will find that it is so smart!

I can upload it, it’s not stuck

Moreover, APE and MP3 are played on the web, there is no difference at all.

Although the loss of resolution of pictures and video files is huge, it is enough if they can be played smoothly. Who needs the resolution?

Three Stones is tantamount to sacrificing the quality of user-uploaded content and improving the overall user experience.

As for what kind of server architecture and how many servers are invested, so as to achieve non-stuttering, this is not something that Microsoft can study.

After all, Three Stone's server technology is unique in the world, and there is a consensus in the world.

In short, figuring out this has made Microsoft feel a little bit wrong.

They originally thought that Three Stones would compete with Microsoft in technology.

After all, the previous provocative email and the top security team have always made Microsoft think that the entry point of the Pangu system is technology and security.

how to say?

In fact, Microsoft itself knows where its shortcomings are, that is, security. If Pan Gu makes a little achievement in this regard, it can indeed pose some threats to them.

But now I see that Sanshi Company played a Tianji horse race!

His main direction is not the technology and safety of the system itself, but also entertainment!

This way of avoiding the most important competition and upgrading the user experience is something Microsoft didn't expect!

It is even more frightening for them!

Such a big experience upgrade is not a slight improvement. For netizens of this age, it can be described as "sweet death"! Let Microsoft feel a sense of oppression.

To be honest, if Qi Lei does not mention the web2.0 era at the press conference, and does not mention the concept of letting users create content, perhaps Microsoft has not paid so much attention to it. They can't even think of the user experience upgrade.

However, Qi Lei mentioned it! And now it seems that he is doing it too! !

To put it bluntly, the word "web2.0" may be a gimmick.

However, letting users create content and become the main source of information on the Internet is not a gimmick.

Whether it is Microsoft or the major Internet vendors in the West, this is actually a consensus. The future development trend of the Internet is among them!

Including the blogs that have been raging in Europe and America this year, there is also a trend toward this direction.

Therefore, an important factor in Microsoft's next-generation system research and development plan is to promote users' desire for content creation.

This is the pulse of the times, and we can only follow the trend.

However, what Microsoft never expected was that they were only discussing concepts, looking for a foothold in the concepts, and then implementing product iterations, and Three Stones was obviously not a concept anymore.

They have a layout, a plan, and a smart plan.

This is already ahead of Microsoft! !

How to do?

In fact, you don't have to think about it, follow up immediately and catch up. This is understandable and not a problem.

But here comes the problem, it takes time to catch up! !

And this time will take at least half a year!

Yes, although the transcoding and compression technology is not a problem, it is not a problem to copy Sanshi's mutual entertainment integration plan. With the size of Microsoft, you can take out actual things and put them into testing in a month.

However, the problem is that neither transcoding technology nor audio and video playback plug-ins, including compression, etc., are not Microsoft's.

For example, the player of the RealMedia engine is Realworks, and there are other compression plug-ins, etc., and the authorization scheme needs to be reworked.

This process is long!

What to do then? Let Three Stones Company go crazy for half a year? With the linkage between the blog and the system, steadily attracting the number of users for half a year?

How to do?

Microsoft urgently mobilized to find a public relations program. In the course of this research, Microsoft did not move or even responded to the release of the Pangu system.

So Qi Lei began to worry: "Why haven't there been any movements?"

Others are weird, "If they ignore you, just have fun!"

What if the muffled sound develops, and I still hope there will be some movement?

But Wen Qilei said, "I won't be able to start the situation if he doesn't move."


Doesn't understand Qi Lei's brain circuit at all, what is he thinking?

It was Qi Lei's answer that made everyone begin to understand.

"Never argue with a fool"


"Because they pull you to the same level, and then use a wealth of experience to defeat you!"

Everyone raised their eyebrows. Is this why Qi Lei hopes Microsoft will respond?

But it's not right

"Microsoft is not a fool!"

Qi Lei, "Nonsense! Of course it is not a fool, we are the fool!"


Okay, I understand a little bit again.

"Now what?"

Qi Lei, "They won't move, then continue to run the blog!"

"Let the blog take off first!"

It doesn't seem to be difficult to get blogs to take off first.

It's already hot and unstoppable.

Sometimes this is the case. The hot explosion of a product is totally unreasonable.

The increase in blog network data is enough to shock your jaw!

The number of registered users on the 5th has reached 2.6 million.

4 million on the 6th.

7 million on the 7th.

In just three days, the number of registered users of the navigation blog has exceeded the accumulation of many large websites for several years.

Moreover, this trend has not slowed down.

In the early hours of the 12th, when the navigation blog went online for a full week, the data stunned everyone even more.

19 million registered users! !

Daily hits exceed 100 million, daily active users are 9 million, and the online peak is 4 million.

Such a result, Qi Lei did not hide it like Pangu 2.0, and immediately made it public.

Of course, the major media are rushing to report. It took only seven days for the blog network to become the third-ranked existence among Chinese Internet products!

Such achievements are unique.

As for why it's third

The first is Penguin, and the second is the navigation network. Not too shaken.

However, many media predict that according to this trend, it is only a matter of time before the blog network surpasses the navigation network and even Penguin.

In this regard, Qi Lei laughed.

It's not possible anymore!

The navigation network is a combination of search engines and web sites, which is just needed.

And the penguin is even more impossible!

These media may not know how terrifying Xiao Ma's QQ is, and beyond?

There are currently 31 million terminal computers in China, and the number of Internet users is about 45 million. (After changing the course of history)

But do you know how many registered users of QQ? 70 million! ! Registered users are more than the total number of Internet users in China!

The peak online user of Xiao Ma is approaching tens of millions, and the exhausted blogs can't catch up.

And in terms of software requirements, it is not of an order of magnitude.

The blog is to meet the social needs of some people, as well as the satisfaction of content production.

But QQ, that stuff takes all!

No matter who you are, whether it is a man or a woman, a gamer, a music player, a news watcher, or a blogger, as long as you are online, who doesn't hang a QQ?

In short, it is not easy for a blog to achieve such an achievement.

The current situation is that if the website has traffic, the content is bad.

Although netizens are talking about blogs, they are all using blogs, but this is driven by a sense of freshness.

There is no dependence.

Moreover, from the current point of view, there is only one big blogger and big V who can support the scene on the blog network.

Old Master Wang can only be considered half! The others are amateurs and media individuals.

To put it bluntly, it's not heavyweight enough.

Those superstar stars and well-known public figures have not yet settled in. After all, the time is too short.

The next goal is to create content and enrich the blog.

For Qi Lei, what he wants to think about is how to get those real big-flow stars to be on the blog.

What surprised Qi Lei was that he didn't need to worry too much about it.

While the whole society is paying great attention, it has also triggered a wide range of reflections, especially those public figures.

This can be called a marketing miracle, okay?

Although the Pangu system that Qi Lei promotes is still unclear, how can a blog become so popular?

Some people began to study, what is the excellence of Qi Lei's model?

How did he do that?

From "Today's Statement" to the Pangu press conference, in just a few days, he only brought up a website with his personal marketing.

This is outrageous!

It's a pity that they are not members of the Young Eagles squad, and they are completely confused about Qi Lei's communication logic.

However, for some people, I don’t know how to ask!

On this day, Qi Lei received a call, "Hello, Mr. Qi, is it convenient now?"

It was noon, and Qi Lei had just finished Grandpa Chen's class.

"Brother Hua, something? It's not an outsider, just say it!"

Hua Zai called, and heard Qi Lei say, "I'm sorry to disturb you! I'm still attending the event in the capital, can I treat you to a meal?"

Qi Lei was startled, "Eat? Good!"

Hua Tsai was overjoyed when he heard it, "You can decide the time and place."

"In addition, can I bring a few friends? They are all very good friends, and there are also the bosses of my economic company. I would like to ask you some questions."

Qi Lei understood at a glance, and joked: "It turned out not to eat, but to learn from the classics."

"My class is very expensive."

Hua Tsai froze for a moment, and then immediately knew Qi Lei was joking, "It's okay, it's on my account!"

"Ha!" Qi Lei laughed immediately and reported a time and place.

"See you tonight!"

The place Qi Lei picked was very special, not a big restaurant, beside Xidan, an old Beijing restaurant in the alley.

Except for people who have lived in the capital for many years, most people can't find it.

There are mutton and braised elbow.

The old courtyard was renovated, it is a fly restaurant.

Qi Lei arrived first after six o'clock. I remember that Huazai seems to be a vegetarian, so when I ordered, in addition to the mutton, I ordered some Beijing-style vegetarian dishes.

After a while, Hua Tsai took his friends there, and Qi Lei greeted him.

He brought a total of three people, two men and one woman. One of the middle-aged men was the boss of Hua Tsai's brokerage company.

The remaining man and woman made Qi Lei a little surprised

It's Zhang Guorong and Mei Yanfang

Qi Lei just gave them a meaningful look, nothing else.

The two people also felt that Qi Lei, the young man, did not seem to be like a boss as Hua Zai said, and he still had a sense of distance.

So, I didn’t show too much enthusiasm

In fact, Qi Lei felt a little heavy in his heart, so he couldn't laugh too much.

how to say? These two people are childhood memories that Qi Lei appreciates more, but they are just appreciating. It's not like those of close relatives, who have to intervene in their life trajectory. Everyone has his own way of living, and outsiders have no right to interfere.

However, for the two dying lives, Qi Lei couldn't completely contempt and have nothing to do with him.

So I feel awkward

In fact, the purpose of the invitation of a few people is also simple, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qi Lei's entire self-marketing strategy is very systematic and undoubtedly successful.

It's just that, for people of this age, they still don't see what's going on.

So, come to learn from it.

After all, for the management and shaping of personal image, the most important thing is the star.

In this regard, Qi Lei has nothing to mean, "Why do celebrity fans like to watch gossip?"

A few people look at me, I look at you, but the boss of the brokerage company understands better.

"Pursue freshness! The celebrities are lofty, it's cool to snoop on a little privacy."

As a result, Qi Lei asked him another question, "The celebrity images you create are all superb and perfect."

"Then you say, if a fan likes perfect stars, why does he also like the boy next door who is not handsome and has shortcomings?"



Qi Lei, "If you understand this question, maybe you don't have to be careful to create a star with a perfect image."

Looking at Hua Tsai, "Brother Hua doesn't have to hide his sister-in-law so tightly."

Hua Tsai was embarrassed and did not deny or admit it.

After a meal, I heard Qi Lei talk about the scary advantages and the audience's use and satisfaction.

Halfway through, Qi Lei's cell phone rang again, and it was Master Wang who called.

As the first singer to settle in, Master Wang's fans have exceeded 3 million, and he is also the blogger with the second highest number of fans on

It's just that the old master still doesn't know how to play, except for the first day's exposure, there are not many blog posts after that, and the popularity is not high.

However, he met Qi Lei.

Qi Lei personally made the certification for the old master, and also left a comment under his blog.

When I called, I also wanted to invite Qi Lei to dinner, which the company requested.

Okay, the old Master is hot all of a sudden, Warner also has a sense of smell, but he is not as fast as Huazi, and thinks a lot. It still stays at the level of letting Master Wang and Qi Lei have more contact and more fans.

In this regard, Qi Lei's answer is very simple.

"If you want to eat for this, then save it! Listen to me, go back to the recorded photos, and let the company record a few small videos of your daily life. Be more grounded and life-like."

Old Master, "Is this all right?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "It must be done!"

Old Master, "Why?"

Qi Lei said politely, "Your chances are running out, come on!"

Master Wang is speechless, how can I say that I am dying?

Qi Lei explained: "The first thing in the hot search list, I think it is quite difficult for you. Now, when there are few people, you can make your dream come true."

Master Wang: ""

After hanging up the phone, Master Wang was still complaining, "Is it that difficult first? Besides, do I care about hot search?"

Wow leather pants don't care at all, okay!

Qi Lei hung up the phone, because the place to eat was originally small, so everyone was listening.

Hua Tsai did not deliberately pretend not to hear, "You said that you are down-to-earth, is it really good? Will it make movie fans think that idols are too ordinary?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Ordinary is not ordinary. It is determined by your work. Only those who are incapable will hang up and pretend to be advanced."

"And if the three of us are capable, if they can satisfy the attributes of a celebrity, but also satisfy the attributes of the big brother and big sister next door, which one do you think is better?"

Suddenly he glanced at Zhang Guorong, "It might be easier this way."

Everyone nodded, seemingly understanding.

Qi Lei puffed his cheeks to eat meat, "You are like this!"

Looking around at the few people present, "It happens that there is a subject in my school. If you are interested, I can tailor a variety show for you."

Hua Zi was curious, "What variety show?"

Qi Lei frowned, I said tailoring, isn't it still unmeasured?

But I didn't panic, and instinctively blurted out, "The Longing for Life, the Extreme Challenge, you pick one."

I froze for a moment, "Hey, this thing really works!"

Several people looked at him in a daze, how could it be true?

Qi Lei said to himself there, "Looking for a few stars from the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan to participate, with a Hong Kong popular and Taiwanese accent, walking into the countryside can not only show the rural style, but also promote the exchanges between the three places."

Slap the table, "That's it!"

Three people: ""

What is this set? I don't see anything outside.

I am very busy! Besides, the company doesn't allow variety shows to come!

When the scene was about to leave, Qi Lei got in the car and suddenly said to a female star who was together: "Sister Mei's complexion is not very good, check her body frequently."

"Your complexion, it's okay, if it's something, it's a big deal."

As for Zhang Guorong, Qi Lei said nothing

Let's go back to Master Wang's side, hung up the phone, and pondered for a long time.

Finally, I called the agent and studied what Qi Lei said.

As a result, the agent is a smart man.

"Don't you understand what Mr. Qi means? This is for you to strike while the iron is hot!"

"You are now in the stage of playing a new album. Of course you need to increase your exposure!"

"You are like this, I will bring a photographer from the company now, let's take a group photo."

Master Wang was dumbfounded, "Don't be so hurry?"

Agent, "You young people, you don't have any ambitions. You see, Mr. Qi, who is 18 years old, has made such a big achievement. You must hurry up!"

Master Wang couldn't help it, "Well then, where can I shoot?"

The agent didn't even think about it, "Just shoot at your house! Don't you want to be down-to-earth? Isn't this down-to-earth enough?"

That night, Master Wang took a group of life photos of writing songs at home, and they were washed out the next day.

Picked the best one, ready to hit the hot search list

And just when Master Wang was passively accepting it and was about to go on a hot search, Hua Tsai was also pondering Qi Lei's words.

In fact, Hua Tsai is not tempted by the scary advantages and the image of the big brother next door.

His heart was moved by what Qi Lei said, "Sao Hua doesn't have to hide it."

After struggling several times, finally, Hua Zi found a computer and registered a blog account

Master Wang's blog content is quite fresh and topical.

Old-fashioned residential buildings, rooms with musical instruments, books, and unfashionable workbenches.

Master Wang holds the guitar and composes music on the workbench with one hand.

The following essay is full of sincerity:

"Work hard and make money to buy leather pants!"

It's a bit self-deprecating, and the people who watch it can't help but laugh.

The key is that in this era, there is no such self-deprecating one, let alone a star who utters his own bedroom.

As soon as the new blog post came out, the huge number of fans caused many fans to reply immediately below the blog post, and the likes broke 10,000 in the blink of an eye.

The agent was very satisfied, "At this speed, we will soon be able to dominate the list!"

Master Wang disagrees. He is only twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old, and he is still a young rock and roll. This kind of thing is not taken seriously.

Who cares if you don't fall in love?

What should I do?

The agent didn't leave either, so he stared at the computer and got ready for the summit.

He thought about the next blog post, and called it "I accidentally got it on a hot search."

It has to feel a little bit arrogant.

After more than an hour, "It's over!"

Master Wang is composing music there, "Why is it over?"

Agent, "The hot search is gone."

Master Wang stared at him, "Why is it gone?"

The agent looked bitter, "Hua Tsai has entered the blog and posted a blog post."

Master Wang leaned over to take a look, okay! !

Hua Tsai's blog post is also very simple. It is also a photo with a small fly restaurant in the background.

In the photo is a group photo of Hua Zai, Mei Sister and Qi Lei's friends.

The accompanying text is: "Last night, Mr. Qi gave a treat. It tasted very good and worth recommending."

Master Wang was shocked immediately, last night? Isn't that when you call yourself?


Then there was no more, hot search rushed to the second and couldn't move.

Master Wang and Hua Zai are still incomparable. Besides, the first day they entered the station, they were still eating photos with Qi Lei, the key is still a fly restaurant.

The comments below are all exploded.

Netizens will never associate the fly restaurant with such big stars as Huazi, Sister Mei, and brother, let alone Mr. Qi, who has such a thick family.

Too grounded!

"I ate better than Hua Zai last night!"

"I've been to that one, it's really good."

All kinds of data exploded in an instant, let alone the hot search list.

Hua Tsai took a look at the blog between work and found that, as Qi Lei said, these grounded behaviors are indeed very popular.

So, on a whim, Hua Zi posted another blog post

Therefore, Master Wang hit the hot search for the second time in his life (the first was the day the blog was launched)

fail! !

Looking at Yiqi Juechen's Huazi, Old Master Wang was a little bit up, "Is the last hot search so difficult?"

The agent comforted, "Don't worry! Huazi grabbed it as normal. When the heat of his arrival is over, it's time for us!"

Master Wang could only think about this. Originally, he was quite resistant to this kind of deliberate hot search, but now he has a taste of accepting it silently.

It took three full days before the enthusiasm of Hua Tsai's entry came down.

Master Wang felt that the opportunity was here!

Moreover, today I just received the notice from Beijing Music Channel that the title song of his new album won the top ten golden songs of the quarter.

Don't think this award is irrelevant. The top ten golden songs are amazing!

Master Wang immediately posted a blog, "The top ten golden songs continue to move forward!"

Confidence slowly announced, saying silently, "I'm almost 6 million fans, everyone, give me some help!"

Before I finished thinking about it, the blog suddenly popped up a pop-up window, "Superstar Mei, enter the blog!"

Master Wang: ""

so I! ! !

After waiting for another three days, Sister Mei’s popularity was over, and Master Wang fought hot search again.


[Pop-up window] "Xiao Sa, the host of "Today's Statement", opened a blog and chatted with Mr. Xiao Qi online. Don't miss it!"

Barking: "!!!"

This time even the fans couldn't stand it anymore, "Wang leather pants! Don't struggle, give up, you're not dead."

"Don't be sad, it's good, I think you can use leather pants as a weather vane."

"Every time there is a hot search, there must be a big fight!"

Master Wang, ""

Apart from frustration, the fighting spirit is more vigorous! He still didn't believe it, just a hot search! Will I go up?

Xiao Sa and Qi Lei are fighting each other, and it won't take much time.

the next day

It is also Tianzhu Wangfuzi.

The film "Seventeen-year-old Bicycle" directed by Wang Xiaoshuai is about to compete at the Berlin Film Festival, one of the three major European film festivals.

However, because "Seventeen-year-old Bicycle" participated in the film festival before it passed the trial in China, it would face the punishment of banning the screening in China.

"Seventeen-year-old Cycling" has a lot of praise in the industry, and it is very likely to win the jury award.

Many contradictions have caused the recent entertainment news to revolve around this movie, and even introduce social discussions, "Should it be banned?"

And in the process, someone picked up another hot news:

All the film soundtracks of "Seventeen Year Old Bicycle" were completed by the current hot singer and blogger.

This undoubtedly gave Wang Piku a long face again, and raised the heat.

Some reporters even went to interview Wang Piku and asked him to express his views on the matter.

If you put it in the past, there must be something to say about the leather pants?

However, human beings are prone to hysteria with more stimulation. The first reaction is: the hot search is here! ! !

The reporter was driven away, "All my remarks will be published on my blog. Please go to the blog network to pay attention!"

When he returned home, Wang Piku wrote a long blog post to clarify his views on the "Seventeen-year-old Cycling" incident.

As soon as the blog post came out, Wang's fans almost cried, leather pants! You finally got the hang of it

That's right, it must be topical, topical! !

I used to be groaning without illness, so how can I ever do others?

As a result, Wang leather pants quickly aroused heated discussions in the station, and the hot search list has been advancing all the way.

In the evening, the moment to reach the top immediately! ! !

Microsoft suddenly held a press conference to respond to the recent Chinese netizens' complaints about IE browser and the slow upload speed of windows.

Including the response to the Pangu system of Sanshi Company and the web2.0 era.

This is what Microsoft said at the press conference:

Three Stone Company is an excellent company, and Mr. Qi Lei is also a genius leader.

From the point of view of web2.0, Microsoft and Three Stones coincide.

In fact, Microsoft's R&D and exploration of the new version of IE started as early as last year, and it is expected that in one to two months, the brand new IE2.0 will officially meet with the majority of users.

The user experience, such as no stuttering, high-speed uploading, etc., will definitely not let everyone down.

Well, this is Microsoft's public relations strategy.

Blow the cowhide out first, and it will arrive soon after one to two months, so that users can rest assured.

As for one to two months later, of course no new solution can be made, but you can skip the ticket!

I've been waiting for two months, don't mind waiting for another two months, right?

After that, I’ve waited for four months, don’t mind waiting for another two months.

Anyway, it's just a procrastination, dragging the past six months.

As for the Pangu system

"For the Pangu system, Microsoft can only say that they have a long way to go and will not pose any threat to Microsoft in the short term."

"As far as media friends are concerned, will Microsoft lower the price because of the Pangu system?"

"I can tell you clearly that Microsoft's pricing standards are in line with the interests of users, as well as Microsoft's own interests."

"We will not rush into a price war just because we have an immature opponent. That is not Microsoft's style."

In short, the meaning is, if you want to fight a price war, I have to fight with you?

Pangu is not worthy!

Well, in the eyes of Microsoft, 0 yuan installed is a price war.

It's just that Pangu is not enough.


Hot searches for **** leather pants

It's gone again! !

Master Wang stopped playing.

Too bully! Don’t do what you did, you’ll have trouble as soon as I want to go on hot search, and when I want to go on hot search?

There is no end! ! ?

Qi Lei is also paying attention to Microsoft's press conference.

Lao Nan called the first time, "Let you fix the broken web2.0! This time, I will follow up, do you have to play?"

Nan Lao said earlier that if you have Pangu, you can also use windows, so he won't be safe!

Well now, Microsoft is on! What do you do!

Qi Lei took a deep breath, what a special one! Microsoft finally has action!

But I can’t say this to Old Nan, or the old man will yell at you. The topic changed and asked, "How much is the Pangu system activated at present?"

Old Nan, "400,000."

After removing the 320,000 installed capacity in Internet cafes, it has increased by 80,000 in the past two months, which is actually pretty good.

Lao Nan also has to admit that this is the credit of the blog.

Many people install the Pangu system just to play blogs.

However, that's the case, most people are still unwilling to give up stable and reliable windows.

And, it's over now, it's all over!

One to two months, regardless of whether they can come up with a transcoding plan within one to two months.

However, Microsoft has released a message. Many users who want to change the system to play blogs have to think about it. Can't you wait for a month or two?

This will greatly reduce the number of blogs installed.

"Stone!" Old Nan was very anxious, "You smashed it this time!"

Qi Lei still did not respond.

Continue to change the topic: "Microsoft did not mention the price cut?"

Old Nan was stagnant, "This is the only place that is more advantageous to us."

If Microsoft doesn't cut prices, Pangu will still have a price advantage.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei seemed to say regretfully, "They really can hold their breath!"

Old Nan, ""

"What do you mean? Are you still looking forward to their price cuts?"

Qi Lei said, "The blog is still a little bit interesting."

Old Nan was really anxious, "Are you still thinking about your blog?"

"Wake up, when is it!?"

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei was still pondering, "Blogs are indeed popular now, but the blog itself is the source of the fire. The content lacks a big explosion like the ‘Li Zimei’ incident!"

He needs a big hit! !

"Where can I find a big hit?"

Can't I also write a serial about P?

(The Mu Zimei incident is the woman who serialized all the details of her appointment.)

Just thinking about it, Master Wang's call came.

"President Xiao Qi, is hot search so difficult? Is it so difficult!? Ah!? Tell me, is it so difficult!?"

Wangpi pants are really anxious, how many times have they been? Too irritating!

"I'm about to take it down soon, you have a pop-up window, deliberately?"

Qi Lei was stunned, "Are you searching hot these days?"

Wang leather pants were about to cry, very aggrieved, "I took the second place in seven days!!"

"I'm poof!" Qi Lei sprayed directly, staring in a daze, "Is he not really poisonous?"

Can't laugh or cry, "It's okay, I'll help you! I'll definitely realize your dream, I'll pop up the window for you!"

Master Wang who said this finally felt better, "Thank you, Mr. Qi!"

"But, I haven't talked anymore recently!"

Qi Lei: "What more topic do you want after you are like this?"

"The hot search is a topic! Just borrow this topic, and I will let you stay up for a day."

To be simpler, add a more magical title to Master Wang's experience in the last few days, "Is it a curse, or is it destined?" 》

This subtitle is enough for the hot search on Master Wang.

Second, Qi Lei did what he said and really gave Master Wang a pop-up window.

The blog network detonated in an instant, and everyone came to watch Master Wang, the "two thousand years old".

Many people still don't believe, "There is no inside story, right?"

"Wang leather pants, you can take a second look if there is a kind?"

"It always feels like something big will speak up"

"Bet, our leather pants won't carry the most searched horoscopes in our lives! Someone must cut their beard!"

The leather pants, who have never liked to reply to comments, all replied, "Shut up! It's unlucky."

At this time Master Wang was in front of the computer, pouting his lips proudly. Second? Whoever loves to do it, do it, I'm finally on the hot search! Is President Xiao Qi's pop-up window that can be blocked?

Stable this time! !

Then, this day, Master Wang, except for interacting with fans, did nothing but stared at the hot search list.

At 12:30 noon, the pop-up window came out for half an hour.

"The curse from Wangpi pants." This information entered the top 50 in the hot search list.

At one o'clock, the fire steadily climbed and reached the top 20.

Master Wang knows that these are all appetizers.

After all, it is not a mobile Internet, it is a desktop operation, which has great limitations.

To really start climbing the rankings, it has to be after get off work, at night.

At two o'clock, the news entered the top ten of the hot search list.

Master is very relieved!

I glanced at the number one, "Microsoft Press Conference" label.

Xin said, you have been hanging on it for a day, and it's time to get down!

At four o'clock in the afternoon, "The curse from the leather pants, enter the top three!!!"

Five points, surpassing the second place "Hua Tsai New Song"

Six o'clock


After all, the Microsoft Press Conference is associated with Sanshi, blogs and Pangu, so the popularity is normal, and it will take a while.

Master Wang is not in a hurry, Qi Lei said, just to be on the safe side, I will pop up two windows for him today to keep him first.

In short, it's steady! !

While waiting to reach the top, browse the other content of the hot search list.

There are mostly celebrities gossip, which is meaningless.

Occasionally there is a relatively fresh label that is short-lived, but a label about "legendary player" is quite strong. After a while, it jumped from the top 50 to the top 20.

It jumped from the top 20 to the top ten, and there is a tendency to continue to climb.

Wangpiku is quite strange, can "Legend Players" make it into the hot search list? Why should I be second?

Just thinking about it, the agent called.

Two things:

First, care about the hot search list.

In the past half month, not only the leather pants, but also the agent, have been stunned. They take it too seriously.

The second one is to let him go to the company tomorrow and have a meeting to discuss the new album.

The two talked for a long time, but finally the agent refused to hang up, "Is it number one?"

Wang Piku has forgotten about this when he patronizes the phone, "It should be the first one, take a look."

Sit in front of the computer and click Refresh.


"Your uncle!"

The woof screamed and slammed the phone down.

Hot search list:

No.1: #Legend Player

No.2:#Curse from Wangpi pants! ! !

"What the hell!?"

Wangpiku is completely crazy, and the legendary player overtakes him!

Who is that? Did **** play games?

The anger agitated, and then backed out without temper.

The hot search content is:

"Legend" is a game blogger who wrote strategy and recorded ss war videos in the first district of Telecom and the second district of Beijing.

He is the actor of Huo Jianqi in "The Man, the Mountain and the Dog" which won numerous awards and even won the Montreal International Film Festival award.

The 1999 Golden Rooster Award for best male match winner Liu Huohua.

This guy went to an Internet cafe to book "Legend" between shooting, and was recognized by netizens.

And this is not over yet. Taking this as a guide, the legendary player with vast magic powers picked out a player from the Guangdong area. Also bragging on the blog, it was Nicholas Tse who posted the strategy.

So, all day today, legendary players are hunting for celebrity players.

Wangpi trousers were dark in front of him, and he couldn't accept the reality a bit.

However, fans of the leather pants family are very calm.

"This result, why is it not surprising at all."

"Destroy it, hahahahahaha!! It's boring."

"The entertainment industry is in chaos, my leather pants have the final say!"

"Pants, will you still be searching for it tomorrow? I want to eat big melons, eat bigger melons!"

Qi Lei was also confused when looking at the hot search list


This is absolutely something

Is it so smart? .

Today, I deleted a lot of manuscripts so there are more than 10,000 words.

Then, the easter egg chapter splits a fork first! How big is it? When the old man was young, he was also a player with his heel to the back of his head! ! Cough

tomorrow! Broken boulders in my chest tomorrow!

Um! Ok, deal.

There are hundreds of leagues! No more! Stop rewarding! How much money?

Just give the ticket.

I really like it, open an automatic subscription, and appeal to a wave of pirated dads, do me a favor, it's the end of the year, and the subscription results involve a lot of things. It's not convenient to say more.

If you really think that what the old man wrote is okay, even better, come to the starting point and make a full order. This thing is a bit important to me now.

Give a hand.

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