Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Pangu Kaitian (7)

It's outrageous! Is it really untouchable?

Call the old master, "Brother, why don't you give up! Maybe you really don't have that kind of life!"

Wang leather pants are also helpless, "Let me slow down"

It doesn't work, he really can't talk about it anymore.

"Thanks, Xiao Qi, I don't know how to thank you."

To be honest, Wang Piku is very grateful to Qi Lei, such a big boss, without any air, and helped a lot.

Although the hot search did not go up, but during this time, he also attracted a lot of fans.

When Qi Lei heard it, "It's boring to talk about it. I don't know how to speak if I ask you for help."

Wang Piku suddenly smiled over the phone, "Well, I will take you to a good restaurant another day. You are better than the one I went to before."

Qi Lei, "Really? That's it."

Wang leather pants, "It's set."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei rubbed his eyebrows.

Lao Qin next to him looked at him with his back and teased slightly, "I've counted all the mechanisms, but there is still no effect, right?"

Qi Lei perfunctorily, "Where is it? It hasn't started yet!"

Old Qin shook his head, "Hard mouth!"

Qi Lei responded with a wry smile, not struggling

It is indeed the dead end.

For more than half a month, Qi Lei has been sparing no effort to hype the blog network, but in exchange it was only a statement from Microsoft.

And it is a statement that is not good news for Three Stones.

Old Qin, "Don't you want us to help? You only have half a year."

After half a year, Windows has solved the user experience solution, and the advantages of Pangu 2.0 will be gone.

You can compress and transcode, so can others. Moreover, it is not necessarily worse than what you do, and the security and stability of the system are better than you.

If Microsoft does something better, even the personalized UI will be copied for you.

What more can you play?

So, time is running out!

Lao Qin, "In fact, we really hope that Pangu can become a system adopted by users."

"When your civilian version of the system matures, we are still waiting for the enterprise version, and even the military version."

"So don't wait!"

Old Qin solemnly said: "Now you can start to change the office computers of some state-owned enterprises and departments, at least it is to send a signal to the Chinese people, right?"

Qi Lei was silent, the current situation is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

However, it is not the kind of unsatisfactory Lao Qin thought. What is unsatisfactory is not that Microsoft decided to follow up the user experience program, but that Microsoft only followed up the user experience program!

For the current situation, Qi Lei was also well prepared. Before the system was released, he said that this is an extremely difficult process, and it is not surprising even if it fails completely.

However, what makes Qi Lei a little painful is that he actually does all the links very well, almost perfect. The only trouble is that Microsoft is not very cooperative.

What's so special, just give me back the development progress of a user experience solution? Would you like something else?

Is it such a waste?

After a long time, there was a burst of clarity in front of me. After thinking about something, my heart said, is it really such a waste?

"Old North."

Old Qin looked up, "What are you doing?"

Qi Lei looked stunned, "You said that after half a month of discussion, Microsoft has worked out a timetable for a user experience solution? Why am I so unbelievable?"

Old Qin was startled, "You mean they have other great tricks?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! That's the truth! They must have other clever tricks!"

"If I were Microsoft, I would develop a complete crisis public relations plan instead of just announcing a timetable."

"What's more, I am not Microsoft. Microsoft is bigger than mine. The public relations plan should be more careful and cautious!"

Old Qin didn't understand too much

But he knew that from the beginning, Qi Lei's intention seemed to be to make Microsoft respond more and act more.

Speechless: "Then what do you want them to do?"

Qi Lei, "I hope they scold me and hire the media to attack Pangu!"

"Huh?" Old Qin didn't understand even more.

Qi Lei, "He scolds me, so there is a topic! He scolds me, so that he can be dragged into the pile of fools! I can take the next step, forcing him to go down with me!"

Old Qin couldn't understand even more, "But people just ignore you!"

Qi Lei's eyes were brighter, "That's because the stimulation is not enough!"

Old Qin, "???"

Qi Lei seemed to be more and more enlightened, "I really need a big explosion point, but where is this explosion point?"

You can’t let Qi Lei go against the [news professionalism] and speculate on a hot spot, right? ([Journalism professionalism] is the professional ethics and norms of a journalist and a media person. There is no need to explain.)

"Hey! I really want to make a news myself!"

I saw Lao Qin almost speechless, this kid has been hysterical playing blogging, thinking about the news every day, bursting!

How much news do you want?

As everyone knows, what Qi Lei wants has nothing to do with size.

Maybe it's big, but not that big. The news he needs has a social effect and is out of the circle! It is out of the [framework] of blog network.

The current blog is very popular, but it is not "hot" enough!

Master Wang's inability to get hot search results are two completely different concepts from later generations.

In later generations, Weibo or the Internet has become an important source of information for the public.

A hot search on Weibo is actually equivalent to a hot search in the whole society.

Even if it cannot be achieved, the effect has been approaching infinitely.

And Master Wang's headlines are therefore also of the nature of the entire network.

But now, after all, the scale of the Internet is still very small. Even if the blog network is out of the circle, it is still far from reaching the point of social effect.

Master Wang's hot search stems are at best a self-confidence from the internal users of the blog network.

Although Hua Tsai and Mei Sister can also drive some fan effects, this force is also limited.

To put it bluntly, the blog network is very popular now, but it is only the fire within the framework of the Internet. Not the fire of the whole people!

In short, it is not enough!

In the evening, Qi Lei returned to the dormitory. He hasn't returned to the dormitory for several days.

When Master Peng saw him coming back, "Oh fuck, are busy people coming back?"

Qi Lei raised his **** to Master Peng, utterly contemptuous.

Dong Li posted it, "President Xiao Qi, give me a ring of paralysis?"

Qi Lei, "Get out!"

Dong Li, "Oh."

Slip away obediently.

Qi Lei slumped on the chair, 418 did not take him as a person, what should he do.

I opened my blog habitually and went around the hot search list, but I didn't see any new hot spots.

The only thing I can see is Hua Tsai’s blog. The new album "Heart Blue" will be released on December 15th, with a work photo.

In preparation for the first album in 2001, I am picking songs.

Moreover, the article also explains how a singer like him chooses songs.

Music producers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and the Mainland sent a bunch of demos, and Hua Zai selected works that fit his own style.

In future generations, this is not new news, but in this era, fans have seen it quite new.

Still that sentence, grounded!

Qi Lei laughed out loud when he watched it. The artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan these days are all iron men, and the model workers are not enough to be praised!

It is said that in the later generations of the Internet literary circle, the authors are crazy and update desperately.

But compared with the Hong Kong circle in the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century, that is pediatrics!

Hot stars like Hua Zi have four or five albums and five or six movies a year, and there are more than a dozen concerts in between. Other public welfare activities, commercial performances, interviews, etc. are not counted!

They all say that Zhang Guorong is depressed

One year's workload for ten years!

The key is that people have persisted for more than 20 years, even individuals have to be depressed!


In terms of the current and future levels of model workers, Hua Tsai is not a human being!

On a whim, leave a message under Hua Tsai's blog post, "Send a sample here, let's help you refer to it."

The meaning of ridicule is mostly, but it is not too big. Everyone knows that Lei Qi can sing and write.

For the "Heart Blue" album that is about to be released, Hua Tsai also talked to Qi Lei in private. What do you say? Qi Lei is joking, this one might not sell well.

Because there is not a single Reviver in it.

After sending the private message, Qi Lei didn't take it seriously, it was just an interaction.

Regardless of the computer, they ran to Peng Ye and they were bragging. When they came back to this room, there was no company boss, just a room of smelly feet, and endless games and girls.

It was almost ten o'clock that the lights were turned off, and Qi Lei went back to the computer and took a look.


Hua Tsai really sent Qi Lei a playlist in a private message, and also attached the score.

Finally leave a message, "Would you like to write a song for me?"

Well, this is the real purpose of Hua Tsai. Xiao Qi always writes songs, no matter what the song is, it is a hot spot in itself.

When Qi Lei took a look, he replied first, "Okay, this is not a problem."

"I will give you the lyrics first, and compose a song for you another day."

I really wrote a lyrics in a private message

"My hometown, I live in this Tun'er"

"I am a native of silver in this village."


Hua Tsai replied in seconds, "Why is it weird?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qi Lei laughed and spoofed: "No wonder, it must be a big fire!"

Hua Tsai was serious and didn't see the song, and didn't know what was special about it. It's about Microsoft's affairs, "I heard about the affairs between Three Stones and Microsoft."

"I'm just a singing and acting performer, and I may not be able to help."

"But if you need it, you can say something and I will definitely help."

When Qi Lei saw it, he felt very comfortable

In fact, in the real scene, it’s not like other big bosses, big stars

All people, and all ordinary people.

What really touches you is not how talented and famous he is. Those are just stepping stones. It is a heart-warming word that really draws attention to.

It's like leather pants, like Hua Zi. Even like Dong Li, like Peng Ye.

Very simple and close

Typing cracklingly, "Okay! I promise not to be polite to you."

Hua Zi: "OK!"

After returning to Hua Tsai, he was busy with himself, but Qi Lei lifted his feet on the table because Brother Chuang was cleaning.

I really looked at the playlist sent by Hua Tsai in detail.

He really intends to help Hua Ge pick songs, after all, as the rebirth Qi Lei still knows what songs can be popular.

And it doesn't take much time.

However, what Qi Lei did not expect was

God seemed to have favored him again.

Seeing a song in the playlist, Qi Lei almost didn't jump up.

"Oh fuck!"

At 418, the brothers who were cutting "Legend" were shocked! Brother Chuang threw all the mops away!

Dong Li stared instinctively, "What are you doing!"

Seeing Qi Lei staring at a song in Huazi's playlist as hell, standing barefoot on the ground, "Have you given this song back to Huazi?"

The crowd gathered around.

Brother Chuang pushed Qi Lei, "What's the matter?"

Peng Ye looked at the playlist, ""Nunchaku"? What kind of song is this? I haven't heard it!"

Chen Wenjie also looked at the playlist, "Does it sound good?"

But Qi Lei screamed, "Use the nunchaku! Hmph! Haha!"

Very excited, "What a great song!"

The point is, everyone doesn’t know, the people behind the song are better!

(The nunchaku was written to Zhang Huimei.)

In September 1997, with the encouragement of his father, Jay Chou, who was 18 years old, signed up for the entertainment program "Super Rookie King" on the Formosa Star TV, and invited people to sing his own song "Dream Has Wings" on the show.

When the host Wu Zongxian saw the score of this song, he invited Jay Chou to work as a music assistant at Alfa Music Company.

In the meantime, Jay Chou has been staying at Alfa Music, and also tried to write songs for first-line singers such as Huazi and Amei.

Unfortunately, due to the obvious personal music style, it was never adopted.

Two years later, in December 1999, Wu Zongxian proposed an impossible task to Jay Chou, who had been settled for two years.

If he can write 50 songs in 10 days, pick 10 of them and give Jay Chou a solo album.


These ten songs include: "Stars", "Perfectionism", "Cute Woman", "Bullfighting", "Black Humor", "Tornado".

This is how the most influential star in the music scene of Hong Kong and Taiwan was born in the post-four kings era.

It's a pity that Qi Lei is only one step late. Jay Chou's album was released on November 7th, 4 days later than the Pangu press conference.

If he could see Hua Tsai's playlist a month earlier, thinking of such a person, he would definitely let Jay Chou post the new album on his blog, then he wouldn't have to worry about where to find a big hit.

However, it is not too late.

It was November 21st, and "jay" was released only two weeks ago.

For a newcomer, Jay Chou has just started his acting career, and he has not even reached the word-of-mouth report, and he has become so popular.

At this moment.

Treasure island

The winter in Baodao is much warmer than in Beijing.

Just after finishing his trip to Beijing, Zhang Guorong, who was preparing for the Treasure Island concert, received a call.

Hung up the phone, and reluctantly complained, "I have only seen one side, do you want to be so familiar!"

The broker was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Guorong, "It's okay, a boss in the mainland, please help."

After speaking, Zhang Guorong packed his things and said, "I'll go out."

Leaving the rehearsal site, Zhang Guorong also made a call, "Xiao Xian, do you have a pretty boy in your company?"

"Let's meet at your company and call that pretty boy."

An hour later, Alfa Music.

Wu Zongxian looked at Zhang Guorong who was visiting suddenly, sitting next to him who was in his early 20s, his eyes were not big, as if he hadn't woken up.

Wu Zongxian doesn't talk nonsense: "What a mess?"

Zhang Guorong ignored his old friend, looked at the young man named Dong Chou, and suddenly smiled: "You are lucky, there is a boss who wants to praise you. 5 million, three songs, the Internet, can't you do it?"

Jay Chou: "???"

Engage? What kind of plane? Where's the boss? Liar, right?

"Fuck!" But Wu Zongxian agreed without even thinking about it.

The current Jay Chou hasn't become popular yet, 5 million? Which one is taking advantage of? Xiao Zhou can write five poems a day. Can transfer nearly two 5 million!

With a grin, "The boss is so powerful, do you want to hold a few more songs? A discount is fine!"

Jay Chou, who is only 21 years old, still has a hooded face, and said cutely, "Is this money given to me, or the company?"

Wu Zongxian stagnated, "This is a problem!"

Looking at Zhang Guorong, "For the singer, or the company? I want a commission!"

Leslie Cheung was speechless, just like that Xiao Qi, it was all funny!

Looking at the dumb young man, Zhang Guorong really couldn't figure it out. Where did Xiao Qi always look at him?

With the current traffic of, it is not too simple to promote an original singer with a topic and potential.

In addition, Qi Lei, a spreading genius, created a little topic and became popular quickly without any difficulty.

Moreover, Qi Lei's ability to select songs needless to say.

The three songs are: "Nunkaku", "Simple Love", "Qilixiang"

Two songs were composed and produced by Jay Chou himself, and Fang Wenshan and Xu Ruoxuan wrote lyrics.

"Qilixiang" was written by Qi Lei! Little Chou originally wanted to use "Love in BC" for the third song.

However, Qi Lei felt that although love was good in BC, it was not the best! If he wants to smash it down, it's the kind of feeling that Wang Zhen felt! So it was replaced by Qilixiang.

After watching it, Jay Chou looked strange, "Oh, it looks like me."

Qi Lei, "The style like you belongs to your name!"

Jay Chou: "Not so good, right?"

Qi Lei, "Reassure! What I want is a sensational effect, your name is just right!"

Jay Chou, "It's still not so good."

Qi Lei glared, "That's it!"

Jay Chou said, "Oh oh? Fierce."

I have to say that Jay Chou's style is really too special, too different, and too cool.

It is completely different from traditional love songs in the tonality. It combines the topicality of singing in Chinese with that of English, plus its own talent.


Coupled with the popularity of the blog network, Jay Chou instantly became popular.

And Jay Chou’s fire is different from Wang’s hot search and so-and-so celebrity’s entry into the blog. It is exactly the kind of social influence that Qi Lei wants!

Singing in the streets and alleys, popular among young people, beginning with blogs, and enduring for a long time.

Oh, by the way, just a few days after Jay Chou posted a song on his blog, Wang Piku was photographed by a tabloid reporter who was in and out of couples with an unknown woman, and his love affair was exposed.

Once again verified, Wang Piku’s predictive ability

It's mid-December.

The three songs on the blog, plus the album "jay" are gaining popularity.

Qi Lei was satisfied, "It's in place! It's in place!"

"If Microsoft doesn't make a move yet, then he is a salted fish!"

Everyone did not understand that the topicality and popularity brought by Jay Chou only once again stimulated the presence of the blog, and it has nothing to do with your Pangu 2.0.

Why are you so happy?

As everyone knows, Microsoft’s perspective is completely different

For more than a month, ordinary people have seen that blogs are getting more popular and hot day by day.

But in the eyes of Microsoft, they see many different details.

First, there is a detail in the December financial report of Three Stones that has been overlooked by many people.

Three Stone's Internet cafes have seen a 16% increase in profits in the past month.

This growth rate is 5% higher than the increase in students’ online time during the summer vacation.

Compared with October, it is 9% points higher.

What does that mean? That is: Internet cafes under the Three Stones generally improved in November, with a significant increase.

And Microsoft China also got a data, that is: in November, the year-on-year profit growth of other Internet cafes in Greater China was negative!

What does it mean again?

In other words: the profits of other Internet cafes are declining, while Sanshi is increasing.

The year-on-year online passenger flow of other Internet cafes is decreasing, while Sanshi is increasing.

The second is also in detail. Among the registered users of, those who have the exclusive icon of the Pangu system and the exclusive homepage of Pangu, Microsoft has roughly calculated that the proportion is about 11%.

According to the recent announcement by Three Stone Company, the 24 million registered users of, that is

2.64 million users have exclusive privileges for Pangu!

Third, up to now, there are about 2 million active bloggers on the blog network, and bloggers who have uploaded audio and video files.

These three data are worth analyzing and intriguing.

Why are the users of Sanshi Internet cafes growing?

Also, although the Pangu system has not announced the installed capacity, it will not jump to 2.64 million installed capacity in just over a month, right? Where did the more than two million exclusive icons come from?

What's more, users who have installed the Pangu system must play blogs.

Could it be that Pangu's installed capacity is more than 2.64 million? Three million, four million? ?

Also, upload audio and video files. More than two million users!

Windows currently, it is basically impossible to upload files to a blog.

In other words, these 2 million users are all uploaded through the Pangu system. Does Pangu really have so many users?

So the question is, what are the reasons for the above three points?

Microsoft came to two conclusions:

First, the installed capacity of the Pangu system has really reached a terrifying number!

Although this is unlikely, Microsoft's statistics department, as well as the results of sample surveys, point to the installed capacity of the Pangu system will not exceed 500,000 units.

However, the high-level sweat was still shocked.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case! If it's so high, it's over!

Second, that is that there are not so many installed users! It is the exclusive icon obtained from the Internet cafe and the file uploaded in the Internet cafe.

This illustrates another problem.

That is, even if there is a computer with windows at home, even people who have never used to go to Internet cafes before, for the personality of the blog, in order to upload files and increase the quality of personal blog content, they start to choose to go to the Internet cafes that Sanshi joined. operate.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the traffic of other Internet cafes is declining, but the traffic of Sanshi Internet cafes is increasing.

This kind of speculation is more likely, but it is also scary enough!

Explain what?

It shows that many people are passively accepting the Pangu system!

Especially after the new star Jay Chou came out, he went to Sanshi Internet cafes to surf the Internet, and the data of sample surveys showed that the number of people going to Sanshi Internet cafes was increasing, and the number of people who changed the current windows system to the Pangu system was also increasing.

What's more frightening is that as more and more people have experienced the Pangu system, the base is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more searches on the major search engines about personalized UI, Tai Chi topics and other related topics.

From the perspective of professional communication, this "multiple" has reached a critical point.

If such development continues, personalized UI and Pangu system will soon become a phenomenon-level topic among Chinese netizens. This leads to the process of changing from quantity to quality.

Microsoft can't sit still.

If Lei Qi continues to toss on the blog, Pangu will probably survive.

So, Microsoft shot.

Since mid-December, Microsoft's public relations department began to speak out frequently to the society.

"For the threat from Asia, Microsoft still maintains its strength, and the Pangu system does not pose any threat to Microsoft!"

"The rise of blogs in China is a typical case of over-marketing. Three Stone's purpose is not web 2.0. Their motives are not pure, they just want to promote the acceptance of an inferior system."

"The Windows user experience upgrade program is progressing smoothly, and soon we will give you a user experience far beyond that of the Chinese system."

"Personalized UI is not the future. The concise processing of windows is more in line with most people's aesthetics, rather than a gorgeous gimmick that will get bored in a few days!"

"We admit that Pangu's personalized theme is not just about changing icons. However, it is clear that the Pangu system has made personalization just icons. Wait, the next generation of windows will give users a refreshing feeling."

December 24th, Christmas Eve.

Mr. Bill Gates, the president of Microsoft and who has long occupied the throne of the richest man, finally personally fired on the Pangu system in his Christmas greetings to the Western public.

"This world may not need a Chinese system. In China, we suffer hundreds of millions of dollars in losses every year. There is no plan to crack down on China's piracy system."

"This is the biggest benefit for Chinese users. However, they seem to be more willing to try an immature and immature system."

"For this, I personally deeply regret it."

"I'm in a hurry! He's in a hurry!"


When Qi Lei saw this series of news, the big rock in his heart finally fell to the ground, so excited!

"He is finally in a hurry!"

Liao Fanyi and others around him grinned and threw a copy of the new capital on Qi Lei's face.

"I'm almost scolding you, and you can still laugh?"

Qi Lei didn't even look at it, "Swear! Swear hard!"

The Beijing News and some domestic media have recently quoted many foreign reports, borrowing Microsoft's views and arguments, and questioning the Pangu system.

At the same time, it also pointed out many shortcomings of the Pangu system.

For example, poor stability, few adaptation software, and poor user experience for individual functions, etc.

It's strange that Pangu has been out for almost two months. It seems that only then did it begin to enter people's field of vision and become a hot topic.

The response of public opinion is not very good either.

In the beginning, many users who like personalized UI and blog experience will also speak justice for Pangu.

But later, no matter how you say it, there are not as many users of Pangu as Windows. Moreover, there is really nothing to say about the points that the media criticized, and Pangu does have a problem.

As a result, this group of people became part of the [Spiral of Silence], and they no longer dared to speak up.

As a result, the media slammed the Pangu system overwhelmingly, as if it was a heinous crime for Sanshi Company to assemble such a domestically-produced system.

Then, the imaginative voice pushed the incident to a high point.

At the press conference at the end of the year, Liu Jixiang talked about the Pangu system, "I don't agree with some of Mr. Bill Gates' statements."

"The key to the piracy problem is not Chinese netizens, but Microsoft's failure to deal with the problem of preventing piracy."

"However, for the Pangu system, my thoughts are the same as Mr. Gates. An immature system cannot represent domestic production, let alone be advertised with Chinese pride!"

While cursing, the installed capacity of the Pangu system was also greatly affected.

In fact, by mid-December, the number of system activations per day was close to 10,000 units, and Nan Lao was happy from ear to ear every day.

According to this trend, the goal of 1.5 million units may really be achieved.

As a result, after Microsoft's move, the number of activations has gone from bad to worse.

By December 25, it fell to the bottom, with only a few hundred activation data per day.

"It's over!" Nan Guanghong's heart was cold, "It's all over!"

Call Qi Lei eight times a day, "Think of a way!"

Qi Lei comforted Old Nan like a kid, hung up the phone, but secretly said, "You have finally responded!"

To put it bluntly, Microsoft thought that the attention and topic of the Pangu system had reached a critical point and had to intervene.

But they don't know! What Qi Lei is waiting for is their intervention! What is the critical point for this and that? ?

The tipping point has long been reached!

From the perspective of communication, this critical point has been reached from the moment the press conference started!

It's just not the kind of public topic that Microsoft thinks! It's public perception!

It's [Frame]!

The framework is preset by Reviver! This kind of framework is buried in the consciousness of the public and does not have to be a topic!

In other words, it has not yet become a topic.

It's just missing a hot spot!

And now that hot spot, Microsoft is about to give it out!

Just a little bit!

And at the end of this point, Microsoft cannot be counted on, and Lei Qi will end up.

On December 27th, Qi Lei, who had not updated his blog for many days, suddenly posted a post. Made a bragging news!

"On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Sanshi Company's New Year Conference, which is the Pangu system celebration meeting, so stay tuned!"

"At that time, will you talk to everyone for another ten dollars?"

As soon as this news came out, it instantly climbed to the top of the blog's hot search list.

People who have already previewed a new song on the blog are all stupid.

The leather pants fans are also stupid.

"Pants! You really are a beacon!"

Wang Piku said nothing, "The release of the new song is postponed, don't ask me why!"

Maybe Wang Piku is still young, maybe because he has been in contact with Qi Lei and has been "petrified", anyway, he is starting to make a comparison.

Brother Leather Pants is just an episode, revoking the topic of new song release and becoming a beacon again, ranking second.

The content of Qi Lei's blog varies from all walks of life.

The bloggers are happy, and they are not afraid to watch the excitement.

"Mr. Qi finally has another special session."

"Brother Stone, why don't we wait for the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, let's have a paragraph now? Put Microsoft and Imagine's grandsons back in their wombs!"

"This is a reporter from Xin H News Agency, I would like to ask Xiao Shiu, what do you want to say about the current situation that people from all walks of life are not optimistic about the Pangu system?"

Internet media

Well, no need to mention the online media, they are all from Qi Lei's group, which is naturally exaggerated.

Sina, "Let's wait and see, Three Stones will hand over how satisfactory the answer sheet is."

Netease, "Xiao Qi is about to create a miracle again, and the Pangu system, dashing!"

Penguin, "The more I scold, the more fire! The more I scold, the more I have to celebrate!"

Traditional media is highly polarized.

On the one hand, it is to speak for Sanshi Company, "Dare to have a celebration party, which shows that the Pangu system has been recognized by the majority of users."

On the one hand, "Microsoft, as a veteran and dominant system research and development company, has never had a history of celebrating triumphs. Three Stones still needs to move forward steadily."

Then Nam Lao

Old Nan was stupid and wanted to fly back to the capital to kill Qi Lei.

A total of more than 500,000 and less than 600,000 installed capacity, you have a fart celebration party?

Make people laugh!

But Microsoft can't sit still.

Celebration party?

So confident?

They won't really reach 2 million or even more installed capacity, right?

However, this is not the end

The last straw that killed the camel was still behind.

After posting the blog, Qi Lei sat there and started making phone calls.

"The time has come for Grandpa Dong to need you!"

"Lao Bei is time!"

"Wow leather pants! Still a good favor!"

"Brother Hua! Do me a favor."

"Sister Mei"

"Brother, come to the blog to register an account?"

"Uncle Xu"

As long as it is the relationship that Reviver uses, we will notify them one by one!

Even Zhang Guorong was not included, which made Zhang Guorong even more convinced that Xiao Qi is always used to it.


On the morning of December 28th, Beiguang officially opened an official account on the blog, with a bright Pangu icon.

The first blog: "All non-teaching computer terminals in Beijing and Guangzhou have all been replaced with Pangu systems today."

"As a base for cultivating media professionals in the new era, BAC has an obligation to let teachers and students integrate into the new content model as soon as possible."

"Web2.0 Beiguang is coming!"

President of Beiguang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Dong Beiguo

At noon, Shangbei City Government opened an official blog.

It is still the exclusive icon of the Pangu system, and the Shangbei Municipal Government also gave its blog a cute name [Xiaoshang].

"Last month, the city government, affiliated institutions, enterprises and institutions changed to the Pangu system!"

"We have to keep up with the rhythm of the times, and [Xiao Shang] should also catch up with the trend!"

"This is about open government affairs, open finances, direct access to common people's issues, and promotion of local products."

"This is the window for us Shangbei people, and it is the first stop for Shangbei to see the world and the world to see Shangbei."

"[Xiaoshang] is also an excellent content producer!"

On the 29th: Netease, Sina, Tencent, Sanshi, Jinshan and more than a dozen Internet companies opened official blogs.

Wang Zhendong wrote this in the first official blog of Sina.

"In New York, striving to become the first Chinese Internet company to log on to Nasdaq."

"Sina's mission is to be ahead of the Internet and ahead of the times."

"Say here, motherland, happy new year!"

"Also, come on! Microsoft! Looking forward to your mutual entertainment era, and looking forward to your presence in web2.0."

This is a bit cruel!

On the surface, Wang Zhendong is trying hard at Microsoft, but how does it look like there is a knife in the story?

what does it mean? Web2.0 is now without me?

Well, there is really no him!

Microsoft's entire company is not good.

The recent opening of such a dense official account is not accidental.

What does that mean? It means that Sanshi has received official support?

And the next scene, completely let Microsoft sit still!

December 31 is the last day of the millennium.

Education Department Y, League W, Women's Federation, and many official departments have opened official accounts in the navigation blog.

It’s still Pangu’s exclusive icon, it’s still a response and outlook for WEB2.0, it’s still

"The non-professional systems of various ministries and commissions have all been reinstalled in Pangu. I look forward to the introduction of more reliable and more software-compatible products from Three Stones."

In the evening of the same day, Yang's mother made a special report.

"The new era of the Internet may open in China! 》

Officials began to vigorously promote web2.0!

Microsoft was stunned right away

Because from their perspective, it's broken! No wonder Three Stones was so honest before, it turned out that they had an official backing.

Now that the basic accumulation has been completed, there is no need to install, a big counterattack!

Microsoft dare not think, there are still four months! It will be four months at the earliest for Microsoft's user experience program to be released.

This April, the Chinese market is in a vacuum.

There are so many official and unofficial organization platforms, and there are government calls.

The most important thing is that as soon as the official report comes out, the curses and criticisms of the mainland media will disappear.

Who has the package in mind and challenged the official?

What has the market to lose?

The key issue is that most pirated systems are in China, and what Microsoft has done is a free trap, deliberately curbing China's system research and development.

However, Three Stones does not make sense.

He is also free and open source forever, so how much do these pirated copies have to be lost?

Keep the installed capacity of 2 million now, and after four months, you will have to really break 15 million to establish a stable ecosystem, right?

In the end, many discussions were decided by Gates himself, and he couldn't wait and die.

In addition to public opinion slander, Microsoft has one last killer.

The first day of 2001.

Microsoft issued an official announcement that the home version of windows2000 has decided to start global price adjustments.

To put it bluntly, a big price cut!

After carrying it for two months, it finally dropped.

The price of home-use genuine products in Europe and the United States has been adjusted from US$45 to US$25.

In China, from the official activation price of 450RMB, adjusted to


Yes, it only costs 45 yuan!

The cheap version is four to five hundred, when it is expensive. In the morning, the windows system was cut to only the heel, which was cheaper than Europe and America, and the taste of seizing the market couldn't be stronger.

At least it will last until these four months of technology, until the user experience plan is released.

Once the news was announced, there was a lot of heated discussion in the Internet and media.

Some netizens commented, "Little Qi is awesome! To be honest, Microsoft has really cut prices."

"Why is the price of windows cut, I'm not excited at all?"

"Nonsense! Because you originally used a pirated version!"

"Then what's the matter? Through the bloodletting, change to a genuine one to play?"

Use interrogative sentences, not affirmative sentences.

Ordinarily, Microsoft's entry into the low-price competition is a bolt from the blue for the trivial calculation of Three Stones.

When Elder Nan received the news, he was stunned for a long time, and finally sat down slumped.

Yes, Lao Nan didn't have any energy at all at this time.

They worked so hard and thought of so many ways, but they were still vulnerable.

The genuine price of 45 yuan, in this year and month, although everyone is not rich, but the genuine price of 45 yuan is enough for users to accept.

Even many pirated users will turn to genuine.

In fact, this is also the purpose of Microsoft. It is not only to stabilize genuine users, but also to win over piracy. Before they have been completely robbed, they compete with Three Stones to reduce their user conversion.

"It's difficult!"

Old Nan seems to be a teenager, "really too difficult"

How can it be so difficult for the Chinese to make something!

After more than two years of tossing, Lei Qi has exhausted all his organs! The result is not as good as a price cut!

To put it bluntly, this is the habitual trick of foreign companies. When you have it, immediately start price wars, purchases, and so on. All kinds of commercial methods have come.

This is true in all walks of life

45 yuan genuine home!

Old Nan wanted to laugh in despair! He laughed at himself, "It can be considered a good thing for domestic users."

As for how to fight with others? ?

Granny Nan knows, can't fight it!

When Microsoft's user experience program comes out, Pangu's last advantage will be gone!

Three stones is equivalent to the last bullet!

Can only wait to die!

After suffering for a long time, Nan Guanghong picked up the phone and dialed Qi Lei.

The old man didn't curse, but wanted to comfort Lei Qi.

Yes, at this time, Nan Guanghong can't yell at Qi Lei, even though this kid has made some mistakes in the system's marketing strategy.

However, the old man still has this overall view of the situation. Before the dust settles, he can yell with Qi Lei, but now, Qi Lei should be more uncomfortable than him, and he can no longer sprinkle salt.

I've figured out how to persuade Qi Lei.

The phone was finally connected.


Then Old Nan's ears were almost deaf.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


"Hahaha! They have finally reduced their prices! They have finally reduced their prices!"

"Lao Bei! I am so successful! I am successful! Pangu is alive!"

"Teacher Liao! Grandpa Dong! It's done!"

"It's done!"

Obviously, he was not talking to Lao Nan, but he was dumbfounded by Lao Nan. Isn't this child hysteria?

A little hysterical!



"You hapless boy, speak!"

Old Nan was anxious.

Just heard the noise on the other side, Qi Lei's laughter filled his ears.

It took a long time to remember to answer the phone, "Hey! Uncle Nan! We are done!"

"The domestic system is complete!"

Nan Guanghong: ""

I was calm for a long time, "Child, can you tell me where it is?"

Qi Lei, "Everything is done! We minted a currency!"

"Social currency!"

"Pangu! Pangu is already a social currency!"

Nan Guanghong: ""

Did not understand.

They did not understand the dumb Lao Qin, Liao Fanyi, Dong Beiguo and others.

[Social Currency], Qi Lei has already mentioned this concept.

I told Lao Qin next to the Third Ring Road that day.

When setting up the conference plan, I also told Liao Fanyi and others.

It’s just that everyone didn’t understand, what exactly is social currency?

Just on the other side of the phone, Qi Lei was very excited!

"Sometimes, good products! This may not necessarily win!"

"The only shortcoming of Pangu becoming a social currency is that it is free!"

"The currency value is too low!"

"There is no such problem now!"

Social currency is not a digital currency, not even a real currency!

It's a media economics concept!

It can also be said to be a concept of communication.

To put it simply, it is to give a commodity a currency attribute in the sense of dissemination.

Thanks: the leader of [Mystery Moon Night] for rewards. UU reading www.

Thanks: [Bitcoin]’s leader gives a reward.

The boss is magnificent, the boss is rich, thank the boss for his contributions, and show you the boulders on your chest!

There are also a few million rewards, as well as small rewards, the old man will not thank you, and say it again at the end, don't reward.

There is no way for the leader, the glory of the four stars requires the leader's glory points. Don't reward other things, it's not that the old people look down on small money, and the accumulation of small amounts is not less than the leader's reward.

But it’s really unnecessary. If you have the money, just give me a subscription. I can’t help but open a small account to subscribe. What I want most is to subscribe, and voting again is better than anything else.

(Full subscription means subscribing to all VIP chapters, automatic subscription check an option.)

See you in the easter egg chapter!

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