Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Dilemma and opportunity (1)

At this time, the sky was already dark. On the highway from Harbin to Shangbei, only the crown of Qi Da could be seen, and two beams of light were illuminated by the headlights, and it was dangling.


   Inside the car, a busy tone came from the phone, making Qi Lei speechless for a while.


   simply parked the car to the side of the road, turned off the engine, opened the door and got off.


   The cold wind poured into the collar, causing Qi Lei to pull out the coat from the back seat and wrap it tightly.


   Breathing out of his mouth and nose, like a shot of a cardiotonic, making people have to stay awake.


   Qi Lei leaned against the car door in a daze, no one knew what he was thinking.


   Just now, when Xiao Ma said that Microsoft chose one of the two, he just instinctively applied the law of posterity and said those words instinctively.


   But then I thought that this matter was unfair to Brother Xiao Ma, and it was far less simple than he thought.


   Moreover, the present is not a future generation after all, and no one can tell how many variables there are.


   So, he changed his words immediately. But I didn't expect that Xiao Ma promised to be so happy.


  Although he hesitated and thought, Qi Lei was still a little surprised by the results after the struggle.


   Although the penguins today are not like later generations, they are like empires. But it's not a small workshop anymore. How big is the loss if you make such a big sacrifice?


   As a decision maker, it is really not so easy to make a decision.


   Like, if Old Qin asked Sanshi to make a sacrifice like a broken arm, would Qi Lei agree?


Can! Because Qi Lei did it.


   But Qi Lei will cry.


   The last time the stick country borrowed Actoz to make trouble, Qi Lei made such preparations.


   But, he really cried too!


  The crying steaks are all bitter, and the taste is so new to this day.


   "Hey!! The lady's big guy stood up?"


   Qi Lei suddenly wanted to get a cigarette, but unfortunately he never smokes, so naturally he doesn't always have it.


   is the snow-covered land across the poplar trees that accompany the highway. Even on a moonless night, through the fluorescence of the snow, you can see far away, and you can see the village with faintly shining lights in the distance.


   If there is a cigarette, it is actually quite suitable.


   Actually, Brother Xiao Ma doesn't need to do this.


   At least for now, as a businessman, taking care of his own business, stabilizing and thoroughly understanding an industry is the greatest success.


   What are the major issues of the country and the future of the industry is not a question that Penguins should think about.


  In this era, most large companies have the same thinking as the common people. Those are far away from us, earning our little money, and living our small lives. The greatest support to the motherland is to pay more. The most is to pay more.


   The imagination of people born from state-owned assets is all focused on making profits. You don’t even have an industry. What are you thinking about?


   However, at this moment, only a few people, as well as the rebirth Qi Lei, know that this is the biggest mistake, and time will prove everything.


   Being a businessman in China is a completely different concept from being in the West.


   The slogan of reform and opening up is: "Let some people get rich first, and then drive others to become rich later."


  From the state to the political party, the keynote is the people, not capital!


   It is unrealistic to make a lot of money, regardless of other things.


   Rich and rich, don’t you bear social responsibility? It is also impossible.


   "All depends on the money" is possible in the West, but not in China.


   Just get rich and don't hear things outside the window? That is the peace of the small people, not the conspiracy of the big business.


  Social responsibility and thinking of a big country are themselves an important cost that Chinese entrepreneurs have to bear in addition to production costs, material costs, and time costs.


   In 2000, this setting may not be significant, because China has not become rich yet.


   But twenty years later. This cost is a question that any major Chinese business must bear and think about.


  Whoever tries to escape will be cast aside and eliminated!


   Unless you want to fish for more than ten years, leave the field and run away, like Pan Moumou.


   Otherwise, you have to think about it and take responsibility!


   Maybe this is the biggest difference between Chinese businessmen and Western capital!


   This may be the biggest truth that Qi Lei has realized before and after his rebirth: at least his **** cannot be crooked.


   However, Qi Lei is infinitely emotional that not only is he not crooked alone, but he can also drive Xiao Ma to sit upright.


   does have a sense of accomplishment.


  嚓! The whole cigarette?


   was thinking, two glaring car lights shone behind him, breaking the painful thinking.


   Qi Lei squinted his eyes, dazzling.


  Until the lights dangled and approached, it was clear that it was an empty trailer.


   What made Qi Lei even more puzzled was that instead of passing by, the trailer stopped more than ten meters ahead.


   The main and co-pilot jumped down and two men, wearing a leather hat crookedly, copied their hands into the sleeves, and ran towards them.


   Qi Lei was a little nervous for a moment, and his whole body was tense.


   In this wild country, there is no way to the village and no shop...


   subconsciously touched the car door, and wanted to get in the car and run.


   As a result, just as Qi Lei was about to open the door of the car, the two guys spoke up, "What's wrong, brother? Broke down, or accidentally (trapped)?"


   Qi Lei was taken aback, and saw that the co-pilot's eldest brother had already circled to the side of the road, "Did you miss it?"


   The main driver is shrinking his neck to block the cold wind, "Since I didn't fall into the ditch, is there something wrong with the car?"


   Otherwise, who would stand in the wild and drink northwest wind on a cold day?


   looked at Qi Lei, "What's wrong?"


   Qi Lei felt relieved, it turned out to be enthusiastic.


   quickly explained: "It's okay, brother! I'm tired from driving, let me breathe."


   When the two guys heard it, they were a little angry at the moment, and they scolded: "This is so wild, what are you so angry about? I thought the car was thrown here!"


  It's burning under the dark light, and I vaguely see Qi Lei is a young man, "This young age is just unreliable, so I'm so blind!"


   was so much criticized, Qi Lei was not angry, the Northeast people are like this, kind words are not good, just like cursing others.


   At this time, the eldest brother is still a little worried, "Is it okay?"


   "Don't be afraid, it's not Jie Dao'er!"


   "We will watch you stop by the side of the road. If you are about to break down, I will take a look for you. I don't understand that I will drag you to the town in front. It's freezing hard for a while in this cold weather!"


   Qi Lei hurriedly got in the car and proved it to his elder brother on fire, "It’s okay, thank you, elder brother!"


   As a result, the headlights in the car turned on, and Qi Lei's face was clearly seen.


   The eldest brother here was taken aback, "How do you look at you? A native of Shangbei? Whose child are you?"


   pondered again, "Aren't you that...what the **** is that? The kid on TV."


   Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Can you recognize this too?"


   When the eldest brother heard it, he was right.


   "Qilei! I remembered it, called the boss Qi Lei!"


   "Oh!" He slapped his thigh, and got excited: "We Shangbei went out!"


   Qi Lei was a bit embarrassed. During this period, many people recognized him, but he was able to face it calmly.


   It's just that the old family is a bit different, I'm sorry.


   As a result, the eldest brother jumped out another sentence that made Qi Lei even more embarrassed, "Why didn't you open a big G?"


   Qi Lei got off the car, dumbfounded, "Big G threw the capital into Beijing!"


   The eldest brother heard it, and greeted the eldest brother on the side of the co-pilot, "Sixth, come and see the celebrities! We are going out in Shangbei, I'm old!"


   asked Lao Liu to copy his hands over, and glared in with his big eyes, "Hey mom, isn't it the problem?"


   Qi Lei greeted the sixth child, but the sixth child missed Qi Lei.


   "You are a celebrity from the North! We are so rare for you!"


   "Then what! We Shangbei people support you, don't listen to those people on the radio."


   Qi Lei's smile grew thicker, and his heart was warm.


   Sometimes, hometown is the same as home, and that kind of emotion is unreasonable.


   suddenly said: "Brother, is there any smoke?"


   The two of them were taken aback, "There is no smoke? Let's smoke..."


   The sixth man took out a half-pack of crumpled "White Lingzhi" from his pocket, "This cigarette, is your boss used to smoking?"


  The white soft-packed Linhai Ganoderma lucidum, two pieces a pack, in Longjiang, is only slightly more expensive than grape smoke and phoenix smoke.


   The two brothers were embarrassed, but Qi Lei took the initiative to pull out a stick.


   When the two looked at them, they no longer entangled, "We Shangbei masters are different! The big boss can smoke Ganoderma lucidum, who would believe it?"


   Close hands to light Qi Lei.


   Leaning against the car door, the three of them smashed a stick in the snow.


   Qi Lei doesn't take his lungs, he just responds to a scene.


  While smoking and chatting, I learned that the drivers of these two carts were from Shangbei City.


   Let's talk again, the son named Wu Boss and Qi Lei are still elementary school classmates.


   This is the case in a small place, going around, and in the end I can always get a little relationship, no matter how bad it is, it is also a distant relative of the third aunt's wife and the fourth uncle's grandfather.


   Qi Lei still remembers the elementary school student surnamed Wu. His deepest impression is:


   In the first grade of elementary school, playing with an old mother and catching a chick, that guy, the eagle, was too diligent. Before being dumped, he still had a girl's pants in his hand.


   Asked about that classmate, Mr. Wu flicked his cigarette butt, "Stop studying! I have been studying for half a semester in my first year of high school, so I stopped studying."


   "Is there a courier company in the city? I gave him a small bread and sent it to the south to pick up a courier."


   "The little bastard, he won't come back during the Chinese New Year! How can he be like you, such a big boss, he still knows to go home and take a look!"


   Speaking of this, Wu boss suddenly has a hint of pride on his face.


   "We are still in the north now. If you go somewhere else, don't come back. What can I do?"


   "It's okay for us to Shangbei! Secretary Xu is so old, he looks alike every year, and I still have some hope."


   "The kid from my family also said that after earning money outside for two years, he would come back and let me marry him a wife."


   "Damn, you are a literate man, you make money for your uncle, and you still have to be a father to give him money to marry a wife, what the hell?"


   Qi Lei listened quietly, and occasionally echoed a few sentences, and also felt the steadfastness and pride in Boss Wu's heart.


   Actually, the people really don’t want much, just a rush.


   A little bit tired, I really don't care, the main thing is to have a running head.


   suddenly felt that maybe this is the meaning of the existence of people like Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan.


   Xu Wenliang is to let the people run around.


  Zhang Nan is to make people who want to learn have a heads up.


   What about yourself? Who can I make?


   is an employee of Sanshi? Follow Xiao Qi always make money?


   or the operating system? Let Pangu have a head start?






   The weather was too cold, and the three of them waved goodbye after a cigarette.


   Before leaving, Mr. Wu also asked, "Go hard, give us Shangbei people a long face!"


   It was nine o'clock when Qi Lei drove back to Shangbei, and Xu Xiaoqian hadn't started self-study.


   I called before and knew that he was back today, so Qi Lei didn't go to the Internet cafe and went home directly.


   I thought that there was no one in the house at this point, but when I pushed open the iron gate of the small courtyard, there was a light on in the house.


   Qi Lei laughed suddenly, and when he entered the house to change shoes, he yelled, "Mom! I came out to pick you up!"


   Guo Lihua’s voice came out of the living room immediately, “You’ve turned you back, get me in!”


   Qi Lei entered the room with a grin, and saw the little old lady sitting on the sofa, wearing glasses, and wearing wool.


   is raising his eyelids and looking at the door.


   "Your dad said you have lost weight, but I still don't believe it. From this point of view, don't you think it's a good idea to eat out?"


   Qi Lei took off his coat and leaned against Guo Lihua, "No! Exercising every day, it is strong, not thin."


   Guo Lihua glanced at him, "Are you still exercising? Are you fooling ghosts?"


   Qi Lei doesn’t take this. Recently, there is indeed a bit of an irregular diet, so he changed the subject, “Why are you at home? Waiting for me specially?”


   Guo Lihua stared at him, "It's so stinky, I'll burn the stove for them!"


  I'm in the third year of high school, and a few dads have no time, but a few moms can't run away. No matter how busy they are, they have to take care of the children.


   So, after the winter, the three moms would go home and burn the fire when they were free to cook.


   However, usually Cui Yumin came back more than Guo Lihua and Dong Xiuhua.


   Today is an exception. Not only was Guo Lihua back, but the little old lady went home after four o'clock. The fire was thriving, and there were a lot of good things in the kitchen.


   just doesn't admit it.


   "Those who are tired of going to school, there is no time to take care of the house, your mother, I will come back every day to cook for them."


   "Oh." Qi Lei talked, but didn't reveal it.


   picked up an orange from the coffee table and peeled it on his own.


   Guo Lihua started to murmur, "Is it easy to walk on the road? I said you have to go back at night? Then tomorrow, the bright daylight driving back is not good?"


   Qi Lei, "Don't you miss you?"


   Guo Lihua smiled, "I have a long mouth!"


   Qi Lei stuffed the pickled oranges into his mother's mouth.


   Guo Lihua was enjoying, and asked: "Is everything done in the capital? I heard your dad say, have you all taught people?"


   "Mom went back and took a look to see how my son misunderstood his children."


   Qi Lei, "Go."


   Qi Lihua, "Where is Ha city? Your third uncle came back two days ago and said that he asked you to come back quickly, the company seems to have a lot of things!"


   Qi Lei, "Throw it away!"


   Guo Lihua stared, "You kid..."


   Qi Lei is acting like a baby, "Mom...hungry."


   Guo Lihua had a meal, and smiled immediately, "Mom will cook you noodles!"


   Qi Lei, "Are there any frozen dumplings? I want to eat dumplings."


   But Guo Lihua didn’t listen to him, “What kind of dumplings do you eat? Get on the dumplings, get off the noodles! Understand?”


   talked, put on his clothes and went to the kitchen.


   In ten minutes, the noodles are served.


   Qi Lei screamed and ran to the door to take the bowl, "So fast?"


   Guo Lihua was proud, "Who am I, your mother? I know that my son has nothing to do with him, and he has to be hungry when he gets home."


   smiled: "Everything is ready."


   Qi Lei stretched out his teeth and took it, "!!!"


   Hot noodle soup, also called chaotic noodle soup in the northeast, is not as delicate as noodles in the south, and the soup and noodles have to be cooked separately.


   Guo Lihua is a pot of water, and the soup is cooked in a pot.


   Moreover, the noodles are made by Guo Lihua, and the soup is as if they are hooked, and the appearance is not good.


   But, take a bite of hot noodles, and then a bite of poached egg.




   Guo Lihua: "Huh?"


   Qi Lei, "You said, why the noodles you cook are like paste back and forth..."


   Guo Lihua is anxious when he hears it, the dead child hates your mother? It’s been too long, right?


   just about to scold, Qi Lei jumped out the second half sentence, "But why is it so right!"


   almost didn't flash Guo Lihua's old waist, he was stunned for a long time, raised his hand and slapped Qi Lei's back.


   "Broken boy! They are all such big bosses, they are not in good shape!"


   Qi Lei barked his teeth and smiled, "What the **** is the boss!"


   I don’t know why, and added another sentence, "They are all children from Shangbei."


   Guo Lihua didn't know that Qi Lei was still there on the road, and didn't ask much.


   After all, the wool is not hitting, and the coffee table is supported by the forearm. It seems that it is not enough to watch my son eat noodles.


During   , there was still a chat without a sentence.


   talked about the turmoil a while ago, "What's it like? Your mother is so angry that you want to go on TV and scold those people. Are you okay now?"


   Qi Lei spat out, and answered vaguely, "A big victory!"


   Guo Lihua heard that the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and touched the back of Qi Lei's head, "Don't be too tired, you said that your dad and I can't help you with anything, so how can you fix it?"


   Qi Lei, "How can you help? Not tired at all, easy to win!"


   Guo Lihua, "Then...that Pangu system even becomes a chant?"


   Qi Lei, "It must be done! How good your son is."


   Guo Lihua, "It's done? Then I think that imaginative is not okay? Are you bullying us?"


   Well, this is the knot of the little old lady.


   I just want to pick something, is that done?


   Qi Lei tilted his head and smiled, "Mom, don't worry! When is your son's heart bigger?"


   Guo Lihua was taken aback when he heard it, and finally he said, "Get me to death!"


  The heart is not big, it's all hereditary.


   Will you persuade Guo Lihua? Can say some good things that are forgiving and forgiving?


   She doesn’t persuade you! Want to run after bullying? Where is the beauty!


   "Get me to death!"


   I saw Qi Lei suddenly thief, "Mom, I'm telling you the truth, don't tell others!"


   Guo Lihua came in a moment of interest, "You say, mom listen."


   Qi Lei, "It's very simple to want revenge. I will release the order for millions of computers in the Sanshi Internet Cafe for three to five years, and then we will invite another public bidding. Do you think Imagination is uncomfortable?"


   "When the time comes, the person surnamed Liu will have to turn around and beg us!"


   Guo Lihua's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Hey mom! My son!"


   "Then why don't you let it go? I heard your third uncle say that I lost a lot of money recently because of the computer loan."


   Qi Lei, "Just because it's so simple, I can't take advantage of it, so think about it again!"


  Guo Lihua, "Still thinking about it? How can I lose money?"


   Qi Lei eats noodles, "Little money!"




   It was almost ten o'clock when Qi Lei finished eating the noodles.


   Guo Lihua looked at his watch, stood up and put on his coat.


"I am leaving."


   Qi Lei said, "I will stay here again! I still want to report my ideological work to my mother!"


   Guo Lihua sniffed, "Stay away from me! How old is it?"


   then explained: "Your dad feels light now, and I'm late to go back. If he quarrels after sleeping, he will be reimbursed for half the night."


   Qi Lei said to send her off, Guo Lihua doesn't need it.


   "I can drive, what can I give you?"


   pointed to the kitchen, "There are also noodles, give Yizi, Ningzi and the others, eat some and then go to bed."


   "If you are at home these few days, don't do anything else. Cook and take care of those few."


   "Senior year of high school, I'm tired to death!"


   Qi Lei kowtowed, and sent the little old lady to the Hutong, watching the little Fit go away, then returned to the kitchen, pinching a little to cook noodles.


   His method of cooking noodles is completely different from Guo Lihua. The noodles and the soup are cooked separately, so that the noodles are strong and the soup is clear.


When    was half cooked, a bunch of hula la la came back.


   Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian split the kitchen door open, glanced at them, and ordered: "Fry some chili oil!"


   Yang Xiao also took a look, "Is there any meat?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes, fat."


   Yang Xiao, "I'm a little skinny! Can't do errands at all?"


   Da Ling came to order, "Give me less salt and more coriander."


   Yanling didn't have much to say, so she went back to the room to do the problem.


   The last one who came in was Xu Xiaoqian. Without a word, she stuffed her cold hands into Qi Lei's collar.


   then let out a sigh of satisfaction: "Huh...warm."


   Qi Lei did not move, stirring the noodles, "What day are you on holiday?"


  Xu Xiaoqian, "The 21st, the 28th of the twelfth lunar month!"


   Qi Lei immersed himself in the calculations: "There are...ten days left?"


  'S tone was desperate.


   Xu Xiaoqian frowned, resting her chin on Qi Lei's shoulder, "What's the matter?"


   Qi Lei yelled, "I have to wait on you for ten days, fuck!"




   Xu Xiaoqian couldn't hold back immediately, "Accept fate, boy!"


   is really serious, "Outside you are President Qi, at home you are Xiao Qizi, please take care of it!"


   Qi Lei, "..."




   The most miserable thing in life is not that you have billions and you have to serve a bunch of bad friends.


   The most miserable thing in life is that he is worth hundreds of millions and waits on a group of hurting friends, but the grandchildren are still not satisfied.


   The noodles were brought in front of a few people, and the chopsticks had to be handed over.


   Tang Xiaoyi and others took the chopsticks and started eating with peace of mind, while Yan Ling took the chopsticks without hesitation, carrying the homework, "Let it go there!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   Then, Tang Xiaoyi took a bite of noodles and put down his chopsticks.


   "I said stone, so I have to criticize you! What kind of stuff? It's boring!"


   Qi Lei, "I..."


  My cooking skills are very good, okay?


   Wu Xiaojian also took a bite, and commented: "It's really not as delicious as your godmother, so I will do it!"


   Qi Lei: "..."


  My mom is so delicious?


   Xu Xiaoqian also took a small bite, then patted Qi Lei's shoulder to comfort, "Come on, there is still room for improvement."


   "Go to your uncle!" Qi Lei quit, "I love to eat or not!"


   At this time, Yan Ling finally put down the workbook, picked up the bowl and took a sip, "Objectively speaking, there is really no good food made by my aunt."


   Everyone said in unison, "Yes!!"


   At this time, in their eyes, Qi Lei is a clumsy "little Qizi" who can't make noodles.


   Wu Xiaojian is not at all polite, "Student Zhang Yanling, not only is she excellent in her studies, but her evaluation is also very pertinent!"


   Qi Lei doesn’t do it anymore, he doesn’t follow principles to oppress comrades, right?


   "You guys, you all have no conscience!"


   pointed at Yan Ling, "Just her? Still good?"


   But I saw Xu Xiaoqian sucking the noodles back, "Student Qi Lei, are you lonely? Classmate Zhang Yanling, she is still quite good as one of the top 50 fighters at the end of the third year of the junior year."


   "Your intelligence work is out of date!"


   "I puff!!" Qi Lei spouted a mouthful of old blood, "How much?"


   As far as Yanling's result is, the contestant whose four aunts scratched their heads, was it fifty years ago?


   "Don't be funny!"


   Da Ling looked bitter at this time, "Tell you responsibly, really!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   looked at Yan Ling, and said to her heart, why is this?


   After that, I finally stopped worrying about cooking. Everyone was eating noodles and chatting.


   Time seems to be going backwards, back to Qi Lei and still attending the second middle school.


   Everyone is heartless and happy every day, heartlessly talking about how much homework there is, how tired it is to go to school, and how beautiful the girls are in school.


   Even when talking about business, in this small living room, the concerns are completely different from those outside.


   Unlike Nan Lao, who cares about the installed capacity of Pangu.


   Unlike Qi Guodong and Uncle Geng, who cares about how many years Sanshi has earned this year.


   Unlike Brother Xiao Ma, he cares about what crises Penguin will face under this wave of Microsoft's offensive.


  Even in Beijing and Guangzhou, what everyone cares about is only academic, it is a new topic, a new paper.


   And here, even if it’s a business, everyone cares about—


   When will the imaginary revenge be reported?


   Well, after all, I'm still young, and I only have gratitude and enmity in my heart.




   "What's the matter, it's messed up, it just passed?"


   Tang Xiaoyi held an empty bowl, "Can't it? We Sanshi are not so good at bullying, right? Brother Shishi must keep the account, right?"


   What kind of Pangu installed capacity surged, they didn't care about it.


   can't think of so much, only remember one thing, the beating incident has not been finalized yet! Liu Jixiang is still alive with that old guy!


   To this, Qi Lei's answer is also very simple, "Wait, the time is not yet!"


   "嚓!" Tang Xiaoyi was unhappy, "you have to wait for revenge?"


   Qi Lei said, "The more you wait... the more painful!"


   After listening, everyone murmured for a while, and then nodded one after another, "It's pretty much the same, just say Brother Stone doesn't have that big belly!"


   "Get off you!"


   Qi Lei rolled his eyes and said to his heart, this is the true meaning of the best buddies, right?


   In their mouths, they can't hear a good word, but they are willing to join together, no matter how comfortable they stay.


   After eating, everyone struggled.


   Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, Yang Xiao, and Xu Xiaoqian are all in the sprint stage of high school. They can't play half-night as before. Even when they get home, there are a lot of homework to review.


   Yanling is the same, suddenly working hard, which makes Qi Lei a little uncomfortable.


   You know, at this time in the past, this girl was either staring at soap operas on TV, or lying on the sofa and flipping through entertainment magazines.


   It's fine now, since I entered the house, the exercise book has not been put down.


   and Daling...


   Da Ling is a bit at a loss. She is the only student left. Da Ling feels isolated.


  Life is so hard!


   Xu Xiaoqian sat on Qi Lei's desk doing his homework, Qi Lei waited on him carefully.


   What kind of hot fruit, oranges, cut apples.


   "Will you wash your feet?"


  Xu Xiaoqian, "Come by yourself in a while."


   "Wash a bag..."


  Xu Xiaoqian, "Go!"


   Qi Lei didn't roll, he was still wandering around.


   Finally, Xu Xiaoqian couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and stared at Qi Lei.


   Fierce and evil for a while, suddenly squeezed out a kind expression, "Hey, I don't need you anymore."


   Qi Lei was wronged, "What are you doing? I don't make trouble, you follow your example!"


   Xu Xiaoqian closed her eyes for luck, and the bangs on her forehead fluttered.


   Qi Lei, "Study hard and make progress every day! Leave me alone!"


  Xu Xiaoqian, "..."


   Qi Lei, "Don't worry, I won't disturb you."


   Xu Xiaoqian, "!!!"


   Qi Lei, "Tired in the third year, right? I am so distressed, what do you want, just ask!"


Snapped! !


   Xu Xiaoqian couldn't stand it anymore, and slammed the pen, "Sleep!! Alright?"


   was talking, got up puffed up, sat on the bed, gritted his teeth and glared at Qi Lei, "Satisfied?"


   Qi Lei followed in a slippery way, imaginatively supporting, "Look at it, don't! How bad is it for me to delay studying?"


   Xu Xiaoqian's bangs are still floating.


   Finally, his face collapsed, "I want to learn..."


   Qi Lei was cute, "Then why don't you learn it again?"


   Xu Xiaoqian almost cried, "It's the twelfth lunar month, can you stop fanning? My face is numb."


   rested, "How do I learn!?"


   "Oh!" Qi Lei stopped immediately, threw the fan aside, and smiled slyly: "Say early."


   "Sleep!" Never mentioning Xu Xiaoqian's study anymore.


   Okay, in the winter, Xu Xiaoqian was sitting there, he fanned a fan, but he couldn't figure it out.


   This guy is just a bastard!


   Xu Xiaoqian is very angry, really angry.


   Then, without holding on for five minutes, Xu Xiaoqian faintly stunned laughter from the bedroom under the black light.


   On the skill of irritating and coaxing people, Qi Lei is perfect.


   In the darkness, Xu Xiaoqian shrank into Qi Lei's arms, "Why do you hate it?"


   Qi Lei has a thick-skinned face, "Do you hate it? Then I will change it tomorrow!"


   Xu Xiaoqian, "Then stay away from me and talk about it tomorrow!"


   Qi Lei, "What a big deal?" He posted again.




  Love is not so pure, it is just a platonic spiritual love, but there is no physical indulgence.


   is not so dirty, only the desire of the flesh.


   There are not so many skills, it is purely the attraction of the heart and the heart.


   But we must also pay attention to some skills, know how to converge and know how to indulge. Know how to be shy, but also know how to be debauched.


   In this regard, Xu Xiaoqian knows how to take his measure.


   The two people just cuddled together, immersed in it, casually enjoying the calm atmosphere of a combination of love and nonsense.




   "Imagine that, are you really waiting for the opportunity?"


  The person who knows Qi Lei best is next to his pillow. Xu Xiaoqian knows Qi Lei. Since he dares to fight Li Fangda, it means that he has already thought about every step, so there is no such thing as waiting for an opportunity.


   And Qi Lei has some things that he can't talk to a passionate young man like Tang Xiaoyi, and he doesn't understand it.


   sighed softly, "I haven't escaped your eyes."


   "Xu Naozhi! You really can't be too smart, it makes me feel unfulfilled."


  Xu Xiaoqian, "Then I can say another way?"


   Qi Lei, "No," finally told the truth, "Actually, you can do it long ago if you want to clean up and imagine."


   "It's just..."


   Xu Xiaoqian simply turned around, "It's just that you can't bear it, right?"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   let Xu Qian say it again.


   Xu Xiaoqian moved, "Tell me the reason, I want to hear."


   Qi Lei thought for a while, and said, "Actually, it's not reluctant, but there are three reasons."


  Xu Xiaoqian frowned, "Which three?"


   Qi Lei, "First, although Lao Qin didn't say it on the surface, I think they didn't want me to kill him."


   Xu Xiaoqian puzzled, "Why?"


   Qi Lei, “Imagine’s current equity distribution is 36% of the Institute of Planning and Research, 35% of the Imagine Staff Committee, and the other 29% is Pan Ocean Holdings.”


   Xu Xiaoqian immediately understood, "So in theory, the largest shareholder of Imagination is still the country."


   Qi Lei said softly, "Actually, it's not just Old Qin, I don't want to fall down!"


   Xu Xiaoqian puzzled again, "Why?"


   Qi Lei, "After all, it is the flag of reform and opening up, and it is also the only major company that is currently not going out much."


   "It is the company that has the most hope to lead the technology industry, it just ruined..."


   Actually, don’t look at Qi Lei and Liu Jixiang’s tit-for-tat when they met several times.


   Those words, Qi Lei did not even say to Xiao Ma, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, it can be said that he has been trying to wake up old man Liu.


   He and Liu Ji talked about what Chinese entrepreneurs are and what should Chinese entrepreneurs do. He also asked Liu Jixiang, where is your "knife" on the road of globalization?


   He even told Liu that squeezing away Nan Guanghong is commercially correct, but he must not lose the road to technological development.


   Liu Ji listened a little bit to everyone, and perhaps imagined that the road in the future would be different.


   Such a large company, such a large PC manufacturer, even if it is an assembly plant, will occupy a large position in the future industrial chain.


   To put it a bit bitterly, in this era, it is not easy for a Chinese company to go global.


   Qi Lei is not the benevolence of a woman, but it is a pity that it was ruined.


   "Secondly, after ruining it, I can't find a second reliable supplier."


   Xu Xiaoqian seemed to understand again, "So you are hesitating about Sanshi's Internet cafe strategy."


   Qi Lei, "You can't do it without hesitation. This is a problem that must be considered."


   Of course it’s cool to think of revenge, but what about after it’s cool?


   Don’t look at it now that Imagine has broken the supply contract with Three Stones. Three Stones seems to have not lost much. If you don’t sell it to me, I’ll just buy someone else’s.


   But in fact, this operation for Imagine is not only a gesture of cutting off the relationship with Sanshi Company, let alone a child who is angry.


   For Sanshi, it is far from being as simple as changing a supplier.


   This makes Sanshi Company very uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable.


   At present, Three Stones has adopted a temporary purchase and individual subsidy plan for the customers of the recently opened Internet cafes.


   In the past few months, the loss was at least 100 million.


   but big head, still behind!


   Three Stone’s Internet cafe alliance, the computer order in 2001 is estimated to be at least 400,000 units.


   What is the concept of 400,000 units?


   has been the imagination of major international manufacturers. By the end of 1999, that is, a year ago, the annual sales of PC computers had exceeded 1 million units.


  Attention, this is still an international company!


   And 400,000 units, for other domestic manufacturers, there is not that big production capacity.


   What Peking University Founder, Tsinghua Tongfang, Shenzhou, etc., even if they want to take this order, they don't have the ability.


   More realistically, the Internet cafe business of Three Stones does not seem to be the least visible, but that is the basic board of the entire Three Stones company!


   That is the experimental field of the Pangu system, or the channel for all online trading systems and games.


   Without Sanshi Internet Cafe, there would be no absolute lead of 30 trading platforms.


   This must not go wrong.


   Then the problem has come again. Now, none of the PC computers of these domestic manufacturers can be stable enough to exceed imagination, or even be flat.


   Use a computer with unstable quality to run an unstable system, and the reputation that Sanshi has built in a few years will be over.


   What should I do? Use foreign brands? The quality is okay, but the price is problematic.


   Even Imagination is so clear that Sanshi has no other choice. Don't look at the red faces of the two families now, but Sanshi will have to go back to Imagine sooner or later.


   is just what kind of posture and when to look for it.


   is not willing to think about it, but also for Sanshi's own consideration, there is no alternative manufacturer now.


   Of course, as Qi Lei and Guo Lihua said, the three-to-five-year order contract can be thrown out.


   However, the confession was cut off by Imagination, let Qi Lei understand a truth: no one can rely on it!


  Imagine that if you can cut you off once, you can be cut off a second time. Would you dare to throw them the order for three to five years?


   This is a problem, Qi Lei has to think about it.




   Speaking of this, Qi Lei hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm wondering if I can have a perfect solution."


   Xu Xiaoqian raised her head and looked at Qi Lei's eyes in the dark, "What is the perfect solution?"


   Qi Lei, "It is not only to satisfy Lao Qin, but also to clean up his imagination, without delaying the normal operation of Three Stones."


   Okay, Xu Xiaoqian is not a bit contemptuous.


   "Really greedy!"


   Qi Lei twitched his eyes, "That's not a big deal, there is one more greedy."


"What's wrong?"


   "Pharaoh has asked us. I hope that Three Stones can invest in some Sina shares."




   Wang Zhendong is tinkering with Sina's listing in the United States. As I said before, he has been busy for a year.


   It's just that unlike the previous life, Mr. Wang is not going well in this time and space.


   In the previous life, Sina went public in April 2000, and everything went well.


   In this life, the Internet bubble broke prematurely.


   In his previous life, Wang Zhendong escaped a catastrophe and rushed to go public before the Internet crash, and raised a lot of funds, which enabled Sina to survive the cold winter relatively comfortably.


   In this life, the crash came too early, and not only did Sina fail to go public, but because of lack of funds, it was in trouble.


   To make matters worse, Wang Zhendong's plan to go public to take the opportunity to continue his life had to be delayed again and again, and it was difficult.


   Although the Internet crash has not yet begun, everyone in the industry, including the capital tycoons on Wall Street, knows that the Internet is about to fall.


   Going on the market at this time is almost the same as collecting money.


   No one is stupid, Wang Zhendong’s great rejuvenation technique is a bit unworkable.


   But even if it doesn’t work, it’s the last straw for Sina.


   For this reason, Wang Zhendong tried every means to make money everywhere, raise funds, and do performance. His own shareholding ratio will even soon fall below the safe line.


   In the end, it was really desperate to find Lei Qi here.


   And the conditions offered are simply the price of cabbage.


   Qi Lei now only needs 500 million yuan to sit on the throne of Sina's fourth largest shareholder. Moreover, as long as Sina has these five billion yuan, it will basically be able to go public.


   For Qi Lei, even if he leaves the market, he can make a small fortune.


how to say? Regardless of whether it is for personal relationships or for making money, this transaction is not a loss.


   Xu Xiaoqian frowned and listened to Qi Lei's description, "That means..."


   "Not only do you want to satisfy Lao Qin, but you can also clean up your imagination without delaying the normal operation of the company."


   "And the prerequisite for this is that you have to spend five hundred million to help Brother Wang to solve the plight?"


   Qi Lei nodded, "Probably this is the case."


   gave a wry smile, "So, we seem to be short of money again."


   Xu Xiaoqian is anxious for Qi What should I do? "


   Qi Lei thought seriously, "I don't know."


   Xu Xiaoqian was a little upset, "I can't help..."


   but didn’t want to, "Yes!"


   Xu Xiaoqian's eyes lit up, "Can you? How can I help?"


   Qi Lei, "Have a meal of steamed buns, and there will be a solution tomorrow."


  Xu Xiaoqian, "..." A thought flicked across, and it was hopeless.


   glared at Qi Lei for a long time, then suddenly moved away, "I'm not familiar yet, bear with it!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


  Xu Xiaoqian, "Give you to death!"


   Qi Lei held back for a long time, and said, "Xu Yuzhi, don't force me!!"


   "Believe it or not, I eat it raw!?"


  噗! !


   Xu Xiaoqian can't stand it anymore, eat it raw?


   "Lei Qi!! Rogue!"






   Thanks: [Cucumber is the most handsome 丨 does not accept rebuttal] for rewards.


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