Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Dragon Slaying (3)

When we were young, we set off with great ambition, and everyone made a pledge, "For our dreams and for a better tomorrow."


   Everyone is moving forward, as if the world is about to change because of us.


   However, going all the way...


   From toddler to scarred.


   From jumping and singing and laughing, to gradually losing his mind, smiling perfunctorily at every stranger.


  The road ahead seems to be hesitating.


  What dreams, what youth ambitions, and sweat gradually scattered behind him. There is no trace of it anymore.


   We seem to have forgotten why we started, and we no longer know where we are going.


   A few years later, I felt accidental and could only blame these pasts in a vague way-"This is life".


After    sighed, he was pushed and squeezed by some unknown mighty force, and continued on his way home.


   Yes, the front is no longer the end, and there is no goal.


   That is the way home, to silence, without leaving a trace.


   had a hard time in this world, as if only to meet the final ending, no dream, no direction!


   After all, no matter who you are, where you are, whether you are poor or rich, there is only one final ending-hanging on the wall.


   Wang Zhendong was originally from a technical house, from electronic engineering to computer programming.


   At Peking University back then, he was also a brilliant generation of gods.


   He also thought about using technology to change the world. He also had the dreams that all technical otaku have had, and he is constantly practicing his dreams.


   also took a dream and went on the road tomorrow!


   It's a pity, "This is life".


   No matter how beautiful dreams are, they must be defeated by reality.


   Along the way, from a teenager to a technical backbone, from being an official for his talents to being famous for his official career.


  Sitong Group started, Wang Zhendong became the boss by himself, and then Sina...financing...refinancing.


   He has forgotten how long he has not touched technology, and the skills that he was famous for have long been thrown out of the sky and returned to the university teacher.


   He also forgot the way he came, forgot his original dream, became a qualified businessman, and finally became only knowing the way home.


   On the issue of listing on Sina, Wang Zhendong is undoubtedly misguided.


   He is like a fearless warrior, fighting his last. But forgot, how can the commander of the three armies lose his name! ?


   The continuous dilution of equity makes him, the commander of Sina, no longer a commander.


   Therefore, today’s ending is actually a matter of time.


   It's just that when he understood this, it was already too late.


  Everything is too late.






   When Qi Lei found Wang Zhendong, he was sitting in the car in the Sina parking lot, smoking one by one.


   Qi Lei knocked on the car window, Wang Zhendong saw that it was him, squeezed an unnatural smile, and unlocked the co-pilot's door.


   Qi Lei walked around to the co-driver and got into the car, waving his hand to disperse the thick smoke, but he opened his mouth with a heartbreaking sentence, "It's over? Tiger head running doesn't work anymore."


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


   These words are too annoying, but unfortunately he can't get out of it anymore.


   said in a low voice, "I didn't want to make a joke with you."


   Qi Lei sneered when he heard it, but the frequency of Wang Zhendong was a bit different.


   Wang Zhendong is like a bereavement, the biggest setback in his life.


   And he was, he just took the Imagination Group, and then the general manager sent it to the door again, saying that he wanted to sleep with a pillow.


   You let him cry with Wang Zhendong? It's really hard to squeeze tears!


Seeing Lao Wang’s bear-like appearance, if Qi Lei is more loyal, don’t tease him, just throw Lao Wang’s face on the Sina shares acquired by Kistler, and then dashingly said, "Go, our brothers don’t Stay overnight!"


   Want to come to Wang Zhendong is definitely to pull the door of the car and kill him back to his horse. It has always been very cool.


   But, Qi Lei can't do that.


   First, Wang Zhendong was indeed a bit stupid this time, and he lost himself on the market. Normal people can't do this operation.


   This may be Wang Zhendong’s only weakness. Don’t look at Pharaoh Wang in his early thirties, more than ten years older than Qi Lei, but after two generations, Qi Lei is Wang Zhendong’s eldest brother.


   It is necessary to educate him, at least let him know that it hurts, so that he can do less in the future, and don't even do such silly things.


  Second, well, if Wang Zhendong kills a carbine, won't Qi Lei play for nothing?


   He also counted on Wang Zhendong to help him manage his imagination! That stage is bigger and more promising.


   Thinking of this, Qi Lei didn't rush.


   changed the subject, but the words were still a little brisk, "Why are you sitting here?"


   pointed upstairs with his chin, "They won't even let you in the building? Then you have to call the police!"


   Wang Zhendong furrowed his brows deeper, and he was very relieved that a brother came when he was so miserable. In addition to the embarrassment of being a bit good-looking, it did serve a little comfort.


   But, grandson, are you here to comfort me, or to make up the knife?


   Ordinarily, Qi Lei should be punched now, but I really can't get out of anger, and my heart is ashamed.


   replied: "Move out of the chairman's office within three days." A little self-deprecating smile, "There is still a place to stay! But in that room, I don't know why, I can't sit down for a moment."


   Qi Lei barked his teeth and smiled, "Hey! Very benevolent!"


   Comment: "Very good!"


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


   Qi Lei, "Oh, by the way, Ding Lei and Brother Xiao Ma should be there in two hours. They are all on the plane by now."


  Wang Zhendong nodded, and suddenly smiled miserably, "Wait a moment... Have a good drink with me?"


   Qi Lei replied inexplicably, "What to drink? How can I drink it?"


   This is the truth. After everyone arrives, Wang Zhendong must have no time to drink.


   turned sideways and stared at Wang Zhendong, "I came to interview you, what's your mood now? Is it more hatred or more annoyance?"


   "Under such a dilemma, what do you want to do the most?"


   "Is it revenge or introspection? Or is it already planning to retake Sina?"


   This time Wang Zhendong really can't stand it anymore, "I'm going to your uncle!"


  True grandson!


   stared at his eyes, "I want to do something right now!"


   Qi Lei, "What's the matter? Tell me! Tell me!"


   Wang Zhendong: "I want to kill you!"


   "Hey." Qi Lei grinned, "If you kill me, you will lose a lot. Keeping your buddies can help you make a comeback!"


   Wang Zhendong stagnated: "A comeback?"


   After a while, he laughed. Qi Lei was right and comfortable.


   These old brothers can indeed help him make a comeback.


   What if there is no Sina? With these connections, the financial resources of these people, creating a new Sina is not a problem.


   It's a pity, in Wang Zhendong's opinion, another one... is it still his Sina?


   sighed long, "Thanks, no need!"


   Wang Zhendong also has his own pride, and these people cannot be counted on.


   Qi Lei was stunned, "No need?"


   I saw Wang Zhendong shook his head, "No need."


   As a result, Qi Lei said inexplicably, "Hey! Don't you don't need it! Don't you need it, I won't be blinded?"


  Wang Zhendong didn't bother to think about it, so Qi Lei made such trouble, but he felt a little more comfortable.


   lit a cigarette again, but Qi Lei snatched it over, "You can't, why are you fooling around?"


   threw it out the car window, Wang Zhendong looked at him a little annoyed, "What are you doing?"


   Qi Lei, "Yo yo yo! So irritating is not anxious, so if you don't let you smoke?"




   There was silence in the car, and finally Qi Lei broke the deadlock, "I ask you something."


   Wang Zhendong, "What's the matter?"


   Qi Lei, "You said, if I voted for Sina back then, wouldn't it be the same as today?"


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


   It can be said that if Qi Lei invests in Sina, then Qi Lei's equity must be bound to him, there is really nothing to do.


   But, the truth is not such a truth.


   Increased capital and shares in February, and it is May now that he was kicked out.


What does    explain?


   explained that the board of directors had planned for a long time, which conflicted with the business philosophy of his chairman.


   Including, in the end, Hong Kong's Kistler Technology entered the game, and other people were unwilling to dilute the shares and forced him to split the shares alone. These were calculated long ago.


   If you look at it from this point of view, it is actually the same whether or not Qi Lei can enter.


   I hid this time, what about next time?


   shook his head and glanced at Qi Lei, thinking Qi Lei was a little bit sorry, and smiled: "Don't worry about it, this matter has nothing to do with you!"


   "Didn't you say that you have something important to do there?"


   Qi Lei looked at the windshield in front, and said softly: "Yeah."


   After a long time, an understatement popped out, "I took the Imagine Group away."


   Wang Zhendong didn't react, and he responded, "Yes."


   "Huh!?" It took a few seconds to realize that something was wrong, and my brain buzzed.


   glared at the bull's eyes, and the tone changed: "What the hell!?"


   Qi Lei turned his head, "Imagine Group! The computer guy, mine."


   "Me!" Wang Zhendong didn't come up in a breath and almost passed by.


   is so big that he can't believe it!


   The eyes are erratic, and it is obviously a brainstorming in progress.


   finally realized, "The imaginary stock market disaster, you did it!"


   Qi Lei bared his teeth to show off, "Isn't it pretty?"


   Wang Zhendong is a bit unbalanced, "Fuck!"


Oh shit! He was kicked out, but Qi Lei killed the Quartet there?


   "Are you really so evil!"


   can change his mind, "Is that right? You join the Imagine Group? What about Imagine Holdings? Can Liu Jixiang watch you rob his computer factory?"


   Qi Lei, "Don't worry, take your time, imagine the holding will be mine sooner or later!"


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


   Now he understands everything.


   Before Wang Zhendong was still pondering, Sanshi's stake in Shenzhou, this move is not very safe, it is a bad move.


   The capacity of Shenzhou, product quality, technology, etc. are all unknown.


   In the short term, it will not solve the problems of Three Stones Company. What do you say about your shareholding?


   It was just that Sina had just gone public at the time, and he had no time to communicate with Qi Lei.


   Now I understand, what's so special about Shenzhou, Shenzhou is a cover, what he wants is imagination!


   This is a big conspiracy!


   Thumbs up, "Awesome!! You are so awesome!"


   Qi Lei did not answer, and suddenly looked at Wang Zhendong, "I have another question."




   Qi Lei, "If, give you a choice..."


   Wang Zhendong, "What choice?"


   Qi Lei, "If now I have a way to get you back to Sina, continue to be your chairman, or..."

  Wang Zhendong was a joke. Go back to Sina? Give me a break! You are awesome, but you are not a god.


   "Or what?"


   Qi Lei, "Or bye bye Sina, go take over Imagination, which one do you choose?"


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


   did not answer right away, but was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized something, "Are you...serious? Let me take care of my imagination?"


   Qi Lei, "Nonsense!"


   Qi Lei doesn't have so much energy, such a big stall, doing everything by himself, then he will be exhausted.


   So, imagine, in fact, including Shenzhou, need a dedicated person at the helm.


   Wang Zhendong is the best choice. He has a technical background and has done management work for so many years.


   Qi Lei’s idea is, what website do you do? Isn't it right to build a computer?


   can not only withdraw technical advantages, but also use management capabilities.


   "For a sentence, which one to choose!?"


   Wang Zhendong smiled, and said an answer that surprised Qi Lei: "Of course I choose Imagination."


   Qi Lei was taken aback, is it so happy?


   "You... don't you think about it?" A bitter face, "You are so happy, so I have no sense of accomplishment!"


   I saw Wang Zhendong shaking his head, "Isn't it fun?"


   "Sina, I can't go back! And the boss of Imagination is sitting in my car, I can only choose the latter?"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   frowned, "So, you have nowhere to go before you choose me?"


   "What if you are sincere?"


   Wang Zhendong was silent, and for a long time, he said what was in his heart.


   "If I had a choice, I would choose Sina without hesitation?"


   smiled bitterly, "That's my painstaking effort!"


   Qi Lei's face turned black: "..."


  Mom! You have to say that, Lao Tzu is even more uncomfortable.


   The best candidate, this is going to be a hot water!


   Then you can't talk anymore, and if you talk again, the road will be blocked.


   changed the subject, "Then what should I do now? Just sit here?"


   "Why don't we go to the airport to pick them up?"


   Wang Zhendong didn't move. To put it bluntly, he was still unwilling and didn't want to leave.


  Whoever eats hot pot and sings songs, goes home and sleeps beautifully, and then opens your eyes and is notified that you have been dismissed, can't it take a while?


   There was a long silence, Qi Lei wondered how to bring Wang Zhendong over.


  What are you doing back to Sina? Just a website, is it really Wang Zhendong's business? not necessarily.


   He just poured too much emotion into it, there is no future, it is better to do a computer!


   was thinking about how to persuade him, "Pharaoh! Why don't you let go..."


  , three people suddenly passed by in front of the car.


   Qi Lei was stunned, because not only did he know these three people, but two of them were also related.


   The three people are Wu Huatao from the board of directors of Sina. Qi Lei met him when he was looking for Lao Wang.


   The director of the marketing department, Zhang Linan, and Qi Lei also met through Wang Zhendong.


   Qi Lei had an impression of her because this old woman in her forties seemed to have some prejudices against him, and she was not very friendly after seeing him twice.


   Later I heard Wang Zhendong say that she was like everyone else, Qi Lei didn't care.


   The third one is more familiar! !


   Qin Liang.


   The one who clashed in front of the Beiguang girls building, because of him, Qi Lei held a concert!


   can't help but be astonished, "Hey!! Do you still keep this silly fork?"


   Wang Zhendong was also there at the time, and Qi Lei deliberately gave some strong medicine.


   Although he didn't mention this person afterwards, he still knew with his **** that Qin Liang would definitely not be able to stay in Sina.


   Wang Zhendong will not spare him.


   Unexpectedly, this grandson is still there?


   Wang Zhendong kept his head down. When asked by Qi Lei, he looked up and realized that Qi Lei was talking about Qin Liang.


   frowned tighter, "What am I keeping him for? I left early!"


  Wang Zhendong is not stupid, he has obvious contradictions with Qi Lei, and his work ability is not enough to protect him, so what do you keep him for?


   The workplace is so cruel.


   is also curious, "Why did he come here?"


   Qin Liang hasn't appeared on Sina for more than a year.


   didn't care too much. He was just a marginalized Dong Dong. He couldn't care if he came or not. He could only watch the three people talking and laughing into the elevator from the garage.


   Wang Zhendong laughed at himself, quite a failure.


   It doesn’t seem to matter whether he has the chairman.


   Qi Lei didn't take it seriously, ready to continue to fool Wang Zhendong.


   but didn't want to, Wang Zhendong suddenly didn't even want to stay in the underground garage, "Let's go, go to the airport! I'll go upstairs to get something."


   was talking, opened the door and got out of the car.


   Early in the morning, he arrived at the office first, and then received a notice of being dismissed. In a muddled state, except for the mobile phone and a pack of cigarettes, he took nothing but left them upstairs!


   Qi Lei is also idle when he is idle, "I'll go up with you!"


   Wang Zhendong was startled, "You? Stay in the car!"


   "If those guys do something bad, I'll take a picture of you, then we both have to be in the news tomorrow."


   Wang Zhendong still has this kind of vigilance. You can hide this kind of thing.


   Let alone Qi Lei, an outsider, in the Sina building early in the morning, except for his deposed president, none of the shareholders and senior executives could be seen.


   The board of directors even disappeared collectively to avoid embarrassment and conflicts.


   Besides, Qi Lei's appearance is even more inappropriate.


   He was dismissed, this was originally big news, and then Qi Lei followed him back and appeared in the Sina building.


   That doesn’t need to be processed. Tomorrow’s financial headline will be: "Three Stone CEOs made a big fuss for Sina headquarters for the former chairman of Sina."


  Don't say it, you can really do such a thing.


   "Wait in the car, I'll get off immediately."


   Unfortunately, Wang Zhendong thinks too much.


   Qi Lei not only didn't return to the car, but quickly followed up, "Master afraid of this?"


   Don’t forget, President Xiao Qi set up a good job. The more such things happen, the less afraid he will be.


  Wang Zhendong couldn't twist him, so he had to let him.


   Two people went up from the basement to the lobby on the first floor, preparing to take the elevator to the top floor.


   As a result, Wang Zhendong came back after a look at the front desk?


   Okay, before Mr. Wang went out, they thought they were gone!


   One made a phone call, and one stepped forward and bowed to say hello, "Hello, Mr. Wang!"


"Who is this……"


   Being polite is still very polite, but I am still a bit uncertain about Mr. Wang's behavior of bringing people upstairs.


   Not to mention, the person I brought is a bit unusual.


  On Sina, even the front desk knows that Mr. Wang and Sanshi’s Mr. Qi have an extraordinary relationship, and he knows that Mr. Qi is a bit stubborn and unbelievable.


   Don’t forget, what is Qi Lei’s reputation? He became famous by hitting talents in front of reporters.


   If these two people go up, nothing will happen, right?


  Wang Zhendong also saw the worries of the front desk and frowned, "What? I, the chairman of the board, has not officially stepped down, so do I have to stop him?"


   The front desk almost didn't cry, the gods fight, the little ghosts suffer, I'm just a small front desk, don't use it at us if you have the energy. !


   "Dare not dare!!"


   I didn't dare to say anything anymore, but had to notify the security guard and stare at it.


   President Wang is emotionally unstable now, and anything can happen.


   Before Wang Zhendong and Qi Lei walked to the elevator, the two security guards followed.


   I have to say that Sina’s security quality is high, "Mr. Wang, you go upstairs! It just so happens that we have to go up too."


   Look, it's not abrupt at all.


   It was the other employees who were deliberately hiding. The elevator came. Except for a few security guards, there were two people Wang Zhendong. No one entered the elevator.


   Qi Lei just looked at it, smiling.


   didn't say anything, but thought it was very funny.


   What do you think, this is like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in an online novel.


   all thought that Wang Zhendong had lost his power and was not in power, he was dedicated to his new master, and he could only serve the old boss.


   The head of the township has become three fat guys!


   Of course, it doesn’t matter what these low-level employees are, it does not mean that the low-level employees are the eyes of power. They all work part-time, and they seek survival.


   However, it is enough to reflect from the side, the current state of Sina, and how embarrassing Wang Zhendong's situation is.


   What a pity, only Qi Lei knows that Pharaoh can come back.


   As long as he has a showdown with Lao Wang, all the shares you lost are in my hands! The three fat guys immediately transformed again.


   I just don’t know how Sina will react?


   At this time, Qi Lei has quite a detached touch of jumping out of the Three Realms, not among the Five Elements.


   seems to be watching a movie from the perspective of God, and he has the ability to turn things around.


   That feeling is kind of wonderful.


  Evil and interesting secret road: Since his rebirth, Jingte Mo Invincible Liu has gone all the way, he has not experienced the routine of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!


   "Huh? Pharaoh!"


   In the elevator, Qi Lei began to scour Wang Zhendong, "Wu Huatao didn't go up just now? Talk to him?"


   Wang Zhendong: "……"


security guard:"……"


   The security guard is going to scold his mother, so this is not a good person! Isn't this looking for a fight?


   Wang Zhendong also wondered, it’s not like you!


   What Qi Lei thinks is, Wu Huatao, you have to stand up!


   and a few security guards pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, have the pleasure of an egg? It's best to bring out everyone on the that's interesting.






   Old Cang, this grandson! Short, small and soft! That's it! ? It's not enough to stuff your teeth!


   Monthly pass? I won't feed the dog to you!


   still subscribe? Keep it up! Raise to death!


   finished cursing for you, that guy didn't even dare to pay it back. (Clever)


   (Old Cang: I wrote it! Really wrote it, I wrote a lot! After reviewing the manuscript, it looks like a running account! I deleted it...)


   (It’s really out of state...)


   (Imagine this plot. I originally rushed around 300,000 words. Not only did I think about it, but it was also mixed with various late-stage foreshadowings and plots.)


   (However, it's only 90,000 words now, and the paragraph is almost over when I find it.)


   (I found out that I was keeping accounts and my brain was not enough.)


   how is it? Forgive him? Do you want him to slow down? I listen to everyone.


   In addition, the old man has gone through introspection, and let me thank the leader of [Handsome Fat Hu] for his support. The boss is magnificent, the boss is rich, the boss is confused!


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   Old Cang: Don't forget to guarantee the monthly pass after twelve o'clock. (shameless)

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