Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 46: Dragon Slaying (4)

At this moment, Qi Lei is looking forward to something that will happen in a while.


   However, Wang Zhendong's mood is not so good anymore, and his heart is very bitter.


   Yesterday, he was still the head of Sina, and today he is reduced to the point where he needs a security guard to go back to his office.


   But in terms of psychology, Wang Zhendong is already considered good.


   At least before going public, Qi Lei reminded him that it would be dangerous and what might happen.


   Although Wang Zhendong didn't listen, he was psychologically prepared.


   Therefore, to learn the bad news as soon as possible, at least there is still a foreshadowing.


   In that time and space in Qi Lei's previous life, there was not such a hard-working brother.


   Wang Zhendong was dismissed without knowing it. The impact must be much greater than this time and space in this world.


   And this is where Qi Lei admires Wang Zhendong most.


   In his previous life, Wang Zhendong suffered this tremendous change, but he was able to adjust it in a short time.


   neither wrangled with Sina nor became depressed, but quickly invested in the second venture.


   This decisiveness, as well as the ability to self-adjust, to be honest, most people don't have it.




   When they arrived at Wang Zhendong's office, Wang Zhendong was startled.


  Because the logistics staff is picking up the sign.


   Qi Lei was very happy, "Are you in such a hurry?"


   The two, accompanied by two security guards, watched them take off the [Chairman's Office] sign.


   Then, he didn't dare to look directly at Wang Zhendong, and left his head down quickly.


  Wang Zhendong's expression is a bit sullen even though he can keep up his energy.


   was at the door in a daze, pushing the door and entering.


   entered the office and closed the door with a knock, isolating the two security guards.


   didn't take anything and left, but stroked his boss chair and sat down slowly.


   Qi Lei didn't urge him either, and he tilted to the sofa, "Or, let them hang up the sign for you?"


   screamed, "Too much!"


   Wang Zhendong didn't speak, bowed his head to think about something.


   Qi Lei took the Gongfu tea set on the coffee table and made a bubble for himself.


   twirling the tea cup, tasting there, "Isn’t it last year’s tea? It doesn’t taste right!"


   said Wang Zhendong wanted to strangle him again.


   But this time, it's not that I'm frustrated, it's not that I'm not angry, but my brain is running fast.


   After ten full minutes, he looked up at Qi Lei, "Speaking of business, Imagine really let you take it?"


   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, why did he start to confirm now?


   "It's more real than real gold!"


  Wang Zhendong got the confirmation and continued: "So, you want to take it and let me take care of your imagination?"


   Qi Lei grinned immediately, "Can you not say so badly?"


   took a sip of the tea soup, and got serious, "Nothing can't be collected! Look at the high-level people like Sanshi, which one of them treats me as the boss?"


   "I just came up with an idea, and give everyone the look like they are standing in front of the stage."


   "If we really want to talk about the relationship between us in the future, it must not be the superior or superior."


   "Everyone has aspirations and ambitions, and we can make some noise together, it's that simple."


   "Don't be so complicated, but I will accept you? I don't have such a big face."


   Wang Zhendong who said this was comfortable.


   However, the reality that should be faced is still to be faced.


   smiled bitterly: "Brothers have settled the accounts, always recognize a position!"


   Qi Lei squinted at him immediately, "If you want to say that, I won't need you, it's boring."


   "What I think is your abilities. You can listen to me for everything. If you put a dog on it, it will be over? What do you want you to do?"


   Wang Zhendong was angrily laughed, "I'll go to you! You are a dog!"


   frowned, "But..."


   Qi Lei interrupted, "It's nothing! If you come over, then imagine all the affairs of the group, from operation to management, to personnel, I don't interfere, just coordinate with the Institute of Planning and Research."


   "To put it bluntly!" Qi Lei said simply, "You are the boss over there, I will give you a shot."


   Wang Zhendong: "......"


  Looking at Qi Lei, he didn't seem to be joking, crying or laughing, "Can I ask you something?"




   "Are you sympathetic brother? Or something? Why did you pick me?"


   started, "To be honest, I failed to do Sina listing, and it also exposed the weakness of my character."


   "It seems that I was too impulsive, a bit reckless and reckless. I doubt that my character can be changed in the future."


   "Eh!!?" ​​Qi Lei raised an eyebrow, "You must not change it!"


   Wang Zhendong was startled, "What?"


   I saw Qi Lei solemnly say, "Don't change it! What you want is this indomitable force!"


   Wang Zhendong puzzled, "I don't understand."


   Qi Lei said: "To be honest, he can manage better than you, not no one. There are a lot of people who know technology better than you."


   "There are few people who understand both management and technology, but I can't find them either."




   The conversation turned, "Understand management, understand technology, and dare to start without hesitation, then it’s really hard to find."


   let out a sigh of relief, "I'll tell you the truth, you can think about it, I only have two requirements."


   Wang Zhendong, "Which two requirements?"


   Qi Lei, "First, don't you and Liu Jixiang learn, otherwise the brothers won't have to do it."


   "Second, pick up your technical expertise and get some dry goods out."


   Sit up straight and said, "Five! Within ten years! No matter if you want a penny of profit, Sanshi will give me R&D investment."


   Wang Zhendong: "......"


   When Qi Lei said these words, he gritted his teeth and exerted a lot of strength.


   "Do you spell it that way?"


   but didn't want to, Qi Lei said seriously: "I said with Liu Jixiang that globalization is a game of bandits. We don't need to draw a knife, but we must have a knife in our hand!"


   Wang Zhendong nodded, "This is indeed the truth."


   Qi Lei, "But here comes the problem, to build our own knife, this road is not easy to follow!"


   "Various foreign technical blockades, backward domestic foundations, various problems, and big money!"


   Wang Zhendong nodded, and added: "If you spend a lot of money, it may not be possible."


   Qi Lei, "So, Liu Jixiang dare not do it!"


   Wang Zhendong, "Do you think I dare?"


   Qi Lei, "I think you dare!"


   Wang Zhendong, "I really dare!"


   Qi Lei, "So, don't be afraid of losing money, and don't be afraid of doing it well. Even if the product still uses other people's things, even if the product is garbage, you must have your own reserves."


   "If one day someone really puts a knife on our neck, at least there will be a knife to go out!"


   Wang Zhendong: "......"


Qi Lei, "I'll give you the bottom line! You have tossed your imagination, we brothers have never done a deal, the big deal is called the prodigal, the big deal is that China will lose an assembly factory. No harm is done."


   "But, you have to do it..."


   Qi Lei grinned, "When someone else’s knife falls, I hope we can come to the scene of'turning to normal overnight', and the sharp blade is out of the sheath!"


   "Then this life...there will be no regrets."




   I don't know why, Wang Zhendong sounds a bit hot.


   This grandson is worthy of studying communication, is it poisonous? Fudge people to a set of sets? There are also pictures.


   To be honest, Wang Zhendong hadn't thought about building a computer before today, let alone forging a knife of his own.


   Just now, to be Qi Lei as a little brother was just a choice for Wang Zhendong when he was desperate.


   How come with just a few words, suddenly feel that this is a career, more worthy of his indomitable and lasting career than Sina?


   Watching Wang Zhendong's face flushed and thinking, Qi Lei was a little sighed. To be honest, there is only so much he can do.


   Flicker, nothing more.


   In the end, Wang Zhendong had to choose by himself.


   choose to stay in Sina, kill a carbine, or go with him to forge an illusory, unsheathed blade.




   Qi Lei spoke suddenly, and Wang Zhendong returned to his soul, "Huh?"


   I saw Qi Lei rubbing his hands, "I'll talk to you again."


  Wang Zhendong, "What's the matter?"


   Qi Lei hesitated a little, "Kistler is..."


   Wang Zhendong, "What is it actually?"


   Qi Lei, "The strange stone is me."


   Wang Zhendong rolled his eyes, "What are you actually!?"


   "Kistler! I made it out!!"


   Wang Zhendong hasn't understood yet, what's the mess?


   was about to ask, but there was a knock on the door.


   Both are startled, put aside the topic they are talking about for the time being.


   Wang Zhendong frowned, "Go in!"


   clicked, the door lock turned, and a figure pushed in.


   Wang Zhendong frowned when he saw the visitor clearly.


   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and leaned back.


   I saw Qin Liang, bowed in, "Ms. Wang, here!"


   Wang Zhendong furrowed his brows deeper, "You... why are you here?"


   Qin Liang heard the words, smiled and pointed out the door, "I'll do the job."


   "No, I just ran past President Wang to say hello."


   Qin Liang is also considered a veteran in the workplace. Without so many dramas, he really wants to come over and report to the chairman.


   has a respectful manner, his speech is clear, and he even expressed a determination.


   "I'll be here as soon as it's finished, Mr. Wang, if you have anything to do in the future, just ask! I will work hard to contribute to Sina!"






   There is nothing wrong with the words, nothing wrong with it!


  The problem is that Wang Zhendong is no longer the chairman, and the signs at the door have been removed.


   Furthermore, Qi Lei and Wang Zhendong were watching Qin Liang, Wu Huatao, and Zhang Linan coming out of the underground parking lot together.


   Then it is impossible for him to not know, Wang Zhendong's current situation.


   Besides, Qi Lei is sitting here, and it is Sina who drove Qin Liang out of Wang Zhendong himself. Has he come back so swaggeringly? The first thing I did when I came back was to show my face to Wang Zhendong?


What's the meaning?


   Murder and punish the heart!


   Wang Zhendong squinted his eyes and looked at Qin Liang viciously.


   Qi Lei stared at his eyeballs and almost didn't laugh out loud. That's how it is!


   I just said how I met Qin Liang. It turned out that the chairman got off the stage, and they killed the carbine first.


   And Qin Liang didn't seem to see Wang Zhendong's unkind expression, still maintaining his demeanor and smiling.


   "I saw the logistics take off the chairman's house number?"


   "What? Have you got a new one?"


   smashed his mouth, with puns, "It's time to change."


   Wang Zhendong, "!!!"


   Qin Liang, "When I was in the company before, it was that brand, right?"


   "At that time, President Wang drove me away, I was just thinking about it. It was probably the brand that made trouble, and I was upset with President Wang! What if I could replace it?"


   "Huh!?" His face was beaming, "As a result, as soon as I came back today, the brand was gone. How good?"


   After finishing speaking, Qin Liang didn't move, he just smiled and looked at him, his eyes seemed provocative.


   Wang Zhendong was really angry, his anger was extremely angry.


   glanced at the open office door, "Security!!!"


   There was a low growl, but there was no response. The security guards at the door were nowhere to be found.


   suddenly became bright and smiled.


   At this time, Wang Zhendong was thinking about a problem.




  If Qi Lei hadn't reminded him long ago that the chairman's throne is dangerous, he doesn't have that mental preparation.


  If, Qi Lei does not come today, or does not mention the way he wanted to go.


   Then, when Qin Liang pushes the door and enters with a mockery, can he still laugh like this?


   probably not possible! He should be furious, and even made some inappropriate actions.


   But now, despite the anger and humiliation, the way to deal with the problem is completely different.


   suddenly said to Qin Liang: "So, Wu Huatao asked you to come?"


   Qin Liang was startled, "Mr. Wu..."


  Wang Zhendong would not let him go on at all, "You came to anger me!?"


   Qin Liang was completely flustered, "I."


   Wang Zhendong, "Go back and tell you the master, the method is too clumsy, he really doesn't have much wisdom."


   Qin Liang: "......"


   While talking, Wang Zhendong went to the desk, took his cell phone and wallet, and greeted Qi Lei to leave.


   He was angry and wanted to kill.


   But, Wang Zhendong held back, he couldn't let his calculations succeed.


   Qi Lei looked at his lonely back and shook his head speechlessly.


   Stupefied, Pharaoh!


   But it’s okay, this tone, buddy helped you out.






  Wang Zhendong walked to the door, and he was already wrong with Qin Liang, and he had to stop and looked back at Qi Lei.


   I saw this guy and Qin Liang face to face, leaning on the back of the single sofa, hugging his arms, looking at Qin Liang with a strange expression.


   Wang Zhendong understood, Qi Lei's eyes seemed to be... despising a pig.




   He only heard Qi Lei sigh, "Little Liangzi! Why can't you learn to be smarter?"


   I poof! !


   Qin Liang takes a bite of old blood, you are a little Liangzi! Your family, Xiaoliangzi!


   Qi Lei smiled, "Killing and killing!"


   "Come on, let me analyze the board for you."


   "Your boss, plus me, do you know what this means?"


   Qin Liang twisted his eyebrows, "What, what?"


   Qi Lei looked foolishly, "It means that if you offend the two of us to death, if you target you, then it's the industry, you can't be confused."


   Qin Liang: "......"


   Qi Lei, "Of course, you can also shrink on Sina, with Mr. Wu covering you."


   "But, why don't you use your mind? You are a marketer, and you have to contact the industry!"


   "You said, a marketing executive who can't get out, what's the use of you?"


   Qin Liang: "!!!"


  , however, Qi Lei glanced at an extremely disgusting gaze, "Are you still stupid, did you come to be a gunman?"


"Did you anger Mr. Wang, and anger me again? If you want to take a photo of Mr. Wu, send it to the media, and post it online, Mr. Wang will say goodbye to Sina thoroughly, and he will be scolded by the public if he wants to cause trouble. "


   "By then, you will be the number one hero? That's what he told you, right?"


   Qin Liang couldn't say a word, fuck! Qi Lei is called murder and punishing the heart!


   "Little, Mr. Qi, don't talk nonsense!"


   Qi Lei shook his head, and said to his heart: I am really not good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.


   is still invincible, and it is more pleasant to travel all the way.


   patted Qin Liang on the shoulder, "You, not only did you have a cerebral palsy when chasing the girl, but you almost did everything."


   chuckled, "Or, I will fulfill you once?"


   While talking, he crossed Qin Liang and wanted to go out with Wang Zhendong.


   The expression on Qin Liang's face was stiff, he wouldn't move, and he couldn't wait to find a seam to drill in, just like the one in Beiguang more than a year ago. It was rubbed by Qi Lei again.


   It's just that what he can't understand is still behind!


   He is looking forward to Qi Lei's departure, and Qi Lei is also going to leave.


   But the moment I passed by Qin Liang, "Huh!?"


   President Xiao Qi suddenly whispered, turned his head and squinted, "What are you laughing at?"


   Qin Liang was startled: "???"


   Me, did I smile?


   Xiao Qi always scowled, "What are you laughing at!?"


   "Joke your king is always a loser?"


   Qin Liang was completely stupid, "I...I didn't!"


   He really didn't smile.


   Wang Zhendong was also stunned, he looked at it, Qin Liang really didn't smile.


   But Qi Lei doesn't care, he is obviously looking for fault!


   a little bit reluctant to forgive, "Mom, you can laugh at my brother Wang!?"


   "Fuck! You deceived people too much, right?"


   Qin Liang wanted to cry, but I didn’t laugh! Really didn't laugh!


   But, if you didn't smile, Qi Lei couldn't control it. If you didn't smile, you also laughed.


   I saw his brows furrowed, looked around, and stared behind the door at a glance. Wang Zhendong's set of golf clubs was gone, and he stretched out his hand and drew out a number four iron.


  The little ruffian usually points to Qin Liang when making trouble, "Mombo, do you dare to laugh? You laugh me again!"


   Qin Liang shrank in fright? Why, can you beat people?


   I really don’t laugh, I can’t laugh...




   "Fuck, you still dare to laugh!"


   (Qin Liang, I really don’t have one!!)


   I saw Qi Lei put the cue on his shoulder and swaggered out of Wang Zhendong's office.


   didn't hit someone.....The hit was more serious.


   Wang Zhendong widened his eyes and watched him come out.


   People are stupid...


   Stopped Qi Lei and snarled, "What are you doing!?"


   Qi Lei smiled meaningfully, "It's not our brother's habit to be aggrieved!"


   "I have to take this breath down!"


   Wang Zhendong is going crazy, "Calm down! They are expecting you to make trouble!"


   Qi Lei bared his teeth: "That's more to satisfy them!"


   is the secretary's desk when you go out, and there happens to be no one. Talking, Xiao Qi rounded the cue...


   Click! !


   There was a crisp sound, and the glass partition of the secretary desk was torn apart.


   Qin Liang: "!!!"


   People are stupid and don't understand what's going on.


   The first reaction was not "I succeeded!" "I angered this stunned boy!"




   "It has nothing to do with me! Don't find me if something goes wrong!"




   Wang Zhendong is also dumbfounded, knowing it is a pit, why do you still jump? crazy?


   My brain is buzzing, I can't think anymore.


   watched Qi Lei finish smashing the secretary desk, and then walked forward with the cue stick.


   In front of the vice-general office, there is no one on the floor-to-ceiling glass wall.


   Click! !


   immediately frosted into a spider web.


   Go further, the Chief Financial Officer's Office.


   There are people, and an older sister is standing at the door dumbfounded.


   Qi Lei smiled and swept his hands, "Sister, let me."


   Click! !




  Small meeting room.


   Click! !


   Large meeting room.


   Click! !


   went all the way, Qi Lei smashed all the way.


  Wu Huatao didn't jump out with people not knowing where it came from until he reached the mess. Several people behind him also brought digital cameras.


   pointed at Qi Lei, staring angrily: "What are you going to do?"

   Qi Lei looked at Wu Huatao like a fool, "Blind? Not what you are doing, but what is it doing?"


   "Question again."


   Click! ! !


have to! ! Broken another piece.


   Wu Huatao was surprised and happy, this was the result he wanted.


   Wang Zhendong was deposed, his emotions were out of control, and the Sina headquarters was rioted...


   This news is big enough and useful enough.


   So, the front desk called the security guard for fear of accident.


   However, the front desk also called Wu Huatao and informed him that Wang Zhendong had gone upstairs.


   Then, Wu Huatao quietly asked the security to be removed, and even hinted that Qin Liang would provoke Wang Zhendong.


   It seems that Qin Liang did a good job. The only minor flaw is that Wang Zhendong didn't make a move.


   Xiao Qi always goes crazy, it doesn't make much sense!


"What are you doing!?"


   Qi Lei, "Smash you? Can't you see it? Really blind?"


   "You!" Wu Huatao was not suffocated, but could not say Qi Lei.


   "You are presumptuous!"


   Qi Lei, "I was presumptuous, did you call the police?"




   Qi Lei, "Since I have reported it, I can watch it while watching it!"


   Wu Huatao: "......"


   I can’t look at it, Wang Zhendong didn’t make a move. Didn’t you smash it for nothing?


   He thought about it, and immediately turned his spearhead, staring at Wang Zhendong.


   "Wang Zhendong!! Don't you care about the people you brought?"


   "This is the company, do you still have a king?"


   Wang Zhendong narrowed his eyes, looked at Wu Huatao, and stepped forward slowly.


   neither said to stop Qi Lei, nor did he respond to Wu Huatao's asking.




   Wu Huatao was startled, "What and why?"


   Wang Zhendong, "The other shareholders are all outsiders, I can't control them. You are the veteran with me! Why?"


   "Why betrayed? Why?"


   Wu Huatao: "......"


   was a little flustered, "You are so embarrassed to ask why!?"


  Foreign powerhouses, "Starting from acting for "Legend", you have made successive mistakes in decision-making."


   Looking around, more and more people gather, "Legend is such a lucrative game, you gave it to Three Stones."


   "On the 17th of East Street, everyone else is playing games, but Sina has been slow to act."


   "What live sports? You turned your elbow outward, you are not worthy to lead Sina!"


   Wang Zhendong heard, "So... is the German led this recall action?"


   "I..." Wu Huatao couldn't keep up with Wang Zhendong's rhythm at all.


   is indeed the German-von Nord.


   He is one of the investors of Sina, and also an investor of Actoz, the parent company of "Legend". At that time, it was von Nord who brought Sina to take care of Jin Yongmin.


After    铩羽, together with Actoz, they cherished a grudge against Sina and Sanshi who were in one spirit.


   Unexpectedly, Wang Zhendong immediately thought of von Nord, just mentioning "Legend".


   "You..." Wu Huatao was eager to reverse the situation, "Don't worry about it!"


   "Do you admit it or not? You gave up "Legend" to Sanshi?"


   "Acknowledge or not, the decision in the game industry is wrong?"


   Wang Zhendong: "......"


  He can explain this. If Qi Lei can do "Legend", you may not do it.


   The layout of the game at No. 17 East Street is not necessarily suitable for Sina.


   These can all be explained.


   It's a pity that Wang Zhendong didn't intend to explain, because the explanation was useless, it was just an excuse for them.


   Under the gaze of a group of Sina employees, gritted his teeth, suddenly walked towards Qi Lei, stood in front of him, and slowly stretched out his hand.


   Qi Lei took a look, he was happy, "What do you mean?"


  Wang Zhendong smiled sadly, "Since everything is smashed, why is it not fun?"


   Qi Lei has been smashed for a long time, and everyone has taken photos to leave the card, and also called the police, so there is no need to keep it.


   You can also see Wang Zhendong's personality from here. He is really a ruthless man, and a ruthless man who coexists sober and impulsively.


   Qi Lei had no choice but to compliment, "It makes sense!"


   handed the No. 4 iron to Wang Zhendong.


   So, the scene Wu Huatao wanted to see was staged.


   Wang Zhendong went off the court himself, smashing every piece of the top floor that could be hit, and venting his anger.


   Since the morning, he has been holding back, holding back! !


   now... don’t hold back, let go.


  Don’t forget, Wang Zhendong is only in his early thirties, and he is also brave and brave.


  Wu Huatao didn't stop him, yin and yang weird, "Make Mr. Wang more handsome!"


   Sina employees just watched, watching Mr. Wang walking along the way, taking steady steps, carefully checking every place where he can hit, and then swinging the club...never let go.


   It's just that, unlike Wu Huatao's mood, they don't think that Wang Zhendong has lost his temper, but rather sympathizes with Mr. Wang.


   Whoever devotes all his hard work to his career, once he is taken away, he will be as irrational as Mr. Wang, right?


   Wang Zhendong was not stopped until the police from the police station arrived.


  Wu Huatao naturally added fuel to the police when he faced the police. He wished that the police could handcuff Wang Zhendong, so that he could have a few more good materials.


   "The former boss of Sina lost control of his emotions and smashed his public property, and was arrested by the police. 》


  啧啧, what a great title!


   However, the police would not listen to Wu Huatao's remarks. After understanding the situation and seeing that Wang Zhendong's mood was stable, he would take it back to the office for processing.


   You should pay for it, just what's the matter!


   This kind of social influence is still a public figure and will not easily be handcuffed.


  Looking at Qi Lei and Wang Zhendong, the police are also fresh, "If there is something to say, no matter how bad it is, there are laws. Violent methods are not advisable!"


   "Let's go, two bosses."


  Wu Huatao looked from a distance, it was a pity that he was handcuffed! ? Just leave like this? Don't taste it!


   However, Qi Lei did not move.


   "Let's taste less!"


   The police frowned, "What's the smell? What's wrong? Mr. Qi hasn't smashed enough?"


   I saw Qi Lei grinning, "Smashing is enough."


   "However, I don't think the police uncle is necessary for this."


   The police made him angry, "No need? You don’t have to say it, I don’t count, the law has the final say!"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


   "We do renovation in our own home, isn't it a problem?"


   "Since..." The police are all happy, you can quite make up!


   Wu Huatao squeezed forward, "Comrade police, don't listen to his nonsense, this is beating, smashing, looting!"


   The police glared at him, "Say a few words!"


   This is not a good thing either!


   But it was over there, Qi Lei licked his lips.


   "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu! It will be announced immediately if you fight or not."


   turned his head and looked at Wang Zhendong, "I will tell you something."


  Wang Zhendong, "What's the matter?"


   As a result, Qi Lei said, except for the two policemen, he almost didn't get down.


   "In the name of the actual controlling shareholder of Hong Kong Kistler Technology, I formally authorized Mr. Wang Zhendong to manage the 14.3% Sina shares held by Kistler Technology on his behalf."


   "Including all matters such as equity transfer, dividend control, voting rights of the board of directors, etc."


   Chao Wang Zhendong grinned and said three words: "Back, horse, gun!!"


   Wang Zhendong: "......"


   Wu Huatao: "......"


   Sina employee: "......"


   Policeman: "???"


   did not understand.


   In other words, there is no reaction.


   Comrade policeman is the first to return to his soul, frowning! "This... does this have to do with taking it away?"


   Qi Lei immediately replied, "Yes! It's a big deal!"


   The police stared, "Can you trample on the law?"


   Qi Lei, "Of course not! That's how it is."


   The company law has been popularized by the police, with a perverse whisper bb, just like an eight-po: "Wang Zhendong has 15.7% of Sina shares, plus my 14.3%, which is 30%."


   The police leaned forward, "Well, what then?"


   Qi Lei: "30% means that Wang Zhendong has a veto power."


   "It's also saying that it doesn't work for the board of directors to remove them, play tricks, or remove them from office!"


   The policeman was at a loss, "What...what do you mean?"


   Qi Lei, "It means that Wang Zhendong's decision to dismiss Wang Zhendong by the board of directors can be rejected by one vote, and he is still the chairman of Sina!"


   "Then you are thinking...Sina's chairman broke Sina and engaged in decoration, is it okay?"


   Policeman: "......"


   It problem.


   Over there, Wu Huatao didn't react until this time, "This...this is impossible!!" The tune has changed, so everyone jumped!


   Go to his uncle! How about playing?


impossible! Absolutely impossible! Wu Huatao is going crazy!


   Qi Shi is Qi Lei's?


   And Wang Zhendong also reacted violently.


Hold! ! Kistler is Qi Lei! Fuck!


first reaction......


   is not ecstasy, but...




   The policeman laughed hurriedly, and said anxiously: "He, he, he, he, he is joking! Don't take it seriously, we will go home with you, and we will go home with you!"


   While talking, he forcibly pulled Qi Lei up, "Go and go! Go to the police station, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you confused?"


   Qi Lei paused, staring at Wang Zhendong, "What?! Are you sick?"


   This reaction is not appropriate, right? Can't slap her face back? Can you stand it so?


   "You, you, you, you, don't you still understand? Kistler mine! You are still the chairman!"


   Wang Zhendong rolled his eyes. It turned out that he was in the office just now, and he said "Kistler is mine" instead of "It's actually mine..."


   But now I don’t have time to think so much, and he uttered a low growl, "Shut up!"


   yelled in a voice that only two of them could hear, "You're so overwhelmed. To avenge your revenge, is it worth it!?"


  Don't forget, Qi Lei hasn't really won Imagination yet.


   The Kistler Company belongs to him. As soon as this news spreads, let Liu Jixiang know it, or it will be all over! ?


   What Wang Zhendong is thinking about now is not his own carbine, but Qi Lei's big plan! It was his long knife that got out of its sheath!


   I thought I could wake up Qi Lei, but this guy was stunned for a long time... as if stupid.


   Wang Zhendong pulled him, "Are you awake? Go and go!"


   Qi Lei: "......"


   Qi Lei had to be stunned. He was just stupid. Instead, he looked at Wang Zhendong like a fool. It was a disgust.....


   jumped out: "Did you let the plane sweep your brain!? Think about it again!"


   Wang Zhendong was taken aback, "I...what's wrong with me?"


   I saw Qi Lei speechless, "Brother!"


   "[Imagine Holdings] is not a listed company, and every share transfer must be reported to the board of directors!"


   Wang Zhendong: "!!!"


   Forget this stubble...


   "Yes... is it?"


  Lun Qi Lei rolled his eyes this time, "Why don't you calm down first?"




What does that mean?


   is actually very simple, just can’t play Yin! Let alone steal it.


   Even if Qi Lei wants to hold 0.1% of the shares, Liu Jixiang knows it!


   There is no way to hide this, and it is impossible to complete the acquisition silently with Desheng's hand like [Hong Kong Imagination]. Suddenly appeared in front of Liu Jixiang again, and then said with great blood, "Are you out?"


  Impossible, that is the bridge in the TV series.


   Therefore, Qi Lei previously divided the acquisition of Imagination into several stages. The acquisition of Hong Kong Imagination was a secret operation.


   But when it comes to Imagination Holdings, that's what happened!


   At this time, Wang Zhendong's brain finally returned to its place.


   "Then..." People are still a bit dazed, not enough, "Then... Then how do you take Imagination Holdings?"


   Qi Lei smiled, "Imagine the conspiracy of the group, and the next step is to conspiracy."


   "It's impossible to enter the village secretly and not to shoot."


   Sweeping around, seeing a group of Sina employees still in a daze, they stared at Wang Zhendong and said, "Are you going to avenge? You don't?"


   "Then go!!"


   "Come on, come on, comrade police, I'm kidding..."


   "Wait a minute!!" Wang Zhendong shouted, his waist straightened.


   Two hands and one back, come to feel it?


   special, since you don’t need to keep it, isn’t it a loss if you feel uncomfortable?




   slowly turned his head and looked at Wu Huatao, "Mr. Wu..."


   "Please inform everyone on the board of directors, in half an hour, come to my office for a meeting!"


   "Whoever does not show up, the consequences are at your own risk!"


   The king is always shaking!


   Qi Lei looked at Wang Zhendong's spirited state, and felt a bit bitter in his heart. He finally found such a coolie, but...flew away.


   Damn, I'm too soft-hearted!


   Why did you vote for Sina? If you don't vote, wouldn't Pharaoh be out of this? Properly imagine the next generation of leaders.


such a pity!


   Qi Lei is such a person, first friendship, then benefit.


   "Oh!!" Long sighed, and backed her hand, she picked a nice female clerk and teased, "What kind of decoration style do you like? I'll help you suggest suggestions."


  The female clerk blushed, "Anything."


  Wu Huatao, who looked at all of this, felt completely cold.


   The old king came back, too soon.


   Unfortunately, it should be him.


   But I didn't know that Qin Liang in the distance was cooler than Wu Huatao, and it was freezing hard.


   Fuck your uncle, what's the situation? Am I over?




   How to rectify the company's internals and how to deal with those shareholders who eat inside and outside? Wang Zhendong doesn't need to be taught about these things.


   Give him some time, Sina will be another look.


   In the afternoon, Lin Wanxiao, who was in Beijing, came to Sina. Qi Lei and Wang Zhendong formally signed an equity escrow agreement.


   It wasn't until the evening that I got together with Xiao Ma and Ding Lei.


   Ding Lei couldn't help complaining, "Hey! Wait for us! I went to the theater exclusively, but in the end, he didn't watch anything."


   Regarding this, Wang Zhendong didn't scold them to death, "A bunch of grandchildren!! You already knew it?"


   Ding Lei laughed, "I didn't expect it? Learn from other people's stones, this is a beautiful thing!"


   Wang Zhendong nodded, and Qi Lei raised his cup, "Remember."


   Qi Lei shook his head, "I can't persuade you, I have to do so."


   Ding Lei took the conversation, "Should I say it or not, Pharaoh, you have to remember this, and imagine this way..."


   "Stop!" It was Qi Lei who interrupted Ding Lei.


   Knowing what Ding Lei is going to say, I have to persuade Wang Zhendong to go and help Qi Lei.


   However, Wang Zhendong has already made a choice. Qi Lei has never mentioned this problem since he said he handed over Sina shares to Wang Zhendong for escrow.


   At the same time, he didn't want Ding Lei to mention it again, it would only embarrass Wang Zhendong.


   Still the same sentence, Wang Zhendong has invested too much emotion in Sina, and he is reluctant to leave.


   "Drinking and drinking!!!" Qi Lei changed the subject, "what I smashed today is so cool!"


   Everyone had a good time, and sighed that they didn't catch up.


   It's just that Wang Zhendong smiled when no one noticed.


   After 30 years of drinking, Wang Zhendong himself brought the conversation to the question of imagination.


   "You...are there any other people besides me?"


   Qi Lei frowned and replied, "Yes!"




   Qi Lei, "Myself!"






   "Oh!" Wang Zhendong sighed, "Let's do it!"


   attracted the attention of Qi Lei and everyone, "I want to clean up the stinky fish and shrimps in Sina, and then find a reliable successor, and then I will withdraw."


   Qi Lei, "???"


  嚓! Isn't it the same as what I thought?




   Ding Lei was also taken aback for a while, and then he was overjoyed, "Okay! This is the best! Sina find an agent, you go and imagine helping the stone!"


   However, Wang Zhendong shook his head, "If you don't find an agent, you will withdraw if you withdraw, and withdraw all without leaving any shares!"


   Everyone, "..."


   I saw Wang Zhendong sneer proudly and looked at Qi Lei: "Don't you say you want me to be like this? Then fight to the end and leave no way out!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   This result, to be honest, Qi Lei did not expect, "You...are you really willing?"


   Wang Zhendong calmly said, "Not willing."


   "But..." The conversation turned, "I understand a truth today."


   looked at everyone, "It is because of unwillingness to go further and further!"


   "I have forgotten why Sina was founded, to be the chairman? To be a capitalist?"


   Wang Zhendong shook his head, "I don't think I am that kind of person."


   "The family was poor back then, and I did odd jobs in the duck factory to make up for the living expenses of Peking University. Only then did I realize that I had chosen the most unlearnable radio electronics..."


   "There is no way to switch to programming."


   "Now... I don't have to worry about running out of money, and the day is better. It's time to do what I want to do!"


   looked directly at Qi Lei, "I don't want to, but I don't regret it!"


   "Just like you a knife that can be sheathed!"


   "It's done..."


   "Then we will be worth it in this life!"


   Qi Lei stared blankly at Wang Zhendong, who didn’t get along with the handsome...


   I have mixed feelings in my heart! !


   Liang Jiufang solemnly said: "Then what..."


   "Is the duck factory a serious duck factory?"


   I poof! !


   Everyone spurts...


   Xiao Ma smiled and jokingly jumped out, "Pharaoh doesn't have the conditions for being serious."


   "I'm pretty much the same."


   Wang Zhendong was amused, "Get out!"


   is not a good person.


   What a profound sender? Why is it serious?






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   Thank you [simon0911] for the reward.


   Boss, I was wrong, never say that the boss is confused...


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   Big guys.

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