Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 51: Dragon Slaying (9)

Liu Jixiang didn't know yet, Qi Lei dug a hole for him.

However, a sentence represented by HW and Huaxing reminded Lao Liu.

The representative of HW casually said, "Mr. Liu, please don't return to the carbine and return to the communications equipment industry! Then we and Huaxing have no way out."

Huaxing representatives continued, "In fact, Mr. Liu has other investments to consider."

"For example, invest in a courier company? Well, I think this is a good project!"

Liu Jixiang was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to understand everything.

The words of these two companies are actually hiding knives. In other words, these two people are more sober than Liu Jixiang, and they have figured out the situation of imagination.

If the Internet goes to the countryside, if this happens, the imaginary situation will inevitably be embarrassing, and it will inevitably become a laughing stock.

If you can't imagine it, how about a carbine when the time comes?

Lao Liu has to be blocked. As an entrepreneur, you can’t care about your reputation, right?

Of course, investing in other projects is even more impossible, and Liu Jixiang can't afford to lose this person.

However, this reminded Lao Liu in a disguised form that the look in Qi Lei's eyes was not right.

Boy, you have a good time! ? Yiny enough!

He just said, there is no imaginary thing here, what do you look at me for?

It turned out to be waiting for me here!



Then came the normal seminar process, where everyone spoke, discussed together, and brainstormed.

It's just that there have been some subtle changes, whether the leaders above or the companies below, after explaining their speech drafts, they will more or less put forward some opinions and suggestions on the Internet to the countryside proposed by Mr. Qi.

Occasionally, with a flash of inspiration, he can come up with some ideas and details that Qi Lei didn't expect, and some of them are quite brilliant.

For example, the representative of HW proposed that the Internet to the countryside should cooperate with local governments to jointly formulate support strategies for different regions and different villages and towns.

In areas with developed transportation, some places have good economic foundations, while others have poor economic foundations.

Where the economy is good, local finances can provide more subsidies, and the poor ones can receive less subsidies or even no subsidies. The state finances and enterprises will complete the initial infrastructure construction.

These are also what Qi Lei likes to see, and will not feel robbed of the limelight.

Still the same sentence, Qi Lei is an ordinary person who is not brilliant and has no great wisdom in his previous life.

Although after rebirth, under the spur of Zhang Nan, Lao Geng and others, Qi Lei broadened his horizons, had goals, and gradually used everything from his previous life.

But he is a person after all, and his power is limited after all, and he needs the elites of this era to think with him.

The seminar lasted for three days. In the afternoon, the first day's agenda ended, and everyone came out of the telecommunications headquarters building.

Grandma Chang stopped Qi Lei and wanted to chat with him alone.

As a result, as soon as I walked out of the headquarters, I saw Lao Qin's broken car in the parking lot, sitting in the driving seat!

Chang Lanfang and Qi Lei both smiled.

Afterwards, Qi Lei threw the car key to Liao Fanyi, "Let's drive back to school!"

After that, I got into Lao Qin's car with the old lady Chang.

Liu Ji looked at it from a distance, and said to his heart, the relationship between Old Lady Chang and Qi Lei was unusual!

As for the broken 2020S with the civilian license plate and the people sitting in the car, Lao Liu didn't care too much.

After all, Lao Qin does not belong to a person standing on the bright side, and only has a sense of existence at a certain time.


In the car, Old Qin said first, "Send to Chang Lao first!"

Chang Lao nodded, even if it passed, he continued to chat with Qi Lei.

It's not the issue of going to the countryside mentioned today. The old lady is actually concerned about another detail.

"Are you ambushing Liu Jixiang today?"

Qi Lei nodded and smiled, "I don't know that he is coming to the meeting before."

Chang Lanfang made a stern face, "I knew your kid was not at ease. Didn't you get involved afterwards without seeing me?"

However, he reminded, "Don't underestimate him, even if you don't figure it out for a while, he will know that you are pitting him, and the acquisition is not necessarily a good thing."

After hearing the words, Qi Lei thought about it, and couldn't help but think of Wu Ning's words again in his mind, pulling Lao Liu to the battlefield where we are good at.

Finally, he shook his head silently, "It's not good to say."

"Instinctively, I saw Liu Jixiang was there, and I just had such an opportunity to dig a hole, so I just did it."

As for the direction that Wu Ning talked about, and whether the acquisition of Imagination was helpful or hindering, the situation at that time did not have time for him to think about it. It was really instinct.

There is no need to hold the Chang old lady Qi Lei, nor is he afraid of exposing the shortcomings, what to say.

"I don't think about how to do this now, you keep asking me to think about it."

When Chang Lanfang heard this, he teased, "Young people think that they are all out. It's not reliable!!"

However, the old lady Chang said in other words, and after she said she encouraged Qi Lei, "Follow your ideas, not afraid!"

"A good person needs not only a long-term strategic vision, but also keen insight and on-the-spot adaptability. These all require experience."

"You are still young, so what can you do even if you don't have a good harvest? The big deal is the tuition."

The old lady still has this courage, and I believe Qi Lei is also mentally prepared.

In fact, don't look at getting the Imagine Group, but Chang Lanfang knows very well that this can only be regarded as half of the success, or even less than half.

Imagine’s core is still Imagine Holdings, which is the Institute of Planning and Research.

Qi Lei didn't take Imagination to be a bad guy like Lao Liu. He wanted to do research and development, so the Institute of Planning and Research was the main goal.

Let's put it this way, don't think Nan Guanghong has been with Sanshi Company for two years, but what Nan Guanghong can do now is just to engage in software.

The technology patents he has researched over the past half of his life are still in Imagine's holdings. That is the core of Imagination, not Liu Jixiang, nor the scale of Imagination.

And getting Imagination Holdings is the most difficult.

According to Mrs. Chang's estimation, Qi Lei was 20% sure that he would burn incense. Even if he can't even reach Chengdu, he can only do so after the Grand Fortune.

As if calming down his grandchildren, he said again, "Don't worry, do it boldly, even if you lose everything, grandma will help you make a comeback!"

Qi Lei, "..."

After a long while, "With this sentence from you, don't say anything about it, I dare to do anything!"

Chang Lanfang slapped Qi Lei, "Smelly boy, don't brag! Would you like to pick a star for the old lady?"

Qi Lei didn't even knock, "Okay! Wait!"

Send the old lady Chang to the place, only Lao Qin and Qi Lei are left in the car, which is not as perverse as just now.

Old Qin joked, "Your father and I are a year old, so why don't you pretend to be a child with me?"

As a result, Qi Lei replied, "Kiss you in the next generation! This trick only works for old men and old ladies."

"I want to pretend to be a child with my dad, and he sticks me with a big stick!"

"Ha!!" Old Qin smiled and shook his head, and sighed: "You, you are really the best!"

"Let's talk about it, is there another story in today's meeting?"

Old Qin had just heard it out, something was digging a hole for Liu Jixiang.

It's just that Mrs. Chang is devoted, so he can't interrupt.

"By the way, be careful, Mrs. Chang really has a granddaughter."

Qi Lei, "Gah!?" Everyone was dumbfounded, for a long while, "Then, that, that, then I won't post it up."

No more joking now, and simply talked to Lao Qin about today's meeting, including his digging a hole for Liu Jixiang.

As a result, Lao Qin's reaction was similar to Chang Lanfang's, "You can do it whatever you want!"

In fact, Lao Qin also knows that this is difficult, and it is good for Qi Lei to have a try.

He smiled and said, "I actually have nothing else to do today. I just came to see you off. Will you be back to Shangbei tomorrow? I guess I won't come back for half a month for this trip?"

Qi Lei grinned, "How about half a month? Let's talk about it in August and September!"

Lao Qin returned with a real expression, knowing that he was not going back to recruit students for Beiguang this time, but was going back for vacation.

"I don't care about the imaginary thing? I'll talk about it when I come back?"

Qi Lei said in silence, after thinking about it for a long time, he said without thinking, "It depends on the situation!"

Old Qin, "..."

In the end, he nodded, "Well, go back to relax, take a break, and wait until you come back to solve the remaining problems of imagination."

Later, I was afraid that Qi Lei was anxious, "You are already very fast. Imagine holding such a large company has changed ownership. It only took you a few months. I think it can be slowed down."

While watching the road, he glanced at Qi Lei, "You haven't stopped in the past two years, I'm so tired for you!"

"Don't think about anything, wait until you come back."

Qi Lei, "All right..." I don't know what I'm thinking.

Next, Qi Lei didn't speak any more.

When Old Qin looked at him, he suddenly said, "You are not a person who does things based on feelings. If you cheated Liu Jixiang, you must have a complete idea."

"It's just..." Old Qin smiled, "This idea may deviate from your final direction, or it's not a last resort, you don't want to use it!"

"Am I right?"

Qi Lei was stunned there, his eyes rounded, "I..."

Old Qin guessed it right, he did have ideas, but didn't want to use it.


The next day, Qi Lei did not go to the seminar, his task was completed.

Dong Beiguo is very satisfied. Who would dare to say that our social sciences are useless? Is it useful?

Although he was from a science and engineering background, as the principal of Beiguang, he still wanted to do something about the school.

At this time, Qi Lei was on the train back to the northeast, buying Imagination, and he was really tossed aside, he was laughing at the young eagle class friends, hehe heh heh!

In the front, rear, left, and right seats of him, 17 of the 19 heads of the young eagle squad came, all of them came to escape the official travel.

The two who didn't come, one was Kou Zhongqi and the other was Zong Baobao.

Sister Kou had to guard Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang didn't have a holiday, and she didn't have any interest in going back to the Northeast.

Zong Baobao went home as if he hadn't returned. Anyway, his old man and his old mother didn't stay home all day and didn't have time to pay attention to him.

Moreover, the two know Lei Qi too well, this grandson must not hold his fart, go!

It is estimated to stand and come back lying down.

Liao Fanyi, Chen Xingfu, and Mu Zhengming, who are in charge of admissions and school examinations in Longjiang Province, are also laughing.

"Just the broken place in Shangbei, what are you doing with the past?"

I saw Zhou Xiaocao's left hand chicken thighs and bread, right hand ham sausage, and bulging responses from the cheeks.

"It's not broken, it's the hometown of Instructor Xiao Qi, I'm going to see it!"

Hello everyone, "Say everyone, right?"

The other 16 heads nodded immediately, and had to laugh, as if they had taken much advantage.

Even Ma Tuo felt relieved and regained a new life.

No way, too livestock.

The young eagle class was established, and it lasted more than half a year. It was called purgatory.

Qi Lei alone left 6 papers, not to mention, old scholars such as Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu also occasionally started a small focus.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ecstatic.

I originally thought that with computers, dedicated classrooms, and even entertainment magazines are class reimbursements, and there are all kinds of funds, these days are unhappy?

But the result...

If you can do it again, I'd rather beg for food than enter the young eagle squad!

Master Tuo, it was easy at first, but those papers left by Qi Lei were all pediatrics to him. But after a long time, Master Tuo realized that something was wrong.

Simple is simple, but you can't hold him back too much! The task of the next one is already done before this one is finished.

Who can stand this?

Therefore, the toughest Master Tuo was also stunned. Whether you are Shangbei a good place or a broken place, let's take a rest for half a month and talk about it!

Everyone ate snacks, looked at the scenery outside the car window, sang songs, and rushed to the northeast.

The other passengers in the same compartment were envious, and they could only say that it was nice to be young and full of vitality.

Looking at these children, they grinned unconsciously.

Qi Lei also looked at them, and said to his heart, these goods are really happy! It is estimated that they have planned how to sleep late and how to play in the past half month.

It doesn't matter, let them jump for two days.

Seeing Qi Lei's smiling face, Liao Fanyi knew that he was not at ease. Chao Qi Lei winked, and the two went to the junction of the carriages to breathe air.

Liao Fanyi lit a cigarette, "Why did you dig a hole for Liu Jixiang yesterday? Just because of hatred?"

Well, even Liao Fanyi can see it.

It's just that Liao Fanyi is also curious, don't look at Qi Lei's mind, but this kid is quite principled. If you don't take the initiative to provoke him, he rarely puts on someone on purpose.

But this was a bit abnormal.

Qi Lei didn't expect that Liao Fanyi would ask about this.

The relationship between him and Liao Fanyi is very special, a little like a teacher and a friend.

Simply, without hiding from Liao Fanyi, it was assumed that she was looking for someone to share and unravel.

After all, even Lao Qin, Xu Xiaoqian, and Wu Ning could not say these words.

"I want to acquire Imagination."

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Qi Lei, "Digging that pit can pull Liu Jixiang into my field of expertise and into my home court!"

Liao Fanyi frowned, "Your home court?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! Public opinion is home!"

Liao Fanyi instantly understood that this is indeed Qi Lei's home field. No one in China understands better than him.


Liao Fanyi looked at Qi Lei playfully, "But, how do I feel that you are not happy?"

Based on his understanding of Qi Lei, he dug a hole for Liu Jixiang. He should be very happy, jumped off, and even bluffed twice. How could it be the other way around?

In this regard, since Qi Lei has opened the chatterbox, "I can indeed pull him into the battlefield of public opinion, but..."

"But what?"

Qi Lei, "But I don't want to do this!"


Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "It is not difficult to guess the direction and context of this public opinion battle. The final result must be that I win, but I have to pay a price."

Liao Fanyi, "You can't afford this price?"

Qi Lei, "It's not that I can't bear it, but I don't want to bear it."

Liao Fanyi, "What?"

I saw Qi Lei muttering, "Can't get out."

Liao Fanyi: "..."

"Can't get out?"

Okay, Liao Fanyi thought for a while before he knew what was going on.

Qi Lei told him about going abroad before, so why couldn't he go out?

Moreover, Liao Fanyi is very puzzled that Qi Lei does have an advantage in the media, but before the fight has started, he can already predict the situation of the battle, right?

"You tell me first, even if the Internet goes to the countryside spreads and Liu Jixiang is criticized, you will know what he will do next?"

"Also, why can't you get out?"

This time, Qi Lei didn't answer, he really knew.

After chatting with Liao Fanyi for a while, Qi Lei glanced at his watch, and it was already noon.

After a while, those couples should go to the Internet cafe for lunch, so they dialed the Internet cafe.

Xu Xiaoqian answered, knowingly asked: "Who is it?"

Lei Qi was thief, "What are you doing?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Hey!"

Qi Lei, "Boxed lunch?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Hmm! My mom has something to do, so I didn't come back to cook today."

This "our mother" is Qi Lei's mother.

Qi Lei asked, "What about Cui's mother?"

Xu Xiaoqian said in a very aggrieved tone, "Mom Cui and your father Tang went to the pharmaceutical factory in Shanghai and they seem to have won some award. Your father Tang said that he was romantic and took his wife to travel."

Qi Lei, "Poor! How about I go back to coax the child?"

On the other side of the phone, Xu Xiaoqian pouted her lips as she listened, "You? Come on! There is a busy person, so how can we take care of us?"

Qi Lei, "Why are you so resentful? Or... I really go back?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Come on, you, I always make some hopes that I can't repay."

Qi Lei, "Don't irritate me! Believe it or not, kill it tonight and do you!"

Xu Xiaoqian thought he was bluffing, "Come on! Come back if you have the ability!"

After saying this, Xu Xiaoqian deliberately lowered her voice to prevent Yang Xiao, Wu Ning and the others from hearing, "Afraid of you!? Dare to come back?"

The voice is even smaller, almost inaudible, "Dare to come back, the light or the color, it's up to you!"

Qi Lei was in full state instantly: "You are waiting!"


That night, everyone from Beiguang arrived in Shangbei.

At the entrance of the Transportation Bureau, Qi Lei and Jiang Yao got off the car, "Go home, see you in two days!"




Jiang Yao is okay, he went home, of course he didn't stay in the hotel.

However, Reviver...

The people in the car have different moods. Liao Fanyi wants to strangle him and still has a job! Why did you run away?

And Zhou Xiaocao, Tuoye, and the others, they just missed their farewells.

Zhou Xiaocao, "Go go! Say hello to Xu Xiaoqian for me! Play for a few more days, don't worry about us."

Chen Wenjie, "Huh eh? You wait for a while, if there is something silly X picking up things, does it work to ask you?"

Qi Lei fluttered and dropped a sentence, "Although mention it, the beating is even worse!"

I watched him go into an alley,

As everyone knows, there are naturally reasons why people are eager to go home. How can there be time to deal with them?

Qi Lei, who ran home from Sa Huan, saw Yan Ling and Da Ling in the room washing their feet, and Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian, one by one, leaned on the sofa to make a question.

Yang Xiao is not here today.

The light is on in my own room.

Looking at Qi Lei, Tang Xiaoyi's eyes didn't come out, "Oh fuck! You opened the university, right? You really came back?"

Qi Lei didn't tell them about going back to Shangbei to enroll students. It was purely an accident.

Qi Lei frowned, why is the word so weird? What is really coming back?

But it was Wu Xiaojian who slapped her thigh and stretched out her hand towards Tang Xiaoyi, "Bring it!"

Tang Xiaoyi took out ten yuan from his pocket angrily, and stuffed it to Wu Ning, "Are you two colluding? You scam Lao Tzu's money?"

Qi Lei understood it at a glance.

After making the phone call at noon, Wu Ning guessed that Qi Lei was coming back and was doing something there, so he made a bet with Tang Xiaoyi.

Qi Lei ignored them, pointed to his room, and gave a questioning look.

Means, are you there?

Wu Xiaojian understood and nodded, "Yes!"

Qi Lei immediately rushed into the room, facing Xu Xiaoqian who was immersed in studying and saw him come in with a stunned eye, "I'm back, the light or the color!?"

Xu Xiaoqian was startled at first, and immediately remembered the daytime teasing, and immediately screamed, "Yeah!!!"

With horror on his face, "You, you, you, you! Are you really back?"

Qi Lei didn't speak, and approached like a pervert.

Xu Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, closed the workbook and hugged him in her arms, stood up and walked around Qi Lei, "'s tiring to hurry, right?"

"Take a rest early, I won't bother..."

"I, I, I, I'm home."

If you say something, you will run away.

Qi Lei grabbed her and carried her into his arms: "I want to run, no way!"

Seeing that Xu Xiaoqian couldn't escape, she didn't run away at all.

Afraid of you?

He pinched his waist and said, "Okay, you won't run if you don't run!"

"You first! Give sister a light?"

Qi Lei: "???"

Tang Xiaoyi yelled suddenly outside the door, "Oh fuck! You two dog men and women, can't stand you!"

Too embarrassed, Xu Xiaoqian gave Qi Lei a random punch and snarled, "Big pervert, everyone is listening!"

Qi Lei stared and hugged Xu Xiaoqian tighter, "Blame me, did you call it out?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Get out!"

Blushing, "I sleep with Yan Ling tonight, don't want you!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he shouted outside the door, "Yanling, your sister Qian will sleep in the same bed with you tonight!"

Yan Ling screamed, "The beauty of thinking!!"

Weeping: "She doesn't sleep honestly, so I won't do it!"

Qi Lei heard that if he had a big victory, "Have you heard? People don't want you, so I can do it."

Xu Xiaoqian gritted her teeth angrily, "Dead girl, I hurt you for nothing!"

Yan Ling is in the living room: "Yo yo yo!"

Xu Xiaoqian: "..."


Early the next morning, Qi Lei and Yan Ling both got up with a grimace, both wore dark circles under their eyes.

Only Xu Qian came out of Yanling's room in a refreshing manner, wearing a small pajamas, and patted Qi Lei on the sofa with her belly, "I'm hungry! What do you eat in the morning?"

Qi Lei gave her a vicious look, "Eat you!!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "I don't taste good, let's eat buns!"

Qi Lei took her to get started, "Okay! I don't think the bun is big!"

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian raised her hand and gave it to him, looking around with a guilty conscience, for fear of letting those heads listen.


Before six o'clock, everyone went to school, but Wu Ning and Xu Xiaoqian took a long time off.

For this reason, Qi Lei sat cross-legged on the sofa and kept murmuring: "Is there more than a month left, you two ask for a fake?"

I saw Wu Ning sneered, "You don't know my situation. The college entrance examination score is about the same, and I must be able to make it!"

This is the truth, foreign prestigious schools are far more realistic than domestic ones, well, they are actually far more marketable.

The identity of the co-founder of Three Stones alone can make Wu Xiaojian unimpeded in most prestigious schools.

Therefore, for him, the college entrance examination results are really icing on the cake.

Xu Xiaoqian's situation is similar, but not exactly the same, she is not bad for a long time.

And Wu Ning was also serious at this time, "Tell me, where is the progress?"

Qi Lei stared at the two for a long while, and finally stopped struggling with the question of whether he asked for leave or not, and began to talk about business matters.

To be honest, this is a very strange feeling. When talking to Wang Zhendong, Ding Lei, including Lao Qin, they didn't feel that way.

But Wu Ning and Xu Xiaoqian are completely different.

In the past, with brother and Xu Qian, Qi Lei was lonely in a sense, and he had to do everything himself.

Moreover, most of the time, Qi Lei shared his thoughts with them and discussed success or failure.

That was the ability that the 40-year-old soul gave him before he was reborn, vicissitudes and hardship.

For Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, and Xu Xiaoqian who were still teenagers, it was too far away.

Qi Lei can only wait and hope.

Waiting for them to grow up a little bit, hoping that one day they can understand how complicated life is.

But Qi Lei did not expect that this day came so fast that he was almost caught off guard.

He didn't expect that while he was growing rapidly, Wu Ning and Xu Qian were actually not slower than him at all, and they had completely deviated from their original life trajectory.

Qi Lei was a little apprehensive, he didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Is it finally no longer alone, or deprived of the innocence that originally belonged to them.

After all, in Qi Lei's eyes, the juvenile childishness is no less insignificant than wealth and career.

As for Yang Xiao...

That is a little girl who needs the protection of everyone more than Tang Xiaoyi. You can't tell her how sinister the world is, and you didn't want to tell her the truth that "money is hard to make **** is hard to eat".

Because Xiaoer is the most vulnerable among the few people, let her continue to be naive!

At this moment, Wu Xiaojian was sitting in front of Qi Lei, listening quietly, and asking some questions from his perspective from time to time.

Xu Xiaoqian supported her chin, her big eyes fluttered, not missing every detail Qi Lei had said.

This made Qi Lei feel at ease for the first time, he was no longer fighting alone.

After a long time, Qi Lei finally brought out the current situation, problems, and difficulties one by one, including the pit dug for Liu Jixiang.

However, Qi Lei did not say what he and Liao Fanyi said in the car, what public opinions, predictions, will win, will not get out, Qi Lei did not mention at all.

To Wu Ning: "I have been considering your suggestion, but I haven't figured out how to use our advantages and how to draw Liu to our home court."

Wu Ning nodded, "It's really not easy."

He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and pushed his glasses.

Afterwards, he didn't talk about his thoughts and inspiration like other people, but had a chat with Qi Lei without a word.

Let's talk about Qi Lei's views on some things, and there are countermeasures.

However, Qi Lei didn't mention it, but Wu Ning raised it unconsciously.

"How are your preparations for going abroad for exchanges?"

Qi Lei was startled, "This is easy, don't need to worry about me, the school just goes through the procedure."

Wu Ning nodded, glanced at Xu Xiaoqian intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that she seemed relaxed, as if nothing happened, and did not continue the topic.

Suddenly he said intriguingly, "Huh? I thought of something."

Qi Lei asked subconsciously, "What's the matter?"

Wu Ning, "Public opinion is your advantage and your home court. If Liu Jixiang is pushed to the front row of public opinion, and you want to acquire Imagination, it will explode... You said, how would he fight back?"

After Qi Lei listened, his toes were clasped.

Sullenly said, "How do I know how he will fight back?"

This time Xu Xiaoqian jumped out, "You said, compared to Liu Jixiang's pharmaceutical factory and non-staple food factory, are our father's pharmaceutical factories considered to be a problem?"

Qi Lei, "!!!"

I saw Wu Ning also smiled, "Yes, will he fight back with our dad?"


The direction of public opinion that Liao Fanyi did not expect was clearly seen by these two guys.

Qi Lei's whole person is not good.

This is a problem that ordinary people cannot think of, but those in the game will inevitably take advantage of it.

That is, the problem of transferring state-owned assets to private companies.

If the news of Lei Qi’s imagining is made public, and the news of Liu Jixiang is pushed to the forefront, then the business of Lei Qi’s father will be used by Lao Liu, and this is a ruthless move.

how to say?

Later generations criticized Lao Liu for embezzling state-owned assets.

Regardless of public sentiment, personal sentiment is not discussed, nor is it legal or legal, reasonable or unreasonable, but only the phenomenon reflected by this incident.

In this era, including the ten and twenty years ahead.

The weakness of state-owned enterprises and the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, etc., privatized operations are an inevitable trend.

However, there is no standardized and standardized process at all.

In the previous era, there were no private enterprises. Enterprises under the planned economy were state-owned or local collective assets.

Under the market economy model, most of them have to face privatization transformation.

Under such a general background, since the end of the 1980s, state-owned assets contracting, transfers to private ownership, and transfers to shares have been in progress.

Moreover, everyone is inexperienced, crossing the river by feeling the stones.

For example, if the privatization of the agricultural machinery factory is successful today, the fertilizer plant will follow the template of the agricultural machinery factory tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, maybe the privatization of the agricultural machinery factory has discovered a problem, so it is called a collective stop, and everyone is looking for a new feasible solution.

During this period, it is inevitable that some people will take advantage of the loopholes or become victims of reforms.

Under such an environment, Liu Jixiang's operations are indeed controversial. However, whether you consider it from the perspective of the law or the background of the times, it is not easy to pick out the fault. You can only criticize him from the moral level.

What's more, this was 2001 twenty years ago, and there is no way to go into it.

What's more terrible is that not only him, in this era, there are more controversies than what Liu Jixiang did.

Regarding Tang Chenggang's pharmaceutical factory and the contracted plastic factory going back, do you say that the privatization process is fine?

Is it okay for Qi Guojun to contract a non-staple food factory?

Not really.

If you go into the details, it will be controversial.

Take Tang Chenggang as an example, let's not talk about it, just talk about the pharmaceutical factory.

Xu Wenliang solved the problem from the perspectives of invigorating the local economy, placing employment, and clearing up financial burdens, and transferred the pharmaceutical factory to Tang Chenggang.

100% equity, state-owned to private.

If you consider this process from the perspective of the people in Shangbei, it is no problem and a great thing.

A waste factory that has been suspended for more than ten years and a large number of laid-off workers has the ability to invigorate and make the workers earn money. Is there any problem?

Of course there is no problem, Xu Wenliang did a good job with this transaction!

However, from a book point of view, that is another algorithm.

A state-owned factory with thousands of people has a pharmaceutical business license and patents, and the book assets are still something, which was turned into his own by Tang Chenggang with very little money.

Then you say, is there a problem?


In the eyes of people outside Shangbei, the problem has gone too far.

Besides, Qi Guojun contracted a non-staple food factory, a state-owned factory that had premises, plants, and equipment, and was able to achieve profit through official annual orders. It was contracted by Qi Guojun with very little money.

More subtle is that Guo Lihua is also the main leader of the non-staple food factory in charge.

Then you say, is there a problem with this matter?

It depends on which angle you look at and which angle to interpret.

From the perspective of the market, that's fine.

However, if the guidelines go online, then even if there is no problem, the issue of public influence must be considered.

Wu Ning suddenly became more interesting at this time, "Have you ever thought about it, once Liu Jixiang knows that you want to intervene in your imagination, he will fight you hard at all costs!"

"And our dad's career is likely to be a breakthrough for him to attack you!"

This is not difficult to infer.

You said that Liu Jixiang had embezzled him and did not do well in his imagination. You think you can do it, so you have to take over.

However, as long as Liu Jixiang does something with the three fathers.

"Your home is not clean? It's worse than what I did!"

"Imagine, at least state-owned assets are still major shareholders, but what about your pharmaceutical factory?"

"That's 100% private."

"When the time comes, what will you do?"

Wu Ning's question was very tricky, and most people were shocked, really worried.

But Qi Lei has a completely incomprehensible look.

There is not much worry on his face, but he said otherwise, "Then avoid developing in this direction? Don't engage in public opinion stuff."

Wu Ning: "Really??"

Looking at Qi Lei, thoughtfully, "If you don't engage in public opinion, what pit do you dig for him?"

Qi Lei was speechless for a while when asked, "Anyway, leave it alone, I have a sense of measure!"

Wu Ning laughed, then glanced at Xu Xiaoqian again, and did not continue.

At noon, the two said to go to class and go together.

At first, Xu Xiaoqian did not speak, but walked silently.

But Wu Ning suddenly said, "He must have a way to deal with it, and he has caught Lao Liu's life 100%!"

Xu Qian nodded, "Hmm!"

Xu Xiaoqian can see this too, Qi Lei is not a casual digger.

Wu Ning, "The reason for dodge is because he is afraid that he won't be able to get out at this point."

Xu Qian, "Are you sure?"

Wu Ning, "I know him too much."

After speaking, I stopped and looked at Xu Qian,

"Actually... he couldn't get out without this incident."

I thought Xu Qian would show a disappointed expression, but didn't want to. Xu Xiaoqian said naturally, "He's going out and shit, just wishful thinking!"

Wu Ning: "..."

This made Wu Ning a little surprised, but Xu Qian was so calm.

When Xu Qian glanced at him, Wu Ning was a little surprised, and she frowned.

"You too underestimated me? I'm not a kid anymore and I don't need him to be with me."

"On the contrary, he needs me! It's just that, not now, but in the future! In the future, we can help him share some."

"So..." Xu Xiaoqian patted Wu Ning's arm quickly, "Don't listen to him, let him dream, let's talk about us!"

Wu Ning smiled.

He was a little envious, envious of Qi Lei.

You look at the old lady that the stone is looking for, and then you look at yourself, it's so special! Cheng Lele would do nothing but silly haha ​​one day.

"With your words, I'm relieved."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't be moved, do it! Don't you have Old Uncle Bei's call? Let's go!"

Xu Xiaoqian licked her lips, a little eager to try.

Wu Ning was speechless, "Do you also know this?"

Xu Xiaoqian raised her chin, "Who am I? Don't you know this?"

He drove Wu Ning away, "Walk away! This time this girl is going to use the sword to slay the dragon and kill him cleanly!"

While talking, the two went to the Internet cafe and called Lao Qin in the box.

Wu Ning came up and said, "Old Uncle Bei, I have a way to deal with Imagination."

Lao Qin was eating lunch and almost didn't choke, "You?"

Frozen for a long time, "Don't be fooling around, this is not something you can mix with!"

Qi Lei is frowning, so what can you do?

Although Wu Ning is very talented and smart, he is still an order of magnitude short of Qi Lei after all.

Wu Ning was anxious, "Really! I really have a way!"

Old Qin didn't believe it, "Don't make trouble, and learn your habits at ease! Before you work hard, we and Qi Lei can worry about these things."

Wu Ning was speechless, so why didn't she believe it?

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian snatched the phone over, "Old Uncle Bei, I have a way to prevent Qi Lei from leaving the country!"

Old Qin: "..."

After holding back for a while, "Tell me!" You have to be careful about speaking methods.

Xu Xiaoqian, "Why don't you come here? After all, we are still young, and there is no thoroughness in doing things. You have to be at the helm here."

Old Qin: "..."

The first time I heard what Bazhi made people say so fresh and refined.

Hanging up the phone, Lao Qin's whole body is not good.

After a daze, my colleague asked him what's wrong?

Old Qin jumped out headlessly, "You said, why are these good seedlings running abroad with all their heart? I'm so sad!"

My colleague didn't understand too much, "What the **** is going on?"

As a result, Old Qin said something that was even more incomprehensible, "The three dragon-slaying teenagers are going to brighten their swords."

Put down the dishes and chopsticks, "Stop eating, Benshangbei is gone."



The most, the most, the most, the last, and then paved the way for a chapter! !

Then fight for two chapters to get it done.

Then, many book friends felt a bit perfunctory about the excuse of the power outage.

To explain, the location where Lao Cang lives is considered a tourist area, there are hundreds of inns and homestays in a village.

The originally designed power supply line was used by the residents of the village, but with so many inns, it is not enough. Moreover, there is no pipeline gas in the village, and the residents use induction cookers and other cooking.

Even when the power is not cut off, the voltage is so low that the computer can't turn on at every meal.

Every year before the big festival, that is, during the peak travel period, there will be power outages for maintenance in advance, and it is very frequent.

Assert, there had to be at least one or two years ago.

Everyone, take a look.

Thanks to the leader of [Driving School Principal Li Yunlong] for the reward.

Thanks to the leader of 【Chong Chong Ai Dadong】 for the reward.

The bosses are spending a lot of money, wishing you great fortune and great luck.

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