Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 52: Dragon Slaying (10)

Lao Qin took the people to Shangbei and did not go to Qi Lei, nor to meet Wu Ning and Xu Qian.

When arriving in Shangbei the night before, Lao Qin held himself in the hotel room and did not go out. Later, I called two colleagues, one good at analysis and the other good at psychology.

The three conspired for half the night, and after two o'clock in the middle of the night, Lao Qin came to an astonishing conclusion, or prejudgment, about something, and was immediately shocked.

"Almost! A wise life was ruined!"

After pondering for a long time, he knocked on the door of a little colleague.

I just transferred in today and came out of the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology. He is 21 years old and has graduated with a master's degree, and has received special service training. He is a true young talent.

When my little colleague saw Lao Qin coming here so late, he thought something serious had happened?

"Little Zhao, don't be nervous, it's nothing serious." Old Qin looked amiable, "Just to arrange a small task for you."

When Comrade Xiao Zhao heard, "You can do your job!"

Old Qin said, "That's it. Tomorrow, if you go to see Wu Ning and Xu Qian, I won't go there."

"Huh?" Xiao Zhao was startled, "Shang Bei...isn't you responsible for it yourself?"

Old Qin sternly said, "You can't count on me for everything!"

Xiao Zhao, "Oh oh."

Old Qin said, "This is an opportunity for you to exercise, why don't you cherish it?"

Xiao Zhao is obedient, "Thank you for your leadership!"

Old Qin, "Don't be poor, just talk about business."

Xiao Zhao, "Speak up! Why did you let me go? Do you have any special tasks?"

Old Qin said, "Smart!! I like smart people."

Explained, "Where are these two kids, they are both good!"

"I originally wanted to absorb them, but I don't know what's going on, so I want to go abroad."

"That Wu Ning, I can't persuade you, don't think about it. That kid is very stubborn."

"But Xu Qian, I think I can fight for it all at once."

"Xu Qian..." Comrade Xiao Zhao immediately went over Xu Xiaoqian's information in his mind.

"When she called yesterday, didn't she have a firm attitude? She also wanted to go out."

Old Qin said, "Yes! But, the work that should be done is still to be done, and the fight for it is still to be achieved!"

Comrade Xiao Zhao, "I understand, the leader can rest assured, I will try my best to fight for it then!"

Old Qin patted him on the shoulder, "Don't have a psychological burden, just go and chat casually, and fight for it by the way."

Comrade Xiao Zhao, "Okay!"

the next day.

Lao Qin retired behind the scenes, let Comrade Xiao Zhao go out, and asked Wu Ning and Xu Qian to meet and talk in detail.

Wu Ning deliberately wore a shirt and trousers today, and his leather shoes were shiny, making him look much mature.

And Xu Xiaoqian still maintained her original style, white cropped trousers, pink t-shirt with cartoon pattern, energetic student image.

This gave Xiao Zhao a sense of dislocation, and it was difficult to connect with such occasions and such things.

The three of them met in a cold drinks hall next to Shangbei No. 1 Middle School.

Asking for a small private room, Xu Qian sat casually, but Wu Ning held her shoulders and raised her legs, still trying to make herself mature.

Xiao Zhao saw it, but he felt a little unreliable in his heart.

Are you two okay? This was the first time he saw the real people of the children Shang Bei, which only existed in the data before.

Although Lao Qin already values ​​these two young people very much, in Comrade Xiao Zhao's view, the leader is only the kind of joy that he has discovered good seedlings.

Both teenagers have very good talents and wisdom beyond ordinary people, but they are still immature.

Although occasionally there is a flash of light, it is completely incomparable with Qi Lei, who can already stand alone.

If Xu Xiaoqian hadn't come up with a sentence, "There is a way to prevent Qi Lei from going abroad", they would not make this trip.

At this time, looking at Wu Ning's somewhat contrived appearance, I was even more sure of what he was thinking.

"Introduce yourself, just call me Xiao Zhao."

"Oh." Wu Ning responded indifferently.

Xiao Zhao gave Wu Ning a sideways look, "Okay, don't act! We are all the same age, and I am two years older than you. Or, should I hold my arms around and talk?"

At this time, Xiao Zhao's words skills were also shown, which not only teased Wu Ning's pretending to be mature, but also didn't hurt people too much.

Wu Ning suddenly collapsed and returned to normal, "Hey, let's be more formal!"

For Wu Ning, this was not just a meeting, but was completely different from the last conversation with Lao Qin. It was the first big case he participated in planning.


That's what Wu Xiaojian thought.

Comrade Xiao Zhao shook his head speechlessly, no longer entangled, showing a very embarrassed expression.

"It's practical not so urgent."

Looking at the two, "This acquisition is not something that can be resolved in a day or two. It won't be too late to discuss it after you finish the college entrance examination!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ning and Xu Xiaoqian looked at each other, and then faced Comrade Xiao Zhao together.

"Okay, don't act! Why are you coming all the way in no hurry?"

"Uh..." Xiao Zhao was embarrassed.

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian also repaired a knife, "Besides, you didn't come here for the acquisition, you don't want to go abroad!"

"Hey!" Xiao Zhao stared, "These two broken children are not very easy to deal with."

Not embarrassed, "Am I very enjoyable to open it up? I'm not mature at all, I have to learn from my brother."

After speaking, the three laughed immediately, as if they were in a harmonious atmosphere.

Xiao Zhao sighed secretly. Although the two children were still childish, their brains turned really fast and they almost started talking.

"Okay!" One tone set the tone, "let's talk about business!"

First looked at Xu Xiaoqian, "Aren't you going to go out with him? Why? You don't want to go out anymore?"

Xu Xiaoqian raised her eyebrows immediately, "Who said that? I definitely want to go out, but I just won't let him out."

Xiao Zhao was playful, "You don't want him to go out with you?"

Xu Xiaoqian flatly said, "Yes! But I don't want him to go out forcibly in order to accompany me, that would be boring."

Emphasize, "I can take care of myself, so don't worry about Brother Zhao!"

After Xiao Zhao listened, he was a little bit ridiculous, so he bullied me for being single? I'm so envious!

What a girl, it must be a big deal, why can't she get out?

Besides, it is not that the country cannot provide good educational resources.

It's a pity.

"Let's talk about this later, let's talk about how to make him unable to get out first!"

Xiao Zhao had to slow down first, and could not talk anymore.

However, Comrade Xiao Zhao was still not willing to let go of Xu Xiaoqian's going abroad, let's take a look.

The topic turned to Qi Lei. Wu Ning was just about to speak, but Xu Xiaoqian gently kicked him under the table.

Means, let me come!

I sorted out my thoughts, "To put it simply, he dug a hole for Liu Jixiang."

Xiao Zhao frowned, "Is there anything special about this?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "A stone can't do impulsive things, so before digging a hole, even if he is not sure about it, he must have a general idea in his heart!"

Xiao Zhao, "Hmm! Go on."

They also guessed this. And the leader of Old Qin guessed it on the spot in the car.

I saw Xu Xiaoqian clasping her fingers together and supporting the table with her elbows, she looked very much like Zhang Nan.

"Then the question is, what kind of attacks will Liu Jixiang suffer if he falls into a storm of public opinion?"

"If three-stone company's acquisition of Imagine is added, Uncle Nan's will be expelled from Imagine, including the argument that Uncle Nan once attacked Liu Jixiang when he was imagining, will this argument be mentioned again?"

"I think most of it will! It will even develop in this direction. Then what will Liu Jixiang do?"

Xiao Zhao raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Qian playfully, "You mean, Liu Jixiang will use Lei Qi's parents' identity and business experience to fight back?"

They have also analyzed these things.

He bowed his head and groaned, "I kind of understand."

Xiao Zhao is also a genius, so many things can be done at one point.

Looking at Xu Xiaoqian, "This is a big controversy and a sensitive proposition, even involving national sentiments. Even if Qi Lei has a way to deal with it, it must come at a price."

Xu Xiaoqian nodded, "It is true."

"Moreover, according to what we know about him, his response plan will definitely label him."


Xiao Zhao understood, his eyes gradually brightened, "For example, a patriotic businessman, etc.. Therefore, he can't go out, and it doesn't make much sense to go out. Others will be wary of him, and he can't do anything when he goes out. !"

I saw Xu Xiaoqian smile indifferently, "Yes, that's the truth, Xiao Zhao is really smart!"

Xiao Zhao was embarrassed to be praised, "So, in order to prevent him from going out, just direct the situation in this direction."

But she didn't want to, Xu Xiaoqian added, "It's not just a question of his inability to get out. If you move in this direction, the odds of the stone are even greater!"

Comrade Xiao Zhao was startled, "How can you see it?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Didn't the old North Uncle say that the acquisition of Imagination Holdings won less than 20% of the winning side. Then, Qi Lei must feel that the direction of public opinion intervention has a greater chance of winning."

"Otherwise, if it was the same as the original plan, he wouldn't dig this pit for Liu Jixiang at all if he didn't want to touch sensitiveness and delay going abroad!"

"Understood." Xiao Zhao's eyes gradually brightened and became clearer, "It makes sense!

Looking at Xu Qian with a complex expression, she was heartbroken...

envy! !

Why didn't I meet this good girl?

You said that such a little girl like a porcelain doll has superb IQ and EQ. Who wouldn't like it! ?

However, Xiao Zhao still did not forget the purpose of Lao Qin letting him come today.

Slowly said: "Sister, to say something off topic, brother doesn't understand, why do you want to go out so much?"

Xu Xiaoqian smiled brilliantly, "Go out and learn more! Besides, can you learn something!"

With a somewhat stubborn and reluctant look, he quickly said again, "You can rest assured Old Uncle Bei, even if there is no Qi Lei, I can be outside alone."

Comrade Xiao Zhao, "..."

Is it so distressing to say?

A little girl, from a foreign country, still pretends to be strong here.

Induced, "It is not without top-notch resources in China!"

He was talking about resources, not schools.

Xiao Zhao, who had just left school, knew this point best.

He believes that he and the young people like Xu Xiaoqian, Qi Lei, and Wu Ning belong to the same category. When they reach their level, the school is of little significance to them.

It depends on who will bring it and how much resources are tilted.

In fact, this is also the main consideration for many top students to study abroad.

In this era, the teachers, equipment, and educational investment of famous foreign schools are unmatched in China.

For example, a cutting-edge scientific research equipment of the University of Science and Technology, imported several million, the whole school has only two, and it is very old.

But for this, there are still a few departments, several research groups, and schedules. It takes only two hours of use in one week.

But when I arrive at famous foreign universities such as Harvard and Cambridge, I can’t wait for one person to have one, and it takes up to two years to replace them with new ones.

How do you compare?

Of course, this is not to say that there are no top scholars and top resources in China. It just depends on fate.

Almost every good university in China has the treasure of the township, but for these national treasure-level scholars, the country is not unwilling to invest in education and scientific research.

However, your population base and grassroots students are too many to reach the level of others.

For one thing, top scholars are responsible for too many topics and national public relations, and they rarely participate in teaching at the undergraduate level, so they don't have that energy.

Secondly, when it comes to the postgraduate level, there may be hundreds or thousands of top students who will grab a place as a tutor. And it also depends on whether people recruit graduate students today, and whether they have a topic that suits them.

Thirdly, encountering this kind of scarce scientific research environment will inevitably create a bad academic atmosphere.

In terms of opportunity cost, it is indeed inferior to foreign countries.

But, it's not nothing!

At this time, Xiao Zhao tentatively asked, "How about...Brother help you find resources?"

Before coming, Lao Qin gave Xiao Zhao permission.

"Just say, what do you want to learn?" Suddenly stretched out four fingers, "I have four good universities for you to choose!"

As soon as these words came out, even Wu Ning rolled his eyes, so he came to this set? ? ?

Qi Lei and I didn't flicker, but did they flick Xu Xiaoqian again?

Looking at Xu Xiaoqian, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

I saw Xu Xiaoqian quite embarrassed, "No need? I have handed in Stanford's application. People still want me."

He smiled, "I won't trouble you anymore."

When Xiao Zhao heard it, he was a little pitiful and anxious.

do not! The leader has given a task!

But he knew that seedlings like Xu Qian and Wu Ning were very stubborn, and what he said now was meaningless.

I really can't bear it! Wouldn't you come back if you go out and look outside? It is possible, after all, it is this era.

"That's it!" Comrade Xiao Zhao made his final efforts, "Do you think which school do you like in China, and which tutor you have targeted, and we will find a way for the rest!"

Xu Xiaoqian didn't believe it, and even a little contemptuous: "Brother Xiao Zhao, don't coax me to play, anyone can do it? Then I can let Grandma Chang take me, okay?"

Chang Lanfang hasn't been teaching for many years, it's impossible.

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he was anxious, his eyes stared, "This matter is on me! I'll be your lobbyist, and Grandma Chang will definitely save face!"

As a result, I regretted it after speaking.

Is the face of the old lady given casually? Lao Qin doesn't necessarily have face when he goes there, I am a newcomer with a face! ?

However, Xiao Zhao came right away speechlessly.

When I heard that Xiao Zhao had packed up the tickets, I saw Xu Xiaoqian slapped the table without knocking, "Deal!!"

"Success... a deal?"

Comrade Xiao Zhao didn't respond at once, so what, what is the deal?

"You, did you agree?"

Xu Xiaoqian smiled sweetly, "Promise!"

Xiao Zhao, "..."

A little confused, "Is it too sloppy?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't be hasty!"

Xiao Zhao is about to cry: "Why don't you think about it again?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't think about it!"

Hold his chest up, "The stone can go abroad for me, why can't I stay for him?"

"He values ​​feelings, but I actually value them more than him! It's just that it's really not easy to find good teachers in China, right?"

Xiao Zhao: "..."

Suddenly feel bad?

Did I let this girl go around? She had thought about it a long time ago! ?

Well, Xu Xiaoqian really thought about it a long time ago.

When she saw that Qi Lei was getting more and more difficult to get out, in fact, Xu Xiaoqian had already shaken.

However, her relatively independent personality prevents her from changing her life plan easily.

In addition, Qi Lei flew higher and higher, and the gap with her became wider and wider, giving Xu Xiaoqian a stubborn self-esteem. She wanted to catch up, wanted to be on an equal position with Qi Lei, and didn't want to be a vassal.

However, as time went by, she saw Qi Lei had been working hard, trying to pull down and lean on herself, and even her career planning had to be closed, endured, just to be with her.

Xu Xiaoqian was shaken.

In other words, it was not wavering, but becoming more sober.

Her stubbornness and self-esteem are not worth mentioning in the face of feelings.

As she said, Qi Lei can go out for her, then why can't she stay for Qi Lei?

Fuck off your love for a long time, how can it be going through the days and evenings?

My old mother is going to go to work, guard, and be crooked!

This is the heart!

Therefore, Comrade Xiao Zhao fell into the pit.

Xu Xiaoqian was not so resolute. In fact, Stanford's application was still on Zhang Nan's desk, and the mother and daughter never sent it out.


Outside the private room, Lao Qin laughed all over, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Little boy! Play with me!? Still wanting to fight?"

Lao Qin had seen it through long ago, but he felt sorry for Comrade Xiao Zhao, and was pinched by the little girl's film for the first time in his life when he was alone on a mission.

However, Xiao Zhao's frustration is better than Lao Qin's frustration!

The big leader also wants face.

Lao Qin couldn't hold back his joy again, and said to his heart, these little rascals, each one has so many hearts!

But, it doesn't matter, **** is still old and spicy.

Thinking of this, Lao Qin cleaned up his expression again and pushed the door in.

He didn't even notice that he had dealt with this group of teenagers a lot, and his mentality was younger.

"Yeah! Where are they all?"

Old Qin entered the box with a look of surprise and criticized Comrade Xiao Zhao, "You said you, how can you act without authorization? Asking two children out privately, you want to criticize!"

Comrade Xiao Zhao, "I..."

"What are you!" Old Qin looked serious, "You just joined the unit, what are you going to make? Can you be the master?"


How did Xiao Zhao feel that this was not what I said to him?

"Huh?" Xu Xiaoqian suddenly felt like her, how could she not understand.

It's broken! You are fooled! !

He watched with horror as Old Qin sat down in a daze, and smiled honestly at Xu Xiaoqian, "Xiao Zhao is still young, about the same age as you, and he is still not reliable in doing things, and he needs experience."

"If he said something wrong, don't take it seriously!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

Wu Xiaojian, "..."

Old Qin, "Then what...Where is it?"

This time Xiao Zhao spoke first, "Xu Qian wants to learn things from the old man."

When Old Qin heard this, he was immediately stunned, "Older Chang? You agreed?"

"How can you agree? Chang Lao hasn't brought any disciples for many years!"

"I can't agree to this thing!"

When Xu Xiaoqian heard this, she stood up in a daze for a long time, "Go!"

"Eh eh eh!" Lao Qin hurriedly stopped, "This kid, what's the urgency?"

Xu Xiaoqian frowned and pouted, "Go home and tell Stone to go, Old Uncle Bei is bullying!"

Lao Qin was both funny and angry, and said to his heart, Xiaoya was still quick-headed, and was strangling the gate of life.

Turning his eyes, "Isn't it possible to change someone?"

Xu Xiaoqian said, "No! I have to take care of my grandma!"

Lao Qin said, "Then you can't find me about this matter? With Mr. Chang, whose face is as big as a rock?"

Meaningful, "You're right?"

Xu Xiaoqian: "..."

Complete failure, unbeatable!

So angry!

Co-authored, Lao Qin didn't need any power, and Qi Lei had to find Chang Lanfang by himself.

"Hey!" Xu Xiaoqian sighed and collapsed, "Old Uncle Bei, I have a lot of grudges!"

Old Qin laughed, knowing that this girl was looking for balance, "Come here, let's talk about how to keep the stone from getting out!"

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian sat there, "Let Wu Ning speak, I don't want to talk to you."



Aye! !

Classmate Qi Lei, the husband of the family, is in the small kitchen, busying himself.

Papaya yogurt....

Trotter Soup....

Black-bone chicken stewed with hazel mushrooms...

Gee, how much supplement is this?

Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi both have a big cup! .

However, no matter what, you have to hold your own wife, isn't it?

Humming a little tune, surrounded by a small apron, the vines in the yard have grown new leaves, and the smell of meat is floating on Zilara's stove.

When the fireworks are rising, this is called life.

By the way, I have to sneeze, "What's so special! Who is talking about brother!?"

As a result, as he was thinking about it, Lao Qin's call came in.

"I'm in Shangbei."

Qi Lei screamed, "Why are you running to Shangbei?" Are you still there? Can't you let me rest for a few days? "

On the opposite side came old Qin's lazy and playful words, "Don't be so big, I came because of genetically modified soybeans."


Qi Lei shrank his neck, Maguire, the former Monsanto expert, now the deputy director of the Northern Group's Agricultural Science Research Institute, is still nestling on Longfeng Mountain!

Just relax his vigilance, "Then come here when you come, what do you call me? I don't want to see it!"

Old Qin said, "I don't want to see you either, but I can't help it!"

Qi Lei became wary, "What do you mean?"

Lao Qin, "Looking at the results of the Northern Agricultural Research Institute, next week, Longjiang Province will invite entrepreneurs from all over the world to Harbin and Longfengshan to have an investment promotion association."

Qi Lei thought for a while, "What then?"

Lao Qin, "Some domestic companies have participated in the conference, including..."

"Lu Zhiqiang!"

Qi Lei collapsed immediately.

Old Qin, "This is an opportunity, do you need it?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei screamed, "Isn't this the one who came to me? Return to the Agricultural Research Institute, you can bring it down!"

Lu Zhiqiang is the CEO of Pan Ocean Investment and the third largest shareholder of Imagine Holdings.

That guy is in real estate, why did he invite him to do? Obviously it was for Qi Lei!

"Old Qin, don't be honest!"

On the other end of the phone, Old Qin smiled, "Look at it? I just told you, if you don't want to start, you can not go, let's look for another opportunity."

Qi Lei, "..."

Looking for another chance?

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei groaned for a while and continued to talk about food.

At noon, Qi Lei went to the Internet cafe with a bunch of lunch boxes.

As soon as the bell rang after class, the friends went straight to the private room like crazy.

Take a look here...

Tang Xiaoyi was moved and cried, "It's so good, so good!"

Xiaoer also held the trotters without letting go, "I love this bite!"

Qi Lei glanced at Xiao'er's chest and snatched the trotters soup, "Enough, eat less!"

Then they all pushed to Xu Xiaoqian.

Yang Xiao frowned and stared at him, what is enough? Is it clear?

Following Qi Lei's eyes, glanced at his chest, is that enough? It's special B, it's too far, okay?

In addition to lunch, there are dinners and midnight snacks, four meals a day, Qi Lei is like feeding pigs.

After everyone finished the supper, Xu Xiaoqian didn't do his homework, but secretly said to Qi Lei, "I'm a bit brave to eat, go for a stroll?"

Together with Qi Lei, "Okay!"

The two went out "secretly" under the curse and spiteful gaze of everyone.

It was past ten o'clock, and Qi Lei thought there should be no light except for the street lights.

However, I found out when I went out, the more I went to the city center, the more crowded I was.

Street snack bars, food stalls, internet cafes, and cold drinks halls are all lit and crowded.

This makes Qi Lei a little dazed.

"When we were selling socks, when we went home in the middle of the night, there was no one on the street!"

Xu Xiaoqian nodded, "Yes, it's been less than three years, so fast changes."

The two walked to Da Shizi Street, Qi Lei pointed to a barbecue stall not far away, "We and Viagra ran a string there and blocked Zhang Peng, who is a senior high school student."

Xu Xiaoqian pointed in the other direction, "One night, someone pulled me and didn't let go, and even pushed a bicycle! I thought at the time, the young man has amazing arms!"

Qi Lei bared his teeth, "How do I remember someone pulled my hand first?"

Xu Xiaoqian was anxious, "I took the initiative to pull you? What beautiful thing do I want? It's you!"

"Okay!" Qi Da suddenly stretched out his hand, clasped Xu Xiaoqian's fingers, and walked on the old road that was once full of infinite memories.

The road is still the old road, but it has been re-asphalted and reinstalled with brighter street lights.

There is greenery along the street and benches for pedestrians to relax.

Those 80-year-style shops and plaques that once rushed to the face have also been replaced with beautiful light boxes.

Everything has changed!

It's just that the person is still that person, the person who almost scrapped an arm and refused to let go.

So everything seems to have not changed.

The two of them just walked, dangling, like golden boys and girls in Hong Kong movies, walking through the world like no one else.

Qi Lei recalled, searching for all the memories of the two people about this street in the past three years.

At the same time, I look forward to the lives of the two of them after they go abroad.

Want to rent a villa, walk through the campus on the other side of the ocean every day, and greet every blonde foreign student.

Then, I listened to Professor Xie Ding’s foreign professor Chiliquala talking about courses that I didn’t understand.

Xu Xiaoqian hung on Qi Lei's arm, listened quietly, and suddenly asked, "It's good, but it doesn't feel like we have any taste here."

Qi Lei stopped talking, that was natural.

The summer at Stanford is not as beautiful as the muddy smell of the small streets in my hometown, and it is not as good as the smell of floral skewers, and it is not as good as the snow and ice in the winter of Shangbei. .

a long time.

Smiled, "Don't care about the details, we are going to learn, not to write poetry."

Xu Xiaoqian was slander, "Stone, did you say that the day we went out... it was all over."

Qi Lei was stunned. He knew that Xu Xiaoqian was not referring to the relationship between two people, but the heartless youth.

Xu Xiaoqian, "After I go out, life will only be left with you, me, study, career, and the future."

"Without the clingy little fairy Xiao'er, the private rooms of the Internet cafes, the prestige of roadside stalls, and the fourteenth class, everything is over."

Qi Lei, "..."

Speechless, I can only say something perfunctory, "Always grow up, right? Even if we don't want to let it go."

Xu Xiaoqian is very meaningful, "But, what should I do if I am more greedy?"

Qi Lei was still speechless.

Going out, to be a little bit numb, is for better study and for a higher life goal.

But they always have to abandon something, a strange environment, a completely different cultural atmosphere, and they have to let them put aside the things they want to grasp the most.

But, is there any way?

Greedy is useless.

He knows Xu Xiaoqian's ideals and ambitions, as well as Xu Xiaoqian's stubbornness and self-esteem.

Even if Qi Lei doesn't really want to go out, especially after returning to this time and space after more than two decades, he hates the insecure and insecure Western world more than anyone else.

What are you going to do? To do business, it's okay to steal technology. To study and live? just forget it!

But these words he couldn't say to Xu Xiaoqian, and he didn't want Xu Xiaoqian to change his original intentions because of his likes and dislikes.

After all, before knowing Qi Lei, Xu Xiaoqian's life trajectory had been planned.

In recent years, Xu Xiaoqian has been accommodating Qi Lei, and Qi Lei also wants to accommodate her once.

In fact, it's pretty good, enjoy the two-person world. Can't it be done, two people go out, three people come back, how interesting is that?

Um! It was so decided.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoqian wanted to laugh looking at Qi Lei's tangled and indescribable expression.

Ugh! ! Sister, this consciousness is really too high! How can I be so empathetic?

Not planning to confess tonight, she has decided not to go abroad.

Xu Xiaoqian felt that Qi Lei had been accommodating her in the past three years. He was like a flying eagle, but he would turn his head from time to time to take care of the "house bird" falling behind him.

Very tired.

Even for her, he almost gave up the chance to send Beiguang.

Wouldn't it be good to let yourself accommodate him once this time? Give him a surprise then!

Suddenly he changed the subject playfully, "By the way, at noon you mentioned that Old Uncle Bei is here?"

Qi Lei nodded and briefly explained the reason why Lao Qin came to Xu Xiaoqian.

Although Xu Xiaoqian knew what was going on better than Qi Lei, she still listened very seriously.

Finally, "Then do you take this opportunity or wait for the next time?"

Qi Lei said bitterly, "I didn't think about it, the point is that I only took a rest for two days!!"

Xu Xiaoqian raised her brow, her white face was a bit weird.

"Then..." dragged the long tone, "you have to think about it now!"

Qi Lei frowned, "Why?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "You count it! Today is May 14th, less than two months before the college entrance examination."

"There are still more than three months left before the two of us go abroad."

"If you don't hurry, you won't be able to leave!"

Qi Lei paused, "Oh fuck! Forget this stubbornness!"

I froze there for a while, and took out the phone without saying a word, "Hello!? Sanshu, let out the news that the Imagine Group is already in our hands!"

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei decided to think about it for a while.

Another call came out, "Lao Bei, can't you get Lu Zhiqiang here? Get some more people for me!"

When Old Qin heard the phone, he subconsciously looked at his watch. It was past ten o'clock. Why did he agree to it at this time?

But I'm in a good mood, "What? Do you want to do it?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes! It's time to do it!"

Old Qin was excited, "Okay! Just ask whoever you want to attend the meeting, I'll take care of it for you!"

He joked, "Tu Long, your old North Uncle can't move his hands. It's okay to wave the flag and shout!"

Qi Lei listened very awkwardly, and said to his heart, what's the matter with this uncle? I'm quite old, so how come I'm not serious?

But it wasn't when he was teasing, he was serious now.

I immediately enumerated a few words, "HW's old man, Fu Yao's Cao old, Haier's Zhang, and Xu Jianping's creative law"

"Who?" Old Qin didn't choke to death, his tune changed.

"You, you..." he said, "Do you want me to invite the Jade Emperor down for you?"

It's so outrageous! !

As a result, Qi Lei really thought about this proposal of the Jade Emperor, "It's useless to ask him, no need."

"Fuck you!" Lao Qin cursed, you really think about it, right?

"No..." I don't understand it very much. "A provincial-level agricultural investment is still a place like Longjiang Province that does not match the four or six. It is ridiculous enough to insert a real estate businessman, and those few do not match. Son?"

At least you are almost the same, right?

HW is for communication equipment, Fuyao is for glass, and Haier is for home appliances. Is this compatible with agriculture?

As for the creation of the law... then it is even more irrelevant.

Moreover, Lao Qin is strange, how does he know Chuanglu? I didn't talk to him, did I? Could it be that... just by looking at the news, he knew what was going on?

"How many people do you change!"

But Qi Lei was determined, "Then I don't care, you are the one who picked up the matter, you can figure it out by yourself!"


Old Qin: "I..."

This prodigal thing! How can I do this?

Moreover, Lao Qin didn't understand, what's the point of bringing these people over?

Xu Xiaoqian also wanted to ask this question.

Moreover, Xu Xiaoqian has heard of the first three, but the last one is Xu Jianping...

Well, in 20001, this name is really not well known.



Liu Jixiang has been very busy recently.

The Internet to the countryside, this kind of trouble can also enable Qi Lei to tap business opportunities?

So the question is, do you want to follow or not to follow?

There are reasons for not following, and there is no overlap with Imagine's existing business.

And don’t forget, Imagine is in a crisis. Three Stones has snatched the order of Internet cafe equipment. Today’s government supply has been snatched by Tsinghua Tongfang for most of the time. This has plunged Imagine into an unprecedented crisis.

It's not just the problem of sales decline, the broken capital chain, the breach of supply and marketing contracts, etc., make Liu Jixiang not have much energy, let alone invest in new projects.

However, it is a bit too bad not to follow.

If you follow, there is indeed a lot to do.

Don’t say anything else, just like the express delivery industry that I thought of before, or...

He saw Penguin's live broadcast mode with his own eyes. The thing is an idea. At a glance, he can understand that there are almost no technical barriers.

Chang wants to make arrangements in advance, once the live broadcast industry rises, it can also make an objective income.

Moreover, the investment is actually not high.

For example, in the express delivery industry, several domestic express companies are not large in scale. Three links and one express have just been established, but they have not yet taken off, and they have survived the scale of millions.

Northern Express in Shangbei is the largest. Because of the official support of Longjiang Province, the development is also the fastest. But even so, it's a level of tens of millions.

Chang wants to invest in it and make arrangements in advance, but it doesn't cost a lot of money.

Not to mention the live broadcast, how much money can a website cost?

Regardless of Sina and Netease, they are among the pioneers in the Internet industry, but in the eyes of the Guozitou Industrial Group like Imagine, it is simply pediatrics.

It doesn't cost much to invest in a lump sum.

In addition, Imagine really needs to open up a new track recently to overcome the difficulties.

Even if it is good news, it is good to boost the stock market.

In this regard, even the Institute of Planning and Design was a little tempted after learning about it, and suggested that Liu Jixiang consider one or two and choose a project to launch.

But no one thought that Liu Jixiang would be able to do it, and he gave him no hesitation.

"We are a computer industry group, so we just need to concentrate on doing one thing. These are not compatible with us. What are we doing?"

This is irrefutable.

It's just that everyone who understands the situation scolds Lao Liu for being really not a thing.

Why didn't you say this when you were doing real estate with all the scholarship of the Institute of Planning and Research, or when you were engaged in finance?

Besides, some high-level officials who knew Liu Jixiang knew exactly what idea Lao Liu had made, because they would know by just looking at Lu Zhiqiang.

Lu Zhiqiang, who likes to make money the most, didn't oppose Lao Liu's decision. He didn't even squat, so there must be a problem in it.

What's the problem?

Ha ha, don't forget, there is a chamber of commerce behind Lao Liu, and Lu Zhiqiang is among them!

Lao Liu didn't let imagination do it, but there was no shackles in the computer industry within the Chamber of Commerce. There were a lot of people who could do these businesses.

Doesn't the fertilizer flow into outsiders' fields?

Companies including Lu Zhiqiang, Shi Moumou, etc., have begun to follow the trend of policies and make arrangements in advance.

Don’t be surprised. Every time a policy shifts, there are people who know foresight and others who know later, but more often they don’t know it.


However, Liu Jixiang's carnival did not last long, and a large thunder exploded on a sunny day.

The official website of Sanshi officially announced that Mr. Wang Zhendong, the chairman of Sina (not retiring), joined Sanshi strongly. Served as general manager of Hong Kong Kistler Technology Co., Ltd.

As soon as the news came out, Liu Jixiang sat there all day and night without getting over.

The general manager of Kistler, Sanshi Company will appoint...

A fool can guess that Sanshi is the parent company of Kistler!

The fool also understands that Three Stone Company has become the second largest shareholder of Imagine Group!

(The transfer of shares in technology transfer companies is delayed, and there are only contracts. In theory, it is not a strange stone.)

Qi Lei became the second largest shareholder of Imagine Group! !

You say satire is not satire?

Lao Liu sitting there really didn't move the place all day and night, and when his soul came back, the first thing was to call Desheng and curse Manager Wen.

"You guys!! You guys are good means!"

"I want to sue you! I want to go to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to sue you!!"

Manager Wen knew that there was such a day, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

Comforting Liu Jixiang, "Old Liu, don't take it to your heart! This is all business, it is the meaning of Desheng headquarters, and I have no right to control it!"

Liu Jixiang is almost crazy, but after all he is a cultural man, and he has no strength to curse. "I want to sue you! sue you!"

But what is the use of saying these?

Desheng is a veteran trader. Since they dare to do it, they have countless ways to circumvent the rules.

If Liu Jixiang wanted to sue Desheng, it would be incompetent and furious at best.

However, Lao Liu is not a vegetarian, and the failure to make it does not mean that he has no other means.

Don't forget, Imagine Holdings is a state-owned asset. In China, can you still be arrogant?

Called overnight to convene a meeting between the shareholders of Imagine Holdings and the management, in order to find a way to squeeze out Kistler, and get back the shares of Imagine Group.

However, what made Lao Liu speechless was that at such a critical moment, Lu Zhiqiang did not come and went to the Northeast to participate in a business promotion conference.

Moreover, the location is still in a scenic spot in Shangbei.

This made Lao Liu agitated, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

Shang Bei? Why is Shangbei?

Moreover, if there is no problem with his memory, Liu Jixiang remembers that Qi Lei did not appear on the second day of the telecom industry seminar.

The principal at Beiguang explained to the leaders as such, "I went to Shangbei to participate in the examination of Beiguang school."

In other words...At this time, Qi Lei is also in Shangbei! !

What made Liu Jixiang more restless was that through the relationship, Liu Jixiang inquired about the investment promotion conference that Lu Zhiqiang participated in.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with Lu Zhiqiang. It is an agricultural project investment promotion association.

What kind of meeting Lu Zhiqiang is going to hold as a real estate agent?

What's more intriguing is that there is also the boss of HW among them.

This is even more interesting. HW is for communication equipment, and it has nothing to do with agriculture and genetic modification.

And, don’t forget that HW was also present at the telecom seminar, and they are directly related to the network to the countryside project.

And the network to the countryside project was put forward by Qi Lei, this...

This cannot be blamed on Lao Liu's rich imagination.

I had to think that HW wanted to conspire with Qi Lei, and Lu Zhiqiang was naturally connected.

Liu Ji panicked! !

Is Lu Zhiqiang unreliable? What can Lu Zhiqiang betray?

On the other hand, what is the use of Three Stone's shares in Imagine Group? Does Qi Lei know that Imagine Group and Imagine Holdings are the weaving together?

he knows! !

He knows he still does this?

Liu Jixiang had a guess, but he was not sure.

The purpose of Qi Lei is not Imagination Holdings, right?

This is... too naive! !


Imagine holding that is Lao Liu's basic board, don't look at him going up and down. Going to the countryside through the Internet didn't make Imagine any benefit.

However, Lao Liu can still tell what can be lost and what can't be lost.

Not to mention Imagination Holdings, it is the Imagination Group. Qi Lei took the cover of Desheng Company to "steal" the second most shares. Lao Liu had to find a way to get it back, and he kicked Qi Lei out at all costs. .

Imagine Holdings? Stop dreaming!

Not to mention what Lu Zhiqiang didn't dare to do, even if he dares, the mechanism of Imagination Holdings is completely different from Imagination Group.

Even if only 1% of the equity is moved, it must go through the board of directors.

Why are you worried?

Thinking of this, Liu Jixiang was relieved a lot.

Qi Lei will probably not be that stupid. If he is really trying to control his imagination, he will have a headache.

I dare not say anything else, Lao Liu still has so much confidence in Imagination Holdings' ability to control.


At the same time, Lao Qin was actually worried, even more worried than Liu Jixiang.

What the **** is this **** doing?

Now Lao Qin suddenly felt that Wu Ning and Xu Qian were much cuter than this guy.

At least you can know what they think, bend a little bit, and be careful, it is also within the scope of acceptance.

But Qi Lei was different. Old Qin could feel it sometimes. After Qi Lei came for a while, his mental age was at least 40 plus, which was deeper than him.

And the most annoying thing is that this guy likes to sell off, unless he is cool, he will not tell you until he asks.

Every time I want to strangle him!

Secretly, there are two days left to the China Merchants Association. This guy should be brainstorming now, right?

Liu Jixiang, Lu Zhiqiang, including Zeng Shengting of the Institute of Planning and Research, these dragons are not easy to slaughter, and they should be racking their brains to formulate plans to attack Lu Zhiqiang.

How about... make a phone call and ask?

"Make a phone call and ask!" Thinking of this, Lao Qin took out his cell phone and sat in a dreadful manner, quite determined to control the dialed out a series of numbers proficiently, and when the call was connected, he used it calmly. , Asked in an unwavering tone, "What are you doing? Can I help you?"

Qi Lei on the other end of the phone, "No need!"

Old Qin, "No..."

Qi Lei, "Do you still need you to fight a Demon Dragon Leader?"

Lao Qin: "???"

The dragon? The leader? Where did it come from?

As a result, Qi Lei's roar came immediately on the other end of the phone, "Chen Wenjie!! Are you a pig!? Blocking the door!!"


"Matuo grabbed the boss, don't run away!!!"


"Zhou Xiaocao, where is your dog?! Where is the dog!?"


"Give me the battle song! First team and second team, the fire wall at the door is covered with me!!"

(The noise of Wu Ning and Tang Yi entering the Internet cafe after school.)

"Learn from your uncle! Hurry up and get on the number and clear the field for Lao Tzu! Grandchildren of Long Yu Tianxia! Die to me!!"

Old Qin's face is green, games?

Just about to ask what kind of plane do you use? Still have time to play games?

Qi Lei jumped out, "I'm busy, I'm hanging up!"

Just when Xiao Zhao entered the house, he saw Old Qin Qing holding his phone still, "What happened to the leader?"

Old Qin was still dumbfounded, "No, it's okay..."

Putting away the phone slowly, he turned around and said, "Notify our team, whoever plays "Legend" in the future will deduct the bonus!"

Xiao Zhao said immediately, "Oh."

Turn around to leave, then turn back, "Then what, can you play after get off work?"

Old Qin stared at the beads, "Deduct half a year after get off work!!"

"I'll let you play something special!?"



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