Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Dragon Slaying (11)

I haven't finished writing fourteen thousand...

It's different from what I thought. Say it at the beginning and wait another day.


Lao Qin is out of anger, when is it, do you still want to play?

It’s pretty hilarious! !

The more I thought about it, the more angry I was, and I simply didn't stay in the hotel, and went to the Sanshi Internet Cafe!

He has to ask in person, what the **** is your kid doing?

When I arrived at the Internet cafe, I saw that the boss had finished playing, and Qi Lei collapsed on the sofa chair beautifully, "Cool!!!"

"This numb ring belongs to me!! It's time to reach me too!!"

On the other side of QQ, Dong Li, who was far away from bed 418, had news like a cannon.

"Boss, let me play for a few days!"

"Boss!! Hurry up! I want to chop off all the enemies!"



Old Qin's face looked green behind Qi Lei, what's all this mess?

"Come out with me!"

Qi Lei was excited, "I'll talk about it tomorrow if you have something! What anxious?"

Those operations of Three Stones are a bunch of beasts, and the burst rate of the Paralysis Ring is so low that it is horribly low.

The district where Qi Lei is located has been in service for more than a year, and this is the third ring of paralysis.

Finally there is, the resentment of two lifetimes!

Pili Pala replied to Dong Li, "It's useless to call Grandpa, I'll be cool for two days!"

Old Qin didn't understand, "What's the point of a few villains fighting?"

"Besides, I want, you let the operation adjust the data for you? How simple is it?"

In this regard, Qi Lei’s answer is wonderful and philosophical, "Process! Enjoying the process is the most important thing."

When Old Qin heard this, he was completely convinced, but his anger was still there, "Can't you get out? There is something really wrong!"

Qi Lei bared his teeth, "Don't you think about that little mess? I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Old Qin was anxious, "I can't come out, right!? All right!"

After speaking, he left the Internet cafe.

When Xu Xiaoqian saw this, they couldn't help but feel guilty, "Is it really urgent?"

Qi Lei glanced at Old Qin's back, "Don't worry! It's really urgent, he won't have this attitude."

The so-called anger means bluffing like a person. There is something really wrong, Lao Qin is not like this anymore, that old face is calm and scary to death.

Qi Lei thought that Lao Qin was gone, but when he left the Internet cafe, Lao Qin made a call.

"Manager Guo, your son is playing games in the Internet cafe with a bunch of graduates. I think you should take care of it."

When Guo Lihua heard it, what the hell! ? Can you still get used to studying if your daughter-in-law is delayed?

"Reverse him!"

Killed when I hung up.

Lao Qin went upstairs slowly and stood behind Qi Lei.

Qi Lei looked back at him, "Why are you back? It's not over?"

But Lao Qin didn't speak, just watched Qi Lei playing games with gusto and bragging with his roommates using QQ.

After more than ten minutes, I looked at the table below, "Your mother has almost five minutes to get here."

Qi Lei, "!!!"

Instantly petrified.

Even Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian, who were slashing people, were also dumbfounded with Yang Xiao, and looked at Lao Qin with their necks stiff.

Qi Lei fixed his gaze on the phone held by Old Qin, "Oh fuck! Is there any more exercise!"

Old Qin jokingly smiled, "You figure it out!"

The audience was silent.

It took a full ten seconds, all suddenly moved, the next number was next, the computer was turned off, the schoolbag was packed, and the schoolbag was packed, and then they scolded Qi Lei together.

Wu Xiaojian, "You are so cheap!! You can't go with him and it's over!?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "A scam! Don't drag me down!?"

Yang Xiao, "Stone, why don't you worry so much? You can't afford to provoke this man?"

Qi Lei, "..."

So old Qin is not a person, blame me! ?

Hula la, it ran away in the blink of an eye.

Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, Xu Xiaoqian, and Xiaoer returned home at a speed of 100 meters and sat there to study.

Qi Lei got into Old Qin's car, "Run!"

Old Qin couldn't hold back his smile and watched this joke, as if he had gone back to the past.

After a long aftertaste, I saw a white Fit turning around all the way, and only then engaged the throttle and drove away.

He was a teenager too!

It's just that when he was a boy, he didn't have such a **** escape, and there was no romance... These seem to be Lao Qin's regrets.

When Guo Lihua went to the Internet cafe aggressively, of course he was empty. Only the few people in the young eagle class continued to stay in the Internet cafe without regard to their own matters.

Jiang Yao knew Mom Qi Lei, "Just ran! I heard you are here, you are running fast!"

When Guo Lihua heard it, did he really play it?

Gritting his teeth, "Run? If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple!"

The young eagle squad grinned, "Tsk tut..."

One thing drops one thing, and finally I see someone who can cure him!

Ma Tuo and the others looked at Guo Lihua and felt that this aunt was so kind.

Zhou Xiaocao was even more courageous, with a flash of inspiration, "Auntie, leave a phone call? I'll look at him for you!"



Government Plaza, a landscape plaza newly built by Shangbei last year, is just in front of the government building.

Lao Qin found a place to park and sat on the steps of the central fountain with Qi Lei.

At this time, the light in the square had not yet been extinguished, and there was a somewhat radiant atmosphere.

Qi Lei looked around and admired it, "Well, next time I come with Xu Xiaoqian, there will be such a taste."

Old Qin gave him a silent glance, "What do you think about in your mind all day?"

Closer to home, "If you want those four people, I will find three for you, and the fourth will not work."

Qi Lei frowned, "Can't Xu Jianping come?"

Old Qin nodded, "Well! The boat hasn't returned yet, he is more sensitive."

I saw Qi Lei think for a while, "Yes, I think a little too much."

Zhan Yan smiled, "It doesn't matter, three are enough."

Old Qin squinted at him, "Can you tell me, what on earth did you plan?"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "What do you plan? Didn't we discuss it before? Start with Lu Zhiqiang."

Lu Zhiqiang is actually a very good breakthrough for three reasons:

First, Lu Zhiqiang also participated in the Hong Kong Imagined stock market crash, although he only followed Lao Liu to drink soup.

However, the aftermath of that incident was still unresolved, and those people including Lu Zhiqiang were very guilty.

Second, the essence of Lu Zhiqiang and Liu Jixiang are different.

Imagination is Liu Jixiang's basic game, but not for Lu Zhiqiang. His foundation is in real estate, and he has the meaning of helping the old Liu Gang by investing in stocks, but more importantly, it is for profit and making money.

From the previous point of view, this investment in Imagine’s shares is undoubtedly profitable. Imagine is getting better year after year, and his shares are also increasing.

However, this year's sudden changes have greatly damaged Imagination, which is undoubtedly bad news for Lu Zhiqiang.

If Imagine doesn't make money, or even loses money, will the relationship between Lu Zhiqiang and Liu Jixiang still be so strong?

Third, Lu Zhiqiang's main business is now in trouble.

His real estate business in Haidong Province is not going well this year. I took a few plots of land, but because of incomplete procedures, I couldn't start work for a long time.

If this drags on, Lu Zhiqiang will have a big problem.

Including him this time to participate in this agricultural investment promotion conference, it is also because of this.

The details are very complicated. I can only say that his participation in the meeting will help him to get the approval.

As for why it is difficult...

Okay, tacitly!

Do you think the old lady Chang, there are so many people, after a year of tossing, what has been researched?

Some things need to be done by Qi Lei. And some things that don't use Reviver are actually going on simultaneously.

So here comes the question. Since Lu Zhiqiang is in trouble, is he going to be sure?


At the level of Lu Zhiqiang's businessman, many things are not that simple, and even Lu Zhiqiang himself can't decide the direction of his business.

This is like Qi Lei, Qi Lei has come to the point where he is today. Although it is the result of his own struggle, it is inseparable from the convenience provided by Lao Qin and the others.

Apart from other things, just the time when Bangziguo borrowed Actoz to make trouble, Lao Qin personally ran to Harbin to give Qi Lei a pill. This was the greatest support.

It is even more inseparable from Chang Lanfang's relationship, which cannot be escaped.

Similarly, Lu Zhiqiang was definitely regarded as a top real estate developer in 2001.

His success also involves some obscure things.

It's not an inconvenient activity. The above-mentioned disagreements on the direction of development have resulted in different tendencies.

Such as Lu Zhiqiang and Liu Jixiang.

This is also the reason why everyone is still not optimistic after all the efforts and preparations made, and even the entities of the Imagine Group have gotten their hands.

It really forced Lao Liu to death, and Lu Zhiqiang was in a hurry. It is not as simple as mergers and acquisitions between companies, it will be very complicated.

"Lu Zhiqiang is not so easy to provoke, nor is it so easy to give in."

Old Qin still stated his concerns at this time.

"Reform was originally about crossing the river by feeling the stones, so you can't say that your path must be right, and Liu's way must be wrong!"

"There must always be different voices, and there must always be people who disagree."

Looking at Qi Lei: "Do you know what I mean?"

Qi Lei was thoughtful, and finally slapped haha, "I know! So I don't need you to help me, I can do it myself with them?"

Seeing Qi Lei see so clearly, Lao Qin was half relieved.

As for the other half...

"Do you expect Lu Zhiqiang to sell Imagine shares? If you do, how much will it give you?"

Qi Lei, "I don't know."

Old Qin, "..."

"have no idea?"

Qi Lei, "I really don't know!"

In fact, Qi Lei hadn't planned to do anything about Lu Zhiqiang at the China Merchants Association this time.

Holding out a finger, Old Qin took a look, "10%? Too much, right?"

Seeing Qi Lei smiled, "1%!!!"


Qi Lei, "Moreover, I only want him to promise to give me 1%, not really give me 1%!!!"

Lao Qin: "???"

After holding back for a long time, "How many chances are you winning?"

Qi Lei, "20%, right? Didn't the old lady Chang analyze it?"

Yes, Lao Qin was a little discouraged. Calling him out tonight, it feels useless?

In fact, Lao Qin Ting hoped that Qi Lei could truly enter the vision, and even hoped that Nan Guanghong could kill him back.

This combination of young and old may really bring about some different changes, and it can also give those who have illusions that "international cooperation can solve all problems!"

"The crisis is far away from us..."

"The West is well-intentioned..."

These sounds remind you.

Of course, it's just a reminder, and it can't be more radical, stimulating too many people, and hitting too many people.

This is the hardest.


Longfeng Mountain is a nice place, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the sky is high and the clouds are pale.

But it is definitely not the best scenic spot in Longjiang. There are many more beautiful than this.

The reason why the province has arranged the China Merchants Association here is that there is no other choice.

As I said earlier, the Great Recession in the Northeast was powerless and difficult to break.

Therefore, there are not many business cards in the province.

The high-tech industry is a three-stone company, while the others are almost all in Shangbei.

Whether it is the express delivery business of the Northern Group, Xu Wenliang's supermarket system imitating Fat Donglai, and the Northern Agricultural Research Institute, they are all in Shangbei.

This time, the main focus is the genetically modified soybeans of the Northern Agricultural Research Institute, and the venue of the meeting was naturally set at Longfeng Mountain.

Most of the attendees were grain farmers, seed companies, and mostly state-owned assets.

Listen to experts from the Beijing-Guangzhou Agricultural Research Institute assess and introduce the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified soybeans, as well as the yield and the prospects for popularization.

For them, this is a big event. China started late in the genetically modified industry, and has not seen any results before, suddenly genetically modified soybeans have appeared, and they naturally attach importance to the abnormality.

It's just that among a crowd of excited business leaders, three are dumbfounded.

Where am i? What am i doing?


This is a great place for fishing!

There is no way, one for glass, one for household appliances, and one for communication equipment. It doesn't work at all, okay?

Therefore, on the first day of the China Merchants Association, as soon as the three bosses arrived, they started fishing on the edge of the reservoir.

In the second formal meeting, they were still fishing.

On the third day, two more people came not far away to accompany them to go fishing.

Moreover, they all know each other.

Needless to say, Lu Zhiqiang, both entrepreneurs in Haidong Province, Zhang Ruilin and Lu Zhiqiang from Haier are also old acquaintances.

It was strange to see Lu Zhiqiang, "You are here too!"

Lu Zhiqiang smiled bitterly and explained the reason.

The property rights of the piece of land he took belonged to Quancheng Seed Company. The seed company has not resolved the poor procedures.

No way, they chased Longjiang.

"If you don't stamp me, there will be a big problem!"

Can’t help being curious, "The three of you... why are you here?"

Zhang Ruilin smiled bitterly immediately, and glanced at HW's old man, and Fu Yao's old man Cao, "I don't know why!"

Lao Ren and Lao Cao also laughed.

Quite absurd, there are still a lot of things in their family, here comes the fishing!

Then, seeing the man who came later, everyone understood more or less.

Who is that? Of course it is Reviver.

A young man in his twenties, wearing a straw hat and carrying a fishing rod, really looks like that!

When Lu Zhiqiang saw Qi Lei, he stopped chatting with the three of them immediately, "I'd better stay away to avoid suspicion!"

The things that Sanshi Company was involved in imagination are now big news, and there is a lot of trouble.

Public opinion is speculating, what exactly does President Xiao Qi mean by this step, simply for disgusting Liu Jixiang?

Of course the conflicts between him and Liu Jixiang are well known in the world.

At this time, Lu Zhiqiang still don't lean up.

The three also expressed their understanding.

When Lu Zhiqiang re-selected a fishing spot, it was far away.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and Cao urged Mr. Ren, "Why don't you go to talk? You two have to talk."

Old Ren shook his head, "Forget it, you go! Doesn't he still borrow your famous saying?"

Old Cao's face turned black, and this was almost a laughing stock among the old guys.

To Zhang Ruilin, "Why don't you go? Ask President Xiao Qi, if you have any intentions to insert your sea ear."

Three people pushed me and I pushed you, but no one moved, as it was passing the time.

However, they didn't go there, but Qi Lei came.

From the moment Lu Zhiqiang was hiding away, Qi Lei was closing.

This will have already carried a small stool and fishing rod, leaning over here.

The three people watched him stick to him, watched him sit side by side next to Mr. Ren, and then silently put the bait there, all dumbfounding.

Don't watch the three old guys get together and hug, but they are at least ten meters apart.

You can't stick together, how do you catch this?

At first, Ren Lao watched Qi Lei Tiehu come up in a daze, but later he also understood. He just didn't see it and continued to fish himself, waiting for Qi Lei to speak first.

As a result, he saw Qi Lei stepping down slowly, and then took out a notebook and pen from his pocket, "Idol!! Sign a name?"

Old Ren: "..."

I, idol?

Three heads plus one together didn't expect that he would come like this.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't do it anymore.

Staring at Qi Lei's big fluttering eyes, my heart said, this is the maverick "Little Qi" on TV and on the news, this is a bear kid!

Guazi took the book buzzingly and signed a name casually.

But Qi Lei was still not satisfied, "Will you write a message or something?"

Mr. Ren is speechless, your request is quite high!

This time I thought about it seriously and wrote, "May you fight for the strength of the country, the progress of the society, and the prosperity of the people."

This is a bit of a compliment and irony.

He himself said three things about entrepreneurs, but in the end, for a little bit of personal enmity, he was a stumbling block to Imagination.

In the eyes of Mr. Ren, it is obvious that there is a taste of saying one thing and doing another thing.

But Qi Lei took it over and understood it, but he didn't take it seriously.

After looking at it happily, the fishing rod was ignored, and Pidianpidian ran to Mrs. Cao, "Idol! Sign your name!"

Old Cao is excited, where's the bear boy!

After reading Ren Lao's message, he simply wrote, "Practice the original intention and be kind to others."

Then Zhang Ruilin, "Idol!!!"

"Stop it!"

Zhang Ruilin really can't stand this young man, "I am a colleague in the business world."

I took the notebook, frowned slightly, "Then I will...send you four words!"

"The unity of knowledge and action!"

The three people and the three messages are all kind words, but they all contain two meanings.

First, I don't like Qi Lei's style very much, especially when it comes to imaginative things.

Collusion with Desheng, behind the scenes, intervene in imagination, this is the three people do not agree.

It should be said that these business methods are understandable, the winners and losers!

But there must be a bottom line, especially for companies like Imagine.

You know, Godfather Liu is not calling it for nothing, at least in this era, his blunders have not been exposed, and he is still a benchmark for Chinese entrepreneurs.

Imagine that it hasn't been a few years since I just abandoned the technical route, and the technical legacy left by Nan Lao is still very impressive.

Therefore, everyone is actually reluctant to see this situation.

It's like, a veteran king was forced to a corner by a little young man with three punches and kicks. Although he hasn't defeated yet, it is enough to make people feel embarrassed.

Therefore, they are also reminding Qi Lei not to do too much.

Second, it is really a message! !

These three can be said to be the conscience of Chinese entrepreneurs, and they have a long-term vision.

It is actually very happy to see young people like Qi Lei take off.

However, in their opinion, they are still young after all, and they are not serious in doing things. This is all forgivable.

As long as he follows the right path in the future and can really practice his three sentences, of course it is the best.

Therefore, this message is also expected.

It's a pity that Xiao Qi always didn't seem to take it seriously when they watched.

After reading the three sentences for a while, the expression is very beautiful.

Then put it away carefully, without feeling embarrassed at all.

This made the three people laugh wryly, and they can only say that success is justified, and the average person is incomparable with this face.

At this moment, Zhang Ruilin glanced at Lu Zhiqiang in the distance, and guessed something, "President Xiao Qi...Is he coming to Mr. Lu?"

I thought Qi Lei would have to express it implicitly even if he admits it, but didn't want to. The bear kid nodded directly, "Yes!"

Three people: "..."

Old Cao narrowed his eyes, "You don't have any thoughts about Imagination Holdings, do you?"

Qi Lei nodded happily, "Yes!"

Three people: "..."

Looking at the boy in front of him, he was slightly disappointed.

Zhang Ruilin didn't give up and asked, "Don't you have a Shenzhou? Why do you need to compete with Lao Liu for a while?"

Qi Lei said frankly, "Shenzhou has no production capacity now! Imagine how good it is, it's all ready-made."

Zhang Ruilin, "So, you planned to do it a long time ago? I took away Imagination’s Internet cafe order, just to send the order back to Imagination to do it!?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

The three looked at each other, but they stopped talking.

This is a pure business war, and it is not easy for them to intervene.

Moreover, it's Qi Lei's own business whether to listen to it or not.

Qi Lei saw it in his eyes, took it lightly, and sat back on his own.

"I brought the three of you to this place."




The three of them couldn't calm down, so they all looked over.

Qi Lei stared at the float, his expression calm, "I'm sorry, I know you are all messed up, but I still invite a few of you."

Zhang Ruilin frowned, "Then you invite us, isn't it just for fishing?"

Qi Lei, "Have a request!"

Zhang Ruilin, "What do you want?"

Seeing Qi Lei raised his chin, he pointed to Lu Zhiqiang in the distance.

The three couldn't help being speechless, "Are you asking us to help you persuade him?"

Zhang Ruilin laughed angrily, "Mr. Qi, isn't he too naive? How are you sure we will help you?"

"Just because, there are people above you?"

The tone is not good, Qi Lei did this a bit too much.

However, Qi Lei said, "Please help him withstand it, don't let it go!"

"What???" Zhang Ruilin was startled.

Lao Ren and Lao Cao were also stunned, a little bit confused.

Help Lu Zhiqiang withstand? What route is this?

However, Qi Lei didn't have the time for them to think much, and suddenly yelled to the powerful voice of Lu Zhi in the distance, "Mr. Lu, it's lonely alone, come and talk!"

Lu Zhiqiang: "..."

Lu Zhiqiang has been staring for a long time, and the four people have been chatting back and forth over there. What are they talking about?

As I said before, he knew the purpose of this kid as soon as he saw Qi Lei.

Now, he was fighting fiercely with the old third, and told him to go there? It is impossible for Lu Zhiqiang not to be vigilant.

After hesitating again and again, he got up and put away his fishing gear.

When he got closer, he smiled lightly, "Also Xiao Qi is here!"

"In the past, I saw it on TV. This time I saw a real person."

Qi Lei smiled back, "Mr. Lu, give me some shares of your Imagination Holdings!"

Lu Zhiqiang: "..."

Is it too straightforward?

Sit down slowly, but didn't even think about going down.

After thinking for a while, calm down: "Are you... deliberately thinking about it?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes! Now only I can bring back to life."

Lu Zhiqiang pondered again, "Indeed."

Imagination is very troublesome, and now it seems that even if Lao Liu has exhausted all his energy, it is still unknown whether Lao Liu can leave a breath.

"But..." Lu Zhiqiang frowned, "President Xiao Qi, the reason is such a reason, but things are not handled like this!"

The cover you put on makes Imagination half dead.

Your colluded Desheng took away the second largest shareholder of Imagine Group

Now, when you look back and say, only you can save Imagination?

How about playing?

Lao Liu would rather work hard with Qi Lei than swallow this breath.

"President Xiao Qi, when you do business in China, you must be careful. Who would dare to cooperate with Sanshi if you do this business?"

Seeing Qi Lei smiled, he didn't mean to say more, "That's my business, Mr. Lu just give me a word, can you give me some shares?"

Lu Zhiqiang squinted, "How much do you want?"

Qi Lei, "Don't make it difficult for Mr. Lu, 1%"

Lu Zhiqiang shook his head, "1% and 10% are the same."

Qi Lei, "It's not the same, 10% is now worth 500 million. 1%, I will give you 50 million + 450 million."

Lu Zhiqiang: "..."

This is naked buying?

The first reaction was to look at Zhang Ruilin, Ren Lao, and Cao Lao.

Means, it seems that the three are already on the line with Xiao Qi?

Thinking in my heart, then do I sell it or not?

Well, Lu Zhiqiang is really tempted.

Qi Lei was too direct and too willing.

Although he didn't know the value of this 1% Qi Lei, 500 million was indeed quite a lot, which could just solve his current crisis.

(Nonsense! Tailor-made)

Lu Zhiqiang is struggling, how about giving him this 1%?

At this moment, Zhang Ruilin suddenly said, "Mr. Qi, why bother?"

Lu Zhiqiang was startled, a little bit ignorant of what Zhang Ruilin meant.

What's the meaning? Mr. Zhang is stopping Qi Lei?

And look at the eyes of Lao Ren and Lao Cao...

Lu Zhiqiang suddenly realized that these three people are not on the side of Qi Lei! ?

At this moment, Qi Lei laughed as soon as Zhang Ruilin said, his goal today has been achieved.

Simply put the bar back and stood up, "It doesn't matter, Mr. Lu can consider it. Isn't the China Merchants Association still a few days away?"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Yes, his mission today is completed, and it can even be said that the mission of the China Merchants Association has been completed.

This seemingly useless meeting actually had only one purpose-to convey information!

In fact, Imagine Holdings has a state-owned background and is one of the top computer companies in China. At this level, all the so-called commercial conspiracies, open and secret struggles, and even financial interests are no longer important.

Whether it can be acquired, sold or not, Qi Lei said it doesn't count, many people say it doesn't count.

However, this kind of moment of life and death is often only a matter of nodding or shaking the head of a certain person, at a certain level.

Now, the competition is "potential"! See who can rise.

Therefore, Qi Lei only conveys information today.

There are three pieces of information:

First, it is a basic message, which can be conveyed without the scene of today.

That is, Qi Lei really wants to acquire Imagine Holdings, and he has made a clear statement that he has already taken action.

Second, it is an introduction and a temptation.

Qi Lei can bring this crisis-ridden monster to life, and now only he can do it.

Third, it is the message that can only be conveyed on this specific occasion today.

That is: Zhang Ruilin, Ren Lao, Cao Lao. Don't stand Reviver.

In other words, Qi Lei is currently in isolation.

Moreover, he only needs 1%! !

Why should we deliberately emphasize that these three people do not stand for Reviver?

The reason is simple, just look at the status of these three people.

Zhang Ruilin's Haier is the benchmark of Chinese companies, the first person to go overseas with the brand, and the most accomplished one.

Haier's position in this era has set an example image for the Chinese business community even more than imagined.

Mr. Cao’s Fu Yao is also a role model for Chinese companies. After joining the WTO, Fu Yao was sued by the United States for unfair competition.

This kind of thing has happened in Japan and South Korea, including large European companies. Mi Di is notorious for being shameless.

"International practice" has no choice but to compromise.

However, the father and son Cao set up a precedent, working against Mi Di, not giving way.

At this time, the two parties are in a lawsuit.

In a sense, Cao Lao is now more concerned than Zhang Ruilin, and can represent the backbone of Chinese companies.

As for Mr. Ren's HW...

HW has not yet developed to the level of later generations, and its annual revenue is only 4 billion, and its profit is only two or three billion, which is not as good as Sanshi.

However, it has established a firm foothold in the communications industry and is a representative of private enterprises.

These three people are representative, and the most important point is that they and Liu Jixiang are not in the same category!

This is the most important thing.

In fact, when Lu Zhiqiang called Liu Jixiang and informed of today's situation, Liu Jixiang had a keen insight into this point.

"Are you sure? Zhang Ruilin, Lao Cao and Lao Ren do not approve of Qi Lei's acquisition of Imagination?"

Lu Zhiqiang, "OK!!"

Liu Jixiang was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a long time, "Are you sure, he only needs 1% to open his mouth?"

Lu Zhiqiang, "He wants too much, but I can't promise him! Don't worry, we are in a trench. If he wants too much, I won't call you!"

"It's not necessary, it's pure dreaming!"

"Oh! Don't you understand me? I'm not tempted by other investments of 450 million yuan, Lao Liu, please put your heart in your stomach!"

Liu Jixiang nodded, "I understand."

Putting down the phone, Liu Jixiang thought for a long time.


1%! ! !

Since he wanted to be in the mastermind, he brought Lu Zhiqiang to Shangbei again, why is it only 1%?

What does this 1% represent? What does it illustrate? This is a question worth thinking about.

Explanation... Qi Lei is testing! !

Yes, all causes and effects point to the greatest possibility, Qi Lei's "potential"...not big.

Explanation... Qi Lei is also not sure whether the acquisition of Imagination will cause trouble and will bring a chain reaction from top to bottom.

Therefore, he has to knock on the door with 1% first.

Although 1% is not much, it is enough to show his position.

It is tantamount to shouting to all parties, I want to acquire Imagination!

And by shouting, you can know the attitudes of all parties. Even if the resistance is really big in the end, he is only 1% involved and can retreat all over his body.

Thinking about this, Liu Jixiang suddenly felt very happy.

This little young man is very careful! I have to say that things are done beautifully.

However, in Liu Jixiang's view, it exposed his weakness.

That is, lack of confidence!

Maybe he has no confidence at all, or in other words, he didn't get much support.

If you say, before, Liu Jixiang believed that Qi Lei would be naive as a teenager if he wanted to get involved in Imagination Holdings.

Now, he can put it another way, it is a rootless delusion of a three-year-old.

If this is the case, then everything is simpler.

Thinking of this, Liu Jixiang relaxed a lot, picked up the phone, and dialed out respectfully.



When the two armies are fighting, they must first probe the reality.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

Like the kind of silly advancement that hastily rushed, it is unlikely that you will encounter one in eight lifetimes. It is an unrealistic delusion to count on hiding a trick to win.

Liu Jixiang has never been a mediocre, and the tricks of the auspicious soldiers won't work on him.

Therefore, as mentioned earlier, this battle is about "potential."

In fact, the art of war is nothing more than the way of offense and defense, the contest between the spear and the shield.

Just like now, Qi Lei is a spear, and Liu Jixiang is a shield, and an indestructible iron shield.

It was almost impossible for Qi Lei to get in.

Lao Liu has no flaws,

That's why it was necessary to switch offense and defense and let Liu Jixiang put down his shield to attack.

At this time, Qi Lei's thin spear had flaws to be found.

This is what Wu Ning said before, the underlying logic of pulling Lao Liu into Qi Lei's home battle.

However, what outsiders may not understand is why Qi Lei pushed Zhang Ruilin, Ren Lao, and Cao Lao to the opposite side? Should we take the initiative to show our weakness to try again?

It's simple, it's like, the same is where the two armies are facing each other.

Even if we are several times stronger than him, we dare not act rashly and attack rashly.

Because you don’t know the enemy’s reality, what if the leader is called Huo Qubing, or everyone is brave?

Lao Liu had this mentality before, even if he knew that he was unlikely to lose, he didn't dare to charge forward, he had to lay out the enemy's warfare.

However, when you know for sure that the opponent is a tired teacher, unable to fight anymore, will you kill time to give the opponent a chance to breathe?

Of course it is a quick fight and a quick decision! !

Therefore, they have to turn from defense to offense and break the enemy with one blow.

And Qi Lei, what he wants is this timing.

To put it bluntly, all he wants is a showdown.

The best is the kind of thorough showdown. He, Imagine, and the various reform opinions above, sitting on a table, everyone has something to say in the light, and each shows its magical powers.

That is to say, the ratio determines the outcome.

I want to acquire Imagine, why do I need to receive it? Where is the rationale for the acquisition? Where is stronger than Lao Liu?

Liu Jixiang didn't want to sell, why didn't he want to sell? Imagine what is better in his hands than Qi Lei's hands?

He and Lao Liu are the pros and cons of the debate, explaining their positions and relying on their own abilities.

Finally, see who can convince the different voices above.

Should I continue to manage Imagination by Liu Jixiang, or leave it to him, the spoiler, to try a different path.

As long as the above opinions are unified, success and failure are simple.

Yes, it will not be the same as the acquisition of [Imagination Group], the conspiracy and the stock market wind.

It is not a tortuous and bizarre business war legend, but the simplest method and the most direct way to solve the problem.

This is the only way!

Because Lao Liu is not without foundation, Imagine is not a private enterprise, and it fully complies with market rules.

At the beginning of the year when he had an idea for an acquisition, Lao Qin said that it was inconvenient for them to come forward and only secretly help.


Because it is too involved, all factors must be considered.

In the case of too much involvement, do you want to solve the problem according to business logic? That's idiotic dreams.

This is only possible if the above hears Qi Lei's voice from Qi Lei's mouth, instead of hearing Qi Lei's voice from Liu Jixiang.

The only way to bring those involved to the negotiating table and coordinate the voice, otherwise even if Qi Lei raises the IQ to 10,000 and exhausts all means, he will not even be able to touch the side of [Imagination Holdings].

State-owned assets are not something you can touch if you want!

Then the question comes again. How does Qi Lei determine the reform opinions of Representative Liu Jixiang? Those leaders at the top will definitely sit down and listen to Qi Lei's voice?


Because all the hard work in the past six months is to pave the way for this goal.

First of all, Imagine Group is already in the hands of Qi Lei. This is like taking Liu Jixiang's son as a hostage, and then playing against Lao Liu.

Imagine Holdings is Lao Liu's basic market, but Imagine Group's computer industry is also Lao Liu's heart.

If you drive him in a hurry, you can kill your relatives righteously. But as a last resort, he couldn't bear to imagine that the group would fall apart.

Therefore, Liu Jixiang will definitely choose the strategy with the least loss.

What is the smallest loss? Of course it's just sitting and talking!

Lao Liu believes that the most effective strategy is the same as Qi Lei, which is to let the above intervene to solve the problem.

These factors will also be considered above.

It's just that the two people want different results, Qi Lei wants to agree with him, and then get Imagination Holdings.

And what Lao Liu wanted was the intervention from above, and he took back the shares of Imagine Group without bloodshed.

Secondly, the state-owned asset background of Imagine makes it unwilling to fall into business disputes.

It is not easy to erect a brand, it is a pity that it is ruined.

Especially above.

Finally, Zhang Ruilin, Ren Lao and Cao Lao intervened. Will greatly increase Liu Jixiang's confidence.

They are not the same with Lao Liu, but in this matter, they also think Qi Lei has done a little too much, and even helped Lu Zhiqiang to get out of the siege.

This is the trend, the general trend.

They also represent their reform ideas.

All signs point to a goal, and Liu Jixiang will not have a second choice.

Now, Qi Lei only needs to prepare for the controversy with peace of mind, and stay on the table with Liu Jixiang for a long time.

It depends on this hammer.


In order to slay the dragon, you have to sharpen your sword and armour and be prepared.

But in the end, whether it was slaying the dragon or being bitten by the dragon was actually a matter of a single knife.

Although the winning side is not big, but that's it, love it!

In the final battle, he and Lao Liu were defeated anyway.


Qi Lei is very relaxed.

Doing so much, just for this little thing, then just wait.

However, Qi Lei never expected that at this time, a variable suddenly emerged.

Originally, it was just a duel between him and Liu Jixiang, something that was unlikely to be known to outsiders, but Desheng didn't know from what channel that Qi Lei was going to acquire Imagine Holdings.

This made Qi Lei's simplification of the situation suddenly complicated.

Regardless of how Desheng helped Qi Lei get the equity of Imagine Group, but if anyone besides Lao Liu, who is the least willing to see Qi Lei Jin Imagine holding, it is Desheng Bank. There is no one.

why? Don't forget, this involves the issue of [Desheng Gaohua]!

That is a joint venture financial company established by Desheng in the country.

Kistler has a stake in [Desheng Gaohua]. If Qi Lei gets more than 30% of Imagine’s holdings in [Desheng Gaohua], then there will be a big problem.

[Desheng Gaohua] It's still unclear who owns it.

Really let Qi Lei succeed, which means that Desheng's layout in China is facing a huge crisis.

Therefore, when Desheng knew that the real purpose of Kistler was to hold Imagination, Manager Wen threw everything that could be thrown in the office, and used all the words that could be cursed on Qi Lei.

The little **** who killed a thousand knives! play me! ?

After venting, Manager Wen found Liu Jixiang for the first time.

"Desheng will help Imagine Group at all costs to get back the shares defrauded by Kistler! At the same time, it will also help Imagine Holdings to snipe Qi Lei at all costs and prevent him from getting involved in Imagine Holdings."

At this time, Liu Jixiang would not let go of any chance to improve his odds, even if He Desheng had just turned his face for a few days.

With the support of Desheng, an international big name, Liu Ji added wings to the tiger, and agreed without even thinking about it.

It's not the time to scold Manager Wen a few days ago and threaten to sue Desheng.


And at the same time.

A financial magazine suddenly possessed Conan, picking up a bunch of ruthless materials.

Three Stone Company has just appointed Wang Zhendong as the general manager of Kistler's subsidiary, but it is not simple what kind of company Kistler is.

That is the second largest shareholder of Imagine Group!

In other words, Sanshi Company is the second largest shareholder of Imagine Group.

In addition, the grievances between Qi Lei and Liu Jixiang are well known, and the author boldly predicts that Xiao Qi will always conquer Imagination and become the master of Imagination!

As soon as these two things came out, Qi Lei, who was already preparing for the final battle, directly scolded his mother.

"Who!? Who is sick!? How can you predict so accurately!!?"

"Mom fucking, destroy me!!"

Lao Qin didn't speak, it didn't matter to me.

But Lei Qi believes you?

With a crying voice, "Old Uncle Bei!! It's a bit darker!? Don't bring such a play!"

What I said just now was to scold Lao Qin.

The angry old Qin didn't stare at him, "Me? Why would you suspect me?"

How did he know that I did it? Is it possible for anyone to do this?

I saw Qi Lei rolling his eyes, "There is no one but you!"

Old Qin was anxious, "It's really not me, don't guess!"

Qi Lei sneered, "Don't pretend."

"No..." Old Qin was surprised, "How do you think it's mine?"

Qi Lei, "If only this magazine, then anyone could be possible! But if Desheng participates in it again, it can't be someone else!"

Qi Lei is categorical: "Desheng is our only weakness after the public opinion!"

"Now I went to Lao Liu, dare you say you didn't do it?"

Once the acquisition of Imagination becomes public opinion, Qi Lei has a way to deal with it, whether it is right or wrong.

Including Wu Ning's previous estimation that Dad Tang and his relatives would also be vilified by Liu, Qi Lei also has a way to deal with it.

His only guilty conscience is that he colluded with a foreign bank and stole shares of Imagine.

This matter is unacceptable to Chinese people.

Once Liu Jixiang uses this topic to incite public sentiment, Qi Lei has difficulty explaining, he can only suffer from dumb losses, and even become passive.

It's alright now, Desheng and Lao Liu are in the same group, and Lao Liu will never attack Qi Lei with this matter.

The crisis is over!

Then you say, who did this? It must be his own!

Besides Lao Qin, who else can it be?

At this moment, Old Qin was stunned, and you can see the flaws just like that?

I feel even more that Xu Qian and Wu Ning are a little cute, the stone in front of them has become refined, it is not rare! !

But even so, it doesn't matter to me?

It was your girlfriend and your brother's detrimental move, including Desheng's news, was Wu Ning's idea.

At this moment, Qi Lei looked at Old Qin's expression and knew that he had guessed it right, it was really Old Qin.

This bitter in my heart!

"Old Uncle Bei, Old Uncle Bei, you smashed me to death!"

Old Qin smiled and stopped pretending, "Look, it's not that serious."

"Don't you just can't get out? It's nice to stay in the country!"

"Moreover..." Explain quickly, "Isn't the public opinion battle your home court? Is the odds of winning better?"

Qi Lei slumped there feebly, not speaking.

After a long time, "This is not something you can't get out of!"

This trouble in my heart, to be honest, now is the result he least wants to see.

Of course, it is indeed the result of greater odds of winning.

However, the price is too great!

Lao Qin didn't know what Qi Lei was thinking. He thought he was in love with his children because he couldn't go abroad with Xu Xiaoqian. He laughed in his heart. The little girl didn't go out anymore. Why did you go out begging for nothing?

However, it can't be said that it is the surprise Xu Xiaoqian left for Qi Lei.

Change the subject, "It's already like this anyway, what can I do? Don't think about it!"

"What about now? Going the line of public opinion, what chance do you have?"

Seeing that Qi Lei didn't reply, he lowered his head and muttered, "Let me think about it."

Old Qin stagnated, "You have no plans?"

No way? Wu Ning said that Qi Lei must have a complete plan.

"You really have no plans?"

Qi Lei was impatient, "I've said it all, let me think about it!"

"let's talk tomorrow!!"

He really needs to think about it, whether there are other solutions.

Seeing him so entangled, Lao Qin stopped asking, "Then think about it, I'm going back."

Saying so, but entangled in my heart, do you have any answers? Wouldn't it be okay to give me a chance to speak?


Lao Qin left, leaving Qi Lei alone to meditate all afternoon.

So that after school in the afternoon, a crowd of greedy cats rushed to the Internet cafe's private room, but there was nothing, even Qi Lei did not see it.

I was hungry for dinner, and then I studied at night and went home to condemn Qi Lei.

But Qi Lei was not in the mood to quarrel with them, just letting everyone talk in silence.

Everyone stopped bluffing when he saw that he was really worried.

Yang Xiao went home to live tonight, and Xu Xiaoqian had to go home too. When Zhang Nan and Xu Wenliang were at home, she wouldn't be bored with Qi Lei.

But Qi Lei stopped her, "Don't go home, I have something to tell you."

When I was speaking, the big face and his facial features were all screwed together.

When Xu Xiaoqian saw it, she didn't ask why, "Okay!"

He took Qi Lei's cell phone to call home and explained it to Xu Wenliang for a long time.

After eleven o'clock, Xu Xiaoqian finished her review early, and Qi Lei had already put the footwashing water on the bedside.

The two put their feet into a basin and soaked. Qi Lei, who had been dull, suddenly said, "You can go out on your own. Brother must save your life at home."

Xu Xiaoqian looked up, and she was stunned to figure out the meaning of Lei Qi's words, and she wanted to laugh immediately.

Still saving your life, how can it be so exaggerated?

A smirk asked, "What's the matter? You don't want to go abroad anymore?"

Qi Lei's five senses are clinging together again, "I want to go out! However, something went wrong, so that Old Uncle Bei got stuck and couldn't get out!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "That's a pity!"

Qi Lei, "Damn! Helping him so much and cheating me, it's not a thing!"

After washing the feet, the two went to bed, Qi Lei hugged her and refused to let go.

"You are outside, you can't let Xiaobai face hook away!"

"Damn! I have made buns for three years, if I let Xiao Bai Lian eat it, it would be a joke!"

Xu Xiaoqian giggled in his arms, even though the light was turned off, she could still imagine that Qi Lei's big face should be about to turn into a bun.

Thinking about it, again, "hahahahahahahahaha!" Bowed into a shrimp.

The laughing Qi Lei was a little dazed, I'm so sad, are you still laughing? Is there a bit of humanity?

But Xu Xiaoqian turned around abruptly, held Qi Lei's face, her eyes met.

"Two bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Qi Lei is even more bitter, "Isn't it all good news and bad news? Can you play the cards according to the routine?"

Xu Xiaoqian proudly said, "Just two bad news, where is the good news? Say, which one to listen to?"

Qi Lei: "Why? The steamed buns are cooked? They are steamed? Not tasty? They are leaking? They collapsed...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Xu Xiaoqian slapped him, "Shut up!"

I didn't ask any more, "The first bad news: Wu Ning and I gave Old Uncle Bei's idea."

I puff!

Qi Lei really squirted out a mouthful of old blood, staring at Xu Xiaoqian's expression.

Suddenly became serious, "Why?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "For your good?"

Qi Lei, "You don't want to go out with me?"

"In no mood."

Qi Lei: "..."

There was a long silence, and suddenly her tone was cold: "Xu Qian! The second message must be a reversal, or you will be dead!"

When Xu Xiaoqian heard this, she opened her lips and said, "I'm so scared!"

Immediately collapsed: "Well, you won."

"The second bad news is that you have to take care of Grandma Chang for personal affection. Sister decided to accommodate you once, so she won't go out! But it depends on whether you can let Grandma Chang take me."

Qi Lei, "..."

Without even thinking about it, he kissed silently.

This is what Lao Tzu's wife!

Who else! !

After the lingering, Qi Lei was relieved.

"You said it earlier, I was entangled to death!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Hehe, pay attention next time."

"Then you won't be tangled now?"

Qi Lei, "Don't worry, you're done!"

Seeing Xu Xiaoqian immediately took out the phone from under the pillow, she stunned in front of Qi Lei, "Then you can give Old Uncle Bei a word, are you sure of it?"

Complained, "He has gone to school!"

Qi Lei was speechless, "I'm looking for you?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "That's right! I was planning to wait for the college entrance examination to finish and give you a surprise."

"Some regrets, don't be so hasty!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he grabbed Xu Xiaoqian's neck with his hands, "Do you dare to wait until the college entrance examination is over? It's your turn!"

Xu Xiaoqian giggled and resisted.

After the laughter, Qi Lei picked up the phone and dialed Lao Qin.

"For the sake of you doing a good job, let me give you a solid foundation!"

Lao Qin sat on the head of the bed waiting eagerly!

When I heard it, I asked urgently, "Say! Don't talk nonsense!"

Qi Lei, "20%!"

Old Qin glared, "Especially it was 20%, but now it's still 20%? Isn't it your home court? What kind of plane do you use?"

Just heard Qi Lei spit out unhurriedly, "I mean... Liu Jixiang has only 20% left!"

Dudu...Old Qin was there.

Blow it? really? Is it such an exaggeration?

As everyone knows, Xu Xiaoqian is also shocked here.

"You didn't lie, did you? 80% chance of winning?"

Qi Lei hugged her and sneered, "Bacheng is conservative!"

In a battle of public opinion, Qi Lei can throw Liu Ji to eight hundred streets.

Xu Xiaoqian was puzzled, and suddenly hammered Qi Lei's chest, "Since everything is stable, why are you hesitating?"

"Just to accompany me out? Do you have any business? Can't tell the big and small king?"

You know, so many people have worked together for half a and only have a 20% chance of winning.

Moreover, once you lose, you may lose a lot.

And Qi Lei, for the sake of his children's love, gave up such a good chance to win?

Xu Xiaoqian didn't feel romantic, but a little angry.

However, Qi Lei glanced helplessly at Xu Xiaoqian, "Simple inability to get out is not the main consequence."

Xu Xiaoqian, "???"

Qi Lei, "If I win this battle, I win it in my own way, and it will offend many people!"

Xu Xiaoqian frowned, "A lot?"

Qi Lei, "Hmm! A lot!"

"If I go out too much, foreigners can't do anything to me, maybe someone in the country will want to kill me!"

Xu Xiaoqian's heart twitched, so... serious?

is it serious?

Qi Lei didn't say the next thing.

If the development expected by Qi Lei is followed, it will involve both Tang's father and his father's affairs. Then, if this sword is swung, it is not a dragon slaying, but a battle to destroy the dragon!

There will be many evil dragons for Liu Jixiang...


These people will hate Lei Qi to death, and kill him quickly.

When Qi Lei was gloomy, Xu Xiaoqian suddenly embraced Qi Lei, just holding him, "Don't be afraid, I will be with you!"

Qi Lei, "No need!"

Xu Xiaoqian raised her head, facing Qi Lei's eyes, "No need?"

Qi Lei, "No! No need to accompany you."

Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

Qi Lei, "Buns are enough, what do you want?"





Some things can't be written, and they are taken in one stroke.

It's enough if you understand what's going on, don't worry about it.

We are from Xiao Bai Wen'er, don't need to be so comprehensive, right?

It's good to have fun.

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