Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 58: Our generation

In the setting sun, the white big G merged into the Chehe River and drove away.


Liu Jixiang looked at the white phantom that went away, and had to sigh, he was only nineteen years old!

Perhaps no one can assert how many miracles can be created in the future.

At this moment, Old Liu was deeply jealous.

wish you success?

Impossible, Lao Liu didn't have that big mind.

However, he was really curious, and wanted to see how far this young man could go, or when he would hit the south wall with his head.

Qi Lei didn't know when he pulled it, and Lao Liu was even less likely to know.

Maybe tomorrow, imagine that this intricate tank will make Qi Lei stumble.

Maybe... never!

Life is so sturdy, even in the fields of chip manufacturing and high-tech, these seemingly life-long fields cannot let this stone fall into the sand.

But what about him?

Qi Lei took a plane a few days ago and saw a report in a magazine, saying that people's thinking and behavior, likes and dislikes are not determined by the brain. It is the compound effect formed by the amount of hormone secretion in the body and the combination of different hormones.

In other words, from a biological point of view, age and experience do not influence our logic of action, but hormones.

Qi Lei felt that there seemed to be a little truth, at least it was fulfilled in his own body.

For example, the forty-year-old soul is more and more like a fading life mentor, helping Qi Lei through the most difficult beginning of rebirth, and then retreat willingly, leaving only the experience and precipitation.

And the excitement and passion contained in this young body are subtly directing Qi Lei to move forward.

In his previous life, he was buried in the richness of a mature woman, but in this life he was trapped in the beauty and youthfulness of a young girl and couldn't help himself. (It's gone! No car.)

In his previous life, he was also a cautious rush for life, not daring to overstep it a little bit. But this life is getting more and more extraordinary, like a tireless adventurer.

At least at this moment, the nineteen-year-old hormone completely manipulates his behavior, and he feels that he really can afford to lose.

At this time, Qi Lei happened to reach the top of the Sanyuan Bridge, and in the rearview mirror, watching the Che River extend into the distance behind him to connect with the setting sun, he suddenly remembered the sentence that later generations did not know where they saw:

At Zongmu, Wandian Hongxia...

Qingge is solitary, and a good man is home from all corners of the world.

Guan Shan is far away...

But the red dust, live up to the glory!


After checking the time, Qi Lei took out the phone and called Mrs. Chang while he was in a traffic jam.

"Old lady, are you off work?"

Chang Lanfang's scolding came from the phone immediately, "No matter how big or small, I have something to say!"

Qi Lei, "Hey, nothing is going on! Tomorrow I am going back to Shangbei. Before I leave, I just want to treat you to a meal."

Chang Lanfang frowned, "Today? Not today, I have to go out to eat when I come home."

After thinking about it, "How about, together?"

For this kind of thing, Qi Lei is not stage fright, the family dinner is better and closer.

However, suddenly thinking of Lao Qin's words, this old lady really has a granddaughter, and immediately said, "Forget it, wait until I come back."

"It just so happened that I also dated someone else."

When the old lady heard this, "I knew you were not sincere! If you have an appointment with someone else, you still have a grandma?"

Qi Lei explained, "This appointment is simple, a few sentences. I originally planned to make an appointment with you, and I can welcome your boss after I talk about it."

Chang Lanfang smiled, "Then next time!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qi Lei got off the third ring until almost seven o'clock.

Drove the car to a Huaiyang restaurant in the hutong of Guanghua Road.

The place was chosen by the opponent, and Qi Lei is not quite clear.

It is said that this is an old restaurant that has been open for decades. Huaiyang cuisine has both north and south tastes and a good atmosphere.

People from the old capitals in Dongcheng and Chaoyang are the first choices when discussing business and gatherings.

Qi Lei parked the car at the door and went in to take a look. As expected, business was booming and there was almost no place in the hall.

After the name was given, the welcoming waiter took Qi Lei to the private room on the third floor.

At this time, two people were sitting in the private room.

If Lao Liu was here, maybe his jaw would be dislocated.

One is Wang Chen from the Imagine Sales Department. The other is Li Fangda, who had conflicts with Qi Lei before.

The two met Qi Lei and quickly stood up to greet him.

"President Xiao Qi!"

"President Qi!"

Qi Lei slammed his hand and motioned for the two to sit down.

Then I apologize with a smile, "This is a mess, it's useless for you."

So the question is, how did these two people and Qi Lei get online?

It's actually simple.

In order to deal with Liu Jixiang, Qi Lei not only did the superficial work, but also did not use a lot of it.

Needless to say about Li Fangda and Wang Chen.

Last year, I wanted to use Coco Coco Lee and Zhou Xiaohan to mess with Lei Qi, one after another, one after another.

Afterwards, in order to stay behind, Wang Chen gave Li Fangda a set, and prepared to take him to the back if something was wrong. And Liu Jixiang also gave Wang Chen a set, ready to take Wang Chen out to carry the pot.

And Qi Lei predicted Lao Liu's prediction, and gave Lao Liu a set in advance.

Said to Li Fangda, remember my phone number, in case one of these days, come to me, maybe I can give you a good price.

Li Fangda remembered this sentence.

Later, he really came to see Qi Lei.

The reason is that the storm Qi Lei dealt with it completely violated the rules, so it can be said that he didn't get into Liu Jixiang's trap.

Both Wang Chen and Li Fangda were fine, but Lao Liu took a wrong step. It was not that he failed to become Qi Lei, but that the wish he made to Wang Chen was too great.

He said that Wang Chen was allowed to join the board of directors, and Lao Liu regretted it afterwards. Wang Chen's participation in the board of directors was of no value.

Since you can't get in, you can get out.

Therefore, Wang Chen became the first unlucky person.

And Li Fangda was also kicked out because of the previous incident.

Wang Chen is gone. Even if Li Fangda's incident is thunderous, it is also an explosion of Wang Chen, which has nothing to do with imagination.

Besides, it's useless to keep him such a stain, and it's easy to get into trouble. It's better to wave your hand and let him get out.

how to say? When gods fight, mortals suffer.

In the war between Qi Lei and Lao Liu, two irrelevant characters died first.

Afterwards, Li Fangda was not angry. He wanted to hold justice for President Wang.

So I found Wang Chen and talked about Qi Lei leaving him a phone call.

When Wang Chen heard it, he naturally knew the value of this, so he and Li Fangda found Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei naturally does not refuse to come, let alone two, he is willing to come for twenty, it is just a matter of spending a small amount of money.

Originally, I wanted to throw these two people out at a critical moment in the battle of public opinion, and shed light on the incident last year.

However, the old fellow Levistein really didn't give Reviver a chance!

Playing support, absolutely professional.

In that kind of situation, it would be meaningless to let these two people come out to disrupt the situation. At best, Lao Liu would be disgusting, and it would be easy to superfluous.

Therefore, these two people are also unlucky enough, and nothing is left.

At this moment, Qi Lei apologized, "It's useless to you..."

When Wang Chen heard this, he could smile wryly, flatteringly said, "General Xiao Qi is strategizing, so naturally we won't need us."

"But..." The conversation turned.

Qi Lei interrupted him immediately, "Stop talking."

He took out a card and said, "If it's useless, it's useless, but, I promised, I haven't thought about regretting it."

Pushing the card to Wang Chen, "One million, Mr. Wang will collect it."

Wang Chen: "..."

Hesitated again and again, but didn't answer.

Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Mr Qi looks down on me a bit, I'm not doing it for money."

"Actually, I'm more willing to think about it and contribute to the company."

When Qi Lei heard this, he shook his head regretfully, "I also want to cooperate with Mr. Wang. I have nothing to say about Mr. Wang's ability!"

"It's just..." He hesitated for a long time, "It's just that we just took over the imagination, and in terms of personnel, it's not too much to move."

"President Wang should understand."

Wang Chen was stagnant and replied bitterly, "Understand, understand!"

Qi Lei, "Long live the understanding! How about Mr. Wang wait and wait until we clear all the people from Lao Liu, and then ask Mr. Wang to come back?"

Wang Chen, "Yes, how long will it take?"

Qi Lei, "Quick!"

After pondering for a moment, "With Wang Zhendong's ability, it may be done in two or three years, and the slowest will not be five years!"

Wang Chen's face turned green when he heard it, so he was so special for five years? Am I waiting for you for three to five years?

However, it is also transparent, and I understand that Qi Lei does not intend to use him. It's just a bit more euphemistic, which saves everyone's face.

With a long sigh, he finally slowly touched the card on the table, "Then...thank you, Mr. Qi."

Qi Lei smiled brightly, "You are too kind, maybe I can work together!"

Wang Chen said a few more flattering words, and he heard Qi Lei's intention to see off the guests, so he got up and left without eating.

From beginning to end, Wang Chen didn't mention Li Fangda beside him.

Even when he left, he was symbolically called Li Fangda. Knowing that Qi Lei had something to say with Li Fangda alone, he left without entanglement.

In the box, only Qi Lei and Li Fangda were left.

This somewhat flattened middle-aged man was a little cramped. Seeing Qi Lei not speaking, he just looked at him and rubbed his hands, "Mr. Qi, what else do you have to say?"

Qi Lei, "What is the order, you are not my subordinate, what shall I order you to do?"

"What's the matter? Make a price for yourself? Or should I make a price for you?"

Li Fangda: "..."

Li Fangda was silent, he was actually very difficult.

Losing a job and a source of livelihood is equivalent to being eliminated in the capital, a land that is good at forgetting, leaving no traces behind.

He needs money.

However, in the end Li Fangda shook his head, "I don't want money!"

He first called Qi Lei, not for Qi Lei's good price.

The original words at the time were, "Mr. Wang treats me not so badly, I can't swallow this breath!"

When Qi Lei heard that he didn't want money, he smiled playfully, "Sorry to speak? Or do you really want it?"

Li Fangda laughed, "Xiao Qi is always wrong. I, Li Fangda, don't just recognize money."

"Oh!" Qi Lei nodded, "Then do you love money?"

Li Fangda was stunned, what kind of problem is this?

"Love! But what's the matter."

Qi Lei, "Just love money, then I'll make a price for you!"

Li Fangda: "???"

Qi Lei, "Take that sales team with you, and go back to work quickly!"


Suddenly, he didn't know what the smell was on the tongue, leaving Li Fangda staring at Qi Lei, but he didn't have any other expressions.

Qi Lei leaned back in the chair, "To be honest, I admire you very much."

Li Fangda was puzzled, only Wen Qi Lei explained: "The incident last year was rooted in Wang Chen and Lao Liu. It is unforgivable to start with the two little girls. So, no matter what Wang Chen has. I won’t keep him no matter how great."

Li Fangda: "..."

"But you are different." Qi Lei laughed suddenly, "It's very interesting to chase you and ask for that slap."

"Later, you found me for Wang Chen, not for money, which is more interesting."

Qi Lei just said that, it was a boast.

Sit up straight and say, "As I said, I didn't get a promotion or raise when I went back. Let's start at the grassroots level!"

"Although you didn't do anything to the two little girls, you just had a drink, but it's a bit unsuitable after all."

"So, it's a punishment!"

"From now on, it depends on how well you do and your ability. At least, the current imagination without Wang Chen will not just write blank checks."

"In a word, can't you go back?"

Li Fangda: "..."

After thinking for a long time, Li Fangda finally agreed, "We will go back to work tomorrow."

Qi Lei smiled, nodded, stood up, and looked at a table of dishes: "Call your salesmen, come over and have a good meal, I'm done with the bill."

After speaking, Qi Lei left the private room.

He left Li Fangda for many reasons. Valley

This person is not bad, he has the energy to do things, and he is loyal!

In fact, he didn't know that Wang Chen had sold him, and he didn't know that in Wang Chen's plan, whether it was to take the money to leave or return to Imagine, there was no place for him.

However, even so, he still chose to believe in Wang Chen, delusion that Wang Chen could discover it in his conscience.

And just now, the moment Wang Chen turned and left, Li Fangda's hope was completely shattered.

Therefore, he is cramped, and he is helpless.

On him, Qi Lei seemed to see himself in his previous life.

If it weren't for the strength of his father, maybe Qi Lei in his previous life would be inferior to Li Fangda.

They are all ordinary people, all struggling to live, and sometimes even blur good and evil.

Moreover, sometimes there are people who are more silly than children and think that loyalty can influence those they can't influence.

After leaving the box, Qi Lei had planned to go back to the bedroom directly. This semester, he basically didn't live in the dormitory much, so much so that the elder sister of the dormitory almost didn't know him.

However, before he could go downstairs, he was stopped by the waiter.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Qi Lei?"

Qi Lei frowned, "It's me! What's the matter?"

Waiter, "There is a lady Chang in the 006 private room, saying that if you come out, please come over."

"Often? Madam?"

After thinking for a while, "Is it an old lady?"

After getting a positive answer from the waiter, Qi Lei was also speechless. The world is so big and the world is so small.

I don't want to go a bit, ha! Family dinner, what if you recruit me to be your grandson-in-law?

Thinking wildly, I walked to Box No. 6 and looked inside, which happened to match Grandma Chang's eyes.

The grandma frowned, "What are you looking at?"

Qi Lei barked his teeth and entered, "It's a god, how do you know I'm here?"

Chang Lanfang gave him a white look, "Who doesn't know your broken car? Grandma, my eyes are good!"

There are five people in the box, three men and two women.

The man is Grandma Chang's wife and two sons.

The girl is...

Chang old lady and eldest daughter-in-law.

Well, Qi Lei thinks too much. Without granddaughter, the youngest second son is about the same age as Qi Lei's parents.

This Qi Lei could let go, and he came in without being cautious at all.

Chang Lanfang first introduced Qi Lei to a few people. It was a casual introduction. He obviously mentioned Qi Lei's name at home.

At the same time, he also introduced several family members to Qi Lei.

Then, Qi Lei was a little sour.

What is a rich man? This is called a wealthy family, the kind of inhumane.

Needless to say, Grandma Chang is one of the helms of the macroeconomics and plays a pivotal role in domestic economic planning.

His wife, Grandpa Li, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president.

The eldest son Li Jianghai is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of the Institute of Fluid Power.

The eldest daughter-in-law Zhao Mengxia, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is engaged in environmental governance, is in the Environmental Ecology Research Center.

The second son, Li Jiangtao, is the only one who does business, but his water conservancy projects are developing in the direction of new energy.

This family, including the old lady, four top scholars.

Qi Lei was stunned when he heard it, "Tsk tsk, go home to stimulate my old man, he always says that he is good at teaching his sons, daughters, and grandchildren."

Everyone laughed and chatted with Qi Lei.

Qi Lei originally wanted to stay with him to the end, but after only staying for two minutes, he wanted to leave.

The old lady Chang was puzzled, "If you didn't let you go outsiders, why would you go?"

However, Qi Lei didn't do it, and he repeatedly compensated, saying that there was still something to do, so he got out of the box in a panic.

Chang Lanfang was very strange, how he got up after seeing him, and chased him out.

"What's the matter, kid?"

Standing at the door of the box, Qi Lei told the truth, "Grandma, it's not easy for your family to get together, I won't get mixed up."

Because of Chang Lanfang's unintentional remark just now, Qi Lei said that he had to leave.

It turned out that apart from the eldest son Li Jianghai who can accompany the old lady in Beijing, the other members of the family have been away for many years.

Grandpa Li is almost 80. He has been in the Northwest Desert for many years, and he can't come back several times a year.

The eldest daughter-in-law is also in the northwest.

Most of Li Jiangtao's projects are in the deep mountains of the southwest. He went home for the first time in two years, and then his family came out for a meal.

Even if Qi Lei wants to get a sense of literature, he won't be able to get in there and delay the family reunion.

The old lady heard that this was the reason, but it revealed the freedom of the old lady in Beijing.

"What's the matter! Don't sympathize with grandma, it's good! You are doing what you like, meaningful things, this is much more important than reunion."

Qi Lei was a little uncomfortable, "You are all this old."

Chang Lanfang, "What's wrong with such an old age? How much worse than your young people?"

Qi Lei, "Not bad!"

The old lady pulled him aside and asked the waiter who had passed the food to speak a little earnestly.

"On the phone you said you want to thank grandma in person?"

"Actually, grandma also wants to say a few words to you in person."

Qi Lei, "You said."

Chang Lanfang looked at Qi Lei, "No thanks! No thanks!"

"You are a good boy, ambitious and responsible! The most important thing is that your heart is red."

"Remember what grandma said, our nation is passed on from generation to generation, from scratch to generation, generation after generation."

"You have taken over Imagination. The current Imagination is a zero. It's up to you whether you can add a 1 or not."

"Don't let grandma get busy."

Qi Lei, "..."

I saw Chang Lanfang look inside the private room, "Our family is indeed a little bit older, but it's by no means depressed, and we can do it well."

Qi Lei, "I try my best! When we grow up, you can rest."

But he didn't want to, Chang Lanfang sighed, "You are good, but young people like you are still less!"

Qi Lei said, "A lot! A lot! A lot!"

"Are you too much?"

"Much!" Qi Lei calmly cut the iron, "more than enough to carry the future."

In the end, Chang Lanfang failed to keep Qi Lei. On the way back to school, Qi Lei's heart was heavy, and all the words of the old lady were pressed.

It's hard to tell the feeling, and it's not clear.

There is emotion and awe.

Yes, the future depends on me, that kind of urgency.

Also, our generation is not bad and eager to try.

Back at school, Qi Lei did not go back to the dormitory first, but went to the Discipline Construction Office to obtain a copy of materials for Liao Fanyi, which he would bring back to Shangbei tomorrow.

Only when he went downstairs to the complex, Qi Lei looked up and found that the top floor was still lit.

It's almost ten o'clock by now. According to the theory, the people in the complex have already left work, and there should be no lights. What's more, Qi Lei knew that location was President Dong's office.

That's it, Dong Beiguo is still there?

With doubts, Qi Lei went to the top floor.

Knock on the door, no one answered, Qi Lei simply pushed the door and went in.

I saw President Dong Da drunk, leaning on the sofa under a coat.

It may be that Qi Lei's movement was a bit big, and Dong Beiguo finally woke up.

Squinted Qi Lei, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

During the period, I also asked, "Are you ready for the CEO class?"

Qi Lei was speechless, "Why are you lying here?"

Dong Beiguo was confused and vague, "After drinking some wine, my wife going home is going to talk again."

"Don't worry about it, turn off the light..."

Qi Lei, "Since you don't want to drink, don't drink it? No more stomach?"

Old Dong's stomach is not good, everyone knows, this is also the reason why his wife doesn't let him drink.

I only heard that the President of Dongda University buried his head, "A meal of two million yuan in sponsorship, why not drink it? No loss!"

Qi Lei poured him a cup of hot water and kept it aside.

"I didn't understand it, and I don't lack money! Besides, tell me if you lack money!"

Dong Beiguo simply turned over and stared at Qi Lei, "Do you think I can spare you?"

"Give as much as you should, no, you can't give less just because we brought in these two million!"

Qi Lei, "You can afford to lose money!"

Dong Beiguo flopped and sat up, grabbed the water cup and took a sip, "If you lose money, you will lose money. I wish it!"

The expression became smug, "Do you know what these two million can do?"

Qi Lei, "What are you doing?"

Dong Beiguo made mysterious gestures, "I can set up a scholarship for another thousand poor students! One thousand...not young or old!"

"When you take the money again, I will engage in digital teaching! Not only your new department is digitized, the whole school must be digitized!"

Qi Lei looked at him blankly.

And Dong Beiguo seemed to have opened the chatterbox, "It's not easy for other students!"

"Especially those who come from poor places, get up in the morning and go to study half-life!"

"If you have such a high score on the test, we have to be worthy of the score and the hard work of the child!"

The old man got more and more excited as he said, "You can't let your children learn here for nothing! Who can we be worthy of if we are not successful?"

Holding his forehead, "Who is worthy of..."

"Unfortunate.... Who are you worthy of?"

"Are you worthy of the country?"


"You have to be successful! Don't be inferior to the real generation!"

"Then I will be busy for nothing."

Qi Lei's brain buzzed, this sentence was in vain, and the old lady Chang also said just now.

It seems to understand something, "So, what you are most afraid of is that you are busy working in vain."

Dong Beiguo stared suddenly, "That's not a good thing?"

There was a moment of silence, "My boy!"

"Big...Big brother...Second brother...I was so small when I was on the battlefield. UU Read is not as high as the table."

"Er Da said, we go to save China Le, the three children look after the house, and look after the house..."

"When we save China, the three children will be literate... Only those who can read can build a country without carrying a gun."

"I listen to the big one, go to learn to read, look good at Jiale, build a good Jiale..."


Dong Beiguo suddenly looked at Qi Lei very tenderly, his eyes flushed, and he didn't know whether it was because of the alcohol or other reasons: "If you don't live up to it..."

"Those who have died...they are all in vain."

"I'm so busy!"

Qi Lei quietly looked at Dong Beiguo, the skinny old man in the northwest, who had finished speaking and fell asleep in a daze.

Qi Lei just looked at him like this, then got up for a long time, went downstairs to the Interrogation Office and took a blanket to cover the old man.

"No, I will bring you a bunch..."

"Bring back a bunch of people who are not in vain."

After finishing speaking, Qi Lei got up and went downstairs, instead of going to the bedroom, he got in the car and merged into the car river in the capital again.

It was a bit cold at night.

Qi Lei heads north, all the way north!

He wants to prove to Chang Lanfang and to Dong Beiguo that our generation is not a fool!

Not only the Young Eagle Class, but also Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, and thousands of aspiring young people, they can't wait to stand on their stage.

Our time has come!

The spark of fire that you received from your hands will surely sweep across the country.


Today, I sorted out my thoughts for a day, and struck through the next plot, central ideas and themes.

The codeword is relatively late.

Tomorrow should be restored to more than ten thousand changes, so...

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