Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 59: set sail

Qi Lei was a little excited, and suddenly realized a truth.

He drove the car back to Dianjian North Yard, stopped downstairs but didn't get off the car. Instead, he called Cai Wei.

"Go? Go home!"

Viagra seems to be knocking on the keyboard, absent-mindedly, "Go back, I'm at home!"

He is really at home today, just upstairs.

When Qi Lei heard this, he contemptuously said, "You are really not very savvy."

Cai Wei was taken aback, the keyboard sound disappeared, and he suffocated for a long time, "Fuck! Go back to Shangbei?"

Qi Lei, "Then what do you think I said? Go downstairs and drive back!"

"You're downstairs!" Xixi Suosuo, it seems that Viagra has reached the window, "Don't be nonsense, it's more than 20 days before the summer vacation!"

Qi Lei, "Will you go back? If you don't go back, I'll go by myself!"

Viagra is about to cry, "Can you not figure out that one is one? I still have to go to class, and I have to drop the subject!"

Qi Lei, "Forget it, I'll go by myself, you can go online!"

Viagra: "..."

There was no movement for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth: "We are your uncle! Wait!"

As soon as I hung up the phone, I started to pack my things.

Qi Lei smiled and put down the phone, young man, you have to be a little impulsive, don't you?

He then called Mr. Nan again, "Do you have Liu Jixiang's phone number?"

Lao Nan just got home, a little baffling, "It's so late, are you okay?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

Old Nan reported a phone number and asked before hanging up, "What's the matter? So anxious?"

Qi Lei, "Teach him a lesson!"

Old Nan: "???"

Qi Lei dialed the third call according to the mobile phone number issued by the Nan Lao Newspaper.

Liu Jixiang, who was on the opposite side, was already asleep. Seeing that it was a strange number, he didn't want to pick up the phone.

Inside, Qi Lei's beating voice immediately came, "I might lose..."

Liu Jixiang: "???"

Sit up straight and turned on the lamp.

Qi Lei, "Maybe I will lose everything, but it doesn't matter!"

"Your trade and industry skills, Nanlao's technology, industry and trade, are not important."

Liu Jixiang: "???"

Is this child hysteria?

Qi Lei continued, "Before today, I was very scared!"

"Afraid that the road will be difficult..."

"Mountains and seas are difficult to leap."

"But, now I am not afraid, because it is not important!"

Old Liu became confused as he listened, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Lei, "What you don't understand, you will never understand!"

"These are not important! Even, how many difficulties and obstacles we have to face, how many challenges we have in the future, how many times we get stuck, the trade wars, financial suppression, and cultural slander we face. All the difficulties are not important!"

"Because, no matter how many bullets rain, how many squalls and waves, I may lose, but we will definitely win in the end!"

Liu Jixiang became solemn, "What are you talking about? Why? Why must you win?"

Qi Lei, "Because the inheritance is orderly, and the fire is connected!"

Liu Jixiang: "???"

More confused.

The opposite Qi Lei smiled, "You don't understand, but I understand. Ha!!"

"So, it doesn't matter anymore! It doesn't matter if you lose, ha!!!"

Dududu, Lao Liu was holding the phone here, his liver was about to explode.

He hung up? Damn it, he is dead! !

How did God make such a **** thing, he called just to **** me off the villain?

Besides, did you finish talking?

What inheritance is orderly? What is connected?

It does not make sense?

This night, anyway, Liu Jixiang didn't want to fall asleep, and pity him at such a young age, it was too much.


Qi Lei also just realized this truth.

In fact, he called Mrs. Chang before and said that Sanshi is a bit premature to acquire Imagination, and that he and Lao Nan are a little desperate, which is not a lie.

In fact, don't watch Qi Lei imagining downstairs and Liu Ji Xiangyun calmly, as if he didn't care at all.

But deep down, Qi Lei was still flustered.

He was afraid of not doing well, he was afraid that he would really lose it.

However, tonight, Grandma Chang and Dong Beiguo really made him understand a truth.

This reason is not that he is not alone, and that there are many people who are more dedicated than him are walking forward with heavy burdens.

Rather, what happens even if you lose everything? Even if the Three Stones were not the supreme king who reached the summit, they were also evangelists on the road to success.

What's more, our nation has never said that we can't afford to lie down when we lose everything, and we have never had a ruined tradition.

Passing on from one generation to another, and working from one generation to another, you will lose the big deal and start again, and the big deal will become the cornerstone of the younger generations.

They are piled up layer by layer, and tens of thousands of people are piled up.

The spark of fire since the creation of the Three Emperors has never been extinguished. Even in the most dangerous and darkest moments of modern times, we can still redeem ourselves in sinking.

In comparison, what are the challenges and difficulties that will be faced today and in the future?

It's just a small pebble that rolled down on the climbing road.

Therefore, whether it is today or in the future, any difficulty will be broken, and any obstruction will be forgotten, and it will become a testament to the perseverance of our nation.

Qi Lei had also heard this statement before, but he could not fully understand it at that time.

But now, he saw it!

"The sky is healthy, and the gentleman always strives for self-improvement."

Just this sentence is invincible.

"Hey! The old ancestors turned out to be playing invincible stream too!"

Being hysterical, Viagra bumped into the car with a bump: "Huh? Why is the ancestor invincible?"

Qi Lei, "Nothing! Really go back?"

The Viagra thief simply said, "Go! Civil Aviation Hospital!"

Qi Lei was puzzled, "What's wrong? Auntie isn't on time?"

"Fuck you!"

Viagra smiled and cursed, "Hurry up."

Qi Lei left the file and didn't understand why he went to the Civil Aviation Hospital all the way. But on the way, I didn't ask much.

When he got there, Viagra asked Qi Lei to park the car at the entrance of the emergency department. After waiting for more than ten minutes, an ambulance whistling with the sirens was about to go out.

Viagra immediately grabbed Qi Lei’s phone and lowered the car window, "Master...I...I...I..."

Just think about it, the sirens of the ambulance outside are loud, and Viagra is still half-dead, just hanging out.

"I, appendicitis... will be pierced."

The Viagra class guide was scared to death, "Where is it? I'll go over!"

Once I hear Viagra, how can I be better if you come over?

"No... no... the ambulance is coming... here... it hurts me so much."

"On Chaoyang's side, surgery may be necessary..."

"Tell you, tomorrow's class... I'm afraid I won't be able to attend."

The class guide was speechless, "Do you have a brain!? It's all like this, what kind of class do you have? Leave it alone, I'll say hello to you."

"Thanks, hurts me so much!"

"Old guide...the doctor won't let me call...tomorrow's class...tomorrow's class..."

Dududu, as soon as you hang up the phone, Viagra will pay you back immediately.

"Go! Go home!"

Hahahahaha! !

Qi Lei is about to laugh to death, is this grandson acting so strong?

"An appendicitis operation doesn't take more than 20 days, right?"

Viagra looked indifferent, "It's okay! The last week or so was an exam, my brother is dying, so I have to take the exam, let the old guide solve it!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Don't give up, "Then next semester, what if your class guide sees you cut?"

Viagra glanced at Qi Lei bluntly, "Not bad, I think it's very thoughtful!"

"Unfortunately, brother has already predicted, my class advisor is a girl!"


Qi Lei smiled silently, kicked the accelerator, and galloped away. The brothers returned to the northeast overnight.

On the way, Qi Lei and Viagra switched.

In fact, this is also the main reason for abducting Viagra.

He wants to go home. There is no plane or train at this point. For more than a thousand kilometers, I drove back and didn't want to be tired. What should I do? I can only get Viagra.

"What are you doing in a hurry to go back?"

Qi Lei replied, "Class 14 is going to disband."

Viagra understands that, for Qi Lei, class fourteen, not only his high school, but also a different meaning.

That class, it is not an exaggeration to say that Qi Lei brought it out.



It is already mid-June.

There are only ten days left before the high school entrance examination, and the college entrance examination in early July has reached the final stage of sprint.

Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is still the same Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, but it is not like the original Shangbei No. 2 Middle School.

The west school building and the south school building, the two new teaching buildings, have already been erected. The exterior walls and interior decoration are being painted, and they are expected to be delivered to use next semester.

That big playground with a layer of soil on a sunny day and muddy on a rainy day can’t be used anymore. There are construction workers everywhere.

Next semester, all will be replaced with plastic tracks.

But, don't know why, everyone still likes the playground made of cinder and sand.

Even if it is soil and mud, we have to pull weeds every year in the beginning of spring.

Starting from the next semester, students in No. 2 Middle School will no longer have to set up stoves, paste windows, or nail plastic sheets.

Not to mention the indignation because it is in the main building or the old classroom.

In the future, everyone will be the same and will have a better learning environment.

As if everything has changed...

Become unfamiliar, become a bit awkward.

Only the small forest behind the main building is still lush, and there are still countless youth stories happening under every poplar tree.

Although there are always ignorant teachers in it, it is still the holy place in the hearts of the second middle school students.

Tang Xiaoyi is a bit regretful. He has fought, blocked people, memorized books, and blew cowhide in the small woods, except that he has never soaked in a girl, let alone urinated.

Wu Xiaojian was very proud of this, "These brothers have done it before, and I even kissed him!"

Everyone immediately looked at Wu Ning and Cheng Lele with mixed contempt and envy, "This adulterer **!"

Zhang Nan stood under the lilac tree at the back door of the main building, looking from a distance, smiling faintly.

Boys and girls, even if the college entrance examination is about to come, they are still so heartless.

Zhang Nan is a person of great wisdom, but her great wisdom is used in subtle ways.

Maybe, Mother Zhang does not have the lofty ambitions of Mrs. Chang, nor the ambitiousness of Qi Lei. She just wants to stay in this small place and do only one thing steadily.

Do this thing well and there will be no regrets.

Perhaps, watching these children stop here for three years and complete their transformation is the greatest satisfaction of Zhang's mother.

At this time, a person in charge of the provincial government office came behind Zhang Nan, "President Zhang!"

Zhang Nan turned around, "Han Ting."

Director Han also looked at the frolicking boys and girls in the distance, and said with a smile, "These young people just don't know that they are tired. They are so nervous in high school and still have time to gossip."

Zhang Nan nodded, "It's like this for young people!"

"Yeah!" Director Han nodded and stopped chatting. "Principal Zhang, I am here to supervise the rebuilding work of the county-level unit from the Second Middle School. a bit."

Zhang Nan was puzzled, and then smiled bitterly, "At first, I was very surprised. No matter how important the supervision is, I won't let a big deputy director like you go there in person. It turns out that this is the point."

Han Ting raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard this, "So you know what I'm going to say?"

Zhang Nan probably guessed something, "Is there a job vacancy, let me fill it up?"

Han Ting shook his head, "No!"

"There are indeed ideas to make you move, but it has nothing to do with the lack of people. It is entirely because of your ability and outstanding performance in the past three years. The provincial government feels that if you don't promote it, you can't justify it!"

"First go to the Development Planning Office to exercise." Han Ting smiled when he said this, "You know, I'm going back soon, I must have a successor!"

These words are equivalent to clarifying with Zhang Nan, and the future is bright.

Regarding Han Ting's words, Zhang Nan was very indifferent, "The ability of the superior to affirm our work is the greatest encouragement to our second high school."

Han Ting stagnated and found that Zhang Nan was not overjoyed in the phenomenon, and...

Moreover, there seems to be a bit of resistance.

"Why? Don't want to listen to the organization's arrangements for you?"

Zhang Nan smiled, "I think, I obey the organization and arrangements."

Han Ting also laughed, "But your expression doesn't seem to obey the arrangement at all!"

Zhang Nan first scolded the stunned boy who rushed out of the main building, "Run slowly."

The scared dumb kid hid like a quail.

Afterwards, Zhang Nan simply led Han Ting along the corridor and strolled behind the main building.

"Han Ting, do you know what is my biggest emotion after doing so many years of grassroots work?"

Han Ting was not in a hurry to convince her, and listened first, "What is it?"

Zhang Nan looked at the main building of No. 2 Middle School, "That is, good students don't need to teach, but poor students are difficult to teach."

Han Ting frowned and was puzzled. He also worked from the grassroots level by level. He couldn't understand it better. This was almost common sense.

Zhang Nan, "I have worked in Harbin No. 3 Middle School for so many years, and I still understand several key middle schools in Harbin. In the past few years, I have been to Beijing No. 4 Middle School, Hengshui, and Huanggang, and I have a deeper understanding of this."

"Excellent students, teachers, and schools are just an aid. If you leave these prestigious schools, these children will still be excellent! The so-called key point is actually to absorb excellent sources of learning through reputation."

"Then, getting better and better."

Zhang Nan shook his head, "This is not what I want to do."

After Han Ting listened, he felt that Zhang Nan was a bit "pretending".

Half joking, half teasing, "Principal Zhang, it's surprising that you said this in your mouth!"

"In the past three years, you haven't been robbing students, and you haven't been able to use outstanding students to support your career!"

Shangbei No. 2 Middle School can achieve its current achievements. The teacher's efforts are only a small part. As Zhang Nan said, it is mainly those good seedlings that have made the No. 2 Middle School famous.

With a smile, "Why do you start to dislike it again now?"

You know, Zhang Nan's drill camp is well-known in the province. Some leaders in the province had headaches when they saw her.

Not to mention that she went to the capital for a meeting, and students turned the college exchange meeting into a promotion meeting for the second middle school.

There are also those glorious deeds that have been counted by the agency and recommended places for the Second Middle School.

In this regard, other schools have great opinions on Zhang Nan, saying that she has everything.

For example, there is no such thing as a principal, but a businessman.

For example, too much drill, bad image and so on.

Therefore, Zhang Nan's words really violated.

Zhang Nan didn't care about the leader's beating, "You know, isn't it impossible!"

He smiled, "A small middle school in a small place, how can you afford it without being ridiculed? Where can so many resources come from?"

"I didn't say that excellent students are not good, but..."

"But what?" Han Ting knew that dry goods were coming.

Zhang Nan, "If we are all excellent students, what do we need teachers to do?"

"All of them are Li Mo, Wang Xueliang and Qian Hongjun..."

Han Ting added, "And Xu Qian from your house!"

Zhang Nan, "Right! I mean, they are all good students. The school only provides an environment, an atmosphere, and a direction. What about the key middle school?"

Han Ting frowned, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Nan, "I mean, educating ordinary children to become talents and letting them rise to the next level is what I want to do."

"And now, it's just the beginning."

Han Ting looked at Zhang Nan blankly, "Just started?"

Zhang Nan nodded, showing a confident and hopeful expression, "Yes, it has just started.

"Therefore, the admission score of the Second Middle School this year will not be raised because of the promotion of provincial key points. Instead, it will be appropriate to drop in to recruit more ordinary students."

Han Ting: "..."

Zhang Nan, "At this juncture, you are not willing to let me sit in the office?"



Zhang Nan finally convinced Director Han and stayed in the second middle school to continue to serve as the principal.

This made Han Ting feel a little bit emotional. If Zhang Nan refused Lao Qin's promotion invitation for the first time, she wanted to do a little bit of achievement and could save enough capital when she was promoted.

So this time, it was really surprising.

It was not until then that Han Ting realized what kind of justice this woman who was extremely good at camping, and sometimes even unscrupulous, was keeping in her heart.

Coincidentally, a Sao Bao Da G with a Beijing brand stopped in front of the school. Xu Wenliang got out of the car, entered the school to pick up Zhang Nan, and left with him.

In the evening, Zhang Nan took time off and had dinner with Qi Lei's family.

Han Ting suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Maybe Zhang Nan is not so noble, but people don't really pursue status. Who will let someone have a husband who is a secretary and a girl who will marry?

Is this the root cause?

Director Han comforted himself like this.

In the car, Qi Lei was only responsible for driving, without ears. Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan sat in the back seat and chatted.

Xu Wenliang, "I have talked to me in the province."

Zhang Nan, "What did you talk about?"

Xu Wenliang said, "It doesn't count down. I have been in Shangbei for three and a half years. The main thing is to ask for my own opinion. At the end of this term, do I want to stay in Shangbei or change my position."

Zhang Nan frowned, "Change one? Flat adjustment or..."

There is a saying here, if it is flat, it may not be a good thing. If you are promoted to the next level, it also depends on the position.

I only heard that Xu Wenliang was a little proud: "Mayor of Qi City."

Qi Lei: "..."

Huh! Exaggerated, right?

Well, occasionally listen to a few words.

Qi City is the third largest city in Longjiang Province, and Xu Wenliang, the deputy mayor, can accept it.

Zhang Nan also said, "A good thing!"

Xu Wenliang, "But, I still want to stay in Shangbei for another five years."

Zhang Nan, "Why?"

Xu Wenliang, "Shangbei is in a critical period. Now that I am leaving, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted. Let's do it for a few more years!"

"I said my thoughts, and the organization recognized it. So... alas, I won't think about changing positions for the time being."

Qi Lei didn't look back, he could imagine the old man's careful thoughts asking for comfort.

To be honest, Xu Wenliang didn't adjust and sacrificed a lot.

He ascended after a year and a half, and ascended after six or seven years, completely two concepts.

Qi Lei felt that the old mother-in-law had to persuade him about this matter, she couldn't let her temper!

Wherever he thought, Zhang Nan listened, but smiled sincerely, "As long as you think clearly, I will support you no matter what the result is."

Xu Wenliang, "Hey! Support or not, I have also decided, it can't be changed!"

Qi Lei said, how come you feel a little bit arrogant? Moreover, how do you feel that the old man is a bit pretending?

The land for the family brother is not so high, is it? Who is it for? Give it to me?

"That's right." Xu Wenliang in the back seat remembered something. "I heard that Deputy Han came down in person? It shouldn't be? Is there any other task? I want to transfer you back to the province?"

Zhang Nan sneered, "If it's really all right! I'm not so lofty, I want to get one liter, but I don't give me this chance!"

Comforting Xu Wenliang, "But forget it, it's good to think about it, Qianqian has gone to college, there must be someone to take care of you!"

Xu Wenliang heard, "Indeed!!"

I don't know, this does mean that Zhang Nan is indeed unable to ascend, or does he really need to live through the two-person world of middle-aged and elderly couples.

"Hey!" Qi Lei sighed silently, Lao Zhangren should have been saving the earth in his life.

However, this is not necessarily true.

For example, I didn't do anything in my previous life. When I opened my eyes in this life, there was a good girl next to me who couldn't save the universe. Where can I make sense?


The reason why this nation has stood for thousands of years and is still flourishing is precisely because:

Some people climb high and look into the distance and act as guides for the nation.

For example, Grandma Chang; for example, those great people who really think about the people.

They broke the waves in the majestic place, sailed in the vast sea, and guided the direction.

Some people take root in the subtleties, never vigorously, but they deserve to be conscientious.

For example, Zhang Nan; for example, Xu Wenliang; for example, the teachers in the second middle school.

Although they are not as stalwart as those who are at the helm of the tide, they also silently give for their ideals and beliefs.

If we say that what Grandma Chang and Dong Beiguo are doing is to pass on, pass on the mission from generation to generation and leave it to those ignorant teenagers.

What Zhang Nan, Xu Wenliang, and Liu Zhuofu were doing was guarding.

Guard the water and soil of one party, guard the ignorant young people.

And young people, how can they disappoint those who guard them?

The three-mode grades in the third year of high school have actually explained everything, and the destiny and life trajectory of some people are actually doomed.

For example, Wang Dong, the former Dadongzi of Class Fourteen, was the last one, fighting invincible three in one hegemony.

In the original life trajectory, the university had nothing to do with him. With his academic performance and attitude, he could not finish high school at first, and then he degenerated into a social idler.

But now, it's completely different.

Wang Dong has passed the examination of the School of Physical Education and Sports of the Provincial Normal University, and with his performance in the cultural course, there is basically no problem in getting there.

Yes, Dadongzi is good at sports, after all, he failed to become an athlete.

However, Dadongzi's ambition is not to be a professional athlete. After graduating from university, he still wanted to go back to the second middle school, be a "frail and sickly" physical education teacher, and then guard here like an old crane.

Class 14...

Second Middle....

Old crane....

Class leader...

From the object he looked up to and admired, he became the goal of life.

Zhang Xinyu is no longer the hot-blooded young man who hangs out with Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang. He no longer fights the interstellar, no longer holds a cigarette in his mouth.

Three years ago, before going to high school, he wanted to be a soldier because of the interview with Taiwan Province.

Qi Lei told him that he could go to the military academy after he went to high school.

And now, his dream has come true!

Even Zhang Xinyu could not wait until Qi Lei came back to see him off, he had already embarked on the journey in a hurry.

Air Force Aviation University, in the second semester of high school, Zhang Xinyu left Shangbei after passing the physical examination and written examination for air recruitment.

"Tell the class leader, brother is looking down on you from the sky!"

San Bingzi, Fang Bing, the worst and worst of the fourteenth class is him.

Instead of sprinting for the third year of high school with Class 14, he went to the special class of "Zhang Kid" to mess around.

Speaking of it, Sanbingzi was a chicken thief once, and the news began to report that the head of the team was suddenly very rich. When Beiguang was very good, the buddies decisively transferred to the special class and went to learn to host the broadcast.

He wants to continue mixing with the team leader and hug this thigh tightly!

Also going there was Song Xiaole, the big villain of the second class in the insight model.

However, unlike Sanbingzi, Sanbingzi rushed to hug his thighs, while Song Xiaole was ventilated early by Liao Fanyi. As long as the school exam is not too stretched, you will be required.

Don't forget, Song Xiaole is also one of the Internet celebrities in the insight model, with excellent performance.

Twenty percent, Dong Weicheng also wanted to be with Sanyoko and Song Xiaole, mainly because these two grandsons left, he was firmly the last one.

However, there are two problems that cannot be solved.

First, his stubborn problem really can't be an announcer or host.

Second, he was reluctant to accept Xu Xiaoqian's supper bribe.

In a senior year, this guy has grown more than ten catties of meat!

Chen Peng also passed the Beijing Guangxi School Examination, and he ranked high.

It's just that the buddies are very entangled, considering whether to go to Beiguang, and if they do, they have to live in the shadow of Qi Lei.

A year ago, he finally left Qi Leipan.

Now, I heard that the guy eats very well in Beiguang, and pretty girls are all messing with him behind his ass.

Grandma's! Xu Xiaoqian didn't care about it either.

Should I go or not?


Dong Xiuxiu, Li Xin, and Xu Chen have already decided where they are going, and they have been sent to Zhejiang University.

Originally, Zhejiang University in this era was not as loud as later generations. In terms of three little brothers and sisters who depended on each other, they had a better choice. Even if they took the college entrance examination, Qingbei was not impossible.

However, the staff in charge of school recruitment at Zhejiang University learned of their situation and the conditions were better.

The four years of university tuition were free, and generous scholarships were promised to them. This became an important reason why the three brothers and sisters finally chose Zhejiang University.

Xiuxiu's kidney source hasn't waited yet. They want to treat Xiuxiu, and economic factors have to be considered.

A penny stumps heroes. These three guys know better than their peers how important money is to them.


Wu Ning finally decided to go abroad.

Although Xu Xiaoqian has rebelled, she gave up her dream of flying high for love.

Although Tang Xiaoyi whispered in his ear every day, "How nice is it for us three brothers to go and harm the people in Beijing together? Can you not go out? Please!"

Although Wu's mother was reluctant to let her son go so far, she cried several times.

But Wu Ning still decided to go out.

Not only for studies, but also for dreams, the dream of the three brothers!

In fact, from childhood to adulthood, Wu Ning was the one with the most right-minded mind (the strongest will) among the three brothers, and the things that I pay attention to, the king of heaven and I can't change it.

Fortunately, Cheng Lele was with him.

The standard northeastern lady, super super!

"Go! What are you afraid of! The end of the world, my old lady will be with you!"

It's just that, although Cheng Lele's procedures for going abroad are going, Cheng Jianguo hasn't figured out whether to let Cheng Lele go out.

Going abroad is a heavy burden for him, the little director.

Although it is a good thing to go out, I have a long experience. But why do you have to go out?

Well, until now, Cheng Jianguo didn't know that his daughter started to look like when she was in high school, and that the other party was the cheap son who emerged from the high school entrance examination three years ago.

Zhang Nan knew about this.

However, because Wu Ning and Cheng Lele didn't affect their learning, but promoted them. In addition, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian pleaded with each other, so they concealed it.

It's just that Zhang Nan didn't know the reason why Wu Ning insisted on concealing it was because of an essay.

However, I can't help it. Before I go out, I have to have a showdown with Cheng Jianguo.


Tang Xiaoyi must die at Beijing Polytechnic, his confidante is still waiting there!

Although he can't go to the, there is still hope for HKUST's efforts.

But no, I have to go to Beijing Polytechnic.

For this reason, Tang's mother was annoyed to death, "There are better ones, why don't you go? Just because of a little fairy?"

For this reason, Tang's father's opinion is, "If you don't take the Beijing Polytechnic Institute, I will give you a discount!"

Well, Tang Cheng has just met the girl, and she has reached the point where she is not wanted by this daughter-in-law.

This made Tang's mother even more annoyed, and this time she wanted to send Tang Xiaoyi to school in person to take a good look at the little fairy.

In fact, Qi Lei was also curious, and was waiting for the beginning of school, so as to see how blind the girl who could see Tang Xiaoyi as a little kid is blind.

However, he had seen a stinking photo of Tang Xiaoyi.

how to say?

Really blind! It's a pity to be with Tang Xiaoyi.

It’s just that Qi Lei is in a daze, this girl always feels like deja vu...

However, Qi Lei can be sure that he has never seen him in his two lives.


The only thing that is still uncertain is Yang Xiao.

Xiaoer didn't have a clear goal until the college entrance examination, and she was still hesitating which university to go to.

For this reason, the two brothers of the Yang family became anxious and fought several more fights.

The eldest brother blamed the second child for developing such a hesitant character.

The second stranger is nothing, Xiao'er is like his father.

After Qi Lei came back, he was also anxious for her.

The girl changed her former swiftness and became a dull gourd, and asked her not to say anything, where she wanted to go.

When I asked in a hurry, I walked with my head sullen, playing games, and pretending to be dumb.

There is no way, but after the college entrance examination, when you apply for a volunteer, you can make a decision.



I have scrapped some manuscripts. The difference is more than one thousand and less than ten thousand. I will make up tomorrow.

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