Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 60: On how to build a superstar

In fact, Yang Xiao delayed himself.

With her musical talents, taking the road of music is a good choice.

It's a pity that she hesitated a little when the major professional colleges began to take the art admissions exams.

I thought that everyone was working hard and striving for the common goal of Sanshi, but she went singing and playing piano like a trash, which was a bit unreasonable.

At that time, Qi Lei was in the critical period of Imagination for the Great War, and there was no time to give her any advice.

In addition, with the status of one of the founders of Three Stones in the front, parents are not so urgent about what university to go to and what path to take.

It's all right, all depends on Xiaoer's own wishes. Yang's father and Yang's mother, plus second uncle and second aunt, didn't force her.

I entered June with a drag, and the art test was a dead end, and the test was over long ago.

In addition to Beijing, Guangxi and Art, the Second Middle School has no other art classes, so you can only choose one from a normal university.

However, what to learn has become a problem.

Yang Xiao's grades were good in Class 14, and hovered around ten after his third year of high school. The three-mode performance ranked twelve in Class 14, which was a little bit lower than that in the second year of high school.

But this was not because Xiaoer didn't work hard, but because there were more animals.

First of all, the first class merged several, Xu Chen and Li Xin came from behind, and in the third year of high school, many students were transferred.

Two of the thieves were ferocious, and they rushed into the top ten as soon as they came, and Xiaoer's ranking was also down.

But having said that, it is not easy to keep around ten people.

Judging from the results of the three models, Xiaoer is a good performer, and Qingbei can also take a side.

If you want to be safe, except Qingbei, other schools can basically report it casually.

Therefore, the school is not a big problem for Yang Xiao, the key is professionalism.

There is a lot of talk about choosing a major.

Xu Qian studied economics, Wu Ning studied finance and accounting, and Tang Xiaoyi recognized chemistry and wanted to take a technical route.

Qi Lei didn't mention it, he was still super god.

So what does Xiaoer study?

Originally, Yang Xiao suddenly thought, "Should I go to study the Fa? We will file a lawsuit in the future!"

Xu Xiaoqian and the others didn't make any comments, but after let Qi Lei knew about it, because that section was busy, they didn't have time to do more, but they absolutely refused, and even scolded Xiaoer.

"What kind of method does Auntie learn?"

"Furthermore, are you looking forward to ordering us? First think about the lawsuit!?"

Not only did Yang Xiao listen to Qi Lei's words, but also Yang's father and Yang's mother!

When Dad Yang thought about it, Qi Lei made sense.

"Stone is right, you are too soft, so forget it."

No way, Yang Xiao said to talk about marketing, "I will take Miss Tao's class in the future!"

Dad Yang thought again, this seems to be pretty good, a few people just complement each other, and Three Stones is thriving!

As a result, Zhou Tao hasn't done it yet!

"Sister, I'm less than thirty, I don't need to take over!"

"What the hell? Your sister, I can't do it clearly? You want to push me away?"

When Yang Xiao listened, he stopped learning.

Later, Tang Xiaoyi didn't know where he heard it, saying that it was better to learn philosophy in a company.

Xiaoer heard, "It makes sense!"

Then, Tang Xiaoyi almost didn't let Wu Ning, Xu Qian and Cheng Lele be killed.

"Is it okay to divide people? Just Yang Xiao, you let her study philosophy? She must be depressed."

In short, the college entrance examination is about to look, and Xiaoer's future path is still undecided.

On the first day Qi Lei came back, he invited his mother-in-law and father-in-law to dinner.

I didn't bring Xu Xiaoqian, mainly because Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan had completely treated Qi Lei as adults. With the addition of the father and the mother, the five people at the dinner table are also talking about development, creativity, and these adult issues.

After eating, they didn't go home, so they were called away by Yang Chengjun.

Yang Chengjun was anxious, "You can come back! Hurry up and persuade you!"

"I haven't made up my mind yet, don't delay!"

It's your own girl, although they don't have much opinion about what to learn, at least one has to be settled, right?

After listening to Qi Lei, he promised them to go back and think about it.

As a result, Yang Chengjun heard, "Then leave it to you, just in time we are going back to Harbin."

Then, Le Diandian left.

How does Qi Lei look at it, why doesn't it look like anxious?

Okay, Mom and Dad Yang have been used to this style of school for a long time.

At the beginning, I lied that Yang Xiao was lost, and the father still had time to fight with his brother!

As everyone knows, this is not a big-hearted matter. Dad Yang is also a chicken thief, knowing that Qi Lei's words are heavier than his father.

Moreover, only those who are bored with Xiao'er every day know what Xiao'er likes and don't like best.

So, this is to create space for Reviver!

Come back from Dad Yang. Qi Lei thought about this, said in his heart, then ask tonight!

Qi Lei simply went to the skewers shop at the entrance of the alley, bought some raw meat skewers, and borrowed a small stove from the boss, preparing to sit in the courtyard in the evening for a barbecue party.

As for Xiaoer...

Without notice, Xiaoer's second uncle and second aunt returned to Maozi's factory, and her parents went to Harbin again. There was no one at home. She would never go home. She would rather squeeze a bed with Yanling.

When moving the stove, the owner of the skewers was very enthusiastic, "When do I bake it, ask your aunt to get it, you don’t understand."

Qi Lei laughed as soon as he heard it, "What? I haven't seen Uncle Ma before and couldn't believe our craft!"

This chain store has been open in the alley for seven or eight years. It can be said that Qi Lei grew up. From the previous to the holiday, the three of them can eat here for ten yuan for a day.

Forty skewers, I didn't leave after eating, so I gave the boss a hand. There are many people and few people are busy.

The couple will grill a wing tip for a while, and a kidney or something for a while.

Later, the third brother's skill in grilling skewers is not bad, sometimes there are too many people, and Uncle Ma is too busy, and the third brother can take a guest role in the stove or something!

When Ma Shu heard that Qi Lei couldn't believe in his craftsmanship, he chuckled, "Can it be the same as before? Now it's Mr. Qi, still remember how to bake it?"

While moving the stove, Qi Lei responded, "Don't worry, you will be the greedy cat in front of Uncle Ma."

As soon as I said this, Uncle Ma's mouth grinned, "That's for sure! You grow up so big, you can eat your Uncle Ma's meat!"

After he said that he sent Qi Lei out, he still brag to the customers in the shop as much as he could, "Look at it? This kid will be able to beat him up, quack!"

The guests also echoed, "Enjoy!"

In the past, the Shangbei people went out and blew the Shangbei rice, but now, a Xiaoqi president has been added.

About the end of the self-study in the evening, Qi Lei set the stove up and lit the fire.

Before ten o'clock, a group of people entered the hospital.

Looking at this posture, Xiaoer almost cried when she looked at the skewers, "It's so nice of you at home!"

There is no need for Qi Lei to do it, and he threw the schoolbag directly on the outside window sill, grabbing the position and doing it himself.

Xu Xiaoqian came in to take a look at Qi Lei. Qi Lei was Shangbei who arrived with Viagra at noon. He had dinner with two pairs of parents in the afternoon, but he hadn't talked to Xu Xiaoqian yet!

So I took a look at him and planned to go home. Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan are both here today.

But when he saw Xiangxiang’s skewers, he silently took out his mobile phone from Qi Lei’s pocket, "Dad, Qi Lei’s skewers at home, do you want to eat a bit? I'll send it back to you."

When Xu Wenliang heard this, he thought that something was wrong with her daughter calling, and she was speechless: "Is this thing still thinking about your dad? It doesn't hurt for nothing!"

Immediately said, "No, Dad is not hungry."

Xu Xiaoqian is so cute, "I really don't need it? But it's delicious!"

Xu Wenliang was even more speechless, saying as if your father had never eaten skewers, "Eat yours, nothing else?"

Xu Xiaoqian regretted immediately, "Oh... nothing else."

"Then I ate it, it happened to be very hungry, good night Dad."

Xu Wenliang, "Good night."

When I hung up the phone, Xu Wenliang was still laughing, saying that the girl was Dad’s little padded jacket, not fake at all, thinking of his dad for everything.

But after a long time, the reaction came again. Why did it feel that something was not right?

It happened that Zhang Nan opened the door and entered the house, changing shoes while scanning left and right, and asked: "Qianqian hasn't come back yet? I watched her walk in front of me."

Xu Wenliang replied happily, "I'm eating skewers at that kid's house, and I still think about his dad!"

"Eating skewers?" Zhang Nan frowned, "Why do you still eat skewers? Do you still think of you?"

Xu Wenliang, "No, it doesn't matter who you kiss?"

I gave a rough idea of ​​what was going on, and still arrogantly complained, "You said this kid, and you asked me if I want to eat, and I have to send it back."

Hearing this, Zhang Nan rolled his eyes immediately, you are so vigilant! It's getting lower and lower.

The sentence came, "Old Xu, I think it is the right choice for you not to adjust the city."

Xu Wenliang, who played it, was inexplicable, taunting me for what?

Zhang Nan didn't explain, put on slippers and went straight to the bathroom, "wash up and go to bed early."

Xu Wenliang was stunned: "No, don't wait for Qian..."

Want to say you're not waiting for a girl? But half the story...Finally! Finally got the hang of it!

What are you waiting for?

Good night, come back for a fart? !

He jumped up angrily, "Okay! Did your dad start the routine?"

Pick up the phone and unplug it, "No, I have to let her come back! This is not in college yet, what is it like!?"

Zhang Nan smiled bitterly and persuaded, "Okay, don't let the Zhuge Liang afterwards, calm down."

"Furthermore, the phone must be dead by now."

Xu Wenliang's earpiece was in the air, "No, no battery?"

As a result, there was indeed a busy tone on the phone, and it was turned off!

"Hey!" Old Xu rubbed his forehead, "This girl is more and more like his mother, but she's just like her mother."

This is my family brother!

Looking up, "I'm quite vigilant outside, right?"


Barbecue drinks, small beer, a bunch of caring friends.

This is the favorite leisure activity for northerners in summer.

If there is a yard, it would be even better if you set up the stove and bake it yourself.

However, today there is no beer, only a small barbecue with drinks, and close friends.

A few people were standing by the stove, blowing cow hides, talking about the mountains, just smoky and Zhenzhen, not to mention how beautiful the days were.

At first, Yang Xiao entered the battle, but the craftsmanship was so bad that Tang Xiaoyi couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let me do it!"

So Yang Xiao retired and took charge of eating full-time.

He ate well, but Qi Lei was a little disappointed, "I heard that I haven't chosen a good school yet?"

Yang Xiao didn't take it seriously at first, and took a sip, "What's the hurry?"

Qi Lei, "You are not in a hurry, your dad is in a hurry? He asked me today!"

Xiaoer's movements were stagnant, "Oh."

Qi Lei, "What do you think, talk about it?"

The friends also raised their eyes and looked over, roughly understanding that Qi Lei was going to solve this old problem.

Yang Xiao was a little embarrassed when he saw this, and smiled awkwardly, "What do you think? I can go anywhere, sister can eat anywhere!"

"Heh." Even Tang Xiaoyi smiled and suggested, "Before bragging next time, let's make a draft!"

Yang Xiao just raised his leg, "You're just bragging!"

Seriously, "I mean it!"

Turning his eyes, "Or... I still study marketing, right? This major is quite popular now, and graduation can help Little Tao share the burden."

Zhou Tao is actually joking, if Xiaoer really learns, and her partner, Zhou Tao would like the prince to join the sales department!

Tang Xiaoyi didn't confront Yang Xiao this time, and pondered for a while, "Actually, it's okay!"

"Wu Xiaojian is in charge of the accounts, Xu Xiaoqian is in charge of the management, I will be in charge of the technology, and Xiaoer will be in charge of the market." Looking at Qi Lei, "Comrade Qi Shitou, you can be the shopkeeper."

Qi Lei did not answer Tang Yi's words, but looked at Xiaoer very seriously, "Do you like it yourself?"

Xiao'er was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of her mouth were still covered with mutton oil and chili. It looks a bit...cute.

Only the smile froze there, and it took a long time to reply, "Of course I like it."

Then he screamed, "I thought it took me so long to decide, can I like it?"

Qi Lei smiled bitterly, but his mouth was stiff!

But Xu Xiaoqian said, "You can think about it. It is very troublesome to want to change when you arrive at the university."

Wu Ning answered, "You can refer to Viagra, he is now with Qi Lei."

"If you want to go back then, you have to have a term with Da Ling!"

Yang Xiao: "..."

The smile became more rigid, and suddenly became a little annoyed, "No, what do you mean? Why do I want to do something, you don't seem to agree?"

The expressions of several people were indeed as dissatisfied with her decision.

It was Qi Lei: "Nonsense!"

Staring, "You're wrong, can we agree?"

Yang Xiao: "..." I stopped talking, and according to the usual practice, I started to pretend to be a dull gourd.

Regardless of her, Qi Lei continued to scold, "Actually, you know exactly what you like, and your dad knows it too, we know it all!"

I saw Yang Xiao lowered her head and whispered BB with a guilty conscience: "What do you know?"

Qi Lei picked up a handful of grilled meat skewers and gave them to Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao.

Seeing that Yang Xiao grabbed it in his hand and stopped eating, he sighed and slowly said, "Actually, Sanshi doesn't need you."

As soon as he said this, Yang Xiaomeng raised his head, a little flustered and a little helpless, "What, what do you mean? I think it's useless?"

My eyes were red as I spoke.

Xu Xiaoqian quickly gave Qi Lei a pestle, "Can you speak?"

Qi Lei grinned, "That's what it means? She is so sensitive and blames me!"

Xu Xiaoqian stared, "Say again!"

"Good, good." Qi Lei bowed, "reiterate and reiterate."

Looking at Yang Xiaoer, "I mean, you don't need to choose a university in order to meet the development of the company."

Yang Xiao was a little anxious, and said without a turn: "What do you mean? The company belongs to ours, and I have a share!"

Qi Lei, "Because the company is ours, you don't need to accommodate it!"

"Do not understand?"

Anxiously said: "Sanshi is what we did for pleasure and for the sake of coolness."

"Speaking nicely is to fulfill our dreams, speaking nicely, that is the tool for us to live a good life!"

Yang Xiao was stunned, unable to react for a while.

"People! People are really the most important thing, not the company!" Qi Lei said, "We people live comfortably. A good life is the most important thing. Sanshi is not the most important thing!"

Xiaoer, "But, you are all working hard for the company, I have to work hard too!"

Qi Lei, "That's a coincidence, understand?"

"It just so happens... the things we like to do are related to this company."

Pointing to Xu Xiaoqian, "This is the housekeeper!"

Xu Xiaoqian raised her hand and gave Qi Lei a little bit, "You are the only one in charge of the mother-in-law!"

Changing his face, he took Yang Xiao's hand, "Why are you so stupid?"

"I was originally willing to study finance and business administration, so I went to plan university with Sanshi."

"Even if Wu Ning does not have Three Stones, he still has to study accounting and go abroad."

"Tang Xiaoyi, listen to him, and still care about the technique? He went out to learn chemistry because he went crazy and made a girl fool around."

Tang Xiaoyi was embarrassed, "Who said that? I also have big ambitions, okay?"

No one paid any attention to him, Xu Xiaoqian continued: "Stones, Three Stones were originally planned according to his heart, so they are naturally inseparable from him."

"So, the future of Three Stones Company is determined by Stone."

"And you are different. The things you like and the way you want to go don't necessarily need to be associated with Sanshi."

"The stone means that the three stones are a good tool for us to live. Don't feel wronged for this tool!"

Xiaoer listened to it for a long time, but didn't understand it too much.

In fact, Xu Xiaoqian and Qi Lei were at least half right, that is: she watched her friends around Sanshi Company planning for the future, so she was a little anxious, and she wanted to be able to help, but she didn’t know. How should I help, that's why I'm so entangled.

Qi Lei saw that she was still hesitating, "Forget it, I think you should play your music!"

"This group of us, don't all have money-strapped heads, all of our thoughts are in the eyes of money, there must be a more elegant, not so vulgar."

After listening, Wu Ning nodded, "It makes sense! Anyway, we also have a second-hand like Tang Xiaoyi, it's not bad to have you one more."

Everyone joked, Qi Lei laughed and scolded, "Get out of here!"

"Xiao'er don't listen to him, if you really take the acting route, if it becomes popular, then we will save the endorsement fee! It's not about eating dry food, and saving a lot of money!"

When Yang Xiao listened to music and asked her to play the piano and sing, all of her troubles disappeared immediately.

Hehe giggled, "Come on!"

Some are not self-confident: "How can I have that strength? I can neither write songs nor act, but can sing. My voice is not good. How can I compare with other powerful singers?"

As soon as he said this, even Tang Xiaoyi stared at Xiao'er.

Wu Ning, "Girl, do you have any misunderstanding of the word strength?"

Yang Xiao was startled, "What's the matter? I'm not quite good at first, right?"

"What's the matter?"

Wu Ning looked at Qi Lei, then at Xu Xiaoqian, and suddenly the three of them got together and conspired together very tacitly.

Wu Ning: "There shouldn't be anyone stronger than her, right?"

Xu Xiaoqian slapped her mouth, "It's hard to find."

Qi Lei shook his head, "I can't think of how it is not popular."

Yang Xiao was anxious, "What are you talking about there?"

The three raised their heads and looked at Yang Xiao like a fool.

Qi Lei simply broke his fingers and counted to Xiao'er, "Does the strength mentioned by the brother refer to financial resources? Or material resources?"

"Does it mean the quality of songs and songs? Or is it human resources?"

Look down, "Is it because ‘B’...makes you less confident in your image?"

Yang Xiao, "..."

He lowered his head and glanced, that is, there was no outsider, his teeth and claws opened, "I have a c if I put it on a pad!"


how to say?

You have to say that playing the chip now, that Qi Lei really has no strength. Neither Sanshi Company nor Imagine Group has any strength.

However, it is a bit too easy to say that Xiaoer is popular.

First of all, Xiaoer's personal strength goes without saying, she was born for the stage! The slightly hoarse voice is not only not a fault, but rather recognizable.

All of you are proficient in musical instruments, but your creative ability is a bit short.

But, does this count?

It may be a problem for others, but it is obviously not a problem for Qi Lei.

Just say, how many songs do you want? What kind of genre, right?

Oh, yes, there is one more thing to be sure. The buns are a bit smaller, but there is still room for growth!


In other respects, it's a bit too much.

Yes, too much!

Financial resources, this matter is a bit redundant.

In terms of material resources, Sanshi has allies such as Navigator, Blog, Sina, Netease, and Penguin. Qi Lei itself has its own traffic, and almost all of the Internet is her help.

Qi Lei also knows a lot about traditional media.

Moreover, there is no need to know it at all. The fact that the founder of Three Stones enters the entertainment circle alone is enough to make a stir.

Songs and tunes?


Brother Shitou can continue to copy... No, write it!


Do you need to be in the circle or out of the circle? Is it official or business?

Qi Lei's contacts are Xiaoer's contacts.

At this time, Qi Lei said, "If you want to take this path, financial resources, resources, and resources, you don't have to think about these. These years, no one should have better resources than ours."

"It really doesn't work, why don't we have a tailor-made debut plan for you? If it's not popular, you will burn me braised!"

"Really?" Xiaoer was a little uncertain, "You are so busy, don't delay your business."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "What's the delay? Just say whether you want it or not? It happened to be discussing a variety show with Hua Tsai and the others."

Yang Xiao still twitched, "But, I have passed the art exam? I still want to learn something!"

It's too late to go to professional colleges.

"It's too late to say anything."

But Xu Xiaoqian said, "It's not too late! I'll report to the Art Academy of Beiguang! Isn't there a music aesthetic?"

Xiaoer's eyes lit up when she heard it. It was indeed a good choice.

But he said, "No! I still think I can stay away from you when I go to college! How comfortable I am by myself!"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Ling, who was just eating, couldn’t listen anymore.

"Haha.... I feel at ease alone."

"I don't know who's sister, she has to hold her arm even if she thunders..."

Xiao'er blushed immediately and gave Yan Ling a hateful look.

In fact, everyone knows that Xiao'er has a stiff mouth, and no one in the family has to squeeze a bed with Yanling.

One more person?

This girl doesn't have the guts at all!

In fact, Xiaoer still wants to be closer to her friends.

But the situation facing Wu Ning is that she can't follow Wu Ning when she has gone abroad.

She wants to go to Beiguang, not only Qi Lei but also Kou Zhongqi!

But after all, he is a girl, and it's okay to mix with Qi Lei and the three of them. It wouldn't be great if he ran to follow Qi Lei alone.

When she went to Beiguang, she was afraid that Xu Xiaoqian would have other judgments. In fact, Xiaoer was very sensible on this point.

When Qi Lei bought a house last year, Tang Yi and Wu Ning both chose a room, not to mention Xu Xiaoqian, who seemed to be the hostess.

When she asked her to choose, Xiaoer refused, saying she didn't like it. In fact, she likes it very much. The room is not big, but it is very popular.

Not choosing it is a bit to avoid suspicion...

In short, Wu Ning can't follow, Qi Lei can't follow.

Therefore, there are only two choices, one school with Tang Xiaoyi, or with Xu Xiaoqian.

But she dare not say...

At first, I was afraid that everyone would laugh at her for nothing.

Secondly, neither of these two schools are suitable for her...

Xiaoer of Tsinghua University was not sure to pass the entrance examination, and the grades were not enough.

Beilibei is also a school of science and engineering, which is not right. Besides, why did she go to Beijing Institute of Technology?

She has been dragging, and she also has a college entrance examination, in case she can go to Tsinghua University.

Now, Xu Xiaoqian says let her go to Beiguang...

Xiaoer instinctively refused. Everyone has grown up.....

If you should avoid it, you must avoid it.


Yang Xiao really wants to have a school with Qi Lei, and also likes Qi Lei’s little family.....

But she can't!

But how could her little thought escape Xu Xiaoqian's eyes?

The person is not big, but I think a lot.

Da Lai said: "That's it! It depends on how well you take the exam. If you do well in the exam, follow me! If you don't take the exam, let the stone take you to play!"

Seeing that Yang Xiao was still a bit twitchy, Qi Lei sighed leisurely, "Actually..."

Attracting the attention of the big guys, Qi Lei said slyly, "As for the song, I still have a little inventory."


Tang Xiaoyi glared, "Thief Sun! You still have it!?"

Wu Ning rolled his eyes, "What am I talking about? He must still be hiding! You are right?"

"Hey..." Qi Lei pretended to smile stupidly, "I need to keep something under the box, what if I need it?"

"Look... Don't you use it now?"

Looking at Xiao, "How is it? If you nod your head, this will be set. First go to Beiguang, and then I will sell you."

Xiaoer's face is bitter, "But I only thought about singing, never thought about becoming a star?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "It's not too late for you to think about it."

As a result, Xiaoer really thought about it, and said: "How can you be a celebrity?"

Everyone looked at Qi Lei, "You have experience, what do you think?"

Qi Lei thought for a while...

"I don't know why I don't...but..."

"But what?"

Qi Lei, "Maybe we can set up a brokerage company first? Doesn't the fertile water flow into outsiders' fields."

Everyone, "........"

Is it so arrogant?

Xiaoer, "Only.... I'm the only one?"

Qi Lei thought to himself, "Should we stop adding a performing arts company? Don't the fertile water drain outsiders' fields."

Everyone: "......"

Excessive, right?

Qi Lei, "That's right....There must be a program production company!"

Everyone is the same! "Fatty water does not flow to outsiders' fields!"

You are really a thief and don't go empty! The account was calculated on Xiao'er.

But having said that, this is a bit too much, right?

Tang Xiaoyi suddenly came up, "Brother Shishi, do you think I can make my debut?"

"How do you feel that if you put a pig on it, it can turn into braised pork?"

Yang Xiao kicked over! "Go! You are a pig!"

After scolding, I looked forward to it, as if...not bad.


Sometimes this is the case. It seems like a big thing, but it is just a small barbecue between the partners.

I can only say that things in this world are sometimes so twisted.

In fact, Yang Xiaoer only needs to be brave and magnanimous. It's not so tangled anymore.


Xu Xiaoqian asked her to go to Beiguang and rushed to find Qi Lei on her own. They were two completely different concepts.

In short, Yang Xiao's affairs were settled. Before the barbecue was finished, Xiao'er went into the house and called.

Called Dad Yang and told him that your daughter has a good deal!

I go to Beiguang from university, and I will make my debut in the future!

It is not difficult to see how Yang Xiao relies on family, friendship...

In fact, she didn't want her parents to worry about her, so she shared the good news with her parents the first time.

After Yang Chengjun heard the news, he almost didn't cry.

What a special one! You persuade early! Persuade early, isn't it all right?

But when I think about it...

Is my daughter the material after the day? Can this work?

Qi Lei doesn't know if he can do this. He copied the songs first-rate, but he doesn't understand how to make Xiao'er embark on the path of acting.


As he said, what do we want...

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, can’t you just find what you understand?

For example, Hua Tsai, Sister Mei, Zhang Guorong, Wang Piku, and Jay Chou, who is now a big hit, don’t need to be in vain!

However, these are all things to do.

After solving Yang Xiao's twisting, there is another thing waiting for Qi Lei.

Before going to bed, Xu Xiaoqian talked about one thing.

"Will you go to school tomorrow? Many people in our class saw you come back and asked, but didn't go back to see them."

Qi Lei said, "The exam is going to happen soon, what am I going to add to it?"

"Wait for leave before the exam, shall we?"

Xu Xiaoqian thinks it makes sense, but...

Continued: "Xiuxiu and Li Xin are recommended to Zhejiang University."

Qi Lei frowned slightly and thought for a while, "It's good, just leave them alone."

Qi Lei knew that Zhejiang University seemed to merge with ZJ's several colleges and universities in the past few years, and later became a top university.

And Xu Xiaoqian said, "They went because the conditions of the guarantee provided by Zhejiang University were good, and they returned the scholarship...they considered the issue of treating Xiuxiu."

Qi Lei knew what Xu Xiaoqian meant when he heard it, "What? You don't want them to go to Zhejiang University?"

Xu Xiaoqian pouted, "Can we help them? It's not easy for the three of them."

But Qi Lei smiled bitterly: "My Xu is naive..."

"Some people want others to help. Some people treat help as charity."

"The three heads have strong self-esteem. They don't trust anyone except Teacher Jia, and they don't need anyone's help."

"We help, but it makes them feel uncomfortable."

There are some things that you can't solve with a big wave of your hand if you have money.

Maybe people don't need your charity at all.

Looking at Xu Xiaoqian, with ridicule:

"Do you understand? Little Silly Hat."

When Xu Xiaoqian heard this, he gave Qi Lei angrily, "I have been with them longer than you! Don't think that only you understand! I also know that their self-esteem is too strong."


Fierce, "First! Xiuxiu's situation is very bad! One day is not as good as one day, and there is no kidney source, maybe we can't wait too long!"

"Second! Li Xin and Xu Chen were going to take engineering courses to continue studying programming, so they needed to change majors when they entered university, but they could only choose liberal arts when they went to Zhejiang University! No adjustment!"

"Do you understand? Big fool!"

Qi Lei: "....."

I saw Xu Xiaoqian twitching her nose, "Cut! It's as if you are the only one in the world!"

"Don't touch me tonight! I don't want to care about you!"

Qi Lei: "..."

After going to bed, Xu Xiaoqian really shrank in the innermost part of the bed, far away from Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei didn't beg for nothing but posted up, thinking about things alone....Thinking about the three hapless children.

After a while, when Xu Xiaoqian fell asleep... Qi Lei took her over and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Xu Xiaoqian woke up from Qi Lei's arms...

He raised his eyes and smiled, as if she was not the one who was angry last night, jokingly "Who let you touch me!"

Qi Lei, "I took advantage of the vacancy and entered."

Xu Xiaoqian scheming, "Oh! It's hard to guard against."

Qi Lei said, "Bring those three to the Internet cafe at noon."

Xu Xiaoqian was startled, and wrapped Qi Lei's neck in surprise, "I know you won't care about it, hey, hey."

Qi Lei, "Who makes me a big fool?"

Xu Xiaoqian comforted, "Not stupid or stupid...but smart."

Qi Lei, "....."

For a long time suffocated a sentence, "The ladies of this year are not like good people..."

Provoked Xu Xiaoqian's teeth and claws to give Qi Lei a blasting hammer.


In the morning, a group of rice buckets were sent away, Qi Lei also packed up and went out...

To be honest, Qi Lei really likes Shangbei's and calm.

There is the laziness and ease of the northern town.

However, it is destined to not be able to put young dreams here...

Shang Bei's stage is too small to accommodate Qi Lei, or even those students.

This summer, a group of young people are destined to embark on a new journey to a bigger stage.

For example, the friends headed by Xu Xiaoqian gradually found their own way.

For example, after three years of hard work, even Dadongzi broke through the cocoon and became a butterfly.

But for the future of those three little ones, in fact, Qi Lei really didn't want to interfere too much.

Not because they disdain to lend a hand, but their success may not require anyone's help. For them to climb on their own, perhaps more worthy of pride.

And they have a long way... it's wonderful.

Qi Lei didn't want to step in, he had to appear in the clouds like a savior.

But this time is an exception...

Deep down, Qi Lei didn't want Xiuxiu's weak little girl to end up badly.

They have experienced too much suffering, and they should also enjoy a bit of human tenderness.

As for what I said before...

Li Xin is an individual talent, and Xiuxiu and Xu Chen are also talents.....It is worth investing in something.

It's pure nonsense.

But Qi Lei found himself a reason for self-comfort.

With the current scale of Three Stones, the learned genius may be worth the investment. What kind of talent are the three little kids who haven't graduated from high school? Is it worth the investment? Not worth it.

As the old saying goes, “Don’t look at what a person says, but look at what he did.”

Qi Lei did act as a villain at the time, but he still sympathized with them in his bones, otherwise there would be no subsequent series of actions.

Besides, as a company boss, you still have to do what you should do.

No rules no standards.

Went to the Internet cafe on foot and was ready to stay here in the morning.

As soon as I entered the private room, I saw Shalong and Matuo already sitting inside. Qi Lei was kind of weird, "You two won't stay overnight, will you?"

As a result, no one paid any attention to him!

Tuo Ye gave Qi Lei a vicious look! I just packed my things and went downstairs to get online.

The silly dragon also learns something, and doesn't want to sit in a room with Qi Lei. unlucky!

Qi Lei grinned and watched the two go downstairs, "Look, how do you say I am also your class guide!? Do you know how to respect the teacher?"

Silly dragon cursed secretly! "I understand your uncle!"

The most grandson in the world is Qi Lei! none of them...

As for why? It can only be said that it is a sad story.

As for why there are only two of them...

It can only be said that his two lives are good, and he escaped the catastrophe after eating a bad stomach diarrhea the day before yesterday.


Everyone else went into the mountains to experience life...

It is said to be a village in Dashangou at the foot of Changbai Mountain, dozens of kilometers away from the nearest town.

As for the conditions... Then I don’t know.

Because there is no phone and no cell phone signal when I go in.

But the village party secretary who came to pick them up said that their village is fine, and there is a radio too!

Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to them at this time, and went online to do things on his own.

At noon, Xu Xiaoqian and the others really brought the three over.

When Xu Chen and Li Xin entered the private room, they saw Qi Lei coming over immediately, "Class leader! Why didn't you go to school!"

Dong Xiuxiu followed, also shouting timidly, "Head of the team."

Qi Lei smiled indifferently, with a joking expression: "I'm not your leader anymore, don't call it that close..."

"It should be called... the boss."

Three little ones are startled...

But it was cramped, and based on their experience, it was impossible to see whether Qi Lei was true or not.

Just instinctively feel that Qi Lei today is a bit alienated.

Qi Lei didn't talk nonsense, "Call you, three things."

"First, I met a doctor of major internal medicine in Beijing, the kind that is internationally famous."

"Inadvertently chatting about Xiuxiu's disease."

"People have said that for this disease, even if the source of the kidney is not found, it still needs to be systematically treated and treated. Otherwise, even if there is a kidney, you will not be able to change the physical fitness of Xiuxiu."

"Ah!?" Li Xin became anxious, "Then...then he said how to treat it?"

Qi Lei snorted, "How can I have the time to use those messy things?"

The three little ones are dark.... I lower my head and dare not speak anymore.

But it was Qi Lei who changed his mind, "but he seems to have raised a mouth...that he has a treatment plan?"

When Li Xin and Xu Chen heard this, they immediately rekind their hopes, "How to cure?"

Qi Lei was funny, "How can I treat it with money?"

"It's almost one hundred thousand, right?"

Li Xin didn't even think about it, "We spend!"

Xu Chen whispered with a guilty conscience, "We still have two hundred thousand in Sanshi..."

Qi Lei smiled, "You know, this is the upfront cost, not for kidney transplantation. The 200,000 yuan is good for Xiuxiu's kidney transplantation."

Li Xin was still stubborn after hearing this, "Then we will treat it too!"

Xu Chen: "Yes! Then we will treat it too!"

Qi Lei sneered, "Don't think that I don't know what you two are thinking about! When the money is not enough, then let me borrow it? Have you thought about it...what if I don't borrow it!?"



Li Xin and Xu Chen stopped talking...

For a long time, only Li Xin gritted his teeth, "The leader of the team...I..."

"What are you doing?"

Li Xin, "We didn't want to borrow!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Xu Chen was also a little angry: "Head of the team! We have never borrowed money! Nor will you borrow money just because you have money... We can make money ourselves! We can save Xiuxiu!"

Qi Lei, "..." Fuck, two stubborn species! Don't know the skills of climbing along the pole?

Open your mouth now, don't you just lend it to you?

However, this is also expected, if the two stubborn species are willing to borrow money, then there is no need to be so confusing.

He frowned and said, "Then what do you mean? You don't want to borrow money, but you have to heal? How can there be such a good thing?"

Li Xin, "Can Xu Chen and I go to work at Sanshi now?"

Xu Chen, "It's the kind of online work."

Li Xin, "We can do everything!"

Xu Chen simply took a step forward, "The leader! Really! You use us!"

Qi Lei looked at the two of them...

In my mind...

I am a little admired.

Many people, many families, even close relatives of blood, can't be so affectionate in the face of such tormenting diseases, let alone three teenagers without any blood relationship.


I thought so in my heart, but reluctantly agreed.

Throwing a contract over, as if it had been anticipated a long time ago.

"Second thing, signed it..."

"What's this?"

Qi Lei, "Contract, give me a part-time job, can't you sign a contract?"

After that, Qi Lei prepared a set of ruthless words, "This is a contract to sell one's life", "You didn't agree to work for me to repay the debt", and "One sign is ten years".

He wanted to act as if he was taking advantage, and they didn't owe Qi Lei at all.

Just about to start acting, Li Xin pulled over and signed without even thinking about it.



Qi Lei is speechless...

What a special one! This panicked...

Don't you take a look? Don't you ask? What do you sign?

Brother, there is still a line that hasn't been finished!

It's a waste of my expression.

Ok.... Actually it was a waste of expressions.

It is indeed necessary to prepare and adjust before the operation, but the cost is too much for ten hundred thousand.

It's like, after two hundred thousand can't change the kidney, Qi Lei goes to fool them.

That contract seemed to be a deed, but in fact it had no legal effect at all.

He just wanted to help them without hurting their self-esteem.

Tell a lie, that thing is very important to them...


Qi Lei received the signed contract...

Looking at the three of them, "The first thing is to treat the disease, and the second thing is to sign the contract."

"The third thing..."

Li Xin, "You said."

Qi Lei, "Zhejiang University can't do it, I can't go."

Li Xin frowned, "Why not?"

Qi Lei stared fiercely, "I run so far, can I still stare at you every day?"

"Just the capital! I can rest assured under my nose."

"But..." Li Xin wanted to argue that the conditions of Zhejiang University's offer were really the most suitable for them.

However, Qi Lei, "Nothing! The contract is signed, you have to listen to me!"

Looking at Li Xin and Xu Chen, "Aren't you two very capable?"

"What? You can't live without a scholarship?"

Da Lai took a seat and said, "Tsinghua University and Beijing University will choose one, and I will be admitted by myself. Only those who are not confident will be recommended."

When Li Xin heard this, he cursed in his heart, what you are so special about is to send! Why are you embarrassed to say ours?

On the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief. The one in front of him was the boss of the Three Stone Company, not the leader of the fourteenth class.

In the end, Sanxiao had to agree to Qi Lei's unreasonable request.

Before leaving, Qi Lei asked the three of them to leave their ID numbers...

Wait for them to go...

Qi Lei called Wang Zhendong, "I will trouble you two things."

Wang Zhendong is busy thinking about things, checking accounts, assessing the financial situation of Imagining Holdings, rectifying the management, etc., is too busy to deal with.

"What's the matter? You don't necessarily have time."

Qi Lei, "You can find someone to run."

Wang Zhendong, "Then tell me."

Qi Lei, "First, find me a house next to Xiehe, three-bedroom, second-hand housing will do. Mainly, the closer to the hospital, the better."

Wang Zhendong, "This is easy to handle, buy or rent."

Qi Lei, "Buy."

Wang Zhendong, "Talk about the next one."

Qi Lei, "What was the Concord plan you mentioned last time?"

Wang Zhendong thought for a long time, "The one with the kidney transplant?"

Qi Lei, "Hmm!"

Wang Zhendong, "That preoperative plan cost a lot of money, at least double it."

Qi Lei smiled, "Are we the master of the poor?"

When Wang Zhendong heard this, he didn't even think about it, "It's really bad money! I'll give you a vaccination first. The financial situation I imagined is not optimistic, and the problem is very big. What kind of details have to wait for the final audit results."

Qi Lei, "I guessed it."

"Then is this money still spent?"

"Not so bad."


Then Qi Lei reported the names of the three heads and the ID number of UU reading to Wang Zhendong. Used to buy a house and make appointments for treatment.

In this era, you don’t need to transfer the ownership of your own house when you buy and sell a house, just make an entrustment agreement.

For the time being, Qi Lei didn't plan to tell the three little ones.

Finish these. After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei looked at Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao, Wu Ning and Tang Yi beside him.

Spread his hands, "Satisfied this time?"

I saw Xu Xiaoqian's recollection, "It's okay..."

Yang Xiao yelled and teased, "Stones, rocks, benevolence is not in charge of soldiers, and righteousness does not manage money! You are so kind, really not suitable for a company, or... forget it!"

"Sooner or later I have to pay it all."

Tang Xiaoyi grinned and said, "It's okay to do good deeds without leaving a name, and pretend to be the worst."

Wu Ning, "This is cheap!"

Qi Lei stared at his eyes, "Not as cheap as you!"

Damn it! You asked me to be kind, and now I'm raking it down?

Still human?

However, after the frolic, Tang Xiaoyi was very emotional...

Huh! Counting this down, our team has grown a little bit stronger this trip to the capital?

Tang Yi, Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao.

Although Sanbingzi, Chen Peng, Li Mo, and Qian Hongjun who had already decided to go to Beiguang, they were considered members of the team even though they went to the National People's Congress.

Plus Dong Xiuxiu, Li Xin and Xu Chen...

Qi Lei also felt that there were a lot of people for him to count.

Quite lively...

I just don't know which other students in Class 14 will return to Beiguang with him.

In fact, Qi Lei really wanted Er Cheng Zi to go.

Don't look at that guy stumbling, but his brain circuit is also very strange, suitable for doing things in the young eagle squad.


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