Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Last lesson

Latest website: Xiao'er's business is settled, and Qi Lei does what he says.

The next day I called Zhang Guorong, "Find me a reliable agent, a reliable makeup, help, and a team of a brokerage company and an performing arts company?"

Zhang Guorong is so annoying, "What do you do? Huazi and Mei are good at this, what are you doing with me?"

Qi Lei, "I'm afraid you are idle!"

Zhang Guorong: "..."

In the end, there was really no way, "What are you doing? Has the business been in the entertainment industry?"

Qi Lei, "No, just a friend wants to enter the entertainment circle."

Zhang Guorong: "..."

Suddenly the whole person is not good, "Do you rich people play like this? A friend? Just come here? What brokerage company, performing arts company do you want?"

Qi Lei, "It's not bad money!"

Zhang Guorong, "Who? Girlfriend? Such a favor?"

Qi Lei, "Brother! Three Stone shareholders!"

Zhang Guorong: "..."

I want to scold my mother, "Can you give me a way to survive? Don't grab your job if you are so rich!"

Qi Lei screamed, "I'm swearing at this, right? I hope you will enjoy your meal!"

Zhang Guorong, "Ha, ha ha... Reward me first."

The two of them talked about you for a while, mainly because Zhang Guorong had to know what specific requirements Qi Lei had here.

Don't look at what you say about robbing jobs, in fact, you still have to help if you are busy.

Finally, Qi Lei said again, "By the way, after a while, I will start a program production company. There is a program, count you one!"

Zhang Guorong is speechless, there is really no way to take this self-acquaintance guy, "Just forget the show, right? I'm so busy!"

Qi Lei, "No! This must bring you and Sister Mei, it's definitely dead!"

Add another sentence, "You are here because you are busy. Don't know what is good or bad."

Zhang Guorong: "I'll talk at that time, I didn't promise."

Sorry, "The schedule really can't be arranged."

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei felt a little relaxed, thinking about the issue of the show.

Still don't do "Infinite Challenge" or something? I was originally depressed, but the more I played, the more depressed.

You can relax, and let those few take a break from the show.

After thinking about it for a while, I remembered Liao Fanyi and others who had been squatting here for more than a month.

I had time to meet with Teacher Liao.

As soon as we met, we could see how deep Liao Fanyi's resentment really was.

"Busy guy, are you done? Remember that we still have work in school?"

Qi Lei slapped, "With you and a few big bosses, how can I use it?"

Liao Fanyi wanted to kick him, "Bring you back, there is a task, and you can **** someone from me. In the end, you were fine!"

Well, Qi Lei is indeed a bit dereliction of duty on the matter of enrollment.

how to say?

It's not that the students in the second middle school are so delicious, they must be grabbed.

The thing is like this:

First of all, the insight model was done in the second middle school, and this third year of the senior middle school will participate in the whole process.

As I said before, social disciplines mainly focus on experience and understanding.

It’s completely different from what I’ve seen before, and what I’ve seen in a daze, go to university and learn from the beginning, and meet from the beginning.

This is why children with good family conditions, living in a big city, and a certain degree of foundation are prone to scores in sociology, economics, communication, psychology, philosophy, etc., in these disciplines.

In the classroom, they have an understanding in life, and there are actual cases to follow. This is incomparable to ordinary children.

Therefore, the second middle school's quality in this aspect is indeed one section ahead of other freshmen.

Of course, this lead is not to the point of grabbing people.

The main thing is that Comrade Dong Beiguo, the principal of Beiguang University, is a bit selfish this time.

Because of the insight model, the above has begun to pay attention to network communication, news work in the information age, and big data and public opinion research in advance.

This emphasis is mainly reflected in the New Faculty of Beijing and Guangzhou.


After that, there was such a big disturbance and such a big social experiment, and finally all the top domestic scholars were called to Shangbei to observe on the spot.

Secondly, the above has always been foresight and thorough consideration, and the eggs will not be put in the same basket.

Therefore, the construction of disciplines and the popularization of network communication research are not only conducted in Beijing and Guangzhou.

For several other media colleges and universities, even if they have not established a department, the department is still in preparation.

This is a situation in which Beiguang carries the flag and plays the vanguard, and other universities are swarming.

In this way, this group of students in the Second Middle School will be even more popular.

And the most terrible thing is that Dong Beiguo played unreasonably this time.

In addition to the detailed data and experimental files of the insight model, only Beiguang has it, and he does not give it to anyone.

In the words of President Dong Da, we haven't sorted it out yet, let's wait!

You can't blame Mr. Dong for not having a big picture. The competition between universities is much fiercer than ordinary people think.

Dong Beiguo is now determined to send Beiguang into 985 this year, so you all wait!

So here comes the problem. Without the experimental data of the insight model, other universities are like Liao Fanyi, Zhang Luchen, and Pang Qingfang before the insight model.

Even if you have the ability to be a **** in the media field, you still don't understand how the future network communication will be logical and different.

Don't forget, that group of people shattered Qi Lei's shocking Three Views several times when the insight model was in progress.

Even if you know the conclusion, it is impossible to deduce what the process is and why the result appears.

This is like letting people 20 years ago know that Imagination will be scolded to heaven after 20 years. Liu Ji screamed at this national entrepreneur's godfather.

Even if they knew the result, they couldn't imagine it. Why did it happen?

And you don’t even know the basic logic, and Beiguang refuses to give it. How do you develop the subject? How to build a department?

Then there is only one way left, which is to grab someone from the second middle school.

These children have not only eaten and met, they have experienced it personally! It is a treasure to provide details and supporting evidence.

In particular, those that are outstanding in the insight model are even more delicious.

Like Li Mo and Qian Hongjun, if it hadn't been booked by the National People's Congress last year, the relationship between Li Mo and Sun Jiayi would be similar to that of the master and apprentice.

So this year, not only Beiguang has set up Longjiang Province's school test center in Shangbei, but also Zhejiang Chuan, People's Congress News, Sichuan Music, etc., half of the media colleges and universities are here for the test.

Moreover, almost never left after the exam. It is not an exaggeration to say that I was stationed in the school to mobilize before the exam.

Let's put it this way, Chuanyin has extended his clutches to science classes, encouraging students in the science class to take liberal arts, and go to Chuanyin. All kinds of superior treatment, that is desperately going out.

The deputy dean in charge of enrollment even temporarily selected a few handsome men and beauties from the Vocal Academy from Chuanyin.

Other schools have not done so much, but they have not been idle. Every day you can see school flyers at the school gate. There are directional talks with students during class, and parents are also invited to do work.

Qi Lei just guessed that this year's Second High School is different from previous years. Many people in this year's senior high school will have to major in media, but really don't know how lively it is?

Some sighed, "How many people have to report to the media if the trouble goes on like this!"

He just sighed. As a result, Liao Fanyi actually gave him the answer, "783!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Why are there still odds and ends?

Liao Fanyi spread his hands, "It's not surprising, you think so many people and so many schools have been here for so long. How about eating dry food?"


Qi Lei secretly stunned that there were less than 6,000 graduates in this year's senior year, which is more than one-tenth?

Qi Lei, "Then how much did we grab?"

Liao Fanyi, "More than 60! It's quite satisfactory."

More than 60, not too much, not too little. After all, Beiguang is a key university, so the question of the score must be considered.

This means that the second middle school is a key high school, and the students' grades are generally good, otherwise they won't be able to get more than 60.

At this time, Liao Fanyi said, "According to the three-model results, there can be more than 200 scores that are enough for Beiguang in these more than 700 miles."

"There are more than 30 of those who are not divided enough, and they have relatively large potential."

"Together, in other words, the number of students that Beiguang can grab is less than 300."

Qi Lei, "Then how many do you want to take back?"

Liao Fanyi, "President Dong asked all to take home."

When Qi Lei heard it, he was speechless. Can you still hear Dong Peiguo's words?

You are stupid to be the National People's Congress, Zhejiang Zhuan, or Chuanyin!

When Liao Fanyi saw Qi Lei's expression, he thought he was a bit negative, and smiled, "Anyway, President Dong called and asked you to think of a solution."

Qi Lei, "..."

Liao Fanyi, "He said, if you don't do this well, then you have to consider cutting the funding for the Eagle Class."

Qi Lei, "Huh!? Huh!"

Liao Fanyi, "He said, don't push hard at me. After all, it's been a year, and the Young Eagles class doesn't seem to have any results except for the essays."

Qi Lei, "..."

It's really eating people without spitting out bones!

"Okay, OK! Isn't it OK if I want to recruit?"

Liao Fanyi's eyes lit up, "What do you want to do?"

Qi Lei pondered for a while, "Don't worry about it. Isn't it just pulling people? Simple!"

But Liao Fanyi didn't believe it, "Simple? Not easy!"

After Qi Lei left, Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang were still wondering, "You guys, what tricks does he have?"

Pang Qingfang, "Isn't he a bit prestigious in the second middle school? He goes to work, should he be able to bring in a few?"


Although he agreed to Liao Fanyi, Qi Lei did not go to school in the next few days.

Until July 2, the last day of the third year of high school.

As in previous years, the head teachers and class teachers of the various classes in the Second Middle School no longer talk about topics and no longer talk about reviewing by everyone.

Turn on the talk mode, and talk about the examination room discipline and precautions over and over again.

Don’t forget the admission ticket, don’t be nervous...

Everyone who listened was dizzy and dying of annoyance.

But the head teacher has no vision, and he can't wait to print the not-so-complicated instructions in everyone's minds.

Many people are eager for the teacher to finish the lecture sooner and get free sooner.

Unfortunately, I never stopped from morning to night.

Liu Zhuofu is like a repeater, entering and leaving Class 14 over and over, repeating those words over and over, scanning everyone's face over and over again.

"Li Li Li understand, long live!"

Er Chengzi greeted his brothers and sisters, starting the symposium mode.

"Lao Lao Liu is also the first senior year of high school. He has no experience."

He glanced at Lao Liu with disgust, "I'm just a baby!"

Sanbingzi slammed his mouth with great satisfaction, "Big Orange is still very transparent."

"But..." looked at Er Chengzi disgustedly, "Speak less, keep your mouth shut, don't be tired."

Twenty percent speak, abolish the starting currency...

"Do you still think about going to Beiguang? Beiguang wants you?"

When Song Xiaole heard that Sanbingzi spoke, he was not polite, "Don't discriminate against the disabled, we Dachengzi still have the advantages."

Everyone, "What's the advantage?"

Song Xiaole, "Treat all kinds of impatients!"

Annoyed Dong Wei, "You guys in the special class, why are you running into my class?"

"And you!" glared at Song Xiaole, "Great fun, are you embarrassed to speak up? Don't go to the special class, do you know what it feels like to be second to last?"

Well, as I said before, Sanbingzi and Song Xiaole defected to the special class at the beginning of the third year of high school.

The point is that the teachers recruited by Beiguang School are not long-eyed, and they let this telephone pole pass.

What is particularly annoying is that Song Xiaole's grandson can also live.

What a special one! It's unreasonable.

In the past two days, Sanbingzi and Song Xiaole didn't stay with the special class, but ran back to class 14.

Well, don't think that these two are reluctant to give up in class 14. These two grandsons don't have that heavy feelings, they are purely bad.

Do you think, as long as a college entrance examination score in the early 400s, you can enter Beijing and Guangzhou. If Dong Weicheng wants to enter the journalism department of Beijing and Guangzhou, it takes more than five hundred to have hope.

This is definitely the biggest mockery for Dong Weicheng, who has been hovering between the penultimate and the penultimate for many years.

But it happened that 20% of the sons couldn't do anything with these two grandchildren. They were itchy teeth, and hoped that Liu Zhuofu would finish talking soon and go to another place for a while.

You have to gather a group of friends and explode the two grandchildren.

However, Liu Zhuofu said a lot today, not just talking about the precautions of the examination room, but also telling everyone not to be nervous, and don't forget to bring the admission ticket and the like.

There seems to be something to say, but he has been hesitating.

Sometimes, I had already finished talking, and took the lesson plan and the thermos to leave, but hesitated to put it down again.

Talking to the students in the front row for a few words, it seems that they have discovered something that is missing, and then began to exhort the class aloud.

When he finished speaking, the next one thought it was okay, and began to whisper to each other, and the classroom noisy again.

As a result, Lao Liu didn't leave yet, and he paced to the back row, talking to his classmates, and then remembering something.

He shouted again, and quickly returned to the blackboard, wrote down the key points, and tried to print it in everyone's mind.

"After a subject, don't evaluate the score right away, don't care about it, love it, just treat it as if you haven't learned this stuff in the past three years!"

"Even if you can't help but estimate it, it's overestimated!"

"Have you heard it all!? It doesn't matter if you realize that you didn't do well in the exam! It's not bad for you."

"Don't think about it, concentrate on the next subject."


"Also, Erchengzi!"

"Listen to me! You are short in math, but it doesn't matter, you are good at English and Chinese! So, don't think about math, you can get back how much English or Chinese you miss."

"Just remember, even if you get 0 points in mathematics, you can pass the undergraduate course."

"The same goes for other people, don't think about what you can't do, think about what you can do!"

20% of the people mentioned are suspicious of life. Can you get a bachelor's degree with zero points in mathematics?

When you forced me to pass the math, didn’t you say that?

He remembered clearly, Lao Liu stared at him viciously, "Several fail, you just wait to become the only specialist in Class 14! Throw yourself away!"

In fact, mathematics is indeed the biggest shortcoming of Twenty Chengzi. There is no way. Three generations passed down from the ancestors and there is no gene for doing math problems, so they really don’t understand.

And the score of 20% depends entirely on the mathematics, and the performance is good, with a hundred points, no problem with one book. Doesn't play well and can barely make three books?

Of course, in these three-year tests, it is not enough to add one slap to the "high score" of the 20% math test.

As a result, you told me that you can get a bachelor degree with 0 points, so I still learn math?

"Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao Lao, Lao Liu!"

Er Chengzi stared at Liu Zhuofu, "You, you, you, and you fool me!"

Liu Zhuofu glared, "What am I fooling you for? Really!"

Er Chengzi stood up, "No, no, no! Not this time!"

"Go up, go back last time..."

Sanbingzi yanked him, "Sit down, you waste time? Time is money, don't you?"

Throwing aside the angry 20%, "Lao Liu, what he meant was, last time you fooled him when he had to pass math."

When Liu Zhuofu heard this, his eyes rolled, "That time I was fooling you, not this time!"

Twenty percent, "You got it..."

Sanbingzi said for him, "Come on! Flick us like coaxing children!"

I'm about to graduate, and I don't have so much fear of Lao Liu.

The whole class laughed suddenly.

The angry old Liu blushed, little bastard, can't control you anymore?

As a result, just about to fight with them, a familiar voice suddenly came from the door.

"What about it? Old Liu, beat them both!"

Liu Zhuofu and the fourteenth class all looked towards the door, and they saw Qi Lei leaning in front of the door, looking at everyone with a smirk.

Everyone was immediately happy, a little excited, "Leader of the class!"

Liu Zhuofu also smiled and looked at his most proud disciple, "Come on!"

Qi Lei suddenly stood up straight, knocked on the door twice, "Report!"

Liu Zhuofu was startled, and then responded instinctively, "Go in!"

"Hehe." Then he grinned and entered the class savagely, "I haven't passed the exam, come and feel the atmosphere."

The fourteenth class was in a state of excitement, and immediately had the urge to kick him, which was so annoying.

Liu Zhuofu is also dumbfounded, so how can such a big boss not be in good shape yet?

"Say a few words to them!"

Qi Lei, "Okay!"

Standing in front of the podium, he took a deep breath and looked very solemnly, which made everyone serious too.

The team has a mobilization meeting?

As a result, I opened my mouth...

"Two things! First, before I came, I had seen all the other classes, all of them were like eggplants. Our class is much better than them, and it is considered the strongest."

Everyone was startled, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

It is a must! Is the strongest class 14 for nothing?

Only two percent, there is a little futility.

Still wondering, which sentence of Lao Liu is true? Mathematics can really go to undergraduate with zero score?

As a result, Qi Lei said, "The second thing is that Beiguang has one recommended place left!"

Turning his eyes to the second half, "Here is it for you."

Erchengzi: "??!!!"

"True true true true true..."

Qi Lei, "Stop! Really! Brother has something good to miss you?"

"But, let me talk about it. It's not easy to get this place, so don't embarrass me!"

"The college entrance examination also has to be taken, and the scores are similar, otherwise I can't explain it!"

Yang raised a table in Yang's hand, "Take the test first, and then fill it out after the test."

When 20% heard this, it was true, and he screamed and jumped up.

"Team, you are my brother! My brother!"

Suddenly stared at Sanbingzi and Song Xiaole, and pointed at them exaggeratedly, "You two bastards! Pretend! Let me continue pretending!"

Sanbingzi has also seen a ghost, can this kowtow also be taken?

Hold! It's irrational!

As for Qi Lei, "I'm done."

Except for Er Cheng Zi who was still excited, everyone else was taken aback, so simple? Don't you have some chicken blood or something?

Wen Qi Lei said, "Let Old Liu say it!"

Looking at Liu Zhuofu, "Teach us another lesson?"

Before coming in, Qi Lei had actually looked at the door for a while, and he could see that Old Liu was holding back and hadn't said anything.

And Liu Zhuofu looked at Qi Lei in a daze, and suddenly smiled, "I have said everything that should be said, so I won't say it."

After speaking, once again picked up the lesson plan and the cup to leave.

However, Qi Lei squeezed to Liu Lin's position in the front row, sat in a chair with Liu Lin, and waited for Liu Lin to speak upright.

Liu Zhuofu was stunned there, seeing the whole class sitting upright like Qi Lei, even the excited 20% let Sanbingzi slap back with a slap.

I had to put things down slowly, pondered for a long time, suddenly laughed, and returned to the relaxed appearance of the past.

"Then... I'll teach you another lesson!"

Wipe the chaotic blackboard clean, turn around with the chalk, and look at the class.

"This lesson has nothing to do with the college entrance examination, and it has nothing to do with grades, but...very important!"

He laughed at himself, "Actually, I should have taught you this lesson a long time ago, but we are all too busy, the second middle school is too busy."

"Our second high school is not easy. From a small town high school, we rushed to the provincial key."

"A lot has been gained during this period, and a lot has been lost."

"In the past three years, I can only teach you how to study and how to improve your grades."

"However, there is no time for you to compare quality, something unexpected than grades, with children in big cities."

Everyone is listening carefully. This should be the most special lesson in the three years of high school and the most serious lesson I have listened to.

As Lao Liu said, they are the descendants of small towns with little knowledge, some of them are the sons of farmers. A few months later, when they walked into the university and set foot on the same track with the children in the big cities, they were uncertain in their hearts. More or less panicked.

I saw Lao Liu turned around and wrote on the blackboard:


calm down....



Turning around, "The only thing the teacher can tell you is that if you don't know what kindness is, then think about others before making a decision."

"If you don't know what calmness is, then work harder and prepare a few more answers for every difficult problem and every level you encounter."

"If you don't know what self-confidence is, think about your strengths and don't just stare at your weaknesses."

Lao Liu suddenly became very kind and gentle. He has never been kind in three years.

"In the future, you will encounter many, many difficulties, many, many setbacks, if..."

"If you don't know how to face setbacks, use calmness and confidence to overcome it!"

"If you can't beat it, then keep the bottom line of kindness."

"Of course, if..."

"If you can't be calm and lose your confidence because of reality, then learn to be strong!"

"Life will definitely give you a head-on, and only strong people can have the last laugh!"


"If we are born cowardly, we are powerless and strong."


"If we were tortured by the cruelty of reality and lowered our heads, we wouldn't even be able to hold on to kindness."

"Then, the teacher asks everyone, no matter where you are, no matter where you are, don't touch the law! That will completely ruin your lives and make the teacher feel bad."


"When kindness is not there, you can't calm down, your self-confidence is flattened, and you start to become cowardly, you must also love your motherland, never betray her, don't despise her."

"Even if you are unable to love, then do your job well, which is the greatest support for her."


Old Liu suddenly laughed proudly, "However, I believe that my students are kind, calm, confident and strong."

"This is the quality!"

"It's not that you can play the violin, or you can use English fluently, and it's not that you have seen many big scenes."

"Live kindly, face the world calmly, maintain the ability to think independently and confidently, and face every difficulty firmly."


Old Liu was a little excited, "Let's take a look at the beauty of this world and enjoy the sweetness of life."

"It's an honor to be your teacher, to witness your growth, and look forward to..."

"The young man rides the wind, every tomorrow he will travel thousands of miles away."


"get out of class end!"

Having said this, Old Liu solemnly stood still and bowed to the class.

And the fourteenth class people looked at Old Liu in amazement, to be honest, in the past three years, this guy has either been a vernacular or an explosive, never sensational, and has never been straightforward.

No one knows...


Is the literary talent so good? How many times have you typed belly drafts?

As for Qi Lei...

"stand up!"

With a sound, all the fourteenth class stood up and bowed in return.

"goodbye teacher!"

When everyone raised their heads, the three-foot podium was already empty, and Lao Liu was not seen as a stalwart figure.

Many girls are a little bit stunned, and some regret it, "It's no wonder that Luo Meili will fall in love with him, but Lao Liu is actually quite handsome!"

"Oh! It's over..."

High school life came to a sudden end in the aftertaste of whether it was bitter or sweet.

There is no more Lao Liu, and no more class fourteen.

Suddenly many people feel a little sad, even though it is not the time to feel sad.

As a result, a head came in at the door suddenly, "Don't go! Teacher Wang and Teacher Luo still have something to ask, so I just sit there!"

After speaking, the eyeballs stood up, "Who was talking about it just now?"

"Zhao Xuetong, Du Chaoshuang, don't think I can't control you anymore, do you want me to leave you two ugly sentences in the file!?"

"be honest!"

After speaking, his head shrank, and he saw Old Liu with his hands behind his back, and went downstairs graciously.

There was silence in the fourteenth class, and another good word made by the class leader came to mind:

"Extremely handsome but a master of three seconds!"


The boys and girls, including Qi Lei, are all uncut jade.

At the most important stage of life, encountering a teacher who is dedicated to crafting may be the greatest luck in this life for ordinary children in ordinary families.

Not only is knowledge learned, but more important is the truth in life.

This group of **** in Class 14 are undoubtedly lucky. Liu Zhuofu, as well as the other teachers in Class 14, had an impact on them almost throughout their lives.

Afterwards, Qi Lei was very strange, "Old Liu, have you stayed up all night for a few hours? The whole speech?"

Liu Zhuofu smiled proudly, "Play it on the spot, so be it!"

Glancing at Qi Lei, "Don't forget who taught your writing."

Qi Lei, "..."

And Lao Liu was also strange, "I took the college entrance examination just looking at it. Where did you get the number of recommended places?"

Qi Lei, "Hi! Just tease him."

Old Liu's eyes didn't come out, "Is this something to be amusing?"

Qi Lei, "Hey, if you can't let go of the burden, do you think he is still nervous?"

Replying to Old Liu, "I learned this from you too!"

It’s true that even a 20% child with a score of 0 in the mathematics test can get into an undergraduate course?

how to say?

In mathematics for the college entrance examination, some people have done statistics in later generations, and 30% of the sub-questions can be answered with hands.

50% of the basic questions, you have hands and are not stupid. If you really learn it, there will be no problem.

The remaining 20% ​​are the high-level questions that test mathematics ability.

In other words, under normal circumstances, most people can get 120 points for 150 points in mathematics.

But the actual situation is that many people, especially poor students, do not reach this score.

One is sloppy; the other is psychological factors.

Twenty percent belong to the latter. He has developed inertia. He usually doesn't write less questions and listens to lessons, and there are no problems when doing questions. Wang Guochen can ask anything and everything, but he will pass as soon as he takes the exam.

So, let him lay down his burden.

I'm all right now, I have been recommended, so what are you afraid of? Just pack lightly.

In this regard, Lao Liu was also speechless, this is really not what he taught.

Qi Lei's appearance was a bit reckless, "If you fail the exam, how would you end up?"

"Dong Weicheng doesn't think this is helping him, but playing with him!"

Qi Lei doesn't matter, "As long as it's for his own benefit, I will do it first."

"Furthermore..." Qi Lei said with a smile, "I know Erchengzi this guy, he won't."

Liu Zhuo didn't believe it rich, and was even more curious.

"Really not?"

Separating from Lao Liu, Qi Lei blocked Liao Fanyi again, "Don't you say you want to find a way?"

Qi Lei, "What's the hurry? Let's talk about it after the exam!"


The college entrance examination...coming as scheduled.

All members of Class 14 perform normally, except for 20%.

This guy... played a long time.

As Qi Lei said, it is good for Er Chengzi to take off the burden and pack lightly.

In other subjects, he is quite satisfactory, and his exams are just like what he usually does.

In fact, the key high school key classes like Class Fourteen, which are all screaming and screaming until they vomit, are screaming, and not too stupid. It is difficult to play instability.

It's really too much to do the questions.

Erchengzi’s mathematics is an exception...

But this time is different. Long live he passed the math test with 121 points, with a total score of 573.

On the day that Dong Weicheng's father checked the score, he tossed and counted dozens of times. It was indeed 573, and the candidate who was indeed found was Dong Weicheng.

Sitting there all morning without moving.

Dong Ma was crying besides crying.

Both of them were laid-off workers. They used part-time jobs to provide 20% of them to high school, and finally passed the exam.

Twenty percent cried too.

Weeping with Dong Ma, not because of good exams, anyway.

He is crying for his hard work in the past three years.

The elementary school plus junior high school totaled nine years, and 20% of them didn't pay attention to it for nine years.

As a result, all three years of high school have returned.

Dad Dong came back to his senses first, rummaged through the boxes and started looking for things, packed a big bag of dried mushrooms from relatives in the countryside, and went out silently.

Arrived in an alley not far from No. 2 Middle School, hung on the door of a house, knocked on the door, turned around and left.

When Luo Meili and Lao Liu came out to open the door, they were gone.

The two looked at the big bag of mushrooms, only a wry smile was left.

Old Liu smiled bitterly. There were walnuts, mushrooms, rice, millet, sticky rice, and a pork knuckle in the room.

They were all sent by their parents, some were stuffed in, and some couldn't see people at all.

The simplicity of the parents can be seen everywhere, as well as the highest praise for being a teacher.

On the day of homecoming, Lao Liu stared at Class 14 and said, "Who gave it? Go to my house and take it back! Feed the pigs!"

Hahaha, the fourteenth class laughed loudly.

Suddenly found that the closer you are to the college entrance examination, the more lovely Lao Liu will be. Now that the exam is over, everyone loves it.

However, Old Liu didn't think so.

Staring at Dong Chengzi, "Are you still smiling? You can still laugh!? You don't really think that you are a escort, do you?"

Dong Weicheng was taken aback, "Banban, the head of the team didn't say..."

Old Liu glanced at Qi Lei without a trace, he hadn't forgotten his curiosity that day.

Qi Lei also looked back at Dong Weicheng.

He only heard that Old Liu enlightened Dong Wei, "Stupid boy, your supervisor is blindfolded to make you relieve the burden! It's all in July, where's the recommendation?"

As soon as this remark came out, the class rolled their eyes and knew that something was wrong!

Twenty percent was also dumbfounded for a long time, don't you recommend it?

"Hey! Ban Ban Ban, your grandson... son!"

But after another thought, if you don't guarantee it, you won't guarantee it! Brother's score is high, 30 points higher than the admission line of Beiguang in previous years!

Da Lai said, "It's okay! If you don't guarantee it, you can't guarantee it, let's, let's...take the test by ourselves."

When Liu Zhuofu heard it, your heart was quite big, so you didn't care about such a big thing?

Suddenly there was a sentence, "Then I want to tell you, Beijing Guangxi admission line 590 this year, can you still laugh?"

With a hum, 20% of the heads exploded.

590? Can't it?

The whole class is also stunned.

Everyone knows that Erchengzi wants to go to Beiguang, with Sanbingzi and Qi Lei.


Everyone looked at Erchengzi, and Sanbingzi didn't play around, but grabbed his shoulder to comfort him.

Liu Zhuofu said heartily, this time you still don’t care, don’t you?

As a result, Er Cheng Zi, who had come back to his soul, suddenly squeezed a bitter smile at Qi Lei, "Ban Ban, Ban boss... it's over!"

"This, this, this didn't make any difference."

"Lala, diarrhea..."

Qi Lei looked at his face that wanted to cry and laughed, "Don't blame me for lying to you?"

Twenty percent, "Why do you blame it? Me, I am diarrhea by myself."

Qi Lei stepped forward and hugged him, "It's great! It's really exciting to hit you. Brother will cover you from now on!"

Twenty percent was happy when he heard it, "It's enough to have you."

Qi Lei, "Lao Liu lied to you, Beiguang has a peak of 560 this year."

Twenty percent, "Huh? Enough?"

Qi Lei frowned, "How do you feel that your reaction is not too intense?"

Erchengzi flatly said, "I, I thought, I hugged my thighs!"

He grinned, "I actually wanted to beat you up. It's hard to lie to me!"

"But I just thought about it, forget it, are you rich? It's not bad to hug your thighs, it's better than going to university!"

Qi Lei's face turned black: "..."

"Don't tell the calculator next time, it's easy to get beaten!"

Twenty percent, "Hao Le!"

As a result, Sanbingzi's mouth was cheap, and the mystery was revealed.

Why is the second generation reacting so fast?

Why is he so slippery?


"Just now I met with Teacher Liao at the gate of the school. Everyone said that 20% of the points must be enough for him to report to Beiguang."

"Also, there is no such thing as a guarantee!"

This time Qi Lei and Lao Liu both had their faces black. Together, he was scheming!

Next, the fourteenth class took a graduation photo.

Qi Lei was sitting in the middle of the class next to Liu Zhuofu.

Then, everyone went back to the classroom, singing songs over and over again, talking over and over again how crazy the summer vacation was, saying goodbye to teachers and classmates over and over again!

Take photos with [The Strongest Class 14] at the door over and over again.

Then, it was agreed over and over again that after ten years, no matter where they are, everyone will go back to the second middle school and the fourteenth class.

Qi Lei was lying on the windowsill of Class 14. Look at every detail of the campus.

He saw Wang Dong holding the memorial book, looking for the old crane to sign, and vowed to say, "See you in four years!"

He saw Chen Peng waving at him downstairs, yelling, "Is Beiguang okay? No, I won't report."

"Hey! You cover my brother."

He saw Zhou Lei walking by holding the memorial book, looked up at Qi Lei against the sunlight, and then walked by like a stranger.

Seeing Li Lin poking her head out from downstairs, "Brother Shitou, I have reported to Beiguang!"

Qi Lei is so strange, why is he so close?

She also glanced at Xu Xiaoqian with a guilty conscience.

He saw Tang Xiaoyi's rampage, Wu Xiaojian and Cheng Lele arm in arm.

I saw the noon sun passing through the old willow trees by the corridor, spreading a mottled place, and then ups and downs between the laughter and the silhouettes of young men and women.

Seeing that the road outside the school gate extends far away, like their future, ready to go.

Seeing Liao Fanyi winking at him, I mean, what's your way? If you don't try it again, the day lily will be cold!

So Qi Lei turned around and said to Sanbingzi and Erchengzi, "Go to each class and talk to the students majoring in media."

The two asked, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Lei, "Just say, Three Stone Company provides student funds for candidates from Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou."

"For those who enter Beiguang, the four-year tuition will be paid out of three stones, and three thousand food will be subsidized a year."

"Excellent grades and scholarships."

"Postgraduate entrance examination and postgraduate study, award 10,000!"

"Achieve a major achievement in the industry, award one hundred thousand!"

Erchengzi, Sanbingzi: "..."

Fourteenth class: "..."

All stupid.

Grandma's! Inhumanity...

"Then what..." Li Mo and Qian Hongjun, who have already been sent to the National People's Congress, said, "Is it time for us to go to Beiguang now?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "It's too late! Professor Sun and I have a good relationship, and I don't want him to see me use the knife."

Of course, Liao Fanyi downstairs didn't know Qi Lei's method was so simple and rude. He only knew that from the next day, the candidates started looking for him.

Reporting to Beiguang, from over 60 at the beginning, suddenly jumped to over one hundred and sixty.

Only later did I know that Qi Lei had activated his superpowers.

Other schools stopped doing it, right? Don't do that! ?

However, there is no other way.

Who makes his school not have such a local tyrant?



Explain two things!

First, the body is really bad, I feel very bad, and I don't want to delay the change, it's not Calvin or something.

Lao Cang now doesn't even have the courage to go to the hospital for an examination, and is really afraid of finding out the problem.

I'll talk about it when I finish writing this book... Try not to affect the update.

Secondly, the recent paragraph is a great foreshadowing, and it is also an explanation of the first half. UU reading www.

Class 14 is good, there are so many characters written in the previous period, some of them will gradually fade away, and some will gradually begin to emerge.

So don't worry.

I saw some people in the book review say, why don’t you tell me about the three dads? There are few Viagra coming out. Cao Xiaoxi, Yu Yangyang, Guan Xiaobei didn't write any more, and Lao Geng didn't come out anymore.

It's not that they won't come out, but that it's not time for them to come out.

As I said, we are only halfway through, and the second half of the story is still long.

Take it easy!

In fact, for a while before, the old man was a little anxious about writing, and he was not happy.

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