Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 62: Forget the young eagle class in the mountains

Latest URL: Under the sunset.

On the podium in the playground of No. 2 Middle School.

The construction of the new playground is a bit noisy, and I can no longer see the soil playground in my memory.

However, there were still a row of people sitting on the edge of the rostrum.

Qi Lei was next to Xu Xiaoqian, and Wu Ning was next to Cheng Lele.

Qian Hongjun took Li Mo's ice cream bag, but teased, "Qian Momo, why is your face so big? I'm not your follower."

Tang Xiaoyi simply lay on the podium with his back facing the sky, looking at the clouds in the sky with his arms pillowed, humming an indistinguishable song in his mouth.

Over there, Lu Xiaoshuai, Jiang Haiyang, Sanbingzi and Erchengzi, as well as Wang Xueliang from Class 16 and Guo Zhiyong from Class 17 were discussing the matter of reporting to the school.

It's a pity that Er Cheng Zi is just a decoration, and he can't put his mouth in anyway, because he thinks his words are boring.

The afterglow of the evening printed the silhouettes of the people on the rostrum, as if time had frozen.

Lu Xiaoshuai finally decided to go to business management, but Jiang Haiyang, who was a big five and three rough, finally decided to become a teacher.

Moreover, it must be a Chinese teacher.

Sanbingzi seriously suspected that he was fooled by Old Liu.

"Three years of handsome, one second, what are you doing after him?"

It's a pity that Jiang Haiyang didn't admit it to life or death.

Lu Xiaoshuai also didn't quite understand, "You don't really want to follow in the footsteps of the little Liu, do you? Don't look at the old Liu earning a lot, but it is the second middle school. If you change places, you will be exhausted and you will not be able to make money."

As a result, Jiang Haiyang held back for a long time, and smiled ghostly, "I can soak a female teacher."

"Oh!" Everyone is overwhelmed, grandson, you are not normal!

After the trouble, Lu Xiaoshuai yelled at Qi Lei who was far away, "President Xiao Qi, when I graduate, I will **** with you!"

Qi Lei, "Okay, no salary!"

Lu Xiaoshuai rejoiced, with a youthful spirit, "If you don't have it, you won't have it, are our buddies short of money?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and Sanbingzi said formally, "Poor!"

Everyone smiled knowingly, and Li Mo nodded, "It's really bad, it's too short of money."

There was silence again, and then Jiang Haiyang jumped out, "If you have no money, you can have a female teacher."

"Go to hell!"

Everyone only feels toothache, this grandson is indeed not normal.

Lu Xiaoshuai disgusted Jiang Haiyang with a pestle, "You can stay away from me!"

At this time, Qi Lei's phone rang, and it was Wang Zhendong's call.

Imagine Holdings has basically completed the takeover, and the financial status of the company is about the same. Ask Qi Lei when he will go back and discuss it together.

Regarding this, Qi Lei squinted at the sunset, "Don't ask me about this, right? Isn't it a good idea? I don't interfere with business issues, you decide yourself."

Wang Zhendong on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile and talked psychologically. At first, he thought Qi Lei was just talking about how many bosses were really so relieved that they would leave everything to others?

No matter how generous the boss is, at least his financial situation and business direction must be mastered, right?

What he didn't expect was that this one really didn't care! Not even a financial officer was sent over.

He wasn't even serious enough to want to shine, and threw it all to him.

"What's the matter then? I'm in charge?"

Here Qi Lei took a deep breath, "Pharaoh!"

"Say, listen!"

As a result, Qi Lei suddenly stared, "Why can't you just take the money and not work? You still want to find me for this mess? I want to recruit!"

Wang Zhendong was completely stunned, fuck! Is it my fault?

"then you……"

Qi Lei, "Has Nan Lao made any progress?"

Wang Zhendong, "No! Which is so fast?"

Qi Lei, "Then, don't call me until Lao Nan is over there!"

Dududu...Pharaoh was dumbfounded.

No call, can you give me the Shenzhou order first? Waiting for the rice to be cooked! Do you have to take care of this?

However, Qi Lei does not intend to take care of this matter.

Shenzhou is under the name of Sanshi Company, and Imagination is actually controlled by Kistler Technology. For orders from Shenzhou, go to Qi Guodong and Old Man Geng? Can you tell me?

I put the phone back into his pocket impatiently, Qi Lei leaned back, his arm supporting his upper body, enjoying the sunset's warmth.

But I didn't realize that everyone was actually looking at him.

Sanbingzi simply rubbed over, "Head of the team, what does it feel like to be a big boss?"

Qi Lei didn't lift his eyelids, "Tired!"

Li Mo is relatively precocious and thinks about more things. "No matter how tired you are, you have to ask about it? Are you really so relieved and don't care at all?"

From the phone, Li Mo could hear that Qi Lei really couldn't ask at all over there.

Qi Lei tilted his head and glanced at Li Mo'er, "Not at ease, in fact, I am not at ease at all!"

"The most reassuring thing in the world is to do everything by yourself, because people always think that they must be better than others."

"But is that possible?"

Smashed his mouth, "I have too many things, and I want to do too many things. If I have to deal with anything, not only can I not do it well, I don't think I will live long."

"So, sometimes you have to learn to choose."

"Instead of getting involved in everything, it's better to let go and give others a chance."

He smiled, "It's just like imagining, Lao Wang is a great man, let him perform management and management! I only need to coordinate with Lao Nan's research and development."

Looking at everyone carefully, "This is the art of management. Everything is not the pursuit of the best, but the best."

Everyone frowned and thought, "Is there a difference?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! A big difference."

Sanbingzi, "What's the difference? Class leader, what are you talking about?"

Qi Lei pondered, "Let's put it this way, it's like you are in high school."

"If you spend all your time learning English, you can get a perfect score in English. But, can you do this?"

Everyone didn't even think about it, "Of course not, what about other subjects?"

Qi Lei, "That's right! This is the truth. The time and experience are evenly distributed. Maybe English can't get full marks, but all subjects can get 90 points."

Everyone will understand immediately.

Wang Xueliang noticed another detail, "Shishi, you said that Lao Nan has to ask questions, what is going on?"

Even though everyone and Qi Lei are familiar with each other, they are still full of curiosity about starting a company and the identity of Mr. Qi.

Qi Lei said, "Lao Nan can't just ask."

This time Xu Xiaoqian is also all right, "Why? Uncle Nan, then you can't help you even more?"

Qi Lei can still talk about the company's management experience, but what does he know about technical issues?

More importantly, as far as Xu Xiaoqian knows, Nan Guanghong is not organizing a specific technical node in public relations. It is setting the direction.

Qi Lei, "This is the direction that is the most important. I have to worry about it!"

As soon as Sanbingzi heard it, he was excited again, "Tell me! Tell me! Isn't it the computer thing you and Liu Jixiang discussed on TV?"

After thinking about it, is it domestically produced?

Er Chengzi finally found the opportunity to interrupt, "Just do it, just do it!? Also, do you have to plan?"

Say Lei Qi is happy.

Just cross your legs and talk to them about making domestic chips.

Ask a rhetorical question, "Do you think, what does a chip do?"

Sanbingzi, "Isn't it the cpu in the computer? I've seen it."

Qi Lei, "Then do you think it is difficult to build airplanes or cpu?"

Sanbingzi, "Airplane, right?"

Li Mo said, "I have read books, these two are in different fields, and both are very difficult!"

Qi Lei, "If you talk about manufacturing alone, it's pretty much the same, and airplanes may be a bit more difficult."

"However, if the chip is to be made domestically, it will be more difficult than an airplane!"

Qi Lei, "Let's put it this way!"

"If the chip wants to realize completely independent research and development and production, it is equivalent to from the material of the aircraft, to the design of the aircraft, to the production, and then to the assembly."

"And that's not enough. One billion people in China have to learn how to fly airplanes before they can be considered 100% domestically produced."

Everyone, "..."

Is this an exaggeration?

However, Qi Lei is really not exaggerating at all.

Many people, including later generations, believe that we have solved the lithography machine and made a few nanometer-level chips, even if it is made in China.

Actually, it's far away!

Take chip manufacturing for later generations!

The first is the material.

Mainly high-purity single crystal silicon, that is, silicon circle.

There are also photoresist, high-purity gas materials, ABF insulating film and so on.

The second is tools.

The photolithography machine, etching machine, silicon wafer processing, photoresist, gas material, insulating film production, etc., which are well-known in later generations.

The third is the manufacturing process.

Why is TSMC Niucha? Because there are some types of high-end chips in later generations, except for them, even if others have orders and tools, they can't process them.

The fourth is design.

That is what HW HiSilicon is doing, which is related to the performance of the chip.

Then, I thought it would be done by completing these four steps?

no! Even if all of the above are made domestically, it can still catch your neck.

Because there is also a fifth ring, which is also an important ring, called the underlying architecture.

The so-called architecture means that the chip can be whatever you want to design.

In layman's terms, the chip is only made of hardware. If it is to be usable, software must be written on the chip, that is, programming.

When programming, if it is too time consuming to write the program from scratch every time, the time cost is very large.

Therefore, when the chip is manufactured, the program module, that is, the instruction set, needs to be set in the chip in advance.

In the later software development, you only need to use these instruction sets.

This is like, if I want to write, I can't start with paper making, just write on paper made by others.

So the problem is that the instruction set is not papermaking after all, it is much more complicated than that.

Moreover, different instruction sets have different logic.

For programmers, it is impossible for everyone to learn the set of instructions. Everyone will choose a common, simple, and habitual set of instructions to use. In the end, it will inevitably form a monopoly empire.

In the future generations, in terms of architecture, two veteran powerhouses, Intel's x86, and ARM's arm architecture.

A rising star-RISCV.

Except for RISCV, it is possible for us to follow up on corners. For the other two, it is impossible to overtake.

Let alone future generations, it is impossible now.

Because, in addition to one, two, three, four, five, there are six.

That is, ecology!

This is the same as the system, and it is more difficult to cross than the system.

In the world, whether it is from China or foreign countries, all professionals who specialize in learning are x86 and ARM.

You can make a low-level architecture yourself, but no, people, know, use! Must learn from the beginning.

How difficult is it to let all programmers in the world learn it again?

And they can talk about ecology and talk about ordinary people using your things when they learn.

This is what Qi Lei said, not only to build airplanes, but also to let one billion people in China learn to fly airplanes.

Then, do you think this is over?

no! It is not enough to learn how to fly a plane. All places in China have to be filled with airfields.

Otherwise, it's useless if you can open it. Living in a ravine, the plane can only be parked at Harbin Taiping Airport, and the rest of the road has to sit in a bullock cart for two days.

In fact, this problem is exactly what Pangu and Hongmeng of later generations encountered.

That is, I did everything and the initial ecology was established. However, the technologies, applications, software, compatibility, etc. within the ecosystem are all fragmented.

How to integrate these fragments into a whole is another bottleneck.

For example, the problem with Pangu 2.0 now is not to transplant office software, entertainment software, and application plug-ins into the system.

If the number of users is enough, the software will take the initiative to settle in, which is to establish a healthy ecology.

However, making these software non-conflict, or even compatible, has become a problem in the next stage.

Just like the user experience program of Pangu 2.0, Microsoft's windows wants to imitate, he only needs to talk to the player company and the compression software company about authorization.

As long as they nod their heads, he can use them without considering compatibility issues. This is the result of years of running in with each other.

In the work copy, you can realize functions such as search, playback, drawing, etc., without having to exit the work and restart other applications.

Open the webpage, you can realize the use of all non-IE functions, which are connected in series.

But Pangu couldn't work. Pangu couldn't glue these pieces together yet.

However, this is only the system, the system is a little bit fragmented, at most it is a little troublesome to operate, and the user experience is a little bit worse.

However, there are other areas to make up for, the excellent experience of the blog network allows users to endure other aspects of certainty.

However, the chip to endure it?

If it's not compatible, it won't work. At the very least, the performance will be a lot worse than others, and it will affect the overall use of the computer.

Therefore, the ecology of this architecture is the most difficult to break.

In later generations, HW spent fifteen years building its own system and designing its own chips. It was almost impossible to get involved in chip manufacturing.

But even so, you can only build blocks on the basis of the ARM architecture.

In short, one, two, three, four, five, six, we are almost blank in every ring, all "0".

If you don’t want to get stuck, you have to do every ring.

So the question is, where to start? Which step can be used as a breakthrough? Fire a shot?

Is it the material or the manufacturing tool? Is it design or architecture? Is it the manufacturing process or ecological cultivation?

Moreover, this is 2001, not a future generation of united efforts.

In this era, people like Liu Jixiang grabbed a lot of people, and many people at the grass-roots level felt that they could be philosophical, and there was no need to make them themselves.

This is social resistance and lack of ideological support.

Moreover, the foundation twenty years ago is incomparable with that twenty years later.

Let's put it this way, in fact, the world's cutting-edge technology, in the final analysis, is playing with materials.

In fact, there are only dozens of cutting-edge materials that affect the progress of human science and technology.

Among these dozens of cutting-edge materials, China in 2001 could independently produce single digits.

That is to say, only a few of dozens of them can be made domestically.

Among these types, those that can reach the international leading level have to be cut in half.

One, two, three, four, five, six, any place, any material, and any equipment can make you die.

Even if you do all of these yourself, the materials and tools used to make these materials and tools can still kill you.

It's that hard!

Based on the situation of this era, Qi Lei briefly said in a language that a few teenagers can understand, why he imagined that he had to intervene in Nan Lao's technology regardless of his business.

To be honest, in addition to the insight experiment, they listened to some fresh knowledge other than the number of words. This is the first time this group of teenagers heard this professional topic. It was a magical feeling.

In addition, Qi Lei's language ability is still online, and even Sanbingzi has felt the difficulty, and it is urgent.

"Head of the class, it's too difficult! Why don't you forget it?"

Qi Lei said, "There is always someone to start, so why can't it be me?"

Everyone: "..."

Lu Xiaoshuai, "How much does it cost?"

Li Mo teased, "It's not a question of money!"

Staring at Qi Lei, "You really want to do it?"

Qi Lei, "Hmm."

Li Mo, "Then why tell us this? What a shame!"

Qi Lei, "Because... the sun has set, high school is over, and it's time to think about the future."

He added, "I didn't expect you to grow up overnight, you would be crazy after four years of college."

"At least at this intersection, you can spare a little time to think about the future and at least be prepared."

Look at Lu Xiaoshuai, Sanbingzi, Erchengzi., "You want to mess with me?"

The three nodded blankly, "Yes! Hold your thigh!"

Qi Lei, "Then you think about it, the road under my thigh may not be easy to walk, follow me, it may be scarred."

three people:"……"

That night, these three thoughts for a long time, almost staying up all night.

The next day, I almost learned everything.

In Dong Weicheng’s words, “No, no, no, you can’t let the team leader be alone, stinky?”

"Let's get together!"

In the same morning, Wang Xueliang said to his dad during breakfast, "Dad, I want to learn computer."

Father Wang frowned, "What? Isn't it an astronomer?"

Wang Xueliang smiled, "It's wrong, I've grown up!"

And Guo Zhiyong, also this morning, changed his volunteer to BIT applied chemistry.

After making up his mind, Guo Zhiyong called Qi Lei, "Stone, count me!"

You are the one who got Qi Lei inexplicably, why are you the only one?

He didn't know that yesterday he just relieved himself of pressure, and by the way, he made Guo Zhiyong and Wang Xueliang's wishes changed.

In fact, Lao Nan couldn't be anxious, and he had to discuss, discuss, and then make preliminary demonstrations, and so on. It didn't take three to five months or one and a half years to produce results.

Therefore, Qi Lei himself held the attitude of throwing it away, and was thinking about other things at this time.

In the morning, Hua Tsai called Qi Lei, Xingshi asked the crime.

Before, Qi Lei asked Zhang Guorong to help recommend better brokers and production talents. By the way, he also said that he will do a program later.

As a result, this big mouth said to Hua Tsai, "Not enough friends, why don't you find me?"

Qi Lei said in his heart, I'm looking for someone else for another reason. What are you messing up with?

However, strong men are not afraid of too much, and it is okay for Huazi to help find some people.

In fact, the decline of Hong Kong movies began to appear in 2001.

As a result of the change in the policy of the Baodao film market, Hollywood has given the green light all the way, and the market share has been gradually eroded. As a result, the Hong Kong entertainment industry, which depends on the Baodao market for its lifeline, will inevitably go to ruin.

During this period, a considerable number of artists and practitioners have seen the bleak prospects for the future, and gradually migrated to the mainland, where they can really find a lot of talents.

As for what Hua Tsai asked about what program, Qi Lei told the truth, "I haven't thought about it yet."

I really didn't think about it.

In fact, later generations, Qi Lei didn't watch many variety shows. When he was young, he watched Korean variety shows.

Later, when I was busy with work, I didn't have time to pay attention to it. What can be remembered is a singer, a good voice, a runner, a challenge, a yearning life, etc.

And I didn't see much, just a few issues, and the others didn't have much impression.

However, fortunately, Qi Lei can be regarded as half of the relevant practitioners. Although he has not seen much, just a few issues, but the angle of observation of the problem is different, and he can catch a little bit of the essence.

Singers and good voices seem to be music programs, but in fact, the logic is completely different.

The singer is playing fanfare, feelings, and contradictions.

Relying on positioning and aesthetics to drive ratings, and stimulating audiences’ emotions to create topics.

Therefore, you will definitely see that the crying at the scene is too fake, the one who deserves to be the first but not the first, is right to be aggrieved, and what people want is this effect.

Moreover, the audience will not give up watching because of these effects.

The good voice is completely another routine, commonly known as Shuang Wen'er.

The grassroots singer became famous at once, and his appearance is not open and his voice is kneeling, which is cool enough in itself! Enough noob!

So here, everyone tells stories, and Wangpiku asks what your dream is.

This is all set up by Liren!

Mr. Na must be very exaggerated, very quack-like voice. Because there can be no conflicts between the players, only those four who revolve around can create conflicts.

And this kind of conflict cannot be a relationship conflict, it can only be a personal and emotional conflict.

The audience may not think of it, but they must feel it.

Therefore, the best-looking voices are the seasons that have been scolded the most. The old master asked about his dreams when he saw people, the old fangs and claws, to cooperate with the peaceful old Liu and the atmospheric Yu Chengqing.

When these people don't do it, it won't look good.

Then, there is a running man and a challenge.

These two belong to the same type, relying on the establishment of characters, the script, and the cute contrast of the stars to increase the ratings.

Strictly set up positions.

It's just that runners are idols and draw attention with their faces. Except for funny posts, both fixed actors and temporary guests look at their faces.

The challenge depends on the script. The richer the script, the more stable the people set up.

Finally, it is the longing life, which is purely a reverse vision of pastoral life under the pressure of the times.

There are three cottages in the mountains and fields, with parents and mothers, and children and daughters.

The chickens, ducks and geese must also be prepared, and then three or five friends, cook and chat together.

If the director presents a little problem and increases the effect of the program, there is nothing unsightly.

Then why did it look bad afterwards?

The reason is simple, because there is no life.

The first few seasons were all true friends, so the status is different from the later ones. It is natural to have a chat and open a chat.

Those who went later were all for propaganda, and they became new film release conferences and newcomer release conferences.

Those who have emotional intelligence can still chat together, and almost all that is left is staring and awkward chat.

The director team was also a failure. The task became more and more deliberate, and the task became less and less lifeless.

Who can break a corn on the cob for a dollar? Whose root radish is one piece and five pieces?

In fact, this is the same as writing a book, everyone knows it is fake, but everyone doesn't want it to be fake.

When your life starts to be seen as false, you lose your core audience.

(Oh fuck, it's so cool to be a sprayer!? Ahem!)

Going far, let's talk about the actual situation on Qi Lei's side.

There are actually three purposes for Qi Lei to make a show.

First, the cowhide was blown out, and I had to go on crying.

He wants to go out with Brother Xiao Ma to engage in cultural invasion. Entertainment output is a very important part.

Before Han Zong came in, Qi Lei had to accumulate some production experience.

It also provides an experimental field for conceptual output and cultural entertainment for the young eagle class.

Second, Qi Lei's weakness is his weakness. If he doesn't know Ge Rong and Mei Mei, then he loves whom, and he can't control that far.

But they knew each other, and they got along pretty well.

There are some things that can’t be treated as ignorance or invisible.

How to do some hard work and strive for some changes.

Third, if Xiaoer wants to take the acting route, he has to copy what should be copied.

Just Xiao'er's appearance, strength, and resources, let the public see her distressed and weak side through variety shows.

Basically it is full.

So here comes the problem, only so few can copy.

And what seems appropriate is actually only a longing life. This can slow down the rhythm of the two people, saying that they are doing shows, but in fact they are vacationing and resting.

I can put Xiaoer in again, and inadvertently let the audience start to notice this treasure girl.

At the same time, compared with the variety show thinking of this era, it is a completely new attempt, which can be used as a model study for the young eagle class.

However, in fact, it is not true from the root!

Because in 2001, people did not have such a high yearning for pastoral life, the core of the program was wrong.

Although you can rely on the popularity of superstars like Rong Shao and Mei to drive a wave of ratings, the kernel is the root of a program, and relying on traffic will not last What can we do? Unless looking for a new kernel for the program.

Qi Lei was thinking about this when Liao Fanyi's call came in.

"Then what... we are almost busy, right?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, you can go back to the capital anytime. What's wrong?"

Liao Fanyi, "Should we bring the young eagle class back? They are about to grow hairs in the mountains, right?"

Qi Lei was startled, "Ha!"




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