Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Master master, master master!

Director Wang smiled bitterly in his heart at this time: As expected of a communication science student, this big hat is buckled, and I can't take it off even if I want to.

Think about it, he is not the bosses of Huayi and Bona, but he is also a cadre in the system.

Culture shock asked Qi Lei to explain this, you can't do it if you don't continue.

And, there's no way to refute it. It’s okay to debate, but people interpret the problem from a professional perspective, so you have to find an entry point from a professional perspective, right?

It's like Einstein talked a lot about the theory of relativity. Even if the farmer doesn't agree with it, you still don't talk about it.

Of course, Lao Wang is not a farmer, and he also studied journalism. Although he does not know as much about communication as Qi Lei, he is still an expert.

But Qi Lei's argument is not very easy for experts to refute, not to mention that he has been thrown for decades.

After coming out of Dong Beiguo's office, Lao Wang was in a bad mood...

Glancing at Mr. Zheng from the Bayi Factory, he was also displeased.

Tucao Old Zheng, isn't it okay to look for trouble? What do you mean [cultural shock]?

It's just that Old Man Zheng didn't see Old Wang giving him white eyes, and he was thinking at this time.

"Elder Zheng... Mr. Zheng?"

Old Wang called twice, but Old Zheng didn't respond.

He could only go downstairs embarrassingly, thinking to himself: Beiguang is fierce this time, and the mainland film industry will change!

It's something that many people don't want to see.

Convincing everyone to step out of their comfort zone with you and face challenges and dilemmas head on is even harder.

At the same time that Pharaoh slapped his mouth, President Wang of Huayi and several other production company bosses were also discussing this morning's meeting.

"I can't see it, Beiguang is very strong this time!"

"If it's not good, this layman can really turn the world upside down."

"Fuck it! Isn't this a typical layman commanding a layman?"

"I'm concerned now, what kind of halo effect did Mr. Qi say, or is it an effect? ​​What does it mean?"

Everyone was talking about each other and complaining about each other.

Only Mr. Wang from Huayi didn't say a word and walked silently.

The guys don't bother him either, knowing that this guy is a little bit faceless.

Thinking about it, the old peasant surnamed Dong didn't jump out when others were speaking, but he kept Mr. Wang from coming off the stage when he was speaking.

The bosses of two companies also explained it properly, "Alas! Arrogant!"

"But there's no way, who makes Mr. Qi have a solid foundation! Strength is the confidence to speak!"

Well, this is a fire, not a solution.

However, it is a fact.

In the past one or two years, there should be no one in the domestic entrepreneurs who is more popular than this Xiao Qi.

Even Shi Mou, who sells counterfeit medicines, has to stand aside.

Let's just say, this year's Hurun list, Qi Lei ranked second.

Three Stones has leveraged on "Legend", Blog Network, Navigation Network, Pangu System, and the chain of Internet cafes, and its total valuation has reached 11 billion.

And that's not including the 30 payment system that separates out the three-stone system.

Due to the injection of state-owned assets, it is difficult for outsiders to estimate how many shares Qi Lei has left after the 30 payment.

However, some insiders speculate that Qi Lei is still the largest shareholder.

You know, 30 Payments has almost propped up the domestic e-commerce industry, and its valuation is not inferior to the three-stone system.

In addition to Sanshi Company and 30 Payment, don't forget, there is also Imagination!

Sanshi Company is now the largest shareholder of Imagination Group, holding more than half of the shares, and it is also the second largest shareholder of Imagination Holdings.

After half a year of sorting out by Wang Zhendong, Imagination has overcome the difficulties, and the Hong Kong stock market continued to rise.

The Imagination shares that Qi Lei had originally collected with billions of dollars have now at least doubled or tripled.

Together with Shenzhou Computer, there are also shares of Sanshi.

Therefore, the Hurun List gives Qi Lei's personal wealth valuation of 12 billion.

Many financial media predict that the Hurun list is still conservative, and it must be only high or low.

Next year, at the latest in the year after, there is no suspense for Qi Lei to become the richest man in the mainland.

Many media appraised Qi Lei as a once-in-a-century business genius in the mainland, and some media exaggeratedly described him as China's Bill Gates.

However, if you only think of him as a businessman, you'd be wrong, this guy has academic abilities.

Qi Lei's current position in Beiguang is no longer a secret, and it has long been dug up and reported.

One of the most mysterious and elite classes in Beiguang is under his hands.

This one alone is enough for those stone powders on the Internet to blow for half a year.

What's even more exaggerated is that his inextricable links with the official make him an existence that no one dares to touch.

But the problem is, if there is strength in this world, no one dares to move, and there will not be so many changes.

Especially, your little Qi always earns your money and makes your name, so don't mess with us in this acre?

You came in, and you still want to lose your job?


Of course, these bosses don't have the strength to wrestle with Mr. Qi.

However, they can hold fire!

"Mr. Wang, don't take it to your heart, just bear it and let it pass."

President Wang did not speak, frowning slightly.

I thought to myself, no one is a fool, don't let me get this out of the way.

When everyone saw that he didn't respond, they knew it was futile, but they didn't care.

On the other hand, Mr. Wang came out of Beiguang, got on the car and went back to the company.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw his own younger brother, President Wang.

Seeing him come back, "How is it? There won't be a big move, right?"

Hua Yi started it together with two brothers, and currently has a detached status in the country.

I saw the king shook his head bitterly and explained the situation.

Mr. Wang became even more stunned, "What does it mean when Beiguang is this early bird?"

"Is it really going to move? But why did CCTV step aside again? If it really wants to move, isn't CCTV more forceful than Beiguang?

The king still shook his head, "I can't see clearly, let's observe it again!"

Just sayin, the phone rang.

"Which one?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the opposite side, "Mr. Wang, it's me! Let's have dinner together at noon?"

President Wang heard who the other party was, but he had something in his heart and didn't want to make an appointment. "Another day, it's not very convenient!"

Hearing this, he smiled, "Mr. Wang is in trouble! However, I happen to have a solution to the trouble. Is Mr. Wang interested?"

The king suddenly wrinkled his head, "You know?"

Opposite, "Mr. Wang, we have a common enemy."


The meeting in the afternoon started at two o'clock.

Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo still entered the arena in a big way.

Just sitting down, Dong Beiguo: "Let's start!"

Ordinarily, the king should be asked to finish the speech that was not finished in the morning, and then the other representatives should speak.

However, Dong Beiguo just didn't play cards according to the routine, and just wanted to sharpen everyone's temperament.

"Next, let Teacher Xiao Qi spread the knowledge of communication to everyone, [Cultural Shock]!"

Qi Lei felt that President Dong Da was a little too arrogant, but he had to cooperate.

Just as he was about to speak, it was Mr. Wang from the audience who suddenly interrupted.

"Mr. Qi, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Qi Lei raised his head, "What does Mr. Wang have to say?"

When President Wang heard the words, his exaggerated face crossed, "With all due respect, President Qi's academic ability is really admirable."

"But!" The conversation changed, "Few of us here have studied communication. You said a lot, and we can't understand it!"

"Everyone said, right!?"

Everyone was stagnant, and several bosses were stunned.

The ecstasy followed, it seems that the king did not respond to those provocative words at noon, but he listened! Is this going to go against Mr. Qi?

When I heard that the king was always picking fire, he immediately responded without saying anything.

"Yeah!" Someone answered, "What kind of halo was that morning..."

Someone next to him interrupted, "Halo!"

"That's right! We didn't understand the halo effect."

Mr. Wang, "Look at it!"

He looked at Qi Lei with a half-smile, "Mr. Qi, you play the piano to the cow!"

"I can't understand it, and we can't understand the spirit of Beiguang's instructions? Everyone said, right?"

Everyone was stunned.

The king is not such a stubborn person, is he? Why so up?

This is an official seminar. You are so yin and yang, isn't it good?

But...good thing!

How love is yin and yang, how yin and yang is, it's best to make trouble. The unfortunate one is the President, not them.

Instead, they can take the opportunity to support the fire and express their opinions.

Some people couldn't sit still, "Yeah! Xiao Qi has gone around a lot, and what he said makes sense!"

"But, we don't ask so much in college, and we can't understand it!"

"I think Mr. Qi will simply be more straightforward and say clearly what impact halo has on our entertainment industry."

"I think it's OK! If it is true that communication has any profound impact on our entertainment industry, or involves the overall interests of the country, then there is no need to say, we give way. The bigger picture is the most important thing!"

"Let's just look at the overall situation, what economic benefits, the market, etc., and stand on the side. Although our business is not as big as a small general, it has a pattern, and we want to be this... a responsible entrepreneur!"

This is the high-profile debate between Qi Lei and Liu Jixiang!

Qi Lei squinted at the noisy field.

Dong Beiguo was about to take over the conversation, but was stopped by Qi Lei, letting everyone get out of control.

After everyone had said enough, he looked at President Wang with a half-smiling smile, "Since you don't understand, then President Wang is talking, how can you understand it?"

"How about we stop talking about communication? Don't open this meeting?"

"Hey!" When the king heard this, he quickly stopped talking and didn't let Qi Lei continue.

off? If he doesn't open, he's done.

"Don't get me wrong, Xiao Qi, we don't mean to cause trouble."

A group of bosses immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, it's not trouble."

Mr. Wang continued, "I mean, what Mr. Qi said is really difficult for us laymen."

"So, I want to find an expert to be a consultant, okay?"

Qi Lei frowned again, "Consultant?"

President Wang, "That's right! We don't know about communication, so let's find someone who understands to be a staff advisor to everyone. Isn't this normal?"

With a fake smile, "Mr. Qi, Mr. Dong, won't you have any objections?"

Dong Beiguo laughed when he said this, thinking in his heart, is this looking for an expert to fight in the ring? To do?

you found it!

Half of the best communication experts in China are in Beiguang, and they are so domineering.

And the half who are not in Beiguang are also related to Beiguang.

To put it badly, Beiguang is the absolute authority of domestic communication studies, and we are not afraid of who you are looking for!

"Hey hey." It was Mr. Wang who grinned, "Looking for a foreign expert, does Mr. Dong have any opinion?"


Dong Beiguo was shocked, the country... foreign? That's really hard to say.

You must know that the origin of communication studies is still in the West, and the theoretical framework is also built by Western academics.

Therefore, if there is really a good person from abroad, it is not easy to say.

It's like being in the office at noon, Qi Lei's cultural shock, and the boss of the North Film Studio can't find an entry point to refute, but if he is really a big expert, it's hard to say.

None of the social science theories are absolutely rigorous, and it is easy for experts to refute professionalism with professionalism.

If it really develops to the point of arguing endlessly on both sides of communication studies, each of which is justified, this situation is obviously not what Dong Beiguo wants to see.

He couldn't help but look at Qi Lei. You are better than me in this matter, what do you think?

I saw that Qi Lei was also frowning, don't say it, he is really a little empty.

In this era, or even in the era twenty years later, the real communication experts are from abroad.

The theories he applied were also summed up by Western communication scholars.

For example, the [social currency] he proposed, this great man is alive!

If you really pull one, in theory, Qi Lei will not have the advantage.

If Mr. Wang was a little more shrewd and pulled a person who not only theoretically but also knew a little about China's national conditions, it would be easy to combine the national conditions and completely mess up this matter.

"Mr. Wang, which foreign scholar would you like to invite as a consultant?"

I saw the king smile, "Well... I'm just a proposal, temporary."

"How do you know who to look for?"

Qi Lei secretly said, temporary? Not too possible.

And Mr. Wang's following sentence also verified Qi Lei's guess, "We still don't know who to look for."

"However, it must be found. I have a friend who has some connections at Stanford, and it is no problem to invite someone over there."




That's... pretty scary.


Famous schools, countless cattle!

The bosses were surprised.

Your Majesty, this is a killer move! Is Stanford's communication scholars something that your little Beiguang can handle?

Even Dong Beiguo was a little stunned, Stanford?

Not to mention one Qi Lei, adding Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu is not necessarily enough, right?

In the afternoon meeting, Mr. Wang made such a fuss, and it was over.

It's already there, Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei couldn't agree to find a consultant.

The seminar is temporarily adjourned. When the advisor of President Wang arrives, I will "discuss" with Qi Lei about the [halo effect], and the [cultural shock] that was not mentioned at all.

So here comes the question. Mr. Wang, who was still embarrassed in the morning, and clearly didn't want to be a standout, why did he change someone in the afternoon?

The reason...the guy who called all at noon!

The man asked the king out, without fussing, "Qi Lei and we have some differences, and the grievances are deep."

"We are very concerned about his movements. We know that you are in a meeting and know the content of the meeting."

"So, we are willing to help the king to overcome this difficulty."

Mr. Wang was hesitant at first, but after parting, he figured it out within half an hour.

"I accept your help!"

Opposite, "Oh? How did President Wang figure it out?"

President Wang, "Your job is about to be smashed, what else can't you figure out? Let's give it a shot!"

Opposite, "Wang always understands people."

In this way, the other party is really hands-on and eye-catching, providing a Stanford communication master.

In the evening, Qi Lei was also scratching his head, "Who is it? He came out of Stanford, shouldn't he be of a low level?"

The old Qin next to him held his chin, but he was much calmer.

"Wait for the news, you should know who it is soon!"

Just as he was talking, Dong Beiguo pushed the door and came in. "Broken, broken, broken!"

The two stood up, "what's the matter?"

Dong Beiguo, "Let's find out who Hua Yi invited!"

Qi Lei, "…"

Lao Qin, "..."

Well, Qi Lei glanced at Lao Qin inquiringly, what's the situation? You didn't find out, let the President of Dong Da find out?

Old Qin couldn't hang up on his face, this... can't be explained?

As a result, Dong Beiguo didn't pretend to be profound, and he couldn't pretend to be with Lao Qin.

"Don't think about it. Coincidentally, this person is in China. He received an exclusive interview in the afternoon. It happened to be a reporter from Beiguang."

"In the exclusive interview, it was revealed that the next itinerary in China was to attend a seminar at the invitation of Hua Yi."

When Lao Qin heard this, he was relieved and almost smashed the sign.


But it was Dong Beiguo who looked at Qi Lei, "This time you are in big trouble!"

Qi Lei frowned, Uncle Dong was not joking.

"what happened?"

Dong Beiguo: "Your old rival, Desheng's man!"

The two of them heard, "Desheng?"

Lao Qin Deng responded immediately, "Because of [Desheng Gao Hua]!"

Desheng Gaohua is a financial institution jointly established by Liu Jixiang and Desheng.

Originally, Desheng could control the company.

However, when Qi Lei acquired Imagination, he first invested in Desheng Gaohua in the name of Kishi Company and became a joint shareholder.

Later, the acquisition of Imagination was successful, and I also mastered Imagination's shares in Desheng Gaohua. In addition to the share of Kistler, Qi Lei became the largest shareholder of Desheng Gaohua, and Desheng Bank stepped aside.

That is Desheng's financial layout in China for many years, and it is strange that Qi Lei is willing to occupy the nest.

"It's just that Desheng won't let it go, so he used his strength here?"

Looking at Qi Lei with a smile: "Little Stone, you have offended too many people!"

Qi Lei ignored Lao Qin, and still asked Dong Beiguo, "What I care about is who I invited!"

I saw Dong Beiguo's expression became more serious, "Desheng shot, can he be a small person?"

Qi Lei, "Amazing?"

Dong Beiguo, "It's amazing!"

"Stanford's authority on communication and sociology, the one who almost turned over in the last US election, is the one who operated it!"

"A campaign adviser, if that one wins, he's secretary of state."

Qi Lei: "…"

Lao Qin: "..."

I'm really scared this time, is the cow too much?

Qi Lei's wrinkled head wrinkled deeper, "Isn't that true? Are such people invited over for such a thing?"

Dong Beiguo, "It's more than that!"

"This person is a senior consultant of Desheng, who has run Desheng's global corporate public relations for several times."

"It is said that it can be ranked in the top ten in the communication academia in the United States."

"By the way!" Dong Beiguo thought of something, "Your little brother, Wu Ning, should also be taking his class, and the textbooks are all compiled by him."

Qi Lei, "…"

Sit back to your seat, this time you have encountered a tough problem, master master master master master!

Suddenly picking up the phone, Lao Qin saw it, "What are you doing?"

Qi Lei, "Call Wu Ning and ask."

It's always good to know more.

Lao Qin can't help with this, he can only do it.

Qi Lei dialed half the number and looked up at Dong Beiguo, "By the way, what's your name?"

Dong Beiguo, "Levistan!"

Qi Lei pulled it out like this, "Levis..."

Suddenly, "What is it called?"

Dong Beiguo, "Levistan!"

Depend on!

Qi Lei put down the phone again and looked at Lao Qin, "It's safe!"

As soon as Lao Qin heard it was called Levistan, he couldn't help but sigh, "This is really a master... a master!"

A little confused: "He is still here? Perseverance?"

Dong Beiguo: "????"

What do you two say?

Why are you not in a hurry?

O Levistan!

From Stanford!


"what happened?"

Qi Lei, UU Reading "It's okay, my own person."

Dong Beiguo: "???"


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