Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 89: :Realm of Conscience

, Rebirth is Homecoming

Chapter 378

Levistan is really not an outsider. Without him, the acquisition Imagination would definitely not be so smooth.

At this moment, Qi Lei and Lao Qin both looked at each other and smiled, feeling that everything was being said.

However, Dong Beiguo doesn't know about Levistan!

The old man was in a panic, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so he had to tease, "This is the only variable, don't be careless!"

Qi Lei: "…"

It's hard to say if it's careless, but this guy really doesn't understand China, or at most pretends he doesn't understand.

To be fair, Levistan is really not a sloppy bag, and my brother is very skilled in Western democratic politics.

His attainments in communication studies are also very deep, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a contemporary master-level communication scientist.

However, he did have a little understanding of Chinese culture and did not understand that these are completely two systems.

In fact, many so-called Western experts during this period fell into this "little knowledge".

I thought that after reading a little Chinese history and examining a little Chinese national conditions, I would understand China...

But it is to apply the eastern system and appearance to the western social framework.

They simply don't understand that the Chinese people's way of thinking is different from theirs, and they think that the differences are only due to the rigidity and difference of the system.

Therefore, because of this wrong thinking, these sociology experts, including economic experts, made many jokes in the process of introducing capital into the Chinese market.

More groups died.

Until Martin Jacques said the words that woke the whole world up: "China has never been just a country, but a civilization disguised as a country!"

Chinese people are very proud of this sentence, and it is often quoted, but speaking from the heart, the harm caused by this sentence is far greater than the sense of pride.

Before that, even if the western world regarded us as an opponent, it was out of geopolitical considerations and never regarded us as an opponent at the cultural level.

In the past, they believed that Western democracies were much more advanced than us, and their culture was many times better than ours.

Most of the definition of modern science is firmly in the hands of Western culture.

After this sentence, the Western world, including the United States, woke up and began to face up to this eastern opponent.

Human civilization advances on two feet, one is "technology" and the other is "governing people".

Many people think that the development of science and technology is the progress of human civilization, but it is not.

The first purpose of human development of science and technology... is to destroy!

The inspiration of most technologies comes from war; the first application of most technologies is also war.

If the atomic bomb is in the hands of monkeys, the civilization of monkeys will not exceed ten minutes.

Therefore, technology is very important, but technology is only a leg that supports human civilization.

The other leg is to suppress human desires and evil.

All morals, laws, social systems, religions, humanities and social sciences are directed towards governing people.

Atomic bombs are a product of science, but the buttons have to be controlled by humans.

Westerners have found that throughout modern history, they have undoubtedly crushed the East on the leg of technology.

But on the other leg, the East has accumulated experience in governing people and the world, leading them by a full two thousand years.

Of course, it's a bit far off. Anyway, Levistan is quite a man of means.

Moreover, it was unclear what he lost last time, and Levistan was heartily unconvinced.

He believes that it was too early for Liu Jixiang to surrender last time. If he is given time, it will be a matter of time before a comeback.

Therefore, this time Desheng made a move, and Levistan took the initiative to ask Ying, and wanted to compete with this little oriental boy.

On the same night, Levistan met Hua Yi's big and small president Wang.

After some detailed discussion, I learned about the situation at the venue today, and immediately fell into contemplation.

[Halo effect], [Cultural shock]?

This is two irrelevant things!

What does Qi Lei mean by bringing up this thing?

Well, apart from Lao Wang from the Beijing Film Studio, and Mr. Zheng from the Bayi Factory, no one knows why they put forward two communication theories at a film industry seminar.

The king always sees him lost in thought, "What? Mr. Levistan has no clue?"


When the old Jew Levistan was embarrassed, he was embarrassed if he couldn't come up?

"Don't worry, I'll go back and analyze it well, and I'll give you two answers tomorrow!"

So old Levi went back to the hotel and ordered…

Half a duck!

After thinking about it for a night, it probably fits Qi Lei's intentions a bit.

The only difference is that [cultural shock], Qi Lei said that young people are in shock to the local culture. The old Levi understood that Qi Lei wanted to introduce Hong Kong Entertainment to achieve cultural defense, and then let Chinese young people have a shock effect on Western culture.

After analyzing this, old Levi was so excited that he almost ordered half a duck.

"This is a battle of ideologies!"

Immediately called Manager Wen, "Wen! We made a mistake and broke into a seminar on ideology at the top of Huaguo."

When Desheng's manager Wen heard this, his first reaction was disbelief.

What plane are you doing? It's such an important meeting, I wouldn't agree to let us be our consultants.

Moreover, even if it is a mistake, it is useless, right?

Desheng is engaged in finance. Regarding the competition in the film industry, Desheng is interested. They are interested in all profitable businesses, but there is no entry point.

Besides, the mainland film market is still in its infancy, and there is not much oil and water.

As for cultural collision or something, I'm even less interested.

Desheng is the capital, and milk is the mother! It's better for you to fight, so they can find more opportunities and make more profits.

"Wen, you didn't understand what I meant!" Old Levi was inexplicably excited.

Manager Wen frowned, finally realizing that old Levi must have his own ideas.

"You go on."

Levistein: "This news really has no value to Desheng."

"But, have you ever thought about it, for those politicians in Washington, D.C., this news is priceless!"

Manager Wen hesitated, "You mean..."

Levistan said excitedly, "Don't you understand?

"This news will sell for a good price!"

"Also, it can be sold twice!"

Manager Wen suddenly realized, "I understand what you mean, wait for my news!"

Levistein's meaning is actually very obvious. This news is of no value to Desheng, but it is invaluable to Washington.

As a financial institution, Desheng has close ties with some politicians in Washington. It is easy to exchange this news for some resources.

This is the first benefit.

The second one is even more interesting.

If Washington knew that the East was discussing the introduction of the mature Hong Kong film industry to the mainland for the sake of cultural struggle, they would certainly find ways to deal with it.

And the best way to deal with it is to prevent it from happening!

So the question is, how to stop it?

People are already in a meeting to discuss, and if it doesn't work out, there will be a result at the meeting.

At this time, it is too late to use other intervention methods.

And at this time, the only one who can make the upper hand is Levistan.

With Desheng's public relations ability, he can surely persuade Washington to give Levistan some resources and even privileges that he can use.

For example, it can temporarily represent the major Hollywood film companies and negotiate some cooperation issues.

Otherwise there is no way.

If you want to stir up the cooperation between the mainland and the Hong Kong film industry, you must at least provide a more attractive partner. Otherwise, just relying on Levistan's three-inch tongue, why should people believe you?

Only Hollywood has all the technologies and industrial models that the mainland film industry needs, and they are more mature and better than Hong Kong films.

The next morning, Mr. Wang came to the north gate of Beiguang early, waiting to meet with Levistan and go to a meeting together.

However, what he didn't expect was that Levistan came, but didn't get out of the car.

"Mr. Wang, get in the car and talk!"

The king was stunned for a moment, "The time will come soon."

Levistan, "Mr. Wang, you can't go in now, trust me!"

President: "..."

Looking back at Beiguang, he finally got into Levistan's car.

The two returned to the hotel where Levistan was staying.

When he entered the room, Mr. Wang looked puzzled, "What's wrong? Why didn't you go to the meeting?"

Levistein, "It's like this. Last night I analyzed that Mr. Qi mentioned two theories. I think this is a very dangerous signal."

The king immediately frowned, "What? You guessed his intention?"

Old Levi nodded, "Yes!"

"If you guess correctly, Mr. Qi is trying to replace mainland entertainment with Hong Kong's entertainment industry."

"He should have made some sort of deal with those entertainment companies in Hong Kong."

President, "How do you say it?"

Old Levi, "The so-called halo effect is the use of one feature to mask other bad features."

"Currently, the biggest and most prominent feature of Chinese entertainment is Hong Kong!"

"He should be trying to use Hong Kong entertainment to directly cover up the entertainment characteristics of the mainland, so as to quickly increase his popularity internationally and become the overlord of the Asian entertainment industry!"

President, "..."

Well, it's completely different from what he analyzed after eating half a duck last night, it's just fooling Mr. Wang.

However, it is you who are fooling around, and you don't understand communication studies!

I just heard the old Levi continued, "And cultural shock, it's even simpler."

"Hong Kong's entertainment industry is very different from your mainland's entertainment industry, which is equivalent to the collision of two entertainment cultures."

"When mainland audiences begin to feel uncomfortable with local entertainment, then you have no room for survival."

President: "!!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at old Levi, is that the case? Scary, right?

Five fingers into a fist, hammering heavily in the palm, "This Qi Lei is so ruthless!"

Seeing that his reaction was so intense, Levistan turned to retreat, "This is the situation. This is an internal matter of your Chinese industry, I..."

What do you mean when the king hears this? Want to withdraw?

"Mr. Levistan, you are the consultant we invited back. At this time, you need to help!"

As soon as old Levi heard it, let me help, then help!

However, he was embarrassed, "This Mr. Qi is not impossible to deal with."

Mr. Wang, "The only one who can deal with him is you!"

Old Levidon waved his hand, "I'm having a hard time too."

Immediately added, "It's not that he is inferior to him in terms of public relations ability, the main thing is that your seminar is officially held, and he dared to raise such a question at this meeting, indicating that he has received some official support to some extent. It makes it difficult for me.”

Mr. Wang, "You are a public relations expert, you must have a way, right?"

Old Levi, "Well... there is a way!"

The king always listened, his eyes brightened, "You say it!"

Old Levi, "From a communication point of view, the current situation is called bipolar dialogue."

Yes, I started hanging the book bag, and I was stunned for a moment by Mr. Wang.

After going around for a long time, I cut to the topic, "I judge that the official intention of China is to develop the cultural industry, which is actually different from Mr. Qi's simple desire to monopolize the industry and make a lot of money."

"So, the problem you want to solve now is not Mr. Qi, but the Chinese official!"

The king only nodded, "Tsk tsk, you have to be an expert, the analysis of the problem is much more thorough than us!"

Old Levi smiled and said nothing.

But I thought to myself, I can handle ten of them a day for a fool like you.

He continued, "Then the problem is, to deal with the Chinese officials, there are currently two directions to be carried out simultaneously."

"You speak."

"First, Mr. Wang must seek a dialogue with the official."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's that President Wang wants to initiate some relationships, at least to let the officials directly hear the voices of businessmen in your industry."

"What about the second?"

"Secondly, the entertainment industry in Hong Kong still has merit, which should be the fundamental reason why the official is willing to let Mr. Qi facilitate this matter. So..."

"So what?" "So if you want the government to give up Hong Kong, you must find a replacement!"


"Yes! An alternative that is comparable to Hong Kong's industry, or even more attractive. Otherwise, why would the government give up Hong Kong?"

Levistein said this, and finally tried to find out, "Hollywood's film industry is the best choice!"

President: "..."

Looking at old Levi for a while, "Are you kidding me?"

Old Levi was startled, "What does Mr. Wang mean?"

I saw Mr. Wang's eyes widen, "Fight out Hong Kong and come to Hollywood again? How do you want us to live?"

"Mr. Levistan, please put your position right! You are my advisor, and you have to consider my interests."

When old Levi heard this, he thought to himself, "It's okay, not stupid!"

He hurriedly waved his hand, "Mr. Wang misunderstood, how could I harm your interests? Let me analyze it for you!"

As he spoke, Levistan graciously gave the king to sit down.

"First of all, what Chinese officials need is not Hong Kong film companies, but their experience."

"So, what we're bringing in is also the experience of Hollywood."

"Last night, I have contacted with friends from several major Hollywood companies such as Universal and Columbia, and they are willing to increase the appearance rate of some Chinese stars in the future shooting."

"Just like President Wang, doesn't your company have several popular actors? I can help you recommend them to Hollywood and appear in international blockbusters."

President Wang's eyes lit up immediately, "Really!?"

Levistan, "Really!"

But Mr. Wang immediately pouted, "It's just a few stars, what's the difference between this and a blank check?...Unless"

President Wang pondered, Levistan knew that he had to make conditions.

This person is stupid or stupid, but he is still a little clever, so he simply said, "Mr. Wang, if you have any conditions, just mention it!"

When the king heard it, "Unless you can open a part of the theater chain, you can let our movies go to North America!"


Levistan said in his heart, your appetite is not small, and it hits the point at once.

He pondered, "It's okay to open a part of the theater chain, but you know, the theater chain still depends on the commercial ability. At present, the resources on hand of President Wang may not have the strength to land in North America."

Mr. Wang, "As long as you are willing to open up, I'll be fine now. But you have to sign it in the contract, you can't give me a blank check!"

Levistein pondered. To be honest, Desheng's conclusion after communicating with Washington was: In any case, China cannot complete the integration of the film industry.

So he was given a lot of cards, one of which was about the cinema.

However, the most tempting one is the theater line, and the king was caught by it when he came up.

give him?

Glancing at Mr. Wang, give it to him!

He doesn't think Hua Yi has the ability to make good films that land in North America. This is out of absolute confidence in Western culture.

However, Levi was not a fool after all, he kept his mind, "Yes! But... it still depends on the box office."

"We can give you a certain amount of film placement. If the box office is not ideal, the film placement rate will not be high."

When the king heard it, "No problem!"

As soon as Levi had reached an agreement, just as he was about to come to a conclusion, the king came to him, "Mr. Levistan, do you see Oscar...?"

Old Levi: ? ? ? ?

Do you still have conditions?

Mr. Wang, "You don't know, the Oscars have a very high status in the hearts of Chinese people. If there is a Chinese-language film that can win the best foreign language film, it will be of great benefit to Hollywood's status in China!"

"So, let's see... can you help us operate it."

Levistan thought to himself, you are so greedy!

Small problem, though.

The Oscars are nothing compared to the cultural struggle.

"You can think of a way!"

The king stood up abruptly, "Really!?"


If his movie can win an Oscar, won't Hua Yi take off?

Levistan looked at his gaffe, and said in his heart, it's just a small Oscar foreign language film, it makes you excited.

But it's still the same sentence, "Do you have an Oscar-worthy movie?"

At least about the same, right? Otherwise, how it works will be in vain.

President Wang: "I can shoot now!"

Well, old Levi also took it, why is the addiction so big?

The heart said, I promised you two conditions, this time no problem, right?

As a result, Mr. Wang fully interprets what "greed" is.

"So what, can you convince Hollywood to move some of the behind-the-scenes work to China?"

"What!?" Levistan was shocked.

Can you make this request too? crazy?

The king also knew that the request was a bit too much, and hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't ask for this for myself!"

"I am the most contented person, and I understand the truth that greed is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant!"

But old Levi didn't understand, "What kind of snake and what kind of elephant?"

Mr. Wang, "The Chinese proverb means that people can't be too greedy."

"I want this for my peers!"

"It's useless for you to promise me so many conditions! If you don't give some benefits to the Chinese insiders, how can they support Hollywood?"

"You said yes?"

Levistan nodded subconsciously, yes!

But his face was bitter, "But this requirement is a bit too much. The behind-the-scenes work in Hollywood is quite professional, and you are incompetent!"

Mr. Wang: "Don't worry, I know that we have some shortcomings in some areas, and I have taken this into account for you. But there are some jobs where we have an advantage over Hollywood."


Mr. Wang, "Action design, and action guidance!"

Levistan was startled, "Action design?"

Mr. Wang, "Yes! That's right. I'm going to join forces with several companies to jointly open a company specializing in motion design and special effects."

"The main thing is to do special effects for action movies at home and abroad, as well as martial arts design."

"You have to believe that in this regard, Hollywood definitely does not have our expertise, and several major film companies can outsource special effects to us."

"At that time, we will set up a professional shooting venue, and invite the best international martial artists and martial artists to be part of the Hollywood film industry!"

"It can reduce costs and improve the quality of action scenes. What do you think?"

Levistan thought about it, and it sounded pretty good.

However, did not answer directly.

After another thought, "You can try it! I can find one or two Hollywood movies and show you the effect."

One or two films have little impact, and they are pulled down after filming. When everything is done, who will use your special effects?

When the king heard it, he said, "That's great!"

Levistan suddenly slapped the table, "That's it!"

Maybe it won't work, he is afraid that this shameless person will make other demands.

Unexpectedly, the king is always happy, "Just do as Mr. Levistein said!"

Counting Levistan with his fingers, "First, Chinese movie stars will land in Hollywood, and add their roles!"

"Wait a minute!"

Old Levi was not happy to come up.

"Is there such a thing? Isn't there only the cinema, Oscar, and special effects, these three conditions? Why is there another Chinese movie star??"

"Yes, I have!"

The king looked at Levistan blankly, "This is the first thing you said, forget?"



As soon as old Levi gritted his teeth, it wasn't too bad.

Seeing him say yes, the king is so comfortable.

"Tell me, what should I do next? I'll listen to you!"

Levistein, "You should contact China's private film companies first. Don't look for those film studios. They won't be with us."

Mr. Wang, "That's right! That's right! Then what?"

Levistan, "I will go to confront Mr. Qi about communication, you don't have to worry."

"As long as you have persuaded the official, this seminar is more controversial, and there is basically no problem."

Mr. Wang, "A little more controversial?"


Mr. Wang, "Is it just a little bigger and a little messier?"

Old Levi: "The bigger the better! The messier the better!"

President Wang, "Speaking of making trouble, I have an idea."

Levi glanced at him sideways, do you still have an idea?

Mr. Wang, "Since foreign consultants have been invited in, why not also invite their counterparts from Hong Kong?"

Levistan: "…"

Those Hong Kong filmmakers are eager to come to the meeting, eager to enter the mainland, you invite them?

Mr. Wang, "You don't understand, this is called attracting snakes out of their holes in China!"

Old Levi, "What do you mean?"

Mr. Wang said, "That's right. The current situation of the seminar is that Qi Lei presided over it. Because of their official background, the film studios are not very willing to oppose it."

"In addition, the stone itself represents the official, and the major film studios will end up even worse."

"To be honest, although Qi Lei is speaking on behalf of Hong Kong movies now, his foundation is too stable, and everyone has concerns."

"But the Hong Kong counterparts are different. They have no roots in the mainland, and the film studio doesn't care about them."

"If they appear at the seminar, it will not only intensify the conflict, but also because of Qi Lei's identity, it is difficult to say things and express their attitudes.

"As long as they dare to come, the film studio will end! At that time, the film studio, private enterprises, and Hong Kong counterparts will fight each other. No matter how talented Qi Lei is, he will not be able to recover!"

Levistan: "…"

Don't say it, learn a trick, not bad!

It's nice to get a PR assignment and learn something!

China's strategy is very interesting.

The two conspired in the hotel all morning.

At noon, Mr. Wang left and agreed to meet in Beiguang in the afternoon.

But Manager Wen came again, "How's the talk?"

Old Levi was stunned for a while, "Generally speaking, it's going well."

Let's talk about the conditions set out by the king.

Manager Wen thought for a while, "It's really acceptable! He thought that the king would always ask for some kind of co-production, a stake in a certain Hollywood company, etc."

That's all, it's really okay.

It's just that his brows are still not raised, "These are the second things. Our first task is to defeat Qi Lei! We must gradually crack down on his industry and make him give up the shares of Desheng Gaohua."

Levistan smiled, "Don't worry, Mr. Wen! There is an old saying in China that you should eat one bite at a time."

Manager Wen, "Is there such a sentence?"

Levistan, "Aren't you Chinese? Don't you know?"

Manager Wen smiled, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "My father left here 20 years ago, and I am a citizen of the United States."


Levistein nodded, "In short, I don't think this Mr. Qi is scary. He may be a business wizard, but from a strategic perspective, he is an amateur after all, and we Desheng are the masters of strategy. !"

"In terms of strategic vision, he will never be able to match us."

Well, this is fortunately closed behind the door, the two said.


【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

Stay up all night and try to finish this paragraph.

Don't wait, not necessarily what time, see you tomorrow morning.

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