Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 97: promise

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Three stone company to buy British arm, this is definitely the most absurd news in 2001.

That night, the major newspapers, magazines, and online news all over the country were all about this. . .

Qi Lei's mortal enemies, such as the Beijing News, are hilarious.

Ordinary people may not know much, but these people who carry the pen holder are the most vengeful.

It is also the most vile and despicable to encounter a person with bad intentions. Once he loses his journalistic ethics, plus his ability to speak and manipulate news beyond ordinary people, he will be a media beast.

Cheng Hua, the editor-in-chief of the Beijing News, got the news and wrote and wrote the manuscript in person.

You know, the Beijing News has mixed with Qi Lei several times, not only did not take advantage of it, but also caused a lot of trouble.

The harmful Chenghua had to find some vulgar content to attract attention, and only managed to stabilize the situation.

But even so, the Beijing News was originally a serious media, a comprehensive newspaper, because the proportion of entertainment gossip is too much, it seems to be turning into a gossip tabloid.

Cheng Hua can be said to hate Qi Lei, to the core, he wants to do something.

It's like, your father is so angry that he wants to break your leg.

Well-meaning neighbors will come to persuade him when they hear it, but with ulterior motives, they will spread the word all over the world, that the father of that family is domestic violence.

Cheng Hua is this kind of beating.

It was originally an internal lecture in Beiguang, which was used to motivate the young eagle class and deepen the insight of news.

Even if it's a little out of the ordinary, it's normal. But here, this is a breakthrough.

[Invisible Falsehood] That set, he couldn't play it more smoothly.

The headlines on the front page, come up with ridicule:

Just now, Mr. Qi Lei, the founder of Sanshi Company, made a big noise again.

Threatened that the recent animal cruelty case against German scientist Byron August was instigated by Intel behind the scenes.

Not to mention the logic of where Mr. Qi got it from, a US company can instruct the British courts, environmental protection organizations, and many official agencies to take action against its own high-tech company.

Just the remarks from Mr. Qi's back are enough to make people stunned.

He threatened that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for Three Stones to acquire arm.

So the question is, who is the Sanshi Company? Everyone must be very clear.

It operates the first online game in China, an independently built operating system, and a popular blog network and so on.

A well-known industry insider estimates that the total market value of Sanshi Company beyond imagination is conservatively estimated to exceed 10 billion.

In 2001, the profit was about 800 million.

Some people will say that there are more than 800 million "Legends" alone, and there are Internet cafe chains? And 30 to pay?

Don't forget, Pangu system, blog network, and r tree are all burning money.

However, despite this, Sanshi Company is also one of the most profitable companies in China in the past two years.

However, only domestically! Mr. Qi is still one Pacific Ocean and one Atlantic Ocean away from acquiring arm!

British arm company, founded in 1990, is an intellectual property company whose main profit is the design of computer core instruction architecture.

Many people have no idea about this...

The computer core instruction set refers to the core module design of the CPU in the production process.

Let's put it this way, in today's world, in addition to Intel, some so-called chip design companies and manufacturing companies use the core architecture of arm.

Even if they claim to be self-developed chips, they are just designing edge circuits around the core architecture of arm.

What arm is doing is the cornerstone of the entire computer industry and belongs to the leading companies in the computer industry.

If this is not clear, I can give another example.

Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Canon, and a considerable number of computer manufacturing companies that are familiar to everyone, whether it is a home computer or enterprise equipment, including cars, airplanes, and core processors for production automation, nearly half of the chip market is produced by arm The core instruction set authorized by the company.

arm company, the current market value is 15 billion pounds.

So, tell a joke:

A company with only 10 billion RMB level (whether it is worth so much, it is still to be discussed), wants to acquire arm with a market value of 15 billion pounds.

Well, this joke is really funny.

This article by Chenghua actually said one thing in its entirety:

Qi Lei seems to be very good at home, but when he goes abroad, he is nothing. Just his money, still arm? The market value of others' arm is ten times his, which is a complete nonsense.

When the people saw the Beijing News article, they suddenly felt a little lost.

Originally, they don't care what market value, can they buy it?

In this era, the self-confidence of the Chinese people has always been in a downturn since the Opium War.

If a company of ours can acquire arm, the sense of pride that comes from the heart is quite strong.

However, Chenghua's article directly poured cold water.

Can't get it?

Is Xiao Qi always bragging?

The gap made everyone suddenly feel a little resentful.

At this time, other media who have hatred with Qi Lei are also welcome.

For example, in the previous Qiliu TV debate, the TV station that directly cut off the power supply simply hired a few so-called experts.

The title of a magazine in the south is even more edgy - "The Son of Business Had an Impossible Dream".

Several so-called experts used Chenghua's article to briefly say that it is not allowed in terms of economic strength. Then immediately pointed the spear at another angle.

That is, as the pride of the British, even if Qi Lei has this economic strength, it is impossible for the British to sell him.

Not to mention, this episode earned enough ratings, but it also made the people who eat melons even more disappointed.

However, one thing that is gratifying is that no one hates Qi Lei because of love and hatred.

Mainly, Qi Lei's people are set up there! Let the guns go, and the words are not surprising.

In addition, he was originally young, and his previous image was good, so it was tolerable to be annoying once in a while.

I didn't kill the popularity of Chenghua!


You are scolding him! hate him! How did you scold us before? hate us? go back?

All I can say is, it's no fun to ask for it.

At this time, Qi Lei was also jumping.

"Bad! It's too stable for people to set up, so it doesn't work!"

Old Qin on the side rolled his eyes, "Be content with you!"

You know, no matter what era, few people can have such a high degree of public opinion trust.

"Besides, domestic public opinion is not big, it doesn't seem to have any influence, right?"

Qi Lei nodded, "It's not a big problem."

He stood up and stretched, "Go home and wake up! Throw a thunderbolt tomorrow and see the effect."

After talking, he got up and left, drove home with a big g humming a little song.

Today, Sister Jun came again and cooked a table of delicious dishes with Xu Xiaoqian, waiting for him.

When it comes to Sister Jun, Qi Lei is quite speechless.

When this girl didn't appear, she didn't show her head for three years.

Now that I'm familiar with it, I often go there and run.

If it wasn't for Tang Xiaoyi who hadn't woken up yet, Qi Lei would have thought about letting her live in, so that he would not have to run to school every day.

Unimpeded all the way (this sentence is a bit sad).

When I saw the door of the North Power Construction Institute, I was about to go home, but I was stopped.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the traffic police, but the janitor.

There is no access control in the old community these days. There is a big iron gate, and there is a concierge next to it. It all depends on the eyes of the doorman.

Originally, Qi Lei turned in and entered the hospital with a kick of oil.

And he had already passed the porter, but he could vaguely hear someone calling him.

Looking in the rearview mirror, the janitor rushed out of the concierge with a few chatting uncles and aunts.

"Little Qizi!! Wait a minute! Wait a minute, wait a moment!"

Qi Lei stopped and pressed the window, "What's wrong?"

The janitor waved to him, "Come in! Come in!"

No way, Qi Lei leaned the car to the side of the road, got out of the car and entered the concierge.

The result, ho! !

She grinned, "What's the matter? This sunset red blind date meeting?"

Except for the few chasing the car, the house was full of old men and old ladies.

Not just from the North Courtyard, there are a few Qi Lei who don't know each other, but they came from the South Courtyard of Power Construction.

The gatekeeper glared at him, "Young poor! We have something to do here!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he simply squeezed towards the iron stove, supporting the fire.

"Then say it, I'll listen."

When the doorman heard this, he was about to speak, but he was stuck and couldn't speak.

He simply encouraged someone older than him, "Old Ma, you say, I don't understand!"

The old horse mentioned by the gatekeeper is the deputy secretary of the party group of the former Power Construction Company, who has retired for more than ten years.

However, those who have been officials can speak more quickly than the janitor.

Encouraged by the crowd, the old man came to him.

However, the old man was from the South Courtyard, and he was not familiar with Qi Lei, so he was thinking about how to speak properly.

The janitor who was watching was anxious, "Aiya! Say what you want!"

Pointing at Qi Lei, "Xiao Qizi is not an outsider, don't look at it as a big boss, he is doing well in our yard, just like his own child!"

Qi Lei also smiled, "Uncle Ma, right? It's alright, you tell me to listen! If I do something bad, you can scold me and listen."

When Lao Ma heard Qi Lei say this, he finally let go.

"Little Qizi, let me ask you, the TV newspaper said that you want to acquire a foreign company, is that true?"

Qi Lei understood, it turned out to be the case!

However, how to answer?

I can only go around in a circle, "Why do you keep asking this?"

At this time, the uncles and aunts in the circle all stared at him, represented by Uncle Ma, "It's nothing, just ask."

Qi Lei, "You..."

Uncle Ma, "Child, I'm with you! It's not easy to go abroad to do business!"

"At that time, our power construction company took over a hydropower project in Southeast Asia. The contract was signed, and the designers were dispatched, so it was time to start the construction!"

"As a result, a group of Japanese and a group of Americans sent us back in a few words."

"Damn it! Hold your breath!"

Qi Lei watched the old man slap his thigh and scold him, and he could tell from his expression how upset the old man was.

He comforted, "It's better now than before."

When the old man heard this, he was immediately excited, "So, is it true!? Can you really do business abroad? Take their company?"

Qi Lei, "..."

I feel sorry for some old people.

But don't lie to them.

With difficulty, he said, "Uncle and aunt, to be honest, I still can't accept an arm, that is, a foreign company. Our strength is not enough."

Everyone was stagnant at first, and then, the naked eye fell into a loss.

Whether it is acquired or not has nothing to do with them, but it does.

Their generation was born in a war-torn era, went through a great famine, and had that special history.

Starting from eating a big pot of rice, and building the country step by step to today's situation, personal honor and disgrace and the rise and fall of the nation have long been glued together.

These people are really excited when they see the women's volleyball team winning the championship; when they see the success of the Olympic bid, they will laugh and cry.

For them, the acquisition of a foreign company is not a simple business act, nor is it something that does not matter to others, it is their own business, and it is the country's business.

Especially those who do power engineering have experienced too many sad pasts, and I hope this is true.

Qi Lei was also infected by everyone at this time, with a bitter face, "I'm sorry! This matter, I..."

Uncle Ma suddenly waved his hand, "Stop talking!"

Stop Qi Lei's words, "It's okay, our strength is not enough!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Uncle Ma is afraid that Qi Lei will take it to his heart, "Child, you are good, don't be discouraged!"

"Today, just bragging! Don't let bragging?"

"Take it easy!"

Qi Lei, "..."

When he came out of the concierge, Qi Lei felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, this pit was quite beautiful, but now it is a bit resentful.

To put it bluntly, it still has no strength! If you have strength, how can you use this set of digging holes?

Standing in the cold wind, I didn't move for a long time.

In the end, Qi Lei suddenly turned back and slammed open the door of the door.

A bunch of old men and old ladies were stunned for a moment, and the doorman asked in a daze, "What's wrong with the child? Did something fall?"

Qi Lei didn't speak, he entered the room and closed the door.

"Uncle and aunt!"


"I promise you, give me three years, we will definitely buy this arm back!"

After speaking, Qi Lei turned around and left.

The gatekeeper and Ma chased after him, and they saw him getting into the car with his head down and walking away.

Uncle Ma stared blankly at him and asked the uncle, "Three years? Can he do it?"

The janitor grinned, "Sure!"

"This kid has that energy!"


The next day, Qi Lei made another joke and updated his blog post on his blog:

"I not only want to buy arm, but also want to buy ibm's personal computer business!"

"Let's read the songbook on a donkey, let's see!"

As soon as this blog came out, it exploded again in an instant.

Cheng Hua of the Beijing News took a look, you still want to buy ibm? Why don't you go to heaven! ?

You can't eat an arm, let alone an ibm!

Hurry up and report again, and then fight! !

However, it doesn't matter whether they fight or not.

Desheng's manager Wen saw something wrong, didn't he? Qi Lei wasn't talking about it, he was really making a big move, and he was almost deceived by him!

As for how Manager Wen saw that Qi Lei was in a fascination array?

Because, he doesn't know if Sanshi Company can acquire arm, maybe it can!

Manager Wen is not an ordinary melon eater. He knows that Qi Lei still has the ability to cash in.

Even if he can't come up with the money, the help behind him can get him money.

Therefore, whether it is possible to receive an arm or not is not a problem in terms of money. It is not surprising that he has such an extravagant hope.

However, the arm manager does not know, but the ibm thing, the text manager knows.

It is impossible for Sanshi to acquire ibm's personal computer because Desheng is in charge of this matter. Since Desheng and Qi Lei turned their faces, they have completely broken this idea, and Qi Lei is also impossible. I don't know if he can't charge ibm.

Then why did he throw this out?

Pure hi?


Manager Wen knows this opponent too well, he must have some purpose!



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I deleted a whole chapter and rewritten it. It's a little too late. Let's deal with it. I haven't corrected the typo yet.


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