Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Who is the strongest strategist?

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The storm came without any warning.

Just as the whole of the UK was preparing for the coming Christmas, The Times columnist Rossi Knightley published an op-ed that set off British public opinion. . .

Ordinary British people have only one thought after seeing it, this **** arm, **** German, is simply synonymous with evil!

Yes, Rosie still holds her animal protection banner high in the article.

Sharp words, coupled with the halo of a beautiful reporter, make her have countless fans.

Moreover, the topic of ecological protection and animal protection will never lack resonance.

However, some people saw the difference this time.

In the past, Rossi Knightley only attacked Byron August himself in his articles, and attributed all mistakes to Byron's cruelty and evil.

But this time, Rossi focused on the arm company, and even used a loose guessing tone.

"Can we imagine that the evil guy byron may not be the source, but the real source is the cold blood and indifference of life of the arm decision makers!"

"As one of the most famous technology companies in the world, I think arm should reflect on itself, what has it brought to the world? What role model has it played?"

"Warren Ett, Sam Brown, I think it's your responsibility to give the public an account."

When Rossi's column came out, many people smelled unusual.

Cambridge, arm headquarters.

Sam Brown burst into Warren's office and slammed a copy of The Times on the desk.

"Rosie that Bichi!!"

Sam growled. He was a fiery temperament, and he was even more angry when he saw Rosie Knightley's article.

"I want to strip her clothes off and hang them on Big Ben!!"

Warren was amused by Sam's metaphor, but not as emotional as he was. He had read the newspaper.

I saw Warren Aite chuckling, "Good idea! Remember to call me, Rosie is still in good shape."

Is Sam still in the mood to joke when he hears him?

"Warren!! Can you be a little more serious? Can't you see it? This Bichi has drawn the fire to the arm, and she is no longer satisfied with the attack on Byron."

The more he talked, the more he gritted his teeth, and said to himself, "I knew it for a long time! I knew it for a long time! This Bichi has great ambitions, and cth's appetite is not small!"

"Fuck!" Sam yelled, as if he was completely overwhelmed by the frustrating situation. "No, we can't compromise!"

"Isn't cth going to extort!? We just can't give in, they don't want to take a penny from the arm! I will never let them succeed!"

Warren looked at him, still calm, and said slowly, "Sam, money can't solve it now."

Sam lagged behind, not surprised, but panic in his eyes.

Hysterical, pretending not to understand, "It's better if you can't solve it!"

"Warren, we're going to fight them to the end, right?"

Warren: "..."

At this juncture, Byron August rushed in without knocking on the door, also holding a copy of The Times.

However, he was not as angry as Byron, but rather proud.

He waved the newspaper and said to the two of them, "Have you read the newspaper?"

Warren's brows furrowed, and Sam's strange eyes flashed past.


When Byron heard this, he even joked and started his ruthless performance: "See!? That Rosie is attacking the arm, and she finally attacked the arm!"

As if attacking the arm, what a happy thing for him.

Pointing at Warren, "Wake up, idiot!"

"Do you still want to move arm to China?"

"A monkey has already made that woman orgasm! You can make her attack the arm, do you still fantasize about working with ts?"

"Once the news spreads, you will only face crazier resistance and more unscrupulous attacks if you want to sell your arm to the Chinese."

"Warren!! Time to wake up, we can't go to China!"

Byron is like an enlightened sage, eloquently showing off to the two his analysis after reading the newspaper.

Trying to convince them not to go to China.

Sam and Warren looked speechless. Let a second fool show his face.

However, I still can't reason with him, and I can't make any sense with this guy who only has chemical equations in his mind.

Warren can only perfunctory, "I see, my friend, the board will carefully consider all factors."

Sam also swept away impatiently, "Go out, you don't have to worry about our affairs! Taking care of your laboratory is the greatest support for arm."

Byron got angry when he got into it, "Warren! Sam! Why are you always so stupid!!"

"Can't we take the long view? Don't just look at the immediate interests, we can't go to China!"

Warren was not angry and continued to perfunctory: "Maybe you are right, my friend, now we are not going to China."

"Enough!!" Byron was fed up with his perfunctory, "you stupid guy, why should I know you this guy!"

"Why!? Why do you want to share a dormitory with you? Why did you join the arm after listening to your stupid words?"

"I have had enough of you!"

Byron growled, almost out of control.

Because he knew that he couldn't convince Warren that the guy was determined to cooperate with the Chinese.

"Fuck! Wo..."

"Enough!!" Sam shouted loudly, interrupting Byron's curse.

Grimly, "Byron, you idiot! Shut me up!"

Byron is not afraid of Sam, "Why should I shut up?"

Sam yelled, almost hitting someone, "Go back to your lab, you don't have the right to speak here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Byron subconsciously retreated slightly.

Well, he had a fight with Sam when he was young, and he lost.

However, the momentum cannot be lost, "You! Do you want to hit someone?"

Sam closed his eyes in pain, not wanting to mess with this idiot for a second.

"getout! Get out of here right now!"

I saw Byron glaring at the mad Sam, and Warren, who was still calm, but his eyes were a little gloomy. He was also furious, "It's over!! The arm is over! The arm is destroyed in your hands!"

As he spoke, he slammed the door and left, causing colleagues in the corridor to look sideways.

As soon as Byron was gone, Sam took a deep breath and turned to Warren. "This stupid guy just messes with his lab."

Persuaded, "Don't care about him, Warren, my opinion is... don't give up easily!"

Warren nodded, looked at Sam, but said nothing.

Whether it's not giving up fighting Rosie Knightley, or anything else, he can't give Sam anything.

After Sam was gone, Warren pondered for a long time, and finally called Qi Lei.

On the phone, however, the calm image was replaced by an anxious mood.

"Damn American shot, Qi, your sweet dreams are going to waste!"

"It's up to you now, I have no choice."

"You Chinese have to put pressure on the Mi people, you have to scare them off, or you won't get an arm."

Qi Lei, "..."

To be honest, he didn't really expect Warren to hit him.

What beautiful thing do you want?

Fake surprise, "What's wrong? My friend? What happened?"

Warren panicked, "Didn't you read the newspaper?"

Qi Lei, "What newspaper? I'm in China now."


Warren cursed and told Qi Lei what happened.

Then analyze it to Qi Lei, "Even if cth is greedy, it will not target arm"

"They know we're not easy to mess with, and they pay attention to proportions. But now, they're doing it, which means there must be someone behind us!"

"It must be the Americans, they are going to attack the arm!"

"Qi!! I repeat, you should be aware of the shamelessness of the Americans. I can't guarantee whether the deal between you and me can still be reached."

"So, now I really need your help. I hope to cooperate with you even more for the Pangu system!"

At this moment, Warren seemed to be out of control, and even said what he valued most about Three Stone Company.

On the other end of the phone, Qi Lei also seemed dignified, apparently infected by Warren.

Finally, "I see, we'll figure something out. But..."

The conversation changed, "My friend, you know, my country is still very weak, and we can't guarantee that we can stop the Americans."

This answer made Warren close his eyes in pain. Qi Lei rejected him in disguise. This guy was not fooled.

In fact, he expected such a result, that Chinese teenager is not so simple.

But still unwilling, holding fantasy.

Suddenly, it seems that the last line of defense has collapsed, and I feel sad and emotional, "Qi, isn't this world fair?"

"Because of their threats, we have withdrawn from the chip manufacturing industry and only do core licensing. We have given up the maximum profit and only take a pitiful licensing fee. Why? Why are they so greedy? Don't let it go. arm?"

Qi Lei did not expect that the head of a world-renowned company would say such a thing.

He could only comfortably say, "Warren, there is an idiom in China that says "Huaibi is guilty. Maybe that's the reason!"

Warren, "Is that fair? Where's the fairness?"

Qi Lei: "There is fairness in this world, but fairness needs to be fought for by oneself."

"And to win, you need wisdom, but also strength!"

Warren thought for a while, "A very philosophical paragraph."

"But, to use an idiom from your Chinese, I'm exhausted."

Qi Lei continued to comfort, "Don't give up hope, there may be a turning point."

Warren didn't think about it, "Where!? Where's the turnaround!?"

The opposite Qi Lei paused, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, I finally said, "My friend, maybe you should consider giving up Byron, so that your pressure will be much less."

Warren was stunned, his eyes gradually brightened, and said, "Impossible!"

Qi Lei, "Why?"

Warren, "Sam wouldn't agree, he just ran into my office and got pissed."

"On the surface, he scolded the reporter, scolded cth, and even said in a fit of anger that he would persevere to the end and never compromise."

"However, my partner for more than ten years let me know that he didn't insist on being angry at all. He was afraid that I would give up Byron and use Byron to find peace."

With a sneer, "That idiot Byron, because he was beaten by Sam when he was young, has been fighting against Sam."

"As everyone knows, the one who protects him the most in the arm is Sam."

"And that guy Sam, although he has a hot temper on the surface, in fact, he is very careful and very friendly."

"In arm, he is the real core, more important than me."

"Qi, I can't give up Byron, because that will lose two friends!"

"do you understand?"

Qi Lei, "..."

There was a long silence, seemingly infected by Warren's emotions, "Understood."

Warren heard Qi Lei's answer, "Just understand! Thank you Qi, anyway, I think there is still a possibility for us to cooperate, right?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

And Warren suddenly became serious, no longer sad, "I will continue to deal with the Americans, and to tell the truth, I prefer you as a partner. Your story is legendary, especially your attitude towards friends. Such a person deserves Trust, don't you?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, my friend, we are actually the same kind and more trustworthy."

Warren smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, great collaboration!"

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei froze in place for a long time.

Lao Qin and Lin Wanxiao watched him stand still, "What did that Warren say?"

As a result, Qi Lei returned to his soul and scolded, "Damn, I almost fell for Warren's old thief's dog!"

The two of them paused, "What's wrong?"

Qi Lei, "He noticed it and was testing me."

Two people: "..."

Probably repeating what Warren said on the phone with the two.

Lao Qin frowned, "So, he found out that our intention was not to acquire arm?"

Qi Lei, "This is normal, how could he not think of it?"

The acquisition of arm by the Chinese is itself a great resistance. Now that the wind has changed again, Warren will definitely be able to react, doesn't Qi Lei know? I wonder if the Americans will follow up as soon as he comes out?

You know, you know why? Just to fight for a chance of less than 1%?

You must know that from the perspective of China's computer industry, arm's return to the UK is more beneficial to China.

So, Warren figured out, there must be other purposes.

In short, on the phone call just now, Warren's first purpose was to pull Qi Lei into the water.

If you want to acquire arm, the problem now is left to you.

But Qi Lei refused to accept this, and Warren immediately started playing the emotional card again, hoping to get Qi Lei's real purpose.

And Qi Lei...give it to him.

That's right, at the beginning, Qi Lei thought that Warren had collapsed and started to communicate with each other.

But immediately reacted, this is the mouse crying to the cat, with ulterior motives.

But even so, Qi Lei gave it to him.

I want Byron!

"Why tell him?" Lin Wanxiao was puzzled, "What if Warren doesn't hand over Byron after he finds out?"

Qi Lei smiled, "No."


But it was Old Qin, "Because Warren has already given the answer."



The hunt has already begun.

As a pioneer, Rossi Knightley used a number of articles to set off a big debate on animal protection in the UK.

In recent days, outside the arm headquarters, a group of environmentalists have held slogans to demonstrate every day, which has reached the point of affecting the normal operation of arm.

Sam was in a hurry and had a big fight with Byron and ordered him to suspend and go home and stay with me!

And threatened that as long as Byron did not apologize, he would never want to return to his laboratory.

And Byron, he would never apologize to Sam.

He also put down his harsh words, "Sam, you idiot! Just wait, I will definitely be back!"

Byron's suspension did not calm the turmoil.

Because a bigger crisis has arisen.

A traitor appeared within the arm company, and it was revealed that Byron August, two years ago, publicly made remarks that insulted women and contempt for human rights at the company conference.

This made the British people with a keen sense of smell even crazier. More and more people joined the protests in front of the arm company, and more and more media began to follow in the footsteps of Rossi Knightley, to Byron and the arm company. criticize.

"Let that German guy! NC elements! Get out of the UK!" has become the main tone of British public opinion, and even European public opinion.

Even the members of the British House of Commons began to follow suit and ordered arm to explain publicly.

Sam didn't wake up until this moment, he couldn't keep the old man.

Because this is Western politics, public opinion is worthless, but public opinion represents everything.

When everyone began to try to destroy Byron and interfere with personnel appointments within the arm, it seemed that they could be ignored. However, public opinion is votes, and there must be political intervention, and there will be members of parliament and executives to cater to public opinion, because it can bring votes. .

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether it is true or false, what matters is the votes.

With votes, anything can rise to political heights.

This is political correctness in later generations, not factual correctness.

Byron is done!

Sam was a little exasperated, "Who is it!? Who is the traitor!"

"That guy didn't discriminate against women at all, and he didn't contempt for human rights! He just couldn't keep his mouth shut."

Warren in front of him said calmly to Sam, "Close the door."

Sam frowned and suddenly thought of something, "You..."

Warren, "Sam, close the door, I have something to tell you."

Sam was mad because from Warren's expression, he already had the answer.

"You betrayed Byron!"

"wtf!!? Why!? We're friends! Brothers!!" Sam was frantic, "Why did you betray him?"

Warren simply got up and closed the office door.

"Sam, you guessed it right, I betrayed Byron."

Sam: "Idiot! What the **** did you do?"

Warren said, "Sam, calm down and listen to me."



a week later.

Byron was hiding at home, watching TV, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. There were overwhelming news about him. Byron didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Bullshit! It's all bullshit!"

Pour yourself a beer and relax on the sofa.

He is not worried about public opinion, because those are all false remarks and will be clarified sooner or later.

He's not worried about that idiot Sam actually kicking him out of the arm, because...

No reason, just an instinctive feeling that it won't.

At this time, the phone rang again.

Byron's wife came downstairs, "Honey, why didn't you answer the phone?"

Byron curled his lips and said, "It's not a reporter, or that idiot Sam, don't bother."

The wife frowned. "Sam?"

Byron, "You heard that right, that idiot has made six or seven calls, and I won't forgive him."

The wife looked at him speechlessly, "Byron, you are like a child again."

While talking, he walked to the phone and glanced at it, it was really Sam's phone.

Picked it up, "Hi, Sam! It's been a long time since you and Anna have been at the house, and the kids miss Uncle Sam."


"Yes! He went for a walk just now, wait a minute."


"Byron! Come and answer the phone, it's from Sam."

Byron was almost mad and resisted silently, his mouth was: "wtf?"

The wife was a rogue, and handed him the phone. No way, Byron can only take over.

With a proud voice, "Hey! What's the matter? I won't forgive you!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Byron frowned. "Speak! I don't have much time."

Finally, Sam said, "Byron, you're fired!"


Byron's smile suddenly froze, "Fire!?"

The whole person started hysterical, "What did you say? Fired!?"

Sam, "Yes. You are fired! From now on, you have nothing to do with arm."

"Impossible!" Byron said that he would not accept such a result. "Impossible!! Sam! What are you talking about!?"

Sam's cold words came from the phone, "Do you want me to repeat it again?"

"You've been fired! Damn it! The arm kicked you out of the house!"


After a long silence, Byron August was struck by lightning.

Finally, "Just... just because of that Bichi's report? Just because of public opinion out of nothing?"

"Damn! You're going to fire me!?"

"No!! I don't accept it! I want to see Warren! Where is he? I want to see him!"

Sam said coldly, "You won't see him anymore. Just this morning, Warren was detained by the Americans at the New York airport."

"They accused us of bribery in our dealings with TSMC."

"Understand!? Warren can't come back, now the arm is managed by me!"

"And the first decision I made after taking office was to fire you out of trouble and kick you idiot away!"

Byron, "..."

Byron's whole person is stupid, " way!"

"No! How could Warren be detained? The Americans have no right to detain him! Even if there is a problem with our deal with TSMC, they won't care!"

Sam sneered, "That's called the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act!"

"As long as it's settled in US dollars, or it uses a server in the United States to accept mail, they may control it!"

"This Act has been around for 24 years, idiot!"

Byron, "What do we do now? We have to save Warren, not let him go to jail! Sam, you have to save him!"

"That guy is annoying, but we can't abandon him!"

Sam sighed wearily, "It's too late!"

"Now, pack your things and get out of here!"

Dududu, the busy tone from the phone did not wake Byron, and still yelled at the phone: "Sam!! Sam!"

"You ungrateful fellow! You wouldn't be where you are today without Warren, and you can't abandon him!"

Unfortunately, it was just roaring into the air.

That night, under the pressure of public opinion, arm company held a press conference.

Sam himself took the stage, "I deeply regret the recent public attention caused by Byron August!"

"We sincerely apologize for Byron's inappropriate comments, inappropriate practices, and animal cruelty."

"arm has responsibility for improper regulation and will not shirk responsibility."

"After the incident, the company immediately conducted a self-examination. After verifying the situation, the partnership with Byron was immediately terminated."

"In the future, arm company must reflect deeply and set an example for British companies!"

"Be a role model for British companies," Sam emphasized in particular.

After that, Sam revealed another shocking news: just this morning, the CEO of arm, Warren Art, was detained by the United States.

Sam bluntly stated at the press conference that this is a conspiracy and a persecution of arm company. I hope the public can stand up and give arm some support.

This is a clever trick. When two things are connected together, it can not only eliminate the negative influence brought by Byron and divert public attention, but also direct the blame to the Americans, threatening to persecute.

In fact, the Americans' Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Patriot Act just introduced this year are just tools for their long-arm jurisdiction and overseas hegemony.

However, before 2013, although the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act made many contributions and bullied many foreign companies that were a threat to American companies, it was not familiar to people.

It wasn't until 2013 that the Alston case emerged.

The Alstom executive who was detained was also a stubborn scumbag. After he was released, he made a big splash about it, making grievances for himself and for Alstom.

People are just beginning to realize that it is still possible to play like this.

Sam's press conference is tantamount to bringing forward the 13-year announcement to the world.

But does it work?

Hehe, Manager Wen, who was in the United States at this time, couldn't help laughing when he got the news.

"A great company needs a great country as support, otherwise, the end will be tragic."

In his eyes, arm is obviously such a model that the individual is too strong and the country is too weak.

This trick is really clever, but what's the use? The British House of Representatives, the Prime Minister's Office, where do you dare to speak for the arm?

"They even have to help the Americans and send the arm out with their hands!"

Jaquille on the side was also extremely proud at this time, proud of being an American.

"Sam, this idiot, still wants to fight to the death! Doesn't he know that the more this is the case, when the acquisition is completed, the fate of his shareholder will not be good?"

Manager Wen jokingly shook his head, "There is no shortage of stupid people in this world."

Asked Jaquille, "How about that Warren? Willing to cooperate?"

Jaquier, "It is said to be honest. However, the lawyer we sent said that he seems to be delaying, and it is estimated that he is delusional that the British government can come forward."

Manager Wen laughed again, "He's a smart guy. Unfortunately, no one will save him!"

Detaining Warren, of course, is the handwriting of Manager Wen.

Desheng has the ability to collude with some official departments.

As for how Desheng operates the acquisition of arm... Isn't this the operation?

In the face of absolute strength, all tricks are futile, and it can be simply and rudely robbed.

Isn't it incredible? The clumsy means of the civilized world.

But this is the truth of the world, the logic of the West.

Dissatisfied? Unless you are bigger than his fist!

What will happen next is self-evident.

The British government was completely silent on Sam's appeal, and some people even said in public that it was a purely commercial act, and the government was inconvenient to intervene.

If the arm does violate the law, then even if Warren can escape the laws of the Americans, the UK will not let them go!

To put it bluntly, if you don't help, you have to step on it.

It can't be said to be crawling inside and out, after all...doing errands for Dad!

Don't say that a company sent it out, even if Dad came to cut leeks when there was a crisis, and he came to cut leeks when there was a crisis, wouldn't it be the same?

What happened next is self-evident.

In isolation, Warren had to compromise.

At this time, Desheng's show operation came, let Intel charge first, and have a great intention to acquire arm.

As a result, as Manager Wen said, no one wants to see Intel's acquisition of arm, which is a consensus all over the world.

Warren heard it was Intel? Immediately turned against the tide, and refused to sell to Intel.

The British government, at this time, also turned its back on the previous attitude and began to support arm.

Oppositions and boycotts from other quarters are also one after another.

Intel's Klauger dream did not come true, instead it was a slap in the face.

A number of companies that use Intel chips, or have partnerships, even terminated their partnership with Intel in a short period of time.

This is also a kind of resistance. Without Intel, you have to use arm-based chips, which naturally gives other manufacturers room for profit growth, which not only shows their attitude, but also suppresses Intel in the opposite direction.

Klauger couldn't do anything at first sight, so he could only give up angrily.

When Intel gave up the idea, js company jumped out in a timely manner, and old Gerald made a big speech on Wall Street, "I intend to acquire arm."

At first, everyone thought he was joking.

But they didn't realize it until photos of Gerald meeting Warren appeared in the newspapers. It turns out that Desheng and JS have been together for a long time.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement.

js investment acquired the majority of arm's shares and outstanding shares for £4.7 billion

Arm, with a market value of 15 billion pounds, eventually sold for only one-third of the price, which is no different from grabbing.

That includes Sam Brown's stake. Warren eventually kept his shares, as well as the CEO position, still in charge of arm.

However, the Sam who tried to resist was swept out of the house.

The last warrior of the arm, the warrior who never yielded, ended in a bleak end.

It is said that when Sam left, he didn't even pack his personal belongings and left in a daze.

Byron August, who was also swept out of the house, had a hard time.

At first, Byron could not accept it, could not understand it.

But when everything became a fact, his stubborn temper put all the blame on Sam.

There was a big riot at the company, and Sam and Warren were scolded.

In the end, Aojiao said that he didn't keep his father here, he had his own place to keep him, how many companies wanted to dig him out, and I didn't have to hang him on the arm!

Unfortunately, Byron is naive.

A person with human rights disputes, discrimination against women, and cruelty to animals has trampled almost all the big thunders in the West.

Coupled with the fact that he was German, Rossi took the lead in putting an NC hat on him, basically condemning the person to social death.

No company dared to accept such a Byron August, even if he was a great **** in the field of microelectronics.

First, a microelectronics laboratory in Switzerland rejected Byron's job offer.

Subsequently, several chip companies in France simply issued a joint statement:

"We hate all acts of racism and discrimination, and we deeply regret the actions of Byron August and will never accept such a fellow."

Byron was so angry that he almost exploded in situ. Wasn't it the time to poach a lot of money?

Human feelings are hot and cold, and the world is hot and cold. In just over a month, Byron has experienced a lot.

It was only at this moment that he began to doubt life a little, doubting the Western social system.

What the **** is going on? How can you be so stupid?

However, these have not defeated Byron, he is still proud.

Because, even if these companies and laboratories do not accept him, he still has the last choice——

his homeland! !

He can go back to Germany, join the German national laboratory, and concentrate on his studies.

At that time, no one can hurt him again, hurt his family.

As early as half a year ago, the German official once found him, hoping that he would return to the motherland to play.

Byron felt that it was time to go back to his countrymen.

However, what Byron never expected was that his motherland had abandoned him! !

The National Laboratory changed its enthusiasm half a year ago and directly rejected Byron's request to return to work in China.

The reply is very tough, Germany does not need it, it does not need a scum!

(Avoid being scolded and say a digression, this is true, there are prototypes in reality, not the author's random fabrication (dog head saves life))

Hearing such news, Byron shut himself in his room for a day and a night.

He couldn't figure it out, what happened to this world?

At this moment, Byron unkemptly curled up in front of the window, and the carpet was full of empty German beer cans.

Outside the window, the mess left by the protesters had not yet been taken away. The big slogans "Get out of the UK" and "Go to hell!" stinged Byron's eyes.

The news that arm company was acquired by js was playing on the TV. Byron instinctively wanted to replace the **** news, but pressing the remote control made him even more crazy.

That was an exclusive interview with Rossi Knightley on British national television.

That Bichi, the beauty of the radiance, the attitude of a winner, talk about it eloquently.

"Give me all hell!"

Byron smashed the beer can at the TV, but unfortunately, the fluffy cans failed to cause any damage to the TV.

This made Byron even more desperate.

How fitting! He is that buoyant soda can that makes no difference to the world.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and it was the wife outside the door, "Dear!"

Byron roared, "Don't bother me!! Let me calm down, okay?"

After shouting, I felt a little guilty again, and added, "Dear!"

Well, I haven't completely lost my mind yet. The family brotherhood is very "Chinese".

Outside the door, his wife was worried about Byron, but she couldn't help laughing when she heard his panting.

"Honey, you should cheer up."

Byron, "I'm cheering up!"

Wife, "That's good, there are guests here, do you want to meet?"

Byron was startled! "Who?"

"a Chinese."


"Yes, I invite you to China."

After listening, Byron subconsciously looked at a Maybach parked at the door.

The car was parked here just now, as if someone got out of the car, but he wasn't in the mood to care so much.


When I came down from the upstairs, I saw a man sitting on the sofa in the living room...


Yes, Qi Lei in his eyes was about the same age as his own child.

Although Byron's eldest son is only 14 years old, he can't help but look old!

Sitting across from Qi Lei, looking at Qi Lei's business card.

"Qi Lei? You are Qi Lei!? The one who tried to acquire arm?"

The opposite Qi Lei nodded with a smile, "Thank you for your hospitality, Dr. August."

Byron waved his hand, "No! What are you doing here?"

He didn't like Qi Lei, he was very direct.

Qi Lei is no nonsense, "I invite you to work in China."

Byron, "Impossible!"

Qi Lei, "Even if there is no other choice, wouldn't you be willing?"

Byron blushed, not wanting to admit his situation.

However, it was obvious that the young man opposite knew everything.

Pretending to be calm, he leaned on the sofa, "I have many choices!"

"Okay, I admit that the current situation is very bad. But so what? The public will forget the past sooner or later. Maybe in the first half of the year, some companies will come to the door."

He smiled confidently, "Half a's not bad to be on vacation."

"Are you right? Mr. Qi Lei?"

"Alas!" Qi Lei sighed after hearing this, "I heard a few things, Mr. August seems to have some prejudice against China."

Byron is very sensitive to prejudice and discrimination now.

"Who did you hear? I didn't!"

Qi Lei smiled, "It's not important, don't you want to hear about my conditions and treatment?"

Byron didn't even think about it, "No!"

Qi Lei was very meaningful, "I have always offered a high price."

Byron subconsciously said, "How tall is it?"

Qi Lei, "500 million."


Byron almost snapped his nails on the sofa.

Five hundred million?

"RMB, or GBP?"

Qi Lei smiled, "This is Britain."

"Five years, £500m? Invest in an integrated laboratory."

Gollum, Byron couldn't hold back! Swallowed.


But Byron is not the one who sees money and shakes his head, "Qi, don't try to tempt me again."

But the tone softened, "I am a person who pursues academically, so I don't care about financial gains."

"I admit that you are very sincere and willing to offer me a job at this time. I am very grateful."

"However, China's foundation in the fields of chips and microelectronics is too poor to meet my requirements."

"I don't think I have any development going to China."

He said bluntly, "To tell you the truth, I used to be the person most opposed to the cooperation between arm and ts, and this is what I considered."

"I can live with financial hardship, but not academic barrenness!"

"do you understand?"

After listening to Qi Lei, he asked rhetorically, "Do you think that in China, no country can set up a laboratory according to your standards?"

Byron shook his head, "No, no, I'm not that arrogant, and I'm not that pessimistic about China! A country, of course..."

"Wait!" Byron was stunned, "A country!?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! As long as they are scholars in China, whoever you fancy, I will invite them!"


Are you going a little too far? National power?

However, it is relieved to think about it, that ancient country in the East has always been good at this.

"You, can you please come? Qi, don't promise something that you can't do."

Qi Lei smiled and thought for a moment, "Well, Mr. August, I propose a plan, do you think it will work?"

Byron, "What plan?"

Qi Lei, "Didn't you say that a company will find you in half a year?"

"Then let's sign a half-year contract first."

Byron, "Half a year? What can I do?"

Qi Lei, "A vacation!"


Qi Lei, "Didn't you say that this half a year is going to be a vacation? Then I'll spend money and invite you to go on vacation!"

"Half a year, I'll pay you one million pounds and invite you to go on vacation in China."

"First, let's relax; second, if we have the possibility to cooperate, you can do the work of selecting the location of the laboratory by the way."

"Three times, please go and learn about China, learn about Chinese culture, and learn about the people there."

Speaking of this, Qi Lei was very sincere, "We are indeed still behind, but we also have our advanced places."

"As for what it is, you can see for yourself. After half a year, let's talk about whether I can invite the best talents in the country."

Byron, "..."

Heart said, you are outrageous! And paid me to go on vacation?

But it was Qi Lei who added another sentence and joked, "Don't worry, in China, no one will call you racist, and you understand the difference between animal cruelty and scientific research."

This sentence is a bit ironic, and it is mocking the absurd democracy of the West.

However, even though Qi Lei had already said this, Byron was still hesitant, and even resisted from the bottom of his heart.

After a long time, Byron shook his head, "I'm sorry, Qi, I still can't promise you!"

Qi Lei didn't seem surprised, "Why?"

Byron, "Because...because..."

He couldn't say why, but Qi Lei gave him the answer, "Is it because of the Nobel Prize?"

Byron was stunned and nodded slowly, "Maybe! I know, that's the highest honor."

Qi Lei nodded in understanding, "Actually, I thought of it before I came here."

Byron, "Sorry! Really sorry!!"

"I apologize for the inappropriate remarks I made to the Chinese before, and I apologize for not being able to accept Mr. Qi's invitation today."

But Qi Lei shook his head, "Mr. Byron, look at this!"

Byron took it, took a look, okay! Did not understand.

"This is?"

Qi Lei, "This is the list of the most popular Peace Prize winners released by the Swedish media yesterday. Among them, Rossi Knightley became the most popular recipient of the Peace Prize in 2002 because of the undercover arm and other incidents."


Byron's head buzzed, "This... this is impossible! That Bichi, why is she?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Don't you understand? Why did she only attack you at first, but later turned to attacking the arm."

"Not only has he become a public opinion leader, but also the first shot by the Americans to buy arm."


Byron is stupid, yeah! Why is she? Why are you gunmen for the Americans?

Qi Lei, "Let me tell you, the popularity is just the beginning, the Peace Prize must be hers!"

"It's a deal, a deal to do things for the Americans."

"!!!" Byron finally understood.

The next moment, the heart is ashes.

The news that Rossi would win was the straw that broke the camel's back, and all of Byron's hopes were dashed.

Arm abandoned him, Britain abandoned him, academia abandoned him, and the motherland didn't want him...

And now, Nobel is also far away.

Byron was desperate.

And after despair comes anger!


Qi Lei watched his empty eyes gradually distort, a little unbearable.

Although he dug this dirty pit with his own hands, but...

In fact, Byron did nothing wrong, he was just an appetizer and a victim in this capital feast.

However, the reality is so cruel.

Throwing the last question, "Mr. Byron, are you... willing to go to China?"

At this time, Byron was already a dead lamb. He had no other choice. Qi Lei knew that he could only nod his head.

Appropriately said again, "Don't worry, just go on vacation."

"Even if you decide to stay and work in China, we will handle it in a low-key manner so as not to arouse the negative emotions of European public opinion towards you."

"If you have any requirements, feel free to mention them, and I will try my best to satisfy them."


After a long silence, Byron did not reply immediately, but thought about something with a gloomy face.

After a long time, "Any request can be made?"

Qi Lei, "Any request!"

Byron, "Then I'm going to the magic capital!"

Looking at Qi Lei, "I know that your ts company is located in a remote area of ​​China, and the business center is mainly the capital."

"But I'm going to the magic capital, which has the taste of a metropolis."

Qi Lei didn't speak, he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

"Magic City Villa, you can live there first for half a year."

Byron was stunned, "You know I'm going to Modu? Otherwise, why is the house ready?"

"have no idea."

"Then where did you come from..."

But Qi Lei took out several sets of keys from his pocket, "Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong are all ready."

Byron: "..."

A little moved? Is sincerity enough?

However, none of this matters.

Putting the key in his pocket, "I still have conditions."

Qi Lei, "Please speak!"

Byron, "I want the best experimental equipment, experimental team!"

Qi Lei, "Not on vacation?"

Byron, "What vacation? I'm going to work!"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

Byron, "Academic, I want absolute dominance!"


"I want you to spread the word about my going to China."


This is something Qi Lei didn't expect, and he didn't expect Byron to be so high-profile? why?

And what he didn't expect is still behind!

"I want to become a Chinese citizen!!!"

"???" I couldn't understand it anymore.

But it was Byron with a ferocious face and gritted his teeth, "I want them to know how stupid it was to abandon me!"

"I'm going to make them regret! Make them upset!"

"I want to surpass Nobel's achievements in the East! I want everyone to see what kind of person Byron August is!"

"Qi, can you help me do this?

Qi Lei, "..."

chap! We never thought about this condition.

Qi Lei, "Mr. Byron... Don't you have to?"

"No!" Byron still didn't do it, "This is a condition that must be agreed to me, and we can accept it and let's talk about it!"

Some people are desperate, that is despair; some people are desperate, but it inspires fighting spirit.

Byron is the latter, a guy who never admits defeat.

Being treated like this, all I can think about is revenge.


In the end, Qi Lei could only reluctantly agree, what about the trouble, and the unexpected harvest?

However, if you do this, my plans will have to change!

Suddenly he took out his mobile phone and dialed it in front of Byron.

"He agreed, but with some unexpected additional conditions, come in!"

Byron is inexplicable, who is he? Didn't Qi Lei come alone?

Byron didn't come back to his senses until the doorbell rang.

Seeing his wife going to open the door, "Wait!"

Qi Lei's expression...not quite right.

Byron didn't know what to think, so he went to open the door himself.

He had a hunch that he knew the person outside the door!

As a result, the door opened, and Byron took a close look and slammed a punch.

"Sam!! Damn Sam! Die for me!"

Outside the door, it was Sam Brown.

Facing Byron's fist, he was not surprised at all: "Idiot! I have endured you for a long time!"



ten minutes later.

Byron sat on the sofa, covering the corners of his mouth, it was quite stiff, "Say! Why did you get together with him?"

Sam moved his wrist and tossed a document to Byron.

Byron frowned and picked it up, "What?"

Sam, "This is a contract between me and Warren to fund a lab-on-a-chip partnership with ts."

"36% of the total, you, me, Warren, 12% each."

Byron, "..."

With his emotional intelligence, he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Instinctively, he said, "You two pay, why count my shares? I don't want it!"

Sam stared, "Then get out of the UK with your bare ass!"

Byron: "..."

Well, compromised, "How much? I'll supply you."

Sam, "£30 million."

"The two of you?"


"Then the two of you have paid a total of 60 million, and I have to make up 20 million?" Byron was in a bad mood.

As a result, Sam sneered, "A total of 90 million! If you want to make up, you have to make up 30 million."

Byron didn't think about it, "Forget it, I owe it."

Talking, he naturally put away the agreement, and Sam was so angry that he wanted to hammer him again.

What's the matter, no good words at all?

But Qi Lei watched with relish. When the two were fighting just now, he didn't go up to stop them.

I just think that when they were teenagers, they should be the same as Wu Xiaojian, Tang Xiaoyi, and him. They are two teenage boys who can never stop fighting.

Qi Lei seemed to see what they looked like when they were in their thirties and forties, and was even a little envious. I don't know if the three brothers can still have such energy at this age.

And Byron didn't react until this time, "Fuck! What the **** are you doing with Warren? What..."

How come the shares are all divided, I don't know yet?

Well, the reflex arc is indeed a bit long.

I saw Sam smiled contemptuously, "Idiot! This is the way out! It's the way out for the three of us!!"

"You and I have nothing to do with arm, and Warren, sooner or later, will be marginalized by the Americans, and they will completely take away arm!"

"Even if Warren can stay, he must be obedient."

"So, Warren has already found a way out for us!"

"Go to China! That's the only place where we can guarantee that we won't be bullied by the Americans again."

"Got it? Stupid!"

"I..." Byron understood a little.

However, let him fully understand what is going on in this game, and when did Sam and Warren start to arrange this retreat.

That's impossible!

Impossible in this lifetime!


In fact, this is what Lao Qin said to Lin Wanxiao that day, "Warren has already given the answer."

Qi Lei confessed his purpose to Warren on the phone, and Warren immediately chatted about the three's college friendship.

Talk about Sam being a nice guy, bluffing to keep Byron.

In fact, it was to tell Qi Lei that their relationship with Warren was also promoting Sam.

This made Qi Lei have to change his strategy, from the original hard grab to the current cooperation with three people.

Of course, this cooperation is a win-win situation.

At this time, Sam Qi Lei said, "Warren is ready. It turns out that the members of Byron's laboratory will go to China with him."

"After that, he will slowly transfer the core technical personnel of arm. The Americans are counting on us, and we are not vegetarians!"

This is Warren and Sam let the arm lay eggs and give birth to a small arm in China.

At that time, arm was apparently sold to Americans, but its core competitiveness was backed by the Chinese market, the computer market with the most potential in the world.

And Warren, Sam and Byron are still the core of this small arm.

Is it a loss?

I dare not say that it is more promising than the orthodox arm, but it is definitely no problem to survive.

"Sam!" Byron got a little exasperated when he learned about it. "You and Warren are both devils and treacherous hooligans!"

Are these two too dirty?

In this case, the biggest winner is actually Warren, not only did he lay an egg, but the arm is still under his control.

The devil!

Sam sneered at this, "It's the devil who keeps you from walking out of the UK with your bare ass!"

He looked at Qi Lei proudly, meaning, how is it? Warren Bull?

Warren told him before, that is, when Warren betrayed Byron, Sam ran to question, and the two closed the door and met frankly.

Warren said that this Qi Lei is not simple, he is the most shrewd businessman he has ever met, and should not be underestimated.

Sam was still unconvinced.

Now look, how is it? Haven't played Warren? Warren is the best strategist.

As everyone knows, since Qi Lei heard that he was going to lay eggs, his whole person was not good.

Hold! Don't be fooled!

In his original plan, he did not hollow out the arm.

While Sam was showing off to him, Qi Lei was thinking.

Do you want to change your strategy? Laying an egg... seems to be a good Then my original plan...

While he was thinking, Sam stood up, "Okay, Mr. Qi, talk to Byron, I'm going back to Warren."

When Byron heard this, "Didn't you get fired? What are you going to do with him??"

I saw Sam's face solemn, "Today, the representative of js company has an appointment with Warren, and I want to be by his side."

After a pause, "Warren said, js is Desheng's puppet. I don't know what the situation will be when I send a representative this time. I want to be by his side!"

Tsk tsk tsk, Qi Lei grinned.

However, if you have to go now, it is very likely that you will get out of control!

Therefore, Qi Lei had to make a temporary decision and stopped Sam, "So what..."

Sam turned around. "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Qi Lei grinned. He was too embarrassed to say the following.

But it's not enough if you don't say, "Don't leave."


"Inform Warren that a representative of js is meeting him at Mr. Byron's house."



Sam and Byron, petrified on the spot.

Qi Lei took out his phone, dialed it, and spoke Chinese.

"Fake foreign devil! Give you an address, come here now, the plan has changed!"

When Chen Wenjie heard it, he immediately complained, "You and that cheap dad are so unreliable."

"I had a good time chatting with my **** at Stanford. If I had to let my father go to this crazy place to hang out, how could my father talk about business?"

Qi Lei, "You are so poor! Come here!"

"Dele, wait!"



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