Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 103: Impressed

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Who is the strongest strategist? Is that Qi Lei?

Yes and no.

This "dirty stone" is just like what he said, "I can't bear to die at home, and I don't need to talk about martial arts when I go abroad..."

However, in the beginning, the designers of this game were not Qi Lei, but Uncle Geng and Zhang Nan.

It was Qi Lei, the two masters, who first found "the skill of chopping wood".

The advice they gave to Qi Lei was, "The breakthrough is in Intel."

Note that it's a breakthrough, not a tiebreaker.

Many people think that Intel is the key, wrong! Intel is just the entry point and the key to bringing all parties into the game.

It was Klauger's greed that suppressed arm and wanted to buy arm, but he couldn't be in an awkward situation that could satisfy everyone's needs.

For example, Desheng who wants to take the opportunity to **** blood, an American who wants to get his arm in his pocket, and Rossi Knightley who covets the Nobel Prize.

Well, as an aside, there's one more thing that's pretty dirty. Qi Lei didn't say anything.

That is: The person who wrote the PR manuscript for Rossi Knightley and operated the Nobel Prize was Desheng.

Qi Lei didn't lie to Byron. During this time, all Rossi's actions were operated by Desheng behind the scenes, but there was nothing about Qi Lei.

He just gave Rossi some pointers, and he became a dog-head military division once, and asked her to take the initiative to find Desheng.

At first, Rossi was reluctant. You know, Desheng's reputation in the West is not very good, and he can eat people without spitting bones.

to find them? She sold her little reporter, she didn't even know.

Besides, she is so cheeky to ask Desheng to help her run the Nobel Prize? Are you taking yourself too seriously?

Rosie was still awake, she didn't think she was a figure in the eyes of the behemoth Desheng.

However, unable to resist Qi Lei's repeated persuasion, Rossi finally gave in.

What she didn't expect was that the handsome boy from the East was a genius, and Desheng agreed very happily.

This made Rossi very happy. He took several sips on Qi Lei's other cheek.

Oh shit! Lost again.

In fact, this is the result of the pattern and information asymmetry. What is incredible in Rossi Knightley's eyes is normal in Qi Lei's eyes.

At that time, Manager Wen was in need of a public opinion point to attack arm, and Rossi was the best candidate. The Byron animal cruelty case was a ready-made PR direction.

And Rossi's request was a key opportunity to change her destiny for herself, but it was not a high price for her opponent, Desheng.

Rossi doesn't want money (Qi Lei gave it.) This woman only needs the Nobel Prize, which is not a cost.

So, the two hit it off.

The old Levistan applied to play, and once again fought chicken blood, creating PR conditions for a beautiful reporter, which was too simple for him.

Moreover, it can also stir up the business between Huang Sanshi Company and arm. Old Levi liked it very much.

Eat ducks, sing songs, and get things done.

Don't look at Rossi as a reporter, but in all-round public relations and public opinion guidance, Rossi is several grades worse than the old Levi.

Even many of my colleagues originally wanted to sing the opposite of Rossi and have a shot at it. However, when I learned that Rossi was behind the legendary Levistan in the industry, I immediately gave up the idea.

What are you kidding? In their eyes, Levistan is a god-like existence, an invincible myth in the public relations and media circles.

Do it right with old Levi and he will discredit you.


Looking back on this game, the only uncertain point, and the biggest unexpected gain, was actually Chen Wenjie's father, Gerald Merlin.

This line, Qi Lei originally did not hold much hope.

Thinking about it, Desheng Ai will sell the arm to whomever he sells. Anyway, as long as I get Byron, I will make sure no losses.

Moreover, Warren Aite is not a vegetarian, and his secret level with Sam made Qi Lei even more profitable.

However, having said that, it is true that there is no hope, but it is still necessary to operate.

Now that Manager Wen has gone to Wall Street, if he doesn't let Gerald, the cheap dad of the fake foreigner, try it, it will be a bit inconsistent with the temperament of "thieves don't go empty".

As a result, there was a scene where Gerrard mocked Manager Wen in public and prevented him from coming off the stage.

It has to be said that there is a bit of luck in it, but it is not without wisdom.

Qi Lei and Manager Wen are old acquaintances and have a certain understanding of this person.

He found that Manager Wen was the elite of the elite, which no one doubted.

However, he has a fatal weakness, and that is - not in the middle, not in the foreign.

Manager Wen, that is, Pittwen, is a self-proclaimed American, advocating Western values, and also has a sense of Western superiority.

But at the same time, he also studied Chinese culture, always using Chinese culture to explain American values, and always preaching with allusions of Chinese culture. Also, he is a yellow man.

This has indeed brought him some benefits.

For example, the unique combination of Chinese and Western philosophies has enabled him to flourish in the workplace at a young age, and even sit on the throne of the Greater China region.

But in Qi Lei's view, Manager Wen is not a perfect combination of things, it's far from it.

At most, it is called Er Chuanzi, which is not a good thing.

This creates what can be called a twisted character in Pittwin, a combination of contradictions.

In him, there are two sides of inferiority and pride at the same time.

In front of the Chinese, he has a sense of superiority and always holds his chin up, as if he is superior.

However, when the Americans showed up, even if Pittwen concealed it well, he could still see signs of shortness of breath.

For example, Jaquier by his side, and Levistan, who often cooperates.

It stands to reason that these two people are his subordinates, and their level is much lower than him.

However, Manager Wen never regarded them as subordinates, showing a gesture of being close to the people.

Actually, that's not the case.

And the cultural conflict has made Manager Wen show another state, that is: self-confidence! Extremely confident! Arrogant even.

This is true for both Chinese and Americans. Manager Wen felt that he was superior.

He is more knowledgeable and confident than anyone, which can be seen in his several confrontations with Qi Lei.

If you change someone else, if you can't play, I won't play with you! Wise people know how to avoid the heavy and the light.

But he doesn't, the more dishes he wants to serve! It's just staring at Sanshi Company, like a prank.

In fact, if Qi Lei was in Pittwen's position, he would never have the first reaction to go to the United States and find another company to stir up the transaction between Huang Sanshi and Arm. There is a more profitable way to play than this.

Is there much resistance to Qi Lei's acquisition of arm? Is it okay for Desheng to be the middleman? Crossing Chencang secretly, the Chinese can't accept it, can Desheng be an agent?

Desheng replaces Gerrard, okay?

In this way, not only on the surface, arm is still American, there will be less resistance to future development, and the American market will be more open.

Moreover, the Chinese market also has an interpersonal advantage over Intel.

It can be said that the world is invincible.

But he didn't, he just wanted to compete with Qi Lei.

Too vengeful.

So, from the perspective of having a better understanding of Manager Wen, Qi Lei asked Old Gerald to try to provoke Manager Wen.

A yellow race who is conceited, arrogant, and has low self-esteem, who does not come to Taiwan in public, if he does not hold grudges, he is not Pittwen.

This is much bigger than Gerald's chance to go to Desheng to actively seek cooperation.

It turned out that Manager Wen really lost in his distorted character.

It can only be said that Qi Lei's luck once again played a role.

And when arm fell into the hands of old Gerald, it was not just as simple as an "unexpected gain". It would bring about a series of chain reactions, which would lead to many possibilities and had to be re-planned from a long-term perspective.

Let's put it this way, if the arm was not taken over by old Gerald, and if Warren said that he would hollow out the arm and slowly transfer it to China, Qi Lei would wake up with a smile.

However, now that you say hollow out the arm, Qi Lei will not do it.

Lao Tzu's dirty tricks haven't been used up yet, but it's more valuable than leaving an empty shell for the Americans.



Originally, Qi Lei didn't plan to talk to Warren and Sam about Gerald.

Even if it is explained, it is not now, not yet.

However, you have such a dangerous idea? hollow out the arm.? A loser!

Then Qi Lei had no choice but to showdown in advance.

However, it didn't matter that Qi Lei had a showdown earlier, but it scared Sam to death.

His face was pale now, the cold sweat could not stop flowing, and he was scared to death.

Do you know how creepy this is? Halfway through the ghost is much better than this.

js company came to Byron's house? What's the deal with Qi Lei? Why are they related?

Why is a phone call enough?

What's the situation?

Sam admits that he has seen big winds and waves, but he has never played such a game.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he said in his heart, is this still human? What routine?

The point is, Sam has doubts about life, he doesn't even understand, how did it become the situation it is today?

Sam's head is also completely useless. Anyone who puts it in this scene will be stunned. It's too scary.

Well, Byron won't!

What my brother thought in his mind was, can he command js? Can he command js? Good thing!

That is, Sam can't hear Byron's heart, otherwise he will have to kill him.


Qi Lei, who had finished the phone call with the fake foreign devil Chen Wenjie, smiled bitterly when he saw Sam's stiff expression.

To tell the truth, he really didn't want to pretend to be this coercive.

The point is, this thing is too dirty, a stain on life!

An apologetic smile to Sam: "Wait a minute, when Warren arrives, let's explain."

Sam was left with a mechanical answer, "Okay… okay!"

Then he froze and went upstairs to make a phone call, the whole person was stunned.

He could vaguely hear him talking to Warren, arguing, growling.

Byron was accompanying Qi Lei downstairs with a somewhat unnatural expression.

It's just that his shrewdness is really not that deep, and he couldn't help asking, "Qi., what does the acquisition of arm's js have to do with you?"

Qi Lei gave a wry smile, lamenting that the careful plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

I had to explain, "It's very intimate."

js investment bank, many people think it is an English abbreviation, but it is not.

From the beginning of js's establishment, there are only two English letters, and the whole Wall Street does not know what these two letters mean.

When someone asked, Gerald said it was an acronym for his ex-wife.

But in fact, it is "Jiang Shang".

Straight hook fishing, whoever is willing to take the bait!

Of course, you can also understand it as a "profiteer" investment bank.

Qi Lei couldn't tell Gerald's details, he could only say, "It's very close! As for how close..."

Qi Lei thought for a while, "It's about the same as your relationship with Sam and Warren."

Byron's eyes lit up, but Qi Lei immediately blocked his words, "Mr. Byron, do you think that since the arm is still in our hands, you can stop going to China?"

Heart said, what kind of beautiful thing do you want! ?

China must go! And the Chinese nationality you mentioned, if you don't enter, I will press you to enter.

However, Qi Lei was wrong, and it was really not what Byron wanted to say.

"Qi, you misunderstood."

Byron laughed, "I won't be returning to arm, and I won't be spending one more day in Europe!"

Qi Lei: "???"

Byron, "They abandoned me! Although Warren and Sam have not forgotten their old friendship, Britain abandoned us, and my country Germany abandoned us!"

"Those stupid people in Europe, call me nc!, I will never forget their faces!"

"So, I will go to China with you to make some achievements. For nothing else, just fight for breath!"

"You have to trust me about this."

Qi Lei was stunned, didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn?

"Then what do you want to say?"

I saw Byron smiling with relief, "I want to say, if js is really close to you, then you will be different from the Americans, right?"

"You won't be like Desheng, like Intel, just looking forward to taking arm away from us, right?"

"arm is the brainchild of Warren, Sam, and me! Even though we only make money for the board, we only take a small percentage."

"But, after all, this is our hard work! I hope Warren can continue to lead the arm, he is a good boss."

Qi Lei, "..." A little moved,

This is Byron's innocence, and it is also the practice of the friendship between the three, just like the three of them.

Don't look at the usual noisy, in fact, they are all thinking of each other, but the level is different.

Byron is on the first floor, Sam is on the fourth floor, and Warren is on the fifth floor.

Just as he was about to answer, Sam came downstairs and heard Byron's words, "Shut up!"

Sam's expression was not good, and it can be said to be a 180-degree change compared to just now.

Frowning, he looked at Qi Lei gloomily, but scolded Byron, "You don't know anything, don't get involved in our affairs!"

Byron was stunned, but did not argue with Sam. Because he could see from Sam's expression that he was naive.

And Sam, sitting solemnly opposite Qi Lei, "Warren will be here soon! When that time comes, ask Mr. Qi Lei to show us your plan in detail."

Sam became more and more gloomy, "I have to say, Mr. Qi Lei... Although Warren has looked up to him again and again, we still underestimate you!"

Qi Lei listened, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Sam, believe me, we are not enemies."

Sam said coldly, "No! Mr. Qi Lei, we are not friends either, so please call me Mr. Brown."

Qi Lei, "..." I kind of understand Sam's transformation.

From his standpoint, he originally thought he was being bullied by the Americans, but now it is Qi Lei who bought the arm. The hatred for the Americans was naturally passed on to Qi Lei.

And... in an extremely humiliating way!

They were played round and round by this oriental boy, like a complete idiot, idiot! ! Whoever changed it would not be able to cross the hurdle in my heart.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment, and none of the three spoke.

Half an hour later, there was a sudden brake from the driveway in front of the yard, followed by a knock on the door.

Sam can't wait to rush to open the door, it's Warren.

When he saw Warren, Sam's emotions got out of control again, and he growled at Warren from the door, "Damn! Damn! We've been fooled!!"

Warren remained calm, "Calm down Sam, let's take a look at the situation first."

After speaking, Warren came to the living room and met Qi Lei's eyes.

I saw Qi Lei stand up, nod his head, and the first sentence he said was still "We are not the enemy."

Warren listened, did not make a statement, and sat side by side with Byron and Sam opposite Qi Lei.

This kind of sitting has actually made Warren's position clear.

Finally, "Qi, I also believe that we are not enemies! So, what is going on here?"

Warren was calm on the surface, but Qi Lei could see that he was lying, because the British man in front of him was shaking with anger.

At this moment, the knock on the door sounded again, this time it was the door that Byron's wife went to open.

The four of them could hear in the living room that it was a young man who was not very old.

Because his voice was very immature, in a standard London accent, he politely asked Byron's wife, "Excuse me, is this Mr. August's house? I'm a friend of Qi Lei."

After the young man was led into the living room, Qi Lei stood up again, "I would like to formally introduce to you, my college classmate and roommate - Christopher Merlin."

"The founder of js investment bank, the only son of Gerald Merlin."


Sam heard it, cursed, and suddenly felt a little absurd.

How did it become a war between Cambridge classmates and an obscure university classmate in the East?

What's more abhorrent is that the two people on the opposite side also won against them, and the two people together are the same age as him.

"Oh!! Damn!!"

Chen Wenjie and Qi Lei looked at each other, he still hadn't figured out the situation! Then, unnaturally greeted three Cambridge alumni.


Seeing that no one responded, he had to withdraw his hand angrily.

"Huh!" Warren also felt absurd.

Both sides were seated separately.

Warren smiled wryly. "Now can you tell us what's going on with these unlucky bastards?"

"Mr. Mo Lin, how did you let Desheng fall into the trap? Let the US, the UK, and the arm all fall into the trap!?"

When Chen Wenjie heard this, he was stunned, and only asked Qi Lei, "Ask him!"

Three people, "..."

Ask Qi Lei? Now the one they don't believe the most is Qi Lei.

Warren, "Well, let me change the question, you are just college classmates? Why did your father take this risk and play Desheng?"

Chen Wenjie, "Ask him!"

Three people, "..."

Warren, "Since JS is not colluding with Desheng, what are you going to do with arm? As a representative sent by your father, you can always tell us this, right?"

Chen Wenjie, "Ask him!"

Co-authoring, just ask three questions, right? Would you say anything other than "ask him"?

Besides, you have no language skills at all?

However, Chen Wenjie turned his head and Qi Lei whispered in Chinese, "These three old gangsters aren't so reassured?"

"What's the matter? Being a master is easy to bully? You're still babbling on!"

Qi Lei grinned, "It scared you."

Chen Wenjie, "I'm too timid!"

Qi Lei heard that he was going to be poor again, "Okay, I'll come!"

Looking at the three of them, "Otherwise, let me answer!"

The three of them can't help, and that tender question and three don't know, and you can only answer it.

Next, Qi Lei cut his head to the end, explained how to make Gerald Merlin anger Manager Wen, and where the logic was, and the rest was omitted.

Listening to Sam is even more chilling.

In Byron's words, this is the devil in front of him, and he takes people's hearts into account.

And Qi Lei continued his statement, "Originally, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't plan to make it public."

When Warren heard this, he couldn't calm down. He thought that he was the biggest winner. Unexpectedly, he responded to the Chinese saying, "There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky!"

It's so right!

"So, you won..." The voice was a little difficult.

Although Warren didn't want to admit it, he had to admit, "You got your wish and got an arm!"

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei's next words made Warren, a smart man, confused.

Qi Lei, "I got an arm, but what I want is not an empty shell!!"

Warren froze for a while, staring at Qi Lei blankly, don't you want an empty shell? What's the meaning?

What he got was not an empty shell!

Byron he took away, and the interests of Warren and Sam have been tied up.

In the future, Warren will hollow out the core of the American arm and transfer it all to the new arm. How can this be an empty shell?

Just as he was about to ask a question, he was suddenly surprised, "You, you mean American arm?"

"You don't want the American arm to have only an empty shell?"

I saw Qi Lei spread his hands, "Otherwise? You have to hollow out the American arm, there is no way, I can only showdown."

As soon as this statement came out, Warren's face suddenly had a hint of panic.

And Sam and Byron...

Ok! The two didn't understand! !

Don't hollow out the American arm! ? What was this guy thinking? Brain flooded?

Sam's heart is bitter, don't do this! What are you playing again?

And the only one who understood, Warren, suddenly breathed a little too quickly, "Qi!! You... can you tell me in detail what's going on?"

Qi Lei, "Don't you already have the answer?"

Warren was even more hasty, "I'm not sure!"

Qi Lei, "It's right if you're not sure, that means you think the same as me."

Warren: "!!!"

To be honest, the Warrens are stupid. Is this a genius or a lunatic?

What is he going to do? How big is he planning?



Hehe, before he came, Warren thought that what he wanted to witness was the result, the final showdown to reveal the mystery.

It wasn't until now that he understood that this dirty stone, this **** oriental man, had just begun his game.

Yes, the acquisition of arm has just begun! !

At this time, Warren's pupils were a little lax, like a madman, "Impossible..."



"Qi, you are playing with fire! You are ruining everyone, ruining arm!"


He glared at Qi Lei, "Desheng is not a fool, they will soon realize that there is a problem with js and a problem with arm!"

"Even if they can't detect it now, when they want to kick js out of the game and take over the arm themselves, they will detect it when they find that the kick can't go away."

"When the time comes, the American government knows that we have tricked them, and the arm will be finished! I am finished too! We are all finished! The Americans can use any despicable means!"

But seeing Qi Lei smiling indifferently, "Don't worry, there won't be such a day."

"That's not something a smart person like you would say."

Qi Lei, "Because Desheng will help us hide it, it won't go to the level of the U.S. government."

Warren is crazy, naive! Naive guy, "How are you sure that Desheng won't? You played them!"

Qi Lei, "Desheng also has our people."


This time, not only Warren, but the three of them said in unison, "Whatthefu..!?"

Desheng and your people! ? Then aren't you just playing with yourself! ?

Hold! How could Desheng have his people?

Sam asked subconsciously, "Who is it?"

Qi Lei didn't hide it, "General Manager of Greater China Business - Pittwen!"


Warren stood up directly, "Pitwen and you are also in the same group!?"

Sam was going crazy, "Damn it!"


"What the **** did you do!? How many people have you united to harm the arm!!?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he quickly reassured him, "Don't worry! What's the hurry?"

"I mean, Pittwen will soon be his own! But he is not his own now, and he even hates me to the bone, don't get me wrong."



Well, Sam is really confused and doesn't understand at all, this is not a human situation at all.

However, Qi Lei looked at Warren meaningfully, "You are a smart person, you will understand as soon as I say it."

This completely aroused Warren's interest, "Tell me about it."

Qi Lei, "I plan to have a showdown with Pittwen as soon as I go back to China."

"I poof!!!" Warren came out with a mouthful of old blood and looked at Qi Lei who was laughing like hell.

"you you……"

"You are the devil!"

Too bad, right?

Saying he is a devil is not a scolding, it is a compliment!

This is a strategist, and the devil can't think of such a despicable method for the recognition of another strategist.

"So it is! So it is!"

Warren fell into a state of self-thinking again, and had forgotten himself, "Wonderful!! Wonderful! It's perfect!"

A 180-degree change in attitude.

Sam and Byron can't take it anymore, what are you playing with?

Sam is better, but Byron... these two guys together make Byron feel like a fool.

The two sat here chatting for a long time, but he didn't understand anything, didn't know anything.

"Stop!!" Byron roared, "Please stop this show off immediately."

Staring at the two of them, "Now! Immediately! Tell me, what's going on?"

He didn't want to be a fool anymore, and it didn't feel good at all.

"That Pittwen!?"

"Desheng's Pittwen? Why is he not his own now, but he will become his own!?"

Sam was also curious. Well, he doesn't understand either. It's just that I'm too smart to ask.

But it was Warren who explained it in one sentence, "If you are Pittwen, if Desheng knows that he helped the Chinese get the arm, they will not earn a penny. Moreover, they have to face the question of the US government. , faced with a political disaster, what would you do?"

"If the U.S. government discovers the same truth, not only will Pittwin's career end, but his personal safety will be a problem."

Byron: "..."

Sam: "!!!"

Warren, "So, if Qi returns to China, he will have a showdown with Pittwen. Pitt has no other choice. If he wants to live, he can only hope that this matter will be hidden for a long time and give him enough space to clear it up."

"Therefore..." Looking at Qi Lei, "Help Qi, keep this secret!"

Sam is stupid, are you still human?

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly waved his hand, "Fuck! Stop playing!"

Turn around and leave, wanting to go upstairs quietly..

The two guys on the table are simply not human.

But after taking a few steps, he turned back.

"Then what..." His eyes flickered, "What's the purpose of keeping the American arm?"

Glancing at the ceiling, I really didn't want to ask these two dirty guys, but I couldn't resist being curious!

"That's right!" Byron responded, "Since you can leave an empty shell, why keep the American arm?"

However, Qi Lei and Warren looked at each other, and then Qi Lei made a gesture of please, indicating that Warren could solve the mystery.

Warren was not polite, and went through the whole thing in his mind, and found that as long as the short board of Desheng was blocked, it was indeed feasible.

But Sam couldn't wait. "Little girl!! Say it! Or I'll beat you up!"

Warren looked up, "Because of the Pangu system!"

Sam was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand, but he couldn't turn his head so fast.

"What's the meaning?"

Warren, "Before, we wanted to cooperate with Qi for the purpose of Pangu System!"

"It is the high degree of matching between the core instruction set and the system, so as to improve the hardware experience."

"Do you remember?"

Sam nodded, "Remember!"

"But what does it matter? We can get the Pangu system when we go to China, without rice..."

Halfway through, Sam understood, and suddenly slapped the table, "Fuck! bestofbestidea!!"

Sam got it all, and Warren was still explaining to Byron, who didn't know.

"We can indeed get the Pangu system when we go to China, but so what?"

"First of all, we can only open up the situation in the Chinese market, but also face the blockade of Intel in the United States and Microsoft!"

"But now, if arm gets the authorization of Pangu and US capital is behind it, then the world's market will be open to us!"

"Intel and Microsoft have nothing to do with us, at least the long-arm rule will not work!"

"In this case, not only will arm usher in a new generation, but it will also reach a new level."

"More importantly, Qi's Pangu system can log in to any corner of the world without hindrance and confront Microsoft head-on!"

"This is countless times more valuable than just emptying the arm."

Warren was a little excited because he was at his best.

Arm has the authorization of Pangu and matches the system in all directions. This will be a dimensionality reduction blow for Intel and Microsoft, who are fighting each other.

As long as it succeeds, arm is not afraid of threats from anyone.

The only pity is: the big winner is Qi Lei!

The current arm is not the same as before. Most of the old directors are out, the three brothers are only one Warren, and Sam's shares are gone.

However, what Warren didn't expect was that Qi Lei's next words completely convinced Warren.

Reviver, "Warren, Sam, and Byron."

After pondering for a moment, "These words should have been told to you in a few years, when these secrets will no longer be secrets."

"But, since it's been said now, let's solve it together!"

Sam frowned. "So what?"

Qi Lei, "First of all, js will not move arm out of the UK, and its headquarters will still be located in Cambridge."


After another pause, "The current situation is still unclear, so forgive me for not being able to give you legal commitments."

"However, when the situation is completely stabilized, I will sell a part of arm's shares for free."

Both Warren and Sam hesitated, "Why is that?"

Qi Lei smiled, "No reason, js currently holds 73.45% of the equity is the largest shareholder with absolute control."

"But it's not fair. You are the soul of arm and shouldn't be kicked out."

"I will control the shareholding ratio of js to less than 49%, and return the excess equity to you, Sam, and Byron, including those shareholders who were kicked out."

"If one day, the British parliamentarians and government departments you know notice all this, please tell them for me..."

Sam asked subconsciously, "What?"

Qi Lei: "arm... belongs to Britain forever!"

Warren: "!!!"

Sam: "!!!"

At this moment, not to mention the five bodies cast on the ground, you have to be convinced, this is the real strategist!

Waterproof! It's really watertight!

Once this decision was made, no one would stand against Qi Lei again. The British government, the duped Warren and Sam, and the British people will all be on the same front as him.

And their enemies are the Americans!

So clever, so clever that Warren is completely convinced.

He is only twenty, what will he look like when he is forty?

Warren was curious.

"Qi..." Warren said very solemnly, "I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to fight with you!"

"Fortunately, in the end we became partners!"

"I also hope..." gritted his teeth, "I hope... we will never become rivals!"

"I really don't want to have a second time!"

"Fuckyou Qi!"



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