Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 106: finally succeeded

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The world is like this, there is no absolute fairness and justice, but there is absolutely no darkness and lawlessness.

Even in the U.S., which has achieved global hegemony, ordinary people often only see the results and step on whoever is who.

But the price to be paid in the process is unknown to ordinary people.

Including Qi Lei, even if he is a rebirth, even if he plans to acquire ARM, he has achieved almost perfection, but there is still a price.

That is, he, a guy from China, will be more and more hated by the West as time goes on.

One day, it will reach the point where he will not even dare to leave the country.

And here, what I have to say is Wu Xiaojian.

Although Wu Xiaojian has not played any role yet, to tell the truth, if he hadn't replaced Qi Lei as an overseas agent, ARM could not have been won by Qi Lei so easily, he didn't even dare to think about it. This step of acquiring ARM.

Because Qi Lei has to look at the big picture and consider the long-term impact, it is impossible to run rampant as recklessly as he is now.

It is equivalent to saying that it was Wu Xiaojian who released Qi Lei's fierceness, and there is no more worries.

Therefore, without Wu Ning's initiative to undertake, there would be no next step, and Qi Lei's firepower was full.

Deero York's lungs were about to explode at this time. With his personality, he was bound to launch a counterattack.

However, someone on the sidelines has already seen something wrong.

At the moment of York Petrochemical, he stepped forward and grabbed York's hand, "Little York, would you like to dance with my aunt?"

York returned to his soul, and in front of him was a pair of sharp eyes.

"Aunt Susan."

In front of him is York's own aunt, the only woman in the family that York fears, and the actual helmsman of Britain's largest clothing brand.

Susan York shook her head helplessly at her nephew's expression, and danced with York.

"York, don't get emotional, know where you are."

Although York was unconvinced in every possible way, he had to listen to his aunt's words.

Glancing at the direction of Qi Lei and Rosie, "That yellow-skinned monkey is too much!"

Susan smiled, "Why do you always use your brains?"

"This is not good! I think I should talk to my big brother and reconsider the succession of York Chemical."

York was directly defeated, "Auntie, don't! I know I'm impulsive again."

Susan, "That's right."

"Now, that Chinese embarrassed you, but look at everyone's expressions, is anyone laughing at you?"

York glanced around without a trace, "Looks like... no."

Susan, "So, you're the only one who thinks it's embarrassing, not everyone else, is it?"

"Instead, it's the Chinese, which is even more disgusting."

York nodded, relieved a lot.

Susan smiled lightly and said nothing more.

York was just spoiled by his country mother. In Susan's heart, he was still a very good child.

The situation that was already on the verge of eruption was resolved by Susan in a few words.

"Lei, your plan fell through."

Here, Rosie is not without ridicule, "The most powerful woman in the York family has come out."

Qi Lei also looked at York's increasingly calm expression over there, a little exasperated, "Who is this aunt?"

Rossi, "the youngest daughter of old Garland York, the most famous old woman in the British aristocracy."

Qi Lei, "I hate her!"

At the end of the song, Deero York and Susan exited the stage, and there was no more tension.

Susan even smiled back at Qi Lei and Rosie, showing a victorious attitude.

Rosie couldn't help but feel chills, it didn't matter to offend Deero York, but it was not a wonderful experience to have Susan York follow.

Rossi happens to know some of Susan's tactics and tactics against political enemies.

Back at Warren and Sam, Warren also smiled wryly and said to Qi Lei, "Your plan has failed, Susan is very difficult to deal with."

Qi Lei shrugged indifferently, in fact, he was still a little regretful.

Looking at Susan, it happened that Susan was also looking at him, and his eyes seemed to say, "Boy, you are still a little tender."

Looking at Qi Lei's eyes, this "little old lady"... can't guess my purpose, right?

It doesn't matter if he pretends to be forced, he withdrew his gaze.

This made Susan snort even more and said to herself, "Acting skills are very poor."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Qi Lei.

However, no longer paying attention does not mean not holding grudges. Although Susan was trying to persuade Deero, the York family couldn't be insulted so easily.

So, Susan's counterattack is still to come!

Next, there were no big waves, the only thing that annoyed was that **** woman Rosie, who stayed by Qi Lei's side all night and didn't give any men a chance.

After that, it was the official reception process.

During the period, there were speeches from various parties, and they all went up and played for a while to set off the atmosphere.

Qi Lei originally wanted to use this link to make some incidents, but now it seems that there is no chance, and they are all suppressed by Susan.

The speeches of all parties are indeed quite satisfactory.

For example, the representatives who came to power expressed their longing for ARM to open a new chapter, and expressed their gratitude to JS Investment Bank for being able to favor British companies.

Warren also came to the stage, and his speech was also a car wheel.

Not to mention business representatives, because it was Susan who went up.

Susan is indeed a very powerful woman, as you can tell from her speech.

A set of chariots spoke very mellowly. In the end, he glanced at York and then at Qi Lei, and said something like this:

"Today's reception also has a special friend from an ancient country that calls itself the Ritual Gang."

"I have to welcome the British business community here, because we are also a country of gentlemen."

"Huh!?" Qi Lei, who had no hope, raised his brows, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

And Susan was looking at Qi Lei with a half-smile, of course what she just said was sarcasm.

He mocked Qi Lei for being rude, and told the British people present that we are gentlemen and don't have the same knowledge as him.

"Let's give our applause to this friend who has come from afar."

Everyone in the audience immediately echoed with a smile, but this smile seemed like a silent mockery.

And Susan hasn't finished, "We are no strangers to China. There are many ancient things from China on display in the British Museum two blocks away."

"Mr. Qi Lei, if you have time, you might as well go and have a look. It is said that many of the collections there are not available in China, and they must be pleasing to the eye."

Qi Lei, "..."

Susan, "Oh, yes, Mr. Qi Lei is here to talk about business, but it's a pity that Mr. Warren Aite finally chose a more powerful JS."

"I think it's a wise choice."

"However, the hospitable Brits shouldn't let Mr Qi go back either."

"I wonder if Mr. Qi is good at garment processing? My brand needs a Chinese partner. After all, you have a lot of cheap labor there. I think this should be what you are best at."

puff! ! Everyone below laughed.

As expected of the toughest woman in the York family, this mockery is too sharp, right?

Deero York is also ecstatic, my aunt still loves me! Don't let me go crazy, look at me, help me find a place in person, right?

Qi Lei, "..."

People are stupid!

It was not being scolded, nor was it embarrassing to be stared at by the cannibalistic eyes around.

Really stupid, it took a long time to return to the soul.

Hey, I really is the son of the plane, isn't this much more comfortable than Deero York's assists?

What I said, it was just handed over in a jam! So you didn't guess what Lao Tzu was thinking?

I'm sorry if you don't answer, oh! "never mind!"

For fear that everyone will not be able to hear, or even a little broken.

Listening to other people's ears, it is this guy who is provoked and wants to make a fool of himself.

Listen in Warren's ears, clap! ! Look how excited you are.

"Forget it!" Qi Lei almost squeezed to the front row.

Facing Susan's gaze, "Cooperation, forget it."

"I'm afraid what if your clothing brand is running too well and the Americans are staring at it again?"

I puff, everyone has a mouthful of old blood, why is this kid's mouth so bad?

As everyone knows, when it comes to quarrels, the Chinese are your ancestors!

What else do you have other than the ones that start with F?

Susan almost suffered from internal injuries all of a sudden, how could she speak?

I was thinking about countermeasures, but unfortunately, Qi Lei finally seized the opportunity, how can you still speak?

A vigorous walk, went straight to the stage.

Before Susan could react, the microphone had already copied Qi Lei in her hand.

Looking down at the stage, he speaks earnestly!

After a night of belly drafting in the stomach, it finally came into play.

"The British Museum is the place I most want to go, but I dare not go to. There are indeed many things on display that we don't have in China!"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to talk about history, to talk about looting and other weaklings."

"A hundred years ago, the empire on which the sun never sets was in full swing, while our Qing Dynasty was poor and ignorant."

If you come out of media colleges, if you don't have the ability to speak, you will be sorry for those black cauldrons carried by President Dong Da.

"But!" Qi Lei said in a sad voice, "Does everyone know? It is precisely because of the past century of humiliation that generations of our nation have made progress."

"We have no hatred in our hearts, we just want to stop letting history repeat itself and straighten our backs again."

"Until today, I, a small Chinese businessman, stood on the shoulders of my predecessors and finally made a little achievement."

"Delusion finally has some ability, and it happens that Mr. Warren of ARM has the same ideal and intends to cooperate."


Qi Lei smiled sarcastically, glanced at everyone, glanced at Susan, "I was wrong, very wrong!!"

"I thought that with the highly synergistic bargaining chip of Pangu system and ARM, with the payment system that mastered China's online finance, with all my wealth and sincerity, I could impress the UK and complete this cooperation!"

"But, I was wrong! I actually forgot a famous saying, a strong business needs a strong country as support!"

"I also forgot that there is something called financial hegemony in this world!"

"My sincerity and bargaining chips, just like the Qing Dynasty more than a hundred years ago, are nothing but self-deception!"

"ARM is no match for me after all!!"

Having said this, Qi Lei was suddenly very excited, and pointed at Chen Wenjie, "Chris!! You won't be honorable!"

"Without the toughness of the US government and the cowardice of the British government, you can't win against me!!"

Chen Wenjie didn't know what was going on, and was stunned.

Hey, if I hadn't known in advance that we were a gang, I would have taken it seriously.

Strongly used Qi Lei as a background board.

Qi Lei was even more excited, "Ms. Susan, you can laugh at me! Laugh at my country! Because we are indeed weak!"

"As you said, maybe in your eyes, we can only do some simple work of garment processing."

"However, I am sorry and saddened to have someone like you in the UK!"

"What is the difference between you and us now?"

"A hundred years later, those national treasures and companies that the British are proud of! Do they still belong to the United Kingdom, or are they displayed in the American museums? This is a question worth pondering!"

"It's time to wake up!"

After speaking, Qi Lei went through it in his mind, um! Almost there, it would be too much to say more.

You have already expressed your anger, empathy, and anger, and your performance is perfect, right?

"Goodbye! My friends!!"

"This trip to the UK is really impressive!"


In the end, he brought a cold snort, and then left the stage casually, leaving only the back of everyone.

The reporters snapped wildly, and this back... is really depressing!

And Susan, her heart is cold.

This woman, who had always been calm, suddenly became a little flustered in her eyes and looked at the reporters subconsciously.

She knew it was in danger!

The first reaction was that the reporters present should not be allowed to report these reports.

However, how can she still give her a chance to public relations?

Qi Lei is gone, but another old coin, Warren, is still there!

Seeing this situation, he suddenly whispered to Sam, "This is your chance to vent."

Sam was taken aback. "Really, really?"

Warren, "Really!"

"What do I do anyway?"

Warren, "After tonight, there's no chance."

Sam: "Received!"

His eyes were erratic, he first messed up his hair, opened his neckline, and was about to rush in with big strides.

But when you think about it, it's not right! Fewer props.

He turned around and copied the wine glasses and bottles, one in each hand.

Well, everyone's attention is on Qi Lei's side, no one is looking at him, otherwise it would be too fake.

There was a crackling sound, and the glass was torn apart.

Everyone was startled, and when they looked over, they were even more startled, where is the drunk?

I saw Sam crooked, his eyes staring like cowbells, "Idiot!! Damn stupid!"

Sam suddenly pointed at everyone, "You are all idiots!"

"It's over... ARM is over!! The Sun Never Sets Empire is over!!"

With a burp of wine, "Do you know? Do you know what conditions Qi offered?"

"A bunch of idiots!"

"He is willing to take out 67% of China's online finance!! Plus more than half of the shares of Pangu System!"

"Plus cash compensation!!"

"And paying all this is just taking away 49% of ARM's equity!"

"Idiots!! Do you know what that means?"

"Meaning, we have mastered China's online financial system!"

"It means that ARM will achieve a high degree of adaptation of software and hardware, and achieve a qualitative leap in user experience and hardware cost."

"When the time comes, what Intel!! What AMD!!"

"The future of the chip industry will be firmly in the hands of the UK!!"

"But you..."

Sam got more and more excited as he talked, and he didn't know if he was real or fake.

"But you son of a bitch, you actually bow your head to the Americans!"

Everyone was stunned, but no one cared about Sam's dirty words, but digested the information in Sam's words wholeheartedly.

Sam: "You betrayed ARM!! You betrayed England!!"

"Hahahaha!! You missed the chance to become the you idiots..."

"Your face, maybe it's really like what Qi said, in a hundred years, it will hang in the American museum, and it will be humiliated forever!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You will regret it!"

"You will definitely regret it!"

Sam was scolded cool, while others were scolded by him stupid.



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