Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 107: return home

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Maybe only Warren knows that Sam isn't acting, he's really coming from the bottom of his heart.

The funny thing is that these truths can only be told through such an opportunity of acting.

At this time, the expressions of the guests were also extremely wonderful, with anger and disdain.

Only frightened! !

With her mind, she would not have known that once the words of Sam and Qi Lei appeared in newspapers and TV, it would be a disaster for those present.

What's even more frightening is that as long as a reporter is a reporter, she will not miss those words she mocked Qi Lei.

And the stupid people, who bear the brunt of it, will target her with public opinion.

It was she who started the incident.

Susan was really panicked, she couldn't even figure out how it could have developed to this point.

However, after all, she is not an ordinary person, Susan quickly calmed down, grabbed the microphone, pretended to be calm, and said with a smile, "Sam, this guy, drank too much again."

"Come on, everyone, Sam was just joking."

Looking at the reporters, "Today is a good day for ARM. Sam is just having a bit of a bad day. You know, it's understandable that he has lost control of his emotions because he left ARM, right?"

After speaking, he continued, "The reception will be over in a while. Friends from the press, don't rush to leave. After a hard night, ARM has prepared gifts for everyone to express our gratitude!"

The reporters looked at each other, and their mood stabilized a little.

In fact, they were also stunned. This incident came too suddenly, and everyone needed time to digest it, whether they could report it or not.

And it was this short hesitation that gave Susan the opportunity to publicize. As long as the reporters are reassured, some benefits are promised, and there is still a chance.

However, Susan didn't know that no matter how much she had, it was not enough.

Warren looks at it, do you still want to block the news?

He said to Rossi again, "This is your only chance, think about what Qi said to you."

Rossi: "..."

Well, without Warren's reminder, she's ready to strike.

Perhaps, this woman is not much worse than Warren.

When Qi Lei and Sam made such a fight, Rossi knew that the opportunity was coming. There is really no better time than this time to take the initiative to admit mistakes.

As soon as Susan's voice fell, Rosie took a step forward. In the face of various cameras, the woman's acting skills also played to the extreme, with a face of pain, "Enough, Susan!"

Looking at York again, "I'm sorry, York, I don't want to hurt your aunt."


York wants to die, why do you say sorry? I'm doing it in a weird way, okay?

Rosie, continued her "pain".

"Stop it, Susan! Maybe... we were really wrong."

Susan: ? ? ? ?

Crowd: ? ? ? ?

reporter:? ? ? !

Rosie almost cried, "Just now, Sam and Lei revealed to me a lot of behind-the-scenes secrets."

"I just found out that maybe from the beginning, I was used!"

"Damn JS Investment Bank, they are the devil!"

"I had no idea that the allegations against Dr. Byron August, the criticism against ARM, would be exploited in this way!"

"Oh, **** it!! I became an accomplice!"

"I am the biggest accomplice! I was wrong!!"

"We were wrong! We helped Americans steal our own business!"

"How stupid is this!?"

"I was wrong... I should apologise to ARM, to the British people!"

"No!!" Rossi was inexplicably excited, "It's an apology!"

Susan: "..."

Everyone, "..."

Susan's heart is cold, she can PR other reporters, but if Rosie is against the water, then PR other reporters will be meaningless.

Because, Rossi is a reporter!

Done! Susan knew she was done.

It was also until this moment that all the reporters finally realized that this was a big news, a big news enough to detonate the UK!

As a result, Susan was in hell, and her precious nephew, Derro York, stepped on.

Apparently Deero didn't realize that this would be a disaster, so he said to his aunt, "Aunt Susan, you're impulsive, you shouldn't provoke that yellow-skinned monkey!"

Also educate me? what's the result? Did you make a mistake?

Susan: "..."

"Go home for me!"



The next day, when Qi Lei was on his way home, the whole of the UK was immersed in the shocking news of the ARM celebration reception.

The amount of information is unacceptable.

First of all, Sam broke out a lot of details of the negotiations with Three Stones.

For example, Qi Lei negotiated with 30 payment, Pangu system, etc. as a bargaining chip.

Plus, Rosie's remarks, she was taken advantage of by JS.

At the same time, add Qi Lei's remarks about weak countries and hegemony.

Only then did the British people know that they had been fooled, that they had fallen into a conspiracy.

What followed was boundless anger.

"Qi, are you so sure that Britain will fall into this storm of public opinion?"

"What if they use all their strength to suppress public opinion?"

On the plane, Byron, who was sitting beside Qi Lei, asked suspiciously, but his expression was a little gloating.

Well, this time back, the Byron family will go with Qi Lei. For Sam, it will take some time. After all, he will be working in China for a long time. Sam still has a lot of preparations to do.

Why is Byron so happy?

nonsense! If you've been scolded by the British for two months and abandoned by all of Europe, you're going faster than Byron.

England, he doesn't want to stay longer for a day!

Besides, Qi Lei's big mansion in Shanghai has been prepared for him, so what else is there to worry about?

For Byron's question, Qi Lei just smiled faintly, "Byron, you understand science, but I understand the media and the public better."

"Yes, I can be sure that no one can stop this storm of public opinion."

Byron frowned, "Why?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "How do you say..."

"The whole world needs a reason to say no to American hegemony!"

"Even the British ally will not miss this opportunity."

Byron nodded vaguely, only to hear Qi Lei continue, "Samsung, Sony, ARM and other companies that were defeated by the Americans are not the first, nor will they be the last."

"However, no one wants to be the next one."

"So, this is an opportunity."

After listening, Byron continued to ask, "What about the British people? Are they really angry?"

He added, "Qi, I want to remind you that Europe is not China, and in China you may not feel good about the Americans."

"But in Europe, there are a large number of people who are pro-Meeting. They are not rational at all. They have reached the point of blind obedience to the country."

As a result, Qi Lei said, "You are wrong! China is more pro-Mi than Europe."

"Also, it has nothing to do with kissing rice or not."

Byron, "????"

Qi Lei, "From a media perspective, this is the Achilles heel of public opinion."

"What weakness?"

Qi Lei, "It's easy to be represented, and it's incomprehensible!"

Qi Lei gave Byron the simplest example, which is:

Those who scold ARM before and those who regret ARM now are public opinion.

It seems to be the same group of people, the same person, but in fact, it is not like this.

This is like China in later generations. At first, they praised the United States and later scolded the United States. It seems that they are all netizens, but they are not!

They are just represented by different people at different times.

It may not be the same wave of people. Those who scold ARM are those animal advocates, or blind people, information asymmetry, and irrational personal qualities, which make them think they have touched the truth.

And the strong desire to express makes these blind people extremely confident to show their views and their intentions to be recognized.

Therefore, this part of the people represents everyone, collectively referred to as - public opinion!

Now, those who sympathize with ARM and express their anger are another group of people who think they have touched the truth.

Then why don't other people oppose it, or do not oppose it resolutely?

Because of the spiral of silence!

The instinct of self-protection has silenced most people, and they are willing to be represented.

This representation of public opinion is fully utilized in politics in the West.

Again, the public opinion is the vote!

The public's anger and emotional catharsis will be used by politicians who need votes to further promote public opinion.

Moreover, the public opinion storm that Qi Lei set off is beneficial to everyone, and there is only one victim, JS.

Desheng needs to put JS in a difficult position, the UK needs to find an outlet for public anger, and the world needs a chance to say no to the US.

So, what should happen is bound to happen.

After explaining all this to Byron, Byron was a little suspicious of life.

What the **** are you guys holding in your head?

The plane landed in the magic capital.

Qi Lei, who had been floating outside for two months, breathed the familiar air and was refreshed.

However, this kind of relaxation did not last until leaving the airport, and was surrounded by reporters at the exit.

"Mr. Qi, what do you think about the return of this overseas acquisition?"


"Mr. Qi, according to British media reports, you made a big noise at the ARM celebration reception. What kind of psychology is it out of? Do you feel that you can't afford to lose?"


"Mr. Qi, Sanshi's size is not enough to support the acquisition of ARM, why do you want to make such an attempt?"


"Mr. Qi, please talk about your views on the collection of the British Museum. Do you really have no idea of ​​taking back Chinese cultural relics?"


"Does Three Stones have any overseas acquisition plans in the future? Will it cooperate with York Garment Company down-to-earth and become an OEM for it?"


Overwhelming questions, the microphone and the recorder are going to hit Qi Lei's face, and the Qi Lei who asked is no longer in a good mood.

I really want to shout, I can afford to lose! And I didn't lose, I took all the world! !

But, can't tell!

I can only reply firmly, "No comment!"

And just these four words were also interpreted by reporters as exasperated.

On the way back from the airport to the hotel, I received a call from Brother Ma.

"came back?"

Qi Lei knew what he was going to say, "Don't worry!! Wait a minute! When I'm done with the matter in front of me, I'll deal with the penguin as soon as possible."

Brother Ma, "How long are you?"

Qi Lei did the math, it will take at least a month for foreign public opinion to ferment and political infighting?

Besides, there are still many things going on in his country, "One month!"

Little Ma, when you hear Good! a month. "

The promised thief is happy.

In the end, Qi Lei thought that Brother Xiao Ma just passed away like this? Unexpectedly, the phone suddenly roared.

"One, one, one month!! If you make fun of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will pull you into the sea!"

Bang! !

The phone fell.

Qi Lei was stunned for a long time, Xiao Ma was going crazy and lost his mind.



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【Recommended ticket coin slot】

Did not change the typo, deal with it.

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