Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 109: patchwork

The finale must be extremely heavy, and the most profitable company of Three Stones now is the game.

At this moment, Uncle Geng raised his head.

"Don't make a fool of yourself, how old are you? Are you still in shape?"

Dalula leaned back, "Don't ask how much money we earn, first tell me how much you need?"

As a result, Qi Lei hadn't opened his mouth yet, and Brother Ma couldn't help it.

"Actually, 2 billion is enough!"

Half-up, he stuck his head out from behind, "I'm not asking too much, give me 2 billion, and I'll transfer half of Penguin's shares to Shishi."

As soon as this statement came out, Qi Lei didn't need to be used, and Uncle Geng gave him a blank look, "Look at your potential! For a big software with hundreds of millions of users, is 2 billion enough?"

Even Uncle Geng could see that Brother Xiaoma's pattern was small.

I ignored him and looked at Qi Lei, "How much do you think it would cost to get this thing to the Americans?"

Qi Lei didn't think about it, "At least ... 500 million to 600 million US dollars can ensure that it will not fall into the hands of outsiders."

Uncle Geng frowned, "So many?"

Qi Lei explained, "After we go out, we can't help but ask for a price. Five or six billion is the minimum."

Uncle Geng took a breath, "Five or six billion... That's four or five billion RMB?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

Quickly asked, "Is there?"

I saw Uncle Geng grit his teeth, "Yes!"

He raised his head and said, "Legacy was 900 million last year and 1.3 billion this year, so that's 22."

"Don't worry, there's more!"

"On the Zhongchuan side, we can draw 100 million, which is 2.3 billion."

"In addition to the transaction fee paid by 30, and the stand-alone game and online game agency at No. 17 East Street, we can still make up 300 million."

"That's 26."

"In addition to these, our company has been tossing for so many years, and the book is seven to eighty-eight, how can we come up with two or three hundred million!"

"Twenty-eighty-nine! Add in the 2 billion from Imagination, it's almost 50, right?!"

With a confident look, "Don't hesitate to pay 30 to pay that point of shares. After tossing that point, what do you have left?"

"That share, you can't move it any more, you still have to build a laboratory for that foreigner!"

"Also, we are borrowing Desheng's chicken, laying our eggs, and acquiring ARM. But you have to remember that ARM's money will have to be returned to Desheng sooner or later."

"And, when? This is not certain!"

"So, we have to print this advance amount, and the 30 payment is your bottom line to break even!"

"I'm in charge of this, I can't move!"

There is an old man in the family who has a treasure. Uncle Geng's role in Sanshi is to stabilize the sea.

Otherwise, these kids are too aggressive, including Qi Lei.

In the eyes of Uncle Geng, this kid has a lot of heart, but he is also a master who doesn't care when he is crazy. He has to keep an eye on it when the car rolls over at some point.

However, after some words, Qi Lei could only listen, but Qi Guodong frowned slightly.

If he remembered correctly, in the company's accounts, seventy-seven-eighty-eight can't make up 200 million.

Don't forget, there is also a big hole that burns money I didn't mention!

Blog Network! burns money at a rate no slower than Penguin's. Excluding what I just said, those businesses that make money, actually the company has no extra money.

It's just that Qi Guodong is not the stunned third uncle he was a few years ago. Although he has doubts in his heart, he didn't bring it up, thinking about going back and talking to Uncle Geng alone.

Only at this point did Qi Lei breathe a sigh of relief, and he put everything together, and finally it was barely enough, and then it was much easier.

Each department made a detailed report, and Qi Lei grinned happily after listening to it.

"So, we can still make money!"

Uncle Geng rolled his eyes, "Don't say that, we are guilty!"

Ha ha ha ha!

Everyone laughed, and Zhou Tao nodded in agreement, "It's true."

The only disadvantage of Qi Lei is that this guy really has no concept of money, and he spends money without blinking, and he is too imaginative.

Looking back on the past few years, with 200,000 in his hand, he dared to open an Internet cafe.

As a result, the Internet cafes didn't open, and they spent 200,000 yuan to get a chain of Internet cafes.

The chain hasn't made any money yet, so they dug up Nanguanghong first and built a system R&D center.

When the business finally got better, he dreamed of closing the imagination again.

Go dig a scientist, he can turn ARM back.

I mean, what can't he do?

Sanshi makes money fast, but can't stand the boss spending money fast!

To put it in a bad way, when everyone knew that he was going to acquire ARM at the beginning, they were all frightened. Uncle Geng couldn't sleep all night long!

ARM with a market value of 15 billion pounds! It's not enough to smash the bones of people like Sanshi!

Fortunately, it was not his own money, otherwise Uncle Geng would have jumped into the sea first.

So, don't say that Qi Lei is rich, everyone who said this is afraid.

If he really made money, he might have done something out of the ordinary!

After the meeting, there was still a little time, and Qi Lei was not in a hurry to leave.

Everyone didn't move, but the assistant brought the dumplings one by one.

Qi Guodong said while making a statement, "Your mother said that you have to let you go after dumplings before you go!"

Qi Lei was a little dazed, isn't the year over yet?

He looked up and asked, "What time is it today?"

Xu Xiaoqian mixed chili oil and vinegar for him, "The tenth day."

The dumplings were so fragrant, Qi Lei ate a lot.

During this period, Brother Xiao Ma didn't understand, "Does it need so much 5 billion?"

You know, at the beginning of the year, the South African newspaper industry came to find Penguin, mainly seeking investment.

The price offered is not low, but it is only 150 million yuan, taking 32% of the shares.

How come it has risen so much in less than a year?

In this regard, Qi Lei smiled.

How much has it risen so much!

The price quoted by the South African Press Group was more than double that of the time and space in the previous life.

This is due to the fact that the development trajectory of penguins is different from the original time and space.

However, this year, the number of users of Penguin has increased several times, and the most critical problem is, "We are now not only financing, but also opening up the North American market."

"That in itself would turn the penguin's outlook in a positive direction and would drive up the overall value significantly."

"The more important problem is that the social mode that Penguin is presenting now is a dimensionality reduction blow for social software in North America."

"Whether it's MSN or icq, they are not competitive in front of penguins that combine community, group functions, skin customization, etc."

"And, don't forget!"

Qi Lei said solemnly, "Our video calling function has been ready for a long time, but the domestic network transmission rate has not yet met the requirements. But in the United States, this problem does not exist!"

"So, unless we can't get in, and when we get in, no one can stop us."

"Americans are not fools, they know the value of penguins, so the value must be much higher than domestic financing."

Brother Xiao Ma smiled, "So, I'm quite valuable?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes at him, he was all his own, and he had nothing to worry about.

"You always say that I'm holding you down and don't let you make money, but that's actually what it's for!"

Brother Ma stuffed dumplings into his mouth, "How do you say it?"

Qi Lei, "If Penguin is in the game, I'll give you the idea of ​​charging some value-added services."

"Imagine that the communication software for 100 million users has also opened up businesses such as games and communities, as well as profitable value-added services. How much is it worth?"

Brother Ma, "…"

Qi Lei, "Maybe it's more than ten times the current price, can we still afford it?"

"At that time, there is only one possibility, and that is to sell it to foreigners, and no one in China can afford it!"

"Even if you can afford it, or if we don't sell it, you won't be able to get out."

The little brother nodded, and what he said made sense.

Qi Lei, "So don't worry! As long as this step is completed, you will be behind when you make a lot of money!"

"I will definitely give you all the private goods in my stomach. Then you can go and harm the American people!"

What kind of world game is a big copy, what kind of red diamonds, blue diamonds, yellow diamonds, green diamonds, purple diamonds, black diamonds, as well as QQ farms, parking spaces, QQ games, and League of Legends, all for you Say hello.

Let the American people also experience the sourness of hanging QQ level and boiling the little sun.

The little brother was a little over the top, and said in his heart, this grandson! There is indeed something hidden! No matter how I asked him before, there is no more ideas, no ideas, no pretending this time, right?

However, these are not important anymore, and being pitted by Qi Lei is not a once or twice, I have long been used to it.

The little brother is looking forward to the future at this time.

Different from the time and space in Qi Lei's previous life, Xiao Ma has bigger dreams and bigger ambitions.

Penguins are going to sea, and they are going to take down the instant messengers of those Americans.

At this time, the capital was still a little old-fashioned. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the International Trade Building, Qi Lei and everyone looked down at the Third Ring Road and Chang'an Avenue.

"This year has passed, it really doesn't stop!"

Uncle Geng sighed, his hands behind his back, still the style of a northeastern uncle.

This year, everyone has not gone back to celebrate the New Year, they are all busy.

However, it is very fulfilling.

From the moment Qi Lei took ARM, Sanshi Company can be said to have taken another big step.

His layout in the high-tech field has finally begun.

Tang Xiaoyi stuffed the dumplings and suddenly said, "What the hell, why do you want to graduate soon?"

He wanted to help, really wanted to help.

After eating dumplings, Qi Lei went to the airport, only Xu Xiaoqian and Brother Xiao Ma accompanied him.

He is going to fly to Hainan, where "The Second Season of Longing for Life" has already been recorded halfway.

The machine that opened in mid-January was supposed to wait for Qi Lei to come back. But can't wait, CCTV's schedule can't come.

We can only record first and wait for Qi Lei to join in midway.

Now Brother Rong, Sister Mei and Yang Xiao are supporting.

Without Qi Lei, although the effect is still alright, it has less flavor after all.

Moreover, as a landmark program in the transformation of CCTV, although Qi Lei has a lot of things, it still has to be managed.

As the iconic program of the production center of Zhongchuan, it is a bit unreasonable to pull the crotch if it is only popular for one season.

Moreover, Qi Lei came from a media background after all. In his opinion, his work in the media field is actually no less than that in the chip field.

In a sense, this aspect is even more important.

So, no matter how busy you are, you have to spare time to take care of the recording here.

As soon as Qi Lei left, Qi Guodong wanted to talk to Uncle Geng.

Where did the company come from that two or three billion?

However, when he walked outside Uncle Geng's office, Qi Guodong stopped, and Uncle Geng was on the phone inside.

"Wife, discuss something, I want to spend some money."

"Not only the two years' worth, but take them out, and let me use our coffin book as well."

"Hey! That boy, I haven't asked how much you earn and how much you lose in all these years. This time, when you come back, you will give money away. This is the crux of the matter."

"Yeah, I've never seen him work so hard."

"how many?"

"That's almost it. I'll find the old guys from the past to make it up again, and I'll make three for him."

Qi Guodong: "…"


To be honest, the third uncle is not too moved, just a little jealous.

Why can't I afford such an uncle?

This is the noble man of stone!

Returning to the residence in the capital in the evening, before going to bed, Qi Guodong asked Zhao Na, "Daughter-in-law, how much did we share in dividends in the past few years?"

Zhao Na was suspicious, "A lot! Do you need money?"

Qi Guodong, "Get together, my eldest nephew may not join forces this time."

As soon as Zhao Na heard it, she didn't stammer, "Is it enough? The money that is not enough for Weizi is also in my hands!"

Qi Guodong, "Farewell, he saved some of his wife's book, let's keep it for him!"

"What happened to him and the little policeman? Is it over soon?"

In the past few years, Zhao Wei actually didn't share much money.

Like the three brothers, the money is placed in the company.

He didn't have much money to spend either. The dividends were also managed by Zhao Na, and there were several million.

Then there is, Zhao Wei is a friend, a former junior high school classmate.

For more than a year, he has been staying in Harbin, and has not come to the capital. It was mainly Qi Lei who took care of Zhao Wei and asked him to accompany his future daughter-in-law first.

The relationship is very good now, and the little girl is also a good person. It's almost time to talk about marriage, and Qi Guodong, the elder sister and father, has to give it to Zhang Luo.

Therefore, Zhao Wei's share of money cannot be moved.


Qi Guodong suddenly became bright, "Your third uncle is also your nobleman, you can't lose the chain!"

Qi Lei didn't know yet, he just moved his mouth, and everyone came to the point of paying for him.

Otherwise, when Qi Lei wants to do something, everyone will feel guilty?

He really doesn't care!

At this time, Qi Lei was already at the airport and was about to go to the boarding pass with Xiao Ma.

Xu Xiaoqian and Xu Xiaoqian were also reluctant to part. As soon as they met, they were going to be separated again.

"Okay, go back! Drive carefully."

Xu Xiaoqian pouted in dissatisfaction, "Why? Are you in such a hurry to drive me away?"

Qi Lei, "Stop doing this! Brother is also a public figure, otherwise I will bite you now, believe it or not?"

"Cough cough!"

Little Ma can't take it anymore, are you young people so fierce?

"Not a public figure, there is also a big living person beside him!"

Why don't you just go to check-in first, I won't disturb you?

And Qi Lei coaxed Xu Xiaoqian, "I'll let Fatty Wang take a photo, and I'll definitely come back before school starts!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "That's more than half a month!"

Qi Lei, "Then what should I do? Or, are you with me?"

It was originally a joke, but this winter vacation, Grandma Chang is opening a small stove for her. Because after the Spring Festival, Mrs. Chang has a national economic inspection job, UU reading www. uukanshu. com has no time to go to Tsinghua for classes.

Therefore, Qi Lei knew that Xu Xiaoqian could not follow him.

But what he didn't expect was that Xu Xiaoqian immediately became happy when he said this, "Okay!"


Qi Lei choked, "No, no class anymore!?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "It's up! Let Grandma Chang rest."

Talking, I don't know where to get a printed ticket, "It's booked!"

Jumping around to check in.

Qi Lei's people are stupid, this prodigal woman has been prepared for a long time, and she has been hiding it from him.

In this way, Xu Xiaoqian happily completed the boarding, and took Qi Lei's arm and got on the plane.

"I've wanted to go to Hainan for a long time, so it's a vacation!"

Qi Lei, "I asked Fatty Wang to prepare a room for us alone!"

Brother Ma, "…"

It's the light bulb.

Qi Lei didn't care about him, who asked you to follow him?

Beautiful! Of course he is willing to sway with Xu Xiaoqian.

The sun, the waves, the sand already popped up in my mind.

Heart said, how did you find such a good old lady?

But it didn't take long for her to get on the plane and sit down comfortably. Xu Xiaoqian suddenly said without thinking, "Rosie Knightley, right?"

"It's very white, isn't it?"

Qi Lei, "!!"

The hairs stood up, and he was stunned for a long time.

With a loud voice, all the business class guests looked over.

"Chen Wenjie this grandson!"

"I can't spare him!"


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Did not correct the typo, deal with it.


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