Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 110: have an idea

The latest website: "Grandma's Chen Wenjie, this grandson!"

Xu Qian was yelled at by him, making him laugh and slap him angrily, "Keep your voice down, what a shame."

Qi Lei was staring at him, but he was still embarrassed?

I'm not afraid of being embarrassed, but I'm afraid that this matter can't be explained.

Retracting his head, he growled with a lingering anger, "I'm wronged for this!"

Xu Xiaoqian looked around in a panic, "Why are you wronged?"

Qi Lei, "That's all a show for the British!"

At the moment, all the things between him and Rosie were shaken out.

Of course, I didn't say anything about E.

Xu Xiaoqian didn't want to hear it at first, but she couldn't help Qi Lei's look of caring about her feelings so she had to say it!

In the end, there was really no other way, "Okay, okay, can't joke?"

Qi Lei glared, "This can't be a joke?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "I didn't say anything."

Qi Lei, "Chen Wenjie, you are waiting!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "It's none of Chen Wenjie's business, Sister Kou told me!"

"It is said that there are still photos? I didn't look at it, and I didn't take it seriously at first. When you look at you nervous, it seems like something is wrong."

Qi Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Sister Kou?"

chap! He actually gave the photo to Sister Kou?

Fake foreign devils evolved? Such a poisonous trick is made out! ! ?

While comforting Xu Xiaoqian and saying something nice, she made up her mind that she would have to ask Sister Kou for mercy when she got off the plane.

Things are in the hands of the tiger girls, don't think about being kind.

As a result, before getting off the plane and waiting for Qi Lei to call out, an unfamiliar number came first.

"Dear Lei, I'm going to China soon! Get ready to meet me!" Rossi Knightley's **** voice.

Qi Lei, "!!!" Kudan almost jumped from his lower abdomen to his throat.


Force yourself to remain calm, and signal to Xu Xiaoqian and Brother Xiao Ma, you go first, and I will take care of it.

After the two had finished walking, Qi Lei roared, "What are you doing in China!?"

The opposite Rosie flattened her mouth, "That old woman Susan can't do anything about Sam and Warren, but it's easy to deal with me."

"Now she has been scolded by the British people, and the stock of the clothing brand has also fallen to the bottom. She already hates me."

"In order not to be retaliated by her, I must come out and hide!"

"Besides, I needed a resume of an overseas reporter stationed in the station, so I applied to the newspaper to come to China."

Qi Lei, "..."

You... should I be happy, or should I get angry?

It would certainly be a good thing if Rossi became a reporter for The Times in China, and he could take the opportunity to convey a lot of information.

Even, this time, the penguins of the little brother may be useful when they go to sea.

However, after taking a look at Xu Xiaoqian's back, he finally said, "Come on! When you settle down, I will contact you for a few interviews. There is no problem with politics and business."

When Rossi heard this, he was immediately pleasantly surprised, "Really? Good! I have to think about it, whose exclusive interview will I be doing?"

However, it was immediately discovered that something was wrong. What does it mean to settle down?

"Lei, won't you pick me up? We are old friends? I'm not familiar with Beijing at all. You should show the hospitality of the Chinese, just like I was friendly to you in London."

Qi Lei's brain hurts, and he gritted his teeth and said a half-straight half-false, "Don't even think about it!"

When he was done, he hung up the phone.

After catching up with Xu Xiaoqian and Brother Xiao Ma, Brother Xiao Ma asked in an uninteresting manner, "Who is it? He called in as soon as the phone was turned on?"

Qi Lei glared at him hatefully, "Rosie Knightley!"

With a normal expression, "That girl wants to come to China in order to hide from the enemy, and let me pick her up."

Here comes the knowledge point:

Don't hide this kind of thing, let alone lie, otherwise, it will be easily misunderstood.

A woman's sixth sense, especially the sixth sense of a woman who gets along with you day and night, is comparable to radar. A subtle expression is unnatural, and it can make them see something wrong.

So, generously, explain things clearly. Besides, Qi Lei didn't plan to pick up Rossi at all.

At that time, Xu Qian knew that Rossi had come to China, but Qi Lei still hadn't come to see him. Wouldn't it be better to understand?

It's a pity, Qi Lei has done his best, using everything he has learned in his life, but he is not facing ordinary people.

Xu Xiaoqian squinted and glanced at Qi Lei, and while Xiao Ma was not paying attention, she viciously pinched Qi Lei's waist, "You are the most cunning!"

Qi Lei gritted his teeth in pain, but didn't dare to make a sound.


The three of Qi Lei landed in Sanya, but they are still far away from the program team!

This season of "Longing for Life" was not recorded in Sanya, but in the Paracel Islands.

For the recording of the second season, the audience all over the country thought that the filming was in the place called Black Rock Castle because the old horse head and Uncle Zhao's comrades reunited at the end of the previous season.

The biggest expectation of many viewers for the second season is to see what the legendary road that Old Matou has built for ten years has not been repaired, and how bad the traffic in Blackrock Castle is.

CCTV leaders also believe that they should strike while the iron is hot and go to Blackrock Castle to record.

However, before Qi Lei went to England, he was forcibly held back.

There are several reasons:

First, Qi Lei was of course thinking about the old horse.

However, the heat is there, but what is the use of economic benefits?

People couldn't get in, so they just watched it on TV. When the road was repaired, the heat had passed.

So don't worry, just drag it out for another season or two.

After the broadcast here, the road to Blackrock Castle will be open, just in time to connect.

This is about marketing timing.

Second, the first season is to help Mufu Village to build roads to become rich. If the second season is to help Blackstone Castle to build roads to become rich, the content will be repeated, which will easily make the audience misunderstand and yearn for a poverty alleviation program.

To put it bluntly, it is [frame effect]!

Qi Lei didn't want to let this show fall into such a framework. He yearned for a place where he could go, and there were many main themes that he could bring.

Third, there is the issue of seasons.

Now it is winter in the northeast, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, and the road is still impassable. Whether it is the equipment staff of the program team or the guests, they have to be sent in by helicopter, which is too inconvenient.

Therefore, the Hainan that yearns for the second season is not Sanya, but Xisha.

The theme is - great mountains and rivers, the end of the world guards!

It reflects the real life of island sentinels and distant sea fishermen.

At this time, the Xisha Islands only existed in primary school texts, a pearl on the sea frontier of the motherland, and even the Sansha city of later generations could not be compared.

TV audiences also learned through "Longing for Life" that we also have the blue sea and blue sky and the sacred scenery of the South China Sea that are not lost to the Madai.

It is also through "Longing for Life" that I know that there are such a group of officers and soldiers guarding the island, as well as fishermen who are as lovely and respectable as the soldiers.

This is also the main theme, and the ratings of the previous episodes during the Spring Festival were very good, comparable to the previous season.

Qi Lei and his party boarded the boat in Sanya and headed to Yongxing Island, the largest island in Xisha.

Qi Lei's geography is not good, and he has never been here in his previous life, so he has no idea about Yongxing Island.

Only when you arrive at the place do you know that beauty is really beautiful, the kind that can be intoxicating.

However, the famous Yongxing Island is actually only three square kilometers.

At this time, there were only more than 200 permanent residents on the island. It has a Xisha office, a garrison, as well as the seafood acquisition store of Hainan Aquatic Products Company and Bird Fatty Company.

When Qi Lei and the others arrived at the filming location, Fatty Wang and Brother Rong were not there.

Zhou Xiaohan and Jiang Yao were the two companions of the Young Eagles class to watch the house.

When I asked, I found out that they took the guests and followed the supply ship to the Shoudao outpost in Nansha, where they performed for a Shoudao couple there.

The overall form of this season has changed a lot from the previous season. It is no longer just sitting at home, waiting for the discussion of the pit guests.

Instead, he went out more and performed on various islands to perform for the soldiers.

Sometimes, there is only one person on an island. Sister Mei and Brother Rong will perform for this audience..

Fatty Wang stirred up a little more emotion and introduced the stories of the soldiers guarding the island, which made a lot of viewers' tears.

Of course, it is still necessary to pit the guests, but there is no money to be pitted this season.

The money is useless here and can't be spent.

Pit copyright, Pit cinema, Pit entertainment projects.

The biggest enemy here is loneliness!

After more than a month of filming, Sister Mei and Brother Rong have created three cinemas for Yongxing Island and Yongle Island.

Similarly, the owners and directors of many film companies and film studios in mainland Hong Kong have also promised that the copyright of films will be open to the South China Sea Islands free of charge.

Moreover, as long as the films produced and distributed by them are released in the future, the cinemas in the Sansha Islands will send copies over, and they will still be released for free.

In addition, the yearning program group has also contributed one million yuan to build yearning libraries on various major islands to enrich the amateur life of the officers, soldiers and fishermen on the islands.

In short, the main goals of this season are these.

Of course, Qi Lei came here for other purposes.


Fatty Wang and the others are away, and it will take several days to come back. It's just that the photographer who stayed behind collected a few video footage of "Returning Funny" for him, and it's fine.

Qi Lei was happy and leisurely, but unfortunately the good times did not last long.

The next day, Qi Lei and Brother Xiao Ma were nibbling on lobsters. The fishermen brought them over in the morning. They didn't need money, but they were full.

When the food is good, there are guests coming to the door.

Director Zou of CCTV, and the leader of Hainan ZF.

People from the Hainan government came here for two purposes:

The first is to thank the program team for promoting Sansha.

Second, publicity is not enough.

Now people all over the country know about the Sansha Islands, but how can we develop tourism and let everyone come here to play?

Moreover, this problem is very complicated, not tourists who want to come, and Sansha's own conditions do not allow it.

Yongxing Island is so big, and the other islands are also very small, and some of them don't even have fresh water, so they don't have the conditions for tourism.

Moreover, the South China Sea Islands are not yet fully open to the outside world.

With these harsh preconditions, I still want to travel, which... ordinary people can't solve it, and Xiao Qi always gives an idea.

In this regard, Qi Lei readily agreed, saying that he would make a good plan and reply in a few days.

It's not that Qi Lei is big, but that he thinks it's a good thing, and Sansha Beauty has never lost to any place.

In later generations, domestic tourists will often come to Madai, Tahiti, and Sri Lanka. They have a good place, so why not come?

Moreover, Qi Lei came up with a nasty idea: later generations said that we are reclaiming the sea and building a military base in the South China Sea, and international public opinion is very nervous.

This time, I'm reclaiming the sea for tourism, is there any problem?

This is something worth thinking about.

It is another matter for Zou Taichang to come over.

Originally, when Director Zou knew that Qi Lei was back yesterday, he thought that he had just returned, so don't be too hasty and let him rest for two days.

As a result, Qi Lei left the capital that day, so Zou Tai could only chase after him.

Chasing from the capital to Hainan, "What's the matter?"

Zou Tai, "It's very urgent."


Director Zou organized the language, "It's your credit for this matter."

Qi Lei frowned, "What's the matter?"

Director Zou, "Didn't the Film Industry Forum reach several agreements with Hollywood at the end of last year?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! But what does the film industry have to do with us?"

Zou Tai, "That's it..."

"Currently, Hong Kong companies and mainland film studios are frequently joining forces. In the past few months, more than 20 joint companies have been established."

"There are still many to be established in the near future, and they are basically following the route set by the industry seminar."

"However, there is one thing that has fallen on our heads."

Qi Lei, "What's the matter?"

Zou Tai, "It's the action special effect production company."

Qi Lei, "..."

Qi Lei remembered that at that time, he did have such an agreement with the old Levi, that is, to give some behind-the-scenes work in Hollywood to China.

In the meantime, Qi Lei proposed that an action special effect company could be established in China, specializing in action lens design, stand-in shooting, etc.

In this regard, China is much more professional than Hollywood.

But he didn't understand, "Why did this happen to us?"

"This..." Director Zou was embarrassed, his eyes were weird, "Maybe it's because the various film studios think that you are helping them such a big gang, and they want to give you a little bit too?"

Well, Qi Lei knew from Zou Chengbin's expression. I'm afraid they didn't give it to you, but you had the cheek to ask for it, right?

Zou Chengbin can do this.

He didn't want to delve into it. Originally, he thought that the film industry had nothing to do with him. At most, he was doing brokerage work for Sister Mei and Brother Rong.

Now it seems that it does matter.

"Tell me, and then what?"

Zou Chengbin, "The action special effects company is almost ready. Several martial arts and action teams from Hong Kong and the mainland have negotiated and are willing to join in to try the effect."

"On the Hollywood side, didn't you promise to make a movie to watch first?"

"However, we are not sure about the price, we have never cooperated with them!"

"After thinking about it, you still have experience in this area, can talk about it?"

Qi Lei fully understood, that's all, as for you to go all the way?

Zou Chengbin also saw Qi Lei's expression and added, "The Americans will be here the day after tomorrow!"

When Qi Lei heard this, it made sense.

He asked casually, "What movie?"

Zou Chengbin, "What's "Pirates of the Caribbean" called? I heard it's a big production."

Qi Lei raised his brows, it turned out to be the Caribbean?

He opened his mouth and said, "Tell them that the full set of action design, martial arts, and scene design for all the characters is 10 million!"

Zou Chengbin was shocked, "Ten million? Is it too much?"

Is it a little too dark?

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei frowned, "I'm talking about Mi Yuan!"

Zou Chengbin: "..."

I am thinking of RMB.

It costs 10 million to design an action? Also Mi Yuan?

Qi Lei, "Don't worry! Ten million must be cheap for them."

Director Zou is still thinking of mainland movies, 10 million? Not to mention Mi Yuan, RMB is enough for the entire shooting cost of most movies.

But in Hollywood, ten million to solve all their special effects, they are eager.

The total investment of Pirates of the Caribbean 1 is 240 million!

"You bite ten million to death, and they must agree."

"Okay!" Zou Chengbin finally chose to trust Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei also thought that this matter was solved, but turned his head, "No!"

Zou Chengbin, "Why not?"

Qi Lei stood there, "No, no, no... 10,000,000!"

Zou Chengbin, "more or less?"

Qi Lei, "Let me think about it."

After sitting down slowly, there was no movement. Zou Chengbin and a group of people watched with big eyes and small eyes.

After a full half hour, Qi Lei patted his thigh.

"It's not a million-dollar thing!"

Staring at Director Zou, "Well, you bring people here, and I'll talk to them!"

But it was the leader of Hainan ZF who frowned and This...isn't it appropriate? "

Foreigners cannot come here.

As a result, Qi Lei stood up and went into the room to make a phone call (the mobile phone had no signal).

After a while, he came out, "It's done, someone will send them here."

Baring his teeth, he said, "Just wait. I'll take care of the tourism for you. Let's get a film and television base out!"





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