Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 115: success

Manager Wen didn't say anything, and said that he would discuss with the headquarters. In this regard, Qi Lei didn't say anything.

It was obvious that he was actually moved.


Put the mobile phone in his hand on the table, freeing up his hand to clean up the copy on the table, "Then you go as soon as possible, I'll go chat with those two foreigners to see if I can squeeze out some more oil and water."

Talking, get up and leave.

Manager Wen rolled his eyes, was he still squeezing oil and water? Urine makes you grab it.

After Qi Lei left, Manager Wen fell into contemplation again, instead of continuing to consider the feasibility of the plan.

To be honest, Qi Lei has persuaded him, but the final result depends on the decision of the headquarters. He just explained his personal inclinations to the headquarters.

Whether it can be done or not, the headquarters has the final say, and he doesn't have to take any responsibility.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively easy.

What he was thinking about was what Qi Lei said before.

You don't have to get a piece of chicken feathers, you can also achieve a win-win situation...

This is a question worth pondering.

Manager Wen didn't suddenly realize until this moment that this is China, and maybe the Western approach does not really apply here. .

Chinese people pay attention to the middle way, not pursuing extreme opposition, but reconciling yin and yang.

Perhaps, Qi Lei is right, this project can indeed achieve a win-win situation.

The most important thing is that once the project is successful, the long-term benefits are much greater than the short-term benefits.

On the headquarter side, in fact, it pays more attention to long-term investment.

Well, he even thought about the entry point of how to communicate with the headquarters.

Just as he was thinking about it, he raised his head inadvertently, and couldn't help but be startled, because... Qi Lei left his phone on him.

Manager Wen picked it up, played with it in his hand, and prepared to send it to Qi Lei. He didn't have the habit of looking at other people's privacy.

Although Manager Wen doesn't think he is a good person, he still has the basic qualities of respecting personal privacy after being educated in the West.

Unfortunately, before he could reach the door, the phone rang.

Manager Wen couldn't help but quicken his pace, but stopped after just two steps.


Because of an unintentional swipe, he saw the caller ID.



At this moment, Manager Wen's hair exploded.

Gerald Merlin?

Gerald Merlin!

Manager Wen's head buzzed and he couldn't think about anything.

Why did old Gerrard call Qi Lei? Why does he have Qi Lei's mobile number?

Just when he was at a loss, Qi Lei's knock on the door rang, "Brother Wen, the phone has left your house!"

Manager Wen returned to his soul, rubbed his face hard, and then went to open the door.

He handed the ringing phone to Qi Lei, "Just right, a call came in."

Qi Lei took it and just glanced at it, "Thanks!"

Turning around and walking away, he answered the phone, "Hello, what's wrong?"

Speaking of...Chinese!

With the wisdom of Manager Wen, it is impossible to think of nothing.

My mind went blank, and I didn't sleep all night.

It was not until the middle of the night that I made a difficult call to the US headquarters.

"We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"Yes, this will not only bring Desheng's business to the next level in Asia, but also allow us to break out of Wall Street and have a place in Hollywood!"

"I personally think that we can work with Qi for the time being. His connections and energy in China are something we don't have."

"Desheng Gao Hua may be able to use it temporarily, don't kick Qi out."

"One more thing, is the headquarters of JS company going to send people to watch it?"

"I recommend your son, Jaquil."

"No no no, although he is young, his ability is enough to be competent for this task."

"Moreover, in the case of the acquisition of ARM, Jaquier also made a lot of contributions and made great contributions. If other departments take his credit, I will regret it."

Pittwen is also not a vegetarian, although he still doesn't know what the relationship between Gerald and Qi Lei is, and where Qi Lei is in the acquisition of ARM.

However, no matter what, he can't be alone, he wants to pull people into the water.

Jaquille and his father who is a shareholder are the best choices.

Early the next morning, Pittwen hadn't slept all night, with dark circles under his eyes.

On the other hand, Qi Lei slept beautifully and had dark circles under his eyes.

The two met in the yard and saw that Qi Lei was about to go out, "What are you going to do?"

Qi Lei, "Go to the aquatic product acquisition station! I came back to the fishing boat last night to get some good goods, and have a seafood barbecue in the evening!"

Manager Wen, "…"

You are so hearty! ?

"Do you mind if I go around too?"

Qi Lei, "Of course I don't mind."

In this way, the two strolled past the aquatic product acquisition station.

Yongxing Island is very small, but it is really beautiful, especially against the backdrop of the rising sun, the beauty is fascinating.

Moreover, the simplicity of the fishermen is more beautiful.

The aquatic product purchasing station looked at Mr. Qi, who picked the freshest and best seafood in two baskets, and still didn't need Qi Lei's money.

With an accent that Qi Lei couldn't understand, they shouted loudly, as if receiving money was the biggest insult to them.

In the end, Qi Lei couldn't twist it, so he stopped being hypocritical.

On the way back, I was still showing off to Manager Wen, "Look, how good this is, good people always have good rewards, right?"

Manager Wen, "I always feel that there is something in his words..."

Finally, at a beach, Manager Wen stopped, "Take a break, it's really heavy!"

Qi Lei didn't object either and sat on the beach.

Manager Wen, "I contacted my headquarters last night."

Qi Lei looked at the seascape, "What's the result?"

Manager Wen, "The headquarters held an emergency meeting, and I also thought it was a good cooperation."

Qi Lei, "Cha! You don't need them to spend money, you don't need their connections, it's good to make money lying down."

Manager Wen was absent-minded, "Qi, can I ask you a personal question?"

But Qi Lei turned his head and looked at him solemnly, "I advise you not to ask!"

Manager Wen was stunned, "I..."

Qi Lei, "The more you know, the more burden you have."

"It's in your best interest to know everything and seem to know nothing. Isn't it?"

Manager Wen, "…"

Finally, "Thank you..."

Qi Lei is right, this question is entirely due to personal curiosity and the unwillingness to admit defeat.

But why should you know? You know, the trouble is big.

As Qi Lei said, knowing everything, but also as if you don't know anything, is the best result.

So, he wants to say thank you.

Thank you Qi Lei for not making things clear, and thank you for showing off without showing off.

"Maybe you're right... We can really achieve a win-win situation."

Qi Lei smiled, "Right! You agree with my values, and I understand yours too. That's enough."

Manager Wen smiled bitterly, "But, I really don't agree with your values."

He wondered, "You don't seem to care much about money, so what do you care about? That is, what is your motivation for doing all this? What is the satisfaction you get?"

But Qi Lei raised the seafood basket in his hand, "That's what it's for!"

Manager Wen: "????"

For, for a basket of seafood?

Well, maybe he will never understand, the value in this basket of seafood is a romance that only belongs to the Chinese.

"Then what should we do next? Where should this project start?"

"It's so simple! Kodiaci and Haimo are in a hurry to go to the room now, right?"

"Okay!" Manager Wen laughed, "their shooting request was rejected, and they were really anxious."

"Pfft! This metaphor is very apt, and I'm really eager to go to the room."

The two were really anxious, Qi Lei seemed to be very uninterested in their filming requirements and refused to talk further.

And just when the two were at a loss, Manager Wen appeared.

Well, Manager Wen has always been there. It's just that they don't know much about this yellow race.

It was also mentioned by the "Zhongchuan staff" inadvertently with bragging. It was the well-known general manager of Desheng Greater China who came here to discuss the development plan of Desheng Gaohua Investment Company with partner Qi Lei.

When the two heard it, oh cha! own people? Are you still collaborating with Qi Lei? Then there is hope!

Naturally, I found Manager Wen, hoping that he could mediate from it.

Manager Wen was very embarrassed, "You two don't know, this Mr. Qi is very influential in China, and it can be said that he has hands and eyes!"

"However, he has a habit of making decisions that are difficult to change."

When the two of them heard this, what should they do?

I had no choice but to send the news back to Disney headquarters, hoping that the headquarters would find a way.

And what did Disney hear? Can filming in China save 60 to 70 million US dollars?

Moreover, Desheng refused to help?

That's two days of yours. Who doesn't know Desheng's virtue? There are no requests that they will refuse, only unpaid prices.

Disney headquarters simply found Desheng's consulting company directly.

The so-called consulting companies are lobbying and public relations departments, and that is what they do.

Given commissions and benefits, Desheng agreed to help.

Moreover, Disney got a shocking big secret from Desheng Consulting, that is:

Desheng and Qi Lei are planning tourism and film development projects in the South China Sea.

Disney is deserted, and theme parks are our home ground! You guys are doing these things over there, so what will happen after our live-action shooting location?

So, it was so grind and grind, and the twists and turns were indescribable.

Desheng plays this kind of routine, and it is still more stable.

Anyway, in the end, it became Qi Lei, Desheng, and Disney to work together to develop a film and television tourism project in Hainan.

The three companies do not pay any money, and the money is borrowed from China.

Desheng Gao Hua accounts for the majority, 55%, responsible for project operation and fundraising.

Disney accounted for 25%, responsible for the construction of the theme park, as well as taking advantage of Pirates of the Caribbean to promote the project.

There is also 20% as public shares, which are reserved for shareholders who will join the project in the future.

(Actually, it was reserved for other big Hollywood studios. Desheng leaked some inside information to Disney, and they will soon win over other film companies.)

Disney has no problem with this benefit-sharing move. Americans, especially film companies, have long passed the era of eating alone.

They also don't care if it's called benefit sharing, but risk sharing.

Now that we have become partners, the requirement to shoot in Hainan is not a requirement.

Everyone is their own, so Qi Lei is very generous.

And... the generosity is a bit too much, the generous Disney side is a bit unbelievable.

First of all, the problem of the extras, Qi Lei solved it directly!

"My own people! Can I make it difficult for you?"

He shouted at Director Wu next to him, "Old Wu, do you think this will work? Let's set up an acting academy at Nanhai University!"

"Vigorously recruiting international students not only enriches the majors, but also solves the problems of the film crew!"

Both Kodiaz and Heimer were dumbfounded. Sure enough, their hands and eyes were sky-high. That's fine! ?

Director Wu almost didn't laugh out loud, but his face was still tense, "Okay! Just do as Mr. Qi said!"

Then there's the issue of the difficulty of shooting.

The main location for filming is definitely on Hainan Island, and the studio and live set are also on the island, initially set in Wanning.

However, a considerable part of the shots were taken at sea and on the islands of Sansha.

That's not too far, thousands of kilometers.

Even if the crew can afford it, they can't keep up with all aspects of the supply.

In this regard, Qi Lei only played the aura of "hands and eyes reaching the sky".

"It's simple, I'll assign a supply ship to the crew!"



"No! It's not enough just for the supply ship." Qi Lei shook his head, "It's not convenient for the supply ship to follow the filming location on Yongle Island..."

Looking up, "I want... I will build an airport for you on Yongle Island?"

"Fly to fly, it's much more convenient."

"Well! That's it!"

"Old Wu, is there a problem?"

Director Wu, "..."

Highmore and Codiaz, "…"

Manager Wen almost jumped up, this is too far-fetched, right?

In the end, Qi Lei hadn't finished speaking yet, "Have you chosen several shooting spots? I'll fix it for you..."

Manager Wen stepped forward and said, "Mr. Qi is joking, he is too happy, just repair one on Yongxing Island and it will be enough!"

Can't let Qi Lei say, how many more do you need to repair? It's going to be a big deal if you fix it again.

Afterwards, everyone asked Qi Lei, what are your routines?

In fact, up to now, including Director Wu, it is still half-concealed, some can understand, but some still can't understand.

In response, Qi Lei smiled slightly, "Is it difficult to understand?"

"The Academy of Performing Arts is necessary and belongs to the supporting facilities. Let the Chinese opera, Beiying, and Shanghai operas in the capital and the magic capital come over, and UU Kanshu will recruit the best teachers, and then spend a lot of money to ask for one. Criticizing foreign monks, they will become independent in a few years and build an international performance academy."

"After the film and television base is built, we will immediately launch preferential policies and tax rebate policies!"

"Let them come here to film, not only can they spend a small amount of money, but also get a part of the money back. We only need the associated effect and the profit from additional consumption, that's enough!"

"Besides this, our film and television base is not only for Hollywood shooting, but also for Japanese and Korean styles and European real scenes!"

"Then, let's launch an independent film subsidy policy. Not only Chinese films, but also small productions from Europe, Japan and South Korea are coming, and subsidies are also given!"

"Let's make this place a factory for world film and television production!"

"As long as this step can be achieved, it will not be China's Hainan, but the world's Hainan! Not only Chinese tourists will come, but tourists from all over the world will come here."

"That alone is enough to earn!"

"And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this is a window. China sees the world, and the world sees China's window!"

"You must know that film art is the most intuitive visual art, and it is the form of representation that can influence the perception of the viewer the most."

"This window is opened well, and it is not just as simple as economic benefits. We will bid farewell to the old image of the film, which is messy and rigid."

"It's no longer the era when you can only win awards by photographing the local flavor of China."

"And Hainan has the greatest credit!"

Director Wu nodded again and again, grabbing Qi Lei's hand, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"


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