Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 116: little woman thinking

During China's hosting of the Olympic Games, China once put out such a slogan - Give China a chance, and give the world a miracle!

Many people believe that this is just the Chinese people's determination and vision to host the Beijing Olympics.

In fact, they do not understand the tenacity and wisdom of the Chinese people.

This sentence reflects not just a simple Olympic Games, but the determination of the Chinese people when faced with any opportunity.

The matter of the film and television base is not so much the quick wit of Qi Lei alone, but rather the adaptability and decisiveness from top to bottom.

Unless you don't give me this opportunity, I will definitely give you the best use.

Two days later, Qi Lei left Yongxing Island with Manager Wen, Kodiaz, and Haimo.

In Sanya, he joined with Reinerberg, the global vice president of business development of Disney Company, to conduct on-the-spot investigation of several aquatic products companies in Lingshui and Wanning.

Well, Disney actually attaches great importance to it. After all, it is an investment of tens of billions of dollars, and they don’t need to spend any money.

Therefore, the vice president was directly dispatched to personally take charge of the coordination of the project. The level of the operations director of Kodiaz was no longer sufficient.

To be honest, until standing on this piece of land, the staff of the HAN provincial government had pointed to his feet and told him that this would be the location of the photo studio, and construction would start in a month.

However, Reinerberg still feels that this is not true.

Although the Desheng headquarters in the United States and China's Desheng Gao Hua have repeatedly confirmed, he still can't believe it.

Are Chinese brains not good? It's crazy to attract capital. .

You must know that the total investment in the project will not be less than 14 billion yuan, of which Disney holds 25% of the shares, which is 3.5 billion yuan.

And for this 3.5 billion, Disney doesn't have to pay a penny. It only needs to provide the authorization of Disney's theme parks, the tourism development and utilization of some classic IPs, and the films produced by Disney in the future to shoot here.

It's just incredible.

What makes Reiner even more puzzled is that the people who suffer are obviously Chinese, but why are they all so happy?

From government officials to ordinary employees of the fishery company whose land has been restructured and requisitioned, they are all very excited.

Well, Reiner is very disdainful of this, anyway, even if it is lost, it is not a matter of Disney.

As a partner, Qi Lei's remarks made Reiner feel a little sympathetic to the country.

"They are not humble, nor are they ignorant of who is the winner." Looking at Reiner, "They are just a group of Chinese people who are eager to live a good life."

"Your presence has given them hope."

Reiner curled his lips indifferently and made a joke, "So, I've become a god?"

Qi Lei smiled and said, "Yes! In a sense, yes."

The manager who listened to this sentence frowned slightly. He didn't like this guy Reinerberg, this Jewish guy who had never seen the world and felt good.

Afterwards, when Reiner and his party were settled, Manager Wen was a little indignant, and complained to Qi Lei and his party, as well as Director Wu, "If I were you, I would ruthlessly beat him back!"

"Damn it! He's just a minority shareholder, and he should be allowed to figure out his position."

Qi Lei laughed, including Director Wu shaking his head with a smile, and everyone smiled at each other.

In the end, Qi Lei said, "As long as he is willing to come and settle the golden signboard of Disney here, what can he do with his grandson??"

Manager Wen, "Qi! You..."

Manager Wen froze for a while, because he saw Qi Lei's smile, Director Wu, Brother Xiao Ma, and the seemingly non-existent smiles of others.

This smile made Manager Wen shudder.

He knew that these guys weren't really holding Reiner.

However, Manager Wen thought of another problem, a problem more terrifying than hypocrisy.

A few businessmen, a few high-ranking government officials, they are still like this, "What about pretending to be a grandson?"

Qi Lei, a guy who has been insidious to the extreme from the inside out, still has the world in his heart. Then you say, how many people are like them in this country?

If ordinary people think the same way, how terrible would it be?

It is impossible for her not to return to the top of the world!

At this moment, Pittwen suddenly had a very certain prediction - China will definitely become stronger.

There is one more thing that touched Manager Wen a lot.

When leaving a fishing village inspection site in Chengning, the local fishermen gave each member of the inspection team two dried red fish.

It is still simple and can no longer be simple.

Just leaving the fishing village, Reiner, Kodiaz, and Haimer took advantage of the Chinese people's indecision and threw the dried fish directly into the ditch beside the road, which was very disgusting.

However, Manager Wen couldn't throw it out. He suddenly understood that the seafood basket was in full swing that day, and he said it was for the happiness and pride of the seafood basket.

He smiled awkwardly at several people and explained, "I am more economical, and stewed red fish is a rare delicacy."

"So, keep it!"

The three of them expressed understanding on their expressions, but their bodies were very honest, their brows furrowed and their mouth and nose covered.

Just because you save money alone, all the cars you make are weird.

Within a few days, Manager Wen, Kodiaz and Haimo left Hainan.

Because of the relationship between the project, Reiner wants to stay here for a long time, but he no longer needs Qi Lei to accompany him.

Send Manager Wen and the others away, and Lao Qin will arrive.

Seeing Qi Lei's look of disgust, "Why don't you stop? It's only been a few days? There's such a big commotion again!"

This bear thing, not only the people from the Three Stones Company, but also Lao Qin is not polite at all.

It didn't stop for a few days, and he came to wipe his **** again.

After reading the detailed planning of the project, Lao Qin didn't care much about investment and other parts. Those who had Hainan ZF to operate would do. He was concerned about the construction of an airport on Yongle Island.

With a frown, "You kid is thinking long-term, but..."

The wind changed, "It's too late! It will start in a few months, we don't have the equipment to reclaim the land, and we can only build a small temporary airport to build an airport."

"It's a pity that the army can't use it."

His eyes suddenly lit up, "Huh?" Staring at Qi Lei, "Can you let the crew wait for two years before starting the show?"

Give him two years, and he will be able to build a permanent large airport.

In this regard, Qi Lei bared his teeth happily, "Don't be so troublesome!"

He explained, "Originally, the Caribbean crew didn't just shoot one film, but built a temporary one and expanded it slowly."

"Besides, there is only a reason for this matter, because the airport was built for filming. After that, it has nothing to do with the crew."

Lao Qin frowned, "How?"

Qi Lei, "If I were you, I would take this opportunity, wait for the crew to leave, and circle all the places they've been to for tourism."

Lao Qin, "Do you want to travel?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! By the name of Disney, all the filming locations have been turned into tourism projects."

"Is it necessary to make a package for tourism? Is it necessary to reclaim the sea? Is it necessary to build an airport?"

"And then, we have to protect the safety of tourists, right?"

"Otherwise, what pirates from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia would threaten the safety of tourists?"

"No!" Qi Lei corrected himself, "This is not only the safety of tourists, but also the safety of American assets!"

"Desheng, Disney, and the six major universities that will join in the future, they all have shares!"

"Then do we have to add some coast guard ships or something? Do we have to cruise regularly?"

Lao Qin: "..."

Qi Lei, "Don't be afraid that the Americans are not happy about this!"

"The four biggest influencers in the U.S. are Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the arms and energy giants."

"We account for two in this business. We don't have to fight with the Americans ourselves, they will find a way to solve the problem."

Lao Qin's brain hurt when he heard it, and he couldn't help laughing, "No, where did the Vietnamese and Philippine pirates come from? Even pirates wouldn't dare to come to us!"

But it was Qi Lei with a serious face, "This... can have it!"

I bother!

Lao Qin could not wait to spit on his face, but his heart was filled with joy.

This dirty rock!

Wordlessly, he nodded at Qi Lei for a long time, "You! You!"

"I think you should stop messing around with things outside, and you're less and less like a good person!"

Qi Lei smiled, "Are you willing?"

Lao Qin thought about it carefully, "I don't want to."

After that, Qi Lei returned to Yongxing Island.

Brother Xiao Ma was sent back to Shenzhen by him. Recently, the troubles in the UK have become more and more fierce.

Before Rosie Knightley came to China, she became popular again, successfully washed her white, and became an opinion leader of British public opinion.

The chain reaction is also slowly appearing. Just two days ago, two companies in Germany and France publicly criticized the economic hegemony of the Americans in front of the media, detonating a wave of public opinion in the two countries.

Subsequently, EU officials from Germany and France also publicly appeased their companies. The two countries made every effort to ensure the equal status of their own companies in international trade. The ARM acquisition will never happen in Germany and France. Please calm down.

On the surface, this is to appease public opinion, but everyone knows that this is the two countries expressing dissatisfaction with the United States through EU channels.

Moreover, the person who came out to clarify is very particular, EU officials. That is, it does not represent the official position of Germany and France, and it has great weight.

You must know that the main purpose of the establishment of the EU is to revitalize Europe and counter the economic hegemony of the United States.

Subsequently, Japan, South Korea, Italy and other countries also expressed some opinions more or less.

Even Tuao, who was chained by the United States, jumped out and said a few words.

From this, it can be seen that there are no absolutely loyal allies in this world, and everyone is for the interests of their own countries.

One more thing to say here, Tuao is not soil, it is really stupid.

In short, under the pressure of such international public opinion, the U.S. used political mediation to appease its allies while calming public opinion.

Under pressure, the U.S. official issued a statement.

First, the ARM acquisition case is purely commercial, and there is no political manipulation.

Second, as the forerunner of globalization, the United States has always taken maintaining fairness and justice in international trade as its first duty, and vowed to defend the fair environment of global trade to the death.

This result has already developed towards what Qi Lei envisioned.

Brother Ma can't live a good life on this sunny beach anymore, he has to go back to prepare immediately.

The first step is breaking news.

"Penguin, China's largest instant messaging software, is negotiating financing with the South African Press Group."

As soon as this news came out, European capitalists who were already in love with the Chinese market and had nowhere to spend their money immediately smelled the blood and gathered in Shenzhen crazily.

"Damn it! Has China's Internet's second potential company finally decided to raise money?"

Well, the first is TS, Three Stone Company.


Qi Lei asked Brother Ma to go back and talk to those European guys slowly, and wait until he finishes recording the second season of his yearning.

Brother Xiao Ma can only go back first, but he doesn't think it's time, it's time for him to show his skills.

He seriously doubted that it was Qi Lei who didn't need his light bulb anymore and wanted to live a two-person world with Xu Xiaoqian.

Originally, Brother Rong, Meimei and Xiaoer had not returned from the island guard post.

On Yongxing Island, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian were the only ones left. This dog man and's just immoral.

In the past two years, this young couple has been together less and more away. It is not Beijing, Shangbei, or Qi Lei's busy work all over the world.

Now, I can't wait to make up for the good days I missed.

Every day, I either sit under the banana tree in the yard, or go to the deserted beach to lie down and stare at the gorgeous sea in a daze.

Yongxing Island is small, but just right.

There were not many people on the island, and they were just two idlers, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian, so the entire beach belonged to them.

Do whatever you want!

"Can Brother Ma successfully go out this time?"

Xu Xiaoqian put her arm on Qi Lei's chest, wishing to press him into the sand.

Qi Lei looked at the sky, "I don't want to talk about work!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't talk about work, just gossip!"

Qi Lei, "Should be able to?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "After recording the show, you have to go to the United States again?"

Qi Lei glanced at her and saw through his mind, "Don't worry, after finishing the matter of Brother Xiao Ma, whether it's successful or not, we should have nothing serious for the time being."

Baring his teeth, he smiled, "You can go to school in earnest!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Really?"

Qi Lei, "Really!"

After getting the little brother, he can't think of anything that needs to be done in a race against time.

The next step is to accumulate wealth, crazy wealth accumulation!

Because, until the next time you need to toss, no external force can be borrowed.

At that time, if he didn't have enough bullets in his pocket, no intrigue would work.

"Let's be a fortune fan too."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Mmmm!"

In fact, she knew that what Qi Lei did was amazing.

But as a woman, and a woman in love, she prefers the small house in the North Institute of Electric Power Construction.

I also hope that Qi Lei can stay by his side and eat his cooking every day after school.

Come to think of it, Xu Xiaoqian is the most nostalgic person.

She can't forget the examination room No. 17 of the high school entrance examination.

Don't forget the railway station in Shangbei.

I can't forget that the two young souls almost passed by.

Fortunately, fate firmly linked them together, and fortunately, under the street lamp of Shang Beixiaye, the two walked hand in hand.

Sometimes Xu Xiaoqian would think that when they were successful, maybe she would suggest Qi Lei to go back to Shangbei, to their original place.

In Baihezi, build a small house next to Sigu's house, then hold Qi Lei next to the melon shed, and sing to her again, you are the girl I want most.



"Rosie is too old to be tempted by her!"

I puff!

Qi Lei was speechless, and then he laughed, "Women are really jealous!"

But it was a fist that evoked Xu Xiaoqian's anger.


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Sleepy, tomorrow morning?

Say two things.

1. Yesterday, I was confused when I wrote a bug. There is no mobile phone signal in Yongxing Island. There is something wrong with that part. It's my fault! But it can be rounded back later and it will not change.

2. Don't worry about which party the chief anti-terrorism chief is and which party most Hollywood stars support. This kind of thing cannot be completely based on reality, otherwise it should be blocked because it alludes to reality.

Probably the plot logic is fine.

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