Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 117: totally unbearable

Latest website: Actually, Qi Lei didn't tell Xu Xiaoqian that he also missed those heartless days in Shangbei.

I miss the enthusiasm of the second class in class 14, I don't need to do all the calculations like now, just enjoy the time of my children.

Qi Lei suddenly discovered that people are not content.

If he had known in his previous life that he could live such a life and had such a boyhood, he would probably have jumped off the building and hanged himself, and he would have come earlier.

However, at the moment after the good days are over, he finds that he still has regrets, and he can never be perfect.

Suddenly realized a truth-yesterday is destined to be full of regrets, but no regrets... all will be tomorrow.

"Xu Naizhi."

"Ah?" Xu Xiaoqian pressed her chin against Qi Lei's chest, sticking to Qi Lei's side like a big slender bug.

I heard Qi Lei solemnly said to Xu Xiaoqian, "Xu Naizhi, I met you... Sansheng is lucky!"

Xu Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, you must know that although Qi Lei is a good-natured guy, he rarely expresses his love so formally.

After being stunned for a while, a sudden jolt.

"Ouch! It's numb!" He suddenly sat up, hugged his knees, and looked at the blue sea and sky.

"Three lives are lucky..."

Not far away, Xiaoer, who just got off the boat and returned to the island, happened to see this scene.

"Depend on!"

I was fed a belly of dog food for no reason. .

He glanced viciously at the pair of dog and man, and then he got a plan.

"Xu Naizhi, the old lady is back!"

Yang Xiao roared and rushed forward, "Xu Naizhi, do you miss me?"

When I came to Xu Xiaoqian, I thought Qi Lei was the air.



Qi Lei screamed, the girl crushed the flesh on Qi Lei's arm with one foot, and twisted her heel.

"Xiaoer!" Qi Lei jumped up in pain, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Yang Xiao looked innocent, "Didn't you see it!"

Qi Lei, "…"

She definitely did it on purpose!

Eyes narrowed, Qi Shitou can afford this loss?

"Xiaoer, I haven't cared about you for more than half a year. How are your grades?"

Yang Xiao, "Very good!"

Her major is very easy. Besides, Xiaoer is a good student, and her longing for filming does not take up her study time, so her grades are really not delayed.

Qi Lei heard it, is it good?

"Or... I'll put you in the eagle class and go with Erchengzi and Sanbingzi as company."

Yang Xiao was shocked, and only then did he know that the cautious one wanted revenge.

Immediately softened, "Brother! Wrong! Never dare!"

She didn't want to enter the eagle class, just look at Zhou Xiaohan, Jiang Yao and the others, they were all tired like the third grandson.

"Brother! What a mistake!"

Yang Xiao pinched Qi Lei's fingernails carefully, like a quail, "Can you spare my life?"

Qi Lei is very useful, the small one can't cure you?

He threw Yang Xiao away in disgust and stopped playing around, "Speaking of business, there is really a job for you."

Yang Xiaoer, "…"

Is it soft enough?

"What? What? I'm lazy."

This time, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian gave her a blank look. She was really lazy and Qi Lei was used to it.

Xu Xiaoqian took over, "Good thing."

"Don't fool me first! Say something first, I'll listen."

Yang Xiao simply sat down on the beach, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Pirates of the Caribbean theme song in Chinese."

Yang Xiao: "…"

I was stunned for a long time, "What is... Pirates of the Caribbean?"

Well, she wasn't around all this time, so she really didn't know anything.

Xu Xiaoqian could only tell her what happened, Xiaoer gave Qi Lei a punch after listening.

"Amazing! Hollywood let you win?"

Qi Lei bared his teeth as he listened, "Don't brag for me, what is Hollywood won? It's still a long way off!"

"Then what, I'll listen to you with a few more compliments."

Yang Xiao hurriedly yelled at Xu Xiaoqian, "Do you hear me? It's far from the truth? He really has this idea."

Xu Xiaoqian was deeply concerned, and even she was not sure whether Qi Lei had even thought about it.

The theme song was negotiated with Disney, and it involved the introduction of foreign language films.

Originally, Disney didn't have much hope for the Chinese box office market. Last year's "Pearl Harbor" was regarded as the most successful film in the domestic box office in recent years.

However, the domestic box office is just a little bit.

Converted into metric yuan, and then let the importer from the mainland and the theater chain get a point, in fact, Hollywood can't get much money.

So, Disney is not very interested.

However, Qi Lei didn't think so.

This time and space is no longer the same as the previous life. This period paid more attention to copyright than the time and space of the previous life.

The last film industry seminar focused on making recommendations to strengthen the establishment of copyright protection regulations.

So, legislation is already in the works.

It is expected that the relevant documents will be down early next year.

At that time, not only the improvement of the regulations, but also the film studios, practitioners, and the website of Qi Lei will cooperate with the regulations to carry out a wave of publicity, trying to promote it quickly.

Therefore, Qi Lei won the opportunity for the simultaneous global premiere from Disney, and also won the Chinese theme song for Xiaoer.

However, Xiaoer didn't seem to be very interested, so she came up and asked, "Will you write it for me?"

Qi Lei was speechless, "How can I have that time?"

In fact, Qi Lei didn't even want to understand that this thing should sing something appropriate.

Those things that he will know in the future have either already been moved out, or are the famous songs of a certain singer, or the housekeeping songs that he lives on. Sorry to plagiarize.

Moreover, this matter does not require him to go to great lengths to tailor it to Xiaoer.

Disney's name, plus the theme song of a Hollywood blockbuster, it's dazzling enough.

The quality of the song itself, in fact, is what it is.

"When the time comes, Disney will find a tune."

As soon as Yang Xiao heard it, "Then don't sing!"



Xiao'er is righteous, "Sister, is it okay to take a personal line? Except for Shi'er's songs, I don't sing anyone else's songs!"



Before Xiaoer finished speaking, she pointed at Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't persuade me, I will bite you!"

Xu Xiaoqian couldn't help laughing, "Okay, let the stone write it for you, and write the best one!"

Xiaoer bared her teeth happily, "Hey, Qianqian still loves me the most."

Annoying Qi Lei enough, he gritted his teeth at Xu Xiaoqian fiercely, "Xu Naizhi! Just get used to her!"

"I'll write for you? I'll write you a big guy!"

"I want to write to you, I'm not a man!"

Xiaoer sniffed, "Hmph, I didn't think of you as a man."

Qi Lei: "…"

In the second half of the night, Qi Lei pulled Brother Rong up and stuffed him with a piece of paper.

"Help me fill in a word!"

Brother Rong was in a daze and couldn't find it in the north. He gasped and looked at the score:


"Is he a pirate?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! She is a robber!"

Seeing his resentment, Brother Rong had no choice but to read the score.

It was sleepy at first, but the more I looked at it, the more wrong it became.

"Piano piece?"


"It's so good!" Looking at Qi Lei, "They say that your song writing is good, it's really top!"

Qi Lei was embarrassed to be praised, "It's blind! It's all blind!"

However, after reading it, Brother Rong said, "By instinct, I think pure music is very good without words."

Well, Qi Lei rolled his eyes, I also know that pure music is good.

"Heisapirate" was originally the pure music theme song of Pirates of the Caribbean.

But there is no way, in order to deal with that prodigal girl, I just want to find a way to fill in a word, and then I will see the effect.

Brother Rong watched him insist again and again, so he had to agree, "No problem, I'll help you think about it later."

"However, having said that, I still think pure music is better, and filling in lyrics is a bit superfluous."

Qi Lei, "Fill it out first, then delete the word if it doesn't work!"

Brother Rong, "Okay!"

Just as he was about to go back to sleep, Qi Lei grabbed him, "Wait!"

Brother Rong stared, "What else?"

"Hehe." Qi Lei held out another piece of paper, "You can also take a look at this."

Brother Rong took it suspiciously, and at a glance, this piece not only has music, but also words.

"Reverse War"?

Qi Lei, "This feeling is almost meaningless, you can help me take a look."

Put it away, "I'll watch it together today!"


"What again!?"

He held out another piece of paper, "Hey, there's one more song."

"Undead Overture"!

Well, Qi Lei really didn't have an accurate position in his heart, so he not only copied the original theme song of Pirates of the Caribbean, but also added two alternative songs.

As long as he thinks that he has something to do with it, let's say hello together!

The next day, Brother Rong had breakfast, and started to work resentfully, and read all three songs carefully.

During the period, Sister Mei also came to join in the fun, and when she learned that it was written by Qi Lei, and asked Brother Rong to help, she was very angry.

Now, Sister Mei's sense of variety show is full, and every expression and every movement is a joke.

He pouted and disgusted, "Little unconscionable~! Sister, my level is also very high, okay?"

"Why don't you look for him and not me!?"

This time, Qi Lei and Brother Rong looked up at her, "Are you sure?"

Sister Mei still doesn't know what's going on. "What's wrong? Why are you not sure?"

Brother Rong, "He pulled me up at two o'clock in the middle of the night."

"At that time, are you sure you want the stone to rush into your room?"

Sister Mei's momentum weakened, "That's it!"

The three of them tossed for a whole morning, and finally came to the conclusion that it is better not to fill in the words in "heisapirate".

And "Undead Overture" is the most suitable theme song, coupled with Xiaoer's hoarse voice, the effect must be very good.

As for "Reverse War", it's a little bit less meaningful, so forget it.

Xiaoer also tried a piece of "Undead Overture", which was really good.

So, everyone just made a decision.

Qi Lei immediately asked people to send the two songs back to Hainan Island and send them to Disney by international mail.

And Disney was very surprised when they received the email. They didn't expect Qi Lei to move so quickly.

As a result, the director and producer listened, "This is the theme song and soundtrack we want! It's great, it's really great!"

After discussion, the director team finally unanimously decided to use the English theme song "Undead Overture" as well, as long as the words are changed to English.

And "Heisapirate" was used in the feature film.

The director can already imagine the effect of "Heisapirate" when Captain Jack appears.

Then, Haimer suddenly had an idea.

He has discovered that the songwriters of these two songs are Qi Lei.

Since his composition level is so high and it fits the film highly, let him do the soundtrack for the whole film.

Well, Highmore is already stunned.

What he thought was that, letting Qi Lei do it, not only would the effect be good, but it would also save a lot of money.

Everyone is a partner, so a token payment for the soundtrack is enough, right? Anyway, that guy is not bad for that kind of money.

So, Disney really came to communicate with Qi Lei, hoping that he would come to work on the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribbean.

At this time, it was the end of February, and the yearning program team had finished filming on Yongxing Island and returned to the capital.

Qi Lei's answer was straightforward, "Go play with me!"

How about an inch?

However, Lao Qin advised him, "You have to take this job!"

"The opportunity is rare, the film and television base has not yet gone out, and the soundtrack of the film has gone out first, which is a good thing!"

I'm hello uncle!

Qi Lei's heart is bitter, I have nothing left! It's almost copied!

However, fortunately, there is no need to worry about these things for the time being, and there is at least half a year to buffer and prepare.

Back home, Qi Lei, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao were photographed on the sofa.


There are so many beautiful places in this world, but nothing beats home!

That feeling of relaxation is irreplaceable.

"Little Yizi! Viagra! Come out and serve!"

Yang Xiao pulled his fork up and put one leg in Xu Xiaoqian's arms and kicked Qi Lei's shoulder with the other.

As a result, Tang Xiaoyi was not at home, and was tired of fighting with Sister Jun.

Viagra came out of the room and looked at the trio who were tanned one shade.

"It's really time to come back, school starts tomorrow!"

Xiaoer, "Stop nonsense, slippers!"

Viagra smiled, "Hey."

But he took out his mobile phone, pulled out a number, and then turned on the speakerphone and put it on the coffee table.

Yang Xiao didn't know what was going on, so he got up reluctantly, "Who is it?"

Very arrogant.


"Yang Xiao, Xu Youzhi, and Qi Shitou, you three bastards!"

A long-lost voice came from the opposite side, it was Yu Yangyang.

"A guy with no conscience, you don't even come to see me when you arrive in Hainan? Are you still human!?"

Well, Yu Yangyang was at Hainan University, and the three of them immediately shrank their necks.

It's really a bit rude.

However, don't blame them.

When I went there, it was Chinese New Year, and Yu Yangyang returned to Shangbei. When he came back at the end of February, Yu Yangyang returned to Hainan.

However, the three of them have been away from home for too long, and they really don't want to delay outside for a day, so they can only pretend to forget.

"Bastards! Three big bastards!"

Yu Yangyang was still roaring on the phone, "I'll write it down for you all with a small notebook!"

It took a while to appease Yu Yangyang.

After hanging up the phone, Viagra hadn't reacted yet. Three pillows flew over, and the smashed Viagra jumped.

That night, Qi Lei went back to bed 418 and talked to everyone about fake foreign devils.

Said that he was doing fine and became a standard rich second generation.

It's a pity that Lord Peng and Dong Li were not excited at all.

The troubled Qi Lei was a little confused, "Cha! It's only been a few months since we left? Has the brotherhood faded?"

But not wanting to do so, Dong Li slowly turned on the computer, the E drive, and opened a folder.

"Boss, did you miss some exciting plot?"

Qi Lei, "What am I missing?"

I saw Dong Li immediately open a picture file, "Then what's going on?"


It is the photo of Rossi Knightley and Qi Lei embracing at the reception.

Qi Lei is in a hurry, really in a hurry!

"Your uncle's! You want to die, don't you!?"

Lord Peng, UU reading "Is this out of breath?"

Dong Li, "It exploded on the spot!"

Brother Chuang and Brother Mai laughed beside him.

Qi Lei couldn't laugh at all, and pointed at Dong Li, "What the hell, change a folder for Lao Tzu!"

He didn't betray him, but the grandson Dong Li put the photo in... that folder!

Putting it together with a group of island teachers, this is completely unbearable.


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