Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 131: set off

Chapter 420 Departure

Let Sam guess, it is impossible for him to guess that Qi Lei was playing Asmar's idea.

Because the current lithography machine market is controlled by several companies in Japan and the United States, although ASML already has some fame, it can only be regarded as a seedling.

Sam only knows that EUV lithography machines using extreme violet technology currently only exist in theory.

Relevant scholars in the United States even asserted that EUV technology is basically impossible to achieve, which is a wrong development path.

I really can't figure out why Qi Lei has a soft spot for this technology.

However, Sam, although not understanding, did not object.

The reason is very simple. If Qi Lei wants to get involved in the field of lithography, then EUV technology may be his only breakthrough.

Other development routes, including the vision of future lithography technology, are almost blank in China. In Chinese words, there is no place to start.

Only EUV technology, there may be a little hope.

Because, China's laser technology still has a certain strength.

"I agree with Qi." Sam finally made a statement.

Here, Nan Lao pondered for a moment, and felt that Qi Lei should choose the direction of gallium nitride because he saw that domestic laser technology could provide some confidence. .

Overall, no problem.

Therefore, Nan Lao also agreed.

As for Byron, hehe, he actually wants Qi Lei to set up the project the most is this gallium nitride.

how to say? Byron is the bigger the instinct, the more crazy.

Other polysilicon, plastic packaging materials, and ultra-high-purity gases are actually not difficult for Byron. The world has invested a lot in this area, and the technology is relatively mature.

If he does it, he will work on the industrial preparation process to improve the purity of the material and simplify the chemical reaction steps for industrial preparation, that's all.

However, gallium nitride is different. There are many places where Byron can play.

And, although Byron's chances of winning the Nobel Prize are already very low.

However, if there is a breakthrough in this material, then he is beyond the existence of the Nobel Prize.

"Okay!" Byron looked reluctant, but he didn't look alike.

He is not good at acting at all, he is fake to the extreme, but he is a bit honest and cute.

"Then we'll start with gallium nitride! However, I want to remind you in advance, Qi!"

"I am actually not optimistic about EUV technology, so if you only want to make breakthroughs in extreme violet lasers, it will probably be a waste of effort."

In response, Qi Lei just smiled lightly, "Byron, you are in charge of the research, and Sam and I are in charge of selling what you have researched."


Byron understood as soon as he heard it, "So, don't worry about me!"


At this time, Qi Lei secretly laughed, because the whole world is not optimistic about EUV technology, we have a chance!

How did ASML's EUV lithography machine succeed?

That can be called an industry miracle!

It can be said that it is not that ASML is so powerful, but the crystallization of collective efforts of the entire chip industry, letting go of prejudice and fighting.

The case of ASML developing EUV lithography machine is rare in the world's business history.

At that time, almost all major chip manufacturers, including ESMC, Samsung, Nokia, Intel, etc., collectively contributed money to support ASML in advancing EUV technology.

Even if everyone buys ASML's stock, even if your research and development is unsuccessful, everyone will support you and won't put ASML in trouble.

Moreover, it is not just a matter of money, everyone is also a person.

If you build a lithography machine, just ask what kind of talents do you need? From chip design to production, everyone sent their top scientists to ASML to help it complete research and development.

This is equivalent to opening up the upstream and downstream industries, gaining the most valuable first-line experience, and providing unparalleled evidence and support for EUV lithography machines.

Moreover, this business miracle has no national borders, and the embargo of the lithography machine in China by the Blington Woods system is a matter of later.

At least in the process of research and development, as long as you can help, provide technical support and funds, you can enter the game.

It is a pity that the Chinese new product industry at that time was not eligible to enter the game.

As for why it is so open?

nonsense! Not to mention ASML, these companies that support ASML actually don't have much hope for EUV technology. There are too many technical difficulties, and they are forced to bet on EUV.

An illusory project, no one knows whether it will be successful or not, Lao Mi will not block you when he has nothing to do!

Moreover, one more person also one more risk-taking!

It is precisely because of this that Qi Lei is so keen to engage in extreme violet lasers.

As long as you come up with it, you will be eligible to enter the game, which may also be the easiest gap to break through the blockade.

Therefore, no matter how much money and energy Byron spends, as long as this thing can be done, it will be worth it.

Lithography machine, this is the most ruthless technical barrier for the Chinese people of the card.


Over the next two days, Nan Lao, along with Byron and Sam, discussed the other three technologies.

Finally, the second technical direction was selected, "polysilicon!"

As a result, polysilicon and wide-bandgap semiconductor materials have become the two main directions of the Magic Capital Laboratory in the next few years.

Next, Byron and Sam only need to make a list of the experimental equipment they need and hand them over to Sanshi, and they can start purchasing.

It was March 10th after returning from the magic capital. The invitation from Guge Company had already arrived, inviting Qi Lei to go to the United States to discuss cooperation.

Three Stones also officially replied that Qi Lei will go to Google headquarters in California, USA on March 15th.

There are still five days left before embarking on the journey. In the past few days, Qi Lei plans not to go anywhere, just rest at home for five days and accompany Xu Xiaoqian.

But, having said that, why is it so easy to rest?

On the eleventh, Lao Qin came to the house.

Wearing the mask that Qi Lei bought for him, he still looks like an old farmer.

"This time, we won't accompany you. It just so happens that the Hainan project has many things that need official coordination. After all, the South China Sea is more sensitive!"

"Let a group of foreigners come in to toss, the HAN provincial government is often not good at making decisions, go and toss yourself!"

After listening to Qi Lei, he bared his teeth and smiled, "Sooner or later, the eagle will fly solo, can't he always hide under your wings for leisure!"

Lao Qin looked at him and smiled with relief, "This sounds exciting, then we are waiting for your good news!"

Qi Lei, "Soon!"

Lao Qin, "Although I won't follow you anymore, but if you have anything, call the embassy, ​​or call me directly."

"No!" Lao Qin remembered something, "The mobile phone in Nanhai always has no signal."

"Well, you can call the unit directly, or just call the embassy."

"You don't need to say anything, just say that you are looking for Lao Bei."

Qi Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but my mother didn't talk like that.

I was a little curious again, "Uncle Bei, can I ask you a question?"

Lao Qin, "Ask."

Qi Lei, "I know you have three surnames, and I know your name is Lao Qin. You told me that your surname is Li, but why did you ask me to call you Lao Bei?"

Glancing at his mouth in disgust, "Your code name is not hidden at all, is it too formal?"

As a result, Lao Qin glanced at Qi Lei with contempt, "Are you the smart one?"

After pondering for a moment, he finally gave Qi Lei an explanation.

"Lao Bei, Lao Qin, Lao Li, this is not the code name we used to hide our identities! Do we have anything to hide? Should we hide our identities?"

Very proud, "Very upright!"

Qi Lei, "Hehe, why is that?"

Lao Qin, "This is to protect you!"

Qi Lei, "????"

Lao Qin, "Lao Bei, it's a code name for you and the people around you."

"No matter where you are, no matter what happens, even if you can't find me, even if I'm gone, as long as you say Lao Bei, we will know who you are and will be able to take you home."

Qi Lei, "..."

chap! superficial.

On the 12th, Qi Lei was sitting at home, but another person came, and it was an unexpected guest.

"Dad Wu? Why are you here?"

It was Wu Lianshan who came, and Qi Lei quickly let Dad Wu into the house.

"On business trip?"

Wu Lianshan smiled, "I made a special trip to see you."

Qi Lei, "..."

Wu Lianshan came with a complicated mood.

"Ning Zi's path was chosen by himself. Beforehand, he also told me and his mother about it, and we agreed."

When Qi Lei heard this, "Dad Wu, stop talking!"

Wu Lianshan was stunned, but heard Qi Lei say, "Dad Wu, the three of you have a way of getting along with the three of you."

"In my dad's words, the three of you, no one can be the master of another, and you have always respected each other like guests."

"But our three brothers also have our way of getting along, which is different from you!"

Dad Wu, "..."

Qi Lei, "The three of us, I'm the boss! The two of them have to listen to me, no discussion!"

"This is a matter for the three of us, so I don't agree with the path that Wu Ning chose!"

Dad Wu, "..."

Qi Lei, "I see it, you didn't come to see me, you came to persuade me."

"Did you help Wu Xiaojian to persuade him?"

Dad Wu smiled awkwardly, "Ning Zi told me about the matter you went out to talk about this time. I think his idea is good."

Qi Lei shook his head firmly, "No way!"

Dad Wu, "Don't be impulsive."

Qi Lei, "If you don't have the impulse, you just can't do it. It's not easy for anyone to do it!"

"I can accept the resignation. It is no problem to sell the shares of Sanshi, and these can be recovered in the future."

"However, I can't accept the fact that the brothers turned against each other, and Tang Yi can't accept it even more."

"Just let him die!"

Dad Wu was stunned there, and suddenly smiled bitterly, "Good boy! Don't even listen to what your Dad Wu said?"

Qi Lei, "Dad, let's not say anything else, let's just say that it's really according to Wu Ning's ideas, how sad Tang Yi is."

Wu Lianshan was silent.

Finally, "Okay, I won't advise you anymore, you are the master of your business!"

He patted Qi Lei's shoulder, "I've really become a big boy, I have an idea!"


On the 14th, the day before departure, Qi Lei still went out.

I drove to Xicheng to meet two old seniors, Cao Lao and Ren Lao.

The two came to the capital for a meeting, and when they learned that Qi Lei was going out, they made an appointment to meet.

Qi Lei couldn't help but give this face.

After meeting, Qi Lei told Mr. Ren about Byron's laboratory.

Mr. Ren also said that HW also has plans to establish a design company in the chip industry, and there may be many possibilities for cooperation in the future.

When Qi Lei heard it, he knew it was HiSilicon, and of course he was happy.

"That's fine, let's discuss it later. Strive to maximize the use of resources."

Old Cao was talking about penguins, knowing that Qi Lei's main purpose for going out this time was penguins.

"Just right, we are familiar with the United States, my brother Hui is in the United States for a lawsuit!"

"If you have any questions, please contact him directly."

"There's more!" Having said this, Cao Lao paused, "Xiao Qi, you didn't hide the acquisition of ARM from us, nor did you hide the matter of Penguin from us, we are all very curious, this kind of operation is not common. ."

"Unfortunately, we have not experienced the process of acquiring ARM."

"But this time, can we observe it?"

Qi Lei smiled. For these two seniors, he had no intention of hiding his secrets, "Okay! But, how to observe?"

Cao Lao and Ren Lao looked at each other, "It's simple, just keep in touch and share the process in real time."

Qi Lei, "That's fine."

After chatting with Mr. Cao and Mr. Ren for an entire afternoon, Qi Lei only left until evening.

Looking at the back of Qi Lei leaving, Cao Lao and Ren Lao stopped their smiles and sighed, "You're still young..."

Mr. Ren said, "That's right, we are not as good as him when we are 20 years old."

Old Cao, "This is the only way to do it. Just say help. He will definitely say no now, but when he really encounters difficulties, his spirit will be gone."

Looking at Mr. Ren, "Zhang Ruilin has prepared 1.5 billion, and I have prepared 2 billion."

Ren Lao, "I don't have the wealth of you and Lao Zhang! However, there is just a fund to buy management technology from the Americans. Let's collect 5 billion and prepare it!"

Afterwards, Cao Lao called Mrs. Chang and joked, "Chang Lao, this time we are going to be bankrupt!"

Grandma Chang was silent on the phone for a long time, "Thank you! This is the real first battle of the next generation of entrepreneurs, and he can't be let down!"

Elder Cao, "It makes sense."

But how do you listen, how does it seem to open the way for your own grandson?

And, we still pay for it!



On the fifteenth, Qi Lei officially embarked on his journey.


No, there is a little brother too!

As for why the little brother followed?

It's very simple. The financing negotiations with the South African Press Group have reached a deadlock. Brother Ma went to the United States to seek investment partners.

Xu Xiaoqian sees Qi Lei off at the airport.

"Two months! You said, one more day and you are dead!"

Qi Lei squeezed her weak and boneless hand, "Go back!"

After that, I dragged my suitcase with my little brother to the security check.

The plane takes more than ten hours to spans nearly half the world.

For such a long journey, no matter how low-key Qi Lei is, he has to sit in first class, and he doesn't want to suffer that crime.

But when he got on the plane, Qi Lei knew that this journey was doomed to suffer!

Find your seat according to the boarding pass, and you are stupid before you can put your luggage.

Brother Xiao Ma raised his eyebrows, "Tsk tsk, are you doing business, or what are you doing?"


Qi Lei let out a low growl between his teeth, "Why are you here!?"



【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

It's going to be late, don't wait.

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