Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 132: mutual benefit

How did this **** get here?

At this moment, Rossi Knightley leaned in the seat enchantingly and looked at Qi Lei with a smile.

"Hey! Handsome boy, would you mind sitting with my sister?"

San Qi Lei, "..." was completely speechless. .

And little brother: "…

Can't listen, can't listen!

Turn around to find the flight attendant, "Are there any seats available? I want to change seats."

Although Brother Xiao Ma didn't go to England, when he was having a small gathering with Lin Wanxiao some time ago, he heard him gossip about a woman named Rossi Knightley.

Then, Brother Ma also gossips and put a lot of labels on this woman.

It is a sober and complex fairy who has a calm mind to supply ambition, and at the same time likes to challenge danger to seek excitement!

Of course, the most deadly thing is that she is very good at using her big "" and pretty face to tease men's lust.

"Puff." Brother Xiao Ma smacked his mouth, hid far away, and began to close his eyes to rest in peace.

Qi Lei…

Qi Lei was a little discouraged.

To be honest, no matter how difficult Rossi was, it wasn't that he couldn't handle it.

In Qi Lei's eyes, in addition to his own mother and Xu Xiaoqian, and possibly Xiaoer and Li Minmin, he needs special treatment, and looks at other women differently...

Especially Rosie, who thinks she's mature and seductive and handles little boys, is no different from little girls in Qi Lei's eyes.

Bi Jing two worlds are human!

But the problem is that the tricks of his greasy uncles to deal with little girls are a little inapplicable.

To put it bluntly, play every time.

You are charming and enchanting, I am neither determined nor responsible, come on.

It's hard to be a good man, but a scumbag can imitate him twice.

After a long time, when she finds that she can't play with you, she won't get any benefit, and naturally it will be far away.

But, my grandson! I don't even want Xu Xiaoqian to worry about Qi Lei on the issue of men and women.

With a long sigh, he silently sat down beside Rosie.

And Luo Xi could hear Qi Lei's helplessness, but she just liked watching the little boy being teased by herself.

Besides, it would benefit her.

In fact, before coming to China, Rosie took the ambiguity conversation between Qi Lei and her in mind. A scandal with an oriental man is really not good for her political career.

There was no way at the reception, she needed a reason to go against the water.

After that, Rossi originally planned to keep a proper distance from Qi Lei, so as not to get caught in the scandal.

However, after coming to China, Rossi found a very unexpected situation, that is:

The ambiguous relationship with Qi Lei brings irreplaceable convenience to her work.

Qi Lei was scolded at first because of the Chinese media's coverage of the ARM acquisition.

However, his ambiguous gossip with Rossi has also become a subsidiary product.

Later, in a lecture at the university, Qi Lei disclosed the results of his trip to the UK, that is, he invited Byron to China.

This made the halo start to flip again, and the public's impression of Qi Lei improved again.

Along with this, the heat of the ambiguous object of Rossi Knightley also followed.

At this time, Rossi chose to come to China to avoid the limelight, which made the public even more imaginative.

So the question is, how does this benefit Rossi's work?

Ha ha…

First of all, she is very well-known in China and can be said to be the most well-known foreign correspondent in China.

Secondly, only when I came to China did I realize that Qi Lei had such a high popularity, connections, and influence in China, which was far beyond the scope of a businessman.

Anyone with discernment knows that there is someone behind Qi Lei.

Most ordinary people love and hate him, and they make some noise from time to time, either praising God or scolding God.

However, a small number of special groups are very complicated for him.

And by virtue of Qi Lei's name, although Rossi has just arrived in China and is unfamiliar with his life, he can be regarded as unfavorable.

In less than half a month, Rossi has received exclusive interviews from two well-known entrepreneurs and a special feature from a key government department.

When it was sent back to its London headquarters, the editor-in-chief of The Times would personally call Rossi to praise her performance in China.

Then, Rossi is now no longer a columnist, but an associate editor at the Times Asia News Gathering Centre.

Moreover, the newspaper has given Rossi a promise that he will spend two years in Asia and return to London to be the editor-in-chief of the international news section.

For Rosie, this is arguably the most important resume for her to embark on a political career.

So, Rossi got the sweet spot.

This little boy is simply her lucky star, and of course she will continue to make good use of this relationship that she doesn't have but seems to have.

As for the scandal with Asians, will it affect your political career?

Rossi also figured it out.

First of all, they are all fake. As long as they are not confirmed, there is not much trouble.

She only needs to show up beside Qi Lei from time to time, and she doesn't need to actually go to bed.

Second, Rosie has already mapped out her own political course, and maybe she will point to articles on anti-racism.

In this way, it is a good thing, and it can better reflect her image of tolerance and anti-racism.

At this moment, Rossi looked at the silent Qi Lei playfully, "What's the matter? Isn't it a pleasure to have a beautiful lady to accompany you on your journey?"

Qi Lei turned his head and glanced at her, then closed his eyes as he remained speechless and said, "Let me guess, the current editor-in-chief of The Times is a British-supremacist guy, that is, a staunch anti-meterist, he firmly believes that it is the United States. Stealing the glory that belongs to Britain."

Rossi, "…

He frowned slightly, why did he suddenly turn to this?

Qi Lei continued, "At the moment, because of the problem of the ARM acquisition case, all England is against Mi, of course he will not miss this opportunity."

"So, he sent you to watch my trip to America?"

"After all, the fuse for everything is me. If I can get news that I am being harassed in the United States, or that I have cooperated with Americans, it must be very valuable, right?"

Opening his eyes, "I guessed it right? Rosie."

Rosie's eyes widened in disbelief.

"My God! Do you even know Clover's political orientation?"

Some disgusted, "What a terrible boy."

Qi Lei frowned and said nothing, "Who has the time to know him?"

"Don't think about it! When I was helping you, I investigated it by the way, for fear that he would stop you."


Rossi understood, and it made sense.


With a bright smile, "However, you guessed wrong."

Qi Lei, "????"

Rossi spread his hands, "I just went to California to pick up my sister, and by the way, I called Sanshi to ask about your itinerary, and I booked the same flight!"

Qi Lei, "…

What, who told him the itinerary?

Well, the receptionist is wronged.

Of course, Rosie didn't ask questions normally. She just reported her home, and estimated that Qi Lei's trip date should be around the 15th, and then told the front desk that she would make an appointment to meet Qi Lei on the 16th.

As a result, when the front desk heard it, it turned out to be this old lady? Grab the man with the lady boss!

"Boss No. 16 is not here, please make another appointment!"

"What about the fifteenth?"


"Can the fourteenth be okay?"

Out of professional ethics, "Ask for you!"

So Rossi knew that Qi Lei was flying on the 15th.

In this era, there were only one or two direct international flights to California in the United States, and one of them was in the middle of the night.

Therefore, it can only be said that every reporter is half a detective.

At this point, Rosie said, "You know, my sister is an actress, and it just so happens that her next play is going to be filmed in China, what a coincidence!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, it's a coincidence, I still negotiated that drama!

"So, after getting off the plane, we are going to part ways?" With a serious face, "This is something to be happy about."

Rosie frowned, "Disgusting!"

The conversation changed, "However, are you sure you don't need me to accompany you when you arrive at Gu Ge?"

Qi Lei instinctively wanted to say no, but Rossi's tone clearly had something to say.

"Tell me, what inside information did you get?"

"Smart!" Rossi snapped his fingers.

His eyes suddenly sharpened, "D'El Simmons, you can't beat him."

Qi Lei, "????"

Rossi, "That's an out-and-out old fox, no one can get a bargain from him!"

Qi Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm here to talk about cooperation, not to go to war."

Rossi, "But, you've already been targeted by him!"

Qi Lei hesitated, "What do you mean?"

Rossi, "According to reliable sources, your meeting with Deer tomorrow will be attended by officials from the U.S. Department of Commerce."


Qi Lei groaned in his heart, this is definitely not good news.

Rossi continued, "The Times still has some sources, so it's absolutely reliable."

Qi Lei fell into contemplation. It was just the cooperation of the browser business. Why did the Ministry of Commerce dispatch?

And Rossi obviously guessed what Qi Lei was thinking, and gave the answer directly.

"It was Deer who took the initiative to contact him, and he hoped that there would be an official present."

Qi Lei, "…

Rossi, "Although I don't know what Deel's purpose is, maybe he doesn't want to facilitate this cooperation at all,

Instead, I took the opportunity to meet with you to make some big news and give Gu Ge a free advertisement by the way.

Qi Lei, "…"

Still silent, Rossi's analysis makes sense.

At present, there is a lot of pressure from public opinion in the United States. On the one hand, it wants to soften its relationship with its European allies and clarify that the ARM acquisition is not the commercial hegemony of the United States.

But on the other hand, they didn't want to appear too weak.

After all, they are the bosses of the world, and they are too soft to fit the character.

Therefore, in this case, it would be a wise choice to send a signal to the whole world by beating the Chinese.

However, the question arises again, is it really that simple?

Rossi saw him start thinking, and stopped talking.

Even the flight attendant came to remind him to fasten his seat belt, and the plane was about to take off, and Rosie also made a mute gesture.

Then he leaned down, passed his arms through, and helped Qi Lei fasten his seat belt.

During this period, Qi Lei seemed to be unaware, completely lost in his own world.

Brother Ma in the distance, and the stewardess on the side, all grinned secretly.

Little horse brother, spray Yan Fu!

Stewardess, oh, man, if you have money, you will become bad! Sure enough, I have a leg with this ocean horse, it's a real hammer!

Qi Lei pondered for a long time, until the plane had already completed the taxiing and rushed into the sky, and then Qi Lei came back to his senses.

Looking at Rosie, she saw that she had been staring at his profile, "Have you seen enough?"

"No, a perfect curve."

Qi Lei, "each other."

No longer joking, Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "It seems that this is another difficult journey."

Rossi, "Did you figure something out?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "No! However, I have changed my mind. If Miss Rosie has time, I invite you to do an exclusive interview with me and listen to the whole process."

Rossi glanced at him in disgust, "You are using me!"

Qi Lei, "Don't say it so ugly, it's called mutual benefit."

Rossi, "Chinese language is so cunning."

With Rosie Knightley, an anti-Meeting pioneer, and with the Times behind her back, maybe the other party has a little more restraint, and Rosie will never let Rosie put their ugly face on the newspaper.

As for the purpose of De'El Simmons, Qi Lei is not sure, and can only presuppose several possibilities.

But one thing is for sure, this time it will not be as easy as before.

special! Qi Lei suddenly cursed in his heart, this old guy doesn't talk about martial arts, so he will make more moves when he comes up.

For Rossi Knightley, Qi Lei was relieved at this time, and he didn't have such a headache.

Sometimes, mutual use... not right! The relationship of mutual benefit is simple, at least there is no burden.

It's just that Qi Lei didn't know that, just as he was crossing the ocean and running to the next goal, he sat side by side with Rosie in the first class cabin, including the photo of Rosie fastening his seat belt, which had already appeared in domestic newspapers.

Coincidentally, there was a fellow reporter on the plane who was keenly aware of the news value and took several candid photos.

Then, I got off the plane before the plane took off, and even the trip to the United States was canceled.

The consequence is that, as soon as Qi Lei got off the plane, before enjoying the exotic sunshine in California, the phone was hit with smoke.

"You are finished! This time you are really finished! Xu Xiaoqian definitely doesn't want you anymore."

When Yang Xiao and Big Sister Kou spoke to each other on the phone, Qi Lei knew that they had been secretly filmed.

Brain hurts!

He closed his eyes for a long time, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Sister Kou, "It's really good!"

"You get me a set of Orlando's autographed photos, and my sister will settle this for me!"

The Lord of the Rings was released last year, and the Elf Prince was in its prime.

Qi Lei didn't even think about it, "Deal!"

Yang Xiao heard it, "And me!"

Qi Lei was angry, "You play while you play!"

Xiao Er, "…

After hanging up the phone, Rosie on the side was innocent, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be photographed secretly."

Spreading his hands, "Which newspaper's reporter actually sits in first class!"

Qi Lei, glanced at her, "Okay, don't explain!"

Rossi, "…"

Well, that reporter is Rossi looking for!

At least the news was leaked by her, otherwise, it would not be easy to meet peers in first class.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei saw through it at once?

Pretending not to know, he said with a guilty conscience, "Are you going to meet Gu Ge tomorrow? I'm going to see my sister today, and I will try my best to get to Gu Ge in the morning tomorrow."

However, Qi Lei didn't care about Rossi's cover-up, and they used each other. Don't take it seriously.

But he said, "No hurry."


Qi Lei, "Let's stay with your sister at the airport for two days! We'll meet again on the 18th."

Rossi was puzzled, "Isn't it the promised tomorrow?"

Qi Lei smiled lightly, "Let Deer wait and go!"

Added another sentence, "Since this is an opponent, the confrontation... has already begun."

I have encountered something, an emergency situation, these days, sorry.

In my impression, after so many years of writing a book, it was the first time I missed an appointment.

I don't even want to post the coin slot of the monthly pass, it's embarrassing.


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