Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 154: Seattle in the rain

Sam is a little depressed, what is this guy Warren doing? I really don't want him to join in the fun.

However, if you don't want to, there is no way, everyone is on the plane.

At dinner time, Sam broke the news to Qi Lei.

"Warren is coming."

Then he became furious, "How did you deceive Pittwen, how did he work so hard!?

When Qi Lei heard this, he raised his brows and smiled. .

Warren coming?

In this way, it may not be a bad thing to develop according to Warren Ett's thinking.

As for how hard work Manager Wen is...

Well, this dude is really honest.

Before leaving, Qi Lei said to Manager Wen, help!

As a result, he was a big help.

First of all, Qi Lei walked very suddenly.

Originally, Desheng's Paulson thought that he had entered the stage of in-depth communication with Sanshi, and the two parties could enter the negotiation stage after putting forward basic intentions.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Qi Lei suddenly returned to China.

And the reason is also very speechless, what to say: The upsurge of public opinion from China made him have to go back and deal with it first.

This made Paulson suspect that Qi Lei knew that the reporters in China were summoned by Desheng, and he is now angry.

Manager Wen confirmed this speculation.

"Qi is really unhappy."

"Mr. President, I have to remind you that he is an extremely smart little bastard!

"The public reaction from China was earlier and more violent than that of the United States, which was enough to make him suspicious and even vigilant."

"You don't forget that one of his partners, Sam Brown and Byron August, was kicked out of ARM by us."

"So, they are full of hatred in their eyes. This is likely to affect Qi Lei's judgment and misunderstand us."

After listening to Manager Wen's analysis, Paulson couldn't help but feel annoyed, "Perhaps our tentative behavior is indeed a bit intense in Qi's opinion."

Paulson is worried, are the Chinese so timid? Does this scare away?

On the other end of the phone, Manager Wen looked hesitant to speak, making it easy for Paulson to judge whether Pittwen should have any good suggestions.

So, without further ado, "Pete, do you have any ideas? I need your help."

Manager Wen pondered for a moment and finally said, "Mr. President, I think the current situation is very unfavorable for us."

Paulson, "Speak your analysis."

Manager Wen, "Although we have reached an agreement with Merrill Lynch, Morgan, etc., but, you know, a verbal agreement has no value."

Paulson's testimony finally caused a wave in his mind, "You mean, is it possible that Merrill Lynch and Morgan will dig our corner?"

Manager Wen, "This possibility is very high!"

"First, there is a concerted effort to suppress the rise of Silicon Valley, despite the deal."

"However, business is business, and after all, there is a distribution of benefits. And this time we are leading the cooperation with Sanshi, and we will undoubtedly benefit the most!"

Manager Wen paused and continued, "If it is the cooperation between the original system and Penguin Software, the other companies may not care too much."

"But now it's..." Sinking the noise, "Sanshi's smartphone project has been confirmed!"

When Paulson heard this, he became completely dignified.

Yes, it was only the cooperation of system software and communication software before. Even if the prospects are good, the benefits are not that great.

But now Paulson knew that Manager Wen was not trying to scare him.

"Go on!"

Manager Wen, "I think it is necessary to be alert to the poaching behavior of several other companies."

Especially Qi himself, and his company members are full of distrust of Desheng. "

Paulson, "I understand what you mean, we have to take the initiative and bring Qi back to the negotiating table of Desheng.

"Pete, you're getting more and more sophisticated."

"Now, tell me, you already have a plan, don't you? Should I send you back to China to fight for Qi?"

The only candidate Paulson can think of now is Manager Wen. He still has a certain friendship with Qi Lei.

It's a pity that he underestimated Pittwen too much. This guy is a ghost, and he has to keep himself out of danger forever when he does nothing. So, he doesn't want to take credit for this, in case something happens to Qi Lei It's not a good thing to take him in too.

Besides, Manager Wen has another suitable candidate.

"No, Mr. President, my return to China may not be of much use, but I can recommend someone for you."


The first thing Paulson thought of was Jaquille. Desheng and Qi Lei had contact, except for Manager Wen, that was Jaquille.

But he never expected that Manager Wen called out a name that surprised even him, "Warren Aite!"

Paulson froze for a moment, then was instantly surprised, "God, this is a wonderful candidate!"

Why didn't he think of Warren?

That is a shameless president who is completely controlled by Desheng, and he will be very obedient. Moreover, he has a strong desire to cooperate with the three stone company.

At the same time, he has a very good personal relationship with Qi Lei, Byron, and Sam.

"This is a great idea, and I will communicate with Warren personally!

In this way, Warren was still on the plane to the United States. With the help of Manager Wen, he turned his head and had to go to China.

So the question is, is it a good thing for Warren to come to China?

Oh, of course it's a good thing! Great thing!

As long as he can come, then the whole situation will be clear.

Including, the future cooperation negotiation with Desheng.

Warren flew to Hong Kong first, then entered customs from Hong Kong, and then flew from Shenzhen to Hainan.

Qi Lei personally picked him up at the airport.

At the exit, Qi Lei glanced at the tall Warren.

Seeing that he was alone, he couldn't help but tease, "You came alone? It seems that Desheng doesn't take it seriously!"

Warren smiled, "They take it too seriously! In order to please you, they even left Jaquille in the UK and gave me full authority to deal with it."

"Ha!" Qi Lei laughed loudly, "Pete has made another contribution."

Help Warren with the luggage and leave the airport together.

Warren couldn't wait, "Where is it?"

Qi Lei, "Can't you see it with your own eyes?"

"Exactly, the initial design of the smartphone still needs some professional advice from you."

Warren was excited, "Really? Can I participate?"

"Of course."

Well, Paulson is not here, otherwise he would have vomited three liters of blood.

Where is this messenger sent by him? This is basically the underground party back home in Yan'an!

And after Warren really got involved in the smartphone project, he had to marvel, "There is no hope for the UK!"

As an Englishman, Warren is also a patriot. He deeply knows that it is difficult for Britain to rise again after being caught in the trap of the United States.

And the future belongs to the Chinese.

Sam was in a good mood after Warren arrived.

Because he seemed to see it, Qi Lei didn't seem to have the idea of ​​letting Warren host the smartphone project, and he never mentioned it.

Warren seemed to see it too, and Qi Lei didn't want him to be involved, so he didn't mention it very interestingly.

And Sam also learned from Uncle Geng that Nan Lao recommended him and thought he was the most suitable candidate.

This makes Sam grateful and excited at the same time.

Although it has not been officially confirmed, he is undoubtedly the most promising candidate so far.

Originally, why does Warren, an ARM person, preside over the project of Three Stone Company?

He's an outsider, okay? I am my own!

What excites Sam even more is that a week later, under Warren's "effort", Qi Lei finally decided to return to the United States and continue negotiations with Desheng.

(Actually, the PPT required for the negotiation is almost ready.)

This time, Qi Lei did not travel with Xiao Ma.

"Pack up and prepare me and go to America."

Sam: "!!"

Go to America? This is great news!

Explain what?

It means that Qi Lei has acquiesced. He is the person in charge of the smartphone project, so he needs to go with him.

"You don't need to pack up, you can go anytime!"

Looking at Qi Lei, this guy can't wait?

Face twisted, "Sam, actually..."

"Actually what?"

Qi Lei, "Forget it, come back and talk about it!

He couldn't bear to tell him.

The second time I returned to the United States, I had a different mood.

The last time I came, no matter how well prepared I was, I was still somewhat confused and timid.

But this time, it is completely different, because I have a bottom line in my heart.

To say, in fact, people are not really afraid of darkness, but are afraid of being in the dark in unfamiliar environments.

At least this time, Qi Lei knew what he was going to do and how the negotiations were going to develop.

And for these, I have to thank Warren and Lao Qin.

Warren has opened up in different directions, from outsider to insider.

And Lao Qin gave Qi Lei confidence.

The day after arriving, Paulson, President of Desheng, met with Qi Lei in Seattle, and he was not at all sloppy.

There is no clear-cut negotiating table, nor a negotiating team in suits.

The first time the two met was in Qi Lei's hotel suite, which was very casual.

It's just that Paulson will sneak a few glances at the oriental boy in front of him from time to time, and from time to time think of the advice Pittvin and Warren gave him before they came.

"That's an extremely cunning guy. If you treat him as a twenty-year-old young man, you will definitely suffer!"

Although nothing special has been seen so far, Paulson has become vigilant, and he is looking forward to what tricks this Oriental teenager can come up with.

At this moment, Paulson thinks that he and Qi Lei should have entered the realm of immovable enemy and immovable me.

Neither broke the deadlock first.

Qi Lei looked like he was enjoying life, looking out the window with a smile on his face, looking at Seattle in the rain.

This made Paulson a little funny. In the face of such an atmosphere, no one has the heart to watch the scenery. This kid is just putting on airs on purpose.

Well then, Paulson will accompany him to see who can beat who!

Rain in Seattle is famous all over the world.

And not far below the hotel where Qi Lei is located is the filming location of Sleepless in Seattle.

Although Qi Lei doesn't like the United States at all and is full of hostility, this does not prevent him from liking an American movie.

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have a fascinating love story.

Sitting on the sofa, holding a steaming hot coffee, and recalling the plot in the movie, Qi Lei really enjoyed this rare leisure time.

I couldn't help thinking, if only Xu Xiaoqian was here.

Because that was one of her favorite movies.

Finally, Qi Lei, who had recovered from his small world, was the first to speak, "Mr. Paulson, can you see Sanshi's branch in the United States here?"

Paulson raised his eyebrows, ""

For a moment, I almost stopped talking.

Branch? Where is the branch from? The eight characters have not been withdrawn yet!

However, he was really right.

Moreover, Paulson liked Qi Lei's directness and smiled indifferently, "Pointing to an office building under construction in the corner of the bay."

"I like the scenery there and have bought it. If Mr. Qi wants to, I think it is a good choice there."

Qi Lei stared at it for a while, "It's really good, I like it very much."

Paulson, "My pleasure!

He stood up and came to the window, with a hint of pointing, "I think it's just a three-stone company there, and it's not enough.

"We can build a new center of the electronics industry around Sanshi, and create a new Silicon Valley! What do you think?"

Paulson wanders the streets. He has negotiated countless times on Wall Street, and no opponent has ever been able to get a bargain at his negotiating table.

He felt that both Pete and Warren were making a fuss.

This Oriental teenager is indeed different, but that's all, Paulson has enough confidence to deal with him.

At this time, Qi Lei also stood up and came to Paulson's side, tasting Paulson's remarks and the area.

He said: "I'm not good at real estate, it still needs your planning."

Paulson nodded silently.

The scene suddenly quieted down, and Qi Lei seemed to fall into that annoying narcissism again.

After a while, Paulson burst out laughing, this time taking the initiative.

"Pete is right, you're a smart partner who never plays your cards."

Turning to look at Qi Lei, "Okay, young man! I have to admit, you disrupted my rhythm."

Paulson is true and false, a little modest.

In the end, Qi Lei smiled, not at all modest, "You gave me the chance."

Helpless, Paulson asked, "How did you find out that I have already selected a location for the Three Stone Company?"

"This was originally a bargaining chip I used to express my sincerity in cooperation, but now it seems to be useless."

Qi Lei also smiled and replied, "If we want to do the i industry, we can't be on the east coast. After all, Silicon Valley is the center of the it industry in the United States. The supporting talents, production capacity, industry associations, etc. here are indispensable. ."

"Seattle is a good place, it's not far from Silicon Valley, and it's also very close to several well-known universities and laboratories in the United States, so it's the best choice.

"And you've set the negotiating place in Seattle, and if that's unthinkable, I don't think I deserve to stand here."

Paulson looked at Qi Lei in surprise, "What an amazing young man!" He joked, "I think I should pay more attention, otherwise I will suffer!"

And what Qi Lei said next directly caused Paulson, who played the cards according to the rules, to break the defense.

"Mr Paulson!"

Qi Lei stopped looking out the window and looked directly at Paulson, "I'm a young man who likes to be direct."

"So, can you be honest?"

Paulson raised his eyebrows, "Qi, are you doubting Desheng's sincerity? I also like being direct."

Qi Lei, "No! No doubt at all."

Paulson: "Then what do you mean"

Qi Lei, "First, Sanshi can jointly develop the overseas version of Pangu operating system with Desheng to share the benefits. However, in order to ensure the control of the software development, we want a majority stake."


I didn't expect that Qi Lei's so-called directness would come directly to this.

Unfortunately, it's not over yet!

"Second, Penguin needs to go public in North America and obtain permission to enter the U.S. market."

"Moreover, the financing of Penguin must be done by me. To be honest, I am very optimistic about the profitability of Penguin. I do not want to give this income to anyone, including Desheng."

"Of course, how to access North America, and what restrictions the U.S. government has, you can mention this, and I will try my best to satisfy it."

"In short, I'm here to make money, and I'm not interested in controlling online public opinion in the United States."

Paulson, UU Reading "…"

Qi Lei, "It's still the smartphone project."

"I think Warren should have told you the situation in China. Now I have more confidence than ever!"

"However, to show good faith, on this project, I can sell more shares and control than the system."

"The above three points are the purpose of my coming to the United States."

"Now" Paulson's eyes were bright, and Paulson looked a little dazed, "it's your turn."

It means that there are only so many conditions for me, see if you can accept it, and now you can talk about what conditions you have.

Paulson, "…"

So direct! Directly to the point where he couldn't stand it anymore.

Annoyed and careless, Pete and Warren clearly reminded him that they had passed him.

However, Paulson is experienced after all, and this situation can't help him at all, and he adjusted it immediately.

And on the contrary, it feels fresh. It is the first time I have encountered such a direct negotiation method.

"Qi, you gave me another surprise."

"Then, shall I also talk about my conditions?"

Qi Lei, "All ears."



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