Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 155: light bullet

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Right next door to Qi Lei and Paulson.

Brother Pony, Sam, Warren, as well as Manager Wen and Junior Jaquier, the five of them stared wide-eyed, all guessing what was going on next door.

However, due to the presence of an outsider like Jaquille, the other four had to behave clearly and oppose each other.

To be honest, it's tiring.

In the end, Jaquier was a young man after all, so he couldn't stand this oppressive atmosphere. ·

First, he gave Manager Wen a wink, meaning:

I went out to get some air, you stared at that Chinese, I'll change you later!

Manager Wen frowned at first, obviously a little dissatisfied with Jaquier's inability to sit still, but finally nodded and winked.

"Don't go too far."

And just like that, Jaquille finally went out.

The moment he closed the door, the remaining four in the room collapsed almost equally and relaxed.

After a while, Sam broke the silence, "What do you think Qi will say to Paulson?\"

Brother Xiao Ma, "I don't know! However, that old boy shouldn't be able to play Qi Lei.\"

In this regard, Manager Wen nodded deeply. How many times he has experienced it, it is unbearable to look back!

"How about you?" Sam asked Warren.

I saw Warren smiled and said, "I guess Paulson should be making an offer."

Manager Wen heard, "So fast? No way?"

For the first time, Paulson would not be so rash.

Unfortunately, Warren does not defend.

It is already clear that Qi Lei will not entangle with Paulson at all. He told Warren last night, "Go in and showdown. Brother is familiar with this trick!"

Well, it is indeed cooked.

This is true for ARM, and it is also true for Guge. Now it is Desheng's turn.

Therefore, these words of Warren are no longer guesses, but Qi Lei told him in advance.

Next door, Paulson is indeed making conditions, and he is as direct as Qi Lei.

"Mr. Qi, your three requests, I think we can satisfy you."

"However, since the words have been made clear, there is nothing that cannot be said. These three requirements require preconditions."

Qi Lei, "Everyone understands, Mr. Paulson, you can speak straight."


Paulson is getting more and more interesting, and communicating with this Chinese teenager has a completely different feeling.

Open-minded, straightforward, not sloppy, very suitable for his age,

Even Paulson has a feeling of youth,

"First, the Pangu system."

"Desheng requires that Sanshi Company cannot cooperate with Silicon Valley companies, let alone accept financing, whether it is now or in the future."

Qi Lei raised his brows, "Will Mr. Paulson give up Silicon Valley completely? This will make the company's operations difficult.\"

If you are engaged in software in the United States, you cannot avoid Silicon Valley.

But not wanting, Paulson smiled, "I think Mr. Qi has the ability to face challenges.

Qi Lei, "But it depends on whether there are enough chips."

Paulson, "You can rest assured on this point. Desheng has reached an agreement with nine investment banks including Merrill Lynch and Morgan, and we will jointly inject capital. Therefore, no matter how many shares Mr. Qi is willing to take, he will receive sufficient financial support.\"

\"Including, Wall Street contacts.\"

Qi Lei shook his head, "No, no, you didn't understand what I meant! Bypassing Silicon Valley, we are not only under financial pressure."

"What's more important is the technology, the management model, and the pressure on network containment."

"Do you understand?\"

Paulson, "Understood."

"But isn't that what we want?"


Qi Lei was stagnant for a moment, and instantly transparent.

I screamed in my heart, ruthless! !

What Paulson wants is confrontation, complete isolation, complete opposition.

He wants to set off a t-industrial war in the United States, and truly introduce wolves into the market, completely ignoring the prospects of the Internet and computer industries in the United States.

Qi Lei never imagined that Paulson would have such an idea, disregarding the interests of the United States.

However, at this moment, Qi Lei suddenly woke up again.

It was my mistake, I was anxious.

Why do you say that? Because it is only his own opinion that Paulson is betraying national interests and attracting a Chinese company to break the t-industry in the United States.

This is 2002. Even if the importance of the it industry has become apparent, before the mobile Internet, that was the case. People may not think that it would be a waste of money if it was broken.

It's just me, because I have seen the situation in the future, so I naturally think it is very important.

As a result, Qi Lei was thinking that Paulson's following sentence subverted Qi Lei's cognition.

He was wrong again!

It's not that Paulson gets carried away and doesn't know the importance of the IT industry, but. It's the IT industry that matters, not Silicon Valley,

Paulson, "Qi, I can give you the benefits of the system business.\"

\"Including Penguin's communication software, or as you said, you will inject capital independently, Desheng does not need Penguin's profits."

"But these two businesses must be subject to strict supervision by Desheng and the relevant U.S. departments."

"And the smartphone business...

Paulson paused, "We need more than 70 percent of the shares!"

Qi Lei, "????"

Want to fart? After that, don't you still want to get stuck and get stuck?


Paulson smiled, "Don't worry, I'll give you a perfect reason."

Continuing, "First of all, you're going to spin off this business from Three Stones. Of course, the Chinese market is left to you."

Qi Lei frowned and said nothing.

Paulson, "Then, we will start a new smartphone company, which can still be led by you, and designed and developed by the Chinese team.\"


"but what?\"

"But the reason we want a 7-plus ratio is because I need a reason to convince politicians to open up some of the military's technology to new companies.


With a buzzing sound, there was a buzzing sound in Qi Lei's ears,

Now he fully understands that Desheng is not ruthless, nor is he selling the United States, but a high chess move!

In other words, Paulson's idea of ​​competing with Silicon Valley is not the same as what he originally thought.

From the beginning, Qi Lei's thinking was wrong.

The thinking of Qi Lei and most people is that Wall Street needs to support a Chinese company to compete with Silicon Valley.

In fact, the rivalry is only on the surface. Paulson's ultimate move is to draw wages from the bottom of the pot. He wants to cut off the lifeline of Silicon Valley.

As for how to dig, you have to start from the beginning.

When it comes to the U.S. industry, where is the root cause of leading the world for so many years?

Many people may think that it is the scientific research atmosphere of Silicon Valley? Americans are arrogant? And attracting talents from all over the world to serve the t industry in the United States?

Hehe, neither!

These are just appearances, and staying alive is the icing on the cake, not the key to Silicon Valley's success.

The key lies in the first - the transfer of military technology to civilian use.

This has to start with the Cold War.

Almost everyone knows that the Star Wars program has led L to devote a lot of national power to space technology.

Then, under the drag of the space race and the catalysis of other factors, the red L collapsed overnight.

However, what few people know is that the behavior and strategies of the two superpowers during the Cold War will still affect the world until 2022.

Let's talk about SL first. It stands to reason that even if it is disintegrated, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the big hair that inherits most of the inheritance of SL should not decline so fast and completely lose its economic strength.

In fact, this is not surprising at all, it is all cause and effect.

SL Yaozhongbao has no doubts about their spaceflight capabilities in the space program. Even if they are on their own, they will still be ahead until 2022 in later generations.

Whether the Americans can get off the International Space Station depends on Da Mao's face.

But the problem is, aerospace technology has become civilian, and the conversion rate with commercial attributes is extremely low, which cannot bring much welfare to the national economy and people's livelihood.

At most, it is to do some space breeding, export titanium alloys and high-thrust rocket engines, or something.

Not to mention the export of military technology talents to civilian technology.

How much money does this make?

Therefore, Da Mao inherited the inheritance of L, but almost zero is useful to the economy, and he has to return to the road of resource export.

And resource trade, it is very easy to create oligarchs.

In contrast to the United States.

The Star Wars project is a fool, and they save as much money as they can, and they don't invest too much.

Besides, their economic foundation is better than Maozi, and they can afford to waste that little money.

During the Cold War, the U.S. implemented a maritime strategy to control the global ocean and thus achieve regional control.

Therefore, their national strength is spent on building military bases all over the world, casting nets everywhere, wishing to surround the earth.

The result of this strategy is that so many military bases and scattered military deployments must have strong communication and coordination capabilities.

and integrated command efficiency. Otherwise, how to command the world? This is just needed.

And just in need, it also gave birth to the vigorous development of military communication technology and electronic calculator technology.

By the end of the Cold War, military bases had begun to control global energy, with no waste at all.

And military communication technology, let alone,

It's self-evident how high the conversion rate of this thing to business is?

Silicon Valley, and even the IT industry of the entire United States, is actually dipped in the light of military industry, which is the inevitable result of the decentralization of military technology.

Otherwise, the above-mentioned secrets of Silicon Valley's success are just icing on the cake?

The reason why the United States leads the world in t-industry is that people have already started accumulating as early as the Cold War.

It has been decades ahead of the world, can it not be ahead?

There is another reason, that is: the Asian financial crisis in 1998 and the siege of SAARC in 1999 said that Europe wanted to use SAARC to build oil pipelines, and Lao Mi encouraged NATO to fight here. In the end, the oil pipeline was not paved, which also caused European capital to lose confidence and leave in large numbers.

In the original time and space, because of these two events, the world's funds flowed back to the safest United States.

All hit on the IT industry, which led to the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2001.

However, these hot money did not leave the United States, but settled into the accounting industry, which further gave birth to the rapid development of Silicon Valley.

Of course, in the time and space of Qi Lei, in 1999, he helped Lao Qin to cut a dick, which caused nearly half of the European capital to come to China, which also weakened the motivation of Silicon Valley from the side.

Back to the topic, why do you say that Paulson is pulling money from the bottom of the pot?

The reason is very simple. The decentralization of military technology has made Silicon Valley, that is, it is possible to enter Silicon Valley without anyone's control.

However, if you are in Washington and have no military technology that has been brought out yet, are you giving those upstarts in Silicon Valley and paying homage to Wall Street, which is controlling the United States?

The answer is obvious.

Paulson is not borrowing three stones to check and balance Silicon Valley at all, he is digging the ancestral grave of Silicon Valley.

The reason why three stones are needed is that the financial bigwigs on Wall Street may not be able to adapt to the industry thinking and management model of the accounting industry when they have reserves of funds and technologies, and they need an agent.

This is completely different from the negotiating line he expected, completely disrupting the rhythm.

And Qi Lei suddenly booed, there should be no more Musk...

Getting rid of distractions, Qi Lei faced a very real problem.

Give you seventy percent? More than that?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The good thing is that not only the smartphone business will develop smoothly, but other systems and social software can also be approved by the Americans.

Moreover, when he changed direction, he could also get some military-grade communication technology from the United States.

Of course, the other party must have restrictions, maybe even the Chinese can't touch it, but it is used after all.

But the downside is...

completely lost dominance.

Looking at Paulson, what should I do? Can you deduct the dominance from this guy's mouth, even if you give me more shares.

Qi Lei suddenly found that he had no chips.

No chips to fight Paulson!

The negotiating table is the most realistic battlefield. If you want the other party to make concessions, you have to exchange chips.

But now, he has no resources to use.

Can only bluff, "Mr. Paulson, have you thought about a question?"

Paulson said, "I'm listening."

Qi Lei, "The smart terminal project is also a national-level project in China, and I have already received support from the government.\"

"And now, you have introduced military technology, which is not an advantage, but a hindrance!"

"Both sides will be involved in political considerations, and they will definitely be wary of each other."

"Besides, more than 70%, even if I agree, my motherland will definitely not agree."

Apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Paulson, you've stalled the negotiations."

Paulson, \"…\"

Well, here is a question! Big question!

When Qi Lei's strategy worked, Paulson fell into contemplation and began to contradict.

Until he left Qi Lei's suite, Paulson didn't solve this problem for the time being, and could only go back and consider it slowly.

And Qi Lei's purpose of raising this problem is not to make Paulson change his mind.

He's not that naive!

As soon as Paulson left Qi Lei took out his mobile phone almost non-stop and called Lao Qin.

"Uncle Bei!! Help!"

"I'm out of bullets, I need chips!!"

When encountering difficulties to find Lao Bei, shaking people is Qi Lei's most commonly used trump card.

Old Qin has a black line on his forehead, and it's the middle of the night, where can I find chips for you! ?

Poor boy!


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