Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 156: Dirty Stones on Fire (4D)

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Lao Qin got up from the bed in a daze, thinking in his heart, how long did it take, and the second day in the United States, the bullets went out?

Light a cigarette to wake yourself up.

"Don't worry, when the sky falls, there will be a family supporting you. What do you call?"

Although Lao Qin knew that this kid has always been rude, but calling him so quickly shows that the situation is definitely not optimistic.

So, it's still a matter of comfort.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Qi Lei heard it, "It's a bad thing, a bad thing, this old Paulson is a character!"

Can Lao Qin Xiangle, the president of the five major investment banks in the United States, not be a character?

Said, "It's okay, if you can have a poor mind, it means you are still calm."

"Tell me slowly, what trick did this character give you?"

Qi Lei: "He didn't do a trick for me, he did a trick for Silicon Valley. Rabbit and rabbit, and he took me along with him."

So, Qi Lei explained the situation to Lao Qin clearly.

"This time, from the beginning, I misjudged the situation." Qi Lei gritted his teeth, "Paulson is not looking for a partner at all, he is looking for an agent, or even a puppet!"

Lao Qin, "…

Thoroughly refreshed, he knew exactly what it meant.

Looking for a partner, Sanshi Company is the only choice, and no one can replace Sanshi's position.

Its systems, games, social software, smart machines, including server technology and imaginary computers, can directly compete with Silicon Valley.

However, puppets...that would be completely different.

It can be Three Stones, ARM, or even a company in Silicon Valley to support it.

If it weren't for the fact that Sanshi has a system, social software, and a promising smartphone business, and it's readily available, Qi Lei might not even have the qualifications to enter the game.

Even if I talk to you now, the three stones are not as important as they originally thought.

Once you can't agree, you can be replaced.

The big deal, Paulson took a lot of banknotes and channels of military technology to start anew.

That being said, the problem is very serious, and Qi Lei really wasn't making a fuss this time.

"No more bullets."

At this time, Lao Qin was much more stable than Qi Lei, and he was still in a mood to ridicule, "Ha! Did you hit a nail?"

"In your case, it's a showdown when you come up. The trick of stunning people with a stick doesn't work, right?"

Qi Lei was also annoyed, "Don't scold me, it's useless even if I change my routine, it's crooked from the root!"

Lao Qin raised his voice, "I'm trying to keep your memory long, don't think that you can eat all over the world with just one trick!"

"Alright, it's a good thing, if it doesn't work, you'll have to pay the tuition."

In the final analysis, it is still to decompress Qi Lei from the language.

After making a lot of reproaches, Qi Lei was left with an embarrassed smirk, and then added angrily, "Okay, isn't that the case? Drag them first! We'll find bullets for you. !"

"It's still the same sentence, the sky is falling, and there is a family to support you!"

Qi Lei: "…"

It was a heat in my heart.

Twisted, "Then... what bullets can you have?"

Old Qin smiled, "Why? There is still a little bit of money in the family, and there are still a few profiteers that can't be sent off?"

After that, he hung up the phone.

It's just that Qi Lei didn't know, the old Qin who put down the phone's face instantly collapsed, standing alone under the broken window of the guest house, smoking one cigarette after another until dawn.

"Oh, silly boy, we have to suffer from this knife!"

This level of competition has been separated from pure commercial competition. On the premise of allowing the Americans to enter the market with military technology, they have to give you a profit.

Letting a company with an obvious Chinese government background enter someone else's turf, you can see how mysterious it is.

Americans are not stupid, they are smart!

It wasn't that Qi Lei sneaked into the village. If you don't want to shoot, you can fool him.

Whether it's Wall Street or Washington, behind the scenes, they might have long ago gathered their brains to figure out every step they dare to let you in, that is, they have set up a trap waiting for you.

No matter how bad it is, it is a hurdle that is not easy to cross.

In this case, what can be called a bullet, and how big of a bargaining chip does it have? That is the existence of cutting flesh!

Just now, Lao Qin was comforting Qi Lei. He is on the front line now, so he can't mess up. But now, Lao Qin is really worried.

Where did this bullet come from? When hitting Lao Mi, he also hit himself.

He had to re-evaluate whether to put treasure on it for the sake of this kid's prediction.

Is the Internet era and smart terminals really the future? Is it worth cutting the meat?

Lao Qin fell into contemplation, this is not something he can decide, and needs to gather all wisdom to discuss.

Thinking of this, Lao Qin put on his coat and was ready to go out.

Just before going out, looking at his pair of ripped leather shoes, he suddenly smiled bitterly, "Poor! In the end, it's still too poor!

too weak! "

"If we had Lao Mi's wealth, would we still worry about it here?"

On the other hand, Paulson, who was separated from Qi Lei, was much more relaxed. Although Qi Lei gave him a problem, it was not a big problem.

As Qi Lei told Lao Qin, he was just looking for an agent.

If Three Stones really can't reach an agreement, it's a big deal to start over and change a puppet, it's just a little troublesome.

At this time, it was on the way back, and Manager Wen and Jaquier were sitting next to Paulson.

Paulson was in a good mood and took the initiative to ask Jaquille, "Junior, what do you think about the pessimistic view of T Company?"

He was referring to the situation in which the Chinese government would not agree to only give Sanshi a 30% stake.

Jaquille thought for a while and smiled: "Uncle Paulson, I think the question Qi mentioned is indeed a bit tricky."

"I understand some of the political formations in China. They are unlikely to let TS be sold under the condition of only taking less than 30%."

"However!" The conversation changed. "There is an old saying in China that nothing is absolute. Speaking of which, they don't seem to have many other options."

"When you take out military technology, you have taught the Chinese a bad lesson. The so-called technology of Sanshi Company is not so important, and he can't come up with other attractive things."

"And I know that Qi is so eager for overseas markets that he will even help us convince the Chinese government."

"So, I think, he's bringing these up today just to get some room to negotiate."

Jaquille analyzed a large set of things, and he was right.

Paulson is also satisfied with his answer, the **** has indeed changed a lot.

"Junior, you've grown a lot, I'm very happy."

Looking at Manager Wen again, "So Pete, according to Junior's guess, do you think we should leave room for T to negotiate? Or should we make concessions?"

Manager Wen answered truthfully, "On the basis that T does not increase its chips, it can symbolically give up a little bit. However, the share ratio of TS cannot exceed the safety line of 32%."

Pittwen doesn't dare to play any tricks here, he is completely inclined to consider Desheng's interests.

Below 32%, the equity allocation reaches 34% to have one veto power.

In other words, what Manager Wen means is to control the shareholding ratio of Sanshi Company below 34%. Although Qi Lei is responsible for the operation and development of the project, in fact, as long as Desheng is willing, he can be replaced at any time, and there will be no chance to resist.

"Hmm!" Paulson smiled again with satisfaction.

Whether it is Jaquier or Pittwen, they are both quite good juniors and the future of Desheng.

He said with great interest, "Then you say, what if Qi Lei is willing to come up with new bargaining chips?"

The two froze for a while, but they both shook their heads, Manager Wen, "I don't think T has any other bargaining chips worthy of our attention."

Then he added, "Of course, if he took out the shares of Desheng Gaohua six months ago, there might still be some temptation for us."

"But now..."

Now Desheng Gao Hua is making a lot of money.

The Hainan project, coupled with the state-owned asset package worth tens of billions of RMB that Qi Lei just gave to Manager Wen, is the main profit point of the entire Asian business.

Therefore, even if Qi Lei now wants to sell his shares and leave Desheng Gaohua, Desheng is still not willing!

Because they found that in order to make a lot of money in China, they need a role like Qi Lei who can connect up and down

"Don't have any chips?" Paulson smiled deeply, "But, how can I see that they seem to have a lot of chips."

Manager Wen, "??????"

Paulson, “Let the Chinese government open up its financial markets to Desheng, for example?”

Manager Wen: ""

Well, this chip is really tempting.

Paulson, "For another example, let them make concessions on the South China Sea issue?"

"Or" Paulson paused, "or what?"

He laughed and scolded, "Damn it, that poor eastern country really doesn't seem to have much leverage."

For a while, he can think of these two.

Looking at the stunned two, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Do you think that these chips seem to have little to do with Desheng? At least the South China Sea issue has nothing to do with Desheng."

"But don't forget, these are what Washington wants to see."

"We won benefits for them, that is, we won benefits for Desheng, and we will earn it back from other sources."

Manager Wen,"

His heart sank, Qi Lei really met his opponent this time.

Paulson's strategic vision is no worse than his, or even better.

"It turns out that you are inducing him to come up with this level of chips."

Paulson, "That kid is funny, as you say, he's smart and capable."

"It's a pity, he's still too young!"

Looking at Manager Wen, "Didn't you say that he is an excellent strategist?"

"But in my opinion, this evaluation is still a little early. Maybe, he still needs ten to twenty years of growth before he can truly become a strategist!" Qi Lei didn't know that he was already in his best field. Denied by Paulson.

Dirty stone, met a dirtier guy.

At this time, he was thinking, how much help Lao Beishu can help? What kind of chips will you come up with?

However, Qi Lei could not have imagined that Paulson's appetite would be so great.

And Lao Qin, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, was struggling and discussing whether to hand Qi Lei a bullet at the level that Ball wanted.

Again, it's not twenty years from now, we are rich, strong, and ammunition enough to be able to, in all directions,

Multi-dimensional countermeasures against the United States.

Right now, there really isn't much to do.

Even if it was a bit more nasty to say, what could be brought out, something that the Americans admired, was just a little bit at this moment Qi Lei was really stunned by Paulson, and his mind didn't even react.

Paulson is right in saying that Qi Lei is still too young, and over the years, he has only learned how to win, not how to lose!

Now, we can only wait and wait for the news from home.

If things continue like this, Qi Lei doesn't adjust his state as soon as possible to wake himself up, then there are only two possibilities:

First, Lao Qin thinks that for what Qi Lei is doing, it is worthwhile to give out a little core interest in exchange. To put it bluntly, it is a gamble.

Bet on the future!

In this case, Lao Qin will give Qi Lei a bullet, or even a nuclear bomb, which will surely satisfy the Americans.

But while conquering the Americans, he must also be scarred.

Second, Lao Qin thought it was not worth it.

That's simple, one shot and two scattered, let Qi Lei withdraw, and the matter of Sanshi and Penguin going to sea was a complete failure.

In other words, it is either a crushing defeat or a crushing victory.

Either result is not worthy of joy.

However, both Lao Qin and Paulson, including Qi Lei himself, ignored one thing, a very nonsense thing.

That is, the son of luck who came through one level at a time, Qi Lei's luck is really not a joke with you. This grandson may not have saved the universe in one lifetime, and it is not once, it has to be this time to repair it. Such luck.

Just at the moment of the deadlock, when Qi Lei was confused, luck was on his side again, the little brother who had been playing soy sauce only used three words to pull Qi Lei back from the confusion, and he was instantly connected. through.

And the dirty stone that was frequently tricked by demons came back and figured out everything.

Brother Xiao Ma also has a little understanding of the current situation, knowing that Qi Lei has no bullets in his hands, so Brother Xiao Ma fought for justice.

The first sentence: "Would you like to give them a little of Penguin's shares?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if I suffer a little loss!"

Qi Lei glanced at him speechlessly, "You? Stop thinking about it, people really don't like your petty profits!"

After saying this, Qi Lei was stunned.

Because he realized that Paulson was not frank with him at all. He confessed that the entry of military technology was to create the current situation, waiting for him to come up with new bargaining chips.


Qi Lei fell into another question. He should know that Sanshi has no bargaining chips, right? Does this really make me go to hell?

And the little brother was quite unconvinced, staring at the beads.

The second sentence: "This is still a petty profit? Billions!"

Seeing that Qi Lei still didn't take it seriously, he became anxious, "So what? What else do they want? Why don't you give them another piece of land?"

With a buzzing sound, Qi Lei's mind went blank.

Yes, billions of benefits don't count, so what do they see?

What he was waiting for was not Sanshi's chips at all, what they were waiting for was at home, and Lao Qin's chips!

Thinking of this, Qi Lei almost threw himself on the phone and madly pressed Lao Qin's number.

When the call was connected, Lao Qin's voice was very impatient, "What are you in a hurry for!? I'm looking for you, wait!"

Qi Lei, "Uncle Bei, tell me, what's the bargaining chip?"

The opposite was silent, obviously knowing that Qi Lei had reacted.

For a long time, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. It's being discussed, it's not sure whether it will be given to you or not!"

When Qi Lei heard it, he fully understood.

What Lao Qin took out must be his core interests.

Immediately shouted, "No! No!

Lao Qin, "No need?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, no need, I'll figure out a way myself! No, I've already figured out a way!"

As soon as Lao Qin heard it, he knew he was talking nonsense, "What can you do? Just wait!"

Qi Lei was anxious, "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it anyway!"

"It's not easy for us to get here today, I'm not a prodigal boy!"

Old Qin laughed angrily, let's not talk about whether Qi Lei can do anything, just this energy is worth it.

He smiled and said, "What is a prodigal, it's not just giving it to you, it's what you did that deserves our blood."

"Besides, it's a matter of time before the financial market is opened to foreign investors. If they want, give it to them!"

"Don't!" Qi Lei didn't let Lao Qin go on, "It's better to open late than early!"

"I really don't need you, I can handle it myself!"

Old Qin believed it a little, "Do you really have a way?"

Qi Lei, "Really! Just wait for the news of victory!"

He shouted, "Small boy, a bunch of foreign devils, I can't cure them yet?"

"That's it, hang up! Don't be a loser, hold back, hold back, and wait for the news of my victory!"

Lao Qin can't laugh or cry, how did I become a loser?

Just as he was about to teach Qi Lei a few words, he had already hung up the phone.

Immediately, he was even more speechless, holding the phone and froze there, looking at Chang Lanfang, "You bastard, hang up the phone.

Chang Lanfang, "What? He won't let it?"

Lao Qin, "Well, like a miser!"

Chang Lanfang, "That's a master who can only take advantage and can't take losses. I said he can't do it."

Lao Qin, "What should we do now?"

"He said he has a solution, why don't you wait and see?"

But it was the old lady Chang who threw the pen, "I have confidence in him for a long time at my own time!"

Lao Qin thought for a while, "Me too!"

Although Qi Lei was in a bad state at night, Lao Qin heard it immediately, so he kept on reducing the pressure on him.

But just now, the fighting spirit has clearly risen.

As long as he thinks about it and has the will to fight, it won't be surprising if anything happens.

"Wait a minute! I'm curious, how did he break this game."

Here, Brother Ma looked at Qi Lei hanging up the phone, confused, "What happened? What happened?"

Qi Lei, "It's nothing."

Brother Ma, "Then what can you do?"

Qi Lei, "No way."

Brother Ma, "You just didn't"

Qi Lei stared, "Just a shit! Uncle Bei wants to open up the financial market to foreigners in advance, just so that our negotiations can go smoothly!"

"Can I make him do that?"

Little Brother, "…"

Qi Lei, "Currently, domestic finance, from the market to the system, is still not perfect. Once it is opened, wolves will enter the flock!"

"We are sinners!"

Brother Ma, "Then what should I do?"

"No one can help us now. If we really only take 30% back, the people of the whole country will scold us to death."

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

Qi Lei, ""If I had a solution, would I still have a bitter hatred with you here?

Brother Xiao Ma poured water for Qi Lei, "Aren't you a master strategist?"

"Come on! There must be a way, right?"

Qi Lei, "…"

Brother Xiao Ma handed the water to Qi Lei, "We haven't seen any strong winds and waves, what kind of dirty tricks and urgent tricks have we not used? You have a lot of experience in fighting!"

"Think about it, think about it!"

Qi Lei's face collapsed, "I really can't do anything right now."

Analysis for the pony, "Paulson has the absolute initiative, and now there are only two possibilities."

"Or, don't play with them, let's go home and admit defeat."

"Either, keep adding to this gamble until Paulson is willing to give up some of his interest."

"All the things we prepared before are useless, and the alliance with Warren has lost its value."

"If we can't grasp the decisive share ratio of cooperation, then even if we come in and do something, it doesn't make any sense, because the Americans can stop it at any time!"

"do you understand?"

Little Brother,"...

chap! so pessimistic?

A little furious, he said the third sentence that decided his fate: "Cha! Americans don't have a good thing!

Brother went out of his way, bought a gun, and dismantled Desheng's grandchildren! "

Just hilarious. But Qi Lei was stunned.


"What did you say?"

Brother Xiao Ma was also stunned, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Lei, "What did you just say? Don't be silly!"

"I just said that you have a lot of fighting experience!"

"That's not it!"

"Brother gave up?"

"Next sentence!"

"Buy a gun!"

"Next sentence!"

"Tear down Desheng's grandsons!"

That's right, that's it!

Qi Lei's pupils were scattered, and he looked at Brother Ma in horror, making him look straight.

"What's wrong?"

Just listening to Qi Lei making a noise, "You are such a genius!"

Little Ma: "?????"

This is a mess, and it's too sudden.

However, it can be seen that Qi Lei should be enlightened.

"What? Do you have a solution?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

Brother Xiao Ma slapped his thigh, "Let me just say, how can a dirty stone become a second fool, you were wrong just now!"

Qi Lei, "Go away! Tigers are still taking naps!"

Brother Xiao Ma couldn't wait, "Speak quickly, what can I do?"

Qi Lei, "Didn't you say so?"

"What did I say?"

"You said you demolished Desheng!"


"My solution is to dismantle Desheng!

Brother Little Ma, "Brother, don't scare me!"

What are you talking about in a dream?

However, Qi Lei's solution is really to dismantle Desheng!

Or to put it another way, if I can't get more shares, then you don't want to hold 7%.

What he has to do now is not how to use more chips to increase his own 30%, but to increase Desheng's 70%

split apart. The next day, Paulson did not come to see Qi Lei again.

Just called and asked Qi Lei if he was used to living in Seattle like an old friend.

On the phone, Qi Lei thanked Paulson for his concern and made a request.

"I know that Desheng has a partnership with M. Can you introduce me? I actually have some interest in their personal computer business."

When Paulson heard this, he sneered to himself.

In my heart, I'm afraid it's fake to be interested, and it's real to procrastinate.

After all, the bargaining chip at that level is not taken out as soon as it is taken out. Whoever changes it has to be reconsidered, let alone a country?

"Of course!" Paulson was happy to let Qi Lei stall for time. "Pitt has had in-depth contact with M. He has a very good relationship there and can let him connect with you."

Qi Lei, "Really? Thank you so much."

As a result, Qi Lei borrowed manager Wen and got the opportunity to visit and communicate with BM.

On the way there, Manager Wen was still very strange, "It's this time, do you still have the heart to visit?"

He knows the situation too well.

More words, "Paulson is difficult to deal with, I think you should focus on how to deal with his next round of offensive."

Qi Lei didn't say much, "Pete, you are my own, so I don't plan to hide it from you."

Manager Wen,""

This guy sounds really awkward!

Until now, Manager Wen is still disgusted by this word. He never thought that he was Qi Lei's person, and the two were just tying up their interests.

Impatiently, "Speak up if you have something to say!"

Qi Lei, "Do you know what Paulson's biggest weakness is?"

Manager Wen hesitated and asked anxiously, "What?"

Qi Lei looked at him, "That is, he, like me, fired the last bullet!"

BM's headquarters is not on the west coast, but in Armonk, New York, on the east coast.

This is also the reason why M is one of the few high-tech companies that do business with Desheng.

However, having said that, this does not mean that M does not belong to the forces of the Silicon Valley department, nor does it mean that they are close to Wall Street.

Because of the business relationship, M is obviously more closely connected with the major companies in Silicon Valley.

Under the leadership of Manager Wen, Qi Lei came to BM's headquarters across the United States.

The person who received them was Vice President Samuel Palmisano, who also had a Chinese name called Palmisano.

As for why the legendary president of BM, Louis Gerstner, did not personally receive it, is it because BM did not pay attention to Desheng's face, and this guest from the East?

In fact, quite the opposite.

BM heard that the people from Sanshi Company wanted to visit and communicate, and it attached great importance to it.

It is different from others who care about Sanshi's system and blog network. M pays more attention to the server technology of Sanshi Company. This is the only server solution provider in the world that can compete with M in the server field.

The reason why Peng Shisheng came forward is also very simple, because the legendary president Samuel Palmisano is about to retire.

At present, the management power of the company has been gradually handed over, and the successor is the vice president in front of him, Palmisano.

The two sides had a cordial conversation and a warm exchange. Palmisano even took Qi Lei to visit the core R&D department of M.

In the evening, Qi Lei and Manager Wen were asked to attend the dinner. After the banquet, he personally sent Qi Lei back to the hotel.

One tossing day, Manager Wen has two big heads, and Palmisano's enthusiasm is a bit too much.

And Qi Lei had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

Until it was almost twelve o'clock at night, Manager Wen, who was tossing and turning, heard a movement in Qi Lei's room opposite. It sounded like someone was coming.

This can't help but make him curious, so late, who will come?

So, Manager Wen quietly opened the door and saw two people entering Qi Lei's room, his heart skipped a beat.

Because these two people are... Palmisano, and Gu Ge's president, Deer.

You have to say that Palmisano and Qi Lei are conspiring to do something, but why is Deer here?

Manager Wen couldn't figure it out at all.

In another room, Deer saw the crack in the door of the opposite room.

Entering the room, he couldn't help worrying, "Qi, you are so mysterious, but everyone in Desheng has seen it."

Qi Lei smiled, "It's okay, Wen is a friend who doesn't like to talk too much."

Well, Deer is deeply skeptical.

After being seated, "Say, why did I come to New York? If you want to continue talking about our cooperation, you can go to Palo Alto, or I can go to Seattle to find you."

Peng Mingsheng also said, "Mr. Qi, I'm here, now you can talk about the news that decided M's life and death?"

And Qi Lei's next words made the two fall into ice caves and almost exploded on the spot.

"Tell you two unfortunate news that the five major investment banks on Wall Street, as well as high-profile investors, have joined forces to fight Silicon Valley."

Looking at Palmisan, "Including, BM"

The two were speechless for a while, and the first reaction was, what are you kidding?

However, it was followed by a stagnation.

Because they thought of the report about the three-stone company coming to the United States a few days ago, the media's wind direction is obviously confusing.

Suddenly began to suspect again, what Qi Lei said might be true!

Deer became serious, "Qi, what's going on? I need to know the truth."

Qi Lei spread his hands, "The truth is very simple."

Now, tell the situation to two people without reservation.

"In Washington, they have the absolute right to speak. Therefore, it is not a problem to obtain the commercial rights of military technology."

"And the funds that the five major investment banks can mobilize, you don't need me to tell you how horrible it is."

"Now they want to attract Sanshi and ARM to come in and use systems, smart terminals, social networks,

And imagine the computer, and so on, to completely destroy Silicon Valley.

"You guys should know what's going on."

Two people, ""

Of course they knew it would be a disaster for Silicon Valley businesses!

Palmisano and Deer were both momentarily stunned.

Deer reacted first and looked at Qi Lei sharply.

"Qi, you bastard, all this is caused by you!"

Qi Lei, "My friend, there is no point in complaining now!"

"I'm just from a business point of view, the strength of Wall Street is stronger than Guge, I can only turn to cooperate with them!"

Deer, "Then what are you doing now? Why are you telling us this?"

But it was Qi Lei who pondered for a moment, "Let's be honest, it's all fake to talk about friends and give the two a way to survive!"

"The truth is, I want to guarantee my interests!"

"The wolves of Wall Street have given too little, and I have to fight for a way out for myself."

Palmisano raised his eyebrows, "So, now you want to cooperate with Silicon Valley, which is us? You want to abandon Wall Street?"

Qi Lei smiled, "NoNo!"

"Mr. Peng Mingsheng, I'm not that stupid, I will die with you!"

The current Wall Street shot, do you think it will be twenty years later? Silicon Valley is dead.

Turning back to Silicon Valley now, it’s just that the brain has a bag.

"Then what are your plans?"

Qi Lei, "Before I explain my intentions, I want to ask you two, do you want to be silent with Silicon Valley,

Or become a traitor, looking for a new way out? "

"A way out?" The two sneered, "Is it hard to find a way out?"

The five major investment banks are taking action together, what way do they have?

Deer smiled bitterly, "Maybe the only way out, as you said, is to be a traitor!"

Switch to Wall Street!

Qi Lei, "I also think that this is your only hope for survival."

Deer, "However, since they are already jealous of us, they won't give us this chance!"

With military technology in hand, a lot of banknotes, plus Three Stones and ARM, does Wall Street still need them?

And what Qi Lei was waiting for was the words of the two of them.

I saw him take out two file bags with a smile. UU reading www. "Maybe, this can help you make Wall Street compromise!"

The two took it suspiciously.

When Peng Mingsheng saw it, he couldn't help but stagnate.

Deer also had the same expression.

Palmisano holds a power of attorney in which Three Stones has licensed the North American right to use its hundreds of server patents to IBM.

Including the world-leading server setup plan a few years ago, and the server optimization algorithm that was just launched recently. Let's just say that if M gets this authorization, it means he has mastered all the cutting-edge technology patents in the server field, and he will completely monopolize the North American region. server operation business. **

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