Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 162: different dimensions

Qi Lei stared at Xu Xiaoqian in horror, what is this girl thinking? outrageous!

His eyes were dull, and pictures of "unsightly" appeared in his mind.




Like a grove?

Some suburban villa?

Well, it's a bit exciting indeed!

Gulu, swallowed, "Thorn, stimulate?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "How exciting!\"

Lie down on Qi Lei's lap and handed him the towel.

Qi Lei knew that he was going to wipe her hair.

And Xu Xiaoqian looked at the ceiling, and her facial features gradually eased, "Whether we like it or not, aren't these things going to happen?\"

Qi Lei slowed down and looked at Xu Xiaoqian's cheek. He thought it was a complaint, but he couldn't see a trace of reluctance on her face.

Xu Xiaoqian, "From the moment you decided to fight back against Wei Guangming, we chose a path destined to be extraordinary, didn't we?"

He suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Qi Lei, "It's not a complaint! It's good..\"

"My dad always said that a generation has a mission for a generation."

"Grandpa's generation has finished the battle that should be fought; their generation has finished the hardship that should have been endured."

"When it comes to our generation, what is our mission? In fact, I didn't know it before I met you.\"

"But now, I know!

With a thick voice and a small fist raised high, he is perverse and cute, "Our mission is!! Listen to the party! Follow the party! Live up to the mission and continue the past!"

"I am a brick of the people, move it wherever it is needed!"

"Oh yeah!\"


Qi Lei laughed out loud.

There are many beautiful girls in this world, but Xu Xiaoqian has only one.

Qi Lei had forgotten about the slogans of the 1980s and 90s, but she actually shouted it quite naturally.

Smiling, she covered Xu Xiaoqian's face with a towel and rubbed vigorously, "Be serious!"

Xu Xiaoqian struggled, "It hurts! It hurts hurts!!!\"

After finally pulling off Qi Lei's towel, Xu Xiaoqian looked at Qi Lei viciously with puffed cheeks, but said, "This is impossible!

"Fate makes it impossible to escape, so why do you hate it so much?"

She raised her eyebrows sultryly, "Try to enjoy it!\"

"You have to think about it, isn't it exciting?"

Qi Lei, "…"

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Quite the spirit of Ah Q."

"However, it's really exciting."

"Hehe." Xu Xiaoqian smiled proudly.

Qi Lei couldn't help holding her tightly, hugging each other to sleep.

a long time.

"Qi Xiaolei!! You haven't brushed your teeth!!"

The next morning, Viagra got up early, went to buy breakfast, and everyone got up and ate ready-made.

When Qi Lei went downstairs, he couldn't help but be taken aback, because Xiaoer was in a bad mood at first glance, wearing a pair of panda eyes.

Qi Lei couldn't help but complain, "Stop playing games all night!"

Yang Xiao glared at him fiercely, "I'm happy! Can I handle it?"

Grab the fritters, pinch them into small pieces with the tips of your fingernails, and eat them casually.

Xu Xiaoqian was in good spirits. After going downstairs, she jumped onto the sofa. Glancing at Xiao'er in the side country, he also saw the pair of **** eye circles, but there was nothing.

Handing the steamed buns to Qi Lei, filled with soy milk, "Eat more, we will split up in a few days!"

The guys were stagnant, but they didn't pick up.

Viagra already knew about Qi Lei's family split as soon as he came back, and he didn't sleep well all night.

Light sighed, this grandson is really cruel!

Anyway, if you change yourself, you can't bear to say anything.

At the dinner table, only Xu Xiaoqian was active alone.

"Don't be discouraged, it's not true, just practice and help him pay more!

Tang Xiaoyi, "…

I stuffed half a steamed bun in one mouthful, thinking in my heart, do you want to talk too much? Brother must pay to death!

Xu Xiaoqian, "That's right!

Looking at Qi Lei, "Xiaoer, don't tell me, she is very cowardly, let her concentrate on singing and appearing on variety shows!"


When Yang Xiao heard this, he raised his head sharply, looked at Xu Xiaoqian with joy, and then looked at Qi Lei begging.

Well, her dark circles are not from games at all, she is scared, how can she have the heart to play games?

However, Qi Lei glared at Yang Xiao speechlessly, "We discussed it last night."

"Zhongchuan Production Center, I think it's better to leave it in my hands! Maybe there is an intersection with Hollywood and it can be used."

"Look, are you following me? Or are you following Xu Youzhi?"

"Me!!" Yang Xiao's neck froze, wanting to say follow Qi Lei.

But after thinking about it, let it go, "I, of course I follow my sister Qian!!\"

As a result, the hot face sticks to the cold butt, and Xu Xiaoqian still doesn't want her!

"What are you doing with me? You go to school in Beiguang, so just follow him!"

Qi Lei, "Follow Sister Kou!

When Yang Xiao heard this, he was very aggrieved. Am I so disgusting?

She pouted and whispered BB, "Sister Kou has gone to the United States!!"

Then he stubbornly said, "It's like I don't want anyone, so I'm going to hang out with Li Hanhan."

Qi Lei thought about it and said, "That's right.\"

The matter of the three-stone separation began quietly.

As for the brothers who turned against each other, how should the drama of the company's coaxing be played out?

Hehe, there is no need to act at all, because not acting is the real thing.

It only takes a beginning, and China's largest Internet company, computer manufacturer, and high-tech enterprise are beginning to disintegrate.

The public only needs one result to make up a series of twists and turns and bizarre shopping mall dramas.

They will work with the media to make this lie extremely wonderful and seamless. This is the nature of human beings to eat melons.

Again, most people cannot be rational in the dissemination of information.

They are not as keen on the truth as they appear to be, but rather on the truth based on the information frame, they figure out on their own.

As for whether Paulson and the Americans will believe it, this is not an issue that needs to be considered.

The reason is very complicated, but it is actually very simple, and it only needs one sentence to summarize.

The two opponents, Qi Lei and Paulson, are in completely different dimensions from a strategic point of view.

What Qi Lei wanted was a strategic goal at the national level, which Paulson never thought of killing him.

The height of his thinking is limited to the struggle at the level of interests.

From God's perspective and Qi Lei's perspective, this may be a poor performance. As long as you have a lot of heart, it is not difficult to see through the scam and take precautions.

But the problem lies in "multiple minds".

The most impossible thing to do is to have such a heart.

In a strategic duel, it would be foolish to despise the opponent. But overestimating an opponent is sometimes more foolish than underestimating.

If you can put it another way, think in Paulson's shoes.

Notice! Not only from the perspective of avoiding risks and seeing through strategies, but also Paulson's position, situation and dominant mentality.

If you can discard the information obtained from Qi Lei, you will find that Paulson, including Washington, whether in terms of the current power comparison, technological gap, business purpose, national strategy, etc., even if he thinks of Qi Lei Lei may have a bitter plan, and neither of them will come to a conclusion that is close to the truth.

Because the goals sought by both sides are fundamentally different! !

Paulson could not have imagined that when the relationship between the two countries has stabilized, the partial confrontation has not formed full-scale hostility, and the technological gap is like an abyss, and he has contributed to this situation, Qi Lei's strategic appeal will actually be a national strategy. level layout.

You know, this is 2002, not 2022. In this era, the United States is wary of China's starting point. It just wants to gain some benefits in geopolitics, take advantage of it, and deter you.

Their strategic focus is on counter-terrorism and energy!

It is impossible for them to have the perspective of God and consider China as an equal competitor, or even the highest threat.

Not to mention the situation of a Chinese businessman should not be associated with the possibility of "self-destruction" in order to safeguard the national strategy.

Qi Lei's behavior is contrary to their capital values, and they cannot understand it.

Capital will not give up its own interests for the sake of the motherland, and neither Paulson nor Washington can think of this step.

Even if Paulson finds some problems with Three Stone's dismemberment, he's likely to attribute it to a businessman's sacrifice to protect himself and to keep his profit points in the face of a general boycott.

Even if the eggs laid by the Three Stones Company will look at each other, it is within the scope of his cognition and understanding. In the West, how normal is the dismantling and merger of capital?

From Paulson's point of view, the biggest problem facing Qi Lei is the pressure from domestic public opinion, which leads to boycott and hatred of Sanshi, not the United States.

Three stones to coax the family to separate, whether it is true or false, it is reasonable.

You have to say that he used this to think of a strong man breaking his wrist in order to kill the United States. That is not to overestimate his IQ, but to be unfounded, or to ask for trouble.

So, this move is actually not that complicated.

Still in the style of Qi Lei, the dirtiest strategies are often driven by the simplest actions.

The butterfly effect finally got the result he wanted.

Let you doubt that you can't even doubt me!

And all of this requires only a beginning, a beginning that can't be simpler.

All it takes is one early morning when the official newspaper publishes an unofficial commentary—a

"The unity of knowledge and action, the temptations and challenges faced by Chinese entrepreneurs"

The article expounds some views on Chinese enterprises going overseas to seek international cooperation.

He believes that in the spirit of equality and freedom, integrating into the process of globalization, and neither humble nor arrogant, is what a Chinese entrepreneur should look like.

Neither flattering nor arrogant.

One of the negative examples mentioned is:

[Recently, a well-known domestic enterprise has not done well enough in the process of seeking overseas cooperation, and has not established the image that a Chinese entrepreneur should have.

Blindly catering to the capital of the United States, he lost his dignity and position in the whole work, and finally reached an agreement with an almost humble gesture.

What seems to be a victory for Chinese companies to expand overseas is actually a complete failure, almost putting the interests of the company and the country under the knife.

is undesirable behavior. 】As soon as the article came out, everyone knew who "a well-known company" was.

Some people who are politically sensitive are stunned, and things are about to change. Official media names and criticizes Sanshi, which is definitely not a good sign.

Holding the newspaper at home, Liu Jixiang read the report three times in a row, but refused to drop a word.

Finally, let out a long breath and let it go with some ease.

"Little brat! Don't listen to the old man!"

What is he saying? His self-research and self-produced road sounds very exciting, but it is actually an unrealistic impulse.

Well this time, the Americans show you the color, right?

You want to rush into the US market with technology and grab other people's cakes. Isn't this courting death?

Although he didn't know how effective this article was, Liu Jixiang had a vague feeling that this time Qi Lei was enough to drink a pot.

Liu Jixiang pondered for a while, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He suddenly realized that this might be... a chance for him to return to his imagination.

In Liu Jixiang's analysis, Imagination's largest shareholder is the Institute of Economics and Technology after all, and Qi Lei is only the second shareholder.

When something like this happens, if it works well, it is not impossible for someone to push Qi Lei out just like Qi Lei kicked him out of Imagination.

You must know that although Liu Jixiang left Imagination, he still has some personal shares that he has not withdrawn, and there are still people above who support him.

Therefore, it is not impossible to take the opportunity to disintegrate the imagination from the inside.

Thinking of this, Liu Jixiang suddenly had a fighting spirit. Maybe, he can really kill a carbine?

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to take a look.

Pick up the phone and dial a number.

The owner of the number is a person from the original Institute of Planning and Research, and a member of the board of directors of Imagination Holdings, who still holds an important position in Imagination.

Although he doesn't belong to Liu Jixiang's faction, in private, his relationship with Liu Jixiang is reasonable.

Therefore, it is the best choice to inquire about the situation from him.

The phone was connected, and although Liu Jixiang couldn't see anyone here, his smiling facial features had been mobilized.

"Old Zheng! Me, Lao Liu."

"It's okay, it's okay, just retire, read the newspaper at home, drink tea, don't say it, it's a good day."

"It's nothing, long time no see, old friend, thinking about pulling you to catch a fish together!"

"Don't you like fishing the most? It just so happens that I have become addicted recently, how is it? I really want to ask you for advice from a master!"

"I knew it, busy people!"

It's okay, it's okay, I understand, I guess you might be busy, so I'll try my luck.

"How? Is it because of the article on People's RB?"

I read the report, but I am still very worried, for fear that Imagination will be implicated! "

"Hey! Anyway, I'm also watching Imagination from nothing, and it's emotional."

how about it? The impact... is it big? "

After speaking, Liu Jixiang held his breath, waiting for Lao Zheng's answer.

In fact, he doesn't need to go around like this. Given his relationship with Lao Zheng, if he asks directly, the other party will probably tell him.

After all, the two are old colleagues for more than 20 years.

Besides, how long did it take Qi Lei to take over Imagination? Certainly not one heart with these veterans.

On the other hand, Lao Zheng, of course, knows what Liu Jixiang's intentions are, and he even knows that this old guy is a thief!

After pondering for a moment, he also said, "Old Liu, I won't go around detours in our relationship!"

Liu Ji mentioned to Xin Shen, "You talk, I'll listen."

Lao Zheng, "This little Mr. Qi is not familiar with us, and he is quite domineering, so I don't like him!"

Liu Jixiang fanned the flames, "Normal, young and vigorous, thinking that he is omnipotent."

Lao Zheng, "I don't look down on Gui, I don't look down on him, his system is too strict!"

"It's not that you can't tell the matter you asked."

"But once that kid gets the handle, I'll have to go with you."

"So, long live the understanding!\"

"That's a little tyrant, and I don't dare to mess with him."

Liu Jixiang, ""

The old face is black, motherfucker! Don't give me a little face?

I'll give you a big B pocket!

Lao Zheng is scolding secretly here, why do you want to use my words? Who is the fool?

As soon as he dropped the phone, Lao Zheng Evil Wolf suddenly raised his head and looked at all the middle and low-level management in the production department.

"Changing the sky without giving birth!"

"Imagine that no matter how big things happen, it doesn't matter to you. I will arrest the production, improve the yield rate, and control the quality."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, it's time to test our cohesion. Whoever hangs a chain for me, don't blame me, Zheng Jianghe, for turning his face and not recognizing anyone!"

"Within half a year, give me another 1.5 points in the yield rate! The quality standard is a step higher than the national standard and international standard!!"

"Can't do it, just let me sleep in the workshop!"

The directors and team leaders of each workshop almost cried.

1.5 points? ? Then Chen is close to a 100% yield rate.

Besides, is it higher than the international standard? Isn't this fatal?

However, the complaints in their hearts return to the complaints in their hearts. They also know that Imagination is a bit wrong now. The whole group is full of chills, and all departments are fighting.

The day before yesterday, Nangong gave the R&D department the scientific research targets for the next three years. It is said that the people in the R&D department almost jumped off the building in a hurry.

Yesterday, the smiling tiger in the market was also scolding mother for the first time, and scolded every sales area and overseas expansion. The assigned sales task is also the rhythm of exhausting people.

In addition, Wang Zhendong took charge of the president's office, and the directors of the board of directors were also assigned tasks by him.

What's wrong with this?

How come the official criticism didn't make Changxiang's heart panic, but these middle and high-level people are like chicken blood?

Manager Wen is still in the United States.

Although he did not formally participate in the cooperation project with Sanshi, he has been in charge of the communication with Washington to increase the tax rate for Hollywood movie stars and is progressing steadily.

He learned about the commentary of the official media from his colleagues in China, and then Manager Wen's heart...

Ever since I met Qi Lei, I haven't had a day that I've been hanging on.

After much deliberation, he flew back to New York to see Paulson.

"Mr. President, something has happened in China again."

Paulson, "What's the matter, Pete? Is our business hampered by something?"

Manager Wen said in his heart, if something happened to Desheng, I wouldn't worry anymore!

"It's Qi!! There's something wrong with Qi!"

After seeing Paulson, he raised his brows, "What's wrong with Qi?"

Manager Wen, "Maybe it was the whole work with us that caused him trouble, and the Chinese state media just criticized him.\"

Organized the language, "Mr. President, you may not know much about China's ideology. The official criticism is very serious and may even affect the fate of a company."

"I am afraid that this crisis in Qi will bring us losses."

I thought Paulson would take it seriously, but saw him smiling, "So, are Chinese officials really dissatisfied with the alignment?"

"Interesting, very interesting."

Manager Wen, ""

It suddenly dawned on him that Paulson's reaction had spoken.

The back of his head was cold, and he didn't say anything.

And Paulson obviously knew that Manager Wen was a smart person and must have thought of something.

Without denying it, he smiled, "Tell me, in which direction will Sanshi's crisis develop this time?"

"Isn't he very well-connected in China? Will Chinese officials really attack him?"

Manager Wen frowned and answered carefully, "It's hard to say!"

Paulson, "Tell me about it.\"

Manager Wen, "China is a country whose ideology is completely different from ours. Qi is indeed on the weak side of cooperation this time, which will undoubtedly make his situation in China difficult. Besides...\"

"And what?"

"Besides, Qi's connections don't mean everything. There are many people in China who don't like him, such as Liu who was kicked out of the imagination by him."

Paulson nodded, "So, he's really in crisis?\"

Manager Wen, "It's very possible."

Carefully, "Mr. President, do we want to help? After all, Qi's predicament is for us"

Before he could finish, Paulson smiled lightly. "Pete, don't panic, this might be a good thing for us. Why don't we look at it again and see what happens next?"

Manager Wen squeezed out a wry smile, "Okay, Mr. President, I understand."

Suddenly a little dull.

Although it has been changed in the past, Pittwen will definitely not feel that there is anything wrong with Paulson's approach, which has always been the case in capital games.

The Chinese call this intrigue.

But this time, Manager Wen had a different mood.

He said in his heart, it was Qi Lei's time to cheat on you, but it was me, for such an insincere cooperation, I also cheated on you!

There really is no mutual trust at all.

After leaving New York, Manager Wen did not return to California, but returned to Beijing on the grounds that his business in China needed attention.

The first thing I did when I landed was to find Qi Lei.

"Paulson did it!\"

"Handle it well, don't implicate me!"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, but he really didn't expect Manager Wen to tip off.

He sincerely said, "As expected of my own!"

The manager of the text is straight to the who and you are your own! ? \"

"Take care of yourself first, I don't want to die with you!"

Qi Lei listened to it with joy, Manager Wen, who is very funny, has been twisted to the point of splitting his personality.

After thinking about it, he comforted, "Pete, I promise, none of us will die, it will only get better and better!"

Manager Wen was startled, looking at Qi Lei's expression, he, he won't, is he winning again?

"Are you ready?"

Qi Lei didn't hide it, "Yes! On purpose!"

Pete stared, "On purpose?! What did you tell me on purpose? I didn't hear anything!"

Qi Lei, "Hey, my own!"

Pittwin, ""

It won't work.

I also think it's ridiculous that the self-proclaimed smart, cold-blooded and ruthless, and even dirtier than the other side, casts a bit of speechless trust from time to time.

Where the **** am I? Who to trust? I am from America! It is a loyal employee of Desheng!

special! unlucky! !

In the end, Manager Wen still couldn't hold back, and said proudly, "Don't be so shy! If you're ready, I'll have to rip you off this time!"

Qi Lei didn't smile after listening.

Youyou sighed, with a pun in his words: "Yeah, it's very little to peel off a layer of skin!"

Listening to Manager Wen's ears, he just thought he was feeling uncomfortable.



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