Manager Wen felt that Qi Lei was still very self-aware.

Even if he is prepared this time, it is not as simple as peeling off one layer of skin, but several layers of skin continue to ferment as the official media sets the tone. In mid-June, that is, one month after Qi Lei returned to China, public opinion has already criticized him. to a state of numbness.

To put it bluntly, it's been more than a month since Qi Lei hadn't come back, and there's really nothing new to scold.

The public even thought that this matter was unclear and passed...

It was at this juncture that all the hidden worries about Sanshi Company almost broke out collectively.

First, the central bank publicly stated that the online financial system is one of the financial lifelines of the country in the future and should not be monopolized by any private enterprise.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is said to be paid for 30. Just before everyone started to speculate, the second wave of the central bank's actions followed.

"In the near future, a part of the 30-payment shares will be acquired through the intervention of state-owned assets, and finally the government will lead the Internet finance and put an end to the risks brought by the monopoly of private enterprises."

When the news came out, the whole country was in an uproar.

Many people know that this is forced nationalization! Mr. Qi's good days are over!

Although, not long after the news of the central bank was released, Qi Lei immediately issued a personal statement through the blog network.

"Actively cooperate with the national network financial strategy and support the restructuring of the nationalization of the 30 payment system."

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just an irreversible attitude.

Qi Lei is finished!

At this time, rumors from all sides began to spread, and various speculations emerged one after another. The common people and the media give full play to their imagination and say anything.

However, it doesn't matter how varied the process is, the conclusions are surprisingly consistent.

"This traitor has finally been punished!

However, the reality is far more magical than the rumors. Many people have noticed another interesting detail, that is, Qi Lei only spoke in his own name, but Sanshi Company, which is the main body of the 30 payment system, has not made any official statement.

Someone boldly predicted: maybe the big melon about the Three Stone Company is still to come!

Sure enough, just three days later, someone found out on the industry and commerce website that the nationalization of 30 payment seems to have been completed.

Qi Lei, who originally held more than half of the shares, disappeared from the list of shareholders and was replaced by a financial investment company and five major banks under the name of the country's fgw.

Almost all of the shares of Qi Lei were replaced.

On the contrary, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, and Chen Fangzhou, the smaller shareholders, did not change.

And what's more interesting is still behind.

In addition to the above changes, the person in charge of 30 paid enterprises and the chairman of the board are well-known macroeconomists in China

Ms. Chang Lanfang.

The secretary of the board of directors, named Xu Qian, holds 3.132 shares.

If you remember correctly, the name Xu Qian once had an intersection with Qi Lei, and she was one of the co-founders of Sanshi Company and Qi Lei's first girlfriend.

Her name appears on the 30-paid board list, and she serves as a relatively important board secretary.

Notice! It is the secretary of the board of directors, not the secretary of the chairman!

This position is very high and has a lot of power.

Why would she pay 30 in? And Qi Lei was kicked out?

Soon, someone found the answer and inquired about the equity structure of Sanshi Company, and found that Xu Qian's name was no longer among the original six co-founders.

Well, the people who eat melons understood instantly - they broke up! Break up!

This melon is so big!

And then, there are two other questions:

First, why did Qi Lei and Xu Qian break up? Is it because of the predicament of Sanshi Company, or because of Qi Lei's betrayal?

Second, how much equity transfer fee did fgw and the five major banks pay Qi Lei? That would be an astronomical sum, right?

Unfortunately, before the media could find out the truth, another group of shocking news completely detonated public opinion.

On June 20, Tang Yi, the co-founder of Sanshi Company, announced that he would lead the game business team to leave Sanshi Company and set up Haoran Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd.

On June 21, Zhou Tao, the veteran of Sanshi Company and the head of the operation department, announced that he had reached an agreement with the board of directors.

The original Sanshi Internet Cafe Alliance was separated from the main body of Sanshi Company and changed to Zhanmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.

The legal person is Zhou Tao, and the specific process will not affect the normal operation of the original Internet cafe customers.

Also on June 21, Qi Guodong, CEO of Sanshi Company, held a press conference.

"We want to maintain the hard-earned results of Three Stones despite all our efforts."

"Unfortunately, there is still no tacit understanding with the founder, and we can only accept the current results.

"I hereby announce that I myself, today, have resigned from the position of Executive President of Three Stone Company and no longer hold any position in the management of Three Stone Company.

"In the future, we will lead the blog network and continue to bring high-quality Internet services to the vast number of netizens."

Qi Guodong is different from several executives who have left before, and directly named Qi Lei, the founder, is at odds with the idea.

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster.

You must know that Qi Guodong and Qi Lei are uncles and nephews, and even he resigned, which means that the internal contradictions of Sanshi Company have reached the point of irreconcilability. Husbands and wives, blood brothers turned against each other and staged farce, it's not that I haven't seen them before, and there are many more.

Besides, "What kind of wicked thing did Qi Lei do? If it were me, I would break up with him too!"

Next, everything confirmed the speculation of the media and the public.

On the 23rd, under the r tree and the navigation network, announced the separation.

No. 26, Nanhai Film and Television Base, separated from the parent company.

On the 27th, Hong Kong Kishi Technology, which holds shares of Shenzhou Computer, reached a settlement with the board of directors. One of the co-founders, Wu Ning, led Kishi Technology to leave and became the third core figure among the six founders of Sanshi.

On July 3, Wang Zhendong, chairman of Imagine Holding Group, issued a statement.

After the unanimous approval of the board of directors of the group, and the decision of the Institute of Computer Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported to the competent unit for research, Imagination had previously recovered 2 billion RMB from Mr. Qi Lei through legal channels. The two parties have recently reached a preliminary settlement.

Mr. Qi Lei has resigned from the board of directors of Imagination and no longer holds shares in Imagination.

Details will be announced shortly. When the Imagination Department left, Academician Nan Guanghong, one of the three veterans, parted ways with Qi Lei.

The wall is down...the crowd is pushing!

I really saw you rise up a tall building, saw you feasting guests, and saw your building collapse.

In less than half a month, the people of the whole country witnessed the whole process of the legendary Three Stones being dismembered.

All kinds of public opinion, all kinds of ridicule, all kinds of analysis, it is overwhelming, can't bear to look directly at it

"The way of heaven is good for reincarnation! Who will the heaven forgive!?"

"When the surnamed Qi decided to betray national interests, he should have thought that such a day would come!"

"Although I think that this is a trampling on the free economy, there is always pressure from ZF behind it, and even robbing. However, it is very pleasing!"

"Now that the facts are clear, I don't need to say it, right?"

"Look at the Sanshi Company who hasn't left yet? That little **** with a drake voice still sticks around!"

"But the real girlfriend chose to leave."

"This shows that there must be something wrong with Qi Lei and the little **** surnamed Yang! Maybe, the collapse of Sanshi Company,

The main reason is her! "

"It may be the truth upstairs, Bai Xia, I quite like that surnamed Yang. Now it seems that he has a very deep scheming!"

"What's left of Qi Lei now? Almost all of the businesses have been split, leaving only the Magic Capital Lab and Penguin."

"Oh, by the way, there is also a production center and a brokerage company specially built for that surnamed Yang."

"I'm curious now, when will Beiguang remove him? It's a shame for Beiguang to have such a scum!"

"Should it be soon? The country has taken action, and this kind of person will be beaten to death with a stick, so that he will never have a chance to turn over!"

Netizens are not emotional and irrational at any time, and only based on personal likes and dislikes and subjective assumptions can determine a person's social death.

On the other hand, the media don't need to add oil and vinegar at this time, and the situation has reached the point where free fermentation can destroy a person.

More of them, they began to make some rational analysis.

For example, a spider: "I don't think Qi Lei's behavior should be judged too much, this is a free world, and any choice is understandable, including embracing the United States.

"On the contrary, this series of operations by ZF is a bit unsatisfactory. We still have a long way to go from true democracy and freedom! This point, Western values ​​are worth learning from, and we will defend the sanctity of personal property to the death. This is the bottom line that a civilized society should have.”

For example, the editor-in-chief of a newspaper: "This is simply a retrogression of civilization! We don't know how much Qi Lei sold the various businesses of Sanshi Company, but this forced separation will inevitably make investors panic!"

"Personal property can be disposed of at will, so who would dare to invest in our land? Will the European capital that was finally brought in will see the facts clearly and invest in the United States? After all, there is real fairness there.

For example, a financial magazine said, "There is no doubt that Qi Lei, a 20-year-old business genius, is about to perish.

"Three Stone's few remaining businesses have almost no profit point."

"The China Chuan Production Center may bring in a little bit of income, but it's only enough for Qi Lei's retirement."

"The rest of the Magic Capital Laboratory will not only bring no profit, but is a gold-swallowed beast!"

"As for Penguin. Everyone knows that Penguin is one of the few companies that has not achieved a balance of revenue under the booming Internet development in China."

"Its burn level is only a lot more than that of the Magic Capital Laboratory!"

"The legendary Qi Lei created a miracle in just over three years, but unfortunately, he may have to pay for this miracle for the rest of his life.

"A falling meteor, no matter how brilliant it is, can only shine for a moment!"

"Tomorrow's night sky will not remember, who once crossed"

"After a few years, who will think of that legend?"

Don't tell me, the writing is good.

Meteor and streak, the whole is very good.

People all over the country have a good time.

However, no one knows what kind of scars these waves of ridicule and abuse will leave in the hearts of the three stone people.

How hot is the fire in my heart! !

For the few who knew the truth, they suddenly became confused and didn't know what to do.

Is it going forward with a heavy load like Mr. Qi expected? Or desperately slapping the keyboard and roaring the truth into the microphone and camera?

Although they knew it was not a wise choice.

However, looking at the scene in front of me, I really couldn't help it.

After all, whoever makes such a big sacrifice only to not understand and abuse in exchange will be a little disheartened.

Although these days, everyone spared no effort to cheer for the grass-roots employees, but when things came to the fore, these middle and high-level people began to shake first.

I can't help but wonder, is it worth it?

Tang Xiaoyi moved out the day before yesterday and flew with his sister Jun.

Before leaving, he changed his previous slander and said to Qi Lei, "Brother try not to give you all the money, and try to earn some money for you! Even if you work hard, don't embarrass our brothers!"

After speaking, he spit again: "Mom, it's so annoying!"

With Tang Xiaoyi's temper, he can't wait to turn into a tentacle monster and fight against those trolls on the Internet for three days and three nights.

In this regard, Qi Lei just patted him on the shoulder, "Mad, the world laughs at me for being crazy.

Tang Xiaoyi was stagnant, suddenly laughed, and continued, "I laugh at others, but I can't see through!"

Suddenly I was in a good mood, "Let's go!"

While going downstairs, he chanted, "I can't see the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, no flowers, no wine, and hoes."

Xu Xiaoqian also found a house next to Tsinghua University.

When pushing the suitcase downstairs, he took Qi Lei's hand, "I miss you a bit now, what should I do?"

Qi Lei, "Easy! Steal tonight?

Xu Xiaoqian, "…

Without letting Qi Lei take her off, he dragged his luggage alone, passed through the reporters' containment, and disappeared into the North Campus of Power Construction.

Qi Lei stood on the balcony and watched Xu Xiaoqian go away. In the eyes of reporters, it was extremely lonely.

In fact, as far as Qi Lei is concerned, Buhan Qu is fake.

Lao Tzu came from playing Invincible, and he actually also staged a plot of abuse of the master.

But at the same time, Qi Lei also knew very well that he had to do this!

In this special era, as the only coercion appointed by God, this is the pain he should bear.

And must do my part, let me be who it is!

Yes, when career reaches a certain height, life becomes simple, and wealth becomes a series of numbers, Qi Lei, like the greed of capital, breeds higher-level but , for him, a reborn person who is not too obsessed with the pursuit of power, his pursuit is different from capital.

He does not pursue absolute power and control, he wants to be a hero, a hero of the times.

Because he is the descendant of the hero!

He wanted to be like the old man, to be a hero of an era, a warrior who left something more or less behind.

Besides, what was his sacrifice worth?

Look at Grandma Chang's big family, and look at Lao Qin and his colleagues who have dedicated his life. The grievance he suffered was just a gamble that lacked confidence in his life.

It's a big deal, you can earn another three stone by hanging on the attributes.

To be honest, compared to the old man who was unwilling to sacrifice his country's interests in exchange for w, and even made a good job of not seeing his daughter for the rest of his life more than ten years later, his material sacrifice is really insignificant.

Thinking of this, Qi Lei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, rushed upstairs, and pulled out the digital camera.

I put the camera up, plugged in the electric piano, connected it, and sat in the empty living room with the piano in my arms.

Suddenly, the reporters who were besieging and squatting downstairs were awakened by a very discordant note.

He slowly raised his head and heard a melody he had never heard before, which sounded from the position of Qi Lei's house on the top floor.

Everyone listened attentively, and the entire North Power Construction Institute seemed to be infused with that boring melody.

That night, Qi Lei, who had not spoken for many days, updated his personal blog.

A selfie video.

The old man still has foresight, and it is estimated that many people will feel uncomfortable.

This starts the coding, and strives to send out tomorrow's update in the middle of the night, or tomorrow morning.

Stop making fun of me! !

No pop-ups, timely updates!

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