Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 55: Really exciting

   At this time, Guojun Qi was completely stunned.

   Group? brand?

  He just wanted to change the status quo, save Qi Lei some money, so that he would not be as unpromising as himself in the future.

   The things Tang Chenggang said were things he couldn't even think of.

   But, Old Tang also said, don't care about other things, just focus on production. This matter seems not difficult for him.

Is    competent? Looking at Wu Lianshan, "Do you think it works?"

   Wu Lianshan frowned tightly, staring at the circles painted by Tang Chenggang without speaking.

   There was no movement in the room for half an hour.

  Wu Lianshan went through all the links and possible situations in his head during this half an hour.

   My heart is beating even more, the group...brand...

   In his life, he only accounts for others, listening to the bosses of all colors looking to the future. In the gossip, I also said that in the future, we will be a group and brand.

   Wu Lian just laughed at this and wished them every success.

   did not expect that such impracticality would fall on him one day.

Is    competent?

   Just take care of the account and calculate every penny...

   He can do it!

   finally came to the conclusion, "Feasible! However, the risk is great!"

   To complete this blueprint of Tang Chenggang, the three families must put all their savings and all their energy into it.

   Even if there is a slight difference, they may be beaten back to the pre-liberation period, and even lose their pants.

   looked up at Tang Chenggang, "Is it necessary? Do you really want to take this risk?"

   I saw Tang Chenggang say a word to the two of them earnestly, "Our old brother is already a 50-year-old man, do you think there will be a second chance like this?"

   Wu Lianshan: "......"

   Qi Guojun: "......"

there is none left! The temples are all white, how can I wait for such an opportunity?

The meaning of    Old Tang is very obvious. For three old men who are in their fifties, this is the final craziness. It just depends on whether you dare to take that step.

   Wu Lianshan wanted to try, Qi Guojun wanted to try too.

   But, it's a little faint.

   is really too risky, to bet on the foundation of a lifetime.

   is still three!

   At this time, Wu Lianshan looked at Dong Xiuhua subconsciously, and Dong Xiuhua could see at a glance that her husband was actually moved.

   rolled his eyes, "Why do you watch me? Just do it if you want! Big deal, I will support you both!"

   Here, Qi Guojun also looked at Guo Lihua.

   Guo Lihua...

   She has a quick temper and is a little unreasonable, but the big things are not as good as the above, but she has never been wrong.

  At this point, Tang Chenggang has said everything to this point. If she stops Qi Guojun, she will be in vain.

   Moreover, she also knew very well that if Qi Guojun was not allowed to do it, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

   his eyes glared, "Very big old man, mother-in-law, how can you fight it?"

   "Go on! That's it!"

   Yes, she made a decision.

After    yelling, I saw Qi Lei at the door, rushed over, and reached out his hand to give the three little brothers all at once.

   "Little calf, how determined are we for you? Who are we worthy of if we don't study hard?"

   Qi Lei: "......"

   Tang Yi: "......"

   Wu Ning: "......"

  What does it matter to us if you adults beat chicken blood?

   Besides, can this be pulled together? You have died unjustly!

   However, Qi Lei did not move, letting his mother beat him.

   Because my mother's lips are purple and her hands are shaking, she's already scared to the extreme.

   grinned, slowly raised his right hand, and pointed his thumb up towards Dad Tang, "My dear man!"

   Dad Tang was startled, then laughed, and thumbed up at Qi Lei, "Good job!"

   The two are tacit understanding.

   Putting his hand down, Comrade Tang excitedly grabbed Wu Lianshan and Qi Guojun's shoulders and shook them vigorously.

   The three daddies looked at each other and smiled, as if they were many years younger.

   The three families dispersed, Qi Lei returned to his house, but his heart throbbed, and his palms were all sweaty.

   To tell the truth, he is just an ordinary person who is a little more mature and knowledgeable than other children.

   Even if he is reborn, he still has the ambition of Lingyun, but he does not have the ability of Lingyun.

  He was just a tired and unwilling ordinary man in his previous life. Even if he is reborn, he cannot do what other rebirths do when he comes back. I can't wait to turn my hands into clouds and cover my hands into rain.

   This world is too complicated, no one can fly to the clouds only by imagination.

   He can only climb up one step at a time, revising the life trajectory of the three families little by little. Savour the hard process slowly.

   also fantasizes, trying to protect the people around him, those beautiful things, on the left.

   looked up at the black-and-white painting on the wall. On the left is the light left to his family.

   However, until now, at the moment when Dad Tang grasped the universe, he didn't realize that rebirth can really do whatever he wants!

   The fate of three families and two generations just went in different directions.

  Although there is no final conclusion and the future is uncertain, but Shangbei Rice...

   Twenty years later, there are more than 300 rice processing companies in the small Shangbei, who are crazy to attract money under the banner of Shangbei rice.

   And dad, he will soon become the first one.

   Well-known all over the country-Hugan tablets, Weikangling, Xiaoerfeire Pingchuan Oral Liquid, these products that support a tens of billions of companies, are also likely to lose Tang Dad.

  Even if the three fathers have exhausted their imagination, they can't even dream of it. The cards they are about to hold in their hands are "two kings" with "four twos"!

   Qi Lei clenched his fists and stared at the ceiling: "How exciting!!"

   As for the three dads, can they push the products of Shangbei rice and pharmaceutical factories to the height of later generations? Qi Lei has no doubt about this.

   Come, they have this ability.

  Secondly, Qi Lei not only knows how the time-space pharmaceutical factory in the previous life did marketing, he also knows the marketing methods that the pharmaceutical factory did not know in the previous life, twenty years ahead of the time.

   Qi Lei at this time could not help but think that the three fathers have already found a place to go, and it can even be said that they have put on their wings.

what about me? What earth-shattering feat I can do to live up to this life! ? Qi Lei thought a lot this night, he wanted to start school quickly to enrich himself.

  I thought about the addiction of being a rich second generation!

   Thinking about it, what popped out of my mind was actually calling Xu Youzhi...

   told her: Frontline victory!

   It's better to add another sentence, "Wanves of Vanves have the best life!"

   I guess Xu Xiaoqian will explode in place again, right?

   fell asleep in a daze, but felt that there was always movement next door.

   Before five o'clock, Qi Lei felt that his mother had gotten up and was busy in the kitchen.

   Qi Lei was actually too excited to fall asleep, and simply got up.

  When I went to the kitchen, my mother was sitting on a small bench peeling potatoes, her eyes were a little straight.

   Qi Lei carried a basin to wash, "Mom, what do you eat in the morning?"

   Guo Lihua found out that her son had also got up quite early, and casually said, "Mom will make you potato stew."


   How can anyone eat potato stew in the morning?

   simply put down the basin and squatted beside my mother, "Mom, my dad is actually quite capable, you have to trust him."

   Guo Lihua frowned and murmured: "What's your ability? It's okay to be younger, and she's stupid in the grain store."

   Qi Lei, "Isn't you still there? There are Dad Tang and Dad Wu together, what are you afraid of?"

   The thief smiled, "You are our Dinghai Shenzhen! How high my dad and I can jump, isn't it up to you?"

   Guo Lihua was startled and looked at her son in a daze.

   I saw Qi Lei continue to flatter: "Don't be afraid, ha! Good boy, Dad Tang said it's okay, so it must be okay!"

   Qi Lei robbed him for a while, and Guo Lihua felt quite at ease.

   It’s right to think about it. Tang Chenggang dares to fight for a family business like that, so why are we afraid of? Besides, don’t you still have me?

   finally showed a smile, and silently grabbed a handful of Qi Lei's head, very motherly.

   lowered his head and continued to peel the potatoes, but frowned, "What potatoes did I peel in the morning?"

   suddenly raised his head, his eyes sharp, "Prodigal stuff, what are you messing up with here? Are you going to do it? Go ahead and roll, don’t make trouble with me!"

   Qi Lei: "..." I was too difficult.

   After Mom and Dad went to work, Qi Lei threw on the phone. Just about to pick it up, the phone rang.

   "You provoke me yesterday, you have to make up for it."

   Xu Xiaoqian's voice came from the phone, full of resentment, but full of tacit understanding.

   Qi Lei, "How do I remember that it was just a rush afterwards, and cheer for me."

"Have it?"

   "Yes! I wish you triumph, I don't know who said it."

   "Then have you triumphed?"

   "Great victory! Just about to report to the organization, the organization's condolences call is here."

   "Huh! Am I good?"

   "Awesome! But, my mother is still amazing!"

"my mother!"

   "Well, who's not a mother? By the way, what does your mother do? That story is too philosophical."

   "The people's teacher."


   Qi Lei's eyes almost didn't come out, thinking that Xu Qian was sure to go to the second middle school, and for the first time he lost his attitude in the confrontation with Xu Xiaoqian.

   "Don't tell me, it's a teacher in the second middle school!"

   Xu Qian: "What's wrong?"

   Qi Lei, "Let my mother know that I hooked up her girl, and won't you tear me apart?"

   Xu Qian laughed, ignoring the ambiguous word ‘hook up’.

   "Are you scared?"

   "Fear, let's be passers-by!"

   "Ha!" Xu Qian laughed again, "Ah! My mom works in Harbin, so I can't help you temporarily."

   "Oh." Qi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, "Then my mom is in Harbin, why are you still studying in Shangbei?"

   "My dad and grandparents are in Shangbei! No way, everyone loves them, they can't do without me!"

   chatted with Xu Qian for more than half an hour, until Tang Yi and Wu Ning came to report, Qi Lei put down the phone.

   "Give you two a task."

   Tang Yi patted on the sofa, "What mission? Give Zhou Tao money?"

   Tang Chenggang gave them three thousand yuan the day before yesterday, which was the answer to their urgent need. I should have paid the money yesterday, but I didn't go out of the stall yesterday and I didn't bother to move.

   Guessed that's what happened, but he was thinking about it too!

   But unexpectedly, Qi Lei was not talking about this.

   "The money will not be given to her first. If you can, you can use it for other purposes."

   Apart from being excited last night, Qi Lei also figured out some things.

   That is, I have to do something! Can't let Dad compare!

  The first step to doing big things...

"you two...."

   The two brothers pricked up their ears, waiting for Qi Lei to order.

   As a result, I heard a sentence, "Get me Coco Coco!"


   The two brothers didn't understand too much, "Why, how can I get it? My brother didn't feel anything for her."

   "Go!" Qi Lei was speechless, "I mean, give her to the night market."

   "Also, she must be shown at the night market tonight."

   "Because of what?" Wu Xiaojian didn't understand.

   "Well, Cocoon Lee, although it's not bad, it's really annoying sometimes. Shall we change hands? I think Yu Yangyang is better than him!"

  Yu Yangyang is also a sophomore in high school. He is very ordinary, but his personality is particularly pleasing. He is even better than Coco Lee, and has a good relationship with Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

   Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "I just want to catch a few laborers, can Yu Yangyang catch people?"

   Cocoon Lee doesn’t look at the many shortcomings, every day in this circle and that circle talks about it, but in terms of making friends, it’s really wide.

   "We have scored a few stalls, and one earns less."

   The night market has changed a lot in recent days. At least in the socks business, it is no longer what it used to be.

   In the past, there are fewer and fewer stalls selling socks and various small commodities in carts. Instead, they are just like Qi Lei and others, with a large number of cheap goods and high-end brand-name socks.

   Moreover, the socks industry is very deep.

   Don’t look at Qi Lei’s purchase price has been suppressed very low, but like off-season goods, shoddy goods and other tricks, you can also keep the cost down.

   So, the gimmick of 5 yuan and 3 pairs is no longer new.

  Although there are still some customers who are willing to choose good socks from brother three based on their eyesight, there are always some people who want to be cheap and don't like to go shopping, and finally get fooled elsewhere.

   This has a great impact on Gesan's business.

   The previous profit of about 300 yuan has fallen to more than one hundred in recent days, which is less than two hundred yuan, and it is not as good as one day.

   Including the "regular army aunt" next door, they have already set up a big stall in various ways, and sold out triple pairs for 5 yuan, which has robbed a lot of business.

  If it weren't for this, Tang Yi wouldn't have to go out even under the rain.

   I can only say that no matter what age, whether you are a reborn or something, wanting to make money is not that simple.

   To put it bluntly, what is making money? Just put the banknotes from other people's pockets into your own pockets, how easy it is! ?

  Life is not There is only a hint of pity for the hardworking people. Qi Lei does not have the skills of others, but he will not be lazier than anyone else.

   Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian couldn't tell this truth, but they just realized it. Qi Lei had no opinion on his thoughts.

   Besides, Qi Lei also fooled them:

   "Our dad is all beaten up, can we be a son, can we do a job? What do you do! If you can't do them, you have to startle them."

   This trick definitely worked. Tang Xiaoyi nodded, "That's okay! Why don't you just catch a laborer? Look at us!"

   There is no objection at all.

   Over there, Tang Yi and Wu Ning discussed, "Go directly to No. 2 Middle School in the afternoon and run away after you tie it up. What can she do?"

   Wu Ning: "That's it!"

  Isn't it easy to get a Cocoon Lee?

   But I didn't expect that as soon as the two brothers had set up an action plan, Coco Lee called the phone, and he was arrested.


   Cocoon Lee, to be honest, is really annoying.

   Speaking in northeastern dialect, it's utterly nagging.

   As soon as he called, he asked Qi Lei, "Why didn't you call back the day before yesterday?"

   In this regard, Qi Lei just said, "Sister, you care about Tang Yi, do you ask him to go?"

   "Oh!" Coco Li became quiet, "What are you doing? I'm so bored."

   Qi Lei handed the phone to Wu Ning.

  Wu Xiaojian climbed along the pole, "Is it boring, isn't it? That's right, I and the lunatic are going to play with you!"

   "Okay, okay! Will Qi Lei come?"

   Wu Ning, "he?" glanced at Qi Lei, "I can't go there for other things."

   "Oh, then you hurry up!"




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