Su Ce looked at the little woman in front of him. She was not the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but she was the one that moved him the most. What makes her special is that she is different from those women. There is no calculation in her eyes, only clarity and cunning.

Their identities are different, so they never expected anything extravagantly. Some time ago, she had an unpleasant quarrel with his relatives, and he was caught in a dilemma, and he also understood the difference between them, so he decided to accept the emperor's assignment to go to Beijing on business. This went for several months, but when she came back, she heard that she was very close to another man.

Su Ce still remembers how bitter he was when he heard the news. It turned out that a girl who was dispensable in his eyes unexpectedly occupied such an important position in his heart. At that moment, he regretted leaving the capital, regretted this business trip, and regretted not stopping Mrs. Su from pushing her further and further away.

Seeing Su Ce's complex expression, Ling Mu'er waved her hand in front of him, and said flatly, "Why are you in a daze? What's so interesting here? By the way, you are the host of this banquet, why are you running alone? Come here and throw guests in the front yard?"

"There's a saying that people have three urgencies." Su Ce sat across from her, and put the stove in her hand. "Take it! The girl's body is afraid of the cold."

Ling Muer would not be polite to him. Although the warm jade around her neck made her a lot warmer, but one more thing to keep her warm would make her more comfortable.

"My lord, someone is calling you." Ling Mu'er looked forward and snarled at him. "You go!"

Annoyed look flashed in Su Ce's eyes. He had already ordered his followers not to let anyone approach here. Clearly something was out of his control.

Thinking of the purpose of holding this banquet today, Su Ce could only resist the urge to curse. He took a deep look at her: "don't leave in a hurry, talk to me before you go. I still have a lot to ask you. "

Ling Mu'er shrugged dispensably, as if she didn't care. Seeing this, Su Ce petted the tip of his nose, his eyes full of love.

After Su Ce left, Ling Muer looked at the stove in her hand and sighed.

"Reluctance?" A warm breath hugged her from behind her. "What's it like to be admired by the number one prince in the capital? Are you particularly proud?"

Ling Muer could hear the sourness in his words, and burst out laughing. She hugged his arm: "Why are you here?"

"I wouldn't come to this occasion if it wasn't because of you!" Shangguan Shaochen, who never showed his emotions, acted coquettishly once in a while.

Ling Muer was very satisfied with his intimacy and coquetry. It can be seen that a man can be masculine, but the occasional act like a baby can arouse a woman's motherly heart even more.

"I don't like it either. But Mrs. Su personally sent an invitation letter, I can't help but come!" Ling Muer curled her lips. "You think I like to come to this kind of occasion? By the way, how about having brother and brother Zhu? No one makes things difficult for them, right?"

"There is a little county king opening the way for them, and they know a lot of people. Just don't worry. The little county king is very kind to them." Speaking of this, Shangguan Shaochen's tone became sour again. He kissed her forehead, along the forehead, kissed her red lips with a cold breath. "Mu'er, he is so kind to you."

"This sour taste... how much old vinegar did you drink to have such a sour taste?" Ling Muer teased, "We are just friends, so don't think too much about it. I, Ling Muer, either don't like it, or if I like it, I just like it." A person. Unless you do something sorry for me and break my heart, I don't like you anymore. "

"Such a thing will never happen. Mu'er can only like me forever." Shangguan Shaochen hugged her tightly and said firmly.

"I'll talk about it when I have something to say when I go home. I'll listen to whatever you say." Ling Muer was panting from his kiss. "Now at my place..."

"Mu'er, are you willing to marry me?" Looking at the pink-faced woman in front of him, Shangguan Shaochen felt an urge to marry her home.

So many people miss her, if they don't think of a way to tie her back home, I'm afraid something will happen. At that moment, all family feuds and worries disappeared.

Ling Muer knew that Shangguan Shaochen was provoked by Su Ce. Although she didn't know what he was hiding from her, but based on the woman's sixth sense, she knew what he had been planning. That matter does not allow him to be too affectionate. She never forced him, and of course she didn't want to take this opportunity to provoke him.

"You'd better go back! I'll talk about it later. Have you been drinking? It smells like alcohol. Maybe when you wake up, you'll forget everything you said today." Ling Muer pouted, dissatisfied He said, "I don't want to believe what a drunk man says."

Shangguan Shaochen looked deeply at the woman in his arms. It was so quiet at this moment, there were only the two of them in the world.

"Junwang." In the corner, the attendant nervously looked at Su Ce with a gloomy face.

Su Ce looked at the men and women in the pavilion with deep and dark eyes. He said coldly: "It seems that girl really likes him. I lost to such a person."

Such a murderous and bloodthirsty person seems to have walked out of the palace of the king of hell. Or does that girl like this? If I knew this earlier, what kind of weak man is he pretending to be?

"Junwang, that one is already waiting for you." The attendant reminded again: "Miss Ling is not married yet, as long as she is not married, the county king still has a chance. It is not known who will win and who will win! Why should the county king Is it a small loss?"

Su Ce took a deep breath and walked away from there with heavy steps.

Shangguan Shaochen.

This man was the commander of the imperial guards and the closest person to the emperor. For some reason, he always felt that this person had an extraordinary background and was definitely not an ordinary person.

However, no matter how much he investigated, his identity could not be found out. It was this powerlessness that made Su Ce very dissatisfied. There are people in this world who make him so out of control. He must find out his identity. Such uncontrollable factors must never happen.

The two people in the gazebo soon separated. Ling Muer is also going back to the backyard. After all, Mrs. Su called her over for other reasons. If she wants to take the opportunity to slip away, she will not only offend Mrs. Su, but also the Crown Princess.

"Miss Ling is back." A woman said with a coquettish smile, "Is your body feeling better? I heard from the princess that you are not feeling well. You are young, you should take good care of your body."

Ling Muer recognized this woman. She is Tang Moyan, the daughter of a bachelor. Her fiancé is the son of Minister of War. Originally, such a young lady had no intersection with her. I don't know what's wrong with the son of the Minister of the Ministry of War, he always comes to her medical center to show his hospitality. When Tang Moyan got the news, she would come to the clinic to block people, and trouble her by the way. So the fight between the two happened like this.

Ling Mu'er glanced at the woman indifferently, and said with disdain: "You should take care of yourself! With a pale face, I thought I saw a ghost in broad daylight!"

"You!" Tang Moyan glared at Ling Muer fiercely. "A little girl, she really has sharp teeth. You use this method to seduce men? I heard that you used to come to the county prince's mansion to seduce the little county king. Now it seems that the little county king is not fooled by you. You Just seduce someone else's fiance, right? Only that fool can't see your intentions."

"Miss Tang understands my intentions. It's just... will Mr. Wang listen to you? Don't you think it's ridiculous that you can't even control your own fiance and want to control others?" Their current location is relatively remote , the others did not hear what they were saying. But when they saw the two talking, several noble ladies had already come towards them. Ling Mu'er closed her mouth appropriately, and said to Tang Moyan: "Miss Tang, don't trouble me. I am a doctor, and it is my responsibility to save the dying and heal the wounded. Your fiancé, Mr. Wang, insists that he is injured. I can't Why is he pestering me? Even I feel baffled."

The noble ladies who came over heard Ling Muer's words, and looked at Tang Moyan with strange expressions.

A big lady can't control her fiancé, and instead finds trouble with other young girls. But this little girl has done nothing wrong, she is really ashamed in the eyes of these ladies. These noble girls think highly of themselves and will never admit that they are incompetent. Their pride does not allow them to bow their heads to anyone.

Tang Moyan noticed everyone's gaze and stared at Ling Muer fiercely.

"What are you doing here? The Crown Princess has a reward for everyone. Let's all go!" Lan Qianying, the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, came over and said.

Lan Qianying should be Mrs. Su's favorite candidate for granddaughter-in-law. The princess happened to be Lan Qianying's cousin. The prime minister's status is already very high, and there is no need to send his daughter to the palace. Therefore, Su Ce became the prime minister's mansion's prime son-in-law candidate. Both families have this intention, and the only difference is the final exchange of Geng Tie.

"Sister Qianying." Tang Moyan saw Lan Qianying and grabbed her arm. "You have to be careful. Some people are the most despicable, who specialize in seducing other people's fiancés. Xiaojun Wang is the number one prince in the capital. How can those women who are willing to degenerate let him go?"

Lan Qianying's face turned red, and she looked at Tang Moyan with displeasure: "What nonsense are you talking about? What does the little prince have to do with me? If you keep chewing your tongue, see if I can deal with you."

"Sister Qianying is really humble. Everyone knows that the two of you have decided to get engaged." Tang Moyan looked at Ling Muer proudly.

Ling Muer is not interested in the childish methods of these little girls. Not to mention that Su Ce and Lan Qianying are not engaged yet, even if they are engaged, as long as it is what she wants, how can they be given a chance? What she doesn't want, there's no point in being so nervous! She couldn't understand what was going on in the minds of these women.

"You haven't written your horoscope yet, don't talk nonsense!" Lan Qianying cast a glance at Ling Muer who was opposite.

She recognized Ling Muer. In fact, even if they didn't know each other before, they knew each other just now.

All the ladies attending this banquet today are noble ladies from various families, and they usually have contacts. Only she is a fresh face. Just ask anyone to find out who she is.

Lan Qianying didn't have any good feelings for this woman. Just because she wanted to seduce Brother Ce. Brother Ce is the dream lover in the hearts of all the women in the capital. She should like him too. But she absolutely shouldn't, she shouldn't rely on her knowledge of medicine to get close to Brother Ce, and let Brother Ce treat her differently.

"Everyone take your time talking about the old days." Ling Muer was really annoyed. "I'm going to see the Crown Princess first."

Lan Qianying's expression changed, and she dragged Tang Moyan to the backyard. She moved quickly, obviously remembering the purpose of coming here just now.

Seeing them leaving, Ling Muer walked back slowly.

It has nothing to do with what the crown princess rewards, she is not so shallow-sighted. As long as it can calm her down, she would rather have nothing at all.

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