In the warm attic, there are ovens all around, and a faint fragrance emanates from the oven, which dilutes the smell of charcoal a lot.

Ling Muer slowly walked into the room. As soon as she walked in, everyone stared at her. She pursed her lips and smiled, and found an empty seat to sit down. However, before her butt touched the stool, Mrs. Su waved at her, with a gentle and loving smile on her face, just like when they first met.

"Why are you sitting so far away, kid? How can I still talk to you?" Mrs. Su said angrily, "Come here quickly. You are about the same age as Chaoyang, you two should get close."

Ling Muer glanced at the little Princess Chaoyang next to her, the longing in her eyes almost made her stomach sick.

In front of everyone, she couldn't take Mrs. Su's attention, so she had to stand up and walk towards the little Princess Chaoyang.

She blessed the little Princess Chaoyang and sat beside her.

The princess was extremely beautiful, and that kind of beauty brought a bit of arrogance, which made her unhappy. But she is not a man, so she doesn't need to like this princess very much.

The Crown Princess sized up Ling Muer, thinking that this woman was different from others. The other ladies were eager to show their faces in front of her, but she was better off, keeping as far away as possible.

Is there really such a person in the world who is not greedy for glory and wealth? Or was she disguised so well that even the woman killed from the back house couldn't spot her?

"Have you had a good rest?" The little Princess Chaoyang was gentle like a big sister. Ling Muer was almost moved. But thinking of her purpose, the emotion quickly disappeared without a trace. She secretly reminded herself, don't sell her brother just because of a momentary emotion. Such a young lady is definitely not a good match for her brother.

Ling Muer smiled gently and said, "Thank you Princess for your concern, I'm fine now."

"Call me Chaoyang! May I call you Sister Mu'er?" The little Princess Chaoyang looked at her expectantly. "I will come to play with you often in the future."

"My brother wants to study." Make it clear in advance, so as not to trouble Ling Zixuan when the time comes. Ling Zixuan saw her as if he had seen a ghost, how could he meet her?

The little princess of Chaoyang blushed, "I know. I won't delay his study. If he obtains fame and proposes marriage to my father in the future, my father will agree. If he is white all the time and has no official position, my father will also Impossible to agree."

"..." Ling Muer felt that she and that little princess must not be on the same planet. Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't know how to talk and talked for a long time.

Ling Zixuan didn't like her at all, even if he got the honor in the exam, it was impossible for him to come to his house to propose marriage. Why is the little princess unwilling to face this fact?

Ling Muer felt that it was not time to talk about these things. Let the little princess slowly experience it in the future!

"It's rare for me to come out of the palace. I haven't seen these little girls for a long time. I really lament the ruthlessness of time. In the blink of an eye, the little girls from back then have grown as delicate as flowers." The crown princess looked at the girls, with a bright smile on her face. Just a closer look, there is no trace of expression in that smile, only indifference and ruthlessness.

"The crown prince concubine is too good. Compared with the beauty and beauty of the crown prince concubine, we are like the grass next to you. It is really difficult to be elegant." Lan Qianying said in a soft voice: "On the women of the world, Apart from the Empress Empress, the Crown Princess Concubine is the most noble and beautiful."

"Your little mouth is always so sweet." The Crown Princess gave Lan Qianying a coquettish look. "Come on, reward. Every lady has a reward."

An old nanny came out from behind, and the old nanny waved to the maid next to her. I saw several court ladies handing out the prepared boxes to each noble lady one after another. When a bulky box was handed to Ling Muer, Ling Muer raised her eyebrows. She looked at the crown princess opposite, only to see that the crown princess was drinking tea and ignoring her.

Didn't it mean that every lady has a reward? Her status is also called noble daughter? Ah! Wouldn't it be a deliberate attempt to get rid of him?

No matter what you use, take it when you give it! Let's not say that she is petty.

He took the box from the maid's hand and put it on the tea table. None of the other women had opened the box, and she certainly wouldn't. Although she was quite curious about what was inside.

Just now, these noble ladies have gone to the front yard to read ancient books and various antiques. Several of the women were in a trance.

"Is she Young Master Ling's younger sister?" Someone in the crowd quietly asked the person beside him.

"What's the matter? You are also fascinated by that Mr. Ling? I thought you would like Xiaojun Wang!" The noble girl beside him joked.

"Don't talk nonsense. The king of Xiaojun belongs to sister Qianying. How can we be worthy of our identities? On the contrary, Mr. Ling... is handsome. Did you see it just now? In the face of so many scholars, he speaks the truth perfectly. Those great Confucian scholars were speechless. I'm sure he will not be an ordinary person in the future."

"Hey! But Ru'er, so what? Even if he takes the scientific examination next year, he may not be able to win the top prize. Even if he wins the top prize, he may not be able to get a good official position. Haven't you heard? Their family is an ordinary from a peasant family. Even if you and I are not of high status, it is impossible to marry a man from a peasant family."

For the first time, Ling Muer hated her hearing ability was too good. The hearing is too good, and if you hear something you shouldn't hear, your mood will naturally be affected.

"Girl Mu'er, I tend to get sleepy when I'm old, help me back to my room and sit down!" Mrs. Su said to Ling Muer.

Ling Muer responded, "Okay."

The little princess of Chaoyang wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with Ling Muer, and when she saw Ling Muer was gone, she wanted to stand up. Madam Su glanced at her and said, "You stay and take care of your little sister. Grandma is getting old, and you should also take care of her." Are you too old?"

"Yes." The little Princess Chaoyang curled her lips and had to sit back.

When Ling Mu'er was helping Mrs. Su away from that place, Mrs. Su took her hand and patted the back of her hand: "You are a smart child. No matter what you see later, don't ask questions. You Just do what I arrange. Do you understand?"

Ling Muer nodded lightly: "Old Madam, don't worry, I still know what to say and what not to say."

"I know you are smart." Mrs. Su took her hand and walked towards a remote corner.

They stopped in a deserted courtyard.

If Mrs. Su hadn't been with her all the time, she would have thought that someone was trying to harm her. Otherwise, how did you lure her to such a remote place?

"The people inside are very important to me. If possible, I really don't want to involve you. But apart from you, I can't find anyone else I can trust." Mrs. Su looked at her deeply.

"My medicine box is still in the carriage." Ling Muer said.

"I've sent someone to bring it up. It should be in the room now. You just go!" Mrs. Su said.

Pushing open the door, I saw a strong smell of blood coming from the room. She looked around and saw a trembling figure in the corner.

The figure curled up into a ball, trembling non-stop when it heard the voice, looking very scared.

This person... is not the princess! She always thought that Mrs. Su called her here because of the Crown Princess, did she guess wrong? So this a lunatic?

The man was shaking like a frightened kitten. Her hair was disheveled, and she smelled of blood. Take a closer look at the hideous wound on her arm.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" The crazy woman said pitifully, "I'll be good, I won't tell. I didn't give birth to the prince, so I won't tell."

Ling Muer's heart twisted. This crazy woman is talking about the prince? Who is she to the prince?

"Mu'er." Mrs. Su reminded me, "Don't be deceived. Don't listen, don't read, just do your duty well."

Ling Muer regained her senses and walked towards the crazy woman. However, the crazy woman would not let her get close at all. Seeing this, she was a little impatient, so she simply pricked her sleeping point with a silver needle. The crazy woman who was struggling endlessly in her hands suddenly became quiet.

She lifted her face and saw a beautiful face. It's just that the owner of this face should be quite old, and the traces of wind and frost have been left on her beautiful face.

Mrs. Su was still watching. Ling Mu'er couldn't be too curious, so she could only put her on the bed next to her, and then check his pulse.

"How does the old lady want to treat her?" Ling Mu'er took her pulse, and knowing the specific situation, she threw this problem to the old lady.

Mrs. Su looked at the woman in front of her, and said with deep eyes, "How is her body?"

"In addition to madness, there are also many traumas in the body. I had more than three miscarriages, and I haven't recuperated properly after the miscarriage, and my body has already collapsed." Ling Muer said truthfully: "Although the physical illness is complicated, it is difficult for me. It’s nothing to say. What’s more intractable is her madness. It can’t be cured overnight.”

"How much time do you need?" Mrs. Su asked again, playing with the finger wrench in her hand.

"If you take medicine every day and guide her with your heart, it will take three months at the earliest, or a few years at the slowest." Ling Muer looked helpless. "That's all I can do. Whether she can be cured depends on my own luck. I'm not even fully confident that I can cure him."

"You can't heal the wounds in your body, but this person's madness must be cured." Mrs. Su looked at Ling Mu'er seriously.

"It seems that the old lady doesn't care about her life or death. So the illness in her body is so serious, you don't expect me to cure her. As for madness, it is obviously more difficult to treat than the body, but you insist on letting me cure it She, it can be seen that you are really embarrassing me." Ling Muer looked at Mrs. Su indifferently. "Old Madam, this is embarrassing me!"

Mrs. Su also knew that her attitude just now was not right. But what could she do? This person is very important to them.

There must be no mistakes. The man must come to his senses. After all, Ling girl came from a low family background, so she couldn't see the seriousness of the matter. So her decision was not wrong. Even if you want to find a wife for your grandson, you should find the right one. A woman from an ordinary family is not worthy of her outstanding grandson.

"Mu'er is a kind girl. But you must know that everything in the world is not just right and wrong. Sometimes in order to protect our important things, even if you occasionally do something against your conscience, there is nothing you can do about it." Mrs. Su said to Ling Mu Er said: "I know you are kind-hearted, and you don't want her to suffer, so let her be cured completely! This is also worthy of her."

Ling Muer knew that this woman was Mrs. Su's bargaining chip. This bargaining chip is very important to her. Even if this woman is cured, her future is unpredictable. However, she is a doctor, as long as she does a good job of saving lives and healing the wounded, it will be fine. Others are not so important.

Ling Muer looked at the woman in front of her. She is as old as Yang's. However, her body was seriously injured. Don't know who did it. She actually had three miscarriages.

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