Back at Ling's house, Ling Mu'er drank the Lingquan water and took another detoxification pill.

"Heh! Knowing that I am a doctor, you dare to poison me. I really don't know how the brains of the mother and daughter grow." Ling Mu'er said angrily: "You like poisoning, don't you? When we meet again next time, we must Give you a big gift, let you know how to poison so that no one will notice it."

Ling Muer was really mad at that stupid princess. She liked Shangguan Shaochen, so she dared to attack her. Did he look down on her, or Shangguan Shaochen?

Shangguan Shaochen didn't like her, could it be that if she was poisoned to death, Shangguan Shaochen would like that idiot? With Shangguan Shaochen's temperament, even if she is the only woman left in the world, he would rather commit suicide than like her.

"What's wrong with you? Who made you angry like this?" Zhou Qiyan saw Ling Muer's appearance when he entered the door, his eyes flashed coldly.

Ling Mu'er didn't notice Zhou Qiyan's expression, and when he saw him asking, she recounted what she had just experienced. She regarded Zhou Qiyan as a friend, and she just wanted to share with him the thrilling experience just now, nothing else. But Zhou Qiyan didn't think so. He knew what Ling Muer had gone through, and he was already thinking about something secretly.

"You are really easy to cause trouble." Zhou Qiyan looked at her lightly. "Don't go to your clinic. That savage princess won't let you go."

"No!" Ling Muer shook her head. "There are my patients in the clinic, and I can't abandon them. Many people come here from afar. If I close the clinic, what will they do? Looking at the entire capital, only my treatment costs are the lowest. Most Poor people simply cannot afford other doctors.”

"I think you should not be called a medical fairy, but a Bodhisattva. This soft-hearted temper will kill you sooner or later." Zhou Qiyan looked at her worriedly.

She is so kind. Kindness is a good thing, but it is also a weakness. In order to protect this innocent girl, he had to send someone to secretly protect her.

"Did you have anything to do with me?" Ling Mu'er let out the depression in her heart, and her chest became much clearer.

She regards Zhou Qiyan as her brother and friend, so she tells him everything. However, Zhou Qiyan was too thoughtful, so he was unwilling to tell her about himself.

In fact, she understood what he meant. What he is going to do now is very dangerous. He didn't tell her because he didn't want her to take risks with her. This man is actually very gentle.

"The Seventh Prince has been feeling unwell recently. I observed his reaction, and it seems that he has been poisoned. Can me check his physical condition?" Zhou Qiyan watched Ling Muer's expression change. As long as Ling Mu'er has the slightest reluctance, he will immediately dismiss this idea. He never wanted to force her, even for important people.

Ling Muer didn't think as much as he did. Anyway, there are quite a few royal families who have been looking for her to see a doctor recently, and there is no shortage of one and a half of them.

"Yes. But didn't he see the imperial doctor?" Ling Muer asked casually.

Zhou Qiyan was silent for a while, looked at her and said, "He doesn't trust the imperial doctor. There are people in the palace who make him worry."

"Understood. He is worried about the imperial doctor, and the doctors outside are not good at medical skills. So you thought of me." Ling Muer gave him a sharp look. "I can help you. My brother will settle the score clearly. One thousand taels of silver, no problem?"

"Of course. You can cure him, don't say one thousand taels, ten thousand taels is what you should." Zhou Qiyan was relieved to see that she didn't refuse, and she didn't feel disgusted either.

"If you want revenge, I won't stop you. But as a friend, I still hope you can protect yourself." Ling Muer patted him on the shoulder.

"You and Shangguan Shaochen..." Zhou Qiyan always wanted to ask, but he didn't know what position he should use to ask. Now that the question was asked, seeing her shy expression, I felt that the question I asked just now was so ridiculous. "You don't need to say it, I understand."

"You are my friend, and he is the person I like. I don't want you to become enemies in the future. It will be very difficult for me." Ling Muer looked at Zhou Qiyan. "Are you going to be enemies?"

Zhou Qiyan felt sore in his heart. From the day he decided to take revenge, he lost the qualification to be by her side. He sometimes wondered, if he hadn't left her side at the beginning, would he be the one standing by her side now?

It's a pity that there is no if in the world, and he can't get a possible answer.

"No." Zhou Qiyan answered him affirmatively. "Don't worry about it. The weather is fine today, how about we go play chess in the yard?"

"Okay! Chen is good at everything, but a stinky chess player. In terms of chess skills, only you can play with me." Ling Muer couldn't help laughing when she thought of Shangguan Shaochen's chess skills. She smiled very warmly, and the light she radiated was so bright that he couldn't open his eyes.

He wants to say, even if his chess skills are particularly bad, you still want to spend the rest of your life with him! It can be seen that everything in the world does not mean that you can get what you want if you do well.

medical hall. Ling Muer wrote the prescription and handed it to Shang Zhi who was next to her. A cold voice said, "Next."

At this time, there was a sharp cry from outside: "Sanggong...Sanggong, wake up...Sanggong..."

Shang Zhi and Ling Muer looked at each other. Ling Muer put down the pen in her hand, stood up and walked out.

At the entrance of the medical hall, a woman was holding a man who was vomiting blood and crying endlessly. Ling Muer recognized the man, wasn't he a patient who just left the hospital?

Seeing Ling Mu'er coming out, the woman put down the man in her arms, threw herself on Ling Mu'er and beat her up, "You murderer! You killed my man. I'll fight you! What kind of medical fairy? You're a devil at all!" .The devil who kills without batting an eye. You give me back my man, you give me back my man.”

Shang Zhi pushed the woman away, frowned and said: "My aunt, don't be so excited, first let our girl go and see how your man is doing?"

"Don't come near my man." The woman fell to the ground, and when she heard Shang Zhi's words, she quickly stood in front of the man, glaring at Ling Mu'er fiercely. "You killed everyone, what else do you want? I still have three children waiting to eat. Now that the man is dead, my children and I can't live anymore."

More and more people heard the voice and surrounded them. Some people pointed at the woman and the man, while others looked at Ling Mu'er suspiciously.

"The medical fairy girl is very skilled in medicine, how could she kill your man? Your man is not good enough! The medical fairy girl is a doctor, not a fairy. Your man's condition is too serious, and she can't bring her back to life." An old woman stood up, The first questioned the woman's words.

"That's not true. I'm so crippled that I can only breathe, and the fairy doctor cured me. You really can't do it, man!"

"That's right, that's right, don't frame the Fairy Doctor girl here. If your man is dead, find a place to bury him quickly, and don't trouble the Fairy Doctor girl here."

"Is this woman trying to blackmail the Fairy Doctor girl?"

When the woman heard those people's words, a look of panic flashed in her eyes. She looked for the person just now in the crowd, but she couldn't see anything.

At this time, the woman was unable to get off the tiger, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and hold on.

"Nonsense! My man is just an ordinary cold, why is he seriously ill? She is a quack doctor and put my man to death." The woman unbuttoned the man's clothes and said in front of everyone: "You Look at his strong body, it doesn't look like he is seriously ill? He was really killed!"

"You said that the medical fairy girl killed your man. Then why did she do this? Your man has a grudge against her?" The patients had always been favored by Ling Muer, so of course they would not believe the woman's words. Plus this woman is too suspicious. There were also many wise men among the people, who discovered that something was wrong with the woman.

"I remembered who she was. Isn't she Zhang's daughter-in-law in Zhangjiagou? The couple are dating. They have been locked in prison for these years, and the emperor released them only a month ago with amnesty. These two couples It's not a good thing. Don't believe her words."

Ling Muer frowned, and said to Shang Zhi: "You go and call someone from Jingzhao Mansion. I don't want to waste time on this kind of person. My patients still need me to see a doctor! Wait a little longer, patients The body is more dangerous."

"Yes." Shang Zhi also felt that there was no need to waste time with such a stupid person. She strode towards the government, intending to directly use strong means to control the woman.

Ling Muer was thinking about who was behind the scenes. This man is really stupid. Why did you come up with such a stupid idea to frame her? Really want to know who that guy is, and knock his head open to see what's inside.

"Who's causing trouble?" Shang Zhi moved quickly, and brought the government officials over in a short while.

Ling Muer pointed to the woman who was trembling with fright: "This person framed me. My lord, should I decide?"

Ling Muer is a celebrity in the capital. Although she is not a lady of everyone, she is someone the government can't afford to mess with. After all, what the people want, even ordinary people, the people in the government don't dare to fight head-on. If they rebound and cause a rebellion, their heads will have to move.

"It's really brave. How dare you frame up the Fairy Doctor girl. Come and bring this woman back. As for this corpse..." The man was embarrassed.

You can't take a corpse back, can you? Send it directly to the mass grave?

The man was about to give such orders, but was interrupted by Ling Muer first. Ling Muer walked towards the man, and stuck two needles in his body.

The man who was vomiting blood just now opened his eyes suddenly, his face was full of fear.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!" The man got up neatly and kowtowed to the official.

"Damn it, you actually pretended to be dead and lied to everyone." The people were outraged.

At first, some people were wondering if it was a misunderstanding, but it turned out to be a frame-up.

"Arrest! These people must be arrested." The people were outraged.

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