"Yusheng residence?" Ling Mu'er raised her head, looking at the gilded plaque in front of her with a pair of wise eyes, "The seventh prince doesn't live in the prince's residence?"

Zhou Qiyan followed her down, carrying her medicine box, and stood by her side, "All princes must live in the palace prince's mansion when they are not married, but there are people in the palace that he doesn't trust. You come here."

"Although the western suburbs are the most remote place in the capital city, the scenery in front of the mountain and the water behind is very charming. It is rare to come to such a quiet place once. How can it be considered a grievance?" Ling Muer walked to the gate of the mansion with her skirt in her hands and stood there. Okay, turned around and nodded at him.

Zhou Qiyan stepped forward and knocked on the door, three heavy and one light, obviously a signal.

The vermilion door was opened from the inside, and a young woman who still had a charm walked out. The young woman exchanged glances with Zhou Qiyan, then looked at Ling Muer behind her, and then smiled, "This is the medical fairy girl, please hurry up."

The young woman couldn't tell her age, but both her figure and her face were excellent, especially when she smiled charmingly with a bit of shyness, she could be seen as someone with a story.

"I thought the housekeepers were old men, but I didn't expect the Seventh Prince's preferences to be so unique." Ling Muer couldn't help laughing and joking, she was a little more curious about the Seventh Prince.

Zhou Qiyan's eyes darkened, and his piercing eyes immediately glanced around, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "Mu'er, remember, you must never say such things after meeting the Seventh Prince. The last thing he likes is when others discuss him. The person next to her pillow." He was not afraid of the Seventh Prince, if that person really did something to Ling Muer because of a slip of the tongue, he would desperately protect her behind him, he was just afraid that the danger would come at an unknown time .

"It seems that the Seventh Prince escaped marriage a year ago because of her?" Ling Muer suddenly understood.

I still remember that a year ago, Su Ce was drugged because of the Seventh Prince. At that time, he didn't want to follow Su Ce back to the capital, so he arranged for a fireworks girl to seduce Su Ce, so that he could take care of himself so that he could escape.

But the Seventh Prince has only returned to Beijing for a few days. Although the emperor has granted him a marriage, there is no news of the marriage being completed.

"Miss Sheng'er saved the life of the Seventh Prince in the early years. In order to repay his kindness, the Seventh Prince redeemed her and bought this yard. Although Miss Sheng'er was born in a brothel, she is no different from the noble girls in the capital. He is so proficient, even quick-witted, has helped the Seventh Prince many times, and has become a confidante over time."

It's no wonder that Ling Muer always felt that she had a unique temperament that ordinary noble girls didn't have, but she was a little more chic and charming. She admires such a girl.

"Master, didn't the imperial doctor repeatedly tell you not to drink alcohol, why did you drink it after Sheng'er was gone for a while?" Sheng'er hurriedly ran over with her eyebrows frowned, as if she had seen some Arabian Nights. Taking the wine glass from the Seventh Prince's hand, "Sheng'er will pour you tea, this is a new tea for this summer, drinking more is good for your health."

"It's just a few drinks, and I was under surveillance in the palace. I didn't expect that I would not be happy when I left the palace." Even though he said this, the Seventh Prince did not see any blame on his face, but his eyes were full of doting. . It can be seen how much he cares about this Sheng'er girl.

While touching Sheng'er's hand, the Seventh Prince looked back unintentionally, "You are on time. This must be a famous medical fairy girl in the capital. No wonder Su Ce misses you so much. He is indeed a stunner in the world."

His voice was a bit frivolous, but his tone was light, making it impossible to see his emotions or guess what was in his heart.

Ling Mu'er didn't like being judged like this, so he just took a look, otherwise she would definitely turn around and leave. The Seventh Prince, who is not a vulgar person, in her opinion, is just a playboy.

"I heard that the Seventh Prince is ill. If you can believe me, I can stretch out my left arm." Ling Muer put down the medicine box while speaking, and made a gesture of please.

"Don't worry, anyway, this poison won't take off in my body for a while, why don't you sit down and have a light meal first, and the immortal doctor will come to you, so you can't treat me badly." The seventh prince shook his head, and wanted to get the wine glass, and put it in his ear. Hearing a coquettish voice, he shook his head with a smile and changed it into a teacup. After drinking it all in one gulp, he turned his eyes to Zhou Qiyan, "What are you still doing in a daze, you sit too, so that the medical fairy girl won't be restrained."

Zhou Qiyan frowned slightly. The Seventh Prince didn't have such an attitude in the past. He was not interested in other women except Sheng'er. What on earth was he going to do?

"It's really embarrassing. There are many patients waiting for me in the clinic. Besides, if Brother Zhou hadn't invited me, I wouldn't be visiting in the morning." Ling Muer never likes others to break the rules, but Zhou Qiyan said Well, there are already many people staring at the capital. If she comes out in the afternoon as usual, she will definitely be found. She thought about it, anyway, there is nothing to worry about if Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang are there.

"Brother Zhou? Such an affectionate title, no wonder Su Ce has always been gloomy recently." The Seventh Prince smiled, his sexy thin lips slightly raised, looking in a good mood, but that flash of calculating others may He didn't see it, but he didn't escape Ling Muer's eyes.

So he deliberately tested the relationship between her and Zhou Qiyan, in order to hold Zhou Qiyan in check? Also, he deliberately mentioned Su Ce twice, just to see her reaction. After all, the current princes want to win over the Su family. If they can grasp Su Ce's handle, they will be able to easily control him .

Unfortunately, he made a wrong calculation.

"Brother Zhou is my brother and friend. If he hadn't invited me, I wouldn't be here today, and my fiancé, Shangguan Shaochen, wouldn't allow me to come here either." Ling Muer's tone was also indifferent. He played with the silver needle in his hand, seemingly carelessly. The unintentional description is enough to make the Seventh Prince pause.

The Seventh Prince frowned, feeling tense for a moment. Others didn't know the identity of Shangguan Shaochen, but he knew it well. He didn't expect such earth-shaking changes to take place in the capital after only one year. Shangguan Shaochen, the violent Hades king, actually moved Fanxin? Heh, it seems that the capital did not come back in vain this time.

"Even if my prince wasn't sick, I would still go to your clinic. The name I've heard the most this time is Miss Yixian. When I saw you this time, you were really different from those noble girls in the capital. Those Yingyingyan Yan is full of calculations, how can there be a medical fairy girl so special?" The Seventh Prince rolled up his sleeves, put his wrist on the table, and his expression suddenly became serious, "My food is tasted by a special person, and the things around me are also checked by someone. Those who can get close are all confidantes, I really don't know when and what kind of poison was poisoned, so I worked hard to treat the fairy girl."

He was obviously a cynical prince just now, but he became dark and gloomy in a blink of an eye. Sure enough, once he entered the palace gate, it was as deep as the sea. Children who grew up in that kind of place might have two faces, right?

What about Shangguan Shaochen? Why does he also have two faces?

Ling Mu'er didn't know why she suddenly thought of that man in her mind at this moment.

She is a doctor, in the doctor's eyes there is no good or bad, only wounded, even if she doesn't like the Seventh Prince, she can't abandon the sick.

"Did the Seventh Prince get injured some time ago? Have you ever taken Ma Shi Powder?" Ling Muer felt his pulse, and then took out a silver needle to take out the black blood for on-site testing. After half a cup of tea, she looked serious.

The Seventh Prince's eyes were obviously surprised, "The medical fairy is worthy of being a medical fairy. Half a month ago, I was assassinated and saved my life only by visiting a famous doctor, but what's wrong with this medicine?"

Ling Mu'er took the remaining half bottle of stones that the Seventh Prince took out from her bosom, put it under her nose and sniffed it, closed her eyes and opened them again, with determination in her eyes. "Ma Shi San is indeed a rare antidote, but it is both an antidote and a poison."

Upon hearing that it was poison, a woman immediately stood up from her chair and asked nervously, "What do you mean, Miss?"

No wonder she is the Seventh Prince's most trusted pillow person, her nervousness doesn't seem to be faking.

"Excessive consumption of Ma Shi powder will be extremely harmful to the human body. It will not cause an attack in a short period of time, but if it is taken for a long time, it will damage the heart and spleen, and gradually the liver will also be damaged. It is like a piece of intact cloth. Once there is a flame, it will affect everyone, Miss Sheng'er understands what I mean?" Ling Muer's voice was flat, and she looked at the seventh prince, "Who hurt the seventh prince, and who gave it to the seventh prince? Send Ma Shi powder, who knows clearly that this injury can only be healed by Ma Shi powder, I believe the Seventh Prince will make his own decision."

Ling Mu'er stopped talking, but asked Miss Sheng'er to find her a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, "According to this prescription, take the medicine twice a day, one dose at a time, don't miss it, and the toxin will be enough within seven days." Clear."

"Miss Yixian really lives up to her reputation. I believe that my grandfather will be cured as soon as possible after taking your antidote. Tell me, what reward do you want?" My heartfelt condolences and thanks.

Obviously it's just a room that hasn't passed the door, a woman who has redeemed her body is like the hostess of this yard at the moment, and the Seventh Prince nodded, his eyes seemed to say, "You can make requests, I will All agreed', it can be seen that Sheng'er's position in the heart of the Seventh Prince, it seems that there will be a good show in the future wedding.

"Brother Zhou has already paid me money, using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others. I have done my best. I wish the Seventh Prince a speedy recovery."

She doesn't like to have too much dealings with people in the palace, and she came here to save people because of Zhou Qiyan, and she said this specifically for his better future in the future. Zhou Qiyan wanted to use the Seventh Prince to take revenge. OK trust him.

"Wait, don't you want to know who was lying at the door of your medical clinic a few days ago to blackmail and frame you?" Seeing that Ling Muer was packing up the medicine box and leaving, the Seventh Prince said slowly, "Miss saved me My prince should thank me for my life, although my cook is not as good as your Ling's restaurant, but it is also unique."

The Seventh Prince gave Zhou Qiyan a look, motioning him to follow, and before leaving, he ordered loudly, "Sheng'er, treat the Fairy Doctor."

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