"Mu'er, why did you fall asleep in the bathtub, get up quickly, you won't be afraid of getting cold."

If it wasn't for Yang's urging, Ling Mu'er was still immersed in the grief just now, and when she opened her eyes, she realized that it was just a nightmare.

She panted heavily, greedily trying to shake off the shock just now, but this dream was too real.

"Mother, when elder brother left, did he say when he would come back? Why can't I remember?" After a moment of silence, Ling Mu'er hugged Yang's arm, her voice trembling and uneasy.

Yang touched her forehead, thinking that she had a fever after taking a cold bath, "I'm not confused, why are you talking nonsense, Mu'er, mother knows that you and Boy Chen are in love, but how can there be a girl who is going to make love?" Missing men every day? Don't be ashamed."

Reminded by Yang's nodding of her forehead, Ling Muer stuck out her tongue belatedly. She was really worried about Shangguan Shaochen just now.

Because she always felt that the dream would come true soon.

"Mother, you're teasing me again." Letting Yang pull her up from the water, Ling Muer wrapped her bathrobe and rubbed her shoulder.

It turns out that her strong daughter also has such a shy side under her appearance. She has always thought that her daughter is an invincible and powerful existence. After all, she led them to the capital city from that dilapidated place in the countryside, and they are still living so well because of this invincible existence. The girl who can't do it, thinks that anyone who is strong in her can't cure her.

"You girl, you still know that I'm your mother. Recently, you and Boy Chen got too close. Mother doesn't blame you, but you have to remember that you two must not be married yet, and some things have to be done according to the rules." Even though Yang said this, she kindly took the towel and dried her hair.

In the bronze mirror, the girl's flushed face was blushing from being soaked in warm water. She was shy and charming. For the first time, Ling Mu'er felt that she seemed to have really grown up. I propose."

"Marriage proposal? What is a marriage proposal?"

"It was he who sent me a marriage invitation with the reputation of a man, hoping that I could be his wife, and Chen also said that he would come to the house to propose marriage after returning from this mission." It was also the first time that Ling Muer felt that her beating voice could It sounds so good, like a magpie on a branch in summer, it makes people feel comfortable listening to it.

"Really? That's a good relationship!" This is simply the best news Yang has heard in the past six months.

In the past, the family was poor and suffered from this child. They were often worried that her thin body would not be able to survive that winter, and that she would starve to death and freeze to death in a certain place, but she did not expect that the whole family was supported by her.

How could she, a woman from the countryside, ever expect her whole family to come to the capital and do business? How can I dare to think that my future son-in-law will be the imperial guards of the capital?

"I have to tell your grandmother the good news quickly." Yang jumped out like a child who picked up candy. I think it's too early for you to make a wedding dress, so it can be seen that she has the foresight."

As if she was going to marry a wife tomorrow and become the most beautiful bride, Ling Mu'er was overwhelmed by her mother's joy, the corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably, and her vermilion lips curled up beautifully, like a crescent moon, sweet, People can't help but want to take a bite.

"Come and try it out and see if the length is enough. If possible, your mother and I will hurry up and embroider the double phoenix, hoping to finish it before your wedding day." Grandmother pulled Ling Muer, who came back from the hospital, to the A semi-finished Dahongxi gown was draped over her body, and she measured it left and right, secretly noting down the areas that needed to be revised.

Ling Mu'er was stunned, "Grandmother, isn't your speed too fast? My elder brother hasn't come back yet, and I haven't mentioned it. If he knows that you made wedding clothes early, I will be laughed at."

Even though I said this, when Ling Muer's gaze passed over the wedding robe, a warm current flowed through her heart, which made her shiver involuntarily.

In her previous life, she died before she had tasted the taste of a bride. In this life, she is going to get married? Marry the man she feels most secure in.

"Look at your mouth, it's almost turned up to the sky. I don't know how beautiful it is, and you blame us for doing it early?" The grandmother smiled and gave her a look, and returned to the chair with the wedding dress in her hand, walking While muttering, "The New Year is coming soon, and the restaurant business is busy after the New Year. If you really wait for Boy Chen to come back and propose a marriage, it will be too late to make this clothes."

Mrs. Yang just heard this when she came over after cleaning up the things in the front yard, and hurriedly pulled Ling Muer to the table to show her the blueprint on it, "Look at the pair of phoenixes, maybe you can see the clue? This is the famous double-faced dragon in Jiangnan." Suxiu, no one else can do it except your grandmother."

Ling Muer doesn't understand needlework, but she can see how complicated the embroidery is when she looks at the vivid phoenix on the blueprint. Grandma always wanted to give her the best. It was such a wonderful feeling of being cared for that she had never experienced in her previous life.

"Mother, grandma, you are so kind to me!"

Ling Mu'er hugged the two of them like a child and didn't let go. How could she still be the calm and deep medical fairy girl outside?

"You are mother's daughter and the lucky star of this family. We have long hoped that you will get married and have children soon. We will rest assured that you will be taken care of by Chen boy in the future." Yang Shi was a little sad as she spoke. Before it was time to marry her daughter, she wanted to marry in tears ahead of time.

On the contrary, it was the grandmother who noticed the black cloth she was holding in her hand all the time, "Mu'er, what is it in your hand? Why is it so unique in shape? It looks like mending but not like it, it looks like steel wire?"

Ling Mu'er mentioned the new work in her hand, the corners of her mouth couldn't help being a little proud, "I asked the blacksmith in the city to make it specially, and I want to give it to my eldest brother, he often goes through life and death for the emperor, this vest is invulnerable to guns and guns, and can save his life in a last resort. "

"It's really a girl who didn't stay in the university. It's Shangguan Shaochen's blessing that Mu'er has such a delicate mind. But compared to Su Ce, he got into big trouble this time."

Ling Zixuan told Ling Muer in detail everything he had heard from the outside.

It turned out that when Su Ce went to court this morning, he asked the emperor not to marry him and the prime minister's niece in front of the courtiers, and made it clear that he didn't like Lan Qianying.

Right now, no one in the entire capital knows the news that the Prime Minister's Mansion and the County King's Mansion are going to marry. He heard that the Prime Minister's Mansion has prepared a Geng Tie, which will be sent to the County King's Mansion in the near future, and Su Ce, as a man, is actually doing that in front of all civil and military officials. In front of many people, she categorically rejected this unformed marriage, which was equivalent to slapping Lan Qianying in the face in disguise.

This is even more humiliating than a divorce letter!

"She, Lan Qianying, did it on her own." Ling Muer curled her lips, obviously very satisfied with Su Ce's actions this time.

Although she practices medicine, although she can't understand the pain of people all over the world, she is definitely not a good man and a believer.

Lan Qianying ordered Zhang and his wife to frame her in front of her clinic in order to ruin her reputation. If it weren't for the good image she established in the capital in the past six months, she would have been imprisoned in the yamen long ago. The dignified prime minister's daughter has a wide network of contacts, as long as she has connections, she doesn't know how she died in prison.

"But Mu'er, you have become an enemy of the prime minister's mansion, not to mention Lan Qianying, the prime minister will not let you go." Ling Zixuan was a little worried.

These days, he studied with his master, and he has a good understanding of court affairs. He heard that the prime minister must take revenge, and that Lan Qianying is his favorite, and he refuses to marry in public. He will never let this kind of humiliation go away.

"I, Ling Mu'er, have never been offended by anyone. I don't offend anyone. It was her, Lan Qianying, who played tricks first. I was just defending myself. Besides, it was Su Ce who refused to get married, and everyone knew that I supported him in the capital. A piece of heaven and earth, backed by the Xiaojun Wang, who is supposed to be one of the minority shareholders of our restaurant and medical center, Lan Qianying trips me up, is the Xiaojun Wang's trip, even if I don't go to find Su Ce, Su Ce will The queen will not let her go."

In short, Lan Qianying's loss this time is her own fault.

"Kneel down!"

Mrs. Su looked fiercely at the handsome man standing motionless in front of her, and almost fainted without taking a breath, "You, you unworthy descendant, do you know what you did today?"

Not only did Su Ce not kneel, but he became even more calm, "Grandmother, I never agreed to the marriage with the prime minister's mansion. I just expressed my thoughts in front of the emperor today. I don't know what's wrong with my grandson?"

"You..." Mrs. Su stretched out her arm and pointed at his face, trembling so much that she was about to fall down, "Just for that girl? For a woman, you ruin your future!"

The Su family has only one son and one daughter. As a daughter, Chaoyang will marry as a wife sooner or later, and Su Ce is the lifeblood of the Su family. Sooner or later, she will inherit the throne of the county, marry with the prime minister's mansion, and support the prince together. It is a matter of mutual agreement between them. A good decision, now not only did not form an in-law, but also became an enemy, which was harmful to the Su family without any exception.

"Old madam." The old mama exclaimed, seeing that the old madam was about to fall, she rushed up to help her sit on the chair, and then looked at the little prince, the nanny wondered: "Little prince, the old lady loves you too, Your decision today is really reckless, the old lady is too old to bear such a blow."


"No need to say anymore, Ce'er, I want you to enter the palace immediately, and let the emperor marry you and Lan Qianying, and get married in a few days." Mrs. Su's attitude is firm, and she doesn't give Su Ce any room to refuse, "Of course, if you If you don't go, you will harm Ling Muer!"

With a thump in his heart, Su Ce turned around solemnly, and the original guilt on his face disappeared, only endless indifference and ridicule, "Grandmother is threatening grandson."

"I'm doing this for your own good." Mrs. Su emphasized again.

"The court is chaotic. Grandmother wants to help the one in the palace. My grandson has no objection, but some people hurt people around me without my consent. My methods are more than what they see." Su Ce half Squinting his deep black eyes, there was a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his bleak tone was like that of a dark night Shura, "If grandma still wants to help the madman in the palace to save the desolate courtyard, don't touch Ling Mu. Son."

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