
Everything in the boudoir was thrown to the ground by the woman, the tribute glass cup, the fine jade bottle, and even the authentic works of the famous painters of the dynasty were torn to pieces.

The girl was ashamed and indignant, her scarlet eyes glowing with fire, "Damn it, damn it all!"

This woman is Lan Qianying, the prime minister's daughter.

In the past, she was the most talented woman in the capital by virtue of her talent and beauty. However, she became the biggest joke in the capital overnight!

"Ling Muer, what a cunning bastard with means, how dare you instigate Brother Ce to regret the marriage, even if I kill you a hundred times, this miss is not enough!"

Throwing the last vanity box that could fall, it hit the maidservant at the door on the forehead. The maid screamed and staggered to the ground, with blood oozing from her forehead immediately, "Miss..."

"What's it called? It's a useless thing. It just touched me and pretended to be pitiful to me. It's really dirty to my eyes. Get out." Lan Qianying shouted angrily, she didn't want to see anyone at the moment.

No matter what facial expressions those people had, they were all laughing at her in her eyes. When did she, the daughter of the prime minister, suffer such humiliation?

Brother Ce, Su Ce, who is known as the number one son in the capital, always looks gentle and refined, with a pleasant smile every time he sees her. How could he do such a thing to humiliate her? It must be that Ling Muer Gossip behind your back.

"Yuetao, have the two people you sent out last time come back?"

Sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at the ferocious facial features in the bronze mirror, Lan Qianying's eyes became sharper.

The personal maid, Yue Tao, stepped forward cautiously, she hesitated to speak, she was a little scared but did not dare to disobey, "Miss Hui, Zhang Da and his wife were spotted by Ling Muer that day, and they reported to the official, and they are now locked up in the yamen."

Yue Tao's voice became softer, and Lan Qianying almost kicked her away in anger, "What, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter sooner? What if Zhang Daerang confessed me?"

"Miss, please forgive me, I just got the news." Yue Tao knelt down in front of her in fright, "Listen, I heard from the people in the yamen that Ling Muer did not go in and out of the yamen after reporting to the official, but the Seventh Prince sent someone to investigate This matter."

"Seventh Prince?" Lan Qianying became even more flustered. She had never had any grudges with the Seventh Prince. What was that man investigating her for? "Could it be that in order to win over the Su family, she deliberately investigated this matter to show brother's favor?"

It's no secret in the capital that everyone wants to win over Su Ce. If the Seventh Prince really intends to win over Su Ce, wouldn't dad be in a dilemma? Then brother Ce, what exactly does he mean? If elder brother Ce insists on being with the Seventh Prince, he is hostile to the prince, so wouldn't she and elder brother Ce have no destiny in this life?

no. How could she hand over someone whom Lan Qianying recognized at the first sight?

"Miss, we can't just discuss the matter in the court. If the master finds out, he will be angry." Yuetao looked outside the door. Although she was afraid of the lady's anger, she still reminded her faithfully, "Miss, why don't you let me know?" Forget Xiaojun Wang, that man has always been rebellious, and he did such a thing to humiliate the young lady, even if the young lady married, she would be wronged. I heard that the concubine Huang San, the concubine of the household servant, planned to frame Xiaojun. Wang, but the next day, he was thrown into the military camp by the king of the small county to work as a military prostitute, that person is really not the lady's beloved."

So loyal words are harsh, but loyal words are definitely the words that everyone hates the most.

"Pa" slapped Yuetao's face, Lan Qianying was furious, "Shut up, what qualifications do you have to judge Brother Ce like this, he treats me differently."

The first time I met Su Ce was at the banquet hosted by the Empress. At that time, he spoke amazingly. She can never forget the song "Wang Chun Nan", and the unparalleled sword dance that captured her easily. heart.

That year, Su Ce accidentally knocked down the glazed cup in his hand, soiling her dress, and when he looked up at her, he blinked his cold almond eyes, and when he said, "Girl, I offended you", That beautiful voice seemed to open the door of her heart all of a sudden,

From that moment on, she decided that this was the person she would marry in this life.

That year, she was fourteen.

Since then, she has often collected information about Su Ce. As long as there are occasions where women can participate, as long as Su Ce is around, she will definitely go.

"Master Su is older than me. Standing by your side gives me an inexplicable sense of security. Can I call you Brother Ce in the future?"

Su Ce didn't refuse that day, and it has become her unique title for a long time.

She likes Su Ce, and cannot escape the eyes of everyone. Her father has always loved her, and because of her relationship with Mrs. Su, she intends to marry the two families. In her dreams, she always fantasizes about the day she will marry Brother Ce.

As for Su Ce, every time he saw her, there was a gentle smile on his lips. She couldn't believe that he didn't have feelings for her.

She is the number one talented woman in the capital, no matter in appearance or talent, she is above all others. If her father didn't want her to marry into the palace and suffer, it is not impossible for her to become a favored concubine.

Yes, this must be the insidious trick of that bitch Ling Muer.

"That peasant girl Ling Mu'er must have known that Mr. Zhang and his wife were provoked in front of Brother Ce by my instigation, and she didn't know what kind of coquettish tricks she used to let Brother Ce surround her all day. If I don't report such a shameful humiliation Never give up."

"Cousin, if you don't make the decision for me, Qianying won't be able to live in the future, I'd rather kill her head on." Lan Qianying turned around and rushed towards the stone pillar outside.

Seeing this, the old mother at the side hurriedly stopped her, "Miss Lan, why are you bothering, the princess is your cousin, how could you be bullied by a peasant girl?"

In the Prince's Mansion, Lan Qianying had been kneeling on the ground for an hour, what should be said and what should not be said combined with her tears full of grievances, that pitiful appearance made people feel very distressed.

"Bold, does Ling Muer really instigate Su Ce to do such a thing?" The princess's beautiful phoenix eyes were squinting, and the corners of the eyes and brows were full of murderous intent.

What Ling Muer said last time gave her a good shape, and the next few days were indeed very comfortable, but at that time she was tortured for half her life. That Ling Mu'er is capable and courageous, she dare not do anything because of the threat of Shangguan Shaochen and the emperor, but now she is bullying her cousin, she will take this opportunity to rectify it no matter what Fix her.

"How could Qianying lie to the Crown Princess Concubine about such a big matter? If Ling Mu'er bullies me like this even though she knows you are my cousin, she simply doesn't care about you." Lan Qianying touched her Tears, sobbing with grievances, the beautiful woman is so wronged at the moment that people just want to hold her in her arms to comfort her.

"Evil! Just because she is a peasant girl, she dares to bully me. Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter." The princess lay lazily on the soft bed, thin Lips raised, holding a smirk.

Ling Mu'er, right? She wants to see if that medical skill can really keep her safe for the rest of her life.

"My daughter thanked the princess concubine." After receiving an affirmative answer, the tears that were still trickling just now stopped instantly, and Lan Qianying forced a smile in the pain, "The concubine princess is indeed a kind-hearted living Bodhisattva. Qianying believes that as long as you have Now, Ling Muer would never dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head."

"You girl, you're the only one who can talk. Get up. It's heartbreaking to look at it like this. Su Ce doesn't know what's wrong with hurting you poor man. See if I turn around and don't deal with him."

"Don't..." Lan Qianying shook her head like a rattle when she heard what the princess said, "Ma'am, it's not Brother Ce's fault, it's Ling Muer who tricked Brother Ce into obsessive tricks. If you show your fox tail, Brother Ce will definitely know who is the one who treats him sincerely."

"You, you, what should I say about you? Su Ce hurt you so much, and still speaks for him. He did this on purpose just because he held you to have deep affection for him." The princess sighed, and the more she looked Lan Qianying felt more and more like she was when she was young.

Once you fall in love with someone, it is a lifetime, no matter whether that person has himself in his heart or not, he feels that he will see people's hearts for a long time. But what happened?

The crown prince now has countless women around him, and she has not been seen in this house for a long time. Is the sacrifice of those years really worth it?

"Su Ce is the number one son of the capital, and he is indeed a good match for you, but have you ever thought about it, if he really doesn't have you in his heart..."

"No." Lan Qianying replied firmly, "If brother Ce is ruthless to me, how can he be gentle to me alone? If Ling Mu'er hadn't appeared and seduced his soul, he wouldn't treat me like this In the midst of injustice, I trust Brother Ce."

The determination and love in Lan Qianying's eyes are exactly the same as when she was young.

Her happiness has not come to a successful conclusion, and she will never let this girl follow her old path.

"She is a sincere girl, don't worry, I will help you as long as I have the deepest affection for you, after all, they are my sisters." More than 10,000 people, but this prerequisite must get the help of the Su family.

Although Mrs. Su is now on the prince's side, Su Ce is tactful and always remains neutral, but if she marries Lan Qianying, the ending will be very different.

"Thank you, Qianying, cousin."

After seeing off Lan Qianying, the old nanny walked to the side of the princess in a calm manner, "Ma'am, you really decided to help Miss Biao teach Ling Muer a lesson, but your body..."

Raising her hand to signal her to shut up, the princess stood up quietly, pinching her slender fingers into an orchid shape, and raising her arm slightly, a servant came to her side to help her move forward slowly, with every frown and smile, every move showed her dignity and majesty .

"Do you really think I'm a fool? Ling Muer promised to take care of my body within half a year. How could I abandon the car to be handsome before the effect is achieved? Although Lan Qianying is my cousin, she is not a compatriot after all. , I'll just teach you a lesson, but if you can take this opportunity to make Ling Mu'er calm down, or use it for me, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone."

As long as she helped Lan Qianying, the Prime Minister's Mansion would definitely owe her a favor, and her queen position would be secure in the future.

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