As if the enchanting image of Ling Mu'er kneeling in front of you and serving everyone appeared in front of his eyes, everyone in the private room laughed along with him.

What Ling Muer hates most in her life is the wanton teasing of such dandies, but before she gets angry, she shoots a piercing gaze, "I heard that something went wrong in the Fushou Residence built by the Ministry of Industry recently for the emperor. The Holy Majesty was furious and ordered me to Wang is assisting the investigation of the Third Law Department, I wonder what Second Young Master Xiao thinks about this?"

Xiao An shuddered, his face that was still smiling just now became a little guilty, and he immediately looked at the sixth prince asking for help, seeing that the latter didn't even look at him, and hurriedly looked at Su Ce with his usual flattery, "Xiaojun The king is deeply trusted by the emperor, it is a blessing to us, our Ministry of Industry will definitely cooperate with the king of the small county, and report to the emperor as soon as possible."

Su Ce raised his eyebrows, seemingly carelessly, but his words revealed displeasure, "Oh, then you have been busy these days." Looking up at Ling Muer, Su Ce blinked at her, With a soft voice, "Miss Ling, what are you still doing in a daze? Second Young Master Xiao came to the Ling's restaurant to join him in such a busy schedule. He admires your grapes so much, why don't you come to pour wine to express his gratitude?"

Xiao An looked at Su Ce and then at Ling Mu'er who couldn't help laughing. A fool knew the relationship between the two of them, so he realized that just now he had molested the woman that the little county king cared about.

Father asked him to come to this reception, just because he learned that the king of the small county was also there, and he planned to curry favor with the king of the small county when the party was over, so that he would turn a blind eye to the matter of Fushouju. trouble.

"Don't dare, Miss Ling is a medical fairy girl loved by the people, and she is also a friend of the little county king. How dare I order it." Knowing that he was offending Su Ce, Xiao An picked up the wine glass and punished himself three times. Under the eyes, this matter is also in the past.

Today, the Seventh Prince hosted a banquet for the Sixth Prince. It was said that it was a banquet, but it was nothing more than a meeting between two forces to compare each other's strength. Everyone knows that the current crown prince is just a false name, and the one who will truly inherit the throne in the future will naturally be selected among these two.

Ling Mu'er was not interested in participating in this kind of power struggle, and quietly left the room under the flattery of everyone, as long as they didn't fight and bring trouble to the Ling's restaurant, it would be easier for her to go to the medical clinic.

The last jar and a half of grape wine was divided up by the princes, and the guests downstairs were clamoring that they didn’t drink enough. Ling Muer immediately wrote down the brewing method and thought of handing it over to her father later. It is also good to increase the benefit in a wave.

Above the head, a clear voice came, and the distance seemed to be able to feel the breathing of the other party.

"The font is delicate but powerful. There are not many literati at your level. I don't know how many surprises Ms. Ling still has waiting for me?"

When Ling Mu'er turned around, Su Ce walked around to face her from the other side, propped one hand on the table, opened the folding fan and swayed slightly, looking at her with a peachy face and a smile.

Dressed in white, she was personable, and when she smiled helplessly, she even raised her eyebrows, which immediately caused the female guests behind her to scream wildly.

"Xiaojun Wang likes to exude personal charm so much, why don't you go out and turn left for 30 meters. I heard that there is a new Xiaoxiang Garden, which is more suitable for you." Ling Muer squinted at him, and continued to lower her head to complete her recipe list. The grapes are not as red as ordinary daughters, and the taste will be lacking if there is more or less. She never comes to do things that are her own signature.

Su Ce's brows trembled, and he ignored Ling Muer's sarcasm. He leaned forward a third of his body, and when he lowered his head, he could see her curled eyelashes and vermilion lips. You are so clean and self-loving, how about I let you try it sometime?"

"I bother!"

If it wasn't for the fear of those women behind him attacking him, she wished she could spit on his face.

"You probably wouldn't participate in this kind of occasion, or you've already made your choice?" Ling Muer pointed upstairs.

Su Ce naturally knew what she was asking, and when he closed the folding fan, he put his arms on her sides, turned his handsome face to one side, and blew hot air on her delicate face, half-closed his eyes, "Because I can see you when I come here." You."

The corner of Ling Mu'er's mouth twitched violently, she put down the brush in her hand, and looked at Su Ce again. She gritted her teeth from fast to slow, and said, "Believe it or not, just say a word more, and I'll let you taste it first." The poison I newly developed guarantees that you will not be able to get out of bed for three days and three nights?"

Knowing that if the nonsense continued, Ling Muer would be angered, Su Ce shrugged and returned to the subject, "What I said just now was from the bottom of my heart. You don't have to believe me, but I'm here to see you for something."

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, but motioned him to continue with her eyes.

"I've already resolved Lan Qianying's matter, why don't you praise me?"

Feelings, the little prince of the mixed world, came to ask for likes.

Ling Mu'er raised her fingers and rubbed the center of her brows, and finally sighed softly, "It's fine if you don't mention this, but if you mention it, I would like to kill you, do you know how much trouble your actions have caused me, Now I am the number one enemy of the Prime Minister's Mansion, are you satisfied?"

Su Ce seemed to have expected her to have this expression, and suddenly grabbed her hands and said affectionately, "Don't worry, I'm in charge of everything."

I believe you ghost.

"The king of the little county wants to be in heat so much, the group of people behind are waiting, don't disturb me here." Ling Muer took out her hands full of disgust, and then saw a group of women behind her staring at them, she shuddered, "There is a prime minister's mansion That's enough, I don't want to be the public enemy of women all over the world, and I don't know how I will die when the time comes."

Su Ce didn't bother to pay attention to the eyes of those vulgar fans behind him, he couldn't get enough of Ling Mu'er.

This woman seems to have become more refined since she came to the capital. Since there is no precedent for a county king marrying a peasant girl, let him create one.

"The charm of this king is something that women can't ask for, and you are the only one who doesn't care about it." Turning to leave, Su Ce accidentally caught a glimpse of a wine jar behind her, "What is that, it smells good, why not?" Give it to the king?"

"You have a good idea, this is reserved for people who are important to me." The implication is, you go away.

Su Ce's originally bright eyes dimmed instantly after hearing the words.

Besides her parents and brothers, who else is the most important person for Ling Muer?

"My unique and beautiful face in this world is useless to you, right?" Su Ce has never felt so sad before. He pressed his tongue against his right cheek and exhaled, "Well, you don't want to see me, I'll go That is, remember, my tenderness was only given to you, "

Before Ling Mu'er could answer, Su Ce had already turned around and went upstairs. Before leaving, he added, "I'll take care of it at the Prime Minister's Mansion. You don't have to worry, just be a good doctor of yours." Everything is up to me. , don't worry.

Looking at his receding back, Ling Muer narrowed her eyes, um, she misses Shangguan Shaochen a bit.

I don't know if the eldest brother is safe there, but it seems that Su Ce told the emperor to let the eldest brother leave the capital.

Thinking of Ling Muer's eyes getting deeper here, she suddenly had the urge to go upstairs and pour medicine into Su Ce's wine glass.

"Miss Mu'er, go to the lake and have a look, the little Princess Chaoyang dragged Brother Ling to jump into the lake." Zhu Chi hurried over, out of breath, his eyes full of worry.

It was the first time Ling Mu'er saw Zhu Qi who was in such a panic. His image should always be that kind of gentle, elegant, handsome and beautiful man who has read poetry and books. This kind of eagerness really doesn't suit him.

"The little Princess Chaoyang has changed his mind. What kind of tricks are he playing this time?" He didn't care to go upstairs and call Su Ce. After all, there are still a bunch of princes waiting for the disciples of the Hou family. This time Ling Zixuan is involved, if he is caught What kind of handle is very unfavorable to his imperial examinations in the next year.

Following Zhu Qi into the Ling family's carriage, the journey was unimpeded, and he arrived at the lake in the shortest time. Sure enough, two people were seen tugging at each other from a distance, and Ling Zixuan and Chaoyang Xiaojun were both standing by the lake, soaked below the knees.

"Why don't you accept me? You clearly have me in your heart, why don't you admit it?" Chaoyang was about to cry, looking at the man in front of him who was like a crown jade, she held his arms tightly with both hands, and saw him Instead of looking into her own eyes, she tilted her head and followed him around, in short, she was not allowed to lose her in his eyes.

"Little princess, the difference in status between you and me makes it inappropriate." Ling Zixuan's tone was cold, but if he listened carefully, there was a bit of helplessness and forbearance in it.

"I don't care, since I was young, as long as I want Chaoyang, I can't get it. Besides, you clearly have me in your heart, so why can't you be bold? What are you afraid of?" Chaoyang was not convinced, "I promise You won't be unruly and self-willed in the future, can't I become what you like?" This was probably the first time in her life that she bowed her head to someone.

Even when her brother taught her a lesson, she was never so weak.

She likes the man in front of her who is like a spring breeze, she liked it from the first sight, his refusal made her have the desire to challenge, and she found that Ling Zixuan would always look at her intentionally or unintentionally , although every time when she looked for that look, he always avoided it very quickly.

"Why does the little princess make such a sacrifice? You are the little princess of Chaoyang, with a prominent status. I am just a grass farmer. With my sister's blessing, I can at most be a small owner of a restaurant. Even if the imperial examination is next summer, I may not be in high school. You and I are destined to miss out." .”

Gently put down her hand that was holding her arm, Ling Zixuan turned around resolutely, a flash of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

His voice was still so nice, but it was a refusal that made people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

"Stop!" Chaoyang shouted at his back.

Seeing that he didn't intend to stop, she casually took off the long whip around her waist, and whipped it into the lake water beside Ling Zixuan with a crisp sound, causing waves to stir up, "If you take one more step forward, I will definitely throw myself into the lake and die when I arrive!" At that time, you and your sister, who have always wanted to protect you, were unable to get rid of the suspicion, so if you don’t believe me, you can give it a try.”

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