"I can persuade daddy to accept you as a student, so that you will no longer be a grass farmer. If daddy loves me so much, I will definitely agree to my request. Ling Zixuan, please think again carefully." In desperation, the spoiled girl My son also has a coquettish side.

Chaoyang was terrified. There was originally a literati poetry meeting in Chengzhong Academy today. When she learned that Ling Zixuan was going, she ran out of the mansion secretly. Who knows that those people who are not afraid of death would make fun of her pursuing Ling Zixuan, and even humiliate him as unworthy of being a county matriarch, and even slander him for being just a commoner, a toad who wants to eat swan meat and so on.

He obviously already had himself in his heart, and the contact with her during this period of time was also very gentle, but he didn't admit it, but when the mocking faces of those people showed, he was scared and angry, and even she quietly went to seduce him. His fingers were also thrown away angrily.

She originally planned to wait for Ling Zixuan slowly. After the summer imperial examination was agreed, she couldn't wait any longer. She worried that Ling Zixuan would not be able to get over the hurdle in her heart. Threats and temptations, he will find any girl to marry in a fit of anger.

This is her white moonlight, the first time she wants to get rid of a pampered man, even if she can't get others, don't want to get it.

"Chaoyang, you know, I have to rely on my own efforts, so that I can protect the person I want to protect, don't force me."

Ling Zixuan's voice was cold, and his usually gentle eyes became cold.

His self-esteem was really hurt.

Today those literati joked that he was pursued by the most pampered princess in the capital. Originally, he had no idea, but those people even went so far as to slander him for deliberately seducing the little princess, saying that he was a high-ranking princess.

He didn't!

He misses studying, wants to do what he wants to do like his sister, and wants to protect his family and sister. He wants to take the imperial examination and want to be the number one scholar, so that his family will not be hurt by the powerful.

When the teacher played chess with him yesterday, he undoubtedly revealed Su Ce's refusal to marry, which might implicate Muer, but if he was even reused by the emperor in high school, how could those people dare to get Muer's idea?

Mu'er suddenly became powerful, and led his family to the capital to gain a foothold, becoming someone they couldn't even imagine in their dreams, and the rest should be left to him, his brother.

"But if you marry me, you can save ten years of struggle, and you don't have to compete with those people for a second place title. Isn't that good?"

Ling Zixuan sneered, such a smile had never appeared on his face before, he looked at Chaoyang as if he was looking at a stranger, "Heh, if you look at me in this way, I would rather never know you before."

Men's self-esteem is like their knees, they will not kneel down easily, let alone admit defeat easily.

Chaoyang, Chaoyang, don't you value his uncomfortable tenacity?

Seeing that he left without looking back, Chaoyang trotted to follow and hugged him from behind, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, can I take back what I just said? Zixuan, is this good? You will be the top pick in high school, and then you will no longer be a grass farmer, so you will try to accept me?"

The soft voice makes people have a strong desire for protection.

Ling Zixuan raised his hand to pull her from behind to the front to hug her, but he gave up halfway through.

"Six months."

With the three words thin, he gently let go of Chaoyang's hand, and left without looking back.

Chaoyang just wanted to open his mouth to call his name, but on second thought she burst out laughing again.

Six months is the day of the imperial examination, doesn't it mean to make her wait?

"Ling Zixuan, you have to do what you say, otherwise my little Princess Chaoyang will not make it easier for you even if I do my best!"

Still familiar with the spoiled voice, Ling Zixuan's figure paused, and soon he continued to stride forward with his lips curled up.

He wanted to stand out in the imperial examinations, to win glory for the Ling family, and to fulfill his elder brother's responsibility to protect his parents and younger sister. Well, this time there was another belief, that he must be the number one scholar in high school!

In the distance, Zhu Qi looked at the two people in front of him full of worry, for fear that one of them would accidentally throw himself into the lake one after another. He was relieved until Ling Zixuan left him coolly, but when he turned to look at Ling Muer, she was as calm as a normal person Feng Qing said, "Miss Mu'er is really not worried at all, this calmness makes Zhu feel ashamed."

Ling Muer's smile was a little more helpless, "Who said I'm not worried, if the savage little princess really jumped down in a fit of anger, no matter what happens, all of our Ling family will be killed, but it's okay She's not as crazy as she thought."

"It seems that brother Ling must have a catastrophe in his life, and I don't know if it is good or bad for him." Zhu Qi sighed.

Although he and Brother Ling haven't known each other for long, they hit it off right away, and a brother is a brother for life. He is very concerned about his good and bad.

"Brother Zhu, isn't he afraid of losing to brother? After all, brother is a person with firm beliefs now, and you are taking the scientific examination at the same time." Ling Mu'er's voice was emerald, very nice.

The breeze was blowing, brushing the broken hair around her ears, and at the same time, there was a faint fragrance of herbs, which made Zhu Qi feel really comfortable staying with her.

"Everyone has their own destiny. Anyone who belongs to me can't take it away, and what doesn't belong to me can't be forced." Zhu Qi's black pupils and eyes flowed, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and eyebrows, as if he was born with this unique painting. The look of fighting.

Yes, during the nearly twenty years of being blind, so what if he pursued it? If he hadn't met this girl in front of him, he wouldn't even be able to stand here at all, so how could he talk about ideals?

"Mu'er is afraid of the cold, and there is always wind blowing by the lake, don't get cold, I'll take you back." Zhu Qi made a gesture of invitation, he likes Ling Muer walking in front of him, looking at her His back seemed to be able to protect this girl all the time.

If he knew that Ling Zixuan and the little princess were just a false alarm, he would definitely not let Ling Muer come here to blow the cold wind, damn it.

After all this trouble, the banquet hosted by the Seventh Prince must have ended. Sure enough, when she returned to the restaurant, she heard that everyone had already left, and the Seventh Prince still left a high price for the meal.

"Mu'er, the Seventh Prince is a prince after all, should we give back so much money suddenly?" Ling Dazhi has always been honest, and he doesn't want more than what doesn't belong to him, and the other party is the son of the emperor who is rich and powerful. Well, it's right to invite people for free. If you charge so much more, if someone takes advantage of it, it will be the whole Ling family who suffers.

"Since it was rewarded by the Seventh Prince, we'll just keep it. Father, don't worry, that person is not that kind of person."

Although she was not familiar with the Seventh Prince, that person didn't seem to like to owe others any favors. He came to the restaurant to have a banquet and gave a lot of rewards. It was nothing more than thanking her for coming to see a doctor in person. How could there be any reason to hand over the money he got?

"But when they left, it seemed as if something big had happened. They hurried away one by one, with serious faces on their faces. Could it be that something big happened?"

Being in the capital city and opening a restaurant, you still have to keep your ears open for some things. This is the most basic principle of survival.

Seeing that Ling Dazhi is now accustomed to the rules of life in this prosperous and prosperous world, Ling Muer is very happy, "Even if the sky falls, there will still be support from their rich and powerful, let's open a restaurant with conscience, Dad, we are not afraid."

"Yes, let's do it according to our conscience, there is nothing to be afraid of." Ling Dazhi nodded frequently after being comforted by his daughter.

She didn't have anything to do in the restaurant, Ling Mu'er planned to go back to make some red wine, so she went back to Ling's house.

The seven-star array of stones in front of the small courtyard changed its shape, the bell in front of the door was out of place, and there seemed to be another breathing sound in the room. Only she knows about her small courtyard secrets, and now that they are destroyed, it means that someone has broken into the room.

A series of messages came into her mind, Ling Muer's hands in her sleeves were clenched into fists, and her whole body was tense.

Gently opening the door, the strong smell of blood immediately rushed into her nose. She frowned uncontrollably. Could it be that Su Ce broke into her boudoir again?

"Who is it, come out!"

She closed the door and shouted angrily, ready for close combat.

"Mu'er, I..." A familiar voice came from behind the screen, and before he could say anything, the figure fell to the ground with a loud bang, and blood flowed out from under him.

"Zhou Qiyan?" Ling Mu'er's eyes widened, and after confirming her identity, she immediately rushed up, only to see Zhou Qiyan's night clothes were stained with blood, her eyes were closed tightly, and her breathing was very weak.

No wonder the Seventh Prince and others were in a hurry when they left the restaurant, perhaps they got the news that someone had assassinated the Prince.

No wonder the Seventh Prince hosted a banquet for everyone today, Zhou Qiyan was not by his side, it turned out that he was carrying out an assassination mission by making a fuss.

But why was he injured so badly? Did the prince know that the seventh prince would take revenge on him?

"How did you get hurt like this? Zhou Qiyan, wake up." While calling his name loudly, not wanting him to fall into a complete coma, he checked his injuries.

A sword was stabbed in the chest, but the internal organs were not touched, but the blood that flowed out was black, obviously poisoned.

He was also hit by a sword on his right leg, which was a fatal blow that directly prevented him from getting out completely. There were still many scratches on his body. .

Ling Muer gave him the detoxification pill first, then hurriedly fetched the medicine box, and pulled out the sword on his chest. When the blood spurted out, Zhou Qiyan also woke up with the severe pain, "Send, send me away, someone will watch Until I enter here, I... no, can, connected, tired, you."

Word by word, Zhou Qiyan spoke very hard, his brows were wrinkled in pain, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, he was so weak that he seemed to die at any moment.

He was ordered to assassinate the prince, not to take his life, but just to teach him a lesson. As a result, the prince had been prepared for a long time, and the masters gathered in the prince's mansion. His excellent disguise turned into a trap for himself, and he escaped alive. He didn't think of it himself.

Originally, he didn't want to disturb Ling Muer, but he really didn't have the strength to try his luck, hoping that it wouldn't bring disaster to Muer.

"Even if you're not my friend, it's impossible for me to watch you leave like this. You are seriously injured now, and a lot of activities will cause bleeding, and your life is in danger." Ling Muer looked nervously at the injury on his chest, although I gave him Jiedu Dan, but it didn't seem to have any effect, but the blood flow was faster.

This prince, good means.

"Don't worry, since you've entered my yard, I'll cure you," just as Shang Zhi knocked on the door eagerly, "It's no good, girl, suddenly a lot of guards rushed in and said they were looking for you. people."

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