The seventh prince got married, and the emperor bestowed the Tinglan Waterside Pavilion as a mansion. The inside and outside of the mansion were full of red, very lively.

I heard that the bride is the granddaughter of the current Taifu. The Taifu is the elder of the three dynasties. He used to be the teacher of the princes. Now the little prince can be called Ama.

Ling Muer was just curious about how grand the wedding ceremony of the ancient prince was, so she was taken over by Shangguan Shaochen early in the morning.

The Seventh Prince has excellent contacts in the capital and is good at being a human being. Not only half of the officials in the court follow, but also the rich and noble sons of the capital also risk their lives to follow, so at the Seventh Prince's wedding, most of the dignitaries in the capital can be seen.

Gongs and drums blared, firecrackers blared, and when the auspicious time came, the bride was carried into the gate of the mansion in eight sedan chairs. Although the Seventh Prince was wearing a wedding gown, there was no joy on his face, and he was even angry, as if everyone present owed him 2.58 million.

"Those who didn't know thought that the Seventh Prince came to take his life today. It seems that the bride will suffer in the future." Ling Muer was arranged to sit on the top because of Shangguan Shaochen's relationship, and she was eating cakes while looking into the front hall , shook his head straight.

"Since ancient times, the royal family has been ruthless. It is the cause and effect of interests. Who is better than the other." Shangguan Shaochen chuckled, it seems that he also knows the story between the seventh prince and Sheng'er.

That's right, the Seventh Prince wholeheartedly wanted to marry Sheng'er, but due to the difference in identities between the two, he must feel uncomfortable now that he wants to marry a woman he doesn't love. I heard that the Seventh Prince has always been devoted to love, and he doesn't mess around with women, otherwise he wouldn't even have a roommate by his side.


With a shout, everyone stood up and clapped their hands in congratulations. The bride was sent to the bridal chamber, and then everyone toasted to the Seventh Prince.

Shangguan Shaochen not only brought Ling Mu'er here, but also sent congratulatory gifts for the emperor.

"Wait for me here." He instructed softly, and got into the lively crowd.

Now is the time for the courtiers to congratulate the Seventh Prince. Ling Muer's status is so different that it is inconvenient to get involved, so she looks at the crowd happily, not even noticing when Su Ce came by her side, "I thought you didn't bother to participate in this kind of situation, why? , want to seek experience for your own wedding preparations?"

Su Ce obviously drank a lot of wine, his body smelled of alcohol, and his cheeks were flushed.

Ling Muer frowned unconsciously and took half a step back to distance himself from him, "Well, I have this idea, and I will definitely invite the little county king to have a wedding wine."

This daring woman, knowing that he was unhappy, even rode on the tiger's head with a beard.

Su Ce gritted his teeth and wished he could take this woman away immediately and go back to his house to deal with her.

"Ling Mu'er, don't blame me for not reminding you, you can't control Shangguan Shaochen." Su Ce's tone was calm, and his eyes were also calm, but it was the calmness that was different from the past that made people feel that something was wrong.

This smiling tiger seems to be in a bad mood today, and even the slightest smile is stingy. Ling Muer looked at him from top to bottom, and then at Shangguan Shaochen in the distance. How to do it well, I just like to do things that are challenging and difficult.”

Seeing the corners of his mouth twitching violently, as if he was about to erupt at any moment, Ling Muer returned to the subject, "But Zhou Qiyan and what happened yesterday, thank you!" She bowed her hands and blessed him. Because the prince came to trouble her.

Su Ce is so proud and arrogant, but he always stands up, she accepts this love.

"Thank you that much?" Su Ce was dissatisfied, and handed the wine glass to her, "Come with me for a few drinks, I'll take it if I thank you."

What if she doesn't drink?

Ling Muer wanted to ask, but she had a feeling that once she refused, the little prince would definitely do something shocking.

She doesn't want to be the protagonist at today's wedding.

Taking the wine glass, Ling Mu'er was about to drink it down in one gulp, when she spotted a sad figure walking past in front of her out of the corner of her eye.

"Tell Brother Yi for me that I have to take a step ahead, and you owe this glass of wine for now." Hastily handing the wine glass to Su Ce's palm, Ling Muer turned and ran.

Su Ce wanted to reach out to grab it, but Ling Muer's speed was so fast that he missed it, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. He laughed at himself.

He remembered that his smiling tiger would not eat people.

"Sister Sheng'er." Ling Muer spread her arms out in front of Sheng'er, and as expected, her face was full of tears, and her eyes were as red as rabbits.

When she first arrived, Ling Mu'er had searched carefully. Those who didn't see Sheng'er thought she would be hiding at home. Seeing with her own eyes that her beloved married another woman, how uncomfortable was it?

"Go, go somewhere with me."

Before she could refuse, Ling Muer grabbed her hand and left.

In the private room of Ling's restaurant, Ling Mu'er put the latest brewed red wine in front of her, and without saying a word in the extra opening remarks, she directly raised the wine glass, "It's done!"

Sheng'er was taken aback for a moment, but soon she burst into tears and laughed, very unrestrained, "Okay, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Although Ling Mu'er had never been in love in her previous life, she knew how painful it was for a woman to be sad for love, and if she couldn't get what she wanted, it was more painful than killing her.

Sheng'er went to the scene today probably because she wanted to give up on herself, but later on she still pretended to be fine and stayed by the Seventh Prince's side.

Where can emotions be left to others?

"Thank you, Mu'er." After a few glasses of wine, Sheng'er was obviously a little drunk, and the red wine only had enough stamina.

"If you want to degenerate, the gods will not be able to save you; but if you want to grow, you will be able to survive. Sister Sheng'er, didn't you expect the outcome today when you were redeemed by him? Since you already know the answer, Why make yourself so miserable?" Ling Mu'er is not very good at comforting others, but seeing Sheng'er sad, she couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

God really cares for her. She is favored by Shangguan Shaochen, but Sheng'er is different. The Seventh Prince will not be so chic and free after getting married today. Even if he doesn't love his concubine, he still has to consider the other party's status. . She is the granddaughter of the Grand Tutor, with power in the government and the public. The status of her mother's family is too huge, which can directly affect a man's decision. Presumably, the Seventh Prince will have to weigh the consequences if he wants to find Sheng'er again in the future.

"You don't understand, Mu'er, you won't understand until you really love someone. Even if he doesn't marry you, you still want to see him happy with your own eyes. Even if the bride is someone else, at least you and him once lived in Jilin. Standing together all the time."

After Sheng'er finished speaking, another glass of wine was poisoned, looking at this girl who used to be as bright as a rose, now in such pain, Ling Muer felt her heart was broken just looking at it.

As long as the imperial concubine and empress do not let go, even if the seventh prince wants to marry, Sheng'er cannot marry, not to mention that now is a critical moment for the successor to the throne.

Unless the Seventh Prince doesn't want the throne, but if he doesn't want it, he won't return to Beijing obediently.

"Mu'er. Do you have any more? Your wine is really delicious. It's sweet and bitter, and it's a little sour after tasting it carefully." Just like her heart, it will never be sweet again.

"My restaurant doesn't have many other things, but there are enough drinks and water. Since Sister Sheng'er likes it so much, I will accompany you, and I will accompany you as much as you drink." Regardless of the appointment of patients in the afternoon, Ling Muer just wanted to be simple. to accompany the poor girl.

"Do you know? It's been a long time since I've been with the Seventh Prince. I haven't drunk like this. I wasn't drunk one day in the Mandarin Duck Tower. It was the Seventh Prince who took me out of that dirty place. So I stayed with him for a long time. It actually made me forget that I am a dirty person..." Sheng'er's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally she burst into tears.

A woman who can't get the man and love she wants is like the sky above her head has collapsed. She was originally a frog in a well, but when the sky fell, it seemed as if all her breathing was cut off.

It was worse than killing her alive.

"The Seventh Prince has you in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be so serious today, Sister Sheng'er, he probably didn't know you had appeared before, did he?"

Sheng'er nodded, how dare she tell the Seventh Prince that if he did something out of the ordinary, all her years of forbearance would be in vain.

If the future of the Seventh Prince was really affected because of her, she would rather kill her now.

"I once swore that I must be present at the wedding banquet of the master. Now that I have done it, it is enough. As for the master, he does not need to know the details. He just needs to be happy to save it."

What a silly woman.

She was injured badly, and she was still thinking about how other people are doing well. If she didn't understand the Seventh Prince's personality, she really wanted to slap her awake.

"The red wine has enough aftertaste. Sister Sheng'er eat this first, it can relieve the headache." Ling Muer took out a pill from her bosom, and was about to hand it to her, but she saw Sheng'er's head tilted and fell drunk on the table.

She had no choice but to go over to help her up, but the door of the private room was suddenly opened, Ling Muer looked back, the surprise in her eyes immediately turned into surprise, "Brother, how do you know I'm here?"

Shangguan Shaochen looked at Ling Muer's actions suspiciously, "Has she drank too much?"

"It's difficult to avoid being hurt by love. The eldest brother came just in time to help me straighten her body. This hangover pill must be taken, otherwise it will be even more uncomfortable when she wakes up with a splitting headache."

Shangguan Shaochen would never refuse her request, but when passing by her, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol, "Are you drinking too?"

This girl, who didn't follow her for a while, secretly drank.

In fact, I don't blame him for being pedantic, but he always felt that even if Ling Muer grew up, she would still be the little girl who fell into the well and reached out to him for help.

"Brother, don't worry, I can drink a lot, just have a few drinks, it's okay." Ling Muer held her head up triumphantly, seeing that Shangguan Shaochen was still a little angry, she stuck out her tongue, raised her chin and pointed at Sheng Er, "here, you have also seen that Sister Sheng'er is so sad, I can't give up on her alone, can I?"

In fact, it's good if Sheng'er is drunk, it will save her from missing the Seventh Prince even more at night alone, and it's hard not to do something dangerous.

"Since you call her sister, you should care about her and accompany her, but you are going to a place with me right now."

Shangguan Shaochen looked serious, and he almost pulled her by the wrist and left, "Take the medicine box, let's go."

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