Ling Muer didn't react, and was led by him three steps at a time, "What's the matter, did something happen?"

"The Seventh Prince was stabbed at the wedding banquet and was seriously injured." Shangguan Shaochen said flatly, his brows knit together, obviously this matter is very difficult.

"How could this be?" Ling Mu'er was very surprised when she heard the words, who was so daring to attack the prince at his wedding banquet? Besides, Zhou Qiyan said that the Seventh Prince's skills were extraordinary, and there were so many guards present at that time, "That person can't even beat the eldest brother?"

Shangguan Shaochen helped her onto the horse first, then turned over neatly and sat behind Ling Mu'er, with a pull of the reins, the horse galloped wildly on the Jingdao.

"The murderer came suddenly, taking advantage of our unpreparedness, but this matter is more strange."

It was almost as soon as Shangguan Shaochen finished talking about the incident, they arrived at Tinglan Waterside Pavilion. Apart from the princes and princesses, there were no extra guests present, and the happy scene became quiet.

"Miss Yixian, this way please." Seeing Ling Mu'er, there was a servant girl to lead the way. After bypassing the front hall and passing through two small courtyards, we arrived at the main courtyard.

From a distance, she saw Princess Lian'er looking around boredly. It can be seen that she has a very normal relationship with the Seventh Prince. If it wasn't because of her status, she might have left by now.

Lian'er was also surprised when she saw her, "Why are you?" Looking at Shangguan Shaochen behind Ling Muer, Lian'er even jumped in front of him, wanting to hug his arm, "Brother Shangguan?"

Shangguan Shaochen has always kept himself clean. Except for Ling Muer, he almost never had contact with women. When Princess Lianer jumped over, she ran away without a trace, "Princess, please respect yourself."

Hearing this, Ling Muer chuckled, this hot face sticks to the cold ass, really docile.

"Why are you laughing, Ling Muer? If it weren't for your ability, you think you can play wild here in Tinglan Waterside Pavilion? Hmph."

Princess Lian'er was annoyed at being smeared, and she took all her anger on Ling Mu'er.

Saving people is the most important thing, so I don't want to bother with her, so Ling Mu'er walked around her body and entered the main inner room.

At this moment, the Seventh Prince was lying on the bed with a pale face. There was a lot of blood on his left arm and chest. Although he had been bandaged, he was still in a coma.

"Miss Yixian, take a look at my seventh brother. This assassin is so arrogant that he dares to assassinate in Tinglan Waterside Pavilion. When the prince catches him, he will not be lenient!" The sixth prince said the first thing after seeing Ling Muer. A man walked over, his face full of concern, as if he cared about the Seventh Prince.

Who doesn't know that apart from the Seventh Prince, the Sixth Prince is the most outstanding among all the princes in public. If the Seventh Prince wasn't there, he might be the future crown prince. It's a pity that this person is very suspicious. The prince also wants to gain the reputation of being a brother with deep affection.

"Please rest assured, Sixth Prince, Mu'er will definitely do her best."

Putting the medicine box on the ground, Ling Muer was about to step forward to check the seventh prince's pulse, but just as she took two steps, her body was stopped by a long arm.

"Wait, Ling Muer, have you been drinking?" Princess Lian'er deliberately leaned closer to her body and smelled it, and confirmed that it was alcohol. She frowned and looked at the crowd, "Look, everyone, this is the famous doctor in the capital." Fairy girl, how can she drink alcohol? After drinking alcohol, she came to give brother Qi a diagnosis. If something good or bad happens, can she bear the responsibility?"

In short, Ling Mu'er must not be allowed to show off on an occasion like today.

Ling Mu'er drank a lot of wine with Sheng'er, it was inevitable that he smelled of alcohol, but who of those present today did not drink alcohol? If it wasn't for Lian'er's reminder, everyone wouldn't care so much.

After all, the prince is a prince. If a doctor really delays the treatment for the prince because he drank alcohol, or because he drank the wrong medicine and got the wrong pulse, everyone present will not be able to escape the responsibility.

A woman came at a leisurely pace, "Girl, are you really sure to save my father? My father is seriously injured, and the condition is very serious. If you are not sure..."

Before the woman finished speaking, a pair of bright eyes stared at her closely.

Ling Mu'er recognized it, and this was the seventh concubine who had replaced Feng Guanxiapei. Seeing that her worried face didn't seem fake, Ling Muer's vermilion lips parted slightly, "Of course I'm sure."

"Hmph, who can prove your confidence? Let me tell you, Ling Muer, this is the Seventh Prince's mansion. Unlike those untouchables outside, if you really hurt my seventh brother, ten of your heads are not enough to chop off." Lian'er The princess raised her head aggressively, the contempt in her eyes was so obvious.

"Since you look down on Muer, then we'll leave." Ling Muer could swallow this breath, but Shangguan Shaochen couldn't.

He grabbed Ling Mu'er's wrist and left, even if the emperor blamed him later, he would also bear it. He is reluctant to bully his women, how dare these people!

"Wait, Ling, Miss Ling..." A very weak voice came from behind with difficulty, and Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen immediately looked back.

The Seventh Prince woke up.

The doctor's parents felt that the Seventh Prince's injury was so serious, if she turned her head away because of such a trivial matter as a doctor, it would be a waste of her medical skills.

It's just that when she passed by Princess Lian'er again, she secretly drugged her in a corner where no one else could see.

Anyway, it was Princess Lian'er who drugged her first, and she was just reciprocating courtesy.

"Don't worry, Seventh Prince, although I have been drinking, I will never delay your medical consultation. Of course, if I really can't, I will leave as soon as possible, and I will never delay your condition." She said this only modestly, There is really no disease in this world that she can't treat, but I just don't want the second Lian'er idiot among these princes and princesses to delay her treatment.

"Miss in need." Just four simple words seemed to have exhausted the strength of the Seventh Prince, and he fainted from weakness after speaking.

Ling Mu'er checked his wound first, then felt his pulse, took out another pill for him to take, and finally turned her head, looked around and decided to focus on the Seventh Prince and Concubine, "The Seventh Prince's arm The scratch on the back and the back is just a cut of the skin. You did a good job of stopping the bleeding in time, but the sword on the chest hit the vital point just a hair away. The skin will fester and even cause internal organs to be damaged, I need to clean his wound carefully now, I wonder if the Seventh Prince can let everyone leave first?"

Anyone who is familiar with Ling Muer knows that she has a habit of practicing medicine, that is, when she touches complex wounds, she cannot let outsiders watch.

The common people think this is her special hobby, but in fact, it is because in this era, if she uses a needle and thread to suture the wound, they are afraid that they will not be able to bear it.

"Okay, as long as I can make my master get better as soon as possible, I can do whatever you want." The seventh princess was very gentle and virtuous, looking back and saying sorry to everyone, even Shangguan Shaochen was invited out, before leaving Say hard to Ling Mu'er again.

Everyone didn't say much because they were worried about the safety of the seventh prince. Only Princess Lian'er was angrily threatening before leaving, "Hmph, Ling Muer, you'd better be sure to cure my seventh brother, or I will let my father destroy you." Nine tribes."

Ling Mu'er didn't care what Lian'er's idiot said, thinking that she would never be arrogant again, she chuckled softly.

While treating the seventh prince's wound, she carefully looked at the weak patient on the bed, "If the seventh prince has anything to say, please hurry up, I'm afraid that Princess Lian'er, who cares about you later, will rush in and delay your plan."

That's right, when she was feeling the pulse of the Seventh Prince just now, he gently pulled her cuffs, and Shangguan Shaochen said that this incident was more strange, so she deliberately said that the injury was serious, and also deliberately let the Seventh Prince The concubine took everyone out.

"Thank you, Miss Ling, for saving me. The prince will remember this kindness."

The person who had already half fainted seemed to be a normal person at the moment, and his opened eyes were even darker and brighter.

"Seventh prince, it's better not to move around. Although you have told the other party not to stab the vital point, what I just said is not completely false. If the sword wound is a little bit off, your fake show will become true. gone."

When she saw the wound just now, Ling Mu'er was very curious. It's not surprising that the wound was in the wrong place, but if that person really wanted to kill the Seventh Prince, why was the cut so shallow? Besides, to be able to do such a perfect deception, I am afraid that the other party is also a master of masters.

"If he doesn't even have this ability, he doesn't have to stay by my side. Since Miss Ling can guess everything, I want to ask Miss Ling for a favor."

Although the assassination was fake, the injury was real. The Seventh Prince is still a little weak at the moment, and the tone of his speech is not as strong as when they first met.

"I'm just a doctor, and I'm afraid I can't help you with the royal affairs." The elder brother said, if you can stay away from the seventh prince, you should try to stay as far away as possible. The disputes in the court were not caused by her meddling. On, she didn't know how she died.

"Sheng'er has been here before. If you leave early, you are chasing her. Only you can help with this matter."

The Seventh Prince's voice was flat, and he looked at her with pleading eyes.

Ling Mu'er was stunned, "So you deliberately refused to let the imperial doctor treat you, all of this is for Sister Sheng'er."

The Seventh Prince nodded, "Yes, this is the only way to end the ceremony. I failed Sheng'er, but only in this way can I minimize the damage to her."

It is really unexpected that such words would come from the mouth of the ruthless prince since ancient times.

Ling Mu'er suddenly felt a little envious of Sheng'er, the Seventh Prince did this for her, with such deep affection, it doesn't count as Sheng'er crying for him.

"You want me to bring Sister Sheng'er here in the name of treating you?" Ling Muer made a bold guess.

"I just got married right now. If I go to Sheng'er at this time, it will only bring disaster to her. Sheng'er is withdrawn and doesn't want to tell others about her thoughts. If I leave her alone in Yushengju, I won't dare to worry about it." Imagine what the consequences would be." The Seventh Prince's eyes were full of worry, "Miss Ling is smart, I owe you a favor today, and I will repay any request in the future."

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