Ling Muer felt that this was the most embarrassing moment she had ever experienced in her life.

The whole room was extremely quiet, but everyone had their own thoughts, and I had to admit that the thoughts of the Seventh Prince and Concubine were underestimated by everyone.

I'm afraid she has already guessed Sheng'er's identity, but she still wants to use this to win the attention of the Seventh Prince, and did so deliberately, but it's a pity that the Seventh Prince doesn't seem to appreciate it.

"The Seventh Prince takes good care of his wounds, and Mu'er will come back tomorrow." Blessed, Ling Muer packed up the medicine box and took Sheng'er with him to leave.

"Miss Yixian and Miss Jiangxiang should come together tomorrow. I'll be back in three days. I'm going back to visit my parents and grandpa. I'm really worried that the prince will be alone. I'm sorry." The Seventh Prince and Concubine spoke again.

The composure in Ling Muer's heart was about to collapse.

What is Lin Lesheng's plan in mind? Knowing that she is a fake Jiangxiang and letting her come, and even threatening that she will return to her mother's house tomorrow, isn't this deliberately creating opportunities for the two of them? She wants to use her generosity to get seven With the prince's pity, aren't you afraid of self-defeating, shooting yourself in the foot?


No wonder the elder brother didn't let her get involved too much, the articles here are simply too esoteric.

After everyone left, the Seventh Prince and Concubine slowly walked in front of the Seventh Prince, without the 'Jiang Xiang' by his side, he seemed to have lost his usual brilliance again, and he looked listless, but she still had to keep a smile on her face, "Master, Le Sheng has an idea and I don't know whether to say it or not."

The Seventh Prince didn't answer, but because of her kind deed just now, he gave her a look and signaled her to continue talking.

"Miss Yixian is very busy with work, and she has to spare time to treat the master every time, but I think that Miss Jiangxiang is thoughtful. Since she is Miss Ling's apprentice, it can be seen that her medical skills are also superb. It is better to let her stay. During this time Take care of Grandpa personally, and wait for Grandpa to recover?" Lin Lesheng asked cautiously, scrutinizing the Seventh Prince with his eyes, with a hint of temptation in his words.


The stool at the end of the bed was kicked to the ground by the Seventh Prince, and he shouted angrily, "Lin Lesheng."

The seventh prince and concubine and their maidservants all knelt on the ground, "Master, why are you getting so angry, I did this all for my sake."

"For me or for yourself, Lin Lesheng, do you think you can gain my favor by doing this?" The Seventh Prince asked back, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of sarcasm, "I told you carefully the day before we got married that I have no interest in you, It won’t happen now, let alone in the future! The marriage between you and me is just a victim of the struggle for power, you don’t know it.”

Lin Lesheng burst into tears of grievance when his thoughts were exposed by life.

She is obviously a dignified and gentle girl, but she dare not show her air of being bullied at the moment. If others see her, she will definitely take care of her in every possible way and comfort her. It is a pity that the Seventh Prince looks like a girl in front of everyone except Sheng'er. The appearance of fickleness.

"You already knew who that person was, and you deliberately played with me. Believe it or not, the prince sent a letter of divorce to Lin's residence?"

"The Seventh Prince's redemption!" Lin Lesheng's maidservant Jing'er heard this and immediately pleaded for her master, "Master knows that person is someone the Seventh Prince cares about, so he intends to help. Master is definitely not the kind of person who plays tricks. Seven Does the prince know that just now the master saw the two of you so close, although his face was calm, his heart was bleeding."

No matter how ruthless a person is, he can't blame others for what he has done wrong.

Although the Seventh Prince didn't want to see Lin Lesheng, after she found out about Sheng'er, she not only didn't expose her, but even tried to match her up. This kind of behavior really won his heart.

However, don't think that he doesn't know why she did this.

"I know exactly what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd, and you must be able to guess what's in my heart. Lin Lesheng, my prince doesn't want to hurt you, but you'd better not do something like setting yourself on fire."

Putting down his words, the Seventh Prince closed his eyes and did not intend to speak again.

Lin Lesheng knelt on the ground and stared at the front with teary eyes. If possible, she really wanted to use a knife to cut his heart open to see if it was made of stone. How could she be so cold-blooded?

"Master, if you want to be nice to anyone, Le Sheng won't have any objections, and dare not have any. Naturally, I will keep it from my mother's side, so you can do whatever you want." Slowly getting up, Lin Lesheng took a deep breath Tone, before leaving, he still suppressed a smile, "The proposal just now is from the heart, as long as the master is good at the concubine."

Leaving the master bedroom, Lin Lesheng couldn't control it anymore, tears fell down her face like thousands of arrows piercing her heart, she couldn't breathe from the pain.

"Master, why are you bothering?" Jing'er couldn't bear to watch, and while wiping the tears off her face, her heart ached.

She has been by the master's side since she was a child, and she has never seen her suffer such grievances.

"You do not understand."

"Your servant does not understand, but this seventh prince is simply deceiving people too much!" Jing'er was not convinced, she must go back to the Lin Mansion, and must tell the Grand Tutor what happened today.

"Jing'er, listen to me carefully. If you dare to reveal a word about today's affairs, I will send you to the teeth, and you can no longer follow me." Think, Lin Lesheng ordered angrily.

"Miss~" Jing'er cried even more fiercely, "Why bother, you know that the Seventh Prince doesn't have you in his heart, why would you do such a thing to hurt yourself? And Tai Tuo, if he knows that you have suffered such The grievance will definitely be the decision for you, that Sheng'er is just a kiln..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Lesheng had already covered his mouth, and looking at Jing'er, she shook her head heavily.

"Have you forgotten what I have told you in the mansion? The Seventh Prince hates people talking about his people the most. You have forgotten, right? Then you can casually mention Sheng'er's past?"

Hearing the angry shout, Jing'er felt wronged, but also lowered her head to admit her mistake, "Yes, it's my servant who made a mistake. This servant will never dare to do so in the future, but this servant feels worthless for Miss."

"It doesn't matter if it's worth it or not. The Seventh Prince doesn't have me in his heart. He made it very clear before marrying in. It's my grandfather who insisted on letting me marry here. I can't escape this fate." Lin Lesheng sighed, why didn't he feel pain?

From the moment she was born, her life was well arranged. At what age she became a celebrity, and at what age she was able to read and write. It was never something she could decide. In fact, marrying the seventh prince is already very good, at least he won't touch her casually without her in his heart, shouldn't she be grateful?

"But the Seventh Prince didn't think about your kindness at all. Just now you clearly recognized the identity of that person, and you deliberately matched them up. Not only did the Seventh Prince not appreciate it, but he also drove you home. If you really went back, you are the one Big shame."

Everyone in the capital knew that the Seventh Prince's serious injury caused the wedding banquet to stop. If she, as the Seventh Prince's concubine, was not by her side, everyone would only discuss that she was not caring and gentle enough. The Seventh Prince wanted her to leave voluntarily!

"Forget it. I have done everything I can. I just hope that the Seventh Prince is not that kind of heartless person. I believe that in time he will be able to see my sincerity. As long as I change a little bit, I will be satisfied."

Ling Mansion.

Ling Dazhi took Yang Shi to sit on the main seat, Tang Shi and Yang Dayong were beside him, Ling Zixuan and Ling Ziyu brothers sat below them in turn, and even Zhu Qi and his mother were invited to look at the couple standing in the center of the main hall. young men and women.

There are many gifts behind the man, including gold, silver, jewelry, and cloth ornaments, all of which are priceless.

And the girl stood beside the man with a shy face, her fingers gently hooked the man's fingers, and looked at everyone in front of her expectantly, and finally couldn't help asking loudly, "Father, mother, grandma and uncle, do you agree or not?" Promise?"

Those words made Tang shi helplessly laugh, and Yang shi said in disbelief, "You girl, where is a girl so impatient? Boy Chen is proposing marriage."

When Shangguan Shaochen heard this, he was waiting for himself to express his position, so he hurriedly bowed his hands to bless everyone, "Uncle, aunt, and grandma, I, Shangguan Shaochen, once again swear to everyone that I will only marry Mu'er in this life. You will even risk your life to protect Mu'er, please feel free to betroth her to me."

He spoke seriously, every word from the heart.

After saying that, he clasped Ling Muer's hand tightly, and looked into her eyes with affection.

"Okay, okay, as long as you do what you say, of course we agree to marry Mu'er to you. They are too embarrassed to ask, but I, an old woman, agree."

Tang looked at the two people in front of her with a smile. Their whole family had long regarded Shangguan Shaochen as a future son-in-law. Today, he came to propose a marriage and was even more satisfied. Seeing Mu'er's shy and satisfied face, how could they be willing to make things difficult?

"Thank you, grandma." Ling Mu'er hugged Shangguan Shaochen's arm joyfully. From this moment on, they were unmarried and the man who used to be called Yibro had officially become her fiancé.

"Thank you grandma, thank you uncle and aunt."

Under Shangguan Shaochen's tough facial features is a smile that is happier than a child getting candy. "In the future, I will ask someone to arrange to choose an auspicious day. I will definitely make Mu'er the most beautiful and happiest bride in the whole world."

Knowing that he never spoke big words, everyone at the scene nodded in satisfaction frequently, but Ling Dazhi, who has always been reticent, said uneasy: "Boy Chen, I have no problem with you marrying my girl, as long as you two love each other That's fine, but you and Mu'er have different identities after all, you are the commander of the imperial guards, and you also work for the emperor, can you promise us that you will protect Mu'er at all times and in everything?"

"That's right, you can't hide anything from my sister, you can't lie to her, bully her, can you do it?" Ling Ziyu, the youngest, rushed to question without knowing where he heard it. His sister is getting married, and he can't live with them after they get married. He is reluctant.

Shangguan Shaochen paused. He could do what Ling Dazhi said, but he couldn't really answer Ling Ziyu's question. He had expired, but he didn't do it on purpose.

"Of course he can't!"

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