Before Shangguan Shaochen could answer, Su Ce's humble voice came, and as he swaggered in, his sword-like eyes became colder and sharper.

"Shangguan Shaochen, can you really not hide anything from Ling Mu'er?" Su Ce asked coldly, the corners of his mouth full of mockery.

Of course Ling Muer knew that Su Ce must have found out something by saying this. Shangguan Shaochen once told her that no one knew this disguised face, but the previous face was familiar to the entire capital.

She didn't get into why the eldest brother disguised himself. She wouldn't ask if he didn't tell me, but the family didn't know.

Su Ce's words will only make everyone curious and distrust Shangguan Shaochen, this smiling tiger is really everywhere.

"Brother, of course he has nothing to hide from me, but it's against the rules for the little county king to come uninvited, after all, this is our family banquet."

Ling Muer protected Shangguan Shaochen behind her, preventing him from rebutting.

Since the elder brother wanted to hide his real face, she certainly wouldn't force it. Besides, if she let the family know that he actually has a monstrous and peerless face, she would scare everyone.

They are all honest people, and the most shameful thing is to conceal. Even if they understand Shangguan Shaochen's difficulties in the future, they will not be able to get over that hurdle in their hearts, so now is not the time to tell the truth.

Su Ce opened his mouth, wanting to say something to Ling Muer, but Shangguan Shaochen kept his fiancée behind him, where with him, when would a woman need to stand up for him?

"I don't know what is the purpose of the Xiaojun King's late-night visit. This is the Ling Mansion. Even if you are the County King, you can't trespass anytime and anywhere. If the Xiaojun King is fine, please leave."

Shangguan Shaochen made a gesture of invitation.

Today is his important day, and he doesn't want anyone to ruin it. Looking at Su Ce's meaningful smile, it can be seen that this guy must have found out something.

"Who said I'm fine?" Su Ce's evil handsome face raised a smile that he thought would fascinate thousands of girls, and looking at the crowd, he handsomely took out a scroll of fame and lust from his arms.

"The emperor has a decree. Ling Mu'er has made great contributions in saving the Seventh Prince. I will reward you very much. I order you to have an audience quickly." After reading the content of the decree, Su Ce once again raised his smile that looked beyond the universe, "Ling Mu'er Girl, please?"

A series of actions took place in the blink of an eye, and everyone in the room was stunned.

The emperor's decree?

The peasants who came out of the valley, not to mention this life, would not dare to imagine that they would have the opportunity to enter the palace in the next life, and now the lord of the world wants to see their daughter?

"Holy, imperial decree? Is it really an imperial decree? What is the emperor looking for us, Mu'er, to do?" Yang was a little nervous, and she couldn't even believe that what happened just now was true.

Shangguan Shaochen's dark eyes were full of gloom, and he even snatched the imperial decree, "This is impossible."

"Is it true? You can tell at a glance. You have been with the emperor for many years. You should be the most clear about whether this imperial decree is faked or not?"

Not only was Su Ce not angry at his rude act of stealing the imperial decree, but on the contrary, he said something. Everyone knows that Shangguan Shaochen has only been in the capital for two years, so what happened to these "many years"?

Even Ling Mu'er looked at Shangguan Shaochen curiously, and sure enough, he saw his brows frowning.

"Why did the emperor find me? I just healed the Seventh Prince's wounds, not saving him, Chen, what's going on?"

Shangguan Shaochen closed the imperial edict, his face lost the joy just now and became heavy.

Soon, he put the imperial decree in his arms, "Mu'er is just an ordinary citizen, she has never been in that place, she is not suitable and should not go, I will follow you into the palace."

Hearing this, Su Ce was naturally very dissatisfied, "The emperor didn't announce you, what's the use of you entering the palace?" He looked at everyone with evil eyes, and he didn't know whether it was unintentional or intentional to provoke, he deliberately threatened: " The emperor personally summoned her, if Miss Ling does not go, she will be disobeying the imperial decree, and it will be a serious crime of beheading."

Hearing this, Tang was so frightened that he almost fainted.

"Grandma." Ling Mu'er hurriedly supported her body, "It's just a summons, didn't you say you want a reward, don't worry, grandma."

Tang knows that this is just Muer's consolation, and now the person she trusts the most is Shangguan Shaochen, she hurriedly walked over, "Boy Chen, tell me the truth, how could the emperor let Muer into the palace? It’s not a place that ordinary people can go to, could it be that we saved people who shouldn’t be saved?”

"That's right Brother Ling, if my sister does something that shouldn't be done, you must think of a way. Do you have to go to the palace?"

"Don't worry, everyone. Miss Ling saved the Seventh Prince whose life was hanging by a thread a few days ago. The emperor just wanted to see her because of her superb medical skills. The imperial decree cannot be disobeyed. Of course, I will go, but don't worry, even if Shangguan Shaochen doesn't help. , the king of this county will not let her have the slightest damage."

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Shangguan Shaochen wanted to protect Ling Muer, but was stopped by Su Ce.

The imperial decree made it very clear, only Ling Muer was seen.

The huge Forbidden City was heavily guarded, with three steps for one post and two steps for one whistle, Ling Muer was dazzled by the sight.

Following Su Ce, she took every breath carefully. It would be a lie to say that she was not nervous.

"Don't worry, I said that I will protect you and I will do what I say. Besides, the emperor only rewards you for meritorious deeds. No matter how many people ask for an opportunity, what are you afraid of?" Su Ce blew into her ear and looked at her. Her angry eyes felt happy.

"What do you know? I came to the capital just to develop my medical skills and save more people. The imperial palace is a place where everyone in the world wants to come, but I don't want to."

Once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, it not only refers to those people in the harem, but also refers to insignificant people like her.

Su Ce admired her even more, "You are the most special person I've ever met."

He also told her a lot of taboos in the palace, including the emperor's preferred style of doing things and so on.

I don't know how far they walked, they shuttled from palace to palace, and when Ling Mu'er completely lost patience, the two finally arrived at Chengqian Palace.

"I'll wait for you here, don't worry." Su Ce finally reassured her like a human being,

Ling Mu'er looked around, and was about to enter the palace with her skirt up, when a familiar voice came from behind, "Why is Xiaojun Wang still in the palace at such a late hour? But the emperor has something to call for?"

When Ling Muer looked back curiously, she happened to see Su Ce leaning over and respectfully said, "Su Ce has seen the empress."

The queen, the lord of the harem, the queen with one person under one person and over ten thousand people, but she is also Aunt Chen who has been dependent on her medical clinic for more than half a year?

At this moment, Ling Muer's surprised mouth could fit an egg.

She stood still and didn't dare to move. Although she had guessed in her heart that her identity was unusual, what she saw with her own eyes made her even more surprised.

"The Seventh Prince was assassinated a few days ago and his life was hanging by a thread. Miss Ling, a private doctor, worked hard to treat her. After the emperor heard about it, he wanted to see Miss Ling, so I brought him here. Is the empress also looking for the emperor?" Except in front of Ling Muer, Su Ce kept an unpredictable smile on everyone.

When the queen heard this, her eyes turned immediately, and she was equally shocked when she saw Ling Mu'er.

Ling Mu'er is deeply loved by the common people, it is not surprising that her fame spread to the palace, but she never expected that even the emperor would see her.

With this face that can seduce people's hearts and souls, could it be that the emperor has something on his mind?

"Bold, why don't you kneel down when you see the empress?" Hearing the old mother's reprimand, Ling Mu'er withdrew her thoughts and immediately knelt on the ground, "Ministers pay respects to the empress."

"Get up, we're old acquaintances, why be so polite, but I didn't expect to meet you in the palace." The queen's voice was weird, but she still looked down on everything as usual.

Ling Mu'er knew that Aunt Chen was an extraordinary person when she first saw her, but she didn't expect that she was the mother of the dynasty.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again in this place. I offended the Empress so much in the past. I hope she will make amends." She bowed and saluted her. The woman blamed her family.

It turned out that she was the queen, she just killed a few people, it was a matter of lip service.

Knowing what she was implying, the Queen smiled and shook her head, "After all, Doctor Ling saved Ben Gong, how could Ben Gong be ungrateful?" While speaking, her body was already close to Ling Mu'er, seemingly not thinking Yi, but with a voice that only two people can hear, "Now do you know what will happen if you fight against me?"

After speaking, the queen returned to her seat, aloof and proud like a peacock, not allowing anyone to violate her.

She was referring to the thing she was asked to do the other day.

At that time Ling Muer strongly refused.

Looking at Aunt Chen's eyes again, she seemed to be saying, it's too late to regret it now.

But... she doesn't have the word regret in Ling Muer's dictionary.

"I'm sorry, Minnv doesn't know what the Empress Empress means just now, and Minnv has never seen Empress before."

Too lazy to talk to her, Ling Mu'er turned around gracefully, carried her skirt up a few steps, and the little eunuch who had already greeted her hurriedly opened the palace door for her.

"I don't know what to do!" The corner of the Queen's mouth twitched in surprise, she was very angry when she saw Ling Mu'er's back going away.

In Chengqian Palace, the emperor was leaning over his desk to read the memorial, looking at the aloof Emperor Zhenlong, but Ling Muer was extremely calm, "The daughter of the people pays homage to the emperor."

"Excuse me." Unexpectedly refreshing, with a click, the emperor threw the memorial in his hand aside, and then looked at the woman kneeling below, he raised the corners of his beautiful lips, "You are Ling Mu'er, look up Let me take a closer look."

She doesn't like being judged by others, but the emperor's words are the imperial decree, and disobedience to the imperial decree is the death penalty of beheading.

Ling Mu'er slowly raised her head, she was really startled when she saw it.

She originally thought that the emperor was a bad old man in his seventies, but how could the emperor in front of him, who was in full bloom and in his prime, be as old as the rumors? Besides, he smiled kindly and kindly, and he looked a little bit like a human being.

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