"Why do you want to see Mu'er? What did you tell her!"

In Chengqian Palace, Shangguan Shaochen angrily questioned the man in dragon robe in front of him. If Ling Muer was present, he would definitely say that he had never seen such an angry elder brother.

"For a yellow-haired girl, you dare to talk to me like this, do you still have my father in your eyes!"

The emperor was furious, and his eyes were as piercingly cold as ten thousand years of glaciers.

Shangguan Shaochen doesn't care if he is angry or not, and he doesn't care about his status. Anyway, he was forced to return to the capital to be the commander of the imperial guards, "Your prince Qin Chenyi followed his mother three years ago. My concubine passed away together, I am Shangguan Shaochen, I am only the commander of the imperial guards, and Mu'er is not a girl, she is the person I care most about and my fiancée."

Shangguan Shaochen's words were sonorous and forceful.

"Even if you don't regard me as your father, I am still the emperor. This is your attitude towards the emperor. You are so out of control because of a woman, you are really a beauty!"

The emperor was furious, and he slammed his fist on the table, his angry eyes seemed to be able to spew fire.

His implication is very simple, if Shangguan Shaochen is so obsessed again, he will attribute all this to Ling Muer, he is sorry for Shangguan Shaochen but not Ling Muer, as long as he gives an order, the girl will die quietly.

"You dare!" Shangguan Shaochen's eyes turned cold, "If you dare to touch Mu'er's hair, I will definitely make you pay the price."

"Presumptuous! After all, I am your father, how can your marriage be a joke? Even if you refuse to recognize me, I am the master of the world, and I have the right to decide anyone's life or death." The emperor sighed. He wanted to continue to teach Shangguan Shaochen a lesson, but he was afraid that he would leave the capital in a fit of anger to become a butcher like he did back then, "I have checked that girl, and she is indeed an unusual girl. I saw that I was able to be calm and neither humble nor overbearing. Her medical skills are really impressive, but she is not enough to stand by your side with these alone."

One is the current emperor's favorite son, and the other is a simple-minded person with some ability, but no matter how good her medical skills are, so what if the restaurant is prosperous? The difference of family status is a hurdle that can never be passed.

"If I'm right, you didn't tell her your real identity, did you?" The emperor's voice was threatening.

Shangguan Shaochen immediately became nervous, "What are you going to do?"

"Since your father knows that if you reveal your identity, it will make her farther away from you, so why do you go to this point. If you like a woman, I will not stop you, but if you want her to be your Princess, it's impossible! Paper can't hold fire, sooner or later the truth will be revealed, you know that girl's temper, guess if she knows your true identity, or if you have been hiding her for so long, she Will you still obediently wait for your eight-carriage sedan chair?"

I have to admit that these words touched Shangguan Shaochen's heart.

He has been thinking about this issue seriously these days, and he regretted it. He should have told Mu'er his real identity when he met Mu'er again in the capital.

Time is accumulating, day by day, Mu'er doesn't like court disputes, she just wants to be a quiet doctor, but if she finds out that she is actually the emperor's illegitimate child, she may want to... her, how will she choose? ?

"Whether she forgives me or not, I will settle this matter myself, but remember, I won't allow you to touch her!" Shangguan Shaochen left angrily, shaking his sleeves.

Looking at his receding back, the emperor sighed deeply, "This temperament is exactly the same as when I was young."

The same stubbornness, the same aloofness, and never let go if you are sure.

Back then, if he hadn't gone to the south of the Yangtze River and met his mother, how could things have developed to this point today? Isn't Ziling just a grassroots person who gave birth to a son for him without hesitation, and what happened? Ended up with a dead end.

The emperor's gaze was long and far away, as if he had returned to the miserable scene back then, when he closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were moist.

Why did he want to kill a girl who has such a talent for medical skills, he just didn't want Shangguan Shaochen to suffer again!

Yesterday, this kid suddenly told him that he was going to get married, so he curiously asked if it was the girl he had been sending people to protect in Lingjia Village back then? Although Shangguan Shaochen didn't answer, he saw the answer in his eyes.

He has always been curious about who could make his son, who has always been open-minded and smiling, open his heart so much, that's why he asked Su Ce to make an edict to bring him here. It's fine if her son is an ordinary woman, but there is still such a talented and courageous person .


In the medical clinic, people came to see her in an endless stream, almost breaking the threshold of their home. Even the dignitaries who looked down on her at the beginning also came to diagnose her. The medical clinic seemed to become a vegetable market overnight. Seeing a doctor is like squeezing in without money.

"Thank God for allowing us, Mu'er, to have such a skill. Now that we have the emperor's golden inscription, this business will definitely not go wrong."

In the restaurant, Mrs. Tang had always heard how lively her granddaughter's clinic was, and she asked Mrs. Yang to accompany her out of curiosity. There are so many patients in the capital.

Mrs. Yang is not happy, her daughter is so powerful, her face is smeared, but I don't know why she is always not at ease.

After Mu'er left with Su Ce that night, Shangguan Shaochen's expression was very bad. Before he left, he even threatened that he would protect Mu'er. What was it that made him so worried? If Mu'er was really in danger If not, she would rather they never met.

"Mother, why are you here, grandma? Stop standing outside and come in." After seeing the last patient in the morning, Ling Muer came out to get some air. For the past three days, her clinic has been overcrowded, and most of the time, there is no place to step down. Ling Mu'er knew that they were just curious about who could get the letter from the emperor, but this is a medical clinic after all, so it will only delay those who really need it.

So she asked Shang Zhi to make another batch of cards, and bought another girl to take care of the registration. The patient's condition is described in detail, and the complicated ones line up at Ling Muer's side with their number plates, while the simple and mild ones wait at Shangzhi and Jiangxiang's side, and those who are not ill and occupy their seats will be sent away. Obviously, the effect has been seen for the first time today, otherwise she would have to die of exhaustion.

"Mu'er, your business here is really good, even the business of the restaurant is booming. I really don't know what kind of incense is burned in our house. There is someone as capable as you." Tang couldn't close her smile. But as long as he thinks that he is going to marry Shangguan Shaochen soon, he feels a little depressed, "Boy Chen is lucky to marry a girl as powerful as you, but Mu'er, even after he gets married, he will always remember to marry someone like you." Come back and see us."

Why did this matter come up all of a sudden? Ling Muer blushed slightly, "Grandma, don't worry, no matter where I marry or whoever I marry, I will never leave you and my parents. with you."

Yang patted her forehead with her index finger, "You girl is talking nonsense, the so-called marriage and obedience, if you are really married to Boy Chen, you will have to do less of showing your face in the future."

Let her give up the clinic and restaurant? How is that possible.

"Mother, that's your old concept, it's called pedantry. Do you still remember the master who taught me medical skills in the dream, he told me that women in their world can do whatever they want, even better than men, That's called equality between men and women. I also want to be that kind of woman." Ling Muer knew that if she insisted on telling Yang Shi that she should not stay at home and never leave the house, she would definitely be serious with herself, and she would simply take the unwarranted teacher move out.

"Since I have such skills, what's wrong with getting rid of illnesses for the common people? Keeping me at home will only drive me crazy. That's the real overkill." She said while serving tea to her mother and grandmother. , "Of course, I believe that my elder brother knows my thoughts and will never stop him. If he really loves me, he will only support me and respect me."

Yang was speechless, opened her mouth a few times and didn't know how to reply, so she could only say "you clever ghost" and give up.

Thinking of the second purpose of coming here, Yang hurriedly grabbed her hand and said: "Mu'er, at that time you said that Boy Chen was an orphan, so did he tell you that there are other relatives in this world? If not, should we choose the date or leave it to him. Besides, the emperor didn’t say anything else when he called you into the palace that day? Boy Chen is the commander of the imperial guards and someone who serves the emperor. He won’t disagree, right? ?”

As expected of Ling Mu'er's mother, there is indeed a bit of telepathy between mother and daughter.

Ling Muer paused, but in order not to make everyone worry, she smiled and shook her head, "No, the emperor is very grateful to me for saving the seventh prince, otherwise he would not have personally given me the letter. As for the eldest brother , although he works for the emperor, his parents are the masters of life-long affairs, and it is not his turn to be the master."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yang hurriedly covered her mouth, "I can't say it, but the emperor is the real dragon emperor. If others hear you talking nonsense, we will definitely end badly, Mu'er, stay in the future." With Boy Chen, such words must be paid attention to all the time."

Although Yang is timid, she has honed it in the capital in the past few months. She knows who cannot be offended and who needs to be coaxed. However, she would rather let everyone go back to Lingjia Village if it caused her death. Anyway, the money they earned now would not be spent by the two of them in several lifetimes.

"Yes, my mother, I will listen to you." Ling Mu'er hugged Yang's arm obediently, and leaned her head lightly on her shoulder, "Don't worry, mother, Mu'er can do everything without fear." Proper, I won't let you get hurt, even if it really comes to that point, I will let go in advance."

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