The Seventh Prince's illness has improved greatly. He has practiced martial arts all year round and his body is stronger than ordinary people, and he also recovers faster than ordinary people. Knowing that Zhou Qiyan has also woken up, she gave the Seventh Prince medicine and followed Sheng'er to Yusheng Residence.

That's right, these days the Seventh Prince's concubine really went back to her natal home according to the Seventh Prince's order, and she also brought Sheng'er to treat the Seventh Prince every time. The best medicine introduction is the person who is the most beloved. It is difficult to recover early.

"Brother Zhou, don't move, you just woke up, strenuous exercise will cause the wound to burst open, you should lie down first." When Ling Muer came to the room, Zhou Qiyan was reading a book, saw her come in and get up hurriedly but was stopped.

First, I took his pulse, and then looked at the other wounds on his body, and found that they were all recovering well. She looked back at Sheng'er thankfully, "The seventh prince has a heart, this doctor has excellent medical skills, Brother Zhou is recovering very quickly." good."

"It's just helping each other." Sheng'er smiled slightly. Seeing the Seventh Prince every day these days eased the pain in her heart a lot. Accompanying, but she is already content.

"You two chat slowly, I'll go to the kitchen to get something to eat."

Seeing Sheng'er leave, Ling Muer immediately turned to look at Zhou Qiyan, "What's going on, do you know that this time you almost died in Huangquan, didn't even the seventh prince know that the prince had taken precautions in advance?"

Zhou Qiyan knew what Ling Muer wanted to ask, shook his head and said: "The Seventh Prince is not that kind of person. We underestimated the Prince this time. We didn't expect him to set up a net beforehand and invite experts to escort him. But Muer, thank you very much." You saved me once again when foul language gave me scatter and pills."

That day, according to the Seventh Prince's arrangement, he sneaked into the Prince's Mansion secretly to drug the Prince, who would have thought that as soon as he landed in the Prince's Mansion, an iron net would cover him, if he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been captured alive. When he was about to escape, a large number of killers appeared around him, and the leader was even more skilled in martial arts.

That man has extraordinary skills, and his moves are deadly. The sword in his chest is thanks to him.

When he was almost captured, he was able to escape successfully by remembering the distraction Mu'er gave him, but if he wanted to murder the prince again, it would be even more difficult.

"The Seventh Prince didn't expect you to kill the Crown Prince. If the Crown Prince survives, he will still have a chance to compete with him. He will inherit the throne justifiably. If he really dies, the Emperor will definitely investigate thoroughly. But after this time, he must be even more serious. trust you."

Zhou Qiyan agreed with Ling Muer's analysis, "Yes, otherwise the Seventh Prince would not let his personal doctor heal me. It will be very useful for me to be his confidant for my revenge in the future."

For Ling Mu'er, as long as he is alive and well, as for revenge, that is his private matter, and she is not qualified to let him let go of his hatred.

"Brother Ling, there is something I don't know if you know about it or not." Ling Muer thought about it, and decided to ask him to test his tone, "My adopted brother Shangguan Shaochen, how much do you know about him?"

Didn't you hear that the two are getting married? Could it be that something happened outside that he didn't know about?

"What's going on, did he betray you?" Zhou Qiyan instantly became nervous.

Seeing that he was so nervous and impulsive, Ling Muer hurriedly explained, "No, it is precisely because we are getting married that we need to get to know each other. I just want to see if Big Brother has anything else to hide from me."

She pretended to be ashamed of her daughter's family, which made Zhou Qiyan stupefied for a moment, and didn't think of the bad, "If I hadn't followed the Seventh Prince, I didn't know Shangguan Shaochen before. When I hadn't left the capital, There is no such person in the court. I heard from the Seventh Prince that the man with outstanding martial arts once saved the emperor, so he was kept by the emperor's side as the commander of the Imperial Guard."

Zhou Qiyan doesn't know much, after all, this person is not his enemy, so he doesn't need to know more, "But according to the Seventh Prince's description, Shangguan Shaochen is aloof and not good at women, if I hadn't seen him treat him with my own eyes. You are so gentle, I would even think that he..." is a broken sleeve.

Ling Mu'er burst out laughing, she never expected that Brother Zhou, who was always calm and composed, would have such a side of making jokes.

"However, I heard that there was a snake disaster in Princess Lian'er's palace a few days ago, and the princess was even bitten by a snake. Did you do this?"

"I didn't expect you to be so well-informed while lying on the sickbed?" Ling Mu'er's eyes flashed with pride, "Yes, she has troubled me time and time again, and even poisoned me. If I don't fight back, she will treat me as a vegetarian. , presumably she will not dare to come out and make trouble in the past six months."

On the second day after the snake disaster, she heard about it from a minister who came to see the doctor. She heard that the princess was bitten by three poisonous snakes that night, and then she had a high fever for three days. The whole person was almost frightened crazy. I heard that everyone looked like a snake. Apart from scolding the servants all day long, they just sat with their arms folded in a daze, and they didn't dare to fall asleep alone in the middle of the night.

The emperor was furious when he heard the words, and sent someone to thoroughly investigate the matter, but it has been three full days and there is still no news. Of course, it was because her medicine was colorless and tasteless, and she didn't notice when she administered it, so even if they found out forever, they wouldn't find out why.

"She offended someone she shouldn't offend, so she should show her some color, but Mu'er, it's good to leave similar matters to me in the future. It's a fluke that no one found out this time, but it won't happen the second time." So lucky."

Anyway, he bears the debt of family feud, one more enemy is not too much, but Ling Muer is different. This time Princess Lian'er didn't catch the trick, but if she is seen next time, how can a poor commoner have the ability to fight against the princess?

She saved his life, so it's no big deal to return it to her at any time.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou."

Sheng'er's craftsmanship is so good that Ling Muer couldn't help but want to poach her to work as a cook in Ling's restaurant.

Satisfied with wine and food, Sheng'er originally planned to let her chat with Tian'er, but Ling Muer was anxious to go to the Crown Princess's residence, so she said goodbye to them.

On the road, a carriage suddenly blocked in the middle of the road, startling Ling Muer's horse, the horse's hooves went up, and she was almost thrown out when she was sitting in the carriage. When she opened the car curtain, she saw a familiar person standing opposite.

"Doctor Ling, our old lady wants to see you, so please condescend to come with me."

Stopping people on the road like this, it can be seen that the other party has something important to do, Ling Muer frowned but didn't object.

In the county palace, Mrs. Su was sitting in the front hall drinking tea, when she saw Ling Muer appear, she hurriedly got up and pulled her wrist, as if she saw her own granddaughter.

"You girl, you have been very busy recently. If I hadn't sent someone to invite you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to invite you. Let me count how many days I haven't seen you?"

A few days ago, Mrs. Su did send someone to the medical clinic to invite her, but it was the first day she hung up the plaque bestowed by the emperor, so she couldn't get away from the crowd, and she didn't even arrive to treat the crazy woman. When she was sick, she asked Shang Zhi to refuse her. She didn't expect Mrs. Su to let her personal nurse invite someone in such a way today.

"The old lady's redemption, it's true that she didn't come here in time because she had no time to take care of it recently, but what symptoms did that person suddenly have?"

The doctor is benevolent, and Ling Muer's first reaction was the movement of the crazy woman. According to the importance Mrs. Su attaches to her, if it weren't for the crazy woman, she really couldn't think of anything else that could make them so rude.

Seeing Ling Muer turn around and walk towards the courtyard, Madam Su hurriedly grabbed her arm and stopped her with her eyes, "It's not her, it's me."

The old lady's complexion was rosy, and she didn't look like she was in poor health. Ling Muer opened her eyes wide and looked like a curious baby.

Old Mrs. Su looked around, the old nanny hurriedly dismissed everyone, and she was the only two in the front hall and even within a ten meter radius.

"Girl, there is one thing you must answer me truthfully. What did you and the queen say in the palace that day?"

It turns out that there are people from her in the imperial palace, this old Mrs. Su's arm really stretches far enough.

Ling Muer's face froze, obviously a little unhappy.

If the blind date and the crazy woman hadn't happened, maybe she wouldn't be so disgusted with Mrs. Su, after all, this person has a kind face, just like kissing grandma.

But when she encountered something beneficial to her, she changed from an angel to a devil, and she was the one who dragged her into this vortex, how could she feel happy?

"Madam Su, I don't know any empress, and I don't know what you mean. If the patient didn't have any symptoms, I would leave first. The princess is still waiting for me in the palace."

Mrs. Su's complexion was very bad, "I introduced you to the Crown Princess, and I know her condition very well. If she knows that you are here, she will not be in trouble. Don't worry. I still say the same thing, The matter of your meeting with the queen in the palace was clearly seen by my eyeliner. You'd better tell the truth about what she said to you in private. Don't worry, I don't care whether it's for old love or Ce'er's sake. will embarrass you."

But if she doesn't cooperate, will Mrs. Su take her life after she saves the mad woman?

"Old madam, that person did not say anything to me. If there was anything else, would I still be here?" Ling Muer asked back. She had already calmed down and she was not so angry a long time ago, because she felt that it was unnecessary. Being angry is a waste of time.

Mrs. Su was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily for a while, obviously agreeing with her words.

"Girl, I didn't intend to bring you in. I also know how dangerous it is to bring you in as an outsider, but you are the only one I can trust. You have excellent medical skills and a benevolent doctor. It is the best for you to treat her. Choose, of course, if the queen really said something to you in the future, I hope you can tell me based on your past friendship."

Mrs. Su is a smart person, so Ling Muer is not. Every time she treats a mad woman, she keeps saying, "The prince was not born to me." identity,

It's not hard to guess who Mrs. Su insisted on curing her to hurt. But if Ling Mu'er cooperates with the one in the palace, it will be the worst.

"Thank you Madam for your trust, but just now Mu'er made a decision, once the patient is saved, I will not have any further contact with the Duke's House, including you and the Little Duke."

Ling Mu'er dropped the words, and she was about to leave, a faint sentence came out as she turned around, "Of course, I still said that, I don't know the queen."

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